Mini-Lesson Example

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Lesson Information

Lesson Title Corners--Likes and Dislikes

Lesson Objective By the end of this lesson, students will be able to get to know
each other in English by noticing who has similar likes and
dislikes in the class

Materials Needed Students will Materials Needed: 3 posters--yes, no, and


Student Information

Number of Students 15

Student Age/Grade 9-10 years old or 4th Grade

Student Language High Beginner or Low Intermediate

Proficiency Level


Brief Description Teacher will ask students questions about preferences

What does the Teacher do? Teacher will put 1 poster in each corner of the classroom (each
with a different word: yes, no, and sometimes) before class.
Teacher will explain that students are to stand up and after the
teacher asks a question, the students are to move to the correct
corner of the classroom that answers the question. Teacher will
model for students how to do this. Teacher will say “Do you like
to eat hamburgers?” Teacher will move to the corner that would
be the teacher’s response to the question. Teacher will then have
1 or 2 students volunteer to model activity.

What do the Students do? Students will then proceed to do the activity while the teacher will
ask the questions: Do you like: to talk on the phone, watch scary
movies, eat at a restaurant, etc.? Students will move to the
corner that answers the question for themselves.

How does this activity help Students will get to know each other through the questions that
students achieve the lesson the teacher asks

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