Preparation of Environmental Friendly Plastic Brick From High-Density Polyethylene Waste
Preparation of Environmental Friendly Plastic Brick From High-Density Polyethylene Waste
Preparation of Environmental Friendly Plastic Brick From High-Density Polyethylene Waste
Case Report
Keywords: Plastic wastes are growing fast and affecting the environment negatively. Thus, finding different methods of
Compressive strength disposing of is becoming a major concern. This research aimed to minimize the plastic by recycling it into
Portland cement construction materials. For this, grinding high-density polyethylene (HDPE) was mixed with cement at different
Recycled bricks
percentages to produce plastic bricks. The compressive strength, density, and water absorption capacity were
Recycled HDPE
investigated. The compressive strength was found within the recommended value (2000 psi) up to 35% mixture
of HDPE. The addition of HDPE with cement decreased the density, increased the ductility, and improved the
workability which led to producing lightweight materials.
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected], [email protected] (M.R. Shaibur).
Received 24 September 2022; Received in revised form 20 December 2022; Accepted 21 December 2022
Available online 27 December 2022
2666-0164/© 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
The contribution of plastic waste production is different for different important to reduce environmental pollution and prevent waste re
countries. It was reported that about 51% of the plastic in the world was sources [47,48]. In Bangladesh, PE (high density and low density) be
generated in Asia in 2020. Singly China was responsible for 31% of longs to the thermoplastic polymers which are utilized to prepare
plastics production in the world, producing 82 kg per capita. In contrary containers, flower pots, buckets, and furniture additives [49]. Plastic
Japan produced only 3% of the global production. The NAFTA countries waste has become much more popular in different sectors such as con
produced 19% of the world’s plastic in total, but the equivalent of 141 kg struction material, clothing demand, packaging, personal care products
per capita in 2020 the highest per-person toll. Out of the 20 highest as well as in the transportation sector.
plastic polluter countries in the world, Bangladesh is ranked 10th Bangladesh has about 7200 brick kilns [50,51]. For construction
through the mismanagement of macro plastic waste. The average con purposes, Bangladesh produces about 23.0 billion brick blocks to meet
sumption of plastic by a Bangladeshi is around 6.0 kg per year [43]. its housing demand [50] with a projection of 2–3%. To tackle the rapid
Again, Bangladesh’s annual per capita plastic consumption in urban urbanization growth, brick aggregate has become one of the most
areas rose from 3.0 kg in 2005 [44] to 9.0 kg in 2020 [45]. The annual important options for construction ingredients [52]. Brick kilns exert
per capita consumption of plastic in Dhaka is even higher, 24 kg per year extreme impacts on air, soil, and water [4,51]. Considering those
per person. It means huge quantities of plastic waste are directly dis negative impacts, green building construction has been mandatory for
carded into the environment and creating severe problems in nature. providing building materials without destroying the environmental
The summary of plastic production in the world is summarized in quality. In many countries, concrete cement brick is being produced
Table 1. instead of soil brick. Concrete brick can be built by using different types
Plastic waste production is directly related to the human population of discarded plastic wastes mixed with cement [1,4,13,17–19,53]. That
because the increasing population ultimately leads to the demand for means concrete plastic bricks could be produced without burning and
higher plastic consumption [46]. Therefore, recycling plastic waste is using natural resources [54]. Therefore, replacing brick manufacturing
with plastic aggregate act as a green construction material that could
Table 1 reduce the massive demand for bricks for building industries [18]. Some
The total production percentages of plastics in 2020 in the world. studies showed that the reuse of plastic waste in construction materials
is more impressive as compared to conventional materials [55]. Keeping
Geographical Location Production % Total (%)
it in mind, various types of materials especially alternative bricks were
China 31 trying to introduce by HBRI [56,57]. Other organizations are also
Japan 3
involved to produce different types of concrete brick aggregates. Those
Rest of Asia 17
types of concrete brick production are cost-effective and environmen
Total Production in the Asian Continent 51
tally friendly [57].
Middle East and Africa 7
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) Countries 19 In Bangladesh, burnt bricks are the most widely used materials in the
European Countries 16 construction sector. Considering the environmental impacts of burnt
Latin American Countries 4 bricks and the production of huge quantities of plastic waste, alternative
Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) 3 and sustainable building materials should be needed for the well-being
Grand Total Production in the World 100 of humans and also for the improvement of environmental quality.
Source: Plastics Europe 2021b (https://www.statista.
The use of plastics wastes in concrete brick production is lucrative to
com/chart/17564/annual-per-capita-production-of-plastic-by-region/). lessen the amount of landfilled waste and save natural resources. This
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
contributes to reduced pollution, CO2 emissions, and cost [58,59]. 2. Materials and methods
Considering the facts in mind, the HBRI of Bangladesh has taken such an
initiative that reduces pollution, save surface soils, reduces macro 2.1. Study area
plastic pollution, and also provides shelter for the people and future
generation [60–62]. Therefore, the present research was conducted to Working station 1: Jashore belongs to the main District of undivided
improve the physical environment, protect resources, and convert Bengal which is an increasing center of South-Western Bangladesh
plastic waste into a sustainable product. The objectives of this study (Figs. 1a and b). There are 8 Upazila in Jashore District. These are
were (1) to observe the impacts of plastic waste management on Abhaynagar, Bagherpara, Chaugachcha, Jhikargachcha, Jashore Sadar,
building up a sustainable environment and (2) to find out the possibility Keshabpur, Manirampur, and Sharsha [63–65]). Jashore Sadar Upazila
of using HDPE in the concrete block for the construction industries. was the present study area. The two places namely (a) Kalabagan and (b)
Khajura bus stand are in Jashore Municipality and are chosen as the 1st
working station and Dhaka was the second working station (Fig. 1c).
Food crates were dumped recklessly all over Bangladesh and are
Fig. 1. Map of the study area. (a) Map of Bangladesh; (b) Map of Jashore district; and (c) Map of the two working stations. Working station 1 (Kalabagan and Khajura
bus stand, Jashore), Working station 2 (HBRI, 120/3 Darussalam, Mirpur Road, Dhaka-1216). These maps were taken from Google Maps on April 08, 2021.
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
available in the study areas. Therefore, these two areas of Jashore Dis Table 2
trict were chosen for HDPE crates collection (Figs. 1c and 2a). After Different % of high-density polyethylene waste mixed with portland cement and
collection, the food crates were washed with pond water to remove dirty water.
things and to avoid probable contamination and were air dried. A cut HDPE (%) PLC (%) WC (mL) Density (g/cm3)
ting machine was used to make the large size to small size (Fig. 2b) 0 100 200 2.00
enable enough to help in the grinding process. Small aggregates were 25 75 190 1.645
put into PGM to get coarse to fine aggregates (Fig. 2c). Then the grinding 30 70 195 1.508
powder was sieved (Fig. 2d) with 3–6 mesh sieves to get homogeneous 35 65 200 1.476
40 60 205 1.437
powder (Fig. 2e). The sieve consisted of several layers. The machines
45 55 210 1.415
were made completely with clear plastic, ensuring the material’s purity. 50 50 215 1.360
The mesh fine powder particle was mixed with different percentages of
N.B: HDPE = High-Density Polyethylene; PLC = Port-Land Cement; WC = Water
PLC and water (Fig. 2f and g; Table 2) to make a mold (Fig. 2h). Finally,
this mold was used to produce plastic brick (Fig. 2i).
Working station 2: The HBRI had been chosen as the working station
2 for doing experimental characterization of HDPE brick (Fig. 2 g, h, i). mold. It was kept for 24 hours in the mold until dried. After drying, the
The station is situated at 120/3 Darussalam, Mirpur Road, Dhaka 1216, DW of all the samples was taken to determine density before curing.
Bangladesh. The institute is recognized as an autonomous organization Afterward, samples were put in water for 7 days more to study their CS
that contributes significantly to providing construction materials in the and TS strength. Again, after 7 days the samples were taken out from the
direction of the Bangladesh Government under the Ministry of Housing water and dried to test their properties. In the second step, the sample
and Public Works. The institute was established through the passing of was kept in the water again for 28 days to study their properties [68].
the Housing and Building Research Institutes Act 2016 [66]. The HBRI
has taken different environmental protection initiatives for alternative 2.3. Shape of the products
brick production without decreasing the use of environmental resources.
Usually, the shape of the brick was fixed as a square block. The
square block of forma was prepared previously and it was a fixed shape.
2.2. Brick-making process The forma was made up of tin. The mold was kept inside the forma and
the brick was prepared like the forma.
The different percentages of HDPE powder were mixed with PLC and
water (Figs. 2f, g, h; Figs. 3a and b c, d, e, f; Table 3). The percentages of 2.4. Density measurement
powder and PLC were taken on a weight basis but the water was taken
on a volume basis. The quantity of water increased with the increasing Density (mass of a unit volume of materials) is expressed as grams
HDPE percentage, because, plastics are hydrophobic and less compact per cubic centimeter. Mathematically it is premeditated as the total mass
[67]. It was done to get a homogenous concrete to cast on the small divided by volume.
Fig. 2. Process of brick making. (a) Food crates collection, (b) Cutting machine, (c) Granular machine, (d) Sieving, (e) Fine plastic powder, f) Portland cement, (g)
Water for mixture, (h) Fine plastic waste and portland cement after mixing with water and (i) Plastic brick making with portland cement and HDPE wastes (the
photographs were taken using the mobile phone: Symphony H250, Oct 14, 2021).
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
Fig. 3. Different percentages of HDPE and Portland cement. (a) 0% HDPE, control, (b) 25% HDPE, (c) 30% HDPE, (d) 35% HDPE, (e) 40% HDPE, (f) 45% HDPE and
(g) 50% HDPE (the photographs were taken using the mobile phone (Symphony H250, Oct 20, 2021). The plastic bricks were produced in the Laboratory of Housing
and Building Research Institute (HBRI). NB: HDPE = High-Density Polyethylene.
0 225.58 225.98 0.40 0.18 2967 3485 2.5. Water absorption test
25 215.68 216.23 0.55 0.26 2736 3015
30 197.79 198.73 0.94 0.48 2064 2120
Before the water absorption test, bricks were dried in an oven at
35 193.52 194.66 1.14 0.59 1896 2008
40 188.41 189.78 1.37 0.73 1840 1895 105–115 ◦ C until reached a constant weight at room temperature. Then
45 185.48 186.91 1.43 0.77 1392 1448 the DW of the brick was taken (W1). After that, the dried bricks were
50 178.33 179.82 1.49 0.83 1280 1336 immersed completely in a plastic container containing clean water for
N.B: CS = Compressive Strength; DW = Dry Weight; HDPE = High-Density 24 hours at a room temperature of 27 ± 4 ◦ C. After that, the wet brick
Polyethylene; psi = Pound Square Inches; SW = Saturated Weight. WA = was removed from the plastic container. The extra water from the brick
Water Absorption. was removed and then the weight of the saturated brick was taken
immediately to calculate the weight of the wet brick (W2; [70]). The
ρ = m/v, where amount of water absorbed (%) was measured by using the following
ρ = is the density formula [71]:
m = is the mass and
WA = (W2 – W1)/W1 × 100
v = is the volume.
where WA = Water absorption (percentage).
Weight is the force on a mass under the influence of gravity and This test was carried out to determine the water absorption by the
therefore varies with local gravitational force. The volume of the plastic brick. Standard bricks can not tolerate water more than 12% of their
block is the area occupies by the block. The volume of the materials may weight. In the construction field, a small amount of water absorption is
differ with the arrangement of the material. needed to avoid any cracks or defects.
First of all, the weight of the plastic block was taken and the mass
was recorded as grams (g). If the scale was calculated in pounds, then the 2.6. Determination of compressive strength
resultant weight value should be multiplied by 453.6 to convert it to the
gram. Secondly, for measuring the volume of the plastic block, a well- First of all, bricks were immersed in clean water at room
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
temperature. All voids were removed by adding clean water, then the 3. Results and discussion
brick was kept in a jute bag covered for 24 hours, followed by immersion
in clean water for another 3 days. Finally, the extra water was removed 3.1. Shape of the products
and the bricks were ready for the compression test [72]. The CS was
determined with the UTM (UTE 3000, Kolhapur - 416 122, Maharashtra, In this research, square shape bricks were produced. It is the first and
India) with a capacity of 1000 kN and 0.1 KN, respectively. the physical structure of the brick. In Bangladesh, there is some differ
The CS of the respective samples was calculated by the following ence in brick shape and structure. But in almost all cases the structure of
formula: the brick was square. Square-shaped bricks could be easily used for
CS = P/A where, CS = Compressive strength, P = maximum load at giving the shape of the desired structure.
failure, and A is the area [73]. The CS is calculated when a material can
withstand and tolerate maximum stress without any fracture [74]. The 3.2. Density of the products
CS test is the main test to find the suitability of brick for construction
work which is executed with the help of a compressive testing machine. The densities of plastic bricks produced in this research were
The determination of CS is a familiar test for the brick industry before measured and presented in Table 2. The densities of plastic bricks
going to any construction activities. The determination of CS is decreased with the increasing percentage of HDPE in the plastic blocks,
mandatory to find out the strength of brick and whether it is suitable for though the changing rate is very low. Density differs due to the use of
building materials or not. Another way to the determination of CS of the amount and types of materials used in the aggregate [4,13]. Density
brick sample is: plays an important role in all types of construction sectors.
CS = (Applied maximum load × 1000 N)/Cross-sectional area With the increasing percentage of HDPE and other waste plastic
(mm2). The CS of the brick was performed by following the standard materials in the bricks, the density of the bricks decreased and gives low
procedure [75]. The brick was kept under pressure and the force strength to the brick [77]. The decreased density was most probably due
required to break the brick was recorded. The CS test was performed at to the low unit weight property of the HDPE. It is believed that the
the end of the 7 and 28 days of curing [76]. The summary of plastic brick weight per unit volume of plastic is lower than that per unit of cement.
formation was presented in Fig. 4. With the increasing percentage of the weight of HDPE, the volume of
brick increased resulting in a decrease in density. The highest density
2.7. Strength behavior after exposure to temperature was found in the control brick (Table 2). The strength of the brick was
correlated with the density of the brick [4,13,78]. A similar report
To evaluate the properties of bricks at elevated temperatures, the concluded that the density of plastic bricks decreases with the increasing
bricks were heated in an incubator at a temperature of 35–40 ◦ C for 12 percentage of PET (5, 10, and 15% [4,78]; or waste fishing nets [1,17,
hours (Fig. 3f). These temperatures were chosen because these ranges of 53] in those blocks. Another study reported that the density could be
temperatures are the peak temperature in Bangladesh, and its sur minimized by adding aluminum powder [79].
rounding areas. The time 12 hours was chosen because this time is the Brick aggregate has specific properties such as higher WAC, aggre
more or less the highest time of exposure to the sun in Bangladesh. After gate impact value, aggregate crushing value, LAAVs, and lower CS and
exposing these temperatures and time, the CS was determined by unit weight. On the contrary, concrete containing brick aggregate has
following the standard procedure [61]. shown higher CS, higher TS, and lower modulus of elasticity [80,81].
Plastic materials are used with PLC as the aggregates of plastic materials.
These materials have proven their efficiency to increase the mechanical
properties of construction materials such as CS, WAR, and durability
[73,82,83]. Among them, a mixer of sand and cement block, Ferro
cement channel, thermal block, fly ash, etc. were used. The HBRI
Fig. 4. Working station 2 where the different parameters were tested. (a) Housing and Building Research Institute (HBRI), (b) Casting and molding of plastic brick,
(c) Plastic container in which plastic bricks were immersed in clean water, (d) Weighing machine which was used for weight measurement of dry and wet bricks, (e)
Compressive strength test for plastic bricks and (f) Strength behavior after heating.
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
produced different types of environmental friendly bricks in Bangladesh with the increasing LDPE [91], HDPE [92,93], and PP [94] in the plastic
e.g. CSEB, CSEBRJF, ICSEB, SCMB, TB, AC, CHB, FCSP, and TDP. Pre blocks. Many factors might be responsible for lowering the CS of plastic
vious studies of HBRI showed that the brick could be produced from the aggregate such as: (a) low bond formation between the surface of plastic
drainage soil with sand which is environmental friendly without aggregate and cement paste and (b) plastic materials can be hydro
polluting the environment. These types of bricks could be used in con phobic which makes it water impermeable during cement hydration
struction activities that showed maximum durability than normal bricks reaction [95].
[66]. The density of the plastic brick in this study was within the rec
ommended value at 0, 25, 30, and 35% of HDPE, therefore, it could be
concluded that plastic at a certain percentage is helpful for concrete 3.6. Relationship among the percentage of HDPE, density, WA, and CS
brick and the sustainable development of the environment.
In this research, we wanted to set up a relationship between the
3.3. Relationship between the percent of HDPE and weight presence of HDPE and the density of the bricks. It was evident that 1%
increase of HDPE in the concrete block the density decreased by 0.0119
It was observed that both DW and SW decreased with the increasing g/cm3 (Fig. 5a). The intercept between the density and the percentage of
percentages of HDPE in the concrete bricks (Table 3). This is because HDPE was 1.9516 (Fig. 5a). The regression line between HDPE and the
plastic is lighter than cement. A higher percentage of HDPE occupies a density was negatively correlated (Fig. 5a). It means, the density
higher volume in concrete brick, resulting in lower dry and saturated decreased with the increasing HDPE in the plastic brick and the value
weight. In this research, the volume of brick was fixed in its forma. was about 87% (Fig. 5a). On the contrary, there was a positive corre
Recently, it was reported that the weight of the concrete cement block lation between water absorption percentage and the percentage of HDPE
decreased with the increasing percentage of PET plastic in the concrete in plastic brick (Fig. 5b). It means, in presence of HDPE, there might be
cement [4,77].
S. Sarwar et al. Case Studies in Chemical and Environmental Engineering 7 (2023) 100291
huge void spaces in the plastic bricks, these voids might be responsible point in this experiment. At the 0% of HDPE, the moisture percentage
for the higher absorption of water. We suspect that the presence of a was found to be about 7.6 (incubated at 7 days) and 13.6 (incubated at
higher amount of HDPE in the concrete block might not be so good for 28 days), respectively. The bottommost moisture percentage was noted
the plastic brick. in both cases at 25% of HDPE (Fig. 6c). The HDPE types of plastics show
Again, the relationship between the presence of HDPE in plastic brick minimal branching with linear structure resulting in a rigid and compact
and CS showed that the CS decreased with the increasing percentage of structure with few pores formation that inhibits the movement and
HDPE in the plastic brick (Fig. 6a). It means, the relationship between penetration of water molecules in the HDPE pavement bricks [96,97]. At
HDPE and the CS is negative. The highest CS was found in the control lower percentages of HDPE, the moisture absorption rate of plastic brick
and the lowest value was in the presence of the highest HDPE in the may be decreased due to the fact that the hydrophobic nature of plastic
brick at 7 days (Fig. 6a). It was revealed that every 1% increase of HDPE waste. The other probable causes might be due to the presence of higher
in the brick can decrease the CS of about 35.73 psi at 7 days. In this case, percentages of plastic might reduce the pore spaces of cement which
the intercept is 3173.6 (Fig. 6a). The regression line in Fig. 6a explains ultimately reduce the moisture percentages. The changes in moisture
that the relationship between the two variables is about 87%. Similar absorption rate are influenced by the size of the aggregate for example
trends were also found in the higher HDPE in the brick at 28 days bricks made up of only plastic wastes showed no changes in terms of
(Fig. 6b). water absorption rate as compared to bricks made up of plastic waste
Fig. 6c demonstrated the quadratic affiliation between the HDPE with sand [67,98]. Recent findings showed that the moisture absorption
percentage of plastic brick and the moisture absorption percentage rate decrease with the increasing HDPE and compaction of paving block
incubated in 7 and 28 days, respectively. Moisture absorption percent in the mixture [88]. The reason behind the variation trend of moisture
age decreases with the increasing plastic waste contents to a certain absorption rate depends on the hydrophobicity of plastic wastes that
inhibits the movement of water into and within the HDPE pavement
brick [96,99].
Interestingly, the present study showed that the water absorption
increased when more than 25% of HDPE was used in the mixture
(Fig. 6c). In the presence of higher percentages of HDPE, the porosity of
cement brick might be increased or the higher percentage of HDPE alter
the structure of the HDPE brick aggregate which ultimately increased
the water content in the ongoing research [84]. Moisture absorption
percentages were found to be decreased first and then increased with
increasing HDPE in the raw materials [100]. It was reported that the
changes in moisture absorption were due to higher waste plastic content
in the plastic brick. In the present research, it was believed that water
occupies the pore spaces in the concrete, then evaporates, leaving the
voids and thus increasing the water absorption value in the latter case
4. Conclusion
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