BsUnit5 Standard Test With Answers

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Unit 5

Standard Test

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LANGUAGE IN ACTION 4 Match the beginnings with the endings to make

sentences. Then circle the correct option.
1 Complete the sentences with as … as or enough 1 I don’t have / haven’t to do the washing up c
and the adjective in brackets. 2 Mike have / has to load the dishwasher e
1 This shop isn’t as good as (good) that one. 3 Who have / has to do the ironing b
2 Are you old enough (old) to drive? 4 My mum hasn’t / has to work tomorrow d
3 Ankara isn’t as big as (big) London. 5 Have I to / Do I have to clean the kitchen a
4 This bike isn’t cheap enough (cheap) for me to
buy. a or is David doing it?

5 In England, the weather isn’t as sunny as b in your house?

(sunny) in Spain. c because we haven’t got any dirty dishes.
5 d because it’s Monday.
e because there are lots of dirty plates.
2 Put the words in the correct order to make 5
1 project / theirs / good / is / as / Our / as / . 5 Circle the correct option.
Our project is as good as theirs.
2 you / enough / wardrobe / for / the / Is / big / ?
Hi Matt!
Is the wardrobe big enough for you?
How’s the new school? 1Have you / Do you have to
3 thought / as / wasn’t / I / long / film / as / The / . study hard? Are the teachers 2as nice as / nicer as the
The film wasn’t as long as I thought. teachers here?
4 enough / trousers / aren’t / long / These / . My dad bought a new car last week! It’s not really
These trousers aren’t long enough. 3
too big / big enough for all of us. And my mum has
5 yours / big / isn’t / as / My / as / bedroom / . got a new job. The good news is that she doesn’t get
My bedroom isn’t as big as yours. up 4as early as / early enough than before. But the bad
news is that she 5has to /doesn’t have to work late.
5 Robbie

3 Complete the sentences with the correct form

of have to and a verb from the box.

be get go load tidy 6 Complete the sentences with the correct form
of have to and as … as or enough and the words
1 Do I have to load in brackets.
the dishwasher? 1 You don’t have to load (load)
2 You don’t have to tidy up the living room. the dishwasher. I can do it.
Jack did it. 2 This sofa is big enough (big)
3 Jane has to get up at five o’clock for three people.
tomorrow morning. It’s very early. 3 Does Ian have to tidy up (Ian / tidy up)
4 What time do we his room now?
have to be at the station? 4 Films aren’t as interesting as
5 Jon doesn’t have to go to school tomorrow (interesting) video games.
because it’s Sunday. 5 Everyone has to help (help)
in the kitchen!
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7 Read the definitions and complete the words. 10 UT5L isten to three short interviews about
1 You sit in this. housework. Match the people with the
ar mchair household chores that they do. There is one
extra chore.
2 You keep food cold in this.
Sam b
fr idge
Ana d
3 You walk on this.
fl oor Josh a
4 You keep clothes in this. a washes the dishes
wa rdrobe b tidies up his bedroom
5 When you look up in a room, you see this. c does the ironing
ce iling d loads the dishwasher
5 9
8 Match the verbs with the nouns.
11 UT5L isten again. Are the sentences R (right),
1 do a the dishwasher W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say)?
2 make b the carpet 1 Sam’s father does the ironing. DS
3 tidy up c your bed 2 Sam never cleans the kitchen. R
4 load d the ironing 3 Ana doesn’t think that she helps a lot
5 vacuum e your bedroom in the house. R
4 Ana’s mother does the ironing. W
5 Josh’s enjoys doing his household chores. W
9 Circle the correct option. 6 Josh doesn’t think he gets enough pocket
I’m trying to earn some money for a school trip, so money. DS
I’m doing all the housework this weekend. Here’s
the plan. First, take out all the food and clean the
fridge / carpet. Then, do all the 2chests of drawers
/ ironing (boring!). Next, 3vacuum / load all the
carpets. Then, 4tidy up / wash the living room.
Finally, put all the shopping in the 5wardrobes /

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6 Ironing is one of the most difficult jobs
for robots.
12 Read the magazine article. 7 We have to continue doing household
chores because robots can’t do them all. R

Household chores: 14

are robots the answer? 14 Match the highlighted words in the text with
the definitions.
 e all have to do some household chores, but
1 properly a depend on
usually we don’t enjoy them! Sometimes we don’t
do them properly because we haven’t got enough 2 tasks b 
forms (triangle,
time. And sometimes we don’t do them because circle, etc.)
we’re too lazy! 3 shapes c jobs
B So, what’s the solution? Some people imagine 4 straightforward d well
that robots can help us with a lot of the normal 5 rely on e easy
tasks in the house. Robots are already working
in factories, they say, so why can’t they work in 5
our homes? Unfortunately, things aren’t as easy
as that. When robots work in factories, they
do exactly the same job again and again. But
at home, things are often more complicated.
15 Circle the correct option.
1 The house has got a large garden and it’s … got
Imagine, for example, that a robot has to do the
ironing. All the clothes are different shapes and a swimming pool.
sizes. And some clothes need a very hot iron, but a too b also c as well
others need a lower temperature. How does the 2 … an armchair, the living room’s got a large
robot know what to do? It isn’t straightforward! sofa.
C Of course, there are some jobs that robots can a There’s b As well c As well as
do. For example, there are very good robotic 3 There’s a washing machine in the kitchen and
vacuum cleaners and food processors. However,
there’s a dishwasher, … .
for the moment, we can’t rely on robots to do all
our household chores! a too b so c extras well as
4 I vacuumed the living room and I loaded the
dishwasher … .
Match the headings with the paragraphs. There
a as well b to c second
is one extra heading.
5 … an expensive carpet, there’s a beautiful
1 Can robots help us in the house? B
picture in the living room.
2 Robots aren’t the solution! C
a See b Also c As well as
3 Robots work well in factories.
4 Household chores – a problem! A 5

6 16 Write a description of your house. Use the

prompts below to help you.
13 Read the text again. Are the sentences R (right), Write at least 100 words.
W (wrong) or DS (doesn’t say)? Paragraph 1
1 Some people don’t have to do • Where is your house? Do you like the place?
household chores. W
Paragraph 2
2 Sometimes we’re too busy to do
• What rooms, furniture and other features has
household chores. R
your house got?
3 Robots are already doing household
Paragraph 3
chores. R
• Do you like your house? Why? / Why not?
4 Robots work better than humans in
factories. DS 10
5 Jobs in the house are easier than in
factories for robots. W TOTAL SCORE 100

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