GPS Khan Wali Kaley (Bara) For C&W Dept. MS Haji Turab Date 22-06-23

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Address: SF-02, 2nd Floor, Khyber Heights, (Board) Main University Road, Peshawar, Pakistan

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Groundwater Engineering Expert
Table of Content

S# Title Heading Page

1 Conclusion / Proposal 3
2 Introduction Principal 4
Advantages - Limitation 4
Method of Electric LOG 4
3 Site Information Area / Location 5
Site Information 5
Borehole Casing Schedule 5
Location Map 5
4 Electrical Borehole LOG LOG Design / Status of Tubewell 6

Graphic 7-8

Report Dated: June 22 2023

Report #: LOG/KHY/23-18

Mail to:
1. Contractor/Client
2. KhaS Geo Engineering Office
Conclusion/ Proposal:
The electrical borehole logging was recorded at GPS Khan Wali Kaley (Bara), District Khyber. The purpose of the
test is to identified, water bearing strata, and finalize borehole design, to attain maximum yield from the borehole.

General Geology Clay, gravel – boulder and slates bedrock

Water bearing zone Gravel – boulder and slates
Borehole Depth 321ft
Depth to Static Water Level 140ft. Approximately
Well Status Successful
Ground Water Quality Relatively fresh
Slot Size
Estimated Discharge 3000+ GPH (Depend on borehole dia and casing material)
Clay, gravel – boulder and slates are prominent strata components.
Depth to static water level is varying around 140ft.+
Gravel – boulder and slates beyond the estimated water level are useful aquifer for constructing, a successful water
source tubewell. Slot opening will be precisely observed with no irregular or curve shape or block slotted. No
thread in the slot opening, must be removed before lowering of casing pipe. Pump test should be
immediately start (with in 48hour time), once air compressor is completed. As mud may be hard to remove
from the borehole walls (surrounding) if the cleaning cannot be done on time. Proper cave gravel
(shrouding material) must be used. These steps are very necessary to enhance the borehole yield.
Necessary care can be made during lowering of casing pipe and shrouding material (Gravel packing).
It is important to mention that there are several discharge parameters that could increase / decrease
borehole yield.

Report Prepared/Concluded by;

(Geophysicist/ Geologist)

KhaS Geo Engineering

1) Introduction to Electrical Borehole LOG
Well logging, also known as borehole logging is the practice of making a detailed record (a well log) of
the geologic formations penetrated by a borehole. The log may be based either on visual inspection of samples
brought to the surface (geological logs) or on physical measurements made by instruments lowered into the
hole (geophysical logs). Some types of geophysical well logs can be done during any phase of a well's history:
drilling, completing, producing, or abandoning. Well logging is performed in boreholes drilled for the oil and
gas, groundwater, mineral and geothermal exploration, as well as part of environmental
and geotechnical studies.
 Advantages Directly measures bulk density. Is a deep imaging tool. Is effective in both cased and uncased
wells. Is unaffected by washouts, hole rugosity, or mud invasion effects. Can help determine seismic wavelet
scale density. Is a passive measurement, e.g., does not have active radioactive sources
 Limitation Direction away from the well to distant source cannot be determined without other information.
Engineering limitations of the tool restricts use to certain candidate wells (hole size, low deviation, slow
reading). Only a few tools presently available for use. Expensive to operate.

Method of Electrical Well LOG:

From numerous applied parameters, normal apparent resistivity, spontaneous potential, single point and
natural gamma are commonly employed in boreholes drilled for groundwater development.

Type of Log Properties Measured Application

Spontaneous Electrical potential caused by salinity Lithology, shale content, water quality
Potential SP difference in borehole and interstitial fluids
Single-Point Resistance of rock, saturating fluid, and High-resolution lithology, fracture location
Resistance SPR borehole fluid by differential probe
Resistivity R Resistivity in ohm-meters, of rock and Quantitative data on salinity of interstitial
saturating fluids water; lithology
Natural Gamma G Gamma radiation from natural or artificial Lithology – may be related to clay and silt
isotopes content and permeability; spectral identified

The normal resistivity measurements, single point resistance, and self-potential measurements are designed for
surveying open (uncased) fluid-filled boreholes. Gamma measurements can be taken in any borehole

 Bed boundary analysis, Facies changes, Quantitative geological formation properties, Identification of Hydro
stratigraphic units, Aquifer thickness and Water quality, Hydrocarbon intervals, Ore body zones, In-situ
Uranium assay, Fluid contaminant monitoring, Soil horizons, Grain size estimation
2) Site Information

Area Khyber
Location GPS Khan Wali Kaley (Bara)
Owner C & W DEPT.
Consultant NESPAK
Log Recorded SP & SPR
Instrument Mount Sopris MGX-II
Drilling Method Percussion / Cable Tools
Coordinate N 33 54 15.651 E 71 22 21.49541

3) Borehole Casing Schedule For Conversion

S# Depths (Ft) Screen (Ft) Slot Size (Ft)

1 164 – 200 36
2 236 – 260 24 1/32”
3 272 – 308 36

Location Map

Proposed Tubewell LOG Design at GPS Khan Wali Kaley (Bara) Khyber
For C & W Dept. C/O MS HAJI TURAB KHAN Consultant NES.Pak
Strata Chart Tubewell Design Status of Tubewell
00ft Above. G. Level 03ft
Detail Status
Estimated Water Level 140ft
10ft Draw Down 10ft
Est. Pump Setting 220ft
Gravel - Est. Discharge (GPH) 3000+
Boulder 140ft Filter Pipe PVC-D 96ft
Blind Pipe PVC-D 225ft
120ft Borehole Dia 18”
Blank Pipe Screen Casing Dia 10”
B. Plug Cone Pointer 01ft
132ft Ab. Ground Level Pipe 03ft

Slot Size 1/32”

Gravel - N 33 54 15.65 E 71 22 21.4954
Boulder 164ft

206ft 36ft
Clay Blind Pipe
234ft 200ft

36ft B,Plug
Slates Cone Pointer
24ft Packing Material
Clay Legend
270ft 272ft

Slates Gravel - Boulder


321ft Slates

B. Plug 13ft
Cone Pointer
Total 321ft N.T.S
Important Note /Disclaimer:
No legal responsibility or financial liability is accepted for any error/omission. This report is not valid for
court of law (Khas Geo Engineering). The author does not accept any responsibility for the use of this report
for any purposes other than that of its main purposes, and does not accept responsibility to any third party
for the use in whole or in part of the contents of report.

K haS Geo Engineering is a company based in Peshawar, working for exploration,

evaluation of groundwater potential, estimation of groundwater quality using resistivity

techniques and general hydrogelogical studies.

Development and Designing: drilling by St. Rotary and percussion methodology up to the recommended
depths and diameters. Using geophysical well logging techniques comprising of resistivity, spontaneous
potential, natural gamma radiation, and caliper and flow measurement.

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