SWPP Exam Drill Final

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1. In both social work practice and research, it helps us make sense of and see patterns
in diverse observations. It is a systematic set of interrelated statements intended to
explain something. What is being referred to?
a. Imagination
b. Theory
c. Literature
d. Values

2. Is a purposive, systematic and scientific process of gathering, analyzing, classifying,

organizing, presenting and interpreting data for the solution of a problem, for prediction,
for invention, for the discovery of truth, or for the expansion or verification of existing
knowledge, all for the preservation and improvement of the quality of life
a. social research
b. social work research
c. research design
d. research

3. The final step in research process is

a. Writing a research report
b. Reviewing the related studies and literature
c. Data Collection
d. Making hypothesis

4. This type of sampling starts with the known sources of information who fits the criteria
for inclusion in the study, who will in turn recommend other sources of information. As
this goes on, data accumulates. It is used when there is inadequate information for
making the sampling frame.
a. Random sampling
b. Non-probability sampling
c. Purposive sampling
d. Snowball

5. A Social Worker gets an online survey with a question: “How satisfied are you with
the your social service experience?” Having 0 – Totally Unsatisfied and 5 – Totally
Satisfied. In this example, what is the level of measurement?
a. Interval
b. Ordinal
c. Nominal
d. Variable
6. Which is not true about Median?
i. When the number of observations is odd, the median is simply equal to the
middle value
ii. When the number of observations is even, the median is simply equal to the
middle value
iii. When the number of observations is odd, we take the median to be the average
of the two values in the middle of the distribution
iv. When the number of observations is even, we take the median to be the
average of the two values in the middle of the distribution
a. i
b. i, ii
c. ii, iii
d. iii, iv
e. None of the above

7. When respondents who score high in the board exam also tend to get high grades in
college, whereas those who score low in the board exam do poorly in college, there is a
reason to posit
A. A positive correlation between board exam rating and college grades
B. A negative correlation between board exam rating and college grades
C. A zero correlation between board exam rating and college grades
D. None of the above

8. In the Research Title “Factors in Parental Behavior and Personality as Related to

Problem Behavior in Children”, identify the dependent variable.
a. Factors in Parental Behavior and Personality
b. Problem Behavior in Children
c. Parental Behavior and Personality
d. Parent and Children

9. _____, _____, or _______ sexual harassment is committed by an employer,

employee, manager, supervisor, agent of the employer, teacher, instructor, professor,
coach, trainor, or any other person who, having authority, influence or moral
ascendancy over another in a work or training or education environment, demands,
requests or otherwise requires any sexual favor from the other, regardless of whether
the demand, request or requirement for submission is accepted by the object of said
a. Work, education, or training-related
b. Work, school, or home-setting
c. Work, family, or community-based
d. Work, peers, or group-related

10. This refers to a child who is vulnerable to and at the risk of committing criminal
offenses because of personal, family and social circumstances.
a. Best Interest of the Child
b. Child at Risk
c. Child-in-Conflict with the Law
d. Deprivation of Liberty

11. All government agencies and instrumentalities in the Philippines are required to
create this structure to ensure that gender and development is mainstreamed in the
a. GAD structure
b. Gender Focal Point System
c. VAW desk
d. Women and Development System

12. A process through which stakeholders can influence and share control over
development initiatives, and over the decisions and resources that affect themselves
A. Goal-Directed Project Management
B. Project Management Task
C. Participatory Development
D. None of the above

13. A coordinated group of activities maintained over a period of time aimed at

producing a specific type of service.
a. program
b. services
c. policies
d. Project

14. Which of the following illustrates the veracity of KALAHI-CIDSS Project Cycle?
a. Social Preparation – Project Selection and Prioritization Project Development –
Project Implementation
B. Social Preparation – Project Development – Project Selection and Prioritization –
Project Implementation
C. Social Preparation – Project Implementation – Project Selection and Prioritization
Project Development
D. Social Preparation – Project Implementation – Project Selection and Prioritization –
Project Development

15. The data could be presented by means of the following except

a. narrative presentation
b. tables
c. graphs
d. statistics
16. Among the social worker researchers interested in studying CICLs, one goal is to
learn what is what like to be a CICL admitted in NTSB and how these CICLs make
sense of their situation while under rehabilitation. To learn these things, a social worker
may conduct an exploratory study using observations and personal narratives of the
CICLs admitted in NTSB, as well as interacting with the staff and other administrative
support for a certain period of time. In this scenario, what kind of social work research
should be use?
A. Exploratory Research
B. Descriptive Research
C. Explanatory Research
D. Evaluation Research

17. Identifies interest groups in the community; allies, partners or those who will most
likely influence development.
A. Problem Tree/Objective Tree
B. Stakeholders Analysis
C. Structural Analysis
D. Gender Analysis

18. It is a research standard where the extent of a particular study yields the same
results if tested repeatedly using the same methodology.
a. Validity
b. Measurement
c. Reliability
d. Subjectivity

19. SWOT analysis consists of the following except one:

a. strengths in the environment
b. weaknesses in the organization
c. opportunities in the environment
d. threats in the environment

20. Enacted in September 2020 granting the President additional authority to combat
the COVID-19 pandemic in the Philippines.
A. Republic Act No. 11494
B. Bayanihan to Recover as One Act
C. Republic Act 11694
D. A and B

21. Implementation mainly done by agencies from outside the community with limited
involvement by the beneficiaries.
a. Top-down approach
b. Bottom-up approach
c. Collaborative participatory approach
d. Both a and b

22. Which is the correct sequence of the stages of project cycle?

I. Appraisal
II. Implementation
III. Problem/Needs Identification
IV. Evaluation
V. Impact Assessment
VI. Monitoring
VII. Project Designing/Planning
a. 3, 7, 1, 2, 6, 4. 5
b. 3, 7, 2, 1, 6, 4, 5
c. 3, 7, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4
d. 3, 7, 1, 2, 6, 5, 4

23. A dynamic enabling process where workers who have a direct responsibility for
carrying out some of the agency's program plans are helped by a designated staff
member to make the best use of their ability so that they can do their job more
effectively and with increasing satisfaction to themselves and to the agency is
A. Coaching C. Supervision
B. Administration D. Teaching

24. What is Philippines' lead anti-drug law enforcement agency, responsible for
preventing, investigating and combating any dangerous drugs, controlled precursors
and essential chemicals within the Philippines?
a. National Bureau of Investigation
b. Philippine National Police
c. Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency
d. All of the above

25. It is a theory that implies policy as a variation of past. Policy makers generally
accept the legitimacy of established programs and tacitly to continue previous policies.
A. Policy output b. policy Demands
c. Policy statement d. Incrementalism

26. An SDG which aims to achieve food security and improved nutrition and promote
sustainable agriculture.
a. Zero hunger c. No poverty
b. Gender equality d. Good health and well-being

27. It is a child focused teaching approach and refers to the art of helping kids learn.
a. Pedagogy c. Liberating model
b. Andragogy d. Liberal model

28. Aling Lita is 66 years old citizen who enjoys the 20% discount of public fare and
medicines. She can save money for fare when she has an errand to do and medicines
as her maintenance. These two with other privileges for senior citizens are mandated on
what law?
A. Republic Act 9344
B. Republic Act 7432
C. Republic Act 7277
D. Republic Act 7192

29. Which of the following is not true about Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program
A. It is a government program that invests in health and education of poor households.
B. Eligible households must have children of 0-14 years old and/or have a pregnant
woman during assessment.
C. Cash grant amounting to Php700 per month per household for health and nutrition
D. A maximum of three children per household is allowed.

30. Anshaka Karma, a social worker, is conducting a research. In her sample, data
revealed that 15 members of a group of 25 are female and it can be said that it is the
same as 3 out of 5 being female. In the sample given, the group of 25 respondents is
called ____?
A. Sample
B. Proportion
C. Population
d. Percentage

31. It refers to the variable that is manipulated or introduced in a research study in order
to see what effect differences in it will have on those variables proposed as being
dependent on it.
a. Intervening variables
b. Independent variables
c. Dependent variables
d. Confounding variables

32. These are questions without explicit response choices so that the respondents
provide their own answers in their own words.
a. Short
b. Lengthy
c. Open-ended
d. Close-ended
33. This research starts with the researcher first collecting the data and then
developing a theory that explains patterns in the data.
A. Pure research
B. Applied research
C. Deductive research
D. Inductive research

34. The following are not potential beneficiaries of senior citizen pension under RA
7432 except.
I. Those aged 60 and older and resident in Philippines
II. Those aged 60 and older who are sick, frail or with disability
III. Living alone with regular support from children
IV. Without pension from GSIS, SSS, AFPMBAI, and other insurance company
a. I, II, III B. I, II, IV C. II, III, IV D. I, II, III, IV

35. The following are the types of supervision, EXCEPT

A. Supportive/helping C. Technical

B. Administrative d. clinical/teaching/educative

36. Which of the following are the 5 Pillars of Resilience?

i. Self-awareness
ii. Mindfulness
iii. Self-care
iv. Positive Relationship
v. Purpose
vi. Positive Attitude

a. I, ii, iii, iv, iv b. i, ii, iii, iv, v c. i, iii, iv, v, vi d. i, ii, iii, v, vi

37. Child rights can be categorized as follows:

a. Survival
b. Protection
c. Development
d. Participation
e. Psychological

a. a, b, c, e b. a, b, d, e c. a, b, c, d d. a, b, c, d, e
38. What do you call the Philippine government's emergency subsidy program for more
than 20 million Filipino families belonging to the low-income and most-vulnerable
sectors or those that are severely affected by COVID-19?
A. Social Pension
B. Assistance to Individuals in Crisis Situation
C. Social Amelioration Program
D. Tupad Program

39. It is ideally preceded by a resource historical transect, which provides for a

preliminary checklist of resource related issues relevant to the community. It is a
method for collating and plotting information on the occurrence, distribution, access
and use of resources within the economic and cultural domain of community.
a. Trend line
b. Problem web
c. Historical transect
d. Resource mapping

40. The following are the main purposes of United Nations, EXCEPT:
A. To keep peace throughout the world
B. To develop hostile relations among nations
C. To be a center for harmonizing the actions of the nations to achieve these goals
D. To help nations work together to improve the lives of poor people, to conquer hunger,
disease, and illiteracy, and to encourage respect for each others rights and freedoms
E. All of the above

41. A tool of analysis which tells us if the project is feasible and that the effects are
greater than the inputs.
a. force field analysis
b. cost-benefit analysis
c. SWOT analysis
d. objective tree analysis

42. It refers to a child whose basic needs have been deliberately unattended or
inadequately attended within a period of 3 consecutive months
A. Neglected Child
B. Abandoned Child
C. Child legally available for adoption
D. Voluntary Committed Child
43. Cash/food for work, permanent housing, livelihood are programs under the:
A. Disaster preparedness
B. Disaster response
C. Disaster mitigation and prevention
D. Disaster recovery and rehabilitation

44. This refers to the certification issued by the DSWD Secretary or his or her duly
authorized representative, administratively declaring that the child is legally available for
b. Voluntary Committed Child
d. Involuntary Committed Child

45. Legislative policy making body at the Local Level (municipalities)

a. Office of the City/Municipal Mayor
b. Office of the Municipal Social Welfare and Development
c. Sangguniang Bayan
d. Association of Barangay Captain (ABC)

46. It was enacted on 1990 to declare unlawful, and thus provide for penalties for, the
practice of matching Filipino women for marriage to foreign nationals on a mail order
basis and similar practices.
a. Republic Act 9165
b. Republic Act 6955
c. Republic Act 9262
d. Republic Act 9710

47. ____________ is DSWD's capability building program that provides access to

opportunities that improve the livelihood productivity of Filipinos especially the

b. Sustainable Livelihood Program
d. Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program

48. The absence of formal requisites of marriage shall render the marriage void ab
initio. The following are not formal requisites, except.
I. Authority of solemnizing officer
II. Valid marriage license except in the cases provided in Chapter 2 of the Law
III. Consent is not freely given in the presence of solemnizing officer
IV. A marriage ceremony which takes place with the appearance of contracting parties
before the solemnizing officer.
a. I, II. III. IV B. I, II, IV, C. I, II D. III only
49. It is a formal expressions or articulation of policy, these includes legislative statutes,
board resolutions, executive orders and decrees, administrative rules and regulations
and court opinions.
A. Policy output b. policy Demands
c. Policy statement d. Incrementalism

50. It is a multidisciplinary perspective pursuing both the development of the human

person and society but also preserving the natural environment for future generations.
a. Sustainable Development
b. Sustainable Human Development
c. Sustainability
d. None

51. Is a denial of an existence of an attribute, a relationship or a difference of an effect.

It is always stated in the negative form.
a. Alternative Hypothesis
b. Null Hypothesis
c. Theory
d. Assumptions

52. If a sample of 40 agency case files is selected from population of 600 (that is, a
sampling frame of 600), then the probability of selection for each element is 40/600
or .0667. Every element has an equal chance of being selected, just like the odds in a
toss of a coin or a roll of a die. It is referred to as____?
A. Systematic random sampling
B. Probability sampling
C. Simple random sampling
D. Non-probability sampling

53. Views of social welfare conceives that its structure as temporary, offered during
emergency situations and withdrawn when the social system is again working properly.
A. Institutional
B. Residual
C. Legitimate function
D. Social agency

54. Which of the following are the ways of society responds to unmet needs or
I. Individual or group efforts
II. Major societal institutions
III. Social agency
a. I, II, & III b. II & III only c. I & III only d. 1 & II only
55. The organized system of social services and institutions, designed to aid individuals
and groups to attain satisfying standards of life and health.
A. Social Work
B. Social Welfare
C. Social Services
D. All of the above

56. What Philippine act provides for the development of policies and plans and the
implementation of actions and measures pertaining to all aspects of disaster risk
reduction and management, including good governance, risk assessment and early
warning, knowledge building and awareness raising, reducing underlying risk factors,
and preparedness for effective response and early recovery?
A. R. A. 11310
B. R.A. 10163
C. R. A. 10121
D. None of the choices

57. Refers to the programs, services and other activities provided under various
auspices to concretely answer the needs and problems of the members of the society.
A. Social work
B. Social services
C. Social welfare
D. Social development

58. Which of the following is the ultimate value of social work?

A. Every human being has inherent worth and dignity.
B. “It is good and desirable for every human being to fulfill his potential, to realize
themselves and to balance with these equal efforts to help others do the same.
C. Each person has the right to self-fulfillment.
D. Each person has the obligation to seek ways of self-fulfillment.

59. Which of the following is a Concept of Social Responsibility?

A. Man is inherently endowed with potentials and capacities.
B. Premised on the ideal of social justice; fairness and equality.
C. The individual has the obligation to contribute to the common good and society.
D. Desirability of providing social resources for the satisfaction of human needs for the
goal of human welfare.

60. It is each individual’s responsibility to work and succeed. Failure to succeed is

generally the individual’s fault. The government should not interfere unless absolutely
A. Conservatism
B. Pluralism
C. Radicalism
D. Liberalism
61. It is the society’s responsibility to care for and support its members. Government’s
responsibility to support its citizens and help them cope with stresses/problems in the
A. Conservatism
B. Pluralism
C. Radicalism
D. Liberalism

62. Components of Social Protection that measures to enhance employment

opportunities, and protect the rights and welfare of workers.
A. Social Insurance
B. Social Welfare
C. Labor Market Interventions
D. Social Safety Nets

63. Policies governing the social agency from which rules, procedures and regulations
are based i.e. target clientele, programs/services, methods of implementation and
A. Public policy
B. Administrative policy
C. Agency policy
D. Policy

64. The aim is to reunite the child with the biological family or to prepare the child for
adoption or, in case of older children, to prepare them for independent living.
A. Residential care
B. Adoption
C. Substitute parental care
D. Foster care

65. The most complete means whereby family life can be restored to a child deprived of
a birth family.
A. Residential care
B. Adoption
C. Substitute parental care
D. Foster care
66. Whose parent(s) known or unknown, has been permanently and judicially deprived
of parental authority due to abandonment; substantial, continuous or repeated neglect,
abuse or incompetence to discharge parental responsibilities.
A. Abandoned child
B. Child Legally Available for Adoption
C. Involuntarily committed child
D. Voluntarily committed child

67. Refers to a child in whose favor was issued by the DSWD that he/she is legally
available for adoption after the fact of abandonment or neglect has been proven through
the submission of pertinent documents.
B. Child Legally Available for Adoption
C. Involuntarily committed child
D. Voluntarily committed child

68. It is the executive department of the Philippine Government responsible for the
protection of the social welfare of rights of Filipinos and to promote the social
B. Social Protection Framework
D. Government agencies

69. Which of the following are Core Values and DSWD Brand?
I. Maagap at Mapagkalingang Serbisyo
II. Serbisyong Walang Puwang sa Katiwalian
III. Patas na Pagtrato sa Komunidad
IV. Kagawaran ng Kagalingang Panlipunan at Pagpapaunlad

70. A platform used by Kalahi-CIDSS for engaging communities in a facilitated process

of community analysis, planning, project implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

71. This is a problem-solving tool that identifies the significant cause and effect by
drawing a horizontal line with project problem/goal at one end.
a. Affinity Diagram c. Ishikawa Diagram
b. Relations Diagram d. Gathering Data

72. Find the mode if your data set are 4, 6, 1, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 6, and 3.

a. 4 c. 4, 3
b. 3 d. 1.3

73. A process through which social policy is transformed into social services. It involves
the administration of public and private agencies.
A. Administration
B. Social work
C. Social welfare administration
D. Social services

74. A system that is self-contained and isolated from the environment. It is a non-
adaptive system. It does not receive inputs from the other systems and does not trade
with the outside world.
A. Open system
B. Boundaries
C. Feedback
D. Closed system

75. Fayol’s theory of management is focused on

A. scientific management c. human relationships
B. management functions d. Hawthorne effect

76. As soon as Mr. Guevarra enters the field office of DSWD NCR, he saw a pictorial
presentation of the form which the organization structure takes. It shows who is on top,
how communication flows, and how work is divided. What did Mr. Guevarra see?
a. Organizational Manual of Operation
b. Organizational Chart
c. Organizational VMG Statement
d. Organizational Bulletin Board

77. A model of organization which is formal and can be seen as a pyramid, there is one
authority on the top and the base is under.
a. Democratic
b. Collegial
c. Bureaucratic
d. None of the above

78. A more informal model of organization where employees can participate and share
in decision making and policy
a. Democratic
b. Collegial
c. Bureaucratic
d. None of the above

79. A principle of organization where, to achieve its objectives, the tasks to be

accomplished may be divided and assigned to the [personnel qualified to do the task.
a. Homogeneous Assignment
b. Span of Control
c. Unit of Command
d. Work specialization or division of work

80. A principle of organization where each and every member of the organization should
report directly to one and only one supervisor.
a. Homogeneous Assignment
b. Span of Control
c. Unit of Command
d. Work specialization or division of work

81. This is a process in which the managers instruct, guide, and oversee the
performance of the workers to achieve predetermined goals.
a. Managing
B. Directing
c. Programming
d. Staffing
82. It ensures that there is effective and efficient utilization of organizational resources
to achieve the planned goals. And measures the deviation of actual performance from
the standard performance, discovers the causes of such deviations and helps in taking
corrective actions.
a. Managing
B. Directing
c. Controlling
d. Delegating

83. It is the unification, integration, synchronization of the efforts of group members so

as to provide unity of action in the pursuit of common goals. It is a hidden force which
binds all the other functions of management.
a. Coordinating
b. Staffing
c. Programming
d. Managing

84. It is the process of setting financial goals, forecasting future financial resources and
needs, monitoring and controlling income and expenditures, and evaluating progress
toward achieving the financial goal
a. Financial Planning
b. Financial Assessment
c. Budgeting
d. Accounting

85. Records necessary to implement administrative policies, procedures, and

operations. The operational value is the usefulness of a record in the conduct of an
organization's business. Examples include mandates, procedural records, or records
that give direction.
a. Organizational Documents
b. Governing Documents
c. Reporting Documents
d. Operational Records
e. Legal Records
86. This includes manuals, directives, orders, and interpretations issued from top
authority levels, correspondence files of high-level officials, regulations, circulars,
instructions, memoranda or regular issuances that establish a course of action, and staff
studies or special reports relating to methods of workloads and performances.
a. Organizational Documents
b. Governing Documents
c. Reporting Documents
d. Operational Records
e. Legal Records

87. A continuous process of selection, development and appraisal of the employees in

order to fill the various roles within the organization with the suitable candidate.
a. Coordinating
b. Staffing
c. Programming
d. Managing

88. An activity of observation that helps to ensure that the work is performed according
to the requirement of the job.
a. Managing
B. Directing
c. Controlling
d. Supervision

89. The process of influencing the behavior of others to work willingly and
enthusiastically for achieving predetermined goals.
A. Programming
B. Directing
c. Leadership
d. Supervision

90. The Juvenile Justice and Welfare Policy and Program supervised by the local Social
Welfare and Development Office is an example of a system which upholds the right of
children for?
a. Development
b. Survival
c. Protection
d. All of the above

91. What method of sampling that allows equal chance to be participants/respondents?

a. Non-probability sapling
b.Random sampling
c. Purposive sampling
d. Quota sampling

92. Which of the following whom can commit violence stated under Anti- Violence
against women and their children or R. A. 9262?
A. Live-in partner
B. Dating partner or ex-dating partner
C. Boyfriend or ex-boyfriend
D. All of the above

93. What type of research is done when classifying of themes and interconnections to
content analysis, grounded theory and discourse analysis is being used as a method of
the researcher?
A. Qualitative research
B. Action research
C. Quantitative research
D. Creative research

94. It is a research tool for articulating women’s voices and experiences and can also be
used to test-out and assess gender-responsive interventions and aims to empower
marginalized groups.
A. Descriptive research
B. Qualitative research
C. Feminist research
D. None of the choices.

95. When do Philippines celebrate the Filipino Social Worker day?

A. June 12 b. July 12
C. June 19 d. July 19

96. Supervision in social work entails the following functions except one.
a. supervisee is able to carry out the work for the day
b. administrative
c. teaching
d. enabling/supporting

97. These are individuals and organizations that may have an interest in the project.
They may be in favor of or against the project, or they may be neutral, but they are
affected by the project in some way.
A. Social worker
B. People
C. Stakeholders
D. Agency

98. A condition involving mass casualty and/or major damages to property, disruption of
means of livelihoods, roads and normal way of life of people in the affected areas as a
result of the occurrence of natural or human-induced hazard.
A. Vulnerability
B. Risk assessment
C. State of calamity
D. Crisis

99. Who is the current DSWD secretary?

A. Rolando Bautista
B. Erwin Tulfo
C. Ferdinand Marcos Jr.
D. Rex T. Gatchalian

100. A theory that was pioneered by Douglas McGregor that talks about the human
behavior at work.
A. Motivation Hygiene theory
B. Theory X and Theory Y
C. Scientific management theory
D. Human relation movement

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