Teks MC

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Assalamualaikum wr. Wb. ……………..

Alhamdulillahirobbil alamiiin wabihi ……………………

The First of all, let us pray and praise to Alloh SWT, because his bless and mercy, we can attend in
this event in healthy and without any obstacle. And never forget, let us greet and pray May Alloh
gives to our beloved prophet Muhammad SAW, to his families, to his friends and also May His
intercession for us in the day of reconvense, Aaamiin yra………..

- The honorable the Principle of Vocational High School Ast

- The honorable the Representative from Branch office of Dinas Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan
West Java Province
- The honorable the Leader of foundation Assuyuthiyyah
- The honorable the school committee of Vocational high school plus ast
- The honorable the Society figure, the religion figure, the young figure and the all guest who
has special by Alloh SWT
- The honorable all teachers, staff administration office, Occasion committee who has
- The honorable all the guests and all parents
- And my beloved for graduates of vocational high school Plus Asuyuthiyyah

All praises and thanks be to Alloh, on the day, May 4th 2019 we attend the graduation and farewell
ceremony for the graduates of vocational High school plus ast in academic year 2018/2019 with the
theme “Return with excelent person that’s benefit for religion, family and state”. In this event any
some lists of agenda, some of them : …… (see list of agenda)

Ladies and gentleman who respect…please we pray, may this event can fluent nothing obstacle until
finish and accepted by Alloh SWT, Aamiin yra…Let us open in this event with reading together
“Basmallah…” begins Bismillahirrohmanirohiiim…....

2. Every body who respect….in order to for effectiveness of time, in this event we begin to present
pick all graduates up ceremony and then creation of Marching Band of all students vocational high
school ast, peacock bird dance, and pora sword who will be leaded by ........ continued “ribbon cut”
with gives the flower necklace. ( for Marchingband team and tradition ceremony team, time is

4. Ladies and gentleman… so we it was the perfoming from our children.the really, if they are
educated and trained with serious skill’s children can growth and improve. May for the future can be
better than it. Aaamiin yra..let us continue to reciting the holy Qur’an who will be brought by
( please, time is yours)

Thanks to my beloved .. who has recited the holy qur’an , may its very important especially for who
has recited and generally for us, Aamiin yra…
5. Well ladies and gentleman for the next agenda is sing a song “Indonesia Raya” who will be
brought by all students

- For all the guests and the audiences, please stand up!

- For all the guests and the audiences, please have a sit!

Thank you so much for all…

6. Ladies and gentleman let’s continue to sing a song Mars SMK BISA who will be brought choir team

( time is yours…)

7. Marawis

8. ladies and gentleman who accepted by Alloh SWT. For the next is Reporting of Committee who
will be brought by Mr. Teddy Nugraha, S. Sos as a vice principal in student section (time is yours).

9. Reading Letter of decision and announcing of rating the best value.to be continue to giving the
medal for all graduates in academic year 2018/2019.

For everybody let’s us see for announcing letter of decision graduating and the rating is the best
value from resulting the final exam 2018/2019, who will be brought by Mrs Deby Swargi, S.Pd. as a
vice principal in the curriculum section. For mrs deby time is yours…

Next, we continue to giving medal for all graduates in academic year 2017/2018. For principal of
vocational High school ast time is yours… ( for all graduates please ready, cuz called based on class,
the first ap major and next tkj major)

10. Ladies and gentleman let’s us see the handshake agenda from all graduates to each ur parents,
and continue the handshake from all graduates to teacher. The role are :

a. To parents. All graduates directly handshake to each parents who have sut down on the chair,
next washing parents’s feet. Please slow down cuz will be followed by kacapi and suling and also any
narration who will be recited by narrator.

b. For teacher. The handshake for teacher will be represented by the bride and groom.if the bride to
female teacher, and the groom to male teacher.Please slow down cuz will be followed by kacapi and
suling. ( for the principal of SMK Plus ast, time is yours )

11. everyone who I respect..next let’s us listening from choir SMK Plus ast who will be showed a song
“Terima kasih Guru”. For choir team time is yours…

12. Ladies and gentleman let’s us see some of speechs. the first speech who will be delivered by the
principal of vocational high school plus ast, and then by announcing. ( for mr. a ferry nur el firdaus
S.Ag. time is yours)

The second speech who will be delivered by school committee of vocational high school plus ast. (To
Mr. Drs. Ece Zaenal Abidin..time is yours)
Ladies and gentleman for the third speech who will be delivered by chairman/chairwoman of the
educational foundation assuyuthiyyah. (To ........................................ time is yours)

And for the last speech who will be delivered by representative from branch office disdikbud west
java province. (to him time is yours)

13. song pileuleyan

14. Speech of the twelve grade



15. song Paturay tineung

16. Speech of junior class

For all guests who has accepted by Alloh SWT, all praises and thanks be to Alloh Agenda by agenda
have showed to you. Alhamdulillah nothing obstacle, may it forever, aamiin yra….. and now we will
close by praying, and who will be delivered by................................... time is yours.

Ladies and gentleman who I respect all praises and thanks be to Alloh the main list agenda were
finished. Please take a rest for a moment, and before to be continue to second session that is some
perfoming from all students SMK plus ast.have u enjoy it….
Skenario Paturay Tineung


Cianjur, 05 Juni 2022
Tema: Kembailah Dengan Pribadi Unggul Yang Bermanfaat Bagi Agama, Keluarga,
dan Negara.

1. Bubuka
Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb.
Robbi sohri sodri waya sirli amri wahlul ukhdatal millisan yapqohu qaoli….
Sumangga urang sanggakeun heula puja, puji, sareng sukur ka Dzat anu Maha
Suci, Alloh SWT. Anu parantos maparin mangpirang-pirang ni’mat ka urang, utamaina
ni’mat rijki anu parantos katuang ku urang, ni’mat, sehat, sareng ni’mat iman Islam
urang. Sholawat sareng salam mugia salawasna disanggakeun ka Jungjunan alam, Nabi
Muhammad Saw.ka kulawargina, ka Para Sohabatna, atuh mudah-mudahan safaatna dugi
ka urang salaku umatna di yaomail akhir. Amin Y.R.A.
Bapa Kapala SMK Plus Assuyuthiyah anu dipihormat,
Wawakil ti KC. Disdikbud Prov. Jabar Wil. VI, anu dipihormat
Pupuhu YPPI Assuyuthiyah anu dipihormat
Tokoh masarakat, tokh agama, tokoh pamuda, oge para tamu uleman,
Dewan guru, stap TU, Panata Calagara anu dipikareueus
Ibu-ibu, bapa-bapa sepuh siswa anu dipihormat,
Oge siswa/siswi SMP sareng SMK Plus Assuyuthiyah anu dipicinta

Alhamdulillah dinten ieu, Ahad, ping 5 Juni 2022 urang tiasa patepung lawung
paamprok jonghok dina raraga WISUDA/Ngistrenan Siswa Lulusan Taun Pangajaran
2021/2022 SMK Plus Assuyuthiyah, kalayan Jejer/ Tema “Kembalilah dengan pribadi
unggul yang bermanfaat bagi Agama, Keluarga, jeung Nagara”. Dupi kagiatan dina ieu
acara nya eta……. (Tinggal Susunan Acara.)

Ibu-ibu miwah bapa-bapa anu dipihormat, pamugi ieu acara tiasa lungsur l`angsar,
taya halangan harungan, bari lancar, tartib, tur aman dugi ka rengse. Ieu acara urang
buka wae kalayan ngaos Bissmilah… sasarengan. Dikawitan…

2. Istigosah ( rengse Istigosah, dubling Kacapi Suling, maca Sajak)

Ibu-ibu, Bapa-bapa, hadirin anu sami lenggah… nembe parantos kasakseni
kaparigelan sareng momones putra/putrid urang. Tetela ari dibingbing sareng dilatih
kalayan daria mah, potensi barudak the tiasa mekar sareng majeng, mugi wae kapayun
mah tiasa langkung ti kitu. Amin… sumangga urang teraskeun kana ngaoskeun
Istigosah, anu bade didugikeun ku Neng Nisfi sareng Yandi wawakil ti kls 12, ka ......
mangga dihaturanan.
3. Lagu Indonesia Raya
Alhamdulillah, nembe parantos kadangu ku sadayana “lantunan” ayat-ayat
Istigosah, pamugi sing janten amal ibadah tur baroqah, hususna kanggo nu ngaosna, atuh
umumna kanggo nu ngadangu. Amin.// Hadirin anu dipihormat, mangga urang
lajengkeun kana lagu Indnesia Raya,dilajengkeunku Lagu Mars SMK anu bade
didugikeun ku team Paduan Suara SMK Plus Assuyuthiyah. Hadirin dihaturanan ngadeg.
Hatur nuhun. (ka team Paduan Suara mangga nyanggakeun)…..

4. Lagu Mars SMK BISA

Hadirin anu dipihormat… mangga caralik deui. Hatur nuhun. .. Ibu-ibu, bapa-bapa,
ayeun urang lajengkeun kana lagu Mars SMK BISA anu bade didugikeun ku team
“Paduan Suara” diteraskeun ku Marawis SMK Plus Assuyuthiyah. Wilujeng
ngabandungan. ( ka team Paduan Suara mangga nyanggakeun, oge ka ream Marawis
geura tatan-tatan.)

5. Pengumuman Kelulusan :
a. SMK : Wakasek Kurikulum ; Au Kurnia, S.Kom
b. SMP : Urusan Kurikulum ; Daarina Noor El Nadhrati,

6. Sambutan-Sambutan :
a. Ketua Panitia (Wakasek Kesis, Tedy Nugraha, S.Pd.)
Ibu-ibu miwah Bapa-bapa anu dimulyakeun ku Alloh SWT… Salajengna
urang teraskeun kana laporan Panata Calagara, anu bade didugikeun ku Wakil
Kapala SMK Plus Assuyuthiyah. Ka Bapa Tedy Nugraha, S.Sos. mangga
b. Ketua Yayasan Assuyuthiyyah
c. Kepala Sekolah sekaligus penyerahan Wisudawan/ti kpd orang tua.:
1) SMK Plus Assuyuthiyyah oleh H.A.Ferry Nur El Firdaus, S.Ag.
2) SMP Plus Assuyuthiyyah oleh Dedep Nurussobah, S.E.
d. Komite Sekolah
e. Ketua MKKS SMK (Nurdin, S.H. S.Pd.)
f. Pengawas Sekolah :
1) SMK (Ade Sopyan, S.P. M.P)
2) SMP

7. Ngistrenan sareng masrahkeun Medali

Hadirin, urang lajengkeun kana ngistrenan Wisudawn dilajengkeun ku masrahkeun
Madali ka siswa lulusan taun pangajaran 2021/2022. Ka Bapa Kapala SMK Plus
Assuyuthiyah dihaturanan. ( Para siswa geura sayaga, dumasar absen kelas ti Jurusan
TKJ.DKV, OTKP). Diiringi lagu Himne Guru dan Terima Kasih Guruku…. Debling
Kacapi Suling pada baca Sajak.

8. Pamasrahan Medali Lulusan SMP ku Dedep Nurussobah, S.E.

9. Tayangan Vidio Lumampahna Siswa/I SMK Plus Assuyuthiyyah.
10. Kesan jeung Pesan:
a. Wakil TKJ
b. Wakil DKV
c. Wakil OTKP

11. Dua/ Tutup

Ibu-ibu, bapa-bapa, hadirin anu mulya. Acara demi acara parantos dipidangkeun.
Alhamdulillah taya halangan harungan, mugi sing saterasna. Amin. Ayeuna urang tutup
wae ku Dua, anu bade didugikeun ku Ust. ...... . Ka Bp. Ust. ................, mangga

12. Sesi Photo diiringi lagu Pileuleuyan:

a. Seluruh siswa kelas XII dan Guru, Stap TU
b. Jurusan TKJ, Guru, dan Wali kls
c. Jurusan DKV, Guru, dan Wali Kls
d. Jurusan OTKP, Guru, dan Wali kls.

13. Kreasi Siswa :

a. Lagu Datang Akan Pergi;
b. Lagu Pura-Pura Lupa, versi Wisuda; Yandi dan Dewi
c. Lagu Surat Cinta Untuk Starla; Mia dkk.
d. Lagu Tiga Tahun; Nurhasanah
e. Lagu Runtuh: Fatim dan Aril.

Ibu-ibu, Bapa-bapa, hadirin anu dipihormat… Alhamdulillah, runtuyan acara poko

dina ieu kagiatan parantos rengse. Mangga urang reureuh heula sakedap, sateuacan
dateraskeun kana sesi kadua nya eta Pidangan Kreasi Seni Siswa/Siswi SMK Plus
Assuyuthiyah. Wilujeng ngaso.

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