BP 1111 To BP 1135 Road Work NIT PDF

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Name of work:Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP

1111 to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.


1. Index 1-2

2. Information and Instructions for Contractors for E-Tendering

Forming Part of NIT and to be Posted on Website

3. Notice Inviting E-Tender (CPWD – 6) 10-16

4. Section-I Brief Particular of Work 17

5. Section-II Information & Instruction to Bidders 18-23

6. Performa–I Criteria for Evaluation of Performance of Contractors

for Eligibility

7. Section-III Forms for Furnishing Information 25-40

8. Form of Performance Guarantee/ Bank Guarantee Bond 41-43

9. Percentage Rate Tender & Contract for Works (CPWD-7) 44-45

10. Integrity Pact 46-53

11. Performa of Schedules “A to F” 54-63

12. General Conditions 64-66

13. Special Conditions 67-78

14. Particular Specifications 79-83

15. Condition for Coarse and Fine aggregate, water & admixture 84-86

16. Particular Specification for RCC / CC Work (Design mix concrete) 87-92

17. Special Condition for cement, steel & sand 93-95

18. Particular Specification for Bituminous work 96-97

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


19. Tests 98-99

20. Condition for procurement and accounting of bitumen 100-105

21. Technical Specifications 106-108

22. Annexure-A List of preferred make of material civil work 109-111

23. Abstract of cost 112-123

24. Schedule of Quantity 124

Certified that this Bid document contains 124 (One Hundred Twenty Four) pages serially
numbered from 1 to 124 only.

This NIT is approved for Rs.1,20,19,71,323/- (Rupees One Hundred Twenty Crore
Nineteen Lakhs Seventy-One Thousand Three Hundred Twenty-Three Only).

Assistant Engineer (P) Executive Engineer (P) Superintending Engineer (P&A),

BFZ CPWD New Delhi BFZ CPWD New Delhi BFZ CPWD New Delhi

Chief Engineer
Border Fencing Zone CPWD
R.K. Puram New Delhi

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)




The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-V, CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus, Mundra
Road, Bhuj (Gujarat) (Office Ph. 02832-299814 email id: [email protected]) on behalf
of the President of India invites online Percentage rate bid from CPWD enlisted contractors
of appropriate class in Building & Roads category and firms / contractors of repute satisfying
the set eligibility criteria in two bid system for the following work:

documents as specified in the NIT

Last date & time of submission of
bid, copy of receipt of deposition
Estimated cost put to tender

of original EMD, and other

Time & date of opening of

Time & Date of Pre-Bid
Period of Completion
Earnest Money

eligibility bid

Name of work &

S. No.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
08.11.2023 Hrs. on 03:00 PM in the office
of CE, BFZ, CPWD, East Block-1, Level-
4, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-110066

24.11.2023 up to 3:00 PM

24.11.2023 at 3:30 PM

Rs. 1,30,19,713/-

Extra Ordinary Repair

18 Months

& Strengthening of
1 Border Road from BP
1111 to 1135 in
Gujarat Sector.

1. The Contractors/ agencies who fulfill the following criteria shall be eligible to apply. Joint
ventures are not acceptable. [1(a), 1(b), 1(c) & 1(d) are not applicable for CPWD enlisted
contractors of appropriate class. However, 1(e) is applicable for CPWD enlisted contractors
(a) Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last
seven years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited:

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs 4808 lakhs,
Two similar completed works each costing not less than Rs 7212 lakhs,
One similar completed work costing not less than Rs 9616 lakhs.

(“Similar work shall mean road construction/ repair work including embankment,
protection work and culvert work”).

Note-1: Components of work executed other than those included in definition of similar
work shall be deducted while calculating cost of similar work. The bidder shall
submit an abstract of the cost of work in support of this.

Note-2: For the purpose, “Cost of work” shall mean gross value of the completed work
including the cost of materials supplied by the Government/Client but excluding
those supplied free of cost. This should be certified by an officer not below the
rank of Executive Engineer / Project Manager or equivalent.

Note-3: The value of executed work shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date
of completion to previous day of last date of submission of bids.

(b) Should have had Average Annual Financial Turnover of Rs. 3606 Lakhs on civil works
during the last three years ending 31st March 2023 (Scanned copy of Certificate from
CA with Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) to be uploaded). The year in
which no turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the average. The
value of annual turnover figures shall be brought to the current value by enhancing
the actual turnover figures at simple rate of 7% per annum.

(c) Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two
years during the last five years ending 31st March 2023.

(d) Should have a Banker's Certificate from a commercial Bank for Rs. 4808 Lakhs
Net Worth certificate from CA with Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)
of minimum Rs. 1202 Lakhs.

(e) Should have bidding capacity equal to or more than the estimated cost of the work put to
tender. Thebidding capacity shall be worked out by the following formula:

Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx1.5]-B}Where,

A = Maximum turnover in civil construction works executed in any one year during
the last seven years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress.

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The value of completed works shall be brought to current costing level by

enhancing at a simple rate of 7% per annum.

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been
B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the
period of completion of work for which bids have been invited.

* [Bidding capacity formula, for CPWD contractors who are enlisted based on rule 6.1.7 of
Enlistment Rules-2022 i.e. government retired engineer / architect for three years from the
date of issue of enlistment order, shall be as follows: -

Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx1.5]-B}


A = Banker certificate figure as submitted by applicant (i.e. government retired engineer /

architect) at the time of enlistment for first year of enlistment and subsequent fresh bankers
certificate for second and third year respectively. Value of A for first year will be mentioned
in the enlistment order by the member secretary of advisory committee for enlisting authority.

N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited.

B = Value of existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited. This value is for newly enlisted entity.

Within three years from the date of issue of enlistment order, the newly enlisted entity has to
develop its own bidding capacity and thereafter the general capacity formula being used for
other entities shall be applicable to it for calculation of bidding capacity.

Newly enlisted entity may like to follow general bidding capacity formula even before period
of three years if it so chooses.]

** [ Bidding capacity, for CPWD contractors who are enlisted based on rules 9.6.3 & 9.6.4 of
Enlistment Rules – 2022 i.e. new entity based on previously enlisted entity for three years
from date of issue of enlistment order, shall be as follows: -

Annual turnover of newly enlisted entity shall be in proportion to the shareholding of partners
/ directors in the original enlisted entity at the time of enlistment of the newly enlisted entity.

Within three years from the date of issue of enlistment order, the newly enlisted entity has to
develop its own bidding capacity and thereafter the general bidding capacity formula being
used for other entities shall be applicable to it for calculation of bidding capacity. Newly
enlisted entity may like to follow general bidding capacity formula even before period of three
years, if it so chooses.

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Bidding capacity for newly enlisted entity based on rules 9.6.3 & 9.6.4 enlistment rules 2022
shall be as follows:-

= {[A’xNx1.5]-B}


A’= Proportionate share of newly enlisted director / partner in originally enlisted company /
firm multiplied by the factor A, as given below. Value of A’ will be mentioned in the
enlistment order by member secretary of Advisory committee for Enlistment Authority, it will
remain same for three years.

A = Maximum turnover in civil construction works executed in any one year during the last
seven years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of
completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate of 7%
per annum. This value is of originally enlisted entity at the time of enlistment of newly enlisted

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited.

B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited. This value is for newly enlisted entity.]

Note:- Enlisted entities based on rules 6.1.7, 9.6.3 or 9.6.4 of enlistment rules – 2022 can
submit MoU from agency having requisite experience for structural system technology
if the enlisted entity does not have required experience.

Note: The bidder should submit bidding capacity calculation as per Form “C-2”.

(f) The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative employees for the
proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these employees
stating clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of award of work.

2. The intending bidder must read the terms and conditions of CPWD-6 carefully. He should
only submit his bid if he considers himself eligible and he is in possession of all the
documents required.

3. This information and instructions for bidders posted on website shall form pay part of bid

4. The bid document consisting of details of proposed roads, Specifications, Schedule of

quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the
contract to be complied with and other necessary documents can be seen and downloaded
from website https://etender.cpwd.gov.in or www.cpwd.gov.in free of cost.

5. But the bid can only be submitted after deposition of original EMD either in the office of
Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office of any Executive Engineer, CPWD within

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


the period of bid submission and uploading the mandatory scanned documents such as
Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand draft or Banker’s Cheque or Fixed Deposit
Receipts or/ and Bank Guarantee including e- Bank Guarantee (for balance amount as
prescribed) from any of the Commercial Bank towards EMD in favour of Executive Engineer
as mentioned in NIT, receipt for deposition of original EMD to division office of any
Executive Engineer (including NIT issuing EE/ AE), CPWD and other documents as

6. Those contractors who are not registered or have not updated their profile on the website
mentioned above, are required to get registered/update their profile beforehand. The
necessary training materials including the videos with step-to-step process are available on
download section of https://etender.cpwd.gov.in

7. The intending bidder must have valid class-III digital signature certificate with encryption
key (combo type) to perform any operations/transactions on the e-tendering portal / website
and the bidder should download and install the eMsigner on their system as per instruction
available on download section of https://etender.cpwd.gov.in

8. On opening date, the contractor can login and see the bid opening process. After opening of
bids he will receive the competitor bid sheets.
9. Contractor can upload documents in the form of JPG format and PDF format.

10. Certificate of Financial Turn Over: At the time of submission of bid contractor may upload
Affidavit/Certificate from CA mentioning Financial Turnover of last 7 years or for the period
as specified in the bid document and further details if required may be asked from the
contractor after opening of technical bids. There is no need to upload entire voluminous
balance sheet.

11. Contractor must ensure to quote rate of each item. The column meant for quoting rate in
figures appears in yellow colour and the moment rate is entered, it turns sky blue.

In addition to this, while selecting any of the cells a warning appears that if any cell is left
blank the same shall be treated as "0". Therefore, if any cell is left blank and no rate is quoted
by the bidder, rate of such item shall be treated as "0" (ZERO).
However, If a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote
any percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section / sub head in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered as
lowest tenderer.

12. The Technical Bid shall be opened first on due date and time as mentioned above. The time
and date of opening of financial bid of contractors qualifying the technical bid shall be
communicated to them at a later date.
13. Pre-Bid conference shall be held in the chamber of Chief Engineer, Border Fencing Zone,
CPWD, East Block-1, Level-4, R. K. Puram, New Delhi-110066 at 03.00 PM on 08.11.2023
to clear the doubt of intending bidders, if any.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


14. When bids are invited in three stage system and if it is desired to submit revised financial bid
then it shall be mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If not submitted, then the bid
submitted earlier shall become invalid.

15. The department reserves the right to reject any prospective application without assigning any
reason and to restrict the list of qualified contractors to any number deemed suitable by it, if
too many bids are received satisfying the laid down criterion.

16. The contractor shall engage manpower duly verified by the local Police as per requirement
of BSF, nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

17. Site information

(i) The work is required to be carried out adjacent to the international border in Gujarat
sector. The contractor shall not be compensated in case the work is executed in part or
in full due to protest or hostile activity from Pak side. No claim whatsoever shall be
entertained on this account.

(ii) The contractor shall have to obtain photo ID proof for all the workers from BSF
authorities. All the labours and hired vehicles will have to be got checked at BSF Check
posts at least two times.

(iii) BSF may not permit workers to stay at site during night or beyond specified hours and
therefore contractor may be required to commute the workers from site to nearest
village from the site considering the restricted area.

(iv) Dispensary or medical facility is available only at distance of more than 150 km from
site, the contractor is advised to keep a spare vehicle in case of any medical emergency
for workers.

18. The List of Documents to be scanned and uploaded within the period of Bid submission.
a) Insurance Surety Bond, Demand Draft/ Account Payee Banker's Cheque / FDR/ Bank
Guarantee of any commercial Bank (for balance amount as prescribed) against EMD
in favour of EE, BFD-V, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat.

b) Copy of Receipt of deposition of original EMD issued from division office of any
Executive Engineer (including NIT issuing EE/AE), CPWD. (Form – “F”)

c) Enlistment order of the contractor

d) Certificate of financial turn over from Chartered Accountant (Form – “A”)

e) Banker’s Certificate / Net Worth Certificate (Form “B”/“B-1”)

f) Work experience certificate showing experience in eligible similar work (as detailed in
Form – “C”, and “C-1”).

g) Calculation sheet for bidding capacity (Form – “C-2”)

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h) Certificate regarding structure & organization (Form – “E”)

i) GST registration certificate, if already obtained by the bidder.

If the bidder has not obtained GST registration as applicable, then in such a case the
bidder shall upload the following undertaking with the bid document.

“If work is awarded to me, I/We shall obtain registration certificate as applicable within
one month from date of receipt of award letter or before payment of 1st R.A. bill
whichever is earlier, falling which, I/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments
which will be due towards me on account of the work executed and/ or for any action
taken by CPWD or GST department in this regard”. (Form “G”)

j) Affidavit for eligible similar works not having been executed on back to back basis

k) Undertaking on structural stability and soundness as per prescribed format (Form “I”)

Note 1.:- Sl.No. d), e), f), h), j) & k) are not applicable for CPWD enlisted contractors of
appropriate class in Building & Road Category.

Note 2:- Sl.No. c) is not applicable for non-CPWD contractors.

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



1. The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-V, CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus, Mundra
Road, Bhuj (Gujarat) (Office Ph. 02832-299814 email id: [email protected]) on behalf
of the President of India invites online Percentage rate bid from CPWD enlisted contractors
of appropriate class in Building & Roads category and firms / contractors of repute satisfying
the set eligibility criteria in two bid system for the following work:

Name of work: “Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111
to 1135 in Gujarat Sector”.
(i) The work is estimated to cost Rs. 1,20,19,71,323/-. This estimate, however, is given
merely as a rough guide.
(ii) Intending bidders is eligible to submit the bid provided he has definite proof from the
appropriate authority, which shall be to the satisfaction of the competent authority, of
having satisfactorily completed similar works of magnitude as specified.

To become eligible for issue of bid, the bidders shall have to furnish an affidavit as under:-
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation comesto the
notice of Department, then I/we shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in future forever.
Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of Department before date of start ofwork, the
Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee. (Scanned copy to be uploaded at the time of submissionof bid).

2. Agreement shall be drawn with the successful bidders on prescribed Form No. CPWD 7 (or
other Standard Form as mentioned) which is available as a Govt. of India Publication and also
available on website www.cpwd.gov.in. Bidders shall quote his rates as per various terms and
conditions of the said form which will form part of the agreement.

3. The time allowed for carrying out the work will be 18 months from the date of start as defined
in schedule 'F' or from the first date of handing over of the site, whichever is later, in
accordance with the phasing, if any, indicated in the bid documents.

4. The site for the work is available. As the site is situated on international border, sometimes
border guarding agencies may impose some restrictions for movement or for working. No
compensation whatsoever shall be entertained on these grounds.

5. The bid document consisting of details of proposed roads, specifications, the schedule of
quantities of various types of items to be executed and the set of terms and conditions of the
contract to be complied with and other necessary documents except Standard General
Conditions of Contract Form can be seen on website https://etender.cpwd.gov.in or
www.cpwd.gov.in free of cost.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


6. After submission of the bid the contractor can re-submit revised bid any number of times but
before last time and date of submission of bid as notified.
7. While submitting the revised bid, contractor can revise the rate of one or more item(s) any
number of times (he need not re-enter rate of all the items) but before last time and date of
submission of bid as notified.

8. When bids are invited in three stage system and if it is desired to submit revised financial bid
then it shall be mandatory to submit revised financial bid. If not submitted then the bid
submitted earlier shall become invalid.

9. Earnest Money in the form of Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed
Deposit Receipt, Banker's Cheque or Bank Guarantee including e- Bank Guarantee (for
balance amount as prescribed) from any of the Commercial Banks (drawn in favour of
Executive Engineer, BFD-V, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat) shall be scanned and uploaded on the e-
Tendering website within the period of bid submission. The original EMD should be deposited
either in the office of the Executive Engineer inviting bids or division office of any Executive
Engineer, CPWD within the period of bid submission. The EMD receiving Executive
Engineer (including NIT issuing EE/AE) shall issue a receipt of deposition of earnest money
deposit to the bidder in a prescribed format (enclosed) uploaded by tender inviting EE in the

A part of earnest money is acceptable in the form of bank guarantee also. In such case,
minimum 50% of earnest money or Rs. 20 lac, whichever is less, shall have to be deposited
in shape prescribed above, and balance may be deposited in shape of Bank Guarantee
including e- Bank Guarantee of any Commercial bank having validity for a period of 90 days
for single bid works and 180 days for two bid system or more from the last date of receipt of
bids which is to be scanned and uploaded by the intending bidders.

The earnest money given by all the tenderers except the lowest tenderer shall be refunded
immediately after the expiry of stipulated bid validity period or immediately after acceptance
of the successful bidder, whichever is earlier. However, in case of two/ three bid system,
earnest money deposit of bidders unsuccessful during technical bid evaluation etc. should be
returned within 30 days of declaration of result of technical bid evaluation.

Copy of Enlistment Order and certificate of work experience and other documents as specified
in the notice inviting e- tender shall be scanned and uploaded on the e-Tendering website
within the period of bid submission. However, certified copy of all the scanned and uploaded
documents as specified in e- tender notice shall have to be submitted by the lowest bidder
within a week physically in the office of tender opening authority. Online bid documents
submitted by intending bidders shall be opened only of those bidders, whose original EMD
deposited with any division of CPWD and other documents scanned and uploaded are found
in order.

The bid submitted shall be opened at 03:30 PM on 24.11.2023

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


10. The bid submitted shall become invalid and e-Tender processing fee (if applicable) shall not
be refunded if:
(i) The bidder is found ineligible.
(ii) The bidder does not upload scanned copies of all the documents stipulated in the bid
(iii) If any discrepancy is noticed between the documents as uploaded at the time of
submission of bid and hard copies as submitted physically by the lowest bidder in the
office of bid opening authority.
(iv) If a tenderer quotes nil rates against each item in item rate tender or does not quote any
percentage above/below on the total amount of the tender or any section / sub head in
percentage rate tender, the tender shall be treated as invalid and will not be considered
as lowest tenderer.

11. The contractor whose bid is accepted will be required to furnish performance guarantee at
specified percentage of the tendered amount as mentioned in schedule E and within the period
specified in Schedule F. This guarantee shall be in the form of Insurance Surety Bonds,
Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt or Bank Guarantee from any of the
Commercial Banks in accordance with the prescribed form. In case the contractor fails to
deposit the said performance guarantee within the period as indicated in Schedule 'F',
including the extended period if any, the Earnest Money deposited by the contractor shall be
forfeited automatically without any notice to the contractor. The earnest money deposited
along with bid shall be returned after receiving the aforesaid performance guarantee. The
contractor whose bid is accepted will also be required to furnish either copy of applicable
licenses/ registrations or proof of applying for obtaining labour licenses, registration with
EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare Board including Provident Fund Code No., if applicable,
and also ensure the compliance of aforesaid provisions by the sub- contractors, if any engaged
by the contractor for the said work within the period specified in Schedule F.

12. The description of the work is as follows:

“Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111 to 1135 in
Gujarat Sector. ”
Intending Bidders are advised to inspect and examine the site and its surroundings and satisfy
themselves before submitting their bids as to the nature of the ground and sub-soil (so far as
is practicable), the form and nature of the site, the means of access to the site, the
accommodation they may require and in general shall themselves obtain all necessary
information as to risks, contingencies and other circumstances which may influence or affect
their bid. A bidders shall be deemed to have full knowledge of the site whether he inspects it
or not and no extra charge consequent on any misunderstanding or otherwise shall be allowed.
The bidders shall be responsible for arranging and maintaining at his own cost all materials,
tools & plants, water, electricity access, facilities for workers and all other services required
for executing the work unless otherwise specifically provided for in the contract documents.
Submission of a bid by a bidder implies that he has read this notice and all other contract
documents and has made himself aware of the scope and specifications of the work to be done

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


and of conditions and rates at which stores, tools and plant, etc. will be issued to him by the
Government and local conditions and other factors having a bearing on the execution of the

13. The competent authority on behalf of the President of India does not bind itself to accept the
lowest or any other bid and reserves to itself the authority to reject any or all the bids received
without the assignment of any reason. All bids in which any of the prescribed condition is not
fulfilled or any condition including that of conditional rebate is put forth by the bidders shall
be summarily rejected.

14. Canvassing, whether directly or indirectly, in connection with bidders is strictly prohibited
and the bids submitted by the contractors who resort to canvassing will be liable for rejection.

15. The competent authority on behalf of President of India reserves to himself the right of
accepting the whole or any part of the bid and the bidders shall be bound to perform the same
at the rate quoted.

16. The contractor shall not be permitted to bid for works in the CPWD Circle (Division in case
of contractors of Horticulture/Nursery category) responsible for award and execution of
contracts, in which his near relative is posted a Divisional Accountant or as an officer in any
capacity between the grades of Superintending Engineer and Junior Engineer (both inclusive).
He shall also intimate the names of persons who are working with him in any capacity or are
subsequently employed by him and who are near relatives to any gazetted officer in the Central
Public Works Department or in the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs. Any breach of
this condition by the contractor would render him liable to be removed from the approved list
of contractors of this Department.

17. No Engineer of Gazetted Rank or other Gazetted Officer employed in Engineering or

Administrative duties in an Engineering Department of the Government of India is allowed to
work as a contractor for a period of one year after his retirement from Government service,
without the prior permission of the Government of India in writing. This contract is liable to
be cancelled if either the contractor or any of his employees is found any time to be such a
person who had not obtained the permission of the Government of India as aforesaid before
submission of the bid or engagement in the contractor's service.

18. The bids for the work shall remain open for acceptance for a period of 75 (seventy five) days
from the date of opening of technical bids in case bids are invited in 2 or 3 bid system.

(i) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms &
conditions of the tender which is not acceptable to the department within 7 days after
last date of submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other
right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective
of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


(ii) If any tenderer withdraws his tender or makes any modification in the terms &
conditions of the tender which is not acceptable to the department after expiry of 7 days
after last date of submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any
other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest money absolutely
irrespective of letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.

(iii) In case of forfeiture of earnest money as prescribed in para (i) and (ii) above, the bidders
shall not be allowed to participate in the rebidding process of the same work.

19. This notice inviting Bid shall form a part of the contract document. The successful bidder/
contractor, on acceptance of his bid by the Accepting Authority shall within 15 days from the
stipulated date of start of the work, sign the contract consisting of:

(a) The Notice Inviting Bid, all the documents including Special and additional conditions,
specifications and drawings, if any, forming part of the bid as uploaded at the time of
invitation of bid and the rates quoted online at the time of submission of bid and
acceptance thereof together with any correspondence leading thereto.

(b) Standard C.P.W.D. Form 7 and Standard General Conditions of Contract for CPWD
2023 for Maintenance work as amended/ modified up to last date of submission of bid.

20. For Composite Bids

20.1.1 The Executive Engineer in charge of the major component will call bids for the
composite work. The cost of bid document and Earnest Money will be fixed with
respect to the combined estimated cost put to tender for the composite bid.
20.1.2 The bid document will include following three components:
Part A: CPWD-6, CPWD-7 including schedule A to F for the major component of
the work, Standard General Conditions of Contract for CPWD 2023 for
construction work as amended/ modified up to last date of submission of
Part B: General / specific conditions, specifications and schedule of quantities
applicable to major component of the work.
Part C: Schedule A to F for minor component of the work (competent authority
under clause 2 and clause 5 shall be same authority as mentioned in
schedule A to F for major components), General/specific conditions,
specifications and schedule of quantities applicable to minor component(s)
of the work.
20.1.3 The bidders must associate himself, with agencies as per NIT conditions.

20.1.4 The eligible bidders shall quote rates for all items of major component as well as for
all items of minor components of work.
20.1.5 After acceptance of the bid by competent authority, the EE in charge of major
component of the work shall issue letter of award on behalf of the President of India.
After the work is awarded, the main contractor will have to enter into one agreement
with EE in charge of major component and has also to sign two or more copies of

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


agreement depending upon number of EE's/DDH in charge of minor components. One

such signed set of agreement shall be handed over to EE/DDH in charge of minor

EE of major component will operate Part A and Part B of the agreement. EE/DDH in
charge of minor component(s) shall operate Part- C along with Part A of the agreement.

20.1.6 Entire work under the scope of composite bid including major and all minor
components shall be executed under one agreement.

20.1.7 Security Deposit will be worked out separately for each component corresponding to
the estimated cost of the respective component of works.

20.1.8 The main contractor has to associate agencies for specialized component(s)
conforming to eligibility criteria as defined in the bid document and has to submit
detail of such agency(s) to Engineer-in-Charge of relevant component(s) within
prescribed time. Name of the agency(s) to be associated shall be approved by
Engineer-in-Charge of relevant component(s).

20.1.9 In case the main contractor intends to change any of the above agency/agencies during
the operation of the contract, he shall obtain prior approval of Engineer-in- Charge of
relevant specialized component(s).

The new agency/agencies shall also have to satisfy the laid down eligibility criteria. In
case Engineer-in-Charge is not satisfied with the performance of any agency, he can
direct the contractor to change the agency executing such items of work and this shall
be binding on the contractor.

20.1.10 The main contractor has to enter into MoU with agency(s) associated by him . Copy
of such MoU shall be submitted to EE/ DDH in charge of each relevant component as
well as to EE-in-charge of major component. In case of change of associate contractor,
the main agency(s) has to enter into MoU/agreement with the new contractor
associated by him.

Running payment for the major component shall be made by EE of major discipline to
the main contractor. Running payment for minor components shall be made by the
Engineer-in-Charge of the discipline of minor component directly to the main
contractor. The CMB shall be maintained independently by Engineer-in- Charge of
major and minor components.

20.1.11 A. The composite work shall be treated as complete when all the components of the
work are complete. The completion certificate of the composite work shall be recorded
by Engineer-in-Charge of major component after record of completion certificate of
all other components.
20.1.12 B. Final bill of whole work shall be finalized and paid by the EE of major component.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Engineer(s) in charge of minor component(s) will prepare and pass the final bill for
their component of work and pass on the same to the EE of major component for
including in the final bill for composite contract.

21. The intending bidders are required to update their profile in CPWD e- tender portal and to
upload their bids well in advance of last date of submission of tender. Any issue related to
updating profile/uploading tender can be resolved through the concerned Executive Engineer/
Assistant Engineer or ERP helpline no. 18001803286 or e-mail id
[email protected]. The e- tendering bidders are also advised not to wait to
raise any issues till the last date of submission of bid in their own interest.

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Brief Particular of the work

1. Salient details of the work for which bids are invited are as under:

S. Name of work Estimated Cost Period of completion

1. “Extra Ordinary Repair & Rs. 1,20,19,71,323/- 18 months
Strengthening of Border Road
from BP 1111 to 1135 in Gujarat

2. The site of the Project is located in the Great Rann of Kachchh along the India-Pakistan border.
The Rann of Kachchh is a seasonally marshy region situated south of the Thar Desert.
Although Rann is almost a plain area, many depressions of varying dimensions are also
observed. These depressions get filled up with rain water during monsoon. The approximately
length of the road is 38 kms.

3. For extra ordinary repair of this road, following General features & major components of the
work have been undertaken in the NIT:-
i. Excavation in Road alignment for Gabion work and Culverts at places.
ii. Strengthening of Earthen Embankment and Road Work at places.
iii. Provision for side slope protection work with gabions using Geotextile as per approved
design and places.
iv. Provision of precast RCC Box Culverts, Parapet Wall and Wing Wall.
v. Road work with WMM, Dense Graded Bituminous Macadam & Dense Bituminous
Concrete with the help of Automatic Hot Mix Bituminous Batching Plant and using
sensor paver.

4. Before submitting the bid, bidders are expected to visit the site of work and satisfy themselves
regarding the topography of the area. No claim will be entertained on the ground of variation
in topography and circumstances.

5. For execution of work, following shall generally be used:

(i) “Specification for Road and Bridges works” published by Indian Road Congress
(ii) The Contract form of CPWD-7, as per latest updated “General Conditions of Contracts
2023 Maintenance Works” for CPWD works with up-to-date correction
slip/amendments till the submission of bid. This document is available separately at
printer’s outlets. The applicant may obtain the address of outlets from the Executive
Engineer inviting bids.
(iii) CPWD Specification Vol. I to II 2019 with up-to-date correction slips.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


1.1. Letter of transmittal and forms for deciding eligibility are given in Section-III.
1.2. All information called for in the enclosed forms should be furnished against the relevant
columns in the forms. If for any reason, information is furnished on a separate sheet, this fact
should be mentioned against the relevant column. Even if no information is to be provided in
a column, a “nil” or “no such case” entry should be made in that column. If any
particulars/query is not applicable in case of the bidder, it should be stated as “not applicable”.
The bidders are cautioned that not giving complete information called for in the application
forms or not giving it in clear terms or making any change in the prescribed forms or
deliberately suppressing the information may result in the bid being summarily disqualified.
Bids made by telegram or e-mailed or telex and those received late will not be entertained.
1.3. References, information and certificates from the respective clients certifying suitability,
technical knowledge or capability of the bidder should be signed by an officer not below the
rank of Executive Engineer or equivalent with stamp, e-mail and phone numbers.
1.4. The bidder may furnish any additional information which he thinks is necessary to establish
his capabilities to successfully complete the envisaged work. He is, however, advised not to
furnish superfluous information. No information shall be entertained after submission of bid
unless it is called for by the Employer.

2.1. In this document the following words and expressions have the meaning hereby assigned to
2.2. EMPLOYER: Means the President of India, acting through Executive Engineer, Border
Fencing Division-V, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat or successor thereof.
2.3. BIDDER: Means the individual, proprietary firm, firm in partnership, limited company
(private or public) or corporation.
2.4. “Year” means “Financial Year” unless stated otherwise.
2.5. “BFLD” means Border Flood Lighting Division, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat or successor thereof.
2.6. “CE, BFZ” means Chief Engineer, Border Fencing Zone, CPWD, New Delhi or successor
2.7. “CE BFLZ” means Chief Engineer, Border Flood Lighting Zone, CPWD, New Delhi or
successor thereof.
2.8. SE, BFC-II” Means Superintending Engineer, Border Fencing Circle II, CPWD, Bhuj,
Gujarat at or successor thereof.

3.0. Method of Application:

3.1. If the bidder is an individual, the application shall be signed by him above his full type written
name and current address.
3.2. If the bidder is a proprietary firm, the application shall be signed by the proprietor above his
full type written name and the full name of his firm with its current address.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


3.3. If the bidder is a firm in partnership, the application shall be signed by all the partners of the
firm above their full typewritten names and current addresses, or, alternatively, by a partner
holding power of attorney for the firm. In the latter case a certified copy of the power of
attorney should accompany the application (Also be scanned and uploaded to the e-tendering
portal). In both cases a certified copy of the partnership deed and the current address of all the
partners of the firm should accompany the application.
3.4. If the bidder is a limited company or a corporation, the application shall be signed by a duly
authorized person holding power of attorney for signing the application accompanied by a
copy of the power of attorney. The bidder should also furnish a copy of the Memorandum of
Articles of Association duly attested by a Public Notary.


The employer reserves the right to accept or reject any bid and to annul the process and reject
all bids at any time, without assigning any reason or incurring any liability to the bidders.


The particulars of the work given in Section-I are provisional. They are liable to change and
must be considered only as advanced information to assist the bidders.


The bidder is advised to visit the site of work, at his own cost, and examine it and its
surroundings to himself collect all information that he considers necessary for proper
assessment of the prospective assignment.


7.1 The Contractors/ agencies who fulfill the following requirements shall be eligible to apply.
Joint ventures are not acceptable. [(a), (b), (c) & (d) are not applicable for CPWD enlisted
contractors of appropriate class. However, (e) is applicable for CPWD enlisted contractors

(a) Should have satisfactorily completed the works as mentioned below during the last seven
years ending last day of the month previous to the one in which tenders are invited:

Three similar completed works each costing not less than Rs 4808 lakhs,
Two similar completed works each costing not less than Rs 7212 lakhs,
One similar completed work costing not less than Rs 9616 lakhs.

(“Similar work shall mean road construction/ repair work including embankment,
protection work and culvert work”).

Note-1: Components of work executed other than those included in definition of similar
work shall be deducted while calculating cost of similar work. The bidder shall
submit an abstract of the cost of work in support of this.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Note-2: For the purpose, “Cost of work” shall mean gross value of the completed work
including the cost of materials supplied by the Government/Client but excluding
those supplied free of cost. This should be certified by an officer not below the
rank of Executive Engineer / Project Manager or equivalent.

Note-3: The value of executed work shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing
the actual value of work at simple rate of 7% per annum; calculated from the date
of completion to last date of submission of bids.

(b) Should have had Average Annual Financial Turnover of Rs. 3606 Lakhs on civil construction
works during the last three consecutive years ending 31st March 2023 (Scanned copy of
Certificate from CA with Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) to be uploaded).
The year in which no turnover is shown would also be considered for working out the average.
The value of annual turnover figures shall be brought to the current value by enhancing the
actual turnover figures at simple rate of 7% per annum.

(c) Should not have incurred any loss (profit after tax should be positive) in more than two years
during the last five years ending 31st March 2023

(d) Should have a Banker's Certificate from a commercial Bank for Rs. 4808 Lakhs (on the
format prescribed in form B).
Net Worth certificate from CA with Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN) of
Rs. 1202 Lakhs issued by the certified Chartered Accountant (on the format prescribed in
form B-1).

(e) Should have bidding capacity equal to or more than the estimated cost of the work put to
tender. The bidding capacity shall be worked out by the following formula:

Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx1.5]-B} Where,

A = Maximum turnover in civil construction works executed in any one year during the last
seven years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of
completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate of 7%
per annum.

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited.

B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited.

* [Bidding capacity formula, for CPWD contractors who are enlisted based on rule 6.1.7 of
Enlistment Rules-2022 i.e. government retired engineer / architect for three years from the
date of issue of enlistment order, shall be as follows: -

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx1.5]-B}

A = Banker certificate figure as submitted by applicant (i.e. government retired engineer /
architect) at the time of enlistment for first year of enlistment and subsequent fresh bankers
certificate for second and third year respectively. Value of A for first year will be mentioned
in the enlistment order by the member secretary of advisory committee for enlisting authority.

N= Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited.

B = Value of existing commitments and on-going works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited. This value is for newly enlisted entity.

Within three years from the date of issue of enlistment order, the newly enlisted entity has to
develop its own bidding capacity and thereafter the general capacity formula being used for
other entities shall be applicable to it for calculation of bidding capacity.

Newly enlisted entity may like to follow general bidding capacity formula even before period
of three years if it so chooses.]

** [ Bidding capacity, for CPWD contractors who are enlisted based on rules 9.6.3 & 9.6.4 of
Enlistment Rules – 2022 i.e. new entity based on previously enlisted entity for three years
from date of issue of enlistment order, shall be as follows: -

Annual turnover of newly enlisted entity shall be in proportion to the shareholding of partners
/ directors in the original enlisted entity at the time of enlistment of the newly enlisted entity.

Within three years from the date of issue of enlistment order, the newly enlisted entity has to
develop its own bidding capacity and thereafter the general bidding capacity formula being
used for other entities shall be applicable to it for calculation of bidding capacity. Newly
enlisted entity may like to follow general bidding capacity formula even before period of three
years, if it so chooses.

Bidding capacity for newly enlisted entity based on rules 9.6.3 & 9.6.4 enlistment rules 2022
shall be as follows:-

= {[A’xNx1.5]-B}


A’= Proportionate share of newly enlisted director / partner in originally enlisted company /
firm multiplied by the factor A, as given below. Value of A’ will be mentioned in the
enlistment order by member secretary of Advisory committee for Enlistment Authority, it will
remain same for three years.

A = Maximum turnover in civil construction works executed in any one year during the last
seven years taking into account the completed as well as works in progress. The value of

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


completed works shall be brought to current costing level by enhancing at a simple rate of 7%
per annum. This value is of originally enlisted entity at the time of enlistment of newly enlisted

N = Number of years prescribed for completion of work for which bids have been invited.

B = Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited. This value is for newly enlisted entity.]

Note:- Enlisted entities based on rules 6.1.7, 9.6.3 or 9.6.4 of enlistment rules – 2022 can
submit MoU from agency having requisite experience for structural system technology
if the enlisted entity does not have required experience.

Note: The bidder should submit bidding capacity calculation as per form C-2.

(f) The bidder should have sufficient number of Technical and Administrative employees for the
proper execution of the contract. The bidder shall have to submit a list of these employees stating
clearly how these would be involved in this work within 15 days of award of work.


8.1. The details submitted by the bidders will be evaluated in the following manner.

8.1.1. The Initial Eligibility Criteria prescribed in Para 7.0 above and as defined in Information and
Instructions for contractors in respect of experience of eligible similar works completed,
Profit/Loss, Banker’s certificate, Financial Turnover and Bidding Capacity etc., will first be
scrutinized and the Bidder’s eligibility for the work be determined.

8.1.2. The bidders qualifying the initial criteria as set out in Para 7.0 above will be evaluated for
following criteria by scoring method on the basis of details furnished by them:
(a) Financial strength (Form ‘A’, ‘B’ / ‘B1’) : Maximum 20 Marks
(b) Experience in eligible similar nature of Works during : Maximum 20 Marks
last Seven years (Form ‘C’)
(c) Performance on works (Form ‘C’) - Time Over run : Maximum 20 Marks
(d) Performance on works (Form ‘D-1’) - Quality : Maximum 40 Marks
Total :Maximum 100 Marks

Evaluation of performance: - Evaluation of the performance of contractors for eligibility

shall be done by NIT approving authority or a Committee constituted by him. All the eligible
similar works executed and submitted by the bidders in support of eligibility and any one or
more of the ongoing works may be got inspected by a committee which may consist of client
or any other authority as decided by NIT approving authority. The marks for the quality shall
be given based on this inspection, if inspection is carried out.

Scoring method of evaluation: - The scoring for evaluation mentioned in these columns shall
be done as given in Proforma- I.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


To become eligible for qualification in eligibility bid evaluation, the bidder must secure at
least 50% (fifty percent) marks in each attribute (a, b, c, d) and sixty percent marks in

The department, however, reserves the right to restrict the list of such qualified bidders to any
number, as deemed suitable by it.

The average value of performance of works for time over run and quality shall be taken on
the basis of performance report of the completed/ ongoing eligible similar works.


Bidder should furnish the Annual Financial Statement for the last five years (in Form “A”),
Banker’s Certificate (in Form “B”) or Net Worth Certificate (in Form “B-1”).


10.1 Bidder should furnish the list of eligible similar nature of works successfully completed and
ongoing works during the last seven years (in Form “C”) and ongoing works as well (Form


Bidder is required to submit the information in respect of his organization (in Forms ‘E”).


The bidder should submit the letter of transmittal attached with the document.


After evaluation of eligibility bid, a list of agencies qualified in the evaluation will be
prepared. Thereafter, the financial bids of only the qualified and technically acceptable bidders
shall be opened at the notified time, date and place in the presence of the qualified bidders or
their representatives.


14.1 The employer reserves the right, without being liable for any damages or obligation to inform
the bidder, to:
(a) Amend the scope of work and value of contract.
(b) Reject any or all of the applications without assigning any reason.

14.2 Any effort on the part of the bidder or his agent to exercise influence or to pressurize the
employer would result in rejection of his bid. Canvassing of any kind is prohibited.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)





Attributes Evaluation
(a) Financial strength (20 marks)
(i) Average annual (16 marks) (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility
turnover criteria
(ii) Banker’s Certificate / (4 Marks) (ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum
Net Worth eligibility criteria or more
Certificate In between (i) & (ii) – on pro-rata basis
(b) Experience in similar (20 marks) (i) 60% marks for minimum eligibility
class of works criteria
(ii) 100% marks for twice the minimum
eligibility criteria or more
In between (i) & (ii) – on pro-rata basis
(c) Performance on works (20Marks)
(time over run)
Parameter Calculation for Score Maximum
points Marks
If TOR= 1.00 2.00 3.00 >3.50 20
(i) Without levy of compensation 20 15 10 10
(ii) With levy of compensation 20 5 0 -5
(iii) Levy of compensation not decided 20 10 0 0
TOR= AT/ST, where AT= Actual Time; ST= Stipulated Time in the Agreement plus
(+) justified period of Extension of Time
Note: Marks for value in between the stages indicated above is to be determined by
straight line variation basis.
(d) Performance of works (Quality) as per Assessment in Form D-1. (40 marks)
Completed works (max. Ongoing works (max 15 (Total marks
25 marks) marks) assessed)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Receipt of deposition of original EMD

(Receipt No…………………./date………………….)
(i) Name of work Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of
Border Road from BP 1111 to 1135 in
Gujarat Sector.
(ii) NIT No. 02/CE/BFZ/EE(P-I)/2023-24
(iii) Estimated Cost Rs. 1,20,19,71,323/-
Amount of Earnest Money Rs. 1,30,19,713/-
Last date of submission of bid
(To be filled by Tender
inviting authority/NIT
(v) 24.11.2023 upto 03:00 PM
approving authority at the
time of issue of NIT and
uploaded along with NIT)
(vi) Name of the Contractor ………………………………………...#
(vii) Form of EMD ………………………………..……….#
(viii) Amount of EMD …………………………………..…….#
(ix) Date of submission of EMD ………………………………………...#
Signature, Name and Designation of EMD
receiving officer (EE/ AE(P)/ AE/ AAO)
along with office stamp
(# to be filled by EMD receiving EE or NIT issuing EE/AE as the case may be)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat)

Sub: “Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111 to 1135 in
Gujarat Sector”.
NIT NO.:- 02/CE/BFZ/EE(P-I)/2023-24


Having examined the details given in bid document for the above work, I/we hereby submit
the relevant information.

1. I/We hereby certify that all the statements made and information supplied in the enclosed
forms and accompanying statements are true and correct.

2. I/We have furnished all information and details necessary for eligibility and have no further
pertinent information to supply.

3. I / We, submit the requisite certified Banker’s Certificate OR Net Worth certificate issued by
a bank or Certified Chartered Accountant and authorize the Executive Engineer, Border
Fencing Division-V, CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat) to
approach the Chartered Accountant issuing the Net Worth Certificate to confirm the
correctness thereof. I/We, also authorize the Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat) to approach individuals,
employers, firms and corporation to verify our competence and general reputation.

4. I/We submit the following certificates in support of our suitability, technical knowledge and
capability for having successfully completed the following eligible similar works.
S.N. Name of work Amount Certificate issued by

5. I/We also authorize the Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-V, CPWD, 59th BN,
BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat) to approach individuals, employers, firms and
corporation to verify our submitted/uploaded eligibility documents. In case any discrepancy

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


is noticed, the department may reject the bids and also take action to withdraw my/our
enlistment/ debar me/us from tendering in CPWD”.

6. I/We submit the certificate in support of having successfully completed the following work
with the technology proposed to be used in the work (applicable for EPC tenders under Mode
I/II only)
Name of work Certificate from

7. I/We hereby attaching copy of type test report conducted in respect of precast concrete
construction system technology proposed to be used in the work (Applicable if precast
concrete construction system technology is proposed by bidder for EPC tenders under Mode
I / II only).

8. I/We hereby submit undertaking on structural stability and soundness as per prescribed format
Form –“I”.


It is certified that the information given in the enclosed eligibility bid are correct. It is also
certified that I/we shall be liable to be debarred disqualified/cancelation of enlistment in case
any information furnished by me/ us found to be incorrect.

Enclosures: Seal of bidder

Date of submission

Signature(s) of bidder(s)

Telephone No./Mobile No./Fax No/ email

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



I. Financial Analysis-Details to be furnished duly supported by figures in balance sheet / profit

& loss account for the last five years duly certified by the Chartered Accountant, as submitted
by the applicant to the Income Tax Department (Copies to be attached).

2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Gross Annual
i) turnover on civil
construction works
ii) (Standalone
Financial Statement)

II. Financial arrangements for carrying out the proposed work.

Signature of Chartered Accountant with Seal

Signature of Bidder(s)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



This is to certify that to the best of our knowledge and information that M/s/Shri
……………………………….. having marginally noted address, …………….as a customer
of our bank are/is respectable and can be treated as good for any engagement upto a limit of
Rs. …………..……… (Rupees …………………………………………).

This certificate is issued without any guarantee or responsibility on the bank or any of the

(Signature) For the Bank

1. Banker’s certificate should be on letter head of the Bank, addressed to tendering authority.
2. In case of partnership firm, certificate should include names of all partners as recorded with
the Bank.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


FORM “B-1”

“It is to certify that as per the audited balance sheet and profit & loss account during the
financial year …….., the Net Worth of M/s ………………………(Name & Registered
Address of individual/firm/company), as on ……………………(the relevant date) is
Rs………………after considering all liabilities. It is further certified that the Net Worth of
the company has not eroded by more than 30% in the last three years ending on 31.03.2023.”
Unique Document Identification Number (UDIN)……….

Signature of Chartered Accountant………………

Name of Chartered Accountant …………………
Membership No. of ICAI
Date and Seal

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

Sl. No.

Name of work/ project and location

Owner or sponsoring organization

Cost of work in crores of rupees

Date of commencement as per contract

Stipulated date of completion

Actual date of completion

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL


Whether EOT granted with / without

levy of compensation

Litigation/ arbitration cases pending /in

*indicate gross amount claimed and amount awarded by the Arbitrator.

progress with details*

Name and address/ telephone number of


officer to whom reference may be made

Signature of Bidder(s)

Whether the work was done on back to


back basis Yes/ No

Sl. No.

Name of work/ project and location

Owner or sponsoring organization

Cost of work in crores of rupees

Date of commencement as per contract

Stipulated date of completion

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL

FORM ‘C-1’

Upto date percentage progress of work

Slow progress if any and reason thereof



Name and address/ telephone number of


Signature of Bidder(s)
officer to whom reference may be made


FORM ‘C-2’



Sl Name Own Contr Date of Stipul Upto Remain Existin Name Remarks
. of er or act comme ated date ing g and
N work/ spon value ncemen date perce work in commit address/
o. project sorin in t as per of ntage percent ment telephon
and g crores contract compl progre age column e number
locatio orga of etion ss of (100- 4 x of officer
n nizat rupees work column column to whom
ion 7) 8/100 reference
may be
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Total (B) =
Maximum turnover in last seven years = Rs…………………
Updated value of turnover (A) = Rs…………………
No. of years (N) = ….…………………
Bidding Capacity = {[AxNx1.5]-B} = ……………………


A= As defined in the document. The value of completed works shall be brought to current
costing level by enhancing at a simple rate of 7% per annum.

N= No. of years prescribed for completion of work for which bid has been invited.

B= Value of existing commitments and ongoing works to be completed during the period of
completion of work for which bids have been invited.


I certify that all the awarded and ongoing works have been included in the above list.

Signature of Bidder(s)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


FORM ‘D-1’
IN FORM “C-1” (Quality to be assessed by committee formed by NIT approving authority)

Name of work:-

Date of Inspection:-

Date of Submission of report:-

A. General observation & operational Yes / No

1. Availability of approval from local bodies if
included in the scope of work.
2. Availability of approved Structural
3. Whether Line & level maintained as per
approved alignment.
4. Any Structural defects / distress observed
during service life if any.
5. Whether safety standard followed at site as
per govt. guidelines are adequate or not.
6. Whether the welfare facilities provided to
labour as per govt. guidelines are adequate
or not.
B. Quality of work Marks Assessed
1. Quality of Road Embankment Work
2. Quality of wearing course i.e. DBM &
3. Quality of base course i.e. WBM /WMM &
4. Quality of RCC / Precast RCC Work in
5. Quality of protection work Gabion /Revet
6. Whether line maintained in Gabion work
7. Any other aspect (To be elaborated)

(i) Average Marks (To be awarded on 100 Marks scale based on average of marks
assessed on each attribute mentioned at B above).
1. All the above parameters may be considered for assessing the overall quality of work
executed by the contractor. Each attribute shall be assessed on maximum marks of 10.

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2. In case, any attribute is not applicable, the same may not be included in assessment and
mentioned are not applicable (N/A).

3. The works as assessed above shall be converted on a scale of 25/15 marks for completed
/ ongoing works respectively. In case of agencies who do not have any ongoing work, the
assessment shall be made on a scale of 40 marks considered for completed work.

4. In case of eligible completed works as well as ongoing works being more than one, the
average marks assigned for eligible completed works shall be considered for marking
purpose. only one ongoing work shall be assessed.

Dated: Executive Engineer or Equivalent

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



1. Name & Address of the bidder

2. Telephone No./Telex No./Fax No
3. Legal status of the bidder (Scan & upload copies of
original document defining the legal status).
a) An Individual
b) A proprietary firm
c) A firm in partnership
d) A limited company or Corporation
4. Particulars of registration with various Government bodies
(scan and upload attested photo-copy).
Organization / Place of Registration Registration No.
5. Names and titles of Directors & Officers with
designation to be concerned with this work.
6. Designation of individuals authorized to act for the
7. Has the bidder, or any constituent partner in case of
partnership firm, Limited Company / Joint Venture,
ever been convicted by the court of law? If so, give
8. In which field of civil engineering construction, the
bidder has specialization and interest?
9. Any other information considered necessary but not
included above.


Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


(on letterhead of bidder with stamp)

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat)

Sub:-Name of Work:- Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111
to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.

NIT No.:- 02/CE/BFZ/EE(P-I)/2023-24


Having examined the details given in press notice and bid document for the above
I/ We hereby submit the following. “If work is awarded to me / us, I / We shall obtain
GST registration certificate as applicable within one month from the date of receipt of the
award letter or before release of any payment by CPWD, whichever is earlier, failing which
I/We shall be responsible for any delay in payments which will be due towards me/us on a/c
of the work executed and/or for any action taken by CPWD of GST department in this regard.

Seal of bidder.

Date of submission

Signature (s) of Bidder(s)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


(on letterhead of bidder with stamp)

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th BN, BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat)

Sub:-Name of Work:- Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111
to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.

NIT No.:- 02/CE/BFZ/EE(P-I)/2023-24


I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar works (s) has / have not been got
executed through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation
comes to the notice of the Department, then I/We shall be debarred for bidding in CPWD in
future forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of the Department before the date
of start of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the Performance Guarantee.

Seal of bidder.

Date of submission

Signature (s) of Bidder(s)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)





I/we undertake and confirm that any building/ infrastructure constructed by our
firm/partnership firm/company has not suffered any failure, making it unfit for intended use,
either due to structural design and defects or due to use of sub-standard materials or execution
of sub-standard work, poor workmanship or any other reason during the last 25 (twenty-five)

I/we, further undertake that if such information comes to the notice of CPWD, then
Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to terminate the bid/agreement and to forfeit the entire
amount of earnest money deposit, performance guarantee and security deposits.

I/we, also undertake that in addition to above, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to
debar us forever from tendering in CPWD.

The decision of Engineer-in-Charge or any higher authority shall be final and binding.

Signature of Signature of bidder or an

Notary with seal authorized person of the firm
with stamp

Note: Affidavit to be furnished on a ‘Non-Judicial’ stamp paper of Rs. 200/- (scanned copy
of the notarized affidavit to be uploaded at the time of submission of bid).

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


On non judicial stamp paper of minimum Rs. 100

(Guarantee offered by Bank to CPWD in connection with the execution of contracts)
Form of Bank Guarantee for Earnest Money Deposit /performance
Guarantee/Security Deposit/Mobilization Advance/ refund of milestone withheld
amount/Performance of Gabion work / Performance of precast-RCC box culvert

1. Whereas the Executive Engineer ………………………. (Name of division)

……………………. CPWD on behalf of the President of India (hereinafter called "The
Government,) has invited bids under ........................(NIT number) ...................... dated
…………… for................................................... (name of work)
…………………………………. The Government has further agreed to accept irrevocable
Bank Guarantee for Rs. ....................... (Rupees .......................................... only) valid upto
......... (date)*.............. as Earnest Money Deposit from ......................... (Name and address of
contractor) .................., (hereinafter called "the contractor") for compliance of his obligations
in accordance with the terms and conditions of the said NIT.
Whereas the Executive Engineer ……………………… (name of division)
…………………CPWD on behalf of the President of India (hereinafter called "The
Government”) has entered into an agreement bearing number ……………with
......................(name and address of the contractor) ……………. (Hereinafter called "the
Contractor”) for execution of work............. ... (name of work) ……………………....... The
Government has further agreed to accept an irrevocable Bank Guarantee for Rs. .......................
(Rupees ………………………….... only) valid upto ....................... (date).................... as
Performance Guarantee/security Deposit/Mobilization Advance/Refund of milestone
withheld amount from the said Contractor for compliance of his obligations in accordance
with the terms and conditions of the agreement.

2. We, ............... (indicate the name of the bank) ………………… (herein after referred to as
“the Bank”), hereby undertake to pay to the Government an amount not exceeding
Rs,...,.......,................. (Rupees "'........................... only) on demand by the
Government within 10 days of the demand.

3. We, ........................ (indicate the name of the Bank) …………….do here by undertake to pay
the amount due and payable under this guarantee without any demur, merely on a demand
from the Government stating that the amount claimed is required to meet the recoveries due
or likely to be due from the said contractor. Any such demand made on the Bank shall be
conclusive as regards the amount due and payable by the Bank under this Guarantee.
However, our liability under this guarantee shall be restricted to an amount not exceeding Rs.
……........ (Rupees ...................only).

4. We, .................. (indicate the name of the Bank) ............... , further undertake to pay the
Government any money so demanded notwithstanding any dispute or disputes raised by the
contractor in any suit or proceeding pending On non-judicial stamp paper of minimum Rs.100

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before any court or Tribunal, our liability under this Bank Guarantee being absolute and
unequivocal. The payment so made by us under this Bank Guarantee shall be a valid discharge
of our liability for payment thereunder and the contractor shall have no claim against us for
making such payment.

5. We, ..................... (indicate the name of the Bank) ………………further agree that the
Government shall have the fullest liberty without our consent and without affecting in any
manner our obligation hereunder to vary any of the terms and conditions of the said agreement
or to extend time of performance by the said contractor from time to time or to postpone for
any time or from time to time any of the powers exercisable by the Government against the
said contractor and to forbear or enforce any of the terms and conditions rerating to the said
agreement and we shall not be relieved from our liability by reason of any such variation or
extension being granted to the said contractor or for any forbearance, act of omission on the
part of the Government or any indulgence by the Government to the said contractor or by any
such matter or thing whatsoever which under the law relating to sureties would, but for this
provision, have effect of so relieving us.

6. We, ................... (Indicate the name of the Bank) ……………. further agree that the
Government at its option shall be entitled to enforce this Guarantee against the Bank as a
principal debtor at the first instance without proceeding against the contractor and
notwithstanding any security or other guarantee the Government may have in relation to the
Contractor's liabilities.

7. This guarantee will not be discharged due to the change in the constitution of the Bank or the

8. We, ...................... (Indicate the name of the Bank) …………, undertake not to revoke this
guarantee except with the consent of the Government in writing.

9. This Bank Guarantee shall be valid up to ……….. unless extended on demand by the
Government. Notwithstanding anything mentioned above, our liability against this guarantee
is restricted to Rs …………. (Rupees........................ only) and unless a claim in writing is
lodged with us within the date of expiry or extended date of expiry of this guarantee, all our
liabilities under this guarantee shall stand discharged.


1. Signature …………… Authorized signatory

Name and address Name
Staff code no.
2. Signature …………… Bank seal

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Name and address

* Date to be worked out on the basis of validity period of 90 days where only financial bids are
invited and 180 days for two/three bid system from the date of submission of tender.
** In paragraph 1, strike out the portion not applicable. Bank Guarantee will be made either for
earnest money or for performance guarantee/security deposit/mobilization advance/Refund of
milestone withheld amount, as the case may be.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


CPWD - 7
Percentage Rate Tender & Contract

(A) Tender for the work of: “Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from
BP 1111 to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.”

(i) To be uploaded by 15:00 hours on 24.11.2023 To upload at https://etender.cpwd.gov.in.

(ii) To be opened in presence of tenderers who may be present at 15:30 hours on 24.11.2023
in the office of the Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-V, CPWD, 59th BN,
BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj (Gujarat) (Office Ph. 02832-299814 email id:
[email protected]).


I/We have read and examined the notice inviting tender, schedule, A, B, C, D, E & F,
Specifications applicable, Drawings & Designs, General Rules and Directions, Conditions of
Contract, clauses of contract, Special conditions, Schedule of Rate & other documents, and
Rules referred to in the conditions of contract and all other contents in the tender document
for the work.

I/We hereby tender for the execution of the work specified for the President of India within
the time specified in Schedule ‘F’ viz., schedule of quantities and in accordance in all respect
with the specifications, designs, drawing and instructions in writing referred to in Rule-1 of
General Rules and Directions and in Clause 11 of the Conditions of contract and with such
materials as are provided for, by, and in respect of accordance with, such conditions so far as

I/We agree to keep the tender open for Seventy-Five (75) days from the due date of opening
of technical bid and not to make any modification in its terms and conditions.

I/We have deposited EMD for the prescribed amount in the office of concerned Executive
Engineer as per the bid document.

A copy of earnest money deposit receipt of prescribed amount deposited in the form of
Insurance Surety Bonds, Account Payee Demand Draft, Fixed Deposit Receipt, Banker's
Cheque or Bank Guarantee (as prescribed) issued by a Commercial Bank, is scanned and
uploaded (strike out as the case may be). If I/We, fail to furnish the prescribed performance
guarantee within prescribed period, I/We agree that the said President of India or his
successors, in office shall without prejudice to any other right or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit
the said earnest money absolutely. Further, if I/We fail to commence work as specified, I/ We
agree that President of India or the successors in office shall without prejudice to any other
right or remedy available in law, be at liberty to forfeit the said performance guarantee

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


absolutely. The said Performance Guarantee shall be a guarantee to execute all the works
referred to in the tender documents upon the terms and conditions contained or referred to
those in excess of that limit at the rates to be determined in accordance with the provision
contained in Clause 12.2 and 12.3 of the tender form.

Further, I/We agree that in case of forfeiture of Earnest Money or Performance Guarantee as
aforesaid, I/We shall be debarred for participation in the re-tendering process of the work.
I/We undertake and confirm that eligible similar work(s) has/have not been got executed
through another contractor on back-to-back basis. Further that, if such a violation comes to
the notice of the Department, then I/We shall be debarred for tendering in CPWD in future
forever. Also, if such a violation comes to the notice of the Department before the date of start
of work, the Engineer-in-Charge shall be free to forfeit the entire amount of Earnest Money
Deposit/Performance Guarantee.

I/We hereby declare that I/We shall treat the tender documents drawings and other records
connected with the work as secret/confidential documents and shall not communicate
information/derived there from to any person other than a person to whom I/We am/are
authorized to communicate the same or use the information in any manner prejudicial to the
safety & integrity of the State.

Dated Signature of Consultant

Witness: Postal Address

The above tender (as modified by you as provided in the letters mentioned hereunder) is
accepted by me for and on behalf of the President of India for a sum of Rs.
………………………… (Rupees ..........................................................................) The letters
referred to below shall form part of this contract agreement:
For & on behalf of the President of India.
Signatures ................................
Dated: Designation ...............................

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)







Sub: NIT No. 02/CE/BFZ/EE(P-I)/2023-24

Name of work:- Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111
to 1135 in Gujarat Sector

Dear Sir,

It is here by declared that CPWD is committed to follow the principle of

transparency, equity and competitiveness in public procurement.

The subject Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on the
condition that the Bidder will sign the integrity Agreement, which is an integral part of
tender/bid documents, failing which the tenderer/bidder will stand disqualified from the
tendering process and the bid of the bidder would be summarily rejected.

This declaration shall form part and parcel of the Integrity Agreement and signing of
the same shall be deemed as acceptance and signing of the Integrity Agreement on behalf of
the CPWD.

Yours faithfully,

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V
59 Bn, BSF Campus, Mundra Road,
Bhuj (Gujarat)-370001

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Executive Engineer (C)
Border Fencing Division-V
CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat

Sub: Submission of Tender for the work of

Name of work:- Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111
to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.

Dear Sir,

I/We acknowledge that CPWD is committed to follow the principles thereof as

enumerated in the Integrity Agreement enclosed with the tender/bid document.

I/We agree that the Notice Inviting Tender (NIT) is an invitation to offer made on
the condition that I/We will sign the enclosed integrity Agreement, which is an integral part
of tender documents, failing which I/We will stand disqualified from the tendering process.

I/We confirm acceptance and compliance with the Integrity Agreement in letter and
spirit and further agree that execution of the said Integrity Agreement shall be separate and
distinct from the main contract, which will come into existence when tender/bid is finally
accepted by CPWD. I/We acknowledge and accept the duration of the Integrity Agreement,
which shall be in the line with Article 1 of the enclosed Integrity Agreement.

I/We acknowledge that in the event of my/our failure to sign and accept the
Integrity Agreement, while submitting the tender/bid, CPWD shall have unqualified, absolute
and unfettered right to disqualify the tenderer/bidder and reject the tender/bid is accordance with
terms and conditions of the tender/bid.

Yours faithfully

(Duly authorized signatory of the Bidder)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


To be signed by the bidder and same signatory competent / authorized to sign the
relevant contract on behalf of CPWD.


This Integrity Agreement is made at ................... on this……….... day of ……. 20…......


President of India represented through The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat Herein after referred as the ‘Principal/Owner’, which expression shall
unless repugnant to the meaning or context hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)


(Name and Address of the Individual/firm/Company)

…………………….. through .......................................................................................................
(Hereinafter referred to as the (Details of duly authorized signatory)
“Bidder/Contractor” and which expression shall unless repugnant to the meaning or context
hereof include its successors and permitted assigns)


WHEREAS the Principal/ Owner has floated the Tender (NIT No. 02/CE/BFZ/EE(P-
I)/2023-24) (hereinafter referred to as “Tender/Bid”) and intends to award, under laid
down organizational procedure, contract for Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of
Border Road from BP 1111 to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.

AND WHEREAS the Principal/Owner values full compliance with all relevant laws of the
land, rules, regulations, economic use of resources and of fairness/transparency in its
relation with its Bidder(s) and Contractor(s).

AND WHEREAS to meet the purpose aforesaid both the parties have agreed to enter into this
Integrity Agreement (hereinafter referred to as “Integrity Pact” or “Pact”), the terms and
conditions of which shall also be read as integral part and parcel of the Tender/Bid documents and
Contract between the parties.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of mutual covenants contained in this Pact, the

parties hereby agree as follows and this Pact witnesses as under:

Article 1: Commitment of the Principal/Owner

1) The Principal/Owner commits itself to take all measures necessary to prevent corruption and to
observe the following principles:
(a) No employee of the Principal/Owner, personally or through any of his/her family

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members, will in connection with the Tender, or the execution of the Contract,
demand, take a promise for or accept, for self or third person, any material or immaterial
benefit which the person is not legally entitled to.

(b) The Principal/Owner will, during the Tender process, treat all Bidder(s) with equity and
reason. The Principal/Owner will, in particular, before and during the Tender process,
provide to all Bidder(s) the same information and will not provide to any Bidder(s)
confidential / additional information through which the Bidder(s) could obtain an
advantage in relation to the Tender process or the Contract execution.

(c) The Principal/Owner shall endeavour to exclude from the Tender process any person,
whose conduct in the past has been of biased nature.

2) If the Principal/Owner obtains information on the conduct of any of its employees which is a
criminal offence under the Indian Penal code (IPC)/Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 (PC
Act) or is in violation of the principles herein mentioned or if there be a substantive suspicion
in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the Chief Vigilance Officer and in addition can
also initiate disciplinary actions as per its internal laid down policies and procedures.

Article 2: Commitment of the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)

1) It is required that each Bidder/Contractor (including their respective officers, employees and
agents) adhere to the highest ethical standards, and report to the Government / Department all
suspected acts of fraud or corruption or Coercion or Collusion of which it has knowledge or
becomes aware, during the tendering process and throughout the negotiation or award of a

2) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) commit himself to take all measures necessary to prevent

corruption. He commits himself to observe the following principles during his participation
in the Tender process and during the Contract execution:

a) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm,
offer, promise or give to any of the Principal/Owner’s employees involved in the Tender
process or execution of the Contract or to any third person any material or other benefit
which he/she is not legally entitled to, in order to obtain in exchange any advantage of
any kind whatsoever during the Tender process or during the execution of the Contract.

b) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not enter with other Bidder(s) into any undisclosed
agreement or understanding, whether formal or informal. This applies in particular to
prices, specifications, certifications, subsidiary contracts, submission or non-submission
of bids or any other actions to restrict competitiveness or to cartelize in the bidding

c) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not commit any offence under the relevant IPC/PC Act.
Further the Bidder(s)/Contract(s) will not use improperly, (for the purpose of competition
or personal gain), or pass on to others, any information or documents provided by the

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Principal/Owner as part of the business relationship, regarding plans, technical

proposals and business details, including information contained or transmitted

d) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of foreign origin shall disclose the names and addresses of
agents/representatives in India, if any. Similarly, Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) of Indian
Nationality shall disclose names and addresses of foreign agents/representatives, if any.
Either the Indian agent on behalf of the foreign principal or the foreign principal directly
could bid in a tender but not both. Further, in cases where an agent participate in a tender
on behalf of one manufacturer, he shall not be allowed to quote on behalf of another
manufacturer along with the first manufacturer in a subsequent/parallel tender for the same
e) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will, when presenting his bid, disclose any and all
payments he has made, is committed to or intends to make to agents, brokers or any other
intermediaries in connection with the award of the Contract.

3) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not instigate third persons to commit offences outlined above or
be an accessory to such offences.

4) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm indulge in
fraudulent practice means a willful misrepresentation or omission of facts or submission
of fake/forged documents in order to induce public official to act in reliance thereof, with the
purpose of obtaining unjust advantage by or causing damage to justified interest of others
and/or to influence the procurement process to the detriment of the Government interests.

5) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) will not, directly or through any other person or firm use
Coercive Practices (means the act of obtaining something, compelling an action or
influencing a decision through intimidation, threat or the use of force directly or indirectly,
where potential or actual injury may befall upon a person, his/ her reputation or property to
influence their participation in the tendering process).

Article 3: Consequences of Breach

Without prejudice to any rights that may be available to the Principal/Owner under law or
the Contract or its established policies and laid down procedures, the Principal/Owner shall
have the following rights in case of breach of this Integrity Pact by the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s)
and the Bidder/ Contractor accepts and undertakes to respect and uphold the Principal/Owner’s
absolute right:

1) If the Bidder(s)/Contractor(s), either before award or during execution of Contract has

committed a transgression through a violation of Article 2 above or in any other form, such
as to put his reliability or credibility in question, the Principal/ Owner after giving 14 days’
notice to the contractor shall have powers to disqualify the Bidder(s) /Contractor(s) from
the Tender process or terminate/determine the Contract, if already executed or exclude the
Bidder/Contractor from future contract award processes. The imposition and duration of the

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exclusion will be determined by the severity of transgression and determined by the

Principal/Owner. Such exclusion may be forever or for a limited period as decided by the

2) Forfeiture of EMD/Performance Guarantee/Security Deposit:

(i) If any bidder withdraws his bid or makes any modification in the terms and conditions
of the bid which is not acceptable to the department within 7 days after last date of
submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other right or
remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 50% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of
letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.

(ii) If any bidder withdraws his bid or makes any modification in the terms & conditions of
the bid which is not acceptable to the department after expiry of 7 days after last date
of submission of bids, then the Government shall without prejudice to any other right
or remedy, be at liberty to forfeit 100% of the earnest money absolutely irrespective of
letter of acceptance for the work is issued or not.

(iii) In case of forfeiture of earnest money as prescribed in para (i) and (ii) above, the
bidders shall not be allowed to participate in the rebidding process of the same work.

If the Principal/Owner has disqualified the Bidder(s) from the Tender process prior to
the award of the Contract or terminated/determined the Contract or has accrued the
right to terminate/ determine the Contract according to Article 3(1), the
Principal/Owner apart from exercising any legal rights that may have accrued to the
Principal/Owner, may in its considered opinion forfeit the entire amount of Earnest
Money Deposit, Performance Guarantee and Security Deposit of the Bidder/Contractor.

3) Criminal Liability: If the Principal/Owner obtains knowledge of conduct of a Bidder or

Contractor, or of an employee or a representative or an associate of a Bidder or Contractor
which constitutes corruption within the meaning of IPC Act, or if the Principal/Owner has
substantive suspicion in this regard, the Principal/Owner will inform the same to law enforcing
agencies for further investigation.

Article 4: Previous Transgression

1) The Bidder declares that no previous transgressions occurred in the last 5 years with any other
Company in any country confirming to the anticorruption approach or with Central
Government or State Government or any other Central/State Public Sector Enterprises in
India that could justify his exclusion from the Tender process.

2) If the Bidder makes incorrect statement on this subject, he can be disqualified from the
Tender process or action can be taken for banning of business dealings/ holiday listing of the
Bidder/Contractor as deemed fit by the Principal/ Owner.

3) If the Bidder/Contractor can prove that he has resorted / recouped the damage caused by him
and has installed a suitable corruption prevention system, the Principal/Owner may, at its
own discretion, revoke the exclusion prematurely.

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Article 5: Equal Treatment of all Bidders/Contractors/Subcontractors

1) The Bidder(s)/Contractor(s) undertake(s) to demand from all sub-contractors a commitment

in conformity with this Integrity Pact. The Bidder/Contractor shall be responsible for any
violation(s) of the principles laid down in this agreement/Pact by any of its Subcontractors/sub-

2) The Principal/Owner will enter into Pacts on identical terms as this one with all Bidders and

3) The Principal/Owner will disqualify Bidders, who do not submit, the duly Signed Pact
between the Principal/Owner and the bidder, along with the Tender or violate its provisions
at any stage of the Tender process, from the Tender process.

Article 6- Duration of the Pact

This Pact begins when both the parties have legally signed it. It expires for
the Contractor/Vendor 12 months after the completion of work under the contract or
till the continuation of defect liability period, whichever is more and for all other bidders, till the
Contract has been awarded.

If any claim is made/lodged during the time, the same shall be binding and continue to be
valid despite the lapse of this Pacts as specified above, unless it is discharged/determined by the
Competent Authority, CPWD.

Article 7- Other Provisions

1) This Pact is subject to Indian Law, place of performance and Jurisdiction is the
Headquarters of the Division of the Principal/Owner, who has floated the Tender.

2) Changes and supplements need to be made in writing. Side agreements have not been

3) If the Contractor is a partnership or a consortium, this Pact must be signed by all the partners
or by one or more partner holding power of attorney signed by all partners and consortium
members. In case of a Company, the Pact must be signed by a representative duly authorized by
board resolution.

4) Should one or several provisions of this Pact turn out to be invalid; the remainder of this Pact
remains valid. In this case, the parties will strive to come to an agreement to their original

5) It is agreed term and condition that any dispute or difference arising between the parties with
regard to the terms of this Integrity Agreement / Pact, any action taken by the Owner /
Principal in accordance with this Integrity Agreement/ Pact or interpretation thereof shall not
be subject to arbitration.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



All rights and remedies of the parties hereto shall be in addition to all the other legal rights and
remedies belonging to such parties under the Contract and/or law and the same shall be deemed
to be cumulative and not alternative to such legal rights and remedies aforesaid. For the sake of
brevity, both the Parties agree that this Integrity Pact will have precedence over the
Tender/Contact documents with regard any of the provisions covered under this Integrity Pact.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF the parties have signed and executed this Integrity Pact at the place
and date first above mentioned in the presence of following witnesses:

(For and on behalf of Principal/Owner)

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V
59 Bn, BSF Campus, Mundra Road,
Bhuj (Gujarat)-370001
(For and on behalf of Bidder/Contractor)


1. …………………………………….
(Signature, name and address)

2. …………………………………….
(Signature, name and address)


Dated :

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Schedule of quantities: Enclosed

Extra schedule for specific As per the Tender document
requirements/ Document for
the work, if any:

Reference to General condition of CPWD’s General Conditions of contract
Contract: for – 2023 for Maintenance works (with
amendments upto last date of submission
of bids)

Name of Work: “Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP
1111 to 1135 in Gujarat Sector.”

Estimated cost of Work: Rs. 1,20,19,71,323/-

(i) Earnest Money: Rs. 1,30,19,713/-
(ii) Performance Guarantee: 5% of tendered value
(iii) Security Deposit: 2.5% of tendered value.



Officer inviting bid: The Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V, CPWD,
59th Bn. BSF Campus, Mundra Road,
Bhuj, Gujarat

Maximum percentage for

quantity of items of work to As per clause12 below
be executed beyond which
rates are to be determined in
accordance with Clause 12.2
& 12.3

2(v) Engineer-in-charge: The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing
Division–V, CPWD, 59th Bn. BSF
Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj, Gujarat or
successor thereof.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


2(viii) Accepting Authority: Chief Engineer, Border Fencing Zone,

CPWD, New Delhi.

2(x) Percentage on cost of 15%

materials and labour to
cover all overheads and

2(xi) Standard Schedule of Rates: DSR 2023, MoRT&H & Market Rates

2(xii) Department Central Public Works Department

9(ii) Standard CPWD Contract Form GCC 2023 for maintenance works,
CPWD Form 7 as modified & corrected
upto last date of submission of bid

Clause 1
(i) Time allowed for 7 days
submission of Performance
Guarantee, programme chart
(Time and progress) and
applicable labour licenses,
registration with EPFO,
ESIC and BOCW welfare
board or proof of applying
thereof from the date of
issue of letter of acceptance

(ii) Maximum allowable 7 days

extension of time with late
fee @0.1% per day of
Performance Guarantee
amount beyond which the
period provided in (i)

Clause 2
Authority for fixing Superintending Engineer, Border
compensation under clause 2. Fencing Circle- II, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat
or successor thereof.

Clause 2A Not applicable

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Clause 5
Number of days from the date of issue 14 Days
of letter of acceptance for reckoning
date of start. Milestone(s) as per Table
given below:
S. No. Description of Milestone Time Allowed Amount to be
(Cost of work to (from date of withheld in case of
executed) start) non-achievement of
1 1/8th of the tendered value 135 Days 1.25% of contract
2 3/8th of the tendered value 270 Days 1.25% of contract
3 3/4th of the tendered value 405 Days 1.25% of contract
4 Total tendered value 18 Months 1.25% of contract

Time allowed for execution of work: 18 Months

Authority to decide:
(i) Extension of time The Executive Engineer, Border Fencing
Division-V, CPWD, 59th Bn. BSF
Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj, Gujarat or
successor thereof.

(ii) Rescheduling of milestones The Superintending Engineer, Border

Fencing Circle-II, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat
or success or thereof.

(iii) Shifting of date of start in The Superintending Engineer, Border

case of delay in handing over Fencing Circle-II, CPWD, Bhuj, Gujarat
of site or success or thereof.

Schedule of handing over of site:

Part Portion of site Description Time Period for handing
over reckoned from date of
issue of letter of intent.
Part A Portion without any Site is 100% Site will be made available
hindrance available immediately award of
Part B Portions with NIL NA
Part C Portions dependent on NIL NA
work of other agencies

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Clause 5 A Not applicable

Clause 6
Computerized Measure Book (CMB) / Electronic Measurement Book (EMB)

(i) Mode of measurement CMB

Gross work to bed one together with Rs. 300 Lacs
net payment/adjustment of advances
for material collected, if any, since the
last such payment for being eligible to
interim payment

Whether clause 7A shall be Yes, applicable. (No running account bill
applicable: shall be Paid for the work till the
applicable Labour, licenses registration
with EPFO, ESIC and BOCW Welfare
Board, whatever applicable are
submitted by the contractor to the

Clause 10A
List of testing equipment to be As per Annexure-1
provided by the contractor at site lab:

Clause 10B
Whether Clause 10 B shall be Yes

Clause 10C
Component of labour expressed as Not Applicable
percent of value of work:

Clause 10CC Applicable

Schedule of component of other Materials, Labour etc. for price escalation.

Component of civil /Electrical construction value of work
Xm - 90 %
Component of POL - 5%
Component of Labour - 5%

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Clause 11 1. For Road and Bridge work: Ministry

Specification to be followed for execution of Road Transport & Highways
of work: Specifications for Road and Bridge
work (Fifth Revision) and relevant
IRC Codes.

2. C.P.W.D. Specifications (Vol I & II)

2019 with upto date Amendments
and correction slips.

3. IRC: SP: 13-2004 and other

applicable IRC Guidelines

Clause 12
Type of work Maintenance / Up-gradation work
12.2 & 12.3
Deviation Limit beyond which As per General Conditions of
Clauses 12.2 & 12.3 shall apply Contract – 2023 for
Maintenance works (with
amendments upto last date of
submission of bids)

Clause 16
Competent Authority for deciding The Superintending Engineer, Border
reduced rates: Fencing Circle-II, CPWD, Bhuj,
Gujarat or success or thereof.
Clause 18
List of mandatory machinery, tools & As per Annexure-2
plants to be deployed by the contractor
at site:

Clause 19C
Authority to decide penalty for each The Executive Engineer, Border
default Fencing Division – V, CPWD, 59th
Bn. BSF Campus, Mundra Road,
Bhuj, Gujarat or successor thereof.

Clause 19D
Authority to decide penalty for each The Executive Engineer, Border
default Fencing Division – V, CPWD, 59th Bn.
BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj,
Gujarat or successor thereof.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Clause 19G
Authority to decide penalty for each The Executive Engineer, Border
default Fencing Division - V, CPWD, 59th Bn.
BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj,
Gujarat or successor thereof.
Clause 19K
The Executive Engineer, Border
Authority to decide penalty for each
Fencing Division – V, CPWD, 59th Bn.
BSF Campus, Mundra Road, Bhuj,
Gujarat or successor thereof.
(i) Conciliator: Additional Director General (Border)
(ii) Arbitrator Appointing Authority: Chief Engineer, BFZ, New Delhi
(iii)Place of Arbitration: New Delhi

Clause 32 : “Requirement of Technical Representative (s) and Recovery

Requirement of Minimum Designatio Rate at which
Technical experience n Technical recovery shall
Qualificati Number (Years) staff be made from
on the contractor in
the event of not
Graduate 1 20 (and having Project Rs.60,000/- per
Engineer experience of one Manager month
similar nature of
Graduate 2 12 (and having Deputy Rs.40,000/- per
Engineer experience of one Project month per person
similar nature of Manager
Graduate 5 5 Project /Site Rs.25,000/- per
Engineer Or Engineer month per person
Or Diploma 10
Engineer Respectively
Graduate 1 8 Quality Rs.25,000/- per
Engineer Engineer month per person
Diploma 2 8 Surveyor Rs.15,000/- per
Engineer month per person
Graduate 1 6 Project Rs.20,000/- per
Engineer planning/Bil month per person

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Assistant Engineers retired from Government services that are holding Diploma will
be treated at par with graduate engineer.
Diploma holder with minimum 10-year relevant experience with a reputed
construction co. can be treated at par with Graduate Engineers for the purpose of such
deployment subject to the condition that such diploma holders should not exceed 50%
of requirement of degree engineers.

Provision of Independent External Monitors:

(i) Threshold value (Estimated Rs. 300 Crores
cost put to tender) at and
above which Integrity Pact
would be applicable:
(ii) Particulars of IEMs Not applicable
appointed by CVC:

Clause 38

(i) (a) Schedule / statement for determining theoretical quantity of cement & bitumen on
the basic of Delhi Schedule of Rates 2023 printed by C.P.W.D.

(ii) Variations permissible on theoretical quantities:

(a) Cement
For works with estimated cost put to tender
not more than Rs.25 lakhs 3% plus / minus.
For works with estimated
cost put to tender more than Rs.25 lakhs 2% plus / minus.
(b) Bitumen All works 2.5% plus & nil on minus side
(c) Steel reinforcement and structural steel sections 2% plus / minus
for each diameter, section and category
(d) All other materials NIL

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Clause 10 A: List of testing equipment’s to be provided by the contractor at site lab.

All necessary equipment for conducting all necessary tests shall be provided at the
site laboratory by the contractor at his own cost. The following minimum laboratory
equipment’s shall be set up at site office laboratory (As per requirement of work decided by

A. For Building Work

1. Balances
(i) 7 kg. to 10 kg. capacity, semi-self-indicating type - accuracy 10 gm.
(ii) 500 gm. capacity, semi-self-indicating type - accuracy 1 gm.
(iii) Pan balance- 5 kg. capacity - accuracy 10 gms.
2. Ovens-electrically operated, thermostatically controlled upto 110°C - sensitivity 1°C.
3. Sieves: as per IS 460-1962.
(i) I.S. sieves - 450mm internal dia, of sizes 100 mm, 80 mm, 63mm, 50 mm, 40 mm, 25
mm, 20 mm, 12.5 mm, 10 mm, 6.3 mm, 4.75mm, complete with lid and pan.
(ii) I.S. sieves- 200mm internal dia (brass frame) consisting of 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600
microns, 425 microns, 300 microns, 212 microns, 150 microns, 90 microns, 75
microns, with lid and pan.
4. Sieve shaker capable of 200 mm and 300 mm dia sieves, manually operated with timing switch
5. Equipment for slump test - Slump cone, steel plate, tamping rod, steel scale, scoop.
6. Dial gauges, 25 mm travel - 0.01 mm/division least count - 2nos.
7. 100 tonnes compression testing machine, electrical-cum manually operated.
8. Graduated measuring cylinders 200 ml capacity - 3 Nos.
9. Enamel trays (for efflorescence test for bricks).
(i) 300 m×250 mm × 40 mm - 2 nos.
(ii) Circular plates of 250 mm dia - 4 nos.

B. For Road Works

1. Balances
(i) 7 kg to 10 kg capacity, semi-self-indicating type - accuracy 10 gm.
(ii) 500 gm capacity, semi-self-indicating type, accuracy 1 gm.
(iii) Chemical balance, 100 gm capacity - accuracy 0.1 gm.
(iv) Pan balance - 5 kg. capacity - 10 gm accuracy.
(v) Platform scale- 300 kg capacity.
2. Oven electrically operated, thermostatically controlled.
(i) Upto 200°C for determination of loss on heating of bitumen.
3. Sieves as per IS 460-1962.
(i) I.S. sieves - 450 mm of internal dia of sizes 100 mm, 80mm, 63mm, 50mm, 40mm,
25mm, 20mm, 12.5mm, 10mm, 6.3mm, 1.75mm, complete with lid and pan.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


(ii) I.S. sieves - 200 mm internal dia (brass frame) consisting of 2.36mm, 1.18mm, 600
microns, 425 microns, 300 microns, 212 microns, 150 microns, 90 microns and 75
microns with lid and pan.
4. Sieves shaker capable for shaking 200mm and 300mm dia sieves, electrically operated with
5. Dial gauge
(i) 25mm travel - 0.01mm/division.
6. Load frame-5 tonnes capacity, electrically operated with speed control.
7. Aggregate impact test apparatus as per IS 2386-Part IV-1963.
8. Compaction apparatus (Proctor) as per IS 2720-Part VII-1974.
9. Modified ASHO compaction apparatus as per IS 2720-Part-III-1974.
10. Sand pouring cylinder with control funnel and tube complete as per IS 2720-Part XXVIII-
11. Sampling tins with rods 100mm dia × 50mm ht., 1/2kg capacity, and miscellaneous items like
moisture tins etc.
12. Constant temperature bath for accommodating bitumen test specimen, electrically operated
and thermostatically controlled.
13. Penetrometer with automatic time controller and with adjustable weight accessories and
needles as per IS 1203-1958.
14. Oxhlet extraction apparatus complete with extraction thimbles etc.
15. Laboratory mixer, about 0.02 cu-meter capacity, electrically operated with heating jacket.
16. Hubbard field stability test apparatus complete.
17. Marshall compaction apparatus as per ASTM 1559-62T, and complete with electrically
operated leading unit, compaction pedestal bearing head assembly, dial micrometer, and
bracket for flow measurement, load transfer bar, specimen mould (4 inch. dia) with base plate,
columns, mould (4 inch, dia) with base plate, collars, specimen extracted. Compaction
hammer, 4.53 kg (10lb)/457 mm (18inch) fall.
18. Distant reading thermometers.
19. Graduated cylinder 1000 ml. capacity.
20. Enamel tray.
21. Total station survey
22. Any other equipment as directed by Engineer-in-charge.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



S Equipment Nos. S No Equipment Nos

No min. min.
1 Automatic Batch mix 1 16 Vibratory, Tandem, 2
bitumen plant of capacity 120 Smooth wheeled Roller (each)
TPH and above
2 Concrete mixer with hopper As per 17 Bob cut roller. 2
(diesel/ electrical) require
ment of
3 Pin /Needle vibrator 2 18 Bitumen extraction 1
(electrical/Petrol) machine with benzene
4 Tractor with trolley 3 19 Welding Machine 400 1
5 Thermometer of capacity 5 20 Reinforcement bending 1
1800C machine
6 Plate vibrator 2 21 Reinforcement cutting 1
(electrical/Petrol) machine
7 Grinder, Drilling machine 1 22 Screener for coarse 2
etc. sand and fine sand
8 Water pump (Electric/ diesel) 2 23 Transit Mixers 1
9 Diesel Generator minimum 2 24 Scraper 1
capacity 125 KVA
10 Excavator cum loader (JCB 2 25 Any other machinery As per
3D model or equivalent). required for completion require
of the work as per ment
decision of Engineer-in-
11 Compressor machine with As per 26 Sensor Paver 2
Jack hammer. require
ment of
12 Dumper. 3 27 Industrial RO Plant of 1
required capacity
13 Grader As per 28 DGPS machines 2
ment of
14 Concrete pump of minimum 1
capacity 10 cum/h with
adequate pumping line
15 Water tanker minimum 2
capacity 5000 ltr.

Note: The above list is only indicative and not exhaustive.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



1. The work shall be carried out according to specifications of Road and Bridges works issued
by Ministry of Road Transport and Highways and CPWD specification 2019 Volume I to
Volume II, including correction slips upto date of submission of bid and particular
specifications, additional conditions of the contract.

2. The contractors shall quote their rates inclusive of all sorts of taxes, cartage, royalties etc.,

3. Unless otherwise specified, the agreement rates for all items of work of the schedule of
quantities are for all heights, depths, leads and lifts involved in the execution of work.

4. The contractor shall make his own arrangement of water required for the work as per clause
31 of the general conditions of the contract for CPWD works and clause 31A of the said
conditions stands deleted. However, 1% (one percent) water charges shall be recovered on the
gross amount of bill from the contractor, if government water is used.

5. The contractor shall make his own arrangements for obtaining electric connection for
carrying out any activity and make necessary payment directly to the department
concerned. In the absence of electric connection or failureof power supply, the contractor
shall make his own arrangement of generators.

6. Other agencies working at site will also simultaneously execute the work entrusted to them
and the contractor shall offer necessary co-operation wherever required to other agencies.

7. On account of security consideration, there could be some restrictions on the working hours,
movement of vehicles for transportation of materials. The contractor shall be bound to follow
all such restrictions and adjust the programme for execution accordingly.
8. The work shall be carried out in a manner complying in all respects with the requirements of
relevant bye laws of the local bodies, labour laws, minimum wages act, workmen
compensation act and other statutory laws enacted by Central Government as well as State
9. No claims of the labour shall be entertained by the Department including thatof providing
employment, regularization of services etc.

10. The engineers & staff of the contractor who are present at the site from 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM
on all working days or as working hours allowed by Engineer-in-charge shall carry mobile
telephone(s) to enable the Engineer-in-charge to have easy and quick communication.
Nothing extra shall be paid to the contractor on this account and his quoted rates for
various items under this contract will be inclusive ofthis obligation.

11. The staff employed by the contractor should be well behaved, Polite & courteous. Any
complaint against staff on behavior should be taken very seriously and such should be
removed by the contractor immediately from the site.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


12. The contractor shall make all safety arrangement required for the labour engaged by him at
his own cost. All consequences due to negligence or due to lapse of security/safety or
otherwise shall remain with the contractor. The department shall not be responsible for any
mishap, injury, accident or deathof the contractor’s staff. No claim in this regard shall be
entertained /accepted by the department.

13. Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damages caused to govt. Property by his
labour/staff in carrying out the work and shall be rectified by the contractor at his own cost

14. GST/Income Tax/other taxes as applicable shall be recovered from the contractor’s bill.

15. The ground water available at and in the vicinity of site of work does not have good
quality water and is not suitable for construction purpose. The contractor shall
provide and install at site of work commercial R.O. system for purification of water to
be used on the work. The R.O. purified water/potable water conforming to para 3.1.1 of
CPWD specification 2019 Vol-I and having TDS less than 500 shall only be used in/on
work for all purposes like construction, mixing, curing, drinking etc. No extra payment
will be made to the contractor on this account. The R.O. system installed and provided
by the contractor can be removed by contractor only after completion and handing over
of the work to the BSF and that also with prior permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

16. All the screws used for joinery / fixing fixtures etc shall be stainless steel of 304 Grade.
No MS screws shall be used.

17. The contractor shall construct permanent benchmark at every 5 km or at least 2 nos. at
suitable places along the alignment for the purpose of record of levels. The benchmark
shall be established after taking at least 24 hours DGPS (Differential GPS) data. All the
levels such as OGL (Original Ground Level), FRL (Final Road Level), etc. to be recorded
shall be in world / Global coordinate system with respect to permanent benchmark.

18. PROJECT FACILITIES: Site office for Engineers and Staff of Department.

Description of Project Facilities includes but not limited to following:

a) The contractor shall provide onsite temporary office accommodation appropriate for local
weather conditions at site of approximately 400 sqft at location as specified by Department.
The size of site office is subject to availability of space at site. The area of this site office
should be with the provision of office room, pantry, Rest room, toilets and other requisite
facilities. A proposal of site office shall be submitted by the agency within 15 days after award
of work for the approval of Engineer-in-Charge. In this regard decision of Engineer-in-Charge
shall be final and binding on the contractor.

b) The contractor shall provide and maintain 2 nos. laptop-cum-tablet (with original version of
latest MS Windows, 16GB RAM, 512GB SSD hard disk) with A-4 printer for the supervisory
staff of the Department. Recovery @ Rs. 1000/-per day per laptop-cum-tablet, if contractor

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


fails to provide laptop within 30 days of letter of award. The laptop-cum-tablet shall be
returned to the contractor on completion of work.

c) The site office accommodation shall be equipped with DG set/ minimum 5KW solar facility
with all lighting and fixtures i/c Air conditioner, RO, Refrigerator, all other office utilities,
Photocopy machine (make Sharp or equivalent for A4 coloured/black& white both side print
facility) etc. of reputed make as per the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge. The running,
repair and maintenance of all the civil, electrical/electronic fittings provided in the site office
shall be done by the agency till the completion of the project and nothing extra shall be paid
on this account failing which the necessary job shall be got done by the Engineer-in Charge
at the cost of the agency. Necessary furniture, fitting with all electrical items like light, all
office utilities etc. and complete wiring, water supply, sewerage and drainage etc. to be
functional throughout the year. The contractor shall provide the office accommodation within
60 days from the date of issuance of letter of award failing which the compensation @ Rs.
75,000/- per month shall be recovered from the contractor.

d) The contractor shall arrange to maintain the site offices which includes watch and ward, day
to day up-keeping of the building as per weather condition and surroundings, periodic white
washing/colour washing / painting of the building including utilities, payment of
electrical/water supply bills or arranging reliable power and water supply on 24 hrs basis
through alternate means etc. AMC charges, Electricity bill, water supply bills, RO/drinking
water bills etc. shall be borne by the agency failing which the necessary job shall be done by
the Engineer-in Charge at the cost of the agency.

e) The cost of construction, cost of all furniture, fittings/fixtures/electrical fittings etc. and cost
of maintenance and the related service charges of the building, payment of electricity
bills/water charges/cost of arranging power etc. (till completion of project) is deemed to be
included in the quoted rates of work and nothing extra shall be payable. After completion of
work, the site office accommodation shall be the property of the contractor. This site office
accommodation shall be maintained properly till completion of work and no claim what so
ever shall been entertained on the ground whether the delaying completion of work has been
attributable to the Department or to the contractor.

f) Contractor shall provide one office attendant and one computer operator exclusively for
department, during the whole completion period, failing which the compensation
@ Rs. 15,000/- per month for each shall be recovered from the contractor.

g) All expenditure on purchase and maintenance of above project facilities mentioned in this
schedule shall be borne by the contractor and nothing extra shall be payable on this account.
Thus, contractor shall quote his rate accordingly.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


1. The work is required to be carried out at International Border in Gujarat Sector. The
contractor shall not be compensated in case; the work is not executed inpart or in full. No
claim whatsoever shall be entertained on this account.

2. The contractor shall submit a detailed programme in the form of CPM/ PERT/ BAR chart to
the Engineer-in-charge within 15 days of award of work and shall be got approved from
him. The programme chart should include the following:-

 Network CPM/ PERT/ BAR diagram prepared as per existing practice.

 Programme for procurement of materials by the contractors.
 Programme of mobilization of machinery/ equipment and their deployments.

3. The programme chart will have to be updated on monthly basis and will be submitted to
Engineer-in-charge regularly.

4. The approval by the Engineer-in-charge of such programme or the furnishing of such

particulars shall not relieve the contractor of any of his duties or responsibility under the
contract. This is without prejudice to the right of the Engineer-in-charge to take action
against contractor as per terms and conditions of the agreement.

5. The contractor shall have to use plate vibrators for casting of RCC slab/layingof cement
concrete in roads in addition to needle vibrator if so required.

6. All tools, plant and machinery provided by the contractor shall, when broughtto the site,
be deemed to be exclusively intended for construction and completion of this work and
contractor shall not remove the same or any part thereof without the consent of the Engineer-

7. The rates quoted by the contractor shall be all inclusive keeping in view the specifications,
additional and special conditions and lead involved for various material and other inputs for
carrying out the work, nothing extra shall be payable whatsoever, unless otherwise

8. Labour Cess @ 1% of Gross value of work done shall be deducted from each bill as per
Building & other Construction Workers Welfare Cess Act 1996.

9. GST/Income Tax and Education Cess shall be deducted from each bill as per Govt. Orders.

10. The contractor shall have to make approaches to the site and keep them in good
condition for transportation of labour and materials as well as inspection of works by the
Engineer -in-charge. Nothing extra shall be paid on this account.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


(i) The cost of samples including packing, transportation and any other incidental
charges and testing thereof shall be borne by the Contractor.
(ii) The test results shall be final and binding on the contractor. The decision of the
Engineer-in-Charge in this regard shall be final and binding on the contractor.
(iii) All necessary tests as per the CPWD specifications /MoRT&H specifications /relevant
BIS codes shall be carried out on all the materials whatsoever ISI marked or otherwise.
Wherever CPWD specifications/ MoRT&H specifications /relevant BIS codes are
not available, the testsshall be carried out as per the directions of the Engineer-In-
Charge. Nothing extra, what so ever, shall be payable on this account.

12. No payment will be made to the contractor for damages caused by cyclones, hurricanes, sand
storms, flood waters or by pounding of water due to any reason etc. during execution of
the work and no claim on these accounts will be entertained.

13. The contractor shall take all necessary measures for the safety of traffic during construction
and provide, erect and maintain such barricades, including signs, markings, flags, lights and
flagman, as necessary at either end of the excavation/embankment and at such intermediate
points as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge for the proper identification of construction
area. He shallbe responsible for all damages and accidents caused due to negligence on his

14. The malba/garbage, removed from the site shall be disposed off by the contractor at any
suitable place as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.

15. Some restrictions may be imposed by the security Staff/BSF/Army etc. on the working and
or movement of labour, materials etc. and the contractor shall be bound to follow all such
restriction / instructions and nothing extra shall be payable on this account or due to less
reduced working hours etc.

16. Location, B.P. or chainage /R.D. given in the Name of work is only for broad guidance.
Actual place /reach for the work will be decided at site by the Engineer-In-Charge and no
claim what so ever on this account shall be entertained by the department.

17. Wherever any reference to the Indian Standard Codes of BIS has been made, it shall be
with reference to the latest revisions upto the date of receipt of tender.

18. No compensation shall be payable to the contractor for any damage caused by rains,
lightening wind, storm, flood, tornados, earthquakes or other natural calamity or unforeseen
accidents / incidents during execution of work. The contractor shall make good all such
damages at his own cost and no claim on this account will be entertained.

19. The contractor shall be responsible to arrange at his own cost all necessary tools and plants
required for execution of the work.
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
20. Royalty at the prevalent rates wherever payable, shall have to be paid by the contactor on
the, boulders, metal, shingle, sand and bajri etc. or any other materials collected by him for
the work direct to revenue authority of the District /State Government concerned.

21. The rates for all items of work, shall unless clearly specified otherwise include cost of all
labour, materials T&P and other inputs involved in the execution ofthe item.

22. Unless otherwise specified in the schedule of quantities, the rate for all itemsof the
work shall be considered as inclusive of pumping out or bailing outwater from all
depths if required for which no extra payment will be made. This will include water
encountered from any source, such as rains, floods, sub-soil, water being high due to
any other cause what so ever etc.

23. The work shall be carried out in a manner so as not to cause any obstruction or to affect
the progress of the works being carried out in the area.

24. Necessary platforms of required size etc. shall be made by the contractor to prevent the
construction material from coming in to direct contact with the local soil. Nothing extra shall
be payable on this account.

25. Whenever any reference to any Indian Standard Specifications occurs in the documents
relating to this contract the same shall be inclusive of all the amendments issued there to or
revision thereof, if any, up to the date of receipt tenders.
26. The work shall be executed and measured as per metric dimensions given in the schedule
of Quantities, Drawings etc. (F.P.S. Units wherever indicated are for guidance only).

27. The contractor shall ensure that sufficient quantity of water of approved quality is available
at site for proper execution of work. Nothing extra for arranging water at site will be paid
to the contractor by the department.
28. The attached drawings are schematic drawing not to scale. They shall neitherbe scaled
nor element in them counted. The decision of Engineer-in-Charge in regard to
interpretation of drawing shall be final and binding.

29. The work shall be carried out strictly in conformity with the drawings and in accordance
with the nomenclature of the items, specifications etc. Any discrepancy in the drawing
/nomenclature of item /additional specification etc shall be got clarified from Engineer in
Charge. Decision of Engineer in Charge shall be final and binding on the agency.

30. The contractor has to start the work after submitting the programme duly approved by the
Engineer-in Charge. Physical progress shall be similar to the programme submitted by the
contractor and in accordance with the mile stone as in schedule ‘F’.

31. The Engineer-in-Charge shall be at the liberty to appoint 3rd party inspection team from IIT
/ Gandhinagar, NIT /Surat or any other professional body tocheck the quality of the work.
The contractor shall be liable to the provisions under clause 16 of GCC 2020 in this respect
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
32. The security deposit will be refunded after the prescribed period as stipulatedin the
agreement or after the final bill has been prepared and passed for payment or after the work
is handed over to BSF authorities in all respect, whichever is later.

33. The contractor will procure all the materials in advance so that there is sufficient time for
testing and approving of the materials and clearance of the same before use in work.

34. All materials brought by the contractor for use in the work will be got checked from the
Engineer-in-charge or his authorized representative of the work on receipt of the same at
site, before use.

35. The contractor will also employ necessary watch and ward establishment for the safe
custody of materials at his own cost.

36. The work shall be carried out near Indo-Pak Border. Nothing extra for different location of
work shall be entertained.

37. The contractor shall not store /dump construction material or debris on metalled road.

38. The contractor shall get prior approval from Engineer-in-charge for the area where the
construction material or debris can be stored beyond the metalled road. The area shall not
cause any obstruction to the free flow of traffic/inconvenience to the pedestrians. It should
be ensured by the contractor that no accidents occur on account of such permissible storage.

39. The contractor shall take appropriate protection measures like raising wind breakers of
appropriate height on all sides of the plot/Area using CGI sheet or plastic and /or other
similar material to ensure that no construction material dust fly outside the plot area.

40. The contractor shall ensure that all the trucks or vehicles of any kind which are used for
construction purposes/or are carrying construction material like cement, sand and other
allied material are fully covered. The contractor shall take every necessary precautions that
the vehicles are properly cleaned and dust free to ensure that enroute their destination, the
dust, sand or any other particles are not released in air/ Contaminate air.

41. The contractor shall provide mask to every worker on the construction site and involved in
loading, unloading and carriage of construction material and construction debris to prevent
inhalation of dust particles.

42. The contractor shall provide all medical help, investigation and treatment to the workers
involved in the construction of building and carry of construction material and debris
relatable to dust emission.

43. The contractor shall ensure that C&D waste is transported to the C&D waste site only and
due record shall be maintained by the contractor.

44. The contractor shall compulsory use of wet jet in grinding and stone cutting.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

45. The contractor shall comply all the preventive and protective environmentalsteps as stated
in the MoEF guidelines, 2010.

46. The contractor shall carry out on-Road- Inspection for black smoke generating machinery.
The contractor shall use cleaner fuel.

47. The contractor shall ensure that all DG sets comply emission norms notified by MoEF.

48. The contractor shall use vehicles having pollution under control certificate. The emissions
can use reduced by a large extent by reducing the speed of a vehicle to 20 kmph. Speed
bumps shall be used to ensure speed reduction. In cases where speed reduction cannot
effectively reduce fugitive dust, the contractor shall divert traffic to nearby paved areas.

49. The contractor shall ensure that the construction material is covered by tarpaulin. The
contractor shall take all other precaution to ensure that no dust particles are permitted to
pollute air quality as a result of such storage.

50. The contractor shall make arrangement for creating a working platform for stacking of
construction materials, Batch mix plant, setting of field lab, cement godown etc at a
sufficient height from natural ground level at their own cost.

51. The work is to be executed at different 18 locations as mentioned in the particular of work,
spread in around 60 kms distance. The rates of every item in the Schedule of quantity
includes the cartage of material and labour to the various locations.

52. Special Condition for Water Proofing Treatment Works:

The Contractor shall submit for the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge in writing, the
names of specialized agencies, of repute along with their technical capability proposed
to be engaged by him, works executed by them in recent past. Guarantee Bond in
prescribed Performa attached as Annexure, must be given by the specialized firm on
stamp paper which shall be countersigned by the contractor, in token of his overall

In addition, 10% (ten percent) of the cost of these items would be retained as Guarantee to
watch the performance of the work done. This 10% amount of cost of these items can be
released on production of bank guarantee of any commercial bank of equivalent amount
having validity for a period of 5 years (As per prescribed proforma). If any defect is
noticed during the Guarantee period of five years to be reckoned from the date after the
maintenance period prescribed in the contract expires, it should be rectified by the
contractor within seven days and if not attended to the same will be got done by another
agency at the risk and cost of the contractor.


 The work in general shall be carried out as per MoR&TH specification given in section no.
2503.3, ASTM 975 & BS EN-10223.
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
 The wire of specified diameter, used for the fabrication of gabion shall be procured from the
firm of repute like SAIL, TISCO, ISSCO and RINL or as approved by E-in-C. The agency
shall submit the in-house test certificate ofthe manufacturer before commencement of
 The Gabion Work shall be got done by the bidder from the specialized agency to the
satisfaction of the Engineer–in–charge and a certificate to this effect shall be obtained
by the bidder from the Engineer–in–charge.


Guarantee Bond in prescribed Performa attached as Annexure, must be given by the

manufacturer on stamp paper which shall be countersigned by the contractor, in token of his
overall responsibility.

In addition, an amount of 2% of total cost against corresponding item will be withheld as

guarantee money for satisfactory performance against manufacturing defect of gabion
structure such as weathering, corrosion effects etc. This amount of cost of these items can
be released on production of bank guarantee of any commercial bank of equivalent
amount having validity for a period of 5 years (As per prescribed proforma). This
amount / BG will be released after successful completion of 5 years after maintenance
period is over.
If any defect is noticed during the Guarantee period of five years to be reckoned from
the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract expires, it should be
rectified by the contractor within seven days and if not attended to, the same will be got
done by another agency at the risk and cost of the contractor.


Guarantee Bond in prescribed Performa attached as Annexure, must be given by the
manufacturer on stamp paper which shall be countersigned by the contractor, in token of his
overall responsibility.

In addition, an amount of 2% of total cost against corresponding item will be withheld as

guarantee money for satisfactory performance against manufacturing defect of gabion
structure such as weathering, corrosion effects etc. This amount of cost of these items can
be released on production of bank guarantee of any commercial bank of equivalent
amount having validity for a period of 5 years (As per prescribed proforma). This
amount / BG will be released after successful completion of 5 years after maintenance
period is over.
If any defect is noticed during the Guarantee period of five years to be reckoned from
the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract expires, it should be
rectified by the contractor within seven days and if not attended to, the same will be got
done by another agency at the risk and cost of the contractor.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

The Agreement made this ....................... day of two thousand and .......................
between ....................... son of .................. (hereinafter called the Guarantor of the
one part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called Government of the other

WHEREAS this agreement is supplementary to a contract (hereinafter called the

Contract) dated ............. and made between the GUARANTOR of the one part and the
Government of the other part, whereby the Contractor, inter alia, undertook to render the
precast RCC works in the said contract recited completelyweather proof.

AND WHEREAS GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said
structures will remain weather proof for 10 years from the date of completion of precast
RCC work.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that precautions observed bymanufacturer

in manufacturing of precast RCC work will render the structures completely durable
and the minimum life of such structures shall be 10 years to be reckoned from the date
after the construction period prescribed in the contract.

Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for damage caused by misuse of
precast RCC box culvert or alteration and for such purpose:

a) Misuse of precast RCC work shall mean any operation which will damage precastRCC
work, like flood and things of the same nature which might cause damage to the precast
RCC work.
b) The decision of the Engineer-in-charge with regard to cause of damage shall be final.

During this period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of
any defect being found, render the precast RCC box culvert damage proof against
settlement (total / differential), loading upto 70R and earthquake to the satisfaction of
the Engineer-in-Charge at his cost, and shall commence the work for such rectification
within seven days from the date of issue of the notice from the Engineer-in-Charge
calling upon him to rectify the defects, failing which the work shall be got done by the
Department by some other contractor at the GUARANTOR'S cost and risk. The decision
of the Engineer-in- Charge as to the cost, payable by the Guarantor shall be final and

That if GUARANTOR fails to replace the precast RCC box culvert or commits breach
there under then the GUARANTOR will indemnify the principal and his successors
against all loss, damage, cost, expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
reason of any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance
of this supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or damage and/or cost
incurred by the Government the decision of the Engineer-in-Charge will be final and
binding on the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the Obligor

.............and by .............. and for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the
day, month and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by OBLIGOR in the presence of 1

Signed for and on behalf of THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA by ........... in thepresence of

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


The Agreement made this ....................... day of two thousand and .......................
between ....................... son of ....................... (here-in-after called the Guarantor of the
one part) and the PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter called Government of the other

WHEREAS this agreement is supplementary to a contract (hereinafter called the

Contract) dated ............. and made between the GUARANTOR of the one part and the
Government of the other part, whereby the Contractor, inter alia,undertook to render the
Gabion structures in the said contract recited completely corrosion resistant / weather

AND WHEREAS GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said
structures will remain corrosion free/ weather proof for 10 years from the date of
completion of gabion structure.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that quantity of Aluminium in wire

provided by manufacture will render the structures completely corrosion resistant and
the minimum life of such corrosion free structure shall be 10 years to be reckoned from
the date after the maintenance period prescribed in the contract.

Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for damage caused by earthquake or
structural defects or misuse of gabion structure or alteration and forsuch purpose:

a) Misuse of gabion structure shall mean any operation which will damage gabion
structure, like excess flood more than 50 years return period and things of the same
nature which might cause damage to the gabion structure.

b) The decision of the Engineer-in-charge with regard to cause of damage shall be final.

During this period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects and in case of
any defect being found, render the Gabion structure corrosion resistant to the satisfaction
of the Engineer-in-Charge at his cost, and shall commence the work for such rectification
within seven days from the date of issue of the notice from the Engineer-in-Charge
calling upon him to rectify the defects, failing which the work shall be got done by the
Department by some other contractor at the GUARANTOR'S cost and risk. The decision
of the Engineer- in- Charge as to the cost, payable by the Guarantor shall be final and

That if GUARANTOR fails to replace the gabion structure or commits breach there
under then the GUARANTOR will indemnify the principal and his successors against
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
all loss, damage, cost, expense or otherwise which may be incurred by him by reason of
any default on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this
supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and/or damage and/or cost incurred
by the Government the decision of theEngineer-in-Charge will be final and binding on
the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the Obligor

.............and by.............. and for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the
day, month and year first above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by OBLIGOR in the presence of:


Signed for and on behalf of THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA by ................................ in

the presence of

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

(Ref. Special conditions of water proofing Treatment)



The Agreement made this …………day of……………two thousand and

……… between .................... son of ………….of …………. (here-in-after
called the Guarantor of the one part) andthe PRESIDENT OF INDIA (hereinafter
called Government of the other part).

WHEREAS this agreement is supplementary to a contract (hereinafter called the

Contract) dated ………………………………... and made between the
GUARANTOR of the one part and the Government of the other part, whereby the
Contractor, inter alia, undertook to render the buildings and structures in the said contract
recited completely water and leak– proof.

AND WHEREAS GUARANTOR agreed to give a guarantee to the effect that the said
structures will remain water and leak-proof for ten years from the dateof giving of water
proofing treatment.

NOW THE GUARANTOR hereby guarantees that water proofing treatment given by him
will render the structures completely leak-proof and the minimum life of such water
proofing treatment shall be ten years to be reckoned fromthe date after the maintenance
period prescribed in the contract.

Provided that the guarantor will not be responsible for leakage caused by earthquake or
structural defects or misuse of roof or alteration and for such purpose;

(a) Misuse of roof shall mean any operation which will damage water proofing treatment, like
chopping of firewood and things of the samenature which might cause damage to the roof;

(b) Alteration shall mean construction of an additional storey or a part of the roof or construction
adjoining to existing roof whereby proofing treatment is removed in parts;

(c) The decision of the Engineer-in-charge with regard to cause of leakage shall be final.

During this period of guarantee the guarantor shall make good all defects andin case of
any defect being found, render the building water –proof to the satisfaction of the Engineer-
in-Charge at his cost, and shall commence thework for such rectification within seven days
from the date of issue of the notice from the Engineer-in-Charge calling upon him to
rectify the defects, failing which the work shall be got done by the Department by
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
some other contractor at the GUARANTOR’S cost and risk. The decision of the Engineer-
in- Charge as to the cost, payable by the Guarantor shall be final and binding.
That if GUARANTOR fails to execute the water proofing or commits breach thereunder
then the GUARANTOR will indemnify the principal and his successors against all loss,
damage, cost, expense or otherwise which maybe incurred by him by reason of any
default on the part of the GUARANTOR in performance and observance of this
supplementary agreement. As to the amount of loss and / or damage and / or cost incurred
by the Government the decision of the Engineer – in – Charge will be final and binding
on the parties.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF these presents have been executed by the Obligor

…………. and by and for and on behalf of the PRESIDENT OF INDIA on the day,
month and year above written.

Signed, sealed and delivered by OBLIGOR in the presence of

1. ……………….

Signed for and on behalf of THE PRESIDENT OF INDIA by in the presenceof –

1. ……………….
2. ……………….

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


1. The work, in general, shall be executed as per description of item, specifications attached,
MoRT&H specifications, CPWD Specifications 2019 Vol. I & II with correction slips
issued up to the date of receipt of tender and relevant BIS Codes, BSEN codes, ISO Codes
& ASTM Codes.

2. All the works unless otherwise specified hereinafter or permitted by Engineer- in-charge
shall be done in accordance with the latest editions of MoRT&H specification and relevant
BIS Codes, BSEN codes, ISO Codes & ASTM Codes as on the date of receipt of tenders
or any other specified code.

Any additional standard specifications or criteria published by the IRC/BIS or other foreign
standard and in practice upto the date of receipt of tenders shall also take into account. In the
absence of any definite provisions an any particular issue in the above-mentioned
specifications / relevant BIS Codes, BSEN codes, ISO Codes & ASTM Codes, the design
and construction shall bein conformity with the Sound Engineering Practice and in all such
matters the decision of the Engineer-in-charge shall be final and binding on the contractor
and nothing shall be paid extra.

In case of any discrepancy or contradiction amongst the specified standards the following
order of preferences shall generally prevail.
i. Nomenclature of items etc. given in Schedule of Quantities.
ii. Particular Specifications, Special conditions and additional specificationsif any.
iii. Drawings attached with the tender.
iv. MoRT&H Specifications for Roads & Bridge works (2019) published by IRC.
v. CPWD Specifications, 2019 Vol. I & II with up-to-date correction slips.
vi. All relevant IS Codes with the latest revisions.
vii. Foreign standards, such as BSEN, ISO, ASTM etc. and accepted international
practice as approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
viii. Sound Engineering Practice as per directions of the Engineer-in-Charge.

If there are varying or conflicting provision made in any document forming part of the
contract, the Engineer-in-charge shall be the deciding authority with regard to the Intention
/ interpretation of the document and his decision shall be binding without any reservations.

3. The contractor shall ensure quality control measures on different aspects of construction
materials, workmanship and correct construction methodologiesto be adopted. He shall
have to submit quality assurance programme within two weeks of the award of the work.
The quality assurance programme should include method statement for various items of
work to be executed along withcheck list to enforce quality control.

3.1 The contractor shall submit brand / make of various materials to be used forthe approval
of the Engineer-in-Charge along with samples and once approved, he shall stick to it.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

3.2 The contractor shall submit shop drawings of staging and formwork arrangement etc. for
the approval of Engineer-in-Charge. Unless statedotherwise, the rate for concrete in plain
concrete or reinforced concrete or prestressed concrete, shall be deemed to include all
formwork required in accordance with this Section, which shall not be measured separately.
Thecontractor shall also submit bar bending schedule for approval of Engineer-in- charge
before execution.

3.3 The contractor shall get the water tested with regard to its suitability for use in the works
and get written approval from the Engineer-in-charge before the proceeds with the use of
same for execution of works. Water charges shallnot be recovered in case arrangement
of water is made at his own by the contractor.

3.4 Wherever any reference to any Indian Standard Specifications and other relevant codes
occurs in the documents relating to this contract same shall be inclusive of all amendments
issued thereto or revision thereof, if any, upto dateof receipt of the tender.

3.5 All the drawings shall at all times be properly correlated by the contractor before executing
the work and no claim what so ever shall be entertained for failing to do so. In case of any
discrepancy in the specifications, Schedule of Quantity and drawings, the decision of the
Engineer-in-charge shall be final, conclusive and binding on the contractor.

3.6 Rates for the items are inclusive of all labour, materials, T&P, incidental charges,
contractors’ profit and overheads and Taxes etc. unless, otherwise, specified. The contractors
shall quote the rates accordingly.


4.1 The sample of all the items shall have to be got approved by the Contractor from the
Engineer-in-charge before the supply commences and shall be without prejudice to the
right of Engineer-in-Charge to get random samples tested out of the actual lot received.

4.2 The contractor shall if required furnish the manufacturer’s certificate that the material
supplied satisfy the requirements of the relevant specifications.

4.3 The Engineer-in-charge shall be at liberty to take respective sample (s) of each item of
schedule of quantity in any approved laboratory as decided by him. The sample for testing
shall be provided by the contractor. All other expenditure required to be incurred for taking
sample, conveyances and packing etc. shall be borne by the contractor himself. In case any
sample particular lot fails in testing the contractor shall be bound to replace the entirelot
with fresh material of prescribed specification and the rejected lot shall be returned to the
contractor only after fresh lot is supplied.

4.4 Rejected materials shall have to be removed by the contractor at his own cost immediately
of the instructions of doing so.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

4.5 In case of any dispute regarding rejection of quality of materials the decision of the Engineer-
in-charge shall be final and binding upon the contractor.

4.6 Royalty octroi terminal, tax etc. at prevalent rates shall have to paid by the contractor himself
and the rates quoted by him shall include these duties and nothing extra on, this account
shall be payable.

4.7 The contractor shall have to produce the cash memo to satisfy department that the material
has been purchased from the authorized dealer and the GST has been paid.


5.1 The contractor shall also assist inspection and collection of samples by Engineer in charge
for testing. The samples of material/items of work required for testing by Engineer in
Charge or his representative shall be provided freeof charge by the contractor. The cost
incurred in collection of samples and its packing and transportation to the approved
lab/field laboratory including testing charges shall be borne by the contractor.

5.2 Tests which are mandatory as per CPWD specification 2019 Vol. I & II are to be carried
out by the contractor. While deciding these criteria CPWD Specifications & Provisions of
BIS Code and Standard Practices may be referred.

5.3 Machinery and other Tool & Plants required to be deployed at site by the contractor as per
requirement. Entire Machinery and T&P may not be required at the start of work, therefore,
a proper time schedule by which each Machinery & T&P is to be brought at site should
be submitted by the contractor to the site staff before start of the work.

5.4 Field laboratory is required if necessary for this work, then testing equipment to be
arranged by the contractor.


6.1(i) All the registers of tests carried out at Construction Site or in outside laboratories
shall be maintained by the contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by
Engineer-in-charge at the time of issue of award letter.

(ii) All samples of materials including cement concrete cubes shall be taken by contractor
jointly with JE in charge of work and out of this atleast 50% samples shall be taken in
presence of AE in charge. If there is no JE, all samples of materials including Cement
Concrete Cubes shall be taken by contractor in presence of AE in charge of work. All
the necessary assistance shall be provided by the contractor. Cost of sample materials
is to be borne by the contractor and he shall be responsible for safe custody of samples
to be tested at site.

(iii) All Samples of materials including Cement Concrete Cubes shall be taken by
Contractor jointly with JE in charge of work and out of this at least 50% samples
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
shall be taken in presence of AE in charge. If there is no JE, all Samples of materials
including Cement Concrete Cubes shall be taken by contractor in presence of AE in
charge of work. All the necessary assistance shall be provided by the contractor. Cost
of sample materials is to be borne by the contractor and he shall be responsible for safe
custody of samples to be tested at site.

(iv) All the test in field lab setup at Construction Site shall be carried out by the
Engineering Staff deployed by the contractor in presence of JE-in-charge and at
least 50% of tests in presence AE-in-charge. At least 10% of tests shall be carried out
in presence of Executive Engineer.

(v) All the entries in the registers will be made by the designated EngineeringStaff of
the contractor and same should be presented before JE/AE/Divisional Engineer for
their review.

(vi) Contractor shall be responsible for safe custody of all the test registers.

6.2 It is mandatory to the contractor to submit copy of all test registers, Material at Site Register
and hindrance register along with each alternate Running Account Bill and Final Bill.

If all the test registers and hindrance register is not submitted by contractor along with each
alternate R/A Bill & Final Bill, no payment shall be released to the contractor.

6.3 Maintenance of Material at Site (MAS) Register:-

(i) All the MAS Registers including Cement and Steel Registers shall be maintained by
Contractor which shall be issued to the contractor by Engineer- in-charge along with
the award letter.

(ii) The contractor shall get 100% test checked by JE or by AE after each entry of receipt
of material at site in MAS register.

(iii) The contractor shall get MAS Register test checked by JE at least twice a week and at
least once a week by AE. If there is no JE is available then MAS register must be
checked by AE at least twice a week.

(iv) Cement register shall be got reviewed by Divisional Engineer at least once in a month
by the contractor.


(i) The bidder shall set-up field laboratory with the equipment as laid down in clause 121
and sub clauses there under of MORT&H Specifications or as directed by Engineer-
in-charge with the water and electricity facilities and manpower as needed for carrying
out the requisite tests on materials and finished work and shall maintain the same
till the time of completion of thework or till such time as directed by the Engineer-
in-Charge. Nothing extra will be paid on this account.
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
(ii) Wherever possible, the materials shall get tested in the field lab of Bidder. The cost of
samples including packing, transportation and other incidental charges shall be borne
by the Bidder.

(iii) The testing of materials, if required by the Officer in charge of the QualityControl
Wing of CPWD or his authorized representative, shall also be carriedout in the
field Laboratory of the Bidder wherever possible. The cost of samples including
packing and transportation and other incidental charges shall be borne by the Bidder.

(iv) In case the tests are conducted at any Laboratory other than field Lab of the Bidder,
the testing charges shall be borne by the contractor. The cost of samples including
packing and transportation and other incidental charges shall also be borne by the

(v) The decision of Engineer –in- Charge regarding test results shall be final and
binding on Bidder.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to procure all the materials required for
construction and completion of the contract. The contractor shall indicate in writing the
source of materials well in advance to the Engineer-in- Charge, after the award of the work
and before commencing the work. If the material from any source is found to be unacceptable
at any time, it shall be rejected by the Engineer-in-Charge and the contractor shall forthwith
remove the material immediately from the site as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge.


Coarse aggregate shall consist of naturally occurring crushed stones, crushed gravel, natural
gravel or a suitable combination thereof. Coarse aggregateobtained from crushed or broken
stone shall be angular, hard, strong, dense, durable, clean and free from adherent coating,
injurious amounts of disintegrated pieces, alkali, vegetable matter, soft, friable, thin plate,
elongatedor flaky pieces and any deleterious material. The presence of flaky and elongated
pieces shall be avoided. Coarse aggregate having positive alkali- silica reaction shall not be
used. All coarse aggregates shall conform IS:383 and tests for conformity shall be carried
out as per IS:2386, part-I to part- VIII.

The nominal maximum size of aggregate to be used in R.C.C work shall be20 mm,
while for factory made precast it shall be 12 mm due to self-compacting concrete as per

The contractor shall satisfy himself that the material proposed to be used for construction
complies with the requirements of IS: 383 and shall submit the entire information indicated
in Appendix ‘A’ of IS: 383 for approval of the Engineer-in-charge. In case the aggregate
tested do not comply with any requirement of the specifications, the source for the same
shall be rejected.No further samples from the rejected source shall normally be considered
for approval.

The aggregate shall be stored in such a way as to prevent mixing with foreign materials.
Different sizes of coarse aggregate shall be stored in paved area in separate stock piles
sufficiently distant from each other in order to prevent inter mixing of the materials at the
edges of the stock piles.

Fine aggregate shall consist of clean, hard, strong and durable pieces of crushed stone,
crushed gravel, or a suitable combination of natural sand, crushed stone or gravel. They
shall not contain dust, lumps, soft or flaky, materials, mica or other deleterious materials
in such quantities as to reduce the strength and durability of the concrete, or to attack the
embedded steel. Motorized sand washing machines should be used to remove impurities
from sand. Fine aggregate having positive alkali-silica reaction shall not be used. All fine
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
aggregates shall conform to IS: 383 and tests for conformity shall be carried out as per
IS: 2386, (Parts I to VIII). The contractor shall submit theentire information indicated
in Appendix A of IS:383 for approval of Engineer- in-charge. In case the aggregate tested
do not comply with any requirementof the specifications, the source for the same shall be
rejected. No further samples from the rejected source shall normally be considered for

Regarding storage of fine aggregate, provisions as specified for coarse aggregate shall apply.


Water used for mixing and curing shall be RO water and clear & free from injurious
impurities like oils, acids, alkalis, salts, sugar, organic material or other substances that may
be deleterious to concrete or steel. The maximum permissible limits for physical and
chemical impurities shall be as per Quality Control requirements of this tender document.
The agency has to install the industrial R.O. Plant of suitable capacity to meet the
requirement of work.

The PH value of water shall not be less than six. Potable water is generally considered
satisfactory for mixing concrete. As a guide, the following concentrations represent the
maximum permissible values.

(a) To neutralize 100 ml sample of water, using phenolphthalein as an indicator, it should

not require more than 5 ml of 0.02 normal NaOH. The details of test are given in 8.1
of IS:3025 (Part 22).

(b) To neutralize 100 ml sample of water, using mixed indicator, it shouldnot require
more than 25 ml of 0.02 normal H2S04. The details of test shall be as given in Clause
8 of IS:3025 (Part 23).

R.O. water shall also be used for curing concrete with the permissible limit same as mixing
of concrete; however, water used for curing shall not produce any objectionable stain or
unsightly deposit on the concrete surface. The presence of toxic acid or iron compounds is

The admixtures, if used shall comply with the requirement of IS: 9103-1999. Admixtures
shall not impair durability of concrete nor combine with constituents to form harmful
compounds nor risk the corrosion of reinforcement. The contractor shall provide the
following details concerning each Admixture proposed to be used, after obtaining the same
from the manufacturer, for the prior approval of the Engineer-in-charge along with a copy
of the Manufacturer’s Test Certificate of not earlier than 6 months.
(a) Normal dosage and detrimental effects, if any, of under dosage and over dosage.
(b) The chemical names of the main ingredients in the admixtures.
(c) The chloride content, if any, expressed as a percentage by the weight of the admixture.
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
(d) Values of dry material contents, ash content and relative density of the admixture
which can be used for Uniformity Tests.
(e) Whether or not the admixture leads to the entrainment of air when used as per the
manufacturer’s recommended dosage, and if so to what extent.
(f) Where two or more admixtures are proposed to be used in any one mix, confirmation
as to their compatibility.
(g) There would be no increase in risk of corrosion of the reinforcement or other
embedment as a result of using the admixture.
(h) Admixture in addition to conformity to the requirement IS: 9103-1999 shall satisfy
the following conditions.
(i) “Plasticizers” and “Super-Plasticizers” shall meet the requirements indicated for
“Water reducing Admixture”.
(j) The chloride content of the admixture shall not exceed 0.2 per cent when tested in
accordance with IS: 6925. 5.10

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



1. The RCC/CC work shall be done with Design Mix Concrete, unless otherwise specified
in the nomenclature of items, wherever letter M has been indicated, the same shall
imply for the Design Mix Concrete. The Ready Mix Concrete shall be as per IS : 4926
and as per CPWD Specification and guide lines. For the nominal mix in RCC, CPWD
specification shall be followed. The Design Mix Concrete will be designed based on
the principles given in IS : 456, 10262, SP 23 and CPWD specifications. The contractor
shall carry out design mixes for each class of concrete indicating that the concrete
ingredients and proportions will result in concrete mix meeting requirements
specified. The cement shall be actually weighed as presumption of each bag having
50 kg shall not be allowed. In case of use of admixture, the mix shall be designed with
these ingredients as well. The specification mentioned herein below shall be followed
for Design Mix Concrete.

i. Cement: Cement arranged by the contractor will be 43 grade OPC Cement with
C-3A content should be in the range of 5 to 8% conforming to IS: 8112 – 2013/
Portland Slag Cement confirming to IS-455 with Slag content more than 50%.

ii. Admixture: - Admixtures shall not be used without approval of Engineer- in-Charge.
Wherever required, admixtures of approved quality shall be mixed with concrete
to achieve the desired workability within specified water cement ratio. The admixture
shall conform to IS: 9103. The chloride content in the admixture shall satisfy the
requirement of BS: 5075. The total amount of chlorides in the admixture mixed
concrete shall also satisfy the requirements of IS : 456-2000

iii. Minimum and Maximum cement content – shall be in accordance with as per
CPWD specifications.

2. The contractor shall not be paid anything extra for admixture required for
achieving desired workability without any change in specified water cement ratio for
RCC / CC work.
i. The Concrete mix will be designed for minimum workability as specified inpara 7
of IS–456-2000

ii. The recommended values of slump for various members to confirm IS 456

iii. In the designation of concrete mix letter M refers to the mix and the number tothe
specified characteristic compressive strength of 15 cm – Cube at 28 days
expressed in N/mm2. It is specifically highlighted that in addition to above
requirement the maximum cement in concrete for any grade shall not exceed 500

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

iv. The concrete design mix with or without admixture will be carried out by the
contractor through IIT /Gandhinagar, NIT/ Surat or as per direction of Engineer-In-

v. The various ingredients for mix design/laboratory tests shall be sent to the lab/ test
houses through the Engineer-In-Charge of the project and got it tested in approved
laboratories as may be decided by the Engineer-in-charge Engineer- in-charge
Engineer-in-charge immediately after award of work and the samples of such
aggregate sent shall be preserved at site by the department. The admixture if used by
contractor shall be at his own cost without any extra payment.

vi. The contractor shall submit the mix design report from any of above approved
laboratories like IIT /Gandhinagar, NIT /Surat, for approval of Engineer in charge
within 30 days from the date of issue of letter of acceptance of the bid. No concreting
shall be done until the mix design is approved.

vii. In case of change of source or characteristic properties of the ingredients used in the
concrete mix during the work, a revised laboratory mix design report conducted in
laboratories approved by Engineer-In-Charge shall be submitted by the contractor as
per the direction of the Engineer in charge.


i. The mix design for a specified grade of concrete shall be done for a target
mean compressive strength Tck = Fck + 1.65s Where Fck = Characteristic
Compressive Strength at 28 days s = Standard deviation which depends on degree of
quality control.

ii. The degree of quality control for this work is “good” for which the standard deviation
(s) obtained for different grades of concrete shall be as per IS relevant IS Standards/

iii. Out of the six specimens of each set, three shall be tested at seven days and remaining
three at 28 days. The preliminary tests at seven days are intended only to indicate the
strength to be attained at 28 days.


All cost of mix designing and testing connected therewith including charges payable to the
laboratory shall be borne by the contractor.



Work strength test shall be conducted in accordance with IS: 516 on random sampling. Each
test shall be conducted on six specimens, three of which shall be tested at 7 days and
remaining three at 28 days. Additional samples shall be prepared, if required, as per
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
direction of Engineer in charge for testing samples cured by accelerated method as described
in IS: 9103.


The test results of the sample shall be the average of the strength of three specimen. The
individual variation shall not be more than + - 15 percent of the average. If variation is
more, the test results of the sample are invalid. 90% ofthe total tests shall be done at the
laboratory established at site by the contractor and remaining 10% in the laboratory of
Government Engineering colleges, or in any other approved laboratory as directed by the
Engineer-in- charge.


i. Standard of acceptance shall be same as specified in clause 16 of IS 456- 2000.
ii. In order to keep the floor finish as per direction of Engineer-in-charge and as per
Architectural drawings and to provide required thickness of the flooring as per
specification, the level of top surface of RCC shall be accordingly adjusted at the time
of its centering, shuttering and casting for which nothing extra shall be paid to the
iii. For the execution of centering and shuttering, the contractor shall use propriety
“Reebole” chemical mould release agent of FOSROC or equivalent as shuttering
oil as approved by Engineer-in-charge and nothing extra shall be paid on this account.


Cement, Coarse sand and aggregate of brand/make/source as approved by the Engineer-
in-Charge shall only be used for production of BMC. BMC mix with 43 grade OPC Cement
with C-3A content should be in the range of 5 to 8% conforming to IS: 8112 – 2013/
Portland Slag Cement confirming to IS-455with Slag content more than 50%.


It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that BMC producer provides all
necessary testing equipment and takes all necessary measuresto ensure quality control of
ready mixed concrete. In general, the required measures shall be:

7.1 Control of purchased material quality

BMC producer shall ensure that all the materials purchased and used in the production of
concrete conform to the stipulation of the relevant agreed standards and the requirements of
the concrete mix design and quality control procedures. This shall be accomplished by visual
checks, sampling and testing, certification from material supplier and information/date from
materials supplier. Necessary equipment for the testing of all materials shall be provided and
maintained in calibrated condition at the plant by the BMC producer.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

7.2 Control of material storage
Adequate and effective storage arrangement shall be provided by BMC producer at BMC
plant for reliable transfer and feed systems, drainage of aggregate, prevention of freezing or
excessive solar heating of aggregate, prevention from contamination etc.

7.3 Record of mix design and mix design modification

BMC producer shall ensure that record of mix design and mix design modification is readily
available in his computer at BMC plant for inspection of Engineer-in-Charge or his
authorized representative at any time. Any modification in mix design shall be done only
after the approval of the Engineer-in-Charge.

7.4 Transfer and weighing equipment

BMC producer shall ensure that a documented calibration procedure is in place. Proper
calibration records shall be made available indicating date of next calibration due &
corrective action taken. BMC producer shall ensure additional calibration checks whenever
required by the Engineer-in-Charge in writing to contractor. BMC producer shall also
maintain a daily production record including details of customers to whom BMC was
supplied includingdetails of mixes supplied. Record shall also be maintained of materials
used for each day’s production including water and admixtures. The accuracy of measuring
equipment shall be within + 2% of quantity of cement & + 3% of quantity of aggregate,
admixture and water being measured.

7.5 Maintenance of Plant, Truck Mixers and Pumps:

Plant, Truck Mixers and Pumps should be well maintained so as to not hamper any operation
of production, transportation and placement of concrete.

7.6 Production of concrete at BMC producing plant

(a) Weighing (correct reading of batch date and accurate weighing):-For each load,
written, printed or graphical records shall be made of the weights ofthe materials
batched, the estimate slumps, the total amount of water added to the load, the delivery
ticket numbers for that load and the time of loading the concrete into the truck.

(b) Visual observation of concrete during production and delivery or duringsampling and
testing of fresh concrete (assessment of uniformity cohesion, workability,
adjustment to water content: -The workability of the concrete shall be controlled on a
continuous basis during production. The batch mix found unfit shall not be loaded into
the truck for transportation. Necessary corrective action shall be taken in the
production of mix as required for further batches.
(c) Adequate testing equipment at the plant including equipment for measuring surface
moisture content of aggregates shall be provided bythe RMC producer.
(d) Making corresponding adjustments at the plant automatically or manually to
batched quantities to allow for observed measured or reported changesin materials
or concrete qualities.
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
(e) Sampling of concrete, testing, monitoring of results.
(f) Diagnosis and correction of faults identified from observation/complaints.
(g) Control of designed and the prescribed mixes: a quality control system shall be
operated to control the strength of designed mixes to the required levels. The system
shall include continuous analysis of results from cube tests.

7.7 Batch mix concrete shall be arranged in quantity as required at site of work. The ready-mix
concrete shall be supplied as per the pre-agreed schedule approved by Engineer-in-Charge.
Noting extra shall be payable on this account.

7.8 The Engineer-in-Charge reserves the right to approve RMC producing plants not mentioned
in the list of approved RMC plants if they fulfill all the necessary conditions.

7.9 In case of rejection of concrete as governed by the para “Standard of Acceptance” as above,
the work for which samples have failed shall be redone at the cost of the contractor.
However, the Engineer-in-Charge may order for additional tests (like cutting cores,
ultrasonic pulse velocity, and rebound hammer test etc.) to be carried out at the cost of
contractor to ascertain, if the portion of structure wherein concrete represented by the sample
has been used, can be retained on the basis of results of individual or combination of these
tests. The contractor shall take remedial measures necessary to retain the structure as
approved by the Engineer-in-Charge without any extra cost. However, for payment, the basis
of rate payable to contractor shall be governed by the 28 days cube test result and reduced
rates shall be regulatedin accordance with para D (D-3) of CPWD specifications.

7.10 Laying of BMC concrete-All ready mixed designed concrete shall be laid withthe help
of concrete pump of adequate capacity.

7.11 Transportation, placing and Compaction of Concrete Mixed concrete from the RMC shall
be transported to the point of placement by transit mixers and placed in position through
concrete pumps and/or steel closed bottom buckets capable of carrying minimum 0.6 cum
concrete is proposed to be transportedby transit mixer, the mixing speed shall not be less
than 4 rev/min. of the drum nor greater than a speed resulting in a peripheral velocity of the
drum 70 m/minutes at its largest diameter. The agitating speed for the agitator shall be
not less than 2 rev/min nor more than 6 rev/min of the drum. The numbers of revolution for
a uniform mix, after all ingredients, have been charged into the drum. Unless tempering
water is added, all rotation after 100 revolutions shall be at agitating speed of 2 to 6
rev/min and the number of such rotations shallnot exceed 250. The general construction
of transit mixer and other requirement shall conform to IS: 5892.

In case concrete is to be transported by pumping, the conduit shall be primedby pumping

a batch of mortar through the line to lubricate it. Once the pumping is started, it shall not
be interrupted (if at all possible) as concrete standing idle in the line is liable to cause a plug.
The operator shall ensure that some concrete is always there in the pump receiving hopper
during operation. The lines shall always be maintained clean and shall be free of dents.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

At all stages, special precaution shall be taken that surrounding temperature during
concreting shall not exceed 30 degree centigrade.

Except where otherwise agreed to by the Engineer-in-Charge, concrete shallbe deposited

in horizontal layers to a compacted depth of not more than 450mm. unless agreed to by the
Engineer-in-charge; concrete shall not be dropped into place from a height exceeding 1.5m.
In order to avoid such situations chutes, termite pipe or closed bottom buckets shall be used.
These shall be kept clean and used in such a way as to avoid segregation. Slope ofthe
chute shall be so adjusted that concrete flows without the use of excessive quantity of water.
The delivery end of chute shall be as close as possible to the point of deposit; the chute
shall be thoroughly flushed with water before and after each working period and the water
used for this purpose shall be discharged outside the formwork. The concrete shall be
compacted by using immersion type vibrators. When the concrete is being continuously
depositedto a uniform depth along a member, vibrator shall not be operated within one meter
of free end of the advancing concrete. Every effort shall be made tokeep the surface of
the previously placed layer of concrete alive so that the succeeding layer can be
amalgamated with it by the vibration process.

In case the concrete in underlying layer has hardened to such an extent that it cannot be
perpetrated by the vibrator but is still fresh (that is, just after initial set), un-imposed bond
shall be achieved between the top and underlying layer by first scarifying the lower layer
before the new concrete is placed by systematically and thoroughly vibrating the new
concrete. The points of insertion of vibrator in the concrete shall be so spaced that the range
of action overlap to some extent and the freshly filled concrete is sufficiently consolidated
at all locations. The spacing between the dipping positions of vibrator shall be maintained
uniformly throughout the surface of concrete so that concrete is uniformly vibrated. The
vibrating head shall be regularly and uniformly inserted in the concrete so that in penetrates
of its own accord and shall be withdrawn slowly whilst running so as to allow redistribution
of concrete in its way and allow the concrete to flow back into the hole behind the vibratory.
The vibrator head shall be kept in one position till the concrete within its influence is
completely consolidated. Vibration shall be continued until the coarse aggregate particle
have blended into the surface but have disappeared.

The contractor shall keep at least one additional vibrator in serviceable condition to be used
in the event of breakdowns and maintenance problems.

The vibrator head shall not be brought more than 200mm near to the formworkas this may
cause formation of water stagnations. The formwork shall be strong and great care shall
be exercised in its assembly. It shall be designedto take up increased pressure of concrete
and pressure variations caused inthe neighborhood of vibrating head, which may result in
excessive local stress on the formwork. The joints of the formwork shall be made and
maintained tight and close enough to prevent the squeezing out slurry or sucking in of air
during vibration. The formwork to receive concrete shall be cleaned and made free from
standing water, dust, etc. The contractor shall keep provision for screed and shutter vibrators
at site.
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



1.1 Cement required for the work shall be procured by the contractor.

1.2 The contractor shall procure 43/53 grade OPC Cement with C-3A content should be in
the range of 5 to 8% conforming to IS: 8112 – 2013/ Portland Slag Cement confirming to
IS-455 with slag content more than 50% (of brand as per preferred make list). Supply of
cement shall be taken in 50-kg bags bearing manufacturer’s name, or his registered trademarks
if any and grade and type of cement as well as ISI marking. The packing of the cement bags
shall be as per CPWD specifications 2019.

Every delivery of cement shall be accompanied by producer’s certificate confirming that the
supplied cement confirms to relevant specifications. These certificates shall be endorsed to the
engineer in charge for his record.

1.3 The cement shall be brought at site in supply of approximately 50 tons or more as decided
by the Engineer-in-charge.

1.4 Cement store shall be provided with a single door with two locks. The keys of one lock
shall remain with CPWD Engineer-in-charge or his authorized person and that of other
lock with the authorized agent of the contractor at the site of work so that the cement is
issued from godown according to the daily requirement with the knowledge of both the
parties. The account of daily receipt and issue of cement shall be maintained in a register
in the prescribed Performa and signed daily by the contractor or his authorized agent in
token of its correctness.

1.5 The contractor shall be responsible for the watch and ward and safety of the cement godown.
The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of the cement godown by the Engineer-in-Charge
at any time.

1.6 Samples of cement arranged by the contractor shall be taken by the Engineer- in charge and
got tested in accordance with provisions of relevant BIS codesas and when testing required
by Engineer-in- Charge. In case test results indicate that the cement arranged by the contractor
does not confirm to the relevant BIS codes, the same shall stand rejected and shall be removed
fromthe site by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s time of written order from the
Engineer-in-charge to do so.
1.7 The contractor shall supply free of charge the cement required for testing. The cost of tests
shall be borne by the contractor.

1.8 The actual issue and consumption of cement on work shall be regulated and proper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract.

1.9 The theoretical, consumption of cement shall be worked out as per procedure prescribed in
agreement conditions and shall be governed by conditions laid therein. No payment for excess
consumption of cement will be allowed.
1.10 For non-schedule items, the decision of the Superintending Engineer regarding theoretical
quantity of cement, which should have been actually used, shall be final and binding on the
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)
1.11 Cement brought to site and remaining unused after completion of work shall not be
removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in- charge.



Daily Balance in hand

Contractor’s initials
Quantity returned at

Asstt. Engg. initials

Quantity received

the end of the day

Progressive Total

Periodical Check
Date of receipt

quantity issued
Date of issued

J.E’s initials
Total issued

E.E initials
Item of work for

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14


2.1 The contractor shall procure steel reinforcement bars (High CorrosionResistant) of Fe-
500 D (with galvanizing min. 80micron as per IS-4759 of 1996) conforming to relevant
BIS codes from primary Steel producers such as SAIL, Tata Steel Ltd., RINL, Jindal
Steel& Power Ltd. and JSW Steel Ltd. The cut end shall be finished with spray by cold
galvanizing powder. The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificate to the
Engineer in charge as per the provisions in this regard in relevant BIS codes. In case the test
results indicate that the steel arranged by the contractor does not conform to BIS codes, the
same shall stand rejected and shall be removed from the site of work by the contractor at his
own cost within a week’s time by written orders from the Engineer in charge to do so.

2.2 The steel reinforcement shall be brought at site in supply of 10 tons or more as decided by the
Engineer in charge.

2.3 The steel reinforcement shall be stored by the contractor at site of work in sucha way as to
prevent distortion and corrosion and nothing extra shall be paid on this account. Bars of
different sizes and lengths shall be stored separately to facilitate easy counting and checking.
2.4 For checking nominal mass, tensile strength, bend test & re-bend test etc. specimen of
sufficient length shall be cut from each size of the bar at randomat frequency not less than
the specified below:
Size of bar For consignment below 100 For consignment above 100
tones tonnes
10 mm dia bars One sample for each 25 One sample for each 40
tonnes or part thereof tonnes part thereof
10 mm to 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 35 One sample for 45 each
tonnes or part thereof tonnes part thereof
Over 16 mm dia bars One sample for each 45 One sample for 50 each
tonnes or part thereof tonnes part thereof

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

2.5 The contractor shall supply free of cost the required steel bars for testing. The cost of tests shall
be borne by the contractor

2.6 The actual issue and consumption of steel on work shall be regulated andproper accounts
maintained as provided in clause 10 of the contract. The theoretical consumption of steel shall
be worked out as per procedure prescribed in clause 42 of the contract and shall be governed
by conditions laid their in.

2.7 Steel brought to site and remaining unused shall not be removed from site without the written
permission of Engineer-in-Charge.

2.8 (i) Reinforcement shall be measured in length including hooks, if any, separately for different
diameters as actually used in work, excluding overlaps. From the length so measured, the
weight of reinforcement shall be calculated on the basis of IS: 1732 duly accounting for
Wastage, overlaps, couplings, welded joints, spacer bars, chairs, stays and hangers. The
annealed steel wire or other methods for binding and placing shall not be measured and cost
ofthese items shall be deemed to be included in the rates for reinforcement.

(ii) The standard sectional weights referred to shall be as in Table 5.4 in para 5.3.4 in
CPWD specifications 2019 Vol. 1 will be considered for conversion of length of various sizes
of High Corrosion Resistant Steel bars in to standard weight. Record of actual sectional weights
shall also be kept dia wise and lot wise. The average sectional weight for each diameter shall
be arrived at from samples from each lot of steel received at site. The decision of the Engineer
in charge shall be final for the procedure to be followed for determining the average sectional
weight of each lot. Quantity of each diameter of steel received at site of work each day will
constitute one single lot for the purpose. The weight of steel by conversion of length of
various sizes of bars based onthe actual weighted average sectional weight shall be termed
as Derived Actual Weight.

2.9 (a) If the derived weight is less than the standard weight as in sub-para (ii) above, then the
Derived Actual Weight shall be taken for payment.

(b) If the derived actual weight is found more than the standard weight, then standard weight
as worked out in sub para (ii) above shall be taken for payment and nothing shall be paid
extra for the difference in Derived Actual Weight and standard weight.

2.10 High Corrosion Resistant Steel Bars of Fe 500D (with galvanizing min. 80 micron as per
IS-4759 of 1996), IS-1786 of 2008 shall be used in all RCC works.

2.11 The reinforcing steel brought to site of work shall be stored on brick or timber platform of
30/40-cm height, nothing extra shall be paid on this account.


3.1 Coarse sand shall be either river sand or pit sand or crusher dust or a combination of the two.
It shall be inert, clean, sharp, angular and gritty to touch and composed of hard siliceous
material and shall be brought from the quarry approved by Engineer-in-Charge. Its grading
shall fall within the limitsof grading zone I, II, III of ‘Table 4: Fine aggregates’ of IS – 383.

3.2 Fine Sand shall be either river or pit sand or a combination of the two. Its grading shall fall
within the limits of grading Zone IV of ‘Table 4: Fine aggregates’

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)




1.1.1. The contractor shall have to necessarily deploy self- propelled mechanical sensor paver with
suitable screed capable of spreading, tamping and finishing the mix true to the specified lines,
grades and cross sections of the roads. The paver finisher shall have the following essential
a. Loading hoppers and suitable distributing mechanism.
b. All drives having hydrostatic drive/ control.
c. The machine shall have a hydraulically extendable screed for appropriate width
d. The screed shall have tamping and vibrating arrangement for initial compaction to the
layer as it is spread without rutting or otherwise marring the surface. It shall have
adjustable amplitude and variable frequency.
e. The paver shall be equipped with necessary control mechanism so as to ensure that the
finished surface is free from surface blemishes.
f. The paver shall be fitted with an electronic sensing device for automatic levelling and
profile control within the specified tolerances.
g. The screed shall have the internal heating arrangement.
h. The paver shall be capable of laying as stipulated in the Contract.
i. The paver shall be so designed as to eliminate skidding/ slippage of the tyres during

1.1.2 The contractor shall have to necessarily deploy the Roads rollers, for DBM & SDBC for their
compaction as per relevant MORTH specifications, as described below: -

(i) For initial Rolling 8 to 10 tonne static weight smooth wheel roller (3 wheels
or tandom.)
(ii) For intermediate Rolling Vibratory roller of 8 to 10 tonne static weight or pneumatic
tyred roller of 12 to 15 tonne weight, with minimum 9
wheels and minimum tyre pressure of 5.6 Kg/ Cm 2.
(iii) For Final Rolling It shall be done with 6 to 8 tonne smooth wheeled tandom
(iv) Roller should not move at a speed of more than 5km./ hours.

1.1.3 Mix shall be prepared in automatic hot mix bituminous plant (Batch Type) of minimum 120
TPH capacity with electronic load device and capable of yielding a mix of proper and uniform
quality with thoroughly coated aggregate. Hot Mix Plant shall be of drum type/batch mix type
with electronic load sensor device. The requirement of clause 501.3 of MORTH specifications
(latest revision) shall be strictly adhered to.

The job mix shall be got designed by the contractor from CRRI/IIT Gandhinagar/NIT Surat
and its cost shall be borne by the contractor. In case already approved design mix is allowed to
be used then recovery of Rs. 25000/- (Twenty-Five Thousand) shall be made from contractor
for each separate job mix. The contractor shall follow the instructions contained in clause 505
for D.B.M. and clause 507 for B.C. of MORTH specification strictly and provide all necessary
details as specified therein.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

The work shall consist of application of single coat of low viscosity liquid bituminous material
to an existing Roads surface preparatory to another bituminous construction over it. The binder
used for tack coat shall be VG-10 as specified in nomenclature of item. The work shall be done
strictly in accordance with clause 503 and sub clause thereto of MoRT&H specifications for
Roads & Bridge work.


The surface on which the tack coat to be applied shall be clean and free from dust, dirt, and any
extraneous material and be otherwise prepared in accordance with the requirements of Clause
501.8 as appropriate. Immediately before the application of the tack coat, the surface shall be
swept clean with a mechanical broom and high-pressure jet or by other means as directed by
the Engineer-in-charge.


The work shall consist of constructing single layer specified compacted thickness dense
bituminous macadam consisting of crushed stone aggregate mixed with bituminous binder/
base to serve as course laid immediately after mixing, on a previously prepared base in
accordance with the requirements of specifications as laid down in Clause 505 and sub- clauses
thereto of MORTH specifications for Roads & Bridge works and as directed by Engineer-in-

Bitumen shall conform to grade VG-30 and quantities as specified in nomenclature of the item. AGGREGATE
Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading & specifications as
laid down in sub-Clause 505.2.2. to 505.2.5 of MORTH specifications for Roads & Bridge
work. No natural aggregate or sand shall be allowed. FILLER
Filler shall consist of hydrated lime of grade & specification conforming to clause 505.2.4 of
MORTH specifications.


Bitumen shall conform to grade VG-30 and quantities as specified in nomenclature of the item. AGGREGATE
Aggregates shall consist of crushed stone aggregate conforming to grading and specifications
as laid down in MORTH specification sub clause 507.2.2 to 507.2.5. No natural aggregate or
sand shall be allowed. FILLER
Filler shall consist of hydrated lime and specifications conforming to clause 507.2.4 of
MORTH specifications.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Scope: The separation of modifier and bitumen during hot storage is evaluated by comparing
the ring and ball softening point of the top and bottom samples taken from conditioned, sealed
tube of polymer-modified bitumen. The conditioning consists of placing a sealed tube of
modified bitumen in a vertical position at 163  50C in an oven for a period of 48 hours.
Modified bitumen's relative stability to separation under storage in static conditions is
determined in heated oven storage without agitation.

Aluminum Tubes – 25.4 mm (1 in.) diameter and 136.7 mm (5.5 in.) length blind aluminum
tubes, used to hold the test sample during the conditioning.
Oven, capable of maintaining 163  50C.
Freezer, capable of maintaining –6.7  50C.
Rack, capable of supporting the aluminum tubes in a vertical position in the oven and freezer.

Spatula and Hammer: - The spatula must be rigid and sharp to allow cutting of the tube
containing the sample when at a low temperature.

Procedure: Place the empty tube, with sealed end down in the rack. Heat the sample carefully
until sufficiently fluid to pour. Care should be taken to prevent localized over-heating. Pass the
molten sample through IS 600-micron sieve. After thorough stirring, pour 50.0g into the
vertically held tube. Fold the excess tube over two times, and crimp and seal.
Place the rack containing the sealed tubes in a 163  50C oven. Allow the tubes to stand
undisturbed in the oven for a period of 48  4 hours. At the end of the period, remove the rack
from the oven, and place immediately in the freezer at –6.7  50C, taking care to keep the tubes
in a vertical position at all times. Leave the tubes in the freezer for a minimum of 4 hours to
solidify the sample completely.

Upon removing the tube from the freezer, place it on a flat surface. Cut the tube into three equal
length portions with the spatula and hammer. Discard the center section, and place the top and
bottom portions of the tube into separate beakers. Place the beakers into a 163  50C oven until
the bitumen is sufficiently fluid to remove the pieces of aluminum tube.

After thoroughly stirring, pour the top and bottom samples into appropriately marked rings for
the ring-and-ball softening point test. Prepare the rings and apparatus according to Test Method
IS 1205. The top and bottom samples from the same tube should be tested at the same time.

Report – Report the difference, in 0C, between the softening points of the respective top and
bottom samples as average of three specimens.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Scope: The elastic recovery of modified bitumen/ bitumen is evaluated by comparing recovery
of thread after conditioning for 1 hour at 150C and the specimen is elongated upto 10 cm
deformation in a ductility machine. This is intended to assess degree of bitumen modification.

Significance & Use: This test is intended to optimize dose of polymeric additive in bitumen
and help in assessing quality of CRMB.

Ductility Machine – AS per IS 1208:1978.

Thermometer – An ASTM 630C thermometer or any other standard thermometer of

equivalent range shall be used.

Scissors – Any type of conventional scissors capable of cutting modified bitumen at the test

Scale – Any transparent scale capable of measuring up to 25 cm with  1 mm accuracy.

Prepare the test specimens and condition as prescribed in Test Method IS 1208. Elongate the
test specimen at the specified rate to a deformation 10 cm at a rate of 5  0.25 cm/minute.
Immediately cut the test specimen into two halves at the midpoint using the scissors. Keep the
test specimen in the water bath in an undisturbed condition for 1 hour at specified temperature.

After the 1hour time period, move the test specimen back into position near the fixed half of
the test specimen so the two pieces of modified bitumen just touch. Record the length of the
recombined specimen as X.

Report – Calculate the percent/ elastic recovery by the following procedure.

Elastic Recovery (%) = 10 - X X 100


Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



1. The contractor shall procure bitumen of required grade as specified confirming to IS:73-1992
with upto date amendments and other relevant codes from the manufactures of repute like
Indian Oil Corporation Ltd., Hindustan Petroleum, Govt. of India and holding license to use
ISI certificate mark for their products.

2.1 Bitumen/Bitumen emulsion for tack coat shall be brought at site in sealed drums/bulk only
bearing following marking (legible)
(i) Name of Manufacturers.
(ii) Gross Wt., Net Wt. And Tare Weight.
(iii) Month and year of Manufacture.
(iv) Use before___________________________________(date)
(v) Type and Grade.
(vi) Batch Number.
(vii) “ISI” Certification and Standard Mark.
(viii) Name of Contractor/Supplier.
(ix) Serial No. & Total Nos. of drums in each batch.

2.2 For providing bituminous surface like BM, DBM, etc., the bitumen shall be procured either in
sealed drums or in bulk and stored at the hot mix plant site. The drums/container shall bear
the marking as mentioned in para-2.1 above.

2.3 The contractor will produce original challan/voucher for purchase of bitumen from the
approved source IOCL/HPCL/BPCL as a proof of having purchased the material form
manufacturer. The voucher/challan shall have name of work, agreement number & site of
work for which it has been issued. The original vouchers shall be returned to the contractor
after verification and making necessary endorsement.

2.4 Bitumen of specified grade shall be brought to plant site in one lot for theoretical requirement
upto 100 tonnes and in lots of 100 tonnes or more for theoretical requirement of more than 100
tonnes. The day to day receipt and issue accounts of bitumen shall be maintained by the junior
Engineer in charge and signed daily by the contractor or his authorised agent on the following


Date of Qty. Progressive Date Qty. Total Balance Cont.’s JE’s

Receipt Received. Total. of Issued. Issued in hand initial initial
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Item of Work Appx. Qty. Theoretical Remarks Initial of

for Which of work done 100fulfilment of AE/AEE/EE
issued on each day bitumen for work done Ex.Eng.
on each day?
10 11 12 13 14

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

2.5 When bitumen is issued /brought in drums, the same shall be stacked in fenced enclosures to
be provided by the contractor at his own cost, as directed by the Engineer-in-Charge on one
side of the roadway. The contractor shall be responsible for the watch & ward and safety of
bitumen. The contractor shall facilitate the inspection of bitumen stockyard by the Engineer-
in-Charge or his representative at any time.

2.6 Material shall be kept in the joint custody of the contractor and the representative of the
Engineer-in-charge. The empty containers shall not be removed from the site of work till the
relevant item of work has been completed and permission obtained from the Engineer-in-
Charge. No heating of bitumen in drums for any purpose whatsoever shall be allowed.


The contractor shall have to obtain and furnish test certificate issued by manufacturer to the
Engineer-in-Charge in respect of bitumen procured by him. The samples shall be collected at
discretion of Engineer-in-Charge and got tested as per provisions of IS:73/MORTH/CPWD
specification from the laboratories approved by him.

4 The contractor shall supply free of charge, the bitumen required for testing. The cost of
specimen sample shall be borne by contractor.

In case the test result indicate that the bitumen procured by the contractor does not conform to
the relevant BIS codes/specification, the same lot shall reject and shall be removed from the
site of work by the contractor at his own cost within a week’s time of written order from
Engineer-in-Charge to do so.

The bitumen content in bituminous mix shall be checked by conducting the bitumen extraction
test conforming to IRCII at regular interval on the completion of work, the actual consumption
of bitumen shall be worked out based on such test results. The theoretical consumption shall
be worked out based on the design mix formula and the actual consumption (based on
extraction test as well as MAS account) if found less than theoretical one, the recovery shall be
made from contractor for less use of bitumen. However, nothing extra shall be paid if actual
consumption so worked out is higher than theoretical consumption. This is without prejudice
to action under relevant clause of the agreement.
Bitumen brought to site/Hot Mix Plant and bitumen remaining unused after completion of work
shall not be removed from site without written permission of the Engineer-in-charge.

NOTE: - Nothing extra shall be paid for cartage of bitumen to the site of work.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. Particle size and Shape 1. At the beginning for IS:383-1970
a) Sieve Analysis approval of each source and IS: 2386
b) Flakiness Index and 2 change of source (part – I) - 1963
Elongation Index Once in week
2. Deleterious Materials 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part – II)
2. change of source – 1963
One in 3 months
3. Specific Gravity and Density 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part – III)
2. change of source – 1963
Once in a Fortnight
4. Mechanical Properties 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
a) Aggregate Crushing Value approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part – IV)
b) Impact Value 2 change of source – 1963
c) 10 percent fines Once in week
d) Abrasion Value
5. Soundness 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part – V)
2. change of source – 1963
One in 3 months
6. Surface moisture content 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part – III)
2. change of source – 1963
3. At every change of mix
Every time making the
7. Alkali Reactivity 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part –
2. change of source VII) – 1963
One in 3 months
8. Petrographic Examination 1. At the beginning for IS: 383-1970
a) Trade Group approval of each source and IS: 2386 (part –
b) Petrological name and 2. change of source VIII) – 1963
Description One in 3 months
c) Description of Bulk
d) Particle shape
e) Surface texture
2. Embankment under OMC condition: -
Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. Moisture content 250 m3 IS: 2720(Part II)
2. Density 250 m3 IS: 2720 (Part XXVIII)
3. Control test on borrow pits.
(a) Gradation One to two tests per 8000 m3 IS: 2720(Part IV)
(b) Plasticity -do- IS: 2720(Part V)
(c) Proctor test -do- IS: 2720(Part VIII)
(d) Deleterious content As required by the Engineer-
(e) Moisture contents 250 m3 IS: 2720(Part II)
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. Particle size 1. At the beginning for approval of IS:383-1970
each source and change of IS: 2386
2. source (part – I) – 1963
Once in a month

2. Deleterious 1. At the beginning for approval of IS:383-1970

Materials each source and change of IS: 2386
2. source (part – II) – 1963
Once in a month

3. Silt Content 1. At the beginning for approval of

each source and change of
2. Once Daily
4. Specific Gravity 1. At the beginning for approval of IS:383-1970
and Density each source and change of IS: 2386
2. source (part – III) – 1963
Once in 3 months

5. Water absorption 1. At the beginning for approval of IS:383-1970

each source and change of IS: 2386
2. source. (part – III) – 1963

6. Soundness 1. At the beginning for approval of IS:383-1970

each source and change of IS: 2386
2. source. (part – U) – 1963
Once in 3 months

Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. Chemical Analysis 1. Once at beginning for IS: 456:2000
approval of each
source and change of
a) PH value 2. Once in a month
b) Chlorides (as Cl) 3. Chemical Tests daily IS:3025 (Part 24)
in the site Laboratory
with testing kits
c) Sulphates (as SO3) IS:3025 (Part 32)
d) Neutralization with NaOH IS:3025 (Part 22)
(with phenolphthalein as
e) Neutralization with H2SO4 IS:3025 (Part 23)
2. Physical Analysis
a) Suspended matter 1. Once at beginning for IS:3025 (Part 17)
approval of each
source and change of
b) Organic matter 2. Once in 3 months IS:3025 (Part 18)
c) Inorganic matter IS:3025 (Part 18)

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


(a) Dense graded Bituminous Macadam (DBM)
(b) Semi dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC)
(i) Bitumen extraction test for binder content
(ii) In Situ density by sand pouring device
(iii) Marshal stability test as per ASTM D 1559

Test Frequency Ref. Codes
1. CaCo3 Content 1. At the beginning for approval of each IS:1195-1978
source and change of source

2. Sieve Analysis 2. One test for every 5MT of lime


6. Gabions, Geogrids & Geotextile: – Test report shall be made available by the contractor lot
wise along with material brought at site of work.

6A. Gabion Wire – Test shall be conducted on 10% lot of wire. Each lot is of 15 MT (50 coils) and
test is conducted on 5 coils. These tests on bi-annual basis on randomly selected wire rolls shall
be conducted at factory site. The test shall be conducted (both parallel and perpendicular) on
three samples every week on the randomly selected samples at manufacturing plant.

6B. Geotextile
S.No. Properties Frequency of testing Testing Method
at site
1. Physical Properties
Specific gravity One test of every lot ISO 1183 / ASTM D792 /
of 50000 sqm or part ASTM D 1505
Mass per unit thereof. ISO 9864 / IS 14716 / ASTM
Thickness ISO 9863-1 / IS 13162 /
ASTMD 5199
2. Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength One test of every lot IS:10319 / IS 13325 / ASTM
of 50000 sqm or part D4595 / IS:13934 or ASTM
thereof. D4632
Puncture Strength ISO 12236 / IS:13162 (Part
IV) / ASTM D 6241 / IS:
Sewn Seam Strength ISO 10321 / IS 15060 /
ASTM D4884
3. Hydraulic Properties
Apparent Opening Size ISO 12956 / IS:14294 /
ASTM D4751
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

Permittivity One test of every lot ISO 11058/IS:14324 / ASTM

of 50000 sqm or part D4491
Clogging potential of thereof. ASTM D5101 / ASTM
Geotextile D5567

6C. Geogrid
S.No. Properties Frequency of testing Testing Method
at site
1. Physical Properties
Aperture size / thickness One test of every lot of
etc. 10000 sqm or part
2. Mechanical Properties
Nodal Strength One test of every lot of ASTM D6637
Wide-width tensile 10000 sqm or part ISO 10319 / IS 13325
strength thereof. /ASTM D6637
3. Endurance Properties
Installation Damage One test of every lot of ISO 10722 / ASTM
10000 sqm or part D5818-06
Tensile Creep Behavior thereof. ISO 13431 / ASTM
D6992 / ASTM D5262
Degradation Issues
Temperature effects
Oxidation effects EN ISO 13438

6D. Gabions
S.No. Properties Frequency of testing Testing Method
at site
1. Mechanical Properties
Tensile Strength One test of every lot of IS 280
Mesh Panel strength 30000 sqm or part Clause 12.1 of IS 16014
2. Physical Properties
Punch test One test of every lot of MoRT&H 2500 Clause 5.2
Polymer Coating 30000 sqm or part IS 13360
Coating Mass & thereof. IS 4826 / IS 12757
Adhesion Test

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


i. Excavation for foundation of Box Culvert as per design requirements, IRC: SP : 13-2004 and
MoRTH specifications.
ii. Foundation of Box culvert comprising rubble soling and PCC as per design requirements.
iii. Providing, Hoisting and fixing in position with proper Jointing system, the Precast RCC Box
Culverts of specified section having opening size of 2500 mm x 2500 mm and of designed
thickness of at least 200 mm, made of High Performance self-compacting concrete grade as
defined and designed as per IS code requirement and with load bearing capacity of Class 70 R
of IRC 6; 2017 with Plug in - Plug out Joints properly placed, Properly filled with rubber gasket
and grouting joint of recommended mix as per the direction of the Engineer - in - Charge.
(Reinforcement: TMT Fe500D (TATA/ SAIL/ Vizag/ Equivalent)/ ISI approved HD wires as
per IS 432 (Part-II). CRS/HCR.
iv. Provision of Wing walls made of precast as per the drawing and design requirements.
v. Factory made precast box culverts shall be used for the construction having state of art quality
control parameters and satisfying the load carrying capacity requirements as per Class 70 R,
IRC: 6 – 2017, design criteria as per IRC:5-1985, IRC:21-1987 and IRC:78-1985 and
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works of MoRTH.
vi. The reinforced concrete shall be composed of cementitious materials as per IRC:112, IS:456,
mineral aggregates as per IS:383, chemical admixture as per IS:9103 and water as per IRC:112
all latest editions and as per Specifications for Road and Bridge Works of MoRTH.
vii. For use of Precast Concrete Box Culvert as a hydraulic structure, the relevant provisions of
IRC: SP:13 shall be applicable. Other elements like apron, wing walls, face wall, toe wall etc.
shall also be designed as per IRC: SP:13.

viii. Manufacturer of the precast concrete segmental box culverts shall give at least 10 years of
warranty for durability. The Service Environment is Extreme: Cyclic wet and dry, concrete
exposed to tidal, splash and spray zones in sea, concrete in direct contact with aggressive sub-
soil/ground water, concrete in contact with aggressive chemicals. Relevant clauses of IRC:122-
2017 and IRC:112-2011 shall be followed. Durability of concrete is the main reason for
adopting precast high performance self-compacting concrete, Rapid Chloride Ion Permeability
Test (RCPT) as per ASTM C 1202 shall be carried out. An upper limit of values for 56 days
for Extreme exposure conditions is 800 Coulombs. Additional durability test such as water
permeability test as per DIN 1048 Part – V and/or initial surface absorption test as per BS 1881
Part – V shall be done. The permissible values in such test shall be :-

Test Frequency Reference Code Acceptance

Permeability test Once in a month MORTH Maximum 25 mm
Specifications for on a specimen of 150
Road & Bridge mm dia and 160
works heights
Permeability test Once in a month MORTH Maximum 25 mm on
Specifications for a specimen of 150
Road & Bridge works mm dia and 160

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

(i) Minimum Grade of Concrete shall be M-50. Wet Cast Method of manufacturing shall be
adopted with steam curing as per IRC: 112. The reinforcement used shall be galvanized (80
micron) CRS/HCR Fe 500 D grade of approved Primary Producers only.

(ii) Dimensions of the precast box unit shall conform to the design requirements. The
transportation/shifting of the pre-cast elements shall be carried out only after achievement
of minimum strength of 20 MPa or 0.7 times the compressive strength of concrete. The
strength of concrete shall be tested as per IS:516.

(iii) All precast units shall bear an indelible identification, location and orientation marks as and
where necessary. The date of manufacture shall also be marked on the segments. The
identification markings on the drawings shall be shown in a table on the setting schedule
together with the length, type, size of the unit and the sizes and arrangements of all
reinforcement for easy identification of the segment.

(iv) Products shall be stored, handled shipped and unloaded in manner to minimize damage. The
handling process encompasses the demoulding of the precast units, their loading and
transportation to storage areas, offloading and storage, transfer to site and site erection. To
avoid excessive stresses and possible damage, all precast units should be handled in the
manner as envisaged in their design by means of approved devices, identified in the
production and erection drawings.

(v) Lifting holes or inserts shall be consistent with industry standards. Lifting shall be
accomplished with methods or devices intended for this purpose. Lifting equipment such as
mobile crane, gantry crane, forklift etc. must be carefully selected to ensure that lifting of
precast units is carried out within the rated capacity of the equipment. The support for the
lifting equipment must be checked to ensure that adequate supporting capacity is provided.
Lifting accessories may comprise combinations of lifting beams or frames, slings or cables,
hooks or shackles. The selection of each of these components should be predetermined to
take account of the forces exerte3d on them due to various aspects of the lifting operations.
A person suitably qualified in accordance with the relevant regulations must regularly
inspect all lifting equipment prior to and after use. Results of such inspections must be
properly recorded and be available for subsequent inspection. The location of lifting points
should be clearly indicated on the drawings. Lifting methods may differ from different
manufacturers and the same shall be agreed upon. Vertically or otherwise of the lifting ropes
shall be as per the design requirements. During operation of lifting and unloading the precast
concrete box culvert segment shall be protected from damage particularly the joining
surfaces. Also, due care shall be taken for safety of the crew during this operation.

(vi) Storage areas must be large enough so that the precast units can be stored safely, with
adequate room for lifting equipment and transporting vehicles to manoeuvre. The ground of
the storage area must be hard, level, clean and well drained to permit organized storage.
Precast segments can be damaged by incorrect stacking and storage. Where the locations of
support points for a precast unit are critical, the locations for the support should be noted on
the shop drawings. Support must be arranged to avoid twisting or distorting of the precast
segments and must be adequate to transfer the weight of the stacked units to the ground
without excessive settlements. The stored and stacked units should be protected to prevent
accidental damage and discoloration and the support material should be non-staining.
Lifting points should also be well protected and kept accessible while the units are in

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

storage. Precast segments must be stored safely with adequate supports such that it would
not endanger any workers moving in the vicinity.

(vii) Consideration should be given to the propping and temporary support details and erection
sequence to ensure safe and efficient installation of the precast elements in accordance with
the design intent. For designing erection of precast concrete segments, provisions of Sub
clause 11.10 of IS:15916:2010 shall apply.

(viii) Bedding Details for box culvert segments shall be as per design and specifications. The
bedding plain shall be flat and uniform without low or high points. The width of the bedding
material should equal the width of the box (span plus twice the wall thickness) and the length
of the bedding material should equal the length of the box.

(ix) The Dimensional tolerance limits are as under:

Length of Segment (not cumulative): plus minus 5 mm

Overall span length: plus minus 10 mm

Web thickness, depths to top and bottom flanges, Width of top and bottom flanges, overall
depth of segment, thickness of diaphragm: plus minus 5 mm

Grade of form edge and soffit: plus minus 1.0 mm/m


(a) Providing, Hoisting and fixing in position with proper Jointing system, the Precast RCC wing
wall for box culverts of specified section having designed thickness not less than 200 mm,
made of high performance self-compacting concrete grade as defined grade designed as per IS
code requirement properly filled and grouting joints with recommended mix as per the direction
of the Engineer - in - Charge.

(b) Providing, Hoisting and fixing in position with proper Jointing system, the Precast RCC wing
wall for box culverts of specified section having designed thickness not less than 200 mm,
made of high performance self-compacting concrete grade as defined grade designed as per IS
code requirement properly filled and grouting joints with recommended mix as per the direction
of the Engineer - in - Charge.


Providing, Hoisting and fixing in position with proper Jointing system, the Precast RCC parapet
wall for box culverts of specified section having designed thickness not less than 200 mm,
made of high performance self-compacting concrete grade as defined grade designed as per IS
code requirement Properly filled and grouting joints with recommended mix as per the
direction of the Engineer - in - Charge. The rates shall be including the cost of Loading,
Transportation to site, Unloading and installation at site. The rates shall be excluding the cost
of the Bedding mortar. But including cost of Reinforcement: TMT galvanized (80 micron)
CRS/HCR Fe500D (TATA/ SAIL/ Vizag/ Equivalent)/ ISI approved HD wires as per IS 432
(Part-II). HCR/CRF

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)




A. General Materials.

S.No. Materials Brand /Manufacturer Name

1. OPC Cement A.C.C., Ambuja Cement, Birla Cement,
Ultratech Cement, JSW Cement
2. Portland Slag Cement A.C.C., Ambuja Cement, Birla Cement,
Ultratech Cement, JSW Cement
3. Steel Reinforcement SAIL, TISCO, RINL, Jindal Steel &Power
(High Corrosion Resistant Ltd., JSW Steel Ltd
4. Synthetic Enamel Paint/ Berger, Asian Paints, Nerolac, Jenson &
Emulsion/ Steel Wood Nicholson, Shalimar Paints
5. Acrylic/ Oil bound Berger, Asian Paints, Nerolac, Jenson &
Washable Distemper Nicholson, Shalimar Paints
6. Water Proofing Berger, Asian Paints, Nerolac, Jenson
Cement Paint, Primer & Nicholson, Shalimar Paints
7. Premium Exterior Paint Asian (Apex-Ultima), Berger (All Guard),
with Silicon Additives Nerolac, Jenson & Nicholson
8. Mortice Latch Godrej, Harrison, Dorma, Assa Abloy
9. White Cement Birla White, J.K.White, Travancore
10. Ceramic Tiles Somani, Kajaria, Orient, H&R Johnson, RAK
11. Aluminum Sections Hindalco, Nalco, Bhoruka, Jindal, Indian
Aluminium Co. (Anodising/ powder coating
by approved anodiser)
12. PVC Door/Windows Syntex, Rajshree, Polyline
13. UPVC Windows Fenesta, Supreme, Saint-Gobain, Polywood

14. FRP Doors & frames Fiberways, Shiv Shakti Fiber Udhyog,
Shimba FRP Pvt Ltd.

15. Water Proofing Compound CICO, FOSROC and Pidilite, Sika, BASF,
16. Drapery Rod Vista, Mac
17. Flush Door Shutters Green Ply, Century Ply, Duro Ply, Green
Panel, Merino
18. Dash/Anchoring HILTI, Fischer, WURTH
19. Nuts/bolts & Screw GKW, Atul
20. Admixtures FOSROC, MBT, Sika, CICO, Asian
21. Vitrified Tiles Somany, Kajaria, H&R Johnson, RAK,
NITCO, Simpolo
22. Hydraulic door closer Hardwyn, Godrej, Dorma
23. EPDM Gasket Hanu/Annand
24. Tile Adhesive CICO, Pidilite, MYK Laticrete, Ferrouscrete,

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Ardex endure
25. Wall Putty (white cement Birla White Wall Care, JK Wall Care
based) White
26. Aluminium Composite Alucobond, Reynobond, Alstone
27. Glass Modi Guard, Saint Gobain, AIS,
Pilkington, Glaverbel
28. APP (Modified Bitumat co. Ltd., STP, Dermabit Technow
prefabricated membrane) NICOL/Torchtar
29. PVC /Synthetic Water Sintex/Uniplast, Polycon, Sheetal, Supreme, Poly
Storage Tank Plast
30. Aluminium fittings Classic /Argent/Crown
31. Black anti corrosive Berger, Asian Paints
Bitumastic paint
32. Door / window fittings (SS / Dorset, Godrej, Dorma, Kitch

Sanitary fixtures and Faucets.

S.No. Materials Brand/Manufacturer Name
1. Vitreous China Sanitary Kohler, Parryware, Hindware, Neycer, Jaquar
2. C.P. Brass Faucets, Jaquar, Dorma, Kohler
Wastes, Traps etc.
3. C.P. Bathroom Accessories Jaquar, Kitch, Kohler
4. Plastic seat cover of WC Hindware, Commander, Diplomat
5. PVC Flushing Cistern Hindware (Slim line), Commander, Hindustan
6. Stainless Steel Sink Jayana, Neelkanth, Kitch
7. Bevelled Edge Mirror Atul, Modiguard, Saint-Goban, AIS
8. PTMT Fittings Prayag symet, King Pipes and Fittings

Pipes and Fittings

S.No. Materials Brand/Manufacturer Name
1. Centrifugally Cast (Spun) Jayaswal Neco, HEPCO
Iron Soil, Waste and Vent
Pipes and Fittings
2. UPVC Soil, Waste, Rain Supreme, Prince, Finolex, Astral
Water, Water Supply and
vent Pipes and Fittings
3. G.I. Pipes Tata, Jindal (Hissar), Prakash Surya
4. G.I. Fittings “R” brand, Unik and Zoloto
5. C.I. Class LA Pipes Electro Steel, Kesoram
6. Stone ware Pipes Bhaskar, Anand, ISI Marked of approved quality

7. R.C.C. Pipes ISI Marked of approved quality

8. PP-R Pipes and Fittings Supreme, Prince

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


9. CI Sluice Valve Annapurna or equivalent as approved by

10 Stainless Steel Section Jindal, SAIL, Tata
11 Structural Steel & Hollow SAIL, Tata, RINL, JSPL, JSW, APL Apollo

1 Synthetic Polymeric Vidoflex, Superlon, Armstrong
Rubber Compound

1 Valves, Float Valves Zoloto, RB, Italy, Prayag
2 Ball Valves RB, CIM, ITAP Italy, Prayag
3 Gun metal valves Zoloto, Annapurna, Sant, RB.
4 Brass stop & Bib cocks Zoloto, Annapurna, Sant, RB.

Manhole Covers, Gratings etc.

1 Steel Fibre Reinforced K.K. manholes, Pragati Concrete
Concrete Manhole Covers
and Grating
2 C.I. Manhole Covers RIF, Kajeco, Neco

Precast RCC, Gabion & Geotextile

1 Gabion Box Mesh Meccaferri, Guru Kripa Wire Netting Industries,
A-1 Fence Products Company Pvt. Ltd., Tech Fab
India, Camwell
2 Geotextile Tech Fab India, SKAPS Industries(I) Pvt. Ltd.,
Supreme Non-Woven Company Mumbai,
3 Precast RCC Box Culvert, Fuji Silvertech, Teemage Precast, Siddhi vinayak
Wing Wall & parapet Wall precast pipes Pvt. Ltd., Sachi Precast Pvt. Ltd.
4 Geogrid Maccaferri, Tech Fab India

i. All approved materials, samples and products shall be kept at site.
ii. The Contractor shall procure and provide all the materials from the manufacturers / suppliers
as per the above list attached with the tender documents, as per the item description and
particular specifications for the work. The equivalent brand for any item shall be permitted to
be used in the work, only when the specified make is not available. This is, however, subject
to documentary evidence produced by the contactor for non-availability of the brand specified
and also subject to independent verification by the Engineer-in-Charge. In exceptional cases,
where such approval is required, the decision of Engineer-in-Charge as regards equivalent
make of the material shall be final and binding on the Contractor. Nothing extra shall be
payable on this account.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


iii. The Chief Engineer, Border Fencing Zone, CPWD reserves the right to add/delete any material
and Brands in the Preferred list of materials/brands on the recommendation of Engineer-in-
Charge (EIC).


Name of work: Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111 to
1135 in Gujarat Sector.

S. Total
Description unit Rate Amount
No. Qty
Construction of granular sub-
base by providing coarse graded
material, spreading in uniform
layers with motor grader on
prepared surface, mixing by
1 mix in place method with Front 57894 cum 2926.35 16,94,18,107
end loader at OMC, and
compacting with vibratory
roller to achieve the desired
density, complete as per clause
401.(Table 400-1,Grading-II)
Providing, laying, spreading
and compacting graded stone
aggregate to wet mix macadam
specification including
premixing the Material with
water at OMC in mechanical
mix plant carriage of mixed
Material by tipper to site, laying
2 40084 sqm 2971.90 11,91,25,640
in uniform layers with grader in
sub- base / base course on well
prepared surface and
compacting with vibratory
roller to achieve the desired
density complete as per
MORTH specifications and
direction of Engineer-in-charge.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Providing and laying dense

graded bituminous macadam
with higher capacity batch type
HMP 120 TPH using crushed
aggregates of specified grading,
premixed with bituminous
binder VG-30 @ 4.5 percent
minimum by weight of total mix
and filler, transporting the hot
mix to work site, laying with a
hydrostatic paver finisher with
3 5952 cum 13153.70 7,82,90,822
sensor control to the required
grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction
as per MoRTH specification
clause No. 505 complete in all
NOTE:- No payment shall be
made on account of more
bitumen more than the 4.5%.
Providing and laying
bituminous concrete with
higher capacity batch type HMP
120 TPH hot mix plant using
crushed aggregates of specified
grading, premixed with
bituminous binder VG-30 @
5.4 percent minimum of mix
and filler, transporting the hot
mix to work site, laying with a
hydrostatic paver finisher with
4 4762 cum 15146.40 7,21,27,157
sensor control to the required
grade, level and alignment,
rolling with smooth wheeled,
vibratory and tandem rollers to
achieve the desired compaction
as per MoRTH specification
clause No. 507 complete in all
NOTE:- No payment shall be
made on account of more
bitumen more than the 5.4%.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Providing and applying primer

coat with paving bitumen of
grade of VG-10 of approved
5 quality on prepared surface of -
granular base including clearing
of road surface with mechanical
On W.B.M / W.M.M @ 0.40
5.1.1 Kg/sqm 119040 sqm 30.65 36,48,576

On bituminous surface @ 0.25

5.1.2 119040 sqm 18.90 22,49,856
Earth work in excavation by
mechanical means (Hydraulic
excavator) / manual means over
areas (exceeding 30cm in depth.
1.5 m in width as well as 10 sqm
6 74106.50 cum 177.50 1,31,53,904
on plan) including getting out
and disposal of excavated earth,
lead upto 50m and lift upto
1.5m, as directed by Engineer-
in-charge. All kinds of soil.
Filling available excavated
earth (excluding rock) in
trenches, plinth, sides of
foundations etc. in layers not
7 exceeding 20cm in depth, 4608 cum 196.00 9,03,168
consolidating each deposited
layer by ramming and watering,
lead up to 50 m and lift upto 1.5
Providing & making Gabion
structure with Mechanically
Woven Double Twisted
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh
Gabion Boxes as per IS
16014:2012,MORTH Clause
2500, of required size, Mesh
Type 10x12(D=100 mm with
tolerance of ±2%), Zinic+10%
8 104000 cum 5337.10 55,50,58,400
Al alloy +Polymer coated,
Mesh wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm
(ID/OD), mechanically edged/
selvedged with partitions at
every 1m interval and shall have
minimum 10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist, tying
with lacing wire of diameter
Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied
@3% by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with
least dimension of 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per
directions of Engineer-in-
charge.(Guarantee bond to be
submitted of appropriate
amount on completion of
Providing & Laying of a
geotextile filter between
pitching and embankment
slopes on which pitching is laid
to prevent escape of
embankment material to the
void of stone pitching / cement
concrete blocks as well as to
allow free movement of water
without creating any uplift head
on the pitching ( needle
punched thermally bonded poly
propylene non-woven
Geotextile of grab strength not
less than 700 N Tear strength
not less than 250 N punctue
9 strength not less than 250 N 112469 sqm 187.70 2,11,10,431
permittivity not less than 0.20
per second and apparent
opening size not more than 0.25
mm (The supplier should
provide M.T.C certificate
stating the name of the
manufacturer, product name,
roll number, chemical
composition of filament or yarn
or other pertinent information
regarding property value of
individual roll to fully describe
the Geotextile. Certificate shall
state the MARV value of
properties. The Geotextile shall
not be less than 200 Gsm.)
Random rubble masonry with
hard stone in foundation and
10 plinth including levelling up 11423 cum 7311.25 8,35,16,409
with cement concrete 1:6:12 (1
cement : 6 coarse sand : 12

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


graded stone aggregate 20 mm

nominal size) upto plinth level
with :
Providing and laying in position
cement concrete of specified
grade excluding the cost of
centering and shuttering - All
work up to plinth level : 1:5:10
11 1904 cum 6518.60 1,24,11,414
(1 cement : 5 coarse sand (zone-
III) derived from natural
sources : 10 graded stone
aggregate 40 mm nominal size
derived from natural sources )
Providing and laying graded
stone agg. In foundation as
12 6882 cum 3029.80 2,08,51,084
rubble soling of size range (a)
150 to 40 mm.
Providing and laying cement
concrete in retaining walls,
return walls, walls (any
thickness) including attached
pilasters, columns, piers,
abutments, pillars, posts, struts,
buttresses, string or lacing
courses, parapets, coping, bed
blocks, anchor blocks, plain
13 381 cum 9895.20 37,70,071
window sills, fillets, sunken
floor,etc., up to floor five level,
excluding the cost of centering,
shuttering and finishing : 1:2:4
(1 Cement : 2 coarse sand
(zone-III) derived from natural
sources : 4 graded stone
aggregate 20 mm nominal size
derived from natural sources).

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Providing & making Gabion

structure with Mechanically
Woven DoubleTwisted
Hexagonal Shaped Wire mesh
Gabion Boxes as per
IS16014:2012,MORTH Clause
2500, of required size, Mesh
Type10x12(D=100 mm with
tolerance of ±2%), Zinic+10%
Al alloy+PVCcoated, Mesh
wire diameter 2.7/3.7mm
(ID/OD), mechanically
edged/selvedged with partitions
at every 1m interval and shall
14 734 cum 3323.70 24,39,596
have minimum10 numbers of
openings per meter of mesh
perpendicular to twist,tying
with lacing wire of diameter
2.2/3.2mm(ID/OD), supplied
@3%by weight of Gabion
boxes, filled with boulders with
least dimensionof 200 mm, as
per drawing, all complete as per
directions of Engineerin-
charge. (Stones to be filled in
the Gabion box shall be
supplied by the department free
of cost)
Dismantling of existing
structures like culverts, bridges,
retaining wall and other
structure comprising of
masonry, cement concrete,
wood work, steel work,
including T&P and scaffolding
15 -
wherever necessary, sorting the
dismantled material, disposal of
unserviceable material and
stacking the serviceable
material with all lifts and lead of
1000 metres. by mechanical
Dismantling boulders/ gabion
structure laid in wire crates
15.1 842 cum 651.20 5,48,310
including opening of crates and
stacking dismantled.

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Dismantling Prestressed/
15.2 reinforced cement concrete 136 cum 2305.90 3,13,602
grade M-20 and above.
Dismantling brick/tile
15.3 work/rubble masonry /pitching 662 cum 117.70 77,917
Construction of embankment
with approved material (Earth)
obtained from borrow pits
with all lifts and lead upto 1
km, transporting to site,
16 157 cum 89.75 14,091
spreading, grading to required
slope and compacting to
meet requirement of table
300-2 of MORTH
Supplying & laying of bi-
axial extruded high
modulus polypropylene
geogrid conforming to
for base/sub-base
reinforcement having
minimum tensile strength
17 40kN/m in the longitudinal 1634 sqm 205.37 3,35,575
and transverse direction, with
14kN/m and 28kN/m tensile
strength at 2% and 5% strain
respectively in the longitudinal
and transverse direction,
junction efficiency not less than
95% and with 38mm X 38mm
mesh opening.
Providing and laying in
position ready mixed or site
batched design mix cement
concrete for plain cement
concrete work; using coarse
aggregate and fine
aggregate derived from
18 natural sources, 43 grade OPC 773 cum 9212.60 71,21,340
with C3A content in the range
of 5-8 % conforming to IS:
8112- 2013, admixtures in
recommended proportions as
per IS: 9103 to accelerate /
retard setting of concrete, to
improve durability and

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


workability without
impairing strength; including
pumping of concrete to site
of laying, curing, carriage for
all leads; but excluding the cost
of centering, shuttering and
finishing as per direction of
the engineer-in-charge; for the
following grades of
concrete. Note: Extra cement
up to 10% of the minimum
specified cement content in
design mix shall be
payable separately. In case
the cement content in design
mix is more than 10% of
the minimum specified
cement content, the contractor
shall have discretion to either
re-design the mix or bear the
cost of extra cement. (a)
Concrete of M20 grade with
minimum cement content of
270 kg/cum.
Providing, Hoisting and fixing
in position with proper Jointing
system, factory made Precast
RCC Box Culverts of approved
make, including cost of CRS
reinforcement : TMT Fe500D
HD wires as per IS 432 (Part-
II)) of specified section having
opening size (HxB = 1800 mm
x 2500 mm ) and designed top,
bottom slab and wall thickness
should not be less than 200 mm,
19 189 Mtr 92182.24 1,74,22,443
made of High Performance self
compacting concrete grade M-
50 designed as per IS code
requirement and with load
bearing capacity of Class 70 R
of IRC 6; 2017 with Plug in -
Plug out Joints properly placed,
Properly filled with rubber
gasket and joint groove
properly filled with grout of
recommended manufacturers,
specification and as per the

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


direction of the Engineer - in -

Charge - all complete. The rates
shall also include the cost of
Loading, Transportation to site,
Unloading and installation at
site. The agency shall design the
culvert as per site condition and
get approval from Engineer-in-
charge before execution.
Providing, Hoisting and fixing
in position with proper Jointing
system, Factory made Precast
RCC wing wall of approved
make for box culverts of
specified section having
designed thickness not less than
200 mm, made of high
performance self-compacting
concrete grade M-50 designed
as per IS code requirement,
joints Properly filled & grouted
with recommended mix as per
20 108 Mtr 49906.82 53,89,937
the direction of the Engineer - in
- Charge. The rates shall also
include the cost of Loading,
Transportation to site,
Unloading, installation at site
and cost of CRS
Reinforcement: TMT Fe500D
HD wires as per IS 432 (Part-II)
(a) size B*H)=1.95x2.00 mtr.
The agency shall design the
culvert as per site condition and
get approval from Engineer in
Charge before execution.
Providing, Hoisting and fixing
in position with proper Jointing
system, Factory made Precast
RCC wing wall of approved
make for box culverts of
specified section having
21 designed thickness not less than 72 Mtr 38293.34 27,57,120
200 mm, made of high
performance self-compacting
concrete grade M-50 designed
as per IS code requirement,
Joints Properly filled & grouted
with recommended mix as per

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


the direction of the Engineer - in

- Charge. The rates shall also
include the cost of Loading,
Transportation to site,
Unloading, installation at site
and cost of CRS
Reinforcement: TMT Fe500D
HD wires as per IS 432 (Part-II)
(a) size B*H)=1.65x1.40 mtr.
The agency shall design the
culvert as per site condition and
get approval from Engineer in
Charge before execution.
Providing, Hoisting and fixing
in position with proper Jointing
system, Factory made Precast
RCC parapet of approved make
for box culverts of specified
section having designed
thickness not less than 200 mm,
made of high performance self
compacting concrete grade M-
50 designed as per IS code
requirement, Joints Properly
filled & grouted with
recommended mix as per the
22 153 Mtr 38293.34 58,58,881
direction of the Engineer - in -
Charge. The rates shall also
include the cost of Loading,
Transportation to site,
Unloading, installation at site
and cost of CRS
Reinforcement: TMT Fe500D
HD wires as per IS 432 (Part-II)
(a) size B*H)=1.65x1.40 mtr.
The agency shall design the
culvert as per site condition and
get approval from Engineer in
Charge before execution.
Credit for steel/TMT bar
23 received after dismantling from 12240 Kg -19.65 -2,40,516

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


Construction of 2.50 mtr height

temporary diversion 5.0 mtr
wide on top for placing culverts
in road alignment with 200 mm
thick Granular sub base in 4.0
mtr width well rammed and
compacted earthen
embankment of side slope 1:2
or more of required length with
available earth obtained from
borrow pits with all lifts & lead
upto 1000 m, transporting to
24 site, spreading, grading to 9 each 150483.90 13,54,355
required slope and compacting
to meet requirement of table
No. 300-2 of MORTH
specifications and removal of
diversion all completed as per
direction of Engineer-In-
Charge.(Note:- All diversion
shall be kept motorable in all
weather conditions. It shall be
ensured that at any moment,
there is no hindrance to the
movement of traffic.)
Providing and fixing Polished
stainless steel ( Grade 316 )
grills made of Flats, Plates &
Bars etc. including cutting,
welding (welding is to be done
all round at overlapping point
and joints.) and fitting the same
with necessary stainless steel
dash fastener (Minimum12
Nos. stainless steel dash
fastener with 10mm dia. and
25 113 mm long. Grade 316 or A4 4359 Kg 675.30 29,43,633
) complete including fixing the
grill with necessary accessories
of required size in the opening
of precast box Culvert with
suitable arrangement as per
approved drawings and
direction of Engineer-in-charge.
Nothing extra shall be paid for
cartage, loading, unloading,
hosting & fixing in position.
(For payment purpose only

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)


weight of stainless-steel
members shall be considered
excluding fixing accessories
such as nuts, bolts, fasteners
Total 1,20,19,71,323

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th Bn. BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj, Gujarat

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)



Name of work: Extra Ordinary Repair & Strengthening of Border Road from BP 1111 to
1135 in Gujarat Sector.

S.No. Description of Estimated cost (In % above or Percentage Total Cost

item rupees) below the in figures (in rupees)
estimated cost
1. Extra Ordinary
Repair &
Strengthening of
Border Road Rs. 1,20,19,71,323/-
from BP 1111 to
1135 in Gujarat
Total Rs. 1,20,19,71,323/-

Executive Engineer,
Border Fencing Division-V,
CPWD, 59th Bn. BSF Campus,
Mundra Road, Bhuj, Gujarat

Insertion-NIL, Overwriting-NIL, Deletion-NIL, Correction-NIL AE(P) EE(P)

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