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PUBLISHED ONLINE: 9 MARCH 2014 | DOI: 10.1038/NNANO.2014.26

Electrically tunable excitonic light-emitting diodes

based on monolayer WSe2 p–n junctions
Jason S. Ross1, Philip Klement2,3, Aaron M. Jones3, Nirmal J. Ghimire4,5, Jiaqiang Yan5,6,
D. G. Mandrus4,5,6, Takashi Taniguchi7, Kenji Watanabe7, Kenji Kitamura7, Wang Yao8,
David H. Cobden2 and Xiaodong Xu1,2 *

The development of light-emitting diodes with improved There are two reasons for this. First, efficient electroluminescence
efficiency, spectral properties, compactness and integrability requires effective injection of both electrons and holes into the
is important for lighting, display, optical interconnect, logic active region, which should therefore be within a p–n junction.
and sensor applications1–8. Monolayer transition-metal dichal- Second, MoS2 is known to have poorer optical quality than other
cogenides have recently emerged as interesting candidates group-VIB TMDs, possibly due to impurities. In contrast, it has
for optoelectronic applications due to their unique optical prop- been shown previously that monolayer WSe2 has excellent optical
erties9–16. Electroluminescence has already been observed from properties16,24. Here, we demonstrate that combining monolayer
monolayer MoS2 devices17,18. However, the electroluminescence WSe2 with a p–n junction architecture using electrostatic doping
efficiency was low and the linewidth broad due both to the poor produces efficient and electrically tunable excitonic light-emitting
optical quality of the MoS2 and to ineffective contacts. Here, we diodes (LEDs).
report electroluminescence from lateral p–n junctions in mono- Figure 1a,b presents a schematic and optical image of a device
layer WSe2 induced electrostatically using a thin boron nitride made by a combination of electron-beam lithography and the trans-
support as a dielectric layer with multiple metal gates beneath. fer of exfoliated sheets. A monolayer WSe2 sheet sits on a sheet of
This structure allows effective injection of electrons and holes, hexagonal boron nitride (BN), typically 10 nm thick, which acts
and, combined with the high optical quality of WSe2 , yields both as a smooth, disorder-free substrate to minimize non-radiative
bright electroluminescence with 1,000 times smaller injection energy relaxation pathways and as a high-quality gate dielectric.
current and 10 times smaller linewidth than in MoS2 Applying voltages to the two 7 nm palladium gate electrodes
(refs 17,18). Furthermore, by increasing the injection bias we beneath the BN can create two separate electrostatically doped
can tune the electroluminescence between regimes of impur- regions in the WSe2 separated by a 300-nm-wide undoped strip.
ity-bound, charged and neutral excitons. This system has the Gold/vanadium (60/6 nm) source and drain contacts were evapor-
required ingredients for new types of optoelectronic device, ated on top. Importantly, they overlap the gates to reduce the
such as spin- and valley-polarized light-emitting diodes, Schottky barriers at the contacts. For electrical transport measure-
on-chip lasers and two-dimensional electro-optic modulators. ments, a d.c. bias V is applied to one contact (the source) and the
Few-layer group-VIB transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs) current I from the other (the drain) is measured by a virtual-earth
are a class of semiconductors in the two-dimensional limit9,10,19. current preamplifier. The silicon substrate is grounded.
Because of their large carrier effective mass and reduced screening We start by showing that a p–n junction can be created electro-
in two dimensions, electron–hole interactions are much stronger statically. First, we set the gate voltages Vg1 and Vg2 to the
than in conventional semiconductors. This leads to large binding same value. Figure 1c shows the current produced with a bias of
energies for both charged and neutral excitons, which, as a result, V ¼ 0.5 V as the gate voltage Vg1 ¼ Vg2 is swept at 60 K (room-
are spectrally sharp, robust and amenable to electrical manipu- temperature measurements are shown in Supplementary Fig. 1).
lation16,20,21. In addition, the large spin–orbit coupling22 and acen- The current increases rapidly for gate voltages .þ 6.5 V (electron
tric structure of TMDs provides a connection between spin and doping) and ,2 6.5 V (hole doping), demonstrating ambipolar
valley degrees of freedom14, light polarization11,13,15,16 and magnetic operation. In the inset, the red I–V curve, taken at Vg1 ¼ Vg2 ¼ þ8.0 V,
and electric fields23 that can be exploited for new kinds of is almost symmetric, as expected for both gated regions being
device operation. equally electron-doped. The nonlinearity near zero bias can be
Although in bulk TMDs the bandgap is indirect, in the limit of a associated with the undoped gap between the gates and residual
single monolayer it becomes direct9,10, fulfilling the most basic Schottky barriers at the contacts. In contrast, the blue I–V curve,
requirement for efficient light emission. Indeed, electrolumines- taken with Vg1 ¼ þ8.0 V and Vg2 ¼ 28.0 V, shows the strong
cence has already been reported from monolayer MoS2 field-effect rectification behaviour expected for a p–n junction.
transistors (FETs), occurring near the Schottky contact with a The p–n junction can be investigated in detail using scanning
metal17 or with highly doped silicon18. However, the efficiency optical measurements25,26. Figure 2a presents a microscope image
and spectral quality was much lower than has been demonstrated of a device and Fig. 2b a corresponding scanning photocurrent
in other nanoscale light emitters such as carbon nanotubes7. image, measured with zero bias at 100 K using a 10 mW

Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA, 2 Department of Physics, Justus Liebig
University, 35392 Giessen, Germany, 3 Department of Physics, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA, 4 Department of Physics and
Astronomy, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee 37996, USA, 5 Materials Science and Technology Division, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Oak
Ridge, Tennessee, 37831, USA, 6 Department of Materials Science and Engineering, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, 37996, USA, 7 Advanced
Materials Laboratory, National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Ibaraki 305-0044, Japan, 8 Department of Physics and Center of Theoretical and
Computational Physics, University of Hong Kong, Pokfulam Road, Hong Kong, China. * e-mail: [email protected]

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a Vsd
A c 5

− + WSe2

− +
4 5


Current (nA)
BN Vg2 3
SiO2 0

Current (nA)
Si Pd

b 2
Vg2 S 1 −2 0 2
Vsd (V)
Vg1 WSe2 S
Vg2 D

−8 −4 0 4 8
4 μm
Vg1 = Vg1 (V)

Figure 1 | Monolayer WSe2 p–n junctions. a,b, Cartoon (a) and optical micrograph (b) of multiple monolayer WSe2 p–n junction devices with palladium
backgates (Vg1 and Vg2) and source (S) and drain (D) contacts. The source–drain voltage (Vsd) is applied to one contact and the current (A) is read out of
the other. During electroluminescence in the WSe2 , electrons (blue) and holes (yellow) move towards each other (arrows) and recombine. The backgates are
separated from the WSe2 by hexagonal BN. The device sits on a layer of silicon dioxide on a silicon substrate. c, Main panel: Variation of current with both
bottom gate voltages set equal (Vg1 ¼ Vg2 ¼ Vg) for one junction at bias Vsd ¼ 500 mV, showing ambipolar behaviour. Inset: I–Vsd characteristics when the
two gate voltages are set to be equal (Vg1 ¼ Vg2 ¼ 8 V, red) and opposite (Vg1 ¼ 28 V, Vg2 ¼ 8 V, blue) values above the injection threshold.

a b e

Photocurrent (nA)

Photoluminescence intensity (a.u.)


c d
Photoluminescence (×105 counts)

Photoluminescence energy (eV)

5 X+

1.55 1.65 1.75
Photon energy (eV)

Figure 2 | Photoresponse of monolayer p–n junction at 100 K. a, Microscope image of a monolayer p–n junction device. The source and drain contacts are
white, the two bottom gates are red, and the BN is blue. b, Corresponding scanning photocurrent image showing pronounced photocurrent generation
localized to the junction. The orange dashed lines outline the source and drain contacts whereas the blue dashed lines outline the backgates. c, Integrated
photoluminescence map. d, Peak photoluminescence energy map showing p and n regions as a result of the different energies of oppositely charged
excitons. X2 (Xþ) represents the negatively (positively) charged exciton found in the n (p) region e, Top to bottom: Selected spectra from n-doped region
(blue), junction (black) and p-doped region (red) with negative, neutral (Xo), and positive exciton features indicated. All maps taken with Vg1 ¼ þ8 V,
Vg2 ¼ 28 V. Scale bars, 4 mm.

diffraction-limited 660 nm laser spot scanned over the sample. We of WSe2 monolayers at 660 nm (ref. 27), the internal quantum effi-
see a large photocurrent signal localized between the gates, with a ciency reaches a maximum of 5%. Such a photocurrent is the
peak magnitude of 5 nA. Taking into account the 1% absorption natural result of the junction functioning as a photodiode, with

NATURE NANOTECHNOLOGY | VOL 9 | APRIL 2014 | www.nature.com/naturenanotechnology 269

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a b dominates, implying an excess of electrons. Above the other

intensity (a.u.)
gate, held at Vg2 ¼ 28.0 V (red trace), the higher-energy positively
charged Xþ trion (two holes and one electron) dominates, implying

an excess of holes. In the gap between the gates (black trace) the
neutral exciton Xo peak can also be seen, consistent with no
doping in that region. Here, the superimposed Xþ and X2 peaks
WSe2 may come from the gated regions, because the laser spot is larger
monolayer than the gap.
1.55 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75 When the device is configured as a p–n junction (Vg1 ¼ 2Vg2 ¼ 8 V),
Photon energy (eV) but not otherwise, we observe bright electroluminescence. Good
spectra can be obtained even at room temperature with a current
Figure 3 | Photoluminescence and electroluminescence. a, At 300 K, the of 5 nA, as illustrated (blue) in Fig. 3a. This current is three
electroluminescence spectrum (blue) generated by a current of 5 nA closely orders of magnitude smaller than in MoS2 FETs17,18. In fact, in
resembles the photoluminescence spectrum (red). b, Electroluminescence our best device we observed electroluminescence at an injection
image (red) superimposed on device image (greyscale). The dashed lines current as low as 200 pA (Supplementary Fig. 3). To understand
outline the WSe2 monolayer. Scale bar, 2 mm. the nature of the electroluminescence, we superimpose a normalized
photoluminescence spectrum of undoped monolayer WSe2 (red).
photogenerated carriers separated by a strong depletion field con- It is known that the photoluminescence of WSe2 arises from the
centrated in the undoped gap. The sensitivity of the photodiode recombination of direct-gap excitons; thus, the similarity between
can be tuned over a wide range by varying the gate voltages and the electroluminescence and photoluminescence spectra implies
bias (Supplementary Fig. 2). that the injected electrons and holes form excitons before recombin-
Figure 2c presents a corresponding map of the integrated photo- ing radiatively. This is a natural consequence of the large exciton
luminescence intensity, which indicates the high optical quality of binding energy due to the strong Coulomb interaction in monolayer
the whole WSe2 sheet and shows that the luminescence is not sub- TMDs. Figure 3b presents an image of the total electroluminescence
stantially quenched by the underlying gates. More revealingly, intensity (coloured) superimposed on a simple white-light reflection
Fig. 2d shows a colour map of the peak photoluminescence image (greyscale). It is clear that the electroluminescence emanates
photon energy, exhibiting two distinct regions clearly correlated from the entire length of the monolayer junction between the
with the expected n-doped (blue) and p-doped (red) parts of the two gates.
WSe2 above the gates. The reason for this is made clear in Fig. 2e, At low temperatures, the electroluminescence spectrum develops
which shows photoluminescence spectra taken at different pos- an interesting structure. Figure 4a shows a plot of electroluminescence
itions. The detailed origin of these spectral features has been estab- intensity as a function of current and photon energy. There are
lished previously16. Above the gate held at Vg1 ¼ þ8.0 V (blue trace) three main spectral features: a narrow higher-energy peak (green
the negatively charged X2 trion (two electrons and one hole) arrow), a broad central peak (brown arrow) and a lower-energy

a c
35 X−
intensity (log counts)

XI d
8 p region Junction n region
30 I = 24 nA
I (nA)

7 −K +K −K +K −K +K
Electroluminescence intensity (a.u.)

6 σ− σ+
25 X+

I = 27 nA
1.58 1.62 1.66 1.70
Photon energy (eV)

b 8 Xo + + +
+ + + + − − − −
intensity (log counts)


9 ×1.5 + + + − − −
4 I = 31 nA −
X− − − −
Vg (V)

Xo −V
7 +V
−4 6 I = 33 nA

1.58 1.62 1.66 1.70 1.5 1.6 1.7 1.8
Photon energy (eV) Photon energy (eV)

Figure 4 | Tuning valley-exciton electroluminescence at 60 K. a, Electroluminescence intensity plot as a function of bias current and photon energy. From
left to right, the arrows indicate the impurity-bound exciton (XI), the charged excitons (X2 then Xþ) and the neutral exciton (Xo). b, Plot of
photoluminescence intensity as a function of photon energy and gate voltage Vg ¼ V g1 ¼ Vg2. c, Selected electroluminescence spectra at different bias
currents. As the current increases, we observe electroluminescence tuning from XI through X2 and Xþ and finally Xo. The bottom spectrum is fit by four
Gaussian lineshapes, one for each exciton species. d, Band diagram and device schematic showing electroluminescence generation from valley excitons.
Wavy red arrows indicate electroluminescence. Dashed red (blue) arrow indicates the direction of hole (electron) flow. Filled and empty circles indicate
carriers in the þK and 2K valleys. Both valleys are shown to be populated, leading to electroluminescence that has both right (sþ) and left (s2)
circular polarization.

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peak (black arrow). The shapes and relative intensities of these fea- current for a given voltage by reducing the contact resistance, by
tures change with current. Their origins can be deduced from a improving the WSe2 crystal quality, and by employing improved
comparison with the photoluminescence, the intensity of which is membrane transfer techniques.
plotted in Fig. 4b as a function of photon energy and common Finally, we mention an important implication of these results. It
gate voltage Vg ¼ Vg1 ¼ Vg2. Here we see the tuning of the dominant has been conclusively demonstrated using polarization-resolved
exciton species as the carrier density is changed by gating16. The photoluminescence that the excitons in monolayer WSe2 are
photoluminescence feature that is strongest at Vg ¼ 0 is due to Xo formed in the +K valleys16. The excellent match of the electrolumi-
recombination. It has a similar width to, and is at the same position nescence with the photoluminescence thus proves that the electro-
(1.69 eV) as, the narrow electroluminescence peak, which we there- luminescence also comes from such valley excitons. In the
fore identify as the Xo emission. The dominant photoluminescence experiments described here, the injected electrons and holes popu-
feature at Vg . 0, which shifts from 1.663 eV to 1.625 eV as Vg late both valleys equally, as shown in Fig. 4d, forming excitons in
increases from 0 to þ8 V, is due to X2 (of which there are multiple both valleys and thus producing unpolarized light, as we have
species16). The broad electroluminescence feature occurs in the verified (Supplementary Fig. 4). As a result of the spin-valley
same range of energies, implying that it is dominated by X2. The locking in monolayer TMDs, where the þK and 2K band edges
dominant feature in the photoluminescence at Vg , 0 is due to have opposite spin14, we expect that using ferromagnetic contacts
Xþ. This aligns with the high-energy shoulder (grey arrow) on the to obtain spin-polarized injection will allow the creation of
broad electroluminescence feature at 1.670 eV. There is also a spin- and valley-LEDs with controllably polarized emission32.
band of emission from impurity-bound excitons (XI) in the photo-
luminescence, which matches the lower-energy electroluminescence Note added in proof: During the preparation of this Letter we
feature centred at 1.59 eV. became aware of two similar studies33,34.
The finding that X2 dominates the electroluminescence in
Fig. 4a is consistent with the observation that X2 has much stronger Received 3 October 2013; accepted 21 January 2014;
photoluminescence than the other exciton species (Fig. 4b). The published online 9 March 2014
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Author contributions
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31. Sim, S. et al. Exciton dynamics in atomically thin MoS2: interexcitonic
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nitride crystals. X.X, D.C., J.S.R and W.Y. wrote the paper. All authors discussed the results.
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inversion symmetry breaking. Phys. Rev. B 77, 235406 (2008).
33. Pospischil, A., Furchi, M. M. & Mueller, T. Solar-energy conversion and Additional information
light emission in an atomic monolayer p–n diode. Nature Nanotech. Supplementary information is available in the online version of the paper. Reprints and
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2014.14 (2014). permissions information is available online at www.nature.com/reprints. Correspondence and
34. Baugher, B. W. H., Churchill, H. O. H., Yang, Y. & Jarillo-Herrero, P. requests for materials should be addressed to X.X.
Optoelectronic devices based on electrically tunable p–n diodes
in a monolayer dichalcogenide. Nature Nanotech. Competing financial interests
http://dx.doi.org/10.1038/nnano.2014.25 (2014). The authors declare no competing financial interests.

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