CNC Training

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Geetanjali institute of technical studies

NH-76, Airport Road, Dabok, Udaipur,

Rajasthan 313022
A training report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of






Name of student RTU ROLL NO.


Dept. of mechanical engineering

Geetanjali institute of technical studies, Udaipur

Geetanjali institute of technical studies

NH-76, Airport Road, Dabok, Udaipur,

Rajasthan 313022
A training report

Submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirement for the award of the degree of






Name of student RTU ROLL NO.

Dept. of mechanical engineering

Geetanjali institute of technical studies, Udaipur

It is my pleasure to be indebted to various people, who directly or
indirectly contributed in the development of this work and who
influenced my thinking, behaviour and acts during the course of study
express my sincere gratitude to Dr.Deepak Paliwal (HOD OF
MECHANICAL DEPT.) for providing me an opportunity to undergo
summer training at "Geetanjali institute of technical studies ". And I
also express my sincere gratitude to Dr.Vikas Mishra (The Director)
for providing me a Platform to increase my technical knowledge as
well as gaining practical knowledge in CNC Machine , which will
help me to achieve a better job opportunity in my field.

I am also thankful to Mr. Honey Lohar for his support, co-operation,

and motivation provided me during the training for constant
inspiration, presence and blessings.

like to thank the almighty and my parents for their moral support and
my friends with whom I shared my day-to-day experience and
received lots of suggestions that my quality of work.

Signature of student
Table of contents
 Computer Numerical control (CNC) is used to automate the machine tools that are
operated by precisely programmed commands encoded on a storage medium, as
opposed to controlled manually via hand wheels or levers, or mechanically automated
via cams alone.
 Computers play an integral part of the control. In modern CNC system computer-
aided design (CAD) and computer-aided manufacturing (CAM) programs are used for
development and machining of the final finished product.
 The series of steps needed to produce any part is highly automated and produces a part
that closely matches the original CAD design. Modern CNC mills differ little in
concept from the original model built at MIT in 1952.
 Mills typically consist of a table that moves in the X and Y axes, and a tool spindle
that moves in the Z (depth).
 The position of the tool is driven by motors through a series of step-down gears in
order to provide highly accurate movements, or in modem designs, direct-drive
stepper motor or servo motors.
 Open-loop control works as long as the forces are kept small enough and speeds are
not too great.
 On commercial metalworking machines closed loop controls are standard and
required in order to provide the accuracy, speed, and repeatability demanded.
 As the controller hardware evolved, the mills themselves also evolved. One change
has been to enclose the entire mechanism in a large box as a safety measure, often
with additional safety interlocks to ensure the operator is far enough from the working
piece for safe operation.
 Most new CNC systems built today are completely electronically controlled. CNC-
like systems are now used for any process that can be described as a series of
movements and operations.
 These include laser cutting, welding, friction stir welding, ultrasonic welding, flame
and plasma cutting, bending, spinning, hole-punching, pinning, gluing, fabric cutting,
sewing, tape and fiber placement, routing., picking and placing (PnP), and sawing.
 Most CNC machines use Siemens or Fanuc made control systems.
 For Fanuc generally the coding is done using G codes and M codes, G codes are used
for machining operations and movement of the tools whereas M codes are used for
controlling the spindle movement like on/off, rotation in clockwise or anti-clockwise
direction and also for tool change operation.

Components of CNC machine

The spindle is directly coupled with the spindle motor refer Figure
4 and avoids any errors in indirect drive mechanism. This high
speed spindle is specially designed to meet the requirement of
small component machining with high precision and dynamism.
Spindle is having BT-40 and 50Tool, HSK 100 interface taper for
VMC machines.

Saddle is the part of CNC which mounted on the Linea Motion
guide ways (LM).They provide for the linear motion in either X or
Y axis.

3. BASE:
Base is the base structure of CNC on which the entire operation
of CNC is performed. It is made of rigid structure of Cast Iron
because of good compressive strength and vibrational damping


Linear motion guide ways or LMs are V or U shaped solid
structure mounted on base for saddle and on saddle for pallet to
allow the saddle and pallet to slide over them linearly along X and
Y axis respectively.

Pallet is used to clamp or unclamp job piece. It is mounted on LM
which are mounted on saddle. They are perpendicular to the LM
mounted on base. That is, if one is in X-direction then other one
is in Y-direction.


The tool changer is an umbrella type Servo ATC having a 12 Tool
magazine. The tool change time is 3.5 seconds. Its main function
is to change the tool during the machining according to the
requirement. It works with 3 servo motors, One for vertical
motion up-down, one for rotary action about Z-axis and one for
clamping and releasing the tool. It supports chuck and its
mechanism. It possesses system which clamps and de-clamps

It supports chuck and its mechanism. It possesses system which

clamps and de-clamps of work-piece.

It possesses the supporting elements. It is also used for
supporting the long job pieces and also used for centring and
drilling purpose.

It is that part of machine
which has tools to work on
job. Generally, it has ten to
twelve tools. It is used for
holding the tools to carry out
machining operations.
It contains Siemens or Fanuc or Heidenhaim controller which
controls the whole machine.

11. PUMPS:
There are generally two pumps in CNC. One is for hydraulic oil
transmission and another for coolant circulation. Thus pump
keeps the cooling and the lubrication system of the CNC alive.

There are many different motors used mainly for revolving of
chuck, another two for bolt screw, revolving of turret, and motion
of work table i.e. pallet in X and Y-axes.


It provides safety to user and adds aesthetic value to the
CNC lathe v/s lathe
Conventional Lathe is a 2 axis machine, while a CNC lathe can be
2 - 4 axis. A conventional or manual lathe is just that controlled
by your selection of RPM, feed gears; in feed of the compound,
cross slide, or carriage is all controlled by levers that engage the
feed screw or lead screw. All tools are loaded and changed by
hand. Via a regular tool post or a quick change device. Some
lathes come with a very accurate Digital Read out or use of dial
indicators to measure absolute movement of an axis must be

A CNC lathe is controlled by a computer numerical control, each

axis has a ball screw with a servo motor and encoder to position
the machine to within .0001 accuracy or better. It is controlled by
G and M codes and Cartesian coordinates, the geometry of the
part is programmed in as well as the start diameter of the
material and the location of the rough stock sticking out of the
chuck in relation to the machine tool vertical and horizontal axis
respectively. Each tool in the automatic tool changer must be
taught (programmed) in relation to each other tool; the chuck or
work piece origin. A CNC lathe may also have milling tool options
thus increasing it’s axis count.

G-code and M-code

A G code in CNC programming controls the movements of a
machine, dictating how and where a machine should move to
fabricate a part. G stands for geometry, and it’s the alphanumeric
format the system uses to tell the parts what to do. It indicates
where to start, how to move and when to stop. For machinists,
the problem with using G codes is different machines use
variations on a standard set of alphanumeric numbers. So, the
system that tells one device an action may indicate something
different on another piece of equipment.

Differences in G code among machines lie in the number of zeros

between the letter and number or the presence of spaces between

An M code in CNC programming controls miscellaneous machine
functions, including starting and stopping specific actions or
programs. These two codes work together to manufacture parts
and components, making them essential in the manufacturing
and industrial sectors. Without M codes, you may direct tools to a
spot and tell them to move in a line or arc, but you won’t have
any success giving more direct commands, like to stop programs,
change tools, flood the system with coolant or other actions
beyond the three main movements G codes control. That’s why
you can think of M codes as directing non-cutting operations.

offset method of CNC Setting

To make a new point in software or shifting any point in software
from its actual position known as offset.


Geometry Offset is used for making job origin or job Centre at a

distance from M/c home position. Geometry Offset is used for tool
held in the turret each tool requires separate geometry offset.

Wear Offset is used for shifting the tool from its actual position
by giving the value in software. In CNC turning wear offset is used
in X&Z axis.


Work shift Offset is used for shifting the job origin from its actual
position by giving the value in software.

G – Codes & M – Codes programming

CNC Programming Elements: -

I. Command
II. Block
III. Different Addressing Code
IV. Program Scan
V. Program Header
VI. Program Footer

G – Code: - These are Preparatory function codes & used for

different function. A. Axis Movement: - G0/G01/G02/G03 codes
are used for programming of any axis.

 G00 = This code is used for tool positioning & free

movement in air. Format – G00 X... Z…;
 G01 = This code is used for linear movement of axis Format
– G01 X... Z… F…;
 G02 = This code is used for circular clock wise movement of
any axis. Format – G02 X... Z… R… F…;
 G03 = This code is used for circular anticlockwise
movement of any axis. Format – G03 X... Z… R… F…;

 Dwell Time: - G04 X….  G90 = Absolute mode

(time in second)  G91 = increment mode
 G04 U…. (time in  G94 = feed rate
second) mm/minute
 G04 P…. (time in m.s.)  G95 = feed rate
 G70 = inch mode mm/revolution
 G71 = mm mode
 G75 = Home position

M – Code: - These are miscellaneous function codes and it is

used for Start / Stop of any function.

M00 = Program stop

M01 = Optional stop

M03 = Spindle Rotation Clock wise

M04 = Spindle Rotation counter clock wise

M05 = Spindle Stop

M06 = Auto Tool Changer (ATC)

M08 = Coolant ON

M09 = Coolant OFF

M30 = End of Program (reset)

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