Nanotechnology - Final - 1st Mid Sem - August 2020

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Department of Chemical Engineering, GCET

Sub: Nanotechnology, 2170508, Date: 27-08-2020, Time: 3.30 to 4.30 p.m,
Max marks: 30


Q. Which of the following statements about the synthesis of nanoparticles by top down and
bottom up approaches is not true?

(A) In bottom-up approach molecular components arrange themselves atom by atom, or

molecules by molecules into a more complex assemble.
(B) Materials produced in bottom-up approach are deviated from their equilibrium state as
Gibbs free energy increases.
(C) Chances of crystallographic defects are more in top-down approach.
(D) Top-down approach uses microfabrication methods in which externally controlled tools are
used to cut, mill and shape materials.

Q. Which of the following statements about grain boundary in crystalline solid is not true?

(A) Grain boundary provides easy diffusion path compared to bulk lattice
(B) Grain boundary mobility is predominantly a diffusion limited process and depends to large
extent on composition and temperature.
(C) Grain boundaries are lower energy region and there is always a driving force for increase in
grain boundary surface area /unit volume.
(D) Grain boundary migration can be reduced by pinning grain boundary with secondary

Q. Two statements are given, one is assertion and the other is reason
Assertion: A refractive index measurement is taken for crystal calcite and amorphous solid
glass at a single wave length keeping the direction fixed at the x-axis. When the
direction of measurement is changed the values change drastically for calcite but
remain same for glass.
Reason: Some physical properties depend on direction for taking measurements and therefore
affected by the nature of solid.

(A) Both the assertion and reason are true

(B) Assertion is true but the reason is not true.
(C) Reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion
(D) Both assertion and reason are false

Q. Cite any one method to measure the bond length between two nuclei of atom. X-ray crystallography
Q. State two functional disadvantages of nanomaterials. 1. Toxicity/ adverse health effects.
2. Increased Reactivity: High surface area-to-volume
Q. What are the full forms of CNT and MEMS ratio can lead to increased reactivity.

CNT: Carbon Nanotube 1

MEMS: Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems
Q. The major difference between the nano materials compared to the bulk form is the big
fraction of the total number of atoms on the surface.

a) True
b) False

Q. Which of the following is considered to be planar defects of crystalline solid?

(A) Screw dislocation (B) Twinning (C) Edge dislocation (D) Interstitial vacancy


Identify the type of defect that you observe in the given diagram.

Q. In quantum physics a particle with energy less than that required to jump the barrier has a
Tunneling." finite probability of being found on the other side of the barrier. Name the phenomenon/effect.

Q. Give one example each of zero-, one- and two-dimensional nanomaterials.

Zero:Nanoparticles of gold (Au), One:Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) Two:Graphene
Q. Which of the following statements about surface properties is not correct?
(A) Nanomaterials have a significant proportion of atoms existing at the surface
(B) Surface atoms and molecules are unstable as they have high surface energy.
(C) Agglomeration of nanoparticles increases their surface energy, as surface energy is an
additive quantity.
(D) Given the same volume the extent of surface area depends on the shape.

Q. Which of the following term is associated with the process of catalysis?

(A) Damkohler number (B) Reynold‟s number (C) Froude number (D) Turnover number

Q. Carbon nanotubes are

(A) 100 times stronger and 6 times lighter than steel
(B) 6 times stronger and 100 times lighter than steel
(C) 10 times stronger and 6 times heavier than steel
(D) 10 times stronger and 10 times heavier than steel.

Q. A material with one dimension in Nano range and the other two dimensions are large is
a) Micro-material
b) Quantum wire
c) Quantum well
d) Quantum dot

Q.3. The colour of the nano gold particles is ___________

a) Yellow
b) Orange
c) Red
d) Variable

Q.4 Which of the following is not the correct material of construction of the balls used in
mechanical alloying?
(A) Silicon carbide
(B) Silicon nitride
(C) Tungsten carbide
(D) Zirconia

Q.5. If a crystal face cuts the coordinate axes at 2a, b, & 3c, where a, b and c are unit distances
along three axes what is the Miller index?
Q.6. The first model of atom in 1898 was proposed by
(a) Ernst Rutherford
(b) Albert Einstein
(c) J.J. Thomson
(d) Niels Bohr
Q.7. Rutherford‟s experiments suggested that the size of the nucleus is about
(a) 10-14 m to 10-12 m
(b) 10-15 m to 10-13 m
(c) 10-15 m to 10-14 m
(d) 10-15 m to 10-12 m
Q.8. Around 1911, Rutherford suggested a planetary model of atomic structure. Which of the
following was not a proposition of this model?
a) Electrons revolve in circular orbits around the nucleus
b) Nucleus consists of protons and neutrons
c) Mass of atom is concentrated in the nucleus
d) Most of the volume in an atom is void

Q. 9. Which of the Bohr‟s postulates was incorrect?

a) Energy of electrons is quantized
b) Momentum of electrons is quantized
c) Electrons release energy when shifting from excited state to ground state
d) Electrons revolve around the nucleus in fixed circular orbits
Q.11. Which of the following is the principal factor which causes the properties of nanomaterials
to differ significantly from other materials?
a) Size distribution
b) Specific surface feature
c) Quantum size effects
d) All of the mentioned

Q.12. Quantum confinement results in ___________
a) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the square root of the size
b) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the size
c) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the square of size
d) Energy gap in semiconductor is proportional to the inverse of the square of size
Q.13 The first talk about nano-technology was given by ___________
a) Albert Einstein
b) Newton
c) Gordon E. Moore
d) Richard Feynman
Q. 14 Which of the following is an example of Bottom Up approach?
a) Attrition
b) Colloidal dispersion
c) Milling
d) Etching
Q. 15 For milling operations, what kind of environment is preferred?
a) Acidic
b) Basic
c) Active
d) Inert
Q.17 Nano sized polymers built from branched units are called __________
a) Dendrimers
b) Composites
c) Carbon-based materials
d) Metal-based materials
Q.18 Quantum dots can be used in _________
a) Crystallography
b) Optoelectronics
c) Mechanics
d) Quantum physics
Q. 19 The main purpose of CNTs in fuel cells is __________
a) Production of energy
b) Active medium
c) Catalyst
d) Storage
Q.20 Nanomaterials are the materials with at least one dimension measuring less than
a) 1 nm
b) 10 nm
c) 100 nm
d) 1000 nm

Q. 21 The melting point of particles in nano form ___________
a) Increases
b) Decreases
c) Remains same
d) Increases then decreases
QQ. 23C60 is soluble in ____________
a) Water
b) Ammonia
c) HCl
d) Benzene
Which of the following property of solid indicates the cahneg in optical property of a material
under mechanical deformation
(A) Anisotropy (B) Photoelasticity (C) Isochromaticity (D) Viscoelasticity
Q. A technique not suitable for grain size reduction
(A) Ball milling
(B) Cold rolling

(C) Annealing
(D) Extrusion
Q. Which one of the following process results in a nanocrystalline material
(A) Welding
(B) Evaporation and condensation
(C) Ductile fracture
(D) Soldering
Q. As the ball milling time increases, the XRD peaks broadens due to
(A) Increase in crystallite size
(B) Increase in number of phases
(C) Decrease in crystallite size
(D) Decrease in number of phases

Q. A person who is 1.5 m tall is ------× 106 nm tall.

Provide the correct figure in the blank.
(Ans: 1500)
Q. Nanomaterials are not only human-made materials; can you remember some examples of
“non-intentionally made” nanomaterials, i.e. a nanomaterial that you can find in nature?
(B) Viruses
(C) Proteins
(D) All of the above
How many gold atoms lined up in a row would fit in a one nanometer space? (Assuming a
covalent radius of 0.144 nm each)
(A) None; a gold atom is bigger than 1 nm
(B) One
(C) Three and a half
(D) Seven
Q. A ductile and malleable transition metal „A‟ does not usually form oxide and whose
arrangement of atoms follows FCC structure. „A‟ can be easily dissolved in a mixture of two
concentrated mineral acids „B‟ and „C‟. The resultant chloro-acid of the metal can be reduced by
a suitable reducing agent into the metal, however with a particle size in the range of 5 to 10 nm.
The resultant metal particles have different structure rather than normal FCC. It is also able to
catalyze the oxidation of carbon monoxide. Identify „A‟, „B‟ and „C‟. Also name the structure of
the derived metallic nanoparticles.

The element "A" in question is Platinum (Pt).

The concentrated mineral acids "B" and "C" are Aqua regia, which is a mixture of concentrated nitric acid
(HNO3) and concentrated hydrochloric acid (HCl).

The structure of the derived metallic nanoparticles is known as a "Cubic Octahedral Nanocrystal" structure.

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