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A Comparative Study of Impact Series FACTS Devices on Distance Relay

Setting in 400 kV Transmission Line

Article in Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering · October 2012


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2 authors, including:

Mohamed Zellagui
Université Batna 2


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Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 111

A Comparative Study of Impact Series FACTS Devices on Distance

Relay Setting in 400 kV Transmission Line
ZELLAGUI Mohamed1, CHAGHI Abdelaziz2
University of Batna, Algeria
LSP-IE Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology,
Campus of CUB, Street Med El Hadi Boukhlouf, 05000, Batna, Algeria, E-mail: [email protected]
University of Batna, Algeria
LSP-IE Research Laboratory, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Technology,
Campus of CUB, Street Med El Hadi Boukhlouf, 05000, Batna, Algeria, E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract – This research paper presents a comparative stability using FACTS controllers has been extensively
study of the performance of distance protection for investigated. There are two generations for realization of
transmission line 400 kV in Algerian transmission power electronics based FACTS controllers: the first
networks at Group Sonelgaz (Algerian Company of generation employs conventional thyristor-switched
Electricity and Gas) compensated by two different series capacitors and reactors, and quadrature tap-changing
Flexible Alternative Current Transmission System transformers, the second generation employs gate turn-off
(FACTS) i.e. GTO Controlled Series Capacitor (GCSC) (GTO) thyristor-switched converters as voltage source
and Thyristor Controlled Series Capacitor (TCSC) converters (VSCs). The first generation has resulted in the
connected at midpoint of an electrical transmission line. Static Var Compensator (SVC), the Thyristor-Controlled
The facts are used for controlling transmission voltage, Series Capacitor (TCSC), and the Thyristor-Controlled
power flow and reactive power in high power transfer Phase Shifter (TCPS) [2, 3]. The second generation has
levels. This paper studies the effects of angle variation Ȗ produced the Static Synchronous Compensator
and Į controlled GCSC and TCSC insertion on the total (STATCOM), the Static Synchronous Series Compensator
impedance of a transmission line protected by MHO (SSSC), the Unified Power Flow Controller (UPFC), and
distance relay. The modified setting zone protection the Interline Power Flow Controller (IPFC) [4-7]. The two
(resistance and reactance) in capacitive and inductive groups of FACTS controllers have distinctly different
boost mode for three forward zones and one reverse operating and performance characteristics.
zone are investigated in order to improve the The voltage source converter (VSC) type FACTS
performances of distance protection. The simulation controller group employs self-commutated DC to AC
results are performed in MATLAB software. converters, using GTO thyristors, which can internally
generate capacitive and inductive reactive power for
Keywords: FACTS; GCSC; TCSC; Apparent reactance; transmission line compensation, without the use of capacitor
Transmission line; Distance relay; Zones Setting. or reactor banks. The converter with energy storage device
can also exchange real power with the system, in addition to
I. INTRODUCTION the independently controllable reactive power. The VSC can
be used uniformly to control transmission line voltage,
In recent years, power demand has increased impedance, and angle by providing reactive shunt
substantially while the expansion of power generation and compensation, series compensation, and phase shifting, or to
transmission has been severely limited due to limited control directly the real and reactive power flow in the
resources and environmental restrictions. As a consequence, transmission line [5, 6, and 7].
some transmission lines are heavily loaded and the system Many researchers have focused on GCSC’s different
stability becomes a power transfer-limiting factor. FACTS aspect into the power systems. In [8] the GCSC with a
controllers have been mainly used for solving various power simple controller, can damp both SSR and low frequency
system steady state control problems [1]. oscillations. However their concentration is on mitigating
However, recent studies reveal that FACTS controllers the SSR rather those LFOs damping and the controller
could be employed to enhance power system stability in parameters are designed by trial and error. In [9], in addition
addition to their main function of power flow control. to introducing the structure of the GCSC, a comparative
The literature shows an increasing interest in this subject work, shows some advantages of the GCSC with respect to
for the last two decades, where the enhancement of system
112 Volume 5, Number 2, October 2012

the TCSC, such as smaller size of GCSC’s capacitor and

lower current rating in the GCSC’s switches.
They mentioned that although the GCSC has a better
performance with respect to the TCSC, especially in power
oscillation damping purposes, TCSC is more practical
because of its simpler protection scheme and being an
already established technology. In [10] introduced principle
of operation and some prospective applications of the GCSC
proved by simulation that in most situations, GCSC can be
more attractive than TCSC. References [11-12], present a
new, simple and robust control strategy for the GCSC
controlling the active power transmitted by very long lines. (a)
The GCSC was proved to be very effective, in controlling
the power-flow of the transmission lines that are little longer
than half the wavelength of the system frequency
comparative to the HVDC systems [13]. Reference [14]
study the distance relay measured impedance for faults on a
double circuit transmission line in the presence of TCSC in (b)
the case of phase to phase and three phases, faults. The
effect of TCSC on a double circuit transmission line, on the Fig. 1. Transmission line in presence of GCSC system.
measured impedance at the relaying point is carried out in a). Principle, b). Apparent reactance.
[15]. In the presence of TCSC, the measured impedance at
the relaying point is affected not only in its compensation This compensator injected in the transmission line a
degree, but also in its installation point. In reference [16], variable capacitive reactance (XGCSC).From figure 1.b.this
the influence of TCSC to EHV transmission line protection, capacitive reactance is defined by the following equation
especially to the high-frequency directional protection and [6,7,8,10]:
presents a novel transient protection scheme based on
Wavelet Transform (WT) is analyzed. Paper [17] study ª 2 1 º
X GCSC (γ ) = X C «1 − γ − sin(2π ) » (1)
analytically by using simple models the general impact of ¬ π π ¼
TCSS on transmission line protection.
In this paper, the setting protection zones for a distance
Where, X C = 1 (2)
relay on a 400 kV single transmission line is considered for C .ω
the GCSC and TCSC series FACTS devices, in capacitive
and inductive modes for different values of firing angle for III. THYRISTOR CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITOR
series compensation on transmission line using controlled (TCSC)
GTO and thyristors.
The compensator TCSC mounted on figure 2.a is a type
II. GTO CONTROLLED SERIES CAPACITOR (GCSC) of series FACTS compensators. It consists of a capacitance
(C) connected in parallel with an inductance (L) controlled
The compensator GCSC mounted on figure 1.a is the by a valve mounted in anti-parallel thyristors conventional
first that appears in the family series compensators. It (T1 and T2) and controlled by an angle of extinction (Į) is
consists of a capacitance (C) connected in series with the varied between 90° and 180°.
transmission line and controlled by a valve-type GTO
thyristors mounted in anti-parallel and controlled by an
angle of extinction (Ȗ) is varied between 0° and 180°.
If the GTOs are kept turned-on all the time, the capacitor
C is bypassed and it does not realize any compensation
effect. On the other hand, if the positive-GTO (GTO1) and
the negative-GTO (GTO2) turn off once per cycle, at a given
angle Ȗ counted from the zero-crossings of the line current,
the main capacitor C charges and discharges with alternate
polarity. Hence, a voltage VC appears in series with the
transmission line, which has a controllable fundamental
component that is orthogonal (lagging) to the line current.
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 113

The setting zones for protected transmission line AB

without series FACTS is [19, 20]:

Z1 = R1 + jX1 = 80%Z AB = 0,8.( RAB + jX AB ) (6)

Z 2 = R2 + jX 2 = RAB + jX AB + 0, 2.( RBC + jX BC ) (7)
Fig. 2. Transmission line on presence TCSC system.
a). Principle, b). Apparent reactance. Z3 = R3 + jX 3 = RAB + jX AB + 0, 4.( RBC + jX BC ) (8)

This compensator injected in the transmission line a Z4 = R4 + jX 4 = 60%Z AB = 0,6.( RAB + jX AB ) (9)
variable reactance (XTCSC) indicated by figure 2.b.The
apparent reactance XTCSC is defined by the following The impedance total of transmission line AB and BC
equation [6, 15-16]. The expression of XTCSC is directly measured by distance relay is:
related to the angle Į, which was varied, following the
above equation: KVT
Z AB = KZ .ZL− AB = Z L− AB (10)
ª π º
X L (α ) = X L max « » (3)
Z BC = KZ .Z L−BC =
Z L−BC (11)
¬ π − 2α − sin(2α ) ¼ KCT

Where, X L max = L.ω and X C = 1 (4) Where, ZL-AB and ZL-BC is real total impedance of line AB
C .ω and BC respectively. KVT and KCT is ratio of voltage to
A part of the equation (4), final the equation (3) becomes: The presence of series FACTS systems in a reactor (XFACTS)
is a direct influence on the total impedance of the line
ª π º protected (ZAB), especially against the reactance XAB and no
X C .X L « » influence on the resistance RAB. The setting zones for
X TCSC (α ) = ¬ π − 2α − sin(2α ) ¼ (5) protected transmission line with series FACTS connected at
ª π º midline are:
XC + XL « »
¬ π − 2α − sin(2α ) ¼
Z1 = 80%Z AB = 0,8.RAB + 0,8. j( X AB + X FACTS ) (12)

Distance protection is so called because it is based on an Z3 = RAB + j ( X AB + X FACTS ) + 0, 4.( RBC + jX BC ) (14)
electrical measure of distance along a transmission line to a
fault. The distance along the transmission line is directly Z4 = 60%Z AB = 0,6.( RAB + jX AB ) (15)
proportional to the series electrical impedance of the
transmission line. Impedance is defined as the ratio of For the case of on integration of GCSC, the reactance
voltage to current. Therefore, distance protection measures XFACTS is equal XGCSC and on integration of TCSC, the
distance to a fault by means of a measured voltage to reactance XFACTS is equal XTCSC.
measured current ratio computation [18, 19]. The
philosophy of setting relay at Sonelgaz Group is three zones V. CASE STUDY AND SIMULATION RESULTS
forward (Z1, Z2 and Z3) and one zone reverse (Z4) for
protection the transmission line HV and EHV between Figure 4 is represented the power system studied in this
busbar A and B with ZAB is showed in figure 3. paper is the Algerian electrical transmission networks at
group Sonelgaz [21, 22, 23]. The MHO distance relay is
located in the bus bar at Oued El Athmania substation in
Mila to protect electrical transmission line 400 kV between
busbar A and busbar B at Ain El Beida substation in Oum El
Bouaghi, the bus bar C at Bir El D’heb substation in
The parameters of transmission line are summarized in
the appendix.

Fig. 3. Setting zones for distance relay.

114 Volume 5, Number 2, October 2012

(b). Capacitive mode.

Ȗ (°) 100 120 140 160 180

XGCSC (ȍ) -0,476 -12,237 -51,371 -121,63 -212,20
XAB (ȍ) 222,40 210,64 171,51 101,25 10,673
RAB (ȍ) 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051

The impact of the angle Ȗ variation on the value of

reactance setting zones is represented in following figure.

Fig. 4. Algerian electrical transmission network study.

A. Impact of GCSC

The figure 5 shows the characteristic curve XGCSC (Ȗ) of

the compensator used GCSC in this case study.

Fig. 6. Characteristic curve X = f (Ȗ).

The impact of the angle Ȗ variation on the value of

resistance setting zones is represented in figure 7.

Fig. 5. Characteristic curve XGCSC = f (Ȗ) installed.

The impact of the angle variation Ȗ on reactance XGCSC

and the total impedance for transmission line protected (XAB
and RAB) is summarized in table 1.

TABLE 1. The variation of XGCSC, XAB and RAB in function of Ȗ.

(a). Inductive mode.

Fig. 7. Characteristic curve R = f (Ȗ).

Ȗ (°) 0 20 40 60 80
XGCSC (ȍ) 212,20 121,63 51,371 12,237 0,475 As can be seen from figure 5, which represents the curve
XAB (ȍ) 435,09 344,51 274,25 235,12 223,36 characteristics XGCSC (Ȗ) for installed GCSC, the value of the
reactance XGCSC varies with the angle Ȗ. In this case there is
RAB (ȍ) 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051 a reduction of XGCSC between Xmax which is equal to 212, 20
ȍ and Xmin equal to -212, 20 ȍ.

From figures 6 and 7 it can be seen that, the total line

reactance XAB and the forward reactance zone (X1, X2 and
Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineering 115

X3) are decreases but X4 increased with the same form of

angle Ȗ variation.
However the total resistance of the line RAB and the
different zones resistance (R1, R2, R3 and R4) are constant
regardless changes in XGCSC and Ȗ.

B. Impact of TCSC

Figure 8 shows the characteristic curve XTCSC (Į) of the

TCSC compensator used in this case study.

Fig. 9. Characteristic curve X = f (Į).

The impact of the angle Į variation on the value of

resistance setting zones is represented in following figure

Fig. 8. Characteristic curve XTCSC = f (Į) installed.

The impact of the angle Į variation on reactance XTCSC

and on the total impedance for protected transmission line
(XAB and RAB) is summered in table 2.

TABLE 2. The variation of XTCSC, XAB and RAB with respect to Į.

(a). Inductive mode.

Į (°) 90 95 100 105 115 Fig. 10. Characteristic curve R = f (Į).

XGCSC (ȍ) 20,944 21,063 21,938 24,690 66,620
From figure 8, which represents the curve characteristics
XAB (ȍ) 243,82 243,94 244,82 247,57 289,50
XTCSC (Į) for the installed TCSC, the value of the reactance
RAB (ȍ) 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051 XTCSC varies depending on the angle Į. For inductive the
value of reactance is increased between 12,70 ȍ and XL.max
(b). capacitive mode. which is equal to 454, 2 ȍ and in the capacitive mode
decreases from XC.max which is equal to -372, 9 ȍ to zero.
Į (°) 120 125 130 150 180 From figures 9 and 10, the total line reactance XAB and
XGCSC (ȍ) -126,91 -25,741 -12,72 -3,035 -1,090 the different zones reactance (X1, X2, X3 and X4) have the
XAB (ȍ) 95,968 197,14 210,15 219,84 221,79 same form with respect to the angle Į variation for the two
operation modes. The total resistance of the line RAB and the
RAB (ȍ) 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051 23,051
different zones resistance (R1, R2, R3 and R4) are constant
regardless changes in XTCSC and angle Į for the two
The impact of the angle Į variation on the value of operation modes.
reactance setting zones is represented in following figure 9.

The results are presented in relation to a typical 400 kV

transmission system employing GCSC and TCSC series
FACTS devices. The effects of the extinction angle Ȗ for
116 Volume 5, Number 2, October 2012

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