Controlled Switching of Series Compensated

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1, FEBRUARY 2020 47

Controlled Switching of Series Compensated

Transmission Lines: Challenges and Solutions
Daphne Barros , Washington Luiz Araujo Neves, Member, IEEE, and Karcius Marcelus Dantas , Member, IEEE

Abstract—A new controlled switching method for purely series for different applications (transformers, shunt reactors, capaci-
compensated transmission lines is proposed here. The main idea is tor banks, transmission lines).
based on the estimation of trapped charges using a recursive dig- Nevertheless, most of existing controlled switching (CS) tech-
ital filter for correction of the secondary voltage of the capacitive
voltage transformer. Several operating conditions of series capaci- niques have been applied to uncompensated and shunt compen-
tor banks are taken into account to define the controlled switching sated transmission lines [5]–[12]. The application of controlled
strategy for transmission line reclosing. It is also shown that one switching to series compensated transmission lines pose diffi-
can take advantage of the existing techniques for uncompensated culties on predicting the DC line side voltage due to the series
and shunt compensated lines. The challenges and potentialities of capacitor bank (SCB) protection circuit, i.e., whether or not the
the proposed method are highlighted through alternative transient
program (ATP) of a 500-kV power system where switching tran- SCB is by-passed due to short circuits along the line.
sient overvoltages are limited to 1.85 p.u. De-energizing a transmission line results in a stored trapped
Index Terms—Controlled switching, transmission line, series charge. For uncompensated and shunt compensated lines, the
compensation, transient overvoltage, trapped charge. trapped charge is a DC voltage and oscillatory voltage, respec-
tively, distributed evenly along the line [13]. For controlled
I. INTRODUCTION reclosing, the knowledge of the source side voltage, trapped
WITCHING transient overvoltages define the insulation charge, and circuit breaker characteristics are fundamental to
S level of extra-high voltage (EHV) and ultra-high voltage
(UHV) power systems, impacting on system costs [1]. In long
determining closing optimum instants. However, for lines with
series capacitor bank (SCB), the trapped charge is not evenly
lines transmission systems, such as the Brazilian Interconnected distributed along the line due to the voltage across the series
System, overvoltages may reach 4.0 pu [2]. It is not possible to capacitor, which can reduce the efficiency of controlled switch-
avoid overvoltages completely, so solutions to reduce their mag- ing [14]. It has been reported in literature and also attested in
nitude must be sought. Controlled switching (CS) techniques this paper that existing controlled switching techniques limit the
have been widely used for this purpose in several applications. reclosing transient overvoltages on series compensated lines to
One of the main advantages of these techniques is that they values over 2.0 pu [14], [15].
do not require the use of pre-insertion resistors (PIR) in circuit In [15], different configurations of lines with series and shunt
breakers [2]. This means reducing maintenance costs and in- compensation were considered and only reclosing operations
creasing the reliability of the power system [2]. According to without fault occurrence on the line were evaluated, i.e., the
experiences reported by power electric utilities, such as Hydro- trapped charge characteristics under fault conditions and the in-
Quebec, the controlled switching brings several advantages to fluence of SCB protection were not taken into account. Here, a
power systems. It is possible to add other functionality to the step forward is made to overcome these challenges and a new
controlled switching devices, making it a smart system capable feasible controlled switching method for purely series compen-
of detecting timing problems and adverse operating conditions, sated transmission lines is proposed. The main idea is based on
avoiding more severe failures [3]. Therefore, several working the estimation of trapped charges using a recursive digital filter
groups [2], [4] and manufacturers [5]–[7] have invested in the for correction of the secondary voltage of the capacitive voltage
research and development of controlled switching techniques transformer (CVT) since the trapped charge is a DC voltage,
and accurately predict the circuit breakers optimal making in-
stants. Several operating conditions of SCB are taken into ac-
Manuscript received October 3, 2018; revised March 4, 2019; accepted April
20, 2019. Date of publication May 15, 2019; date of current version January 22, count to define the controlled switching strategy for transmission
2020. This work was supported in part by the Brazilian Council for Scientific and line reclosing. The challenges and potentialities of the proposed
Technological Development (CNPq) and in part by São Francisco Hydroelectric method are highlighted through EMTP digital simulations of a
Company (CHESF). Paper no. TPWRD-01167-2018. (Corresponding author:
Daphne Barros.) 500 kV power system where switching transient overvoltages
D. Barros is with the Department of Electroelectronic, Federal Institute of Per- are limited to 1.85 pu at the most.
nambuco, Recife 50740-545, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]).
W. L. A. Neves and K. M. Dantas are with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande 58429-
900, Brazil (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]). II. SERIES COMPENSATION ON TRANSMISSION LINES
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
at Series reactive compensation consists of reducing the to-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TPWRD.2019.2916807 tal series reactance of the line through the SCB installation.

0885-8977 © 2019 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

Fig. 1. A typical scheme of series capacitor bank.

Fig. 2. The main schemes for compensated transmission lines.

Transmission utilities have invested in series compensation, as
an effective way to increase transmission line (TL) capability,
postponing the installation of new lines. In addition, it improves
the system stability and reduces voltage drop along the line.
The capacitor bank consists of capacitive elements and a pro-
tection system. The basic protection scheme includes metal ox-
ide varistor (MOV), spark gaps, by-pass switch and a damping
circuit, as shown in Fig. 1.
The MOV is a protection device against overvoltages and
must be selected so that the SCB will not be by-passed at the
occurrence of external faults, that is, the faults occurring outside
the series compensated lines. However, for internal faults, i.e.,
the faults occurring inside a line with capacitor bank, the SCB Fig. 3. Controlled switching scheme.
can be by-passed by a spark gap if the MOV energy dissipation
capacity is exceeded.
The by-pass switch is responsible for connecting and discon-
The closing command is given at some random instant,
necting the SCB. When the spark gap trips during an internal
tcommand , following the line dead time. In controlled switch-
fault, the by-pass switch will be closed, disconnecting the SCB
ing, an intentional delay is added based on the reference signal,
from the line definitively. The damping circuit, which consists
tdelay , which must consider the time used for internal opera-
of a resistor and a reactor, is designed to discharge the capacitor
tions by the controller and the mechanical closing time of the
in such situations.
circuit breaker. Another important issue is the pre-arcing time,
It has been observed that the conditions of the SCB operation
which is associated to the rate of decrease of dielectric strength
will depend on the type of fault, as well as on the strategy adopted
(RDDS) [4]. Therefore, the electrical closing can occur before
for the protection device. Therefore, the trapped charge charac-
mechanical closing due to an electric arc. The effect of pre-arc
teristics – which is the line-side voltage – are directly affected
during the circuit breaker closing on the performance of con-
by these operating conditions.
trolled switching of transmission lines may be considered on the
A typical degree of series compensation range from 40% to
digital simulations by a RDDS linear representation as shown in
70% of the total line reactance, and it will depend on a number
[17]. Controlled switching applications generally require high
of factors, such as the system stability requirements and power
RDDS [18].
transfer [16]. The location of the SCB on the transmission line
The strategies adopted for controlled switching of TL will de-
is another concern. In this work, the main configurations are
pend on the types of operation, line configuration, and presence
evaluated, as shown in Fig. 2. All these schemes have their own
of reactive compensation.
different impacts: (i) efficacy of series compensation; (ii) voltage
For line auto-reclosing, due to the presence of trapped charge,
profile along the line; (iii) line and capacitor bank protection; and
the strategy used is directly associated to the reactive compensa-
(iv) capacitor bank maintenance.
tion configuration. For uncompensated lines, the trapped charge
is a DC voltage signal. Then, the reference signal is a sine-wave
signal with DC offset, and the optimum circuit-breaker making
III. CONTROLLED SWITCHING OF TRANSMISSION LINES instants will correspond to the maximum or minimum instants
Controlled switching refers to techniques used for controlling of the reference voltage, depending on trapped charge polarity,
the operation of circuit breakers contacts – opening or closing as shown in Fig. 4 [8].
operation – based on reference electrical signals, such as voltage In case of shunt compensated lines - which is the most com-
or current [4]. In transmission lines, the reference signal is the mon configuration for EHV and UHV lines- the trapped charge
voltage across the circuit breaker contacts. In Fig. 3, the sequence has an oscillatory characteristic. The oscillation frequency will
of events following controlled switching is illustrated. depend on the compensation degree, ranging typically from 30

Fig. 4. Voltage across the circuit breaker poles for shunt compensated line
with trapped charge with: (a) negative polarity; (b) positive polarity.

Fig. 6. Block diagram for the SCB operating conditions.

Fig. 5. Voltage across the circuit breaker poles for high shunt compensation

Fig. 7. Scheme of power system implemented in ATP.

to 50 Hz [18]. The optimum instants will correspond to zero-
crossing instants present in regions of minimum beat of the ref-
erence signal. Typical case is shown in Fig. 5. The higher the TABLE I
degree of compensation, the better defined will be the regions
with minimum signal beat, making it easier to select optimum
For series compensated lines, the operating conditions of SCB
may vary due to its protection system, impacting on the trapped
charge characteristics, and consequently, may jeopardize the
controlled switching performance. Besides, it is difficult to mea- TABLE II
sure the trapped charge in purely series compensated lines since
this is a DC voltage, and the CVT does not reproduce such
signal. The challenges posed by series compensation will be de-
scribed in the next section based on the trapped charge analysis
considering the main operating conditions of SCB.

IV. TRAPPED CHARGE ON SERIES COMPENSATED LINES As shown in Section II, series capacitor by-passing does not
Trapped charge will depend on the reactive compensation ar- occur for an external fault but it may occur during an internal
rangement on the line. This can be categorized as follows: fault, and different strategies can be adopted for SCB protection,
r uncompensated lines; as follow:
r shunt reactor compensated lines; r by-passing the series capacitor in the faulty phases only
r series capacitor compensated lines; when the conditions for by-passing are fullfilled;
r lines with series capacitors and shunt reactors. r all phases are by-passed regardless of the fault type.
The line opening of uncompensated and shunt compensated When the SCB is by-passed, it may be reinserted after fault
lines will cause a DC and an oscillatory trapped charge, respec- clearing and before reclosing operation. This will impact on
tively, and in both cases, it will be evenly distributed along the the trapped charge. A block diagram with these different SCB
line. However, in series compensated lines, the trapped charge operating conditions is shown in Fig. 6.
on the line depends on the voltage across the series capacitor, In order to evaluate the influence of all aspects of series com-
which in turn depends on the line and SCB operating condi- pensation on trapped charge, a 550 kV power system with a 400
tions. It may reduce the controlled switching performance in km long line has been modeled with the ATP, as shown in Fig. 7.
suppressing transient overvoltages. The system data are presented in Tables I, II, and III.


Fig. 8. Voltages at local terminal on purely series compensated (schemes I

and II) when the line opening is not caused by a fault.

The pre-arcing effects and the mechanical scatter of circuit

breaker operating time are of great importance when considering
the application of controlled switching techniques. They may
pose some difficulties to effectively close the circuit breaker at
the predicted optimal instants. In this paper, based on data from
a 550 kV gas circuit breaker, an RDDS of 0.9 pu was used to
account for the pre-arcing effects and a mechanical scatter of
±1.0 ms, modeled by a normal distribution function [19]. Fig. 9. Voltages at the local and remote terminals in the scheme II to a line
opening without fault.
The configuration of series compensated lines evaluated here
are those shown in Fig. 2. The SCB is modeled according to
the scheme shown in Fig. 1. Table III shows the transmission
line metal oxide arrester and SCB metal oxide varistor V-I char-
acteristics point by point. During internal faults, the strategy
adopted in this work consists on monitoring the current and en-
ergy dissipated by the MOV, so that the spark gap will trip and
by-pass the SCB should the current and energy limits exceed.
The SCB by-passing may be partial (one phase) or complete (all
phases). Current and energy limits are determined for each line
configuration, based on the most severe external fault.
The results are shown in two parts. One considers line opening
is not caused by fault, and the other one due to fault. Fig. 10. Voltages at local terminal on lines with series and shunt compensation
when the line opening is not caused by a fault (phase B).
A. Line Opening Not Caused by Fault
When the line opening is not caused by a fault, the series com-
pensation remains on the line. Then, depending on the SCB po- the same as between the SCB and remote terminal (REM) for
sition on the line, the trapped charge is not uniformly distributed configuration with a SCB in the center of the line (scheme II) as
along the line due to the trapped voltage across the capacitor. shown in Fig. 9.
Firstly, only the schemes of purely series compensated lines For lines with both types of reactive compensation, the
are evaluated. The line side voltages at the local terminal for schemes IV, V and VI shown in Fig. 2 are evaluated. The shunt
configurations I and II (Fig. 2) are shown in Fig. 8. The arrange- compensation degree is 70%, and series compensation degree
ment III is the same as I, with the SCB installed at the remote is 50%. Since the waveform of trapped charge is similar in all
terminal instead of the local terminal, so it is not evaluated in this phases, only the line side voltages in phase B for those schemes
work. The compensation degree for these cases is 40%. These and shunt compensated line are shown in Fig. 10. As expected,
are compared to the trapped charge in an uncompensated line. As the trapped charge presents the same oscillatory behavior for all
expected, the behavior of trapped charge is similar in all cases. schemes. As the line opening is not caused by a fault, the trapped
As the series capacitor remains on the line, the trapped charge voltage across series capacitor is low, then, the effect of the series
distribution between the local terminal (LOC) and SCB is not compensation on lines with shunt reactors is negligible.

Fig. 13. The voltage across of the circuit breaker in phase B to the scheme II
to a line opening due to a fault phase-to-ground BG.
Fig. 11. The trapped charge at local terminal on purely series compensated
lines (schemes I and II) when the line opening is due to a fault phase-to-ground
(BG) at 100 km away from the local terminal.

Fig. 14. The trapped charge at local terminal on purely series compensated
lines (schemes I and II) when the line opening is due to a fault phase-to-phase
(CA) at 100 km away from the local terminal.

Fig. 12. Trapped charge at local and remote terminals in the scheme II to a
line opening due to a fault phase-to-ground BG.

B. Line Opening due to an Internal Fault

When the line opening is caused by a fault, the SCB can be
completely by-passed depending on the fault conditions. In this
case, the trapped charge on purely series compensated lines has
the same characteristics as that on uncompensated lines. And
for lines with both types of reactive compensation, the trapped
charge is the same as that on the shunt compensated lines. These Fig. 15. Trapped charge at local and remote terminals in phase C to the
are widely known cases. However, when the SBC is partially by- scheme II to a line opening due to a fault phase-to-phase CA.
passed or remains on the line, the difference between the line
side voltage at the local terminal and at the remote terminal may
be significant. Some cases with the SCB on the line are presented for the line side voltage signals seen at the local (LOC) and re-
in this paper to evaluate its impact on the trapped charge on the mote (REM) terminals. The most significant difference is in the
line. The results are presented in two parts - firstly for purely faulty phase (B) as expected. The impact of this difference in
series compensated lines, and secondly, lines with series and the reference signal to controlled switching - voltage across the
shunt reactive compensation. circuit breaker - is shown in Fig. 13. Due to the voltage across
For purely series compensated line schemes I and II, the the series capacitors, the zero-crossing instants determined by
trapped charge for the line opening due to a phase-to-ground the voltages at the local terminal are different from those deter-
(BG) fault at 100 km away from the local terminal is shown mined by the voltages at the remote terminal. This may affect
in Fig. 11. As observed, the fault starts at about 0.1 s, and the the efficiency of the controlled switching.
line opening occurs at about 0.2 s. The waveform of the trapped A phase-to-phase (CA) fault is applied at 100 km away from
charge in both configurations analyzed is a DC voltage as on the local terminal, and the line side voltages at the local terminal
uncompensated line. are shown in Fig. 14. For scheme I, the SCB is completely by-
For scheme I, the faulty phase is by-passed, but for scheme II, passed, so the voltage signals are the same as in uncompensated
the SCB was not bypassed. So, the trapped charge on scheme II line. And for scheme II, only one of the faulty phases is by-
has a non-uniform distribution along the line, as shown in Fig. 12 passed (C). In Fig. 15, the voltage signals in phase C at the local

Fig. 16. The trapped charge at local terminal on lines with series and shunt Fig. 19. The trapped charge at local and remote terminals on the scheme II at
compensation (schemes IV, V and VI) when the line opening is due to a phase- phase A when the line opening is due to a three-phase (ABCG) fault with the
to-phase (AB) fault in phase B. reinsertion of the SCB.

When the SCB is by-passed, it may be reinserted before the

line reclosing. To evaluate the impact on the trapped charge in the
line, a three-phase-to-ground fault at 300 km from the terminal
local in the scheme II is simulated. For this case, a reinsertion
is considered after the clearing of the fault and before the line
reclosing. In Fig. 19, the reinsertion occurs about 0.4 s, and it
is observed an inversion of polarity of the trapped charge in the
phase A. The change in polarity may make it difficult to estimate
the optimum circuit breaker making instants.
From the results shown in this section, we observe that the
Fig. 17. The trapped charge at local and remote terminals on the scheme IV
at phase B when the line opening is due to a phase-to-phase (AB) fault. waveform of trapped charge on purely series compensated lines
is similar to that on uncompensated lines, that is, a DC voltage
signal. For lines with both types of reactive compensation, the
waveform of trapped charge is similar to that on shunt com-
pensated lines, which is an oscillatory voltage signal due to the
presence of shunt reactors. So, in this work is proposed to taking
advantages of existing techniques for uncompensated and shunt
compensated lines to evaluate the performance of controlled
switching in series compensated lines.
As seen, one of the particularities of series compensation
lines is the trapped charge with uneven distribution along the
line. Moreover, as the capacitive voltage transformers (CVT)
are widely used in line voltage measurements of EHV and UHV
Fig. 18. Voltages across phase B of local and remote circuit breakers, for power systems, in purely series compensated lines, the line side
scheme IV, when the line is opened due to a phase-to-phase (AB) fault.
voltage measurement is not available since the CVT does not re-
produce DC signals. These are the main challenges imposed by
series compensation for the application of controlled switching.
and remote terminals on scheme II are shown. As observed, the In the next section, the methods used in this work are pre-
trapped charge is not distributed uniformly along the line due to sented together with solutions that facilitate the application of
the trapped voltage in the series capacitor. controlled switching in series compensated lines.
For lines with series and shunt reactive compensation, a phase-
to-phase AB fault located at 300 km from the local terminal is
evaluated. The signals of line side voltage for schemes IV, V and
VI are shown in Fig. 16. For scheme VI, the SCB is completely
by-passed due to the fault, but for schemes IV and V, the series In this work it is shown that one can take advantage of existing
compensation is partially bypassed. Only phase A is by-passed. controlled switching techniques for uncompensated and shunt
In Fig. 17, the trapped charge in faulty phase B for scheme IV compensated lines to limit switching overvoltages in series com-
is shown. The significant difference between the line side voltage pensated lines. The methods presented in [12] and [8] are used as
at the local and remote terminals is observed, and it is due to reference. These techniques are based on a simple zero-crossing
the trapped voltage on the series capacitor. This difference will algorithm to estimate the reference signals in future instants
impact on the voltage across the circuit breaker as shown in and then computing optimum circuit breaker making instants.
Fig. 18. In Fig. 20, a flowchart shows the main steps of these methods.

Fig. 21. The optimum closing instants when the trapped charge, in absolute
value, is less than 1.0 pu.
Fig. 20. Block diagram for controlled switching.

From the power system, the voltage signals (source and line
side) are monitored. These are the reference signals. Aiming to
mitigate aliasing effects and to attenuate high frequency com-
ponents, a third-order Butterworth low-pass filter with a cutoff
frequency of 187.89 Hz (approximately 180 Hz – third order
harmonic) was used. This particular order and cutoff frequency
are commonly used on digital power system protection [20],
[21]. After filtering, the signals are sampled at 960 Hz [20]. Fig. 22. Block diagram for proposed method for purely series compensated
For lines with both types of reactive compensation, as the
line opening occurs it is possible to estimate magnitude and fre-
quency of the voltage signals based on the zero crossings. When
the closing command is given, the estimation of the reference recursive digital filter for correction of the secondary voltage
signals in future instants is done by considering the last val- of the capacitive voltage transformer (CVT) to accurately pre-
ues for frequency, magnitude, and zero-crossing. The optimum dict the circuit breakers optimal making instants. Details of the
circuit-breaker making instants are calculated based on the de- proposed method are described in the following subsections.
tection of zero crossings present in the regions of the reference
signals minimum beat. A. Method Proposed for Purely Series Compensated Lines
In [15], existing controlled switching techniques were applied Fig. 21 presents the voltage across the circuit breaker, as well
to different configurations of lines with series capacitors and as its source and line-side voltage after opening a purely series
shunt reactors. According to the obtained results, the overvolt- compensated line. An optimal reclosing making instant (topt1 )
ages were limited to 2.0 pu. However, only reclosing operations occurs when the voltage across the circuit breaker is zero. It can
without fault occurrence on the line were evaluated. During a be calculated by adding the time interval (Δtopt ) to the source-
fault the SCB may be partially or completely by-passed. So, side voltage zero-crossing instant (tzero ). Δtopt is obtained by
in [15] the impact of the SCB protection circuit on the trapped trigonometric relation, according to Eq. (1), where Vtc is the
charge was ignored. Here, the performance of controlled switch- absolute value of the trapped charge and T is the source-side
ing is evaluated considering the SCB operating conditions. voltage period. tzero and T are obtained according to [8], [12].
For purely series compensated lines, the trapped charge is a
DC voltage. Therefore, it is possible to apply strategies used in Δtopt = arcsin(Vtc ) · , (1)
uncompensated lines. In [8], the optimum instants are estimated 360
based on the zero crossings of the source side voltage and the To apply this solution, the trapped charge value is needed.
trapped charge polarity. This technique is suitable only for cases However, a DC voltage cannot be measured by CVT. In [22], a
where the absolute value of the trapped charge is equal to or recursive digital filter (RFD) was used to correct the secondary
greater than 1 pu. So, when the trapped charge is less than 1 pu, voltage of CVT only to estimate the DC line voltage polarity
as observed in cases of reclosing due to a fault shown in the and make controlled reclosing strategies applicable to uncom-
previous section (see Fig. 11, 14), knowing of the polarity is not pensated lines. Here the application of RFD to correct the CVT
enough to estimate the optimum instants. inaccuracies is extended and the full trapped charge waveform
In this work, a new controlled switching method for purely is needed to properly estimate the optimal closing instant for
series compensated transmission lines is proposed. The main purely series compensated lines as described by the proposed
idea is based on the estimation of trapped charges using a Eq. (1). In Fig. 22, the steps of the proposed method for purely


Fig. 23. 500 kV CVT frequency response: (a) Gain. (b) Phase.

series compensated lines is shown. The proposed method is ap-

plied to determine the optimum circuit breaker making instants
when the trapped charge after the correction by RFD, in abso- Fig. 24. Line side voltage in phase B for purely series compensated line open-
lute value, is less than 1.0 pu. Otherwise, the optimum instants ing due to a phase-to-phase CA fault.
are determined by the method for uncompensated lines is used
[8]. In the next subsection, more details are presented about the
solution with the RFD. TABLE V
In this work, a typical electrical model for a 500 kV CVT is
used [23]. Its frequency response is shown in Fig. 23. As ob-
served, a gain of 0.0 dB and no phase shift occurs only at power
system fundamental frequency, 60 Hz. For low frequencies, es-
pecially DC signal, which is the main concern for purely series
compensated lines, there is an attenuation on the gain and a sig-
nificant phase shift. So, a recursive digital filter is used to correct
the inaccuracies of the CVT transient response [22]. It is based
on the distortionless system definition, i.e., the output signal y(t) In Fig. 24, the line side voltage in phase B for a line opening
is the input signal x(t) with a transmission delay, t0 , expressed due to a phase-to-phase (CA) fault are shown. As observed,
by: the CVT does not reproduce DC voltage. However, with the
application of the recursive digital filter, the secondary voltage
y(t) = Kx(t − t0 ), (2) is corrected, and it is possible to estimate the value of the trapped
K is a constant that changes the amplitude of the x(t).
The frequency response of a distortionless system is given
Y (jω) The controlled switching performance of series compensated
H(jω) = = Ke−jωt0 , (3) lines is evaluated by digital simulations via ATP using the power
system presented in Section IV. For each line configuration and
A recursive digital filter designed to compensate the CVT fre- fault condition, a total of 50 statistical simulations were used to
quency response in the frequency, Vin (z), ranging from 1 to determine maximum overvoltages with a probability of occur-
60 Hz, in order to approximate the phase and magnitude re- rence less or equal to 2%. In this work, only results for controlled
sponse of CVT+filter to H(jω), Vout (z), is presented according reclosing due to a fault are presented. For all case studies it was
to: considered a typical dead time of 500 ms, which is normally
Vout (z) p
1 + ci1 z −1 + ci2 z −2 determined to satisfy transient stability concerns [24].
= k0 , (4) The controlled switching performance was evaluated for
Vin (z) i=1
1 + di1 z −1 + di2 z −2
all kind of faults (phase-to-ground, phase-to-phase-to-ground,
The coefficients for the filter are shown in Table IV determined phase-to-phase, and three-phase faults). However, only a few
by the Levenberg-Marquardt method with the Levy initialization cases were reported in the paper. The selected cases contemplate
algorithm, and a pre-conditioning technique has been used to the three possible operating conditions for the series capacitor
solve this optimization problem in z domain. The coefficient k0 bank (SCB) during a fault: SCB is by-passed; SCB is partially
is 5.2122, considering a sampling frequency of 1920 Hz. by-passed; and SCB is completely by-passed. Nevertheless, the


cases for purely series compensated lines (Table V) are not ex-
actly the same as those for shunt and series compensated lines
(Table VI).
To evaluate the efficiency of the method for the purely series Fig. 25. Overvoltages along the line to phase-to-ground BG fault in purely
compensated lines proposed in this work, four fault cases are series compensated lines - schemes I and II.
analyzed to schemes I and II with series compensation of 40%.
The SCB operating conditions for each case are:
r Phase-to-ground (BG) fault at 100 km from local terminal:
in scheme I, the by-pass is partial (phase B only), and in
scheme II, the SCB is not by-passed.
r Phase-to-phase (CA) fault at 100 km from local terminal: in
scheme I, the SCB is completely by-passed, and in scheme
II, the bypass is partial (phase A only).
r Phase-to-phase-to-ground fault (ABG) fault at 300 km
from local terminal: in Schemes I and II, SCB by-pass
is complete.
r Three-phase (ABCG) fault at 300 km from local terminal:
in schemes I and II, SCB by-pass is complete.
The maximum overvoltages in each case are shown in
Table V. With the use of the proposed method, the overvoltages
are reduced to less than 1.85 pu, and with better performance
than that obtained by technique applied to uncompensated
Fig. 26. Overvoltages along the line to phase-to-ground AG fault in lines with
line. For three-phase-to-ground fault (ABCG), for example, the SCB and shunt reactors - schemes IV, V and VI.
overvoltages are not reduced by applying the uncompensated
line method (ULM), reaching more than 2.0 pu. However, with
the proposed method, the maximum overvoltage is 1.79 pu.
As the schemes were evaluated, it has been observed that the r Phase-to-phase-to-ground (BCG) fault at 300 km from
performance of the controlled switching is similar in both cases, local terminal: in schemes IV and V, the SCB is com-
with slightly higher overvoltages in scheme II. pletely by-passed, and in scheme VI, the by-pass is partial
In order to illustrate the profile of overvoltages along the (phase B only).
line, the overvoltages for phase-to-ground BG fault are shown The maximum overvoltages are shown in Tab. VI. The over-
in Fig. 25. When a controlled switching is not applied, the over- voltages are less than 1.80 pu in all cases presented here. The
voltages are greater than 2.0 pu for both schemes. With the pro- performance of the controlled switching is similar in all config-
posed method, the overvoltages are reduced even with the SCB urations evaluated.
remaining in operation, partially or completely. In Fig. 26, the overvoltages along the line for phase-to-ground
For lines with both types of reactive compensation, AG fault are presented for schemes IV, V and VI. The overvolt-
schemes IV, V, and VI are evaluated for three fault cases us- ages reach more than 2.0 pu for the three schemes when the
ing a controlled switching technique applied to shunt compen- controlled switching is not applied. With the controlled reclos-
sated lines [12]. The degree of series compensation considered is ing, the overvoltages are reduced even when the SCB is not
50%, and for the shunt compensation is 70%. The SCB operating by-passed, as the case for scheme VI.
conditions for each case are: To assess the impact of the reinsertion of SCB before the line
r Phase-to-ground (AG) fault at 100 km from local terminal: reclosing on the performance of controlled switching, a three-
in schemes IV and V, the by-pass is partial (phase A only), phase fault at 300 km from the local terminal is considered for
and in scheme VI, the SCB is not by-passed. scheme II. As shown in section IV, the reinsertion causes the
r Phase-to-phase (CA) fault at 100 km from local terminal: inversion of the polarity of the line trapped charge. In Fig. 27,
in all schemes, the SCB is completely by-passed. overvoltages along the line are shown. As observed, when the

The authors would like to thank the reviewers for their invalu-
able suggestions.

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[23] E. Pajuelo, G. Ramakrishna, and M. Sachdev, “Phasor estimation tech- Washington Luiz Araujo Neves (M’95) received the B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees
nique to reduce the impact of coupling capacitor voltage transformer tran- from the Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB), Brazil, in 1979 and 1982, respec-
sients,” IET Gener., Transmiss. Distrib., vol. 2, no. 4, pp. 588–599, 2008. tively, and the Ph.D. degree from the University of British Columbia (UBC), Van-
[24] IEEE Guide for Automatic Reclosing of Line Circuit Breakers for AC couver, BC, Canada, in 1995, all in electrical engineering. From 1982 to 1985,
Distribution and Transmission Lines, IEEE Standard C37.104-2002, IEEE he was with FEJ, Joinville, Brazil. From 2004 to 2005, he was a Visiting Re-
Power Eng. Soc., Piscataway, NJ, USA, Jul. 2012. searcher with the University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB, Canada, and with UBC
in 2005. He is currently an Associate Professor with the Department of Electrical
Engineering, Federal University of Campina Grande, Campina Grande, Brazil.
His research interests include electromagnetic transients in power systems and
power quality.

Daphne Barros was born in Campina Grande, Brazil, in 1987. She received the
B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering in 2011 and 2013, respectively, Karcius Marcelus Dantas (S’04–M’10) was born in Campina Grande, Brazil, in
from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande, 1982. He received the B.Sc., M.Sc., and D.Sc. degrees in electrical engineering
Brazil, where she is currently working toward the D.Sc. degree. She is currently from the Federal University of Campina Grande (UFCG), Campina Grande,
a Professor with the Federal Institute of Pernambuco (IFPE), Recife, Brazil. Brazil, in 2005, 2007, and 2012, respectively. Since 2010, he has been with
Her research interest focuses on electromagnetic transients and power system the Department of Electrical Engineering, UFCG. His research interests include
protection. electromagnetic transients in power systems and power quality.

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