Electromagnetics Notaros Contents Preface

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1 Electrostatic Field
in Free Space
Page 1

2 Dielectrics, Capacitance,
and Electric Energy

Page 61

3 Steady Electric
Page 124

I =1 kA

4 Magnetostatic Field in
Free Space
Page 173

5 Magnetostatic Field in
Material Media
Page 221

6 Slowly Time-Varying
Electromagnetic Field
Page 263

7 Inductance and
Magnetic Energy
Page 311
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8 Rapidly Time-Varying


S1 e, m Electromagnetic Field
− +
D −−

n2 Sp dl
Page 351
S2 C H

i +

e g(t)

9 Uniform Plane
Electromagnetic Waves
Page 408

10 Reflection and Transmission

of Plane Waves
Page 471

integrated circuits
and discrete elements
11 Field Analysis of
dielectric substrate Transmission Lines
microstrip lines
Page 533
metallic foils


12 Circuit Analysis of
Transmission Lines
Page 576

13 Waveguides and
Cavity Resonators
Page 662

14 Antennas and Wireless

u f (u,
f) z Communication Systems
y Page 713

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Branislav M. Notaroš
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Colorado State University

Upper Saddle River Boston Columbus San Francisco New York

Indianapolis London Toronto Sydney Singapore Tokyo Montreal
Dubai Madrid Hong Kong Mexico City Munich Paris Amsterdam Cape Town
87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 19:53 # iv

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Notaros, Branislav M.
Electromagnetics / Branislav M. Notaros.
p. cm.
ISBN 0-13-243384-2
1. Electromagnetism — Textbooks. I. Title.
QC760.N68 2010
537–dc22 2010002214

10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

ISBN-13: 978-0-13-243384-6
ISBN-10: 0-13-243384-2
87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 17:21 #v

To the pioneering giants of electromagnetics

Michael Faraday, James Clerk Maxwell, and others (please see the inside back cover)
for providing the foundation of this book.

To my professors and colleagues

Branko Popović (late), Antonije Djordjević, and others
for making me nearly understand and fully love this stuff.

To all my students in all my classes over all these years

for teaching me to teach.

To Olivera, Jelena, and Milica

for everything else.
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Preface xi 2.2 Polarization Vector 63

2.3 Bound Volume and Surface Charge
Densities 64
1 2.4 Evaluation of the Electric Field and
Electrostatic Field in Free Space 1 Potential due to Polarized Dielectrics 68
1.1 Coulomb’s Law 2 2.5 Generalized Gauss’ Law 70
1.2 Definition of the Electric Field Intensity 2.6 Characterization of Dielectric Materials 71
Vector 7 2.7 Maxwell’s Equations for the Electrostatic
1.3 Continuous Charge Distributions 8 Field 75
1.4 On the Volume and Surface Integration 9 2.8 Electrostatic Field in Linear, Isotropic, and
1.5 Electric Field Intensity Vector due to Given Homogeneous Media 75
Charge Distributions 10 2.9 Dielectric-Dielectric Boundary
1.6 Definition of the Electric Scalar Conditions 79
Potential 16 2.10 Poisson’s and Laplace’s Equations 82
1.7 Electric Potential due to Given Charge 2.11 Finite-Difference Method for Numerical
Distributions 18 Solution of Laplace’s Equation 84
1.8 Voltage 21 2.12 Definition of the Capacitance of a
1.9 Differential Relationship between the Field Capacitor 86
and Potential in Electrostatics 22 2.13 Analysis of Capacitors with Homogeneous
1.10 Gradient 23 Dielectrics 88
1.11 3-D and 2-D Electric Dipoles 26 2.14 Analysis of Capacitors with Inhomogeneous
1.12 Formulation and Proof of Gauss’ Law 28 Dielectrics 95
1.13 Applications of Gauss’ Law 31 2.15 Energy of an Electrostatic
1.14 Differential Form of Gauss’ Law 35 System 102
1.15 Divergence 36 2.16 Electric Energy Density 104
1.16 Conductors in the Electrostatic Field 39 2.17 Dielectric Breakdown in Electrostatic
1.17 Evaluation of the Electric Field and Systems 108
Potential due to Charged Conductors 43
1.18 Electrostatic Shielding 46
1.19 Charge Distribution on Metallic Bodies of 3
Arbitrary Shapes 48 Steady Electric Currents 124
1.20 Method of Moments for Numerical Analysis 3.1 Current Density Vector and Current
of Charged Metallic Bodies 49 Intensity 125
1.21 Image Theory 51 3.2 Conductivity and Ohm’s Law in Local
Form 128
2 3.3 Losses in Conductors and Joule’s Law in
Local Form 132
Dielectrics, Capacitance, and Electric 3.4 Continuity Equation 133
Energy 61 3.5 Boundary Conditions for Steady
2.1 Polarization of Dielectrics 62 Currents 137

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viii Contents

3.6 Distribution of Charge in a Steady Current 5.11 Maxwell’s Equations for the Time-Invariant
Field 138 Electromagnetic Field 258
3.7 Relaxation Time 139
3.8 Resistance, Ohm’s Law, and Joule’s
Law 140 6
3.9 Duality between Conductance and Slowly Time-Varying Electromagnetic
Capacitance 146 Field 263
3.10 External Electric Energy Volume Sources 6.1 Induced Electric Field Intensity Vector 264
and Generators 149 6.2 Slowly Time-Varying Electric and Magnetic
3.11 Analysis of Capacitors with Imperfect Fields 269
Inhomogeneous Dielectrics 152 6.3 Faraday’s Law of Electromagnetic
3.12 Analysis of Lossy Transmission Lines with Induction 271
Steady Currents 156 6.4 Maxwell’s Equations for the Slowly
3.13 Grounding Electrodes 162 Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 276
6.5 Computation of Transformer
4 6.6
Induction 277
Electromagnetic Induction due to
Magnetostatic Field in Free Space 173
Motion 283
4.1 Magnetic Force and Magnetic Flux Density 6.7 Total Electromagnetic Induction 289
Vector 174 6.8 Eddy Currents 294
4.2 Biot-Savart Law 177
4.3 Magnetic Flux Density Vector due to Given

Current Distributions 179
Formulation of Ampère’s Law 185
Inductance and Magnetic Energy 311
4.5 Applications of Ampère’s Law 187
4.6 Differential Form of Ampère’s Law 193 7.1 Self-Inductance 312
4.7 Curl 195 7.2 Mutual Inductance 318
4.8 Law of Conservation of Magnetic Flux 198 7.3 Analysis of Magnetically Coupled
4.9 Magnetic Vector Potential 201 Circuits 324
4.10 Proof of Ampère’s Law 204 7.4 Magnetic Energy of Current-Carrying
4.11 Magnetic Dipole 206 Conductors 331
4.12 The Lorentz Force and Hall Effect 209 7.5 Magnetic Energy Density 334
4.13 Evaluation of Magnetic Forces 211 7.6 Internal and External Inductance in Terms
of Magnetic Energy 342

Magnetostatic Field in Material Media 221 8
5.1 Magnetization Vector 222 Rapidly Time-Varying Electromagnetic
5.2 Behavior and Classification of Magnetic Field 351
Materials 223 8.1 Displacement Current 352
5.3 Magnetization Volume and Surface Current 8.2 Maxwell’s Equations for the Rapidly
Densities 227 Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 357
5.4 Generalized Ampère’s Law 234 8.3 Electromagnetic Waves 361
5.5 Permeability of Magnetic Materials 236 8.4 Boundary Conditions for the Rapidly
5.6 Maxwell’s Equations and Boundary Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 363
Conditions for the Magnetostatic Field 239 8.5 Different Forms of the Continuity Equation
5.7 Image Theory for the Magnetic Field 241 for Rapidly Time-Varying Currents 364
5.8 Magnetization Curves and Hysteresis 243 8.6 Time-Harmonic Electromagnetics 366
5.9 Magnetic Circuits – Basic Assumptions for 8.7 Complex Representatives of
the Analysis 247 Time-Harmonic Field and Circuit
5.10 Kirchhoff’s Laws for Magnetic Circuits 250 Quantities 369
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Contents ix

8.8 Maxwell’s Equations in Complex 10.9 Wave Propagation in Multilayer

Domain 373 Media 520
8.9 Lorenz Electromagnetic Potentials 376
8.10 Computation of High-Frequency Potentials
and Fields in Complex Domain 381
8.11 Poynting’s Theorem 389
Field Analysis of Transmission Lines 533
8.12 Complex Poynting Vector 397 11.1 TEM Waves in Lossless Transmission Lines
with Homogeneous Dielectrics 534
11.2 Electrostatic and Magnetostatic Field
9 Distributions in Transversal Planes 538
Uniform Plane Electromagnetic Waves 408 11.3 Currents and Charges of Line
9.1 Wave Equations 409 Conductors 539
9.2 Uniform-Plane-Wave Approximation 411 11.4 Analysis of Two-Conductor Transmission
9.3 Time-Domain Analysis of Uniform Plane Lines 540
Waves 412 11.5 Transmission Lines with Small Losses 547
9.4 Time-Harmonic Uniform Plane 11.6 Attenuation Coefficients for Line
Waves and Complex-Domain Analysis 416 Conductors and Dielectric 550
9.5 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 425 11.7 High-Frequency Internal Inductance of
9.6 Arbitrarily Directed Uniform TEM Transmission Lines 556
Waves 427 11.8 Evaluation of Primary and Secondary
9.7 Theory of Time-Harmonic Waves in Lossy Circuit Parameters of Transmission
Media 429 Lines 557
9.8 Explicit Expressions for Basic Propagation 11.9 Transmission Lines with Inhomogeneous
Parameters 433 Dielectrics 563
9.9 Wave Propagation in Good Dielectrics 436 11.10 Multilayer Printed Circuit Board 567
9.10 Wave Propagation in Good

Conductors 439
Skin Effect 441 12
9.12 Wave Propagation in Plasmas 447 Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines 576
9.13 Dispersion and Group Velocity 452 12.1 Telegrapher’s Equations and Their Solution
9.14 Polarization of Electromagnetic Waves 458 in Complex Domain 577
12.2 Circuit Analysis of Lossless Transmission
10 12.3
Lines 581
Circuit Analysis of Low-Loss Transmission
Reflection and Transmission of Plane Lines 581
Waves 471 12.4 Reflection Coefficient for Transmission
10.1 Normal Incidence on a Perfectly Conducting Lines 583
Plane 472 12.5 Power Computations of Transmission
10.2 Normal Incidence on a Penetrable Planar Lines 589
Interface 483 12.6 Transmission-Line Impedance 592
10.3 Surface Resistance of Good 12.7 Complete Solution for Line Voltage and
Conductors 492 Current 597
10.4 Perturbation Method for Evaluation 12.8 Short-Circuited, Open-Circuited, and
of Small Losses 497 Matched Transmission Lines 601
10.5 Oblique Incidence on a Perfect 12.9 Transmission-Line Resonators 608
Conductor 499 12.10 Quality Factor of Resonators with Small
10.6 Concept of a Rectangular Waveguide 505 Losses 610
10.7 Oblique Incidence on a Dielectric 12.11 The Smith Chart – Construction and Basic
Boundary 507 Properties 614
10.8 Total Internal Reflection and Brewster 12.12 Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines
Angle 513 Using the Smith Chart 618
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x Contents

12.13 Transient Analysis of Transmission 14.1 Electromagnetic Potentials and Field

Lines 628 Vectors of a Hertzian Dipole 715
12.14 Thévenin Equivalent Generator Pair and 14.2 Far Field and Near Field 720
Reflection Coefficients for Line 14.3 Steps in Far-Field Evaluation of an
Transients 630 Arbitrary Antenna 722
12.15 Step Response of Transmission Lines with 14.4 Radiated Power, Radiation Resistance,
Purely Resistive Terminations 634 Antenna Losses, and Input Impedance 730
12.16 Analysis of Transmission Lines with Pulse 14.5 Antenna Characteristic Radiation Function
Excitations 640 and Radiation Patterns 736
12.17 Bounce Diagrams 646 14.6 Antenna Directivity and Gain 740
12.18 Transient Response for Reactive or 14.7 Antenna Polarization 745
Nonlinear Terminations 649 14.8 Wire Dipole Antennas 745
14.9 Image Theory for Antennas above a
Perfectly Conducting Ground Plane 751
13 14.10 Monopole Antennas 754
Waveguides and Cavity Resonators 662 14.11 Magnetic Dipole (Small Loop)
13.1 Analysis of Rectangular Waveguides Based Antenna 758
on Multiple Reflections of Plane 14.12 Theory of Receiving Antennas 760
Waves 663 14.13 Antenna Effective Aperture 766
13.2 Propagating and Evanescent Waves 666 14.14 Friis Transmission Formula for a Wireless
13.3 Dominant Waveguide Mode 668 Link 768
13.4 General TE Modal Analysis of Rectangular 14.15 Antenna Arrays 772
Waveguides 671
13.5 TM Modes in a Rectangular APPENDICES
Waveguide 676
13.6 Cutoff Frequencies of Arbitrary Waveguide
Modes 677 1
13.7 Wave Impedances of TE and TM Quantities, Symbols, Units, and
Waves 680 Constants 791
13.8 Power Flow along a Waveguide 681
Waveguides with Small Losses 684
Waveguide Dispersion and Wave 2
Velocities 688 Mathematical Facts and Identities 796
13.11 Waveguide Couplers 692
Rectangular Cavity Resonators 696
Electromagnetic Energy Stored in a Cavity
Vector Algebra and Calculus Index 801
Resonator 700
13.14 Quality Factor of Rectangular Cavities with
Small Losses 703
Answers to Selected Problems 802
14 Bibliography 806
Antennas and Wireless Communication
Systems 713 Index 809
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E lectromagnetic theory is a fundamental under-

pinning of technical education, but, at the same
time, one of the most difficult subjects for students
for electromagnetic field and wave computation and
problem solving, and, most importantly, outstand-
ing (by the judgment of students so far) worked-
to master. In order to help address this difficulty and out examples, homework problems, conceptual ques-
contribute to overcoming it, here is another textbook tions, and MATLAB exercises. The goal is to sig-
on electromagnetic fields and waves for undergrad- nificantly improve students’ understanding of elec-
uates, entitled, simply, Electromagnetics. This text tromagnetics and their attitude toward it. Overall,
provides engineering and physics students and other the book is meant as an “ultimate resource” for
users with a comprehensive knowledge and firm undergraduate electromagnetics.
grasp of electromagnetic fundamentals by empha-
sizing both mathematical rigor and physical under-
The distinguishing features of the book are:
standing of electromagnetic theory, aimed toward
practical engineering applications. 371 realistic examples with very detailed and instru-
The book is designed primarily (but by no means ctive solutions, tightly coupled to the theory, includ-
exclusively) for junior-level undergraduate university ing strategies for problem solving
and college students in electrical and computer engi- 650 realistic end-of-chapter problems, strongly and
neering, physics, and similar departments, for both fully supported by solved examples (there is a demo
two-semester (or two-quarter) course sequences example for every homework problem)
and one-semester (one-quarter) courses. It includes Clear, rigorous, complete, and logical presentation
14 chapters on electrostatic fields, steady electric of material, balance of breadth and depth, balance
currents, magnetostatic fields, slowly time-varying of static (one third) and dynamic (two thirds) fields,
(low-frequency) electromagnetic fields, rapidly time- with no missing steps
varying (high-frequency) electromagnetic fields, uni-
Flexibility for different options in coverage, empha-
form plane electromagnetic waves, transmission
sis, and ordering the material in a course or courses,
lines, waveguides and cavity resonators, and antennas
including the transmission-lines-first approach
and wireless communication systems.
Apparently, there are an extremely large num- Many nonstandard topics and subtopics and new
ber of quite different books for undergraduate elec- derivations, explanations, proofs, interpretations,
tromagnetics available (perhaps more than for any examples, pedagogical style, and visualizations
other discipline in science and engineering), which 500 multiple-choice conceptual questions (on the
are all very good and important. This book, however, Companion Website), checking conceptual under-
aims to combine the best features and advantages of standing of the book material
all of them. It also introduces many new pedagogical 400 MATLAB computer exercises and projects (on
features not present in any of the existing texts. the Companion Website), many with detailed solu-
This text provides many nonstandard theoreti- tions (tutorials) and MATLAB codes (m files)
cally and practically important sections and chapters,
new style and approaches to presenting challeng-
ing topics and abstract electromagnetic phenom- The following sections explain these and other fea-
ena, innovative strategies and pedagogical guides tures in more detail.

87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 17:21 # xii

xii Preface

WORKED EXAMPLES AND a strong appreciation for both its theoretical funda-
HOMEWORK PROBLEMS mentals and its practical applications.
“Physical” nontrivial examples are good also
The most important feature of the book is an for instructors – for lectures and recitations – as
extremely large number of realistic examples, with they are much more interesting and suitable for
detailed and pedagogically instructive solutions, and logical presentation and discussion in the class
end-of-chapter (homework) problems, strongly and than the “plug-and-chug” or purely “mathematical”
fully supported by solved examples. There are a examples.
total of 371 worked examples, all tightly coupled
to the theory, strongly reinforcing theoretical con-
cepts and smoothly and systematically developing CLARITY, RIGOR, AND
the problem-solving skills of students, and a total of COMPLETENESS
650 end-of-chapter problems, which are essentially
offered and meant as end-of-section problems (indi- Along with the number and type of examples and
cations appear at the ends of sections as to which problems (and questions and exercises), the most
problems correspond to that section). characteristic feature of the book is its consistent
Most importantly, for each homework problem attention to clarity, completeness, and pedagogical
or set of problems, there is always an example or soundness of presentation of the material through-
set of examples in the text whose detailed solution out the entire text, aiming for an optimal balance of
provides the students and other readers with all nec- breadth and depth. Electromagnetics, as a fundamen-
essary instruction and guidance to be able to solve tal science and engineering discipline, provides com-
the problem on their own, and to complete all home- plete physical explanations for (almost) everything
work assignments and practice for tests and exams. within its scope and rigorous mathematical models
The abundance and quality of examples and prob- for everything it covers. Thus, besides a couple of
lems are enormously important for the success of experimental fundamental laws (like Coulomb’s law)
the course and class: students always ask for more that have to be taken for granted for the model to
and more solved examples, which must be relevant build on, all other steps in building the most impres-
for the many problems that follow (for homework sive and exciting structure called the electromagnetic
and exam preparation) – and this is exactly what this theory can be readily presented to the reader in a
book attempts to offer. consistent and meaningful manner and with enough
Examples and problems in the book empha- detail to be understandable and appreciable. This is
size physical conceptual reasoning and mathematical exactly what this book attempts to do.
synthesis of solutions, and not pure formulaic (plug- Simply speaking, literally everything is derived,
and-chug) solving. They also do not carry dry and too proved, and explained (except for a couple of exper-
complicated pure mathematical formalisms. The pri- imental facts), with many new derivations, expla-
mary goal is to teach the readers to reason through nations, proofs, interpretations, and visualizations.
different (more or less challenging) situations and to Difficult and important concepts and derivations are
help them gain confidence and really understand and regularly presented in more than one way to help
like the material. Many examples and problems have students understand and master the subject at hand.
a strong practical engineering context. Maximum effort has been devoted to a continuous
Solutions to examples show and explain every logical flow of topics, concepts, equations, and ideas,
step, with ample discussions of approaches, strate- with practically no “intentionally skipped” steps and
gies, and alternatives. Very often, solutions are pre- parts. This, however, is done in a structural and mod-
sented in more than one way to aid understanding ular manner, so that the reader who feels that some
and development of true electromagnetic problem- steps, derivations, and proofs can be bypassed at the
solving skills. By acquiring such skills, which are time (with an opportunity of redoing it later) can do
definitely not limited to a skillful browsing through so, but this is left to the reader’s discretion (or to the
the book pages in a quest for a suitable “black-box” discretion and advice of the course instructor), not
formula or set of formulas nor a skillful use of pocket the author’s.
calculators to plug-and-chug, the reader also acquires Overall, my approach is to provide all possible
true confidence and pride in electromagnetics, and (or all necessary) explanations, guidance, and detail
87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 17:21 # xiii

Preface xiii

in the theoretical parts and examples in the text, transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas). In
whereas students’ actual understanding of the mate- addition, the book features a favorable balance of
rial, their thinking “on their own feet,” and ability static (one third) and dynamic (two thirds) fields.
to do independent work are tested and challenged Ideally, a course or a sequence of courses using
through numerous and relevant end-of-chapter prob- this text would completely cover the book material,
lems and conceptual questions, and not through with a likelihood that some portions would be given
filling the missing gaps in the text. to students as a reading assignment only. However,
On the other hand, I am fully aware that the book allows a lot of flexibility and many dif-
brevity may seem attractive to students at first glance ferent options in actually covering the material, or
because it typically means fewer pages for read- parts of it, and ordering the topics in a course (or
ing assignments. However, most students will readily courses).
acknowledge that it is indeed much easier and faster One scenario is to quickly go through Chapters
to read, grasp, and use several pages of thoroughly 1–7, do just basic concepts and equations, and a
explained and presented material as opposed to a couple of examples in each chapter, quickly reach
single page of condensed material with too many Chapter 8 (general Maxwell’s equations, etc.), and
missing parts. During my dealings with students over then do everything else as applications of general
so many years, I have been constantly told that Maxwell’s equations, including selected topics from
they in fact prefer having everything derived and Chapters 1–7 and more or less complete coverage
explained, and host of sample problems solved, to of all other chapters. This scenario would essen-
a lower page count and too many important parts, tially reflect the inverse (nonchronological) order
steps, and explanations missing, and too few detailed of topics in teaching/learning electromagnetics. In
solutions, and this was the principal motivation for fact, there may be many different scenarios suit-
my writing this book. able for different areas of emphasis and specialized
This approach, in my opinion, is also good for outcomes of the course and the available time, all
instructors, as they have a self-contained, ready-to- of them advancing in chronological order, through
use continuous “story” for each of their lectures, Chapters 1–14 of the book, just with different
instead of a set of discrete formulas and sample speeds and different levels of coverage of individual
facts with little or no explanations and detail. On chapters.
the other hand, the instructor may choose to present To help the instructors create a plan for using the
only main facts for a given topic in class and rely on book material in their courses and students and other
students for the rest, as they will be able to quickly readers prioritize the book contents in accordance
and readily understand all reading assignments from with their learning objectives and needs, Tables 1
the book. Indeed, I expect that every instructor and 2 provide classifications of all book chapters
using this text will have different “favorite” top- and sections, respectively, in two levels, indicating
ics presented in class with all details and in great which chapters and sections within chapters are sug-
depth, including a number of examples, while “giv- gested as more likely candidates to be skipped or
ing away” some other topics to students to cover on skimmed (covered lightly). This is just a guideline,
their own, with more or less depth, including worked and I expect that there will be numerous extremely
examples. creative, effective, and diverse combinations of book
topics and subtopics constituting course outlines and
learning/training plans, customized to best meet the
OPTIONS IN COVERAGE OF THE preferences, interests, and needs of instructors, stu-
MATERIAL dents, and other book users.
Most importantly, if chapters and sections are
This book promotes and implements the direct or skipped or skimmed in the class, they are not skipped
chronological and not inverse order of topics in nor skimmed in the book, and the student will always
teaching/learning electromagnetics, which can briefly be able to quickly find and apprehend additional
be characterized as: first static and then dynamic information and fill any missing gaps using pieces of
topics, or first fields (static, quasistatic, and rapidly the book material from chapters and sections that are
time-varying) and then waves (uniform plane waves, not planned to be covered in detail.
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xiv Preface

Table 1. Classification of book chapters in two groups, where “mandatory” chapters are those that
would likely be covered in most courses, while some of the “elective” chapters could be skipped (or skimmed)
based on specific areas of emphasis and desired outcomes of the course or sequence of courses and the avail-
able time. In selecting the material for the course(s), this classification at the chapter level could be combined
with the classification at the section level given in Table 2.

“Mandatory” Chapters: 1, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, 12 “Elective” Chapters: 2, 5, 7, 10, 11, 13, 14

1. Electrostatic Field in Free Space 2. Dielectrics, Capacitance, and Electric Energy
3. Steady Electric Currents 5. Magnetostatic Field in Material Media
4. Magnetostatic Field in Free Space 7. Inductance and Magnetic Energy
6. Slowly Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 10. Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves
8. Rapidly Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 11. Field Analysis of Transmission Lines
9. Uniform Plane Electromagnetic Waves 13. Waveguides and Cavity Resonators
12. Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines 14. Antennas and Wireless Communication Systems

Table 2. Classification of book sections in two “tiers” in terms of the suggested priority for coverage; if
one or more sections in any of the chapters are to be skipped (or skimmed) given the areas of emphasis and
specialized outcomes of the course or courses and the available time, then it is suggested that they be selected
from the “tier two” sections, which certainly does not rule out possible omission (or lighter coverage) of some
of the “tier one” sections as well.

Chapter “Tier One” Sections “Tier Two” Sections

1. Electrostatic Field in Free Space 1.1–1.4, 1.6, 1.8–1.10, 1.13–1.16 1.5, 1.7, 1.11, 1.12, 1.17–1.21
2. Dielectrics, Capacitance, and Electric Energy 2.1, 2.6, 2.7, 2.9, 2.10, 2.12, 2.2–2.5, 2.8, 2.11, 2.14, 2.17
2.13, 2.15, 2.16
3. Steady Electric Currents 3.1–3.4, 3.8, 3.10, 3.12 3.5–3.7, 3.9, 3.11, 3.13
4. Magnetostatic Field in Free Space 4.1, 4.2, 4.4–4.7, 4.9 4.3, 4.8, 4.10–4.13
5. Magnetostatic Field in Material Media 5.1, 5.5, 5.6, 5.8, 5.11 5.2–5.4, 5.7, 5.9, 5.10
6. Slowly Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 6.2–6.5 6.1, 6.6–6.8
7. Inductance and Magnetic Energy 7.1, 7.4, 7.5 7.2, 7.3, 7.6
8. Rapidly Time-Varying Electromagnetic Field 8.2, 8.4, 8.6–8.8, 8.11, 8.12 8.1, 8.3, 8.5, 8.9, 8.10
9. Uniform Plane Electromagnetic Waves 9.3–9.7, 9.11, 9.14 9.1, 9.2, 9.8–9.10, 9.12, 9.13
10. Reflection and Transmission of Plane Waves 10.1, 10.2, 10.4–10.7 10.3, 10.8, 10.9
11. Field Analysis of Transmission Lines 11.4–11.6, 11.8 11.1–11.3, 11.7, 11.9, 11.10
12. Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines 12.1–12.6, 12.11, 12.12, 12.15 12.7–12.10, 12.13, 12.14,
13. Waveguides and Cavity Resonators 13.1–13.3, 13.6, 13.8, 13.9, 13.4, 13.5, 13.7, 13.10, 13.11,
13.12 13.13, 13.14
14. Antennas and Wireless Communication 14.1, 14.2, 14.4–14.6, 14.8, 14.3, 14.7, 14.9–14.13
Systems 14.14, 14.15
87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 17:21 # xv

Preface xv

Table 3. Ordering the book material for the transmission-lines-first approach; Chapter 12 (Circuit
Analysis of Transmission Lines) is written using only pure circuit-theory concepts (all field-theory aspects of
transmission lines are placed in Chapter 11 – Field Analysis of Transmission Lines), so it can be taken at the very
beginning of the course (or at any other time in the course). Note that two sections introducing (or reviewing)
complex representatives of time-harmonic voltages and currents (Sections 8.6 and 8.7) must be done before
Chapter 12.

Section 8.6: Time-Harmonic Electromagnetics

Section 8.7: Complex Representatives of Time-Harmonic Field and Circuit Quantities
Chapter 12: Circuit Analysis of Transmission Lines (or a selection of sections from Chapter 12 – see Table 2)
Chapters 1-11, 13, 14 or a selection of chapters (see Table 1) and sections (see Table 2)

TRANSMISSION-LINES-FIRST an invaluable resource. They are also ideal for

APPROACH in-class questions and discussions (so-called active
teaching and learning) to be combined with tradi-
One possible exception from the chronological tional lecturing – if so desired.
sequence of chapters (topics) in using this text In addition, conceptual questions are perfectly
implies a different placement of Chapter 12 (Circuit suited for class assessments, namely, to assess stu-
Analysis of Transmission Lines), which is written in dents’ performance and evaluate the effectiveness
such a manner that it can be taken at any time, of instruction, usually as the “gain” between the
even at the very beginning of the course, hence course “pretest” and “posttest” scores, and espe-
constituting the transmission-lines-first approach to cially in light of ABET and similar accreditation
teaching the course and learning the material. criteria (the key word in these criteria is “assess-
Namely, the field and circuit analyses of transmission ment”). Selected conceptual questions from the large
lines are completely decoupled in the book, so that collection provided in the book can readily be
any field-theory aspects are placed in Chapter 11 used by instructors as partial and final assessment
(Field Analysis of Transmission Lines) and only pure instruments for individual topics at different points
circuit-theory concepts are used in Chapter 12 with in the course and for the entire class.
per-unit-length characteristics (distributed param-
eters) of the lines being taken for granted (are
assumed to be known) from the field analysis if MATLAB EXERCISES, TUTORIALS,
the circuit analysis is done first. Table 3 shows the AND PROJECTS
transmission-lines-first scenario using this book.
The book provides, on the Companion Website,
a very large and comprehensive collection of
MULTIPLE-CHOICE CONCEPTUAL MATLAB computer exercises, strongly coupled to
QUESTIONS the book material, both the theory and the worked
examples, and designed to help students develop a
The book provides, on the Companion Website, a stronger intuition and a deeper understanding of
total of 500 conceptual questions. These are multiple- electromagnetics, and find it more attractive and lik-
choice questions that focus on the core concepts able. MATLAB is chosen principally because it is a
of the material, requiring conceptual reasoning and generally accepted standard in science and engineer-
understanding rather than calculations. They serve ing education worldwide.
as checkpoints for readers following the theoretical There are a total of 400 MATLAB exercises,
parts and worked examples (like homework prob- which are referred to regularly within all book chap-
lems, conceptual questions are referred to at the ends ters, at the ends of sections, to supplement problems
of sections). Generally, conceptual questions may and conceptual questions. Each section of this col-
appear simple, but students often find them harder lection starts with a comparatively very large num-
than the standard problems. Pedagogically, they are ber of tutorial exercises with detailed completely
87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 17:21 # xvi

xvi Preface

worked out solutions, as well as MATLAB codes (m fascinating biographies of famous scientists and pio-
files). This resource provides abundant opportunities neers in the field of electricity and magnetism. There
for instructors for assigning in-class and homework are a total of 40 biographies, which are, in my view,
projects – if so desired. not only very interesting historically and informa-
tive in terms of providing the factual chronological
review of the development of one of the most impres-
VECTOR ALGEBRA AND CALCULUS sive, consistent, and complete theories of the entire
scientific and technological world – the electromag-
Elements of vector algebra and vector calculus netic theory – but they also often provide additional
are presented and used gradually across the book technical facts and explanations that complement the
sections with an emphasis on physical insight and material in the text. I also feel that some basic knowl-
immediate links to electromagnetic field theory con- edge about the discoverers – who made such epochal
cepts, instead of having a purely mathematical review scientific achievements and far-reaching contribu-
in a separate chapter. They are fully integrated tions to humanity – like Faraday, Maxwell, Henry,
with the development of the electromagnetic theory, Hertz, Coulomb, Tesla, Heaviside, Oersted, Ampère,
where they actually belong and really come to life. Ohm, Weber, and others should be made an irre-
The mathematical concepts of gradient, diver- placeable part of a sort of “general education” of our
gence, curl, and Laplacian, as well as line (circu- engineering and physics students.
lation), surface (flux), and volume integrals, are
literally derived from physics (electromagnetics),
where they naturally emanate as integral parts of SUPPLEMENTS
electromagnetic equations and laws and where their
physical meaning is almost obvious and can read- The book is accompanied by the Solutions Manual
ily be made very visual. Furthermore, the text is (for instructors) with detailed solutions to all
written in such a way that even a reader with lit- end-of-chapter problems (written in the same man-
tle background in vector algebra and vector calculus ner as the solutions in the examples in the book),
will indeed be able to learn or refresh vector analy- answers to all conceptual questions, and MATLAB
sis concepts directly through the first several chap- codes (m files) for all MATLAB computer exercises
ters (please see Appendix 3 – Vector Algebra and and projects, as well as by PowerPoint slides with all
Calculus Index). illustrations from the text and by other supplements.
Pearson eText of the book is also available.

LINKS TO CIRCUIT THEORY www.pearsonhighered.com/notaros

The book provides detailed discussions of the links

between electromagnetic theory and circuit theory ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
throughout all of its chapters. It contains physical
explanations for all elements of circuit theory, for This text is based on my electromagnetics teach-
both dc and ac regimes. All basic circuit-theory equa- ing and research over more than 20 years at
tions (circuit laws, element laws, etc.) are derived the University of Belgrade, Yugoslavia (Serbia),
from electromagnetic theory. The goal is for the University of Colorado at Boulder, University
reader to develop both an appreciation of electro- of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and Colorado State
magnetic theory as a foundation of circuit theory University, in Fort Collins, U.S.A. I gratefully
and electrical engineering as a whole, as well as an acknowledge my colleagues and/or former Ph.D.
understanding of limitations of circuit theory as an students at these institutions whose discussions,
approximation of field theory. advice, ideas, enthusiasm, initiatives, co-teaching,
and co-authorships have shaped my knowledge,
teaching style, pedagogy, and writing in electro-
HISTORICAL ASIDES magnetics, including: Prof. Branko Popović (late),
Prof. Milan Ilić, Prof. Miroslav Djordjević, Prof.
Throughout almost all chapters of the book, dozens Antonije Djordjević, Prof. Zoya Popović, Gradimir
of Historical Asides appear with quite detailed and Božilović, Prof. Momčilo Dragović (late), Prof.
87053_00_FM_i-xviii_r3_ka April 23, 2010 Time: 19:53 # xvii

Preface xvii

Branko Kolundžija, Prof. Vladimir Petrović, and manager Scott Disanno, for expertly leading the
Prof. Jovan Surutka (late). All I know in electromag- book production, Marcia Horton, Vice President
netics and about its teaching I learned from them or and Editorial Director with Prentice Hall, for great
with them or because of them, and I am enormously conversations and support in the initial phases of
thankful for that. the project, and Tom Robbins, former Publisher at
I am grateful to all my students in all my classes Prentice Hall, for the first encouragements. I hope
over all these years for all the joy I have had in teach- they enjoyed our dealings and discussions as exten-
ing them electromagnetics and for teaching me to sively as I did.
teach better. I thank my wife Olivera Notaroš, who also
I especially thank my current Ph.D. students teaches in the ECE Department at Colorado
Nada Šekeljić, Ana Manić, and Sanja Manić for State University, not only for her great and con-
their invaluable help in writing MATLAB computer stant support and understanding but also for her
exercises, tutorials, and codes, checking the deriva- direct involvement and absolutely phenomenal ideas,
tions and examples in the book, and solving selected advice, and help in all phases of writing the
end-of-chapter problems. I owe a particular debt of manuscript and production of the book. Without her,
gratitude to my colleague and former Ph.D. student this book would not be possible or would, at least, be
Prof. Milan Ilić, for his outstanding work and help very different. I also acknowledge extraordinary sup-
with the initial electronic artwork in the book. My port by my wonderful daughters Jelena and Milica,
colleagues and former students Andjelija Ilić and and I hope that I will be able to keep my promise
Prof. Miroslav Djordjević, as well as Olivera Notaroš, to them that I will now take a long break from writ-
also contributed very significantly to the artwork, for ing. I am very sad that the writing of this book took
which I am sincerely indebted. me so long that my beloved parents Smilja and Mile
I would like to express my gratitude to the revi- did not live to receive the first dedicated copy of the
ewers of the manuscript for their extremely detailed, book from me, as had been the case with my previous
useful, positive, and competent comments that I feel books.
helped me to significantly improve the quality of Finally, on a very personal note as well, I really
the book, including: Professors Indira Chatterjee, love electromagnetics and teaching it, and I hope
Robert J. Coleman, Cindy Harnett, Jianming Jin, Leo that this book will convey at least a portion of my
Kempel, Edward F. Kuester, Yifei Li, Krzysztof A. admiration and enthusiasm to the readers and help
Michalski, Michael A. Parker, Andrew F. Peterson, more and more students start liking and appreciat-
Costas D. Sarris, and Fernando L. Teixeira. ing this fascinating discipline with endless impacts. I
Special thanks to all members of the Pearson am proud of being able to do that in my classes, and
Prentice Hall team, who all have been excellent, and am now excited and eager to try to spread that mes-
particularly to my editor Andrew Gilfillan, who has sage to a much larger audience using this text. Please
been extremely helpful and supportive, and whose send me your comments, suggestions, questions, and
input was essential at many stages in the develop- corrections (I hope there will not be many of these)
ment of the manuscript and book, my production regarding the book to [email protected].

Branislav M. Notaroš
Fort Collins, Colorado

“I believe but cannot explain that the author’s confidence is somehow transferred to the
student as a trust that the text they are reading and learning from is worth their time.”
—Anonymous reviewer of the book manuscript

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