Building Climatology

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1 Registration
2 Introduction and Definitions of Climatology, Meteorology, Urban Climatology,
Building Climatology.
3 Climate & the Climate System
4 Energy & the Environment; Environmental Problems most closely related to
Energy, its causes and solutions.
5 Impact of Urbanization and Industrialization on the Thermal Environment;
6 The Climate Change; changes, its causes and impacts
7 The Climate Change; Mitigation, Adaptation and Role of Architecture
8 Urban Heat Island – Causes and Solution
9 Environmental Degradation, Urban Pollution and Natural Disasters
10 Concept of Sustainability and Sustainable Development
11 Green Architecture, Bio-Climatic Design.
12 Human Health and Environment: Environmental Health Hazards, and Action
to protect the Environment.
13 Revision /Test
14 Semester Examinations
16 Semester Examinations

200 level Architecture

Urban climatology is the study of Urban Climate (urban settlements being a more populated
place, 20,000 and above, located in spatially compact area, and characterized by non-
agricultural economic activities, innovation and technology, manufacturing and advanced legal
Building Climatology is the atmospheric condition of an environment due to the placement of
buildings and the impact of climate within the building.
Meteorology unlike climatology is a study of weather not climate, and makes or employs the
laws of classical physics and mathematical techniques in the study of atmospheric processes and
phenomena. The climatologist mainly makes use of statistic techniques in deriving information
about climate from weather measurements.

Climate and climate system.

The Climate of the Earth is determined by the extra solar irradiance and properties of the earth’s
subsystems. Also distribution of climate depends mainly on the inclination of the rotational axis
of the earth with respect to the orbital planes, the surface characteristics and the composition of
the atmosphere.
As mentioned in earlier notes, weather is related to detailed instantaneous states of the
atmosphere and their evolutions from day to day while climate is the total sum of the weather
experienced over a period long enough to establish a pattern – usually 30 years. In summary, it is
an ensemble of climate states, together with some measure of variability over a specific period of
time. Such difference over a monthly, seasonal or annual scale is referred to as climatic
Climate change however, is a shift of normal climate according to some factors (which may be
known) lasting for many years, e.g gradual melting of ice, as a result of warming, may finally be
interpreted as Climate change. Solar radiation provides almost all the energy that is needed from
the climate system. Thus, the rate at which heat is added to the system is of primary importance
for the circulation of the atmosphere and oceans. A small variation in the solar radiation would
be sufficient to affect the radiation and energy budget of the earth’s surface, resulting in melting
of ice. Climate change occurs however, as a result of global warming ( the green house effect)
which as there is an increased absorption of infrared radiation in the atmosphere. Changes in
ground cover too(deforestation), or on the surface of the earth(buildings, highways) are also
important on a local scale, since they modify albedo, the surface roughness, thermal and
moisture behavior, etc.

Climate change: causes and impacts

The advent of the problem of climate change started with the emission and changes in the
concentration of Co2 and other Green House gases methane, hydro fluorocarbons - CFCs,
Nitrous oxide, produced by Industries and other sources. The result in changes of climate that
impact on human activities and ecological systems (species and organisms) in a number of ways.
These gases affect the capacity of the atmosphere or increase atmosphere’s ability to trap
infrared energy thus affecting climate.
Global warming
This is the pollution of the atmosphere through the emission of Co 2 and the likes, for at least over
a hundred years and it affects the climate through the increase of green house effect.
By Green House effect we mean, solar radiation coming in and warming the surface of the earth
largely unimpeded by the atmosphere. Infrared is emitted outwards from the surface but is
partially blocked by GHG gases which re-emit it back to earth. The Green house shield acts as a
blanket keeping the planet substantially warmer than it should actually be.
The natural green house effect is responsible for 200C to 300 C of warming, without which the
whole earth would be covered by ice.
But as the amount of Co2 increases from human activities, the Green house effect increases, and
the earth’s surface becomes warmer.
Impacts of Global warming

 Sea level rise; as the earth warms up, the oceans warm and expand. Glaciers are also
melting now quite rapidly. This can be devastating for coastal development.
 Water supplies: despite predictions of heavier rainfall and, more floods, there will also be
more droughts, semi arid regions will tend to become drier.
 Expansion of subtropical deserts
 Species extinction
 Ocean acidity
 Agricultural yields changes
 Changes in rainfall patterns and amount

In summary;
 Energy efficiency increase
 Reduction of fossil fuel use
 Renewable energy

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