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Vocabulary and Grammar

Name: ________________________

Class: ________________________ 4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the
words in capitals.
0 Sam needs to make a decision about where he’s going to
VOCABULARY study next year. DECIDE
1 Everyone likes our teacher. She’s such a person.
1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
There are two extra verbs.
2 The in the city is really beautiful. ARCHITECT
3 Being a doctor is a really job. DEMAND
attend do (x2) drop fail learn
4 I need to before our next exams. REVISION
leave skip
5 Tom thinks he’d like to study at university.
0 In England, you can do three or four subjects at A level. ENGINEER
1 I’m always very disappointed when I an exam. /5
2 Jim wants to a course in photography at college.
3 We often have to things by heart, such as poetry.
4 Some students lessons if they don’t like them. GRAMMAR
5 When you’re older, it’s possible to a subject if you 5 Match 1–5 with a–f to make conditional sentences.
find it too demanding.
0 If we’re free on Saturday, e
/5 1 If it’s warm and sunny,
2 If it rains,
3 We’ll go on the bus
2 Complete the sentences with a word from each box. 4 We won’t go shopping
carry chill get (x2) meet put 5 We’ll buy a snack

on (x2)out rid of up up with a if Dad can’t drive us there.

b we’ll go to the cinema.
0 What time do you get up in the morning? c we’ll go to the beach.
1 You should all these old papers. Throw them out! d if we’re hungry.
2 I study hard all week, so I like to at the weekend. e we’ll have a day out.
3 I’m going to my friends in town tomorrow. f if we’ve got no money.
4 I have to my uniform every morning for school.
5 Simon wants to studying after he leaves school. /5
6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the
correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
3 Match 1–5 with a–h to make sentences with get.
There are two extra options. 0 If Ted passes (pass) his A-levels, he will feel (feel) really
0 Don’t stay out too long; it’s beginning to get 1 If you (not run), you (miss) the bus!
c 2 If you (not have) any money, I (lend) you
1 Ben emailed Joe yesterday, but he didn’t get any some.
2 I don’t like exams; I always get really 3 What (you/do) if the weather (be) bad
3 It’s nearly time to leave for school; I’d better get tomorrow?
4 Luke applied to go to university, but he didn’t get 4 Mark (be) exhausted when he (get) home.
5 My gran loves shopping, but nowadays she gets very 5 You (not do) well in the test if you (not
a nervous. /5
b a good job.
c dark.
d ready.
e tired.
f reply.
g home.
h a place.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 1

Vocabulary and Grammar

7 Complete the sentences with which, who, where or 3 I really my new classmates – they’re so nice!
that. Leave out the relative pronoun if the sentence is 4 Let’s arrange a time to each other, shall we?
correct without it. 5 I’m just going to in front of the TV this evening.
0 That’s the man who lives next door to us. /5
1 I love beaches there aren’t many people.
2 Sarah wants to buy a dress isn’t too expensive.
3 My mum’s the one does all the driving in our 3 Match 1–5 with a–h to make sentences with get.
family. There are two extra options.
4 I went back to the place I was born last week.
0 Don’t stay out too long; it’s beginning to get
5 Rob can’t afford the phone he really likes.
/5 1 It’s 7 pm already! I must get
2 If I’m late for class, I will get
3 My mum will be furious if I get
8 Choose the correct option. If the sentence is correct 4 Jen loves her voluntary work; she gets
without a relative pronoun, choose –. 5 When I have too much to do, I always get
0 Maisie wanted some shoes where / who / – she could
wear for the party. a into trouble.
1 Let’s find an assistant – / that / which can give us some b to school.
advice. c dark.
2 There’s the shop that / – / where you can buy great d good marks.
chocolate ice cream! e a tattoo.
3 Mum’s car is the one which / where / who is near the f better.
school gate. g stressed.
4 Mrs Jones is the teacher which / – / where we all like h a lot out of it.
best. /5
5 The waiter who / – / which served us was very helpful.


Name: ________________________
Class: ________________________

1 Complete the sentences with the verbs in the box.
There are two extra verbs.

attend do fail learn leave pass

revise take

0 In England, you can do three or four subjects at A level.

1 If you’re tired, why don’t you a break for a while?
2 Ed’s really excited – he’s managed to his exam!
3 In the UK, students can school when they’re 16.
4 Children first primary school at the age of five.
5 I can’t come out because I have to for my exams.

2 Complete the sentences with a word from each box.

chill get (x2) looked meet take
after off on with out up up with

0 What time do you get up in the morning?

1 The first thing I do when I get home is my uniform!
2 The villagers him when he was ill.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 2

Vocabulary and Grammar

4 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the

words in capitals.
0 Sam needs to make a decision about where he’s going to
study next year. DECIDE
1 My granddad has a great of stamps.COLLECT
2 Ben had to against some older boys in the race.
3 Our school has just received a big for the new
swimming pool! DONATE
4 My favourite subject at school is Design and .
5 I’m getting a good at this university. EDUCATE

5 Match 1–5 with a–f to make conditional sentences.
0 If we’re free on Saturday, f
1 If there’s enough snow,
2 If it’s a fine day,
3 We’ll go by train
4 We won’t go to a café
5 We’ll buy a drink

a we’ll sit in the sun.

b if there aren’t any buses.
c if we’re thirsty.
d we’ll go ski-ing.
e if we haven’t got much money.
f we’ll have a day out.

6 Complete the first conditional sentences with the

correct forms of the verbs in brackets.
0 If Ted passes (pass) his A levels, he will feel (feel) very
1 If you (not hurry), the bus (leave) without
2 What (you/do) if Mark (not come) tomorrow?
3 Sasha (be) disappointed if she (fail) her test.
4 If you (not have) an umbrella, I (give) you
5 Amy (not finish) her homework if she (not
start) now.

© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 3

Vocabulary and Grammar

7 Complete the sentences with which, who, where or

that. Leave out the relative pronoun if the sentence is
correct without it.
0 That’s the man who lives next door to us.
1 My dad’s the one does the cooking in our family.
2 I can’t find a T-shirt I want to buy.
3 I like going to shops there are lots of books!
4 Martin always wanted to drive a car goes really
5 The school canteen is the place you have lunch.

8 Choose the correct option. If the sentence is correct

without a relative pronoun, choose –.
0 Maisie wanted some shoes where / who / – she could
wear for the party.
1 I managed to buy the book which / – / who I wanted.
2 My brother is the person that / – / which helps me with
3 The bag which / who / where was stolen belonged to me.
4 My room is the place where / which / who I relax after
5 An engineer is someone which / who / – can design cars.


© 2016 Pearson FOCUS 2 PHOTOCOPIABLE 4

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