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The Human Reproductive System

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to:
 Identify the parts of the male and female reproductive system
 Compare the function of each part of the human male and female reproductive
 Practice proper hygiene to care for the reproductive system.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: The Human Reproductive System

Source: Florannie M. Aguelo 2020
Science Quarter 2- Module 1: The Human Reproductive System
Materials: Laptop, Television

III. Procedure

A. Preliminary Activities

 Prayer
 Greetings
 Checking of Attendance
 Motivation: Word Puzzle Game

B. Review

What makes a human male and female different from each other?

C. Lesson Proper
The teacher will present the topic for the day and post the objectives that are going to

1. Identify the parts of the male and female reproductive system

2. Compare the function of each part of the human male and female reproductive
3. Practice proper hygiene to care for the reproductive system.
Presentation of the lesson.

What makes a human male and female different from each other?

26: 15-16
A. Activity
Instruction: Identify the parts of the reproductive system being describe by
filling up the grid with letters to complete the word or words being described.

 The male reproductive cells


 A gland in males found between the bladder and the penis


 The female reproductive cells

 This female organ also serves as the pathway for the baby during child birth


 A tubes in female usually the site of fertilization of the egg cell and sperm


B. Analysis

1. What are the two external parts of the male reproductive system?
2. What are the parts of the male reproductive system?
3. What are the other hormone released by the ovaries aside from estrogen?
4. What are the process where in sperm and egg cell unites?
5. Where fertilization mostly occurs?

C. Abstraction

-Compare the function of each part of the human male and female reproductive

- Demonstrate how to practice proper hygiene to care for the reproductive system.

D. Application:
” What is in the picture” Show a picture to the students and label the parts of the male
and female reproductive system.
IV. Evaluation

Direction: Read the statement carefully. Write True if it is correct and False if it is not. Use
a separate sheet of paper for your answers.

___1. Living things can reproduce their own kind.

___2. Living things producing their own kind is called reproduction.
___3. Reproduction in humans is done at an appropriate age and time.
___4. The male reproductive system is the same in shape with the female reproductive
___5. Egg cell is the male reproductive cell.
___6. Both male and female has urethra.
___7. You cannot see the cells without a microscope.
___8. Female humans have only one ovary.
___9. Whether the foreskin in penis is cut or not during circumcision, the penis functions
and feel the same.
___10. Only one of sperm cells in needed to fertilize an egg cell.

V. Assignment

Write a letter to God of how thankful you are as you came to this world as a man or as a

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