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Article in International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research · January 2019

DOI: 10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.10(2).811-18

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3 authors, including:

Ashwini Bachhav Satish A. Ahire

Sandip Foundation College Mahatma Gandhi Vidyamandirs Loknete Vyankatrao Hiray Arts Science and Commer…


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Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

IJPSR (2019), Volume 10, Issue 2 (Research Article)

Received on 14 June 2018; received in revised form, 05 August 2018; accepted, 07 August 2018; published 01 February 2019


Ashwini A. Bachhav * 1, Satish A. Ahire 2 and Anil G. Jadhav 1
Department of Pharmaceutics 1, Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Nashik - 422213,
Maharashtra, India.
Art, Science and Commerce College 2, Surgana, Nashik - 422211, Maharashtra, India.
Keywords: ABSTRACT: Preformulation testing is the first step in the rational
Preformulation, Piroxicam, development of dosage forms of a drug substance. The preformulation
Dosage form, Characterization investigations confirm that there are no significant barriers to the
Correspondence to Author: compound’s development as a marketed drug. The formulation
Ashwini A. Bachhav scientist uses this information to develop an efficacious, stable and
Assistant Professor, safe dosage form. The main objective of the present research work was
Department of Pharmaceutics, to do preformulation study of piroxicam drug. Piroxicam (PC) is one
Sandip Institute of Pharmaceutical of the most potent non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agents that also has
Sciences, Nashik - 422213,
Maharashtra, India. anti-pyretic activity and has been used for the treatment of rheumatoid
arthritis, osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis, tendinitis, bursitis, and
E-mail: [email protected] for the pain that is not related to a musculoskeletal system and
traumatic contusions. The Principal advantage of piroxicam is its long
half-life, which permits the administration of a single daily dose. As
the piroxicam is very effective drug, many researchers use this drug in
their research. This research paper helps those people who want to use
piroxicam drug for their research.
INTRODUCTION: Preformulation testing is the Hence, Preformulation studies were performed for
first step in the rational development of dosage the obtained sample of the drug for identification
forms of a drug substance. The preformulation and compatibility studies. Preformulation may be
study is the process of optimizing the delivery of described as a phase of the research and
the drug through the determination of development process where the preformulation
physicochemical properties of the new compound scientist characterizes the physical, chemical and
that could affect drug performance and mechanical properties of a new drug substance, to
development of an efficacious, stable and safe develop stable, safe and effective dosage form. The
dosage form. It gives the information needed to preformulation investigations confirm that there are
define the nature of the drug substance and provide no significant barriers to the compound’s
a framework for the drug combination with development as a marketed drug. The formulation
pharmaceutical excipients in the dosage form. scientist uses this information to develop dosage
QUICK RESPONSE CODE forms. Preformulation is a multidisciplinary
DOI: development of a drug candidate.
Principal Areas of Preformulation:
The article can be accessed online on Bulk Characterization:
i. Crystallinity and polymorphism
DOI link: http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.10(2).811-18 ii. Hygroscopicity

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 811

Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

iii. Fine particle characterization. Although as piroxicam have different side effects
iv. Powder flow. but, its pharmacological action is more as
piroxicam is an effective anti-inflammatory agent;
Solubility Analysis: it is an inhibitor of prostaglandin biosynthesis. The
Principal advantage of piroxicam is its long half-
i. Ionization constant – pKa.
life, which permits the administration of a single
ii. pH solubility profile.
daily dose. Piroxicam is approved in the United
iii. Common ion effect – KSP.
States for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis and
iv. Thermal effects.
osteoarthritis. It also has been used in the treatment
v. Solubilization
of ankylosing spondylitis, acute musculoskeletal
vi. Partition coefficient.
disorders, dysmenorrhea, postoperative pain and
vii. Dissolution
acute gout 4. This paper helps to those people who
Stability Analysis: want to use piroxicam drug for their research. As
the piroxicam is very effective drug many
i. Stability in toxicology formulation. researchers use this drug some of the research
ii. Solution stability– pH stability profile. paper is listed below:
iii. Solid state stability - Bulk stability,
Compatibility. 1. Formulation and optimization of piroxicam
orodispersible tablets by central composite
design 4.
2. Development of proniosomal drug delivery
with a different type of penetration enhancers 5.
3. Characterization and in-vitro evaluation of
piroxicam suppositories 6.
4. Novel double loaded transferosomes:
evidence of superior anti-inflammatory
FIG. 1: PIROXICAM efficacy- a comparative study 7.
5. Design and evaluation of piroxicam
Piroxicam is an oxicam derivative medication microemulsion 8.
belonging to non steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs 6. Pharmaceutical cocrystal of piroxicam:
(NSAIDs) group, used to treat moderate to severe design, formulation, and evaluation 9.
inflammatory diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis, 7. Formulation and characterization of flexible
osteoarthritis, ankylosing spondylitis (Bechterew’s phosphatidylcholine vesicles for systemic
disease), tendinitis, bursitis, and for pain that is not delivery of piroxicam 10.
related to musculoskeletal system e.g. primary 8. Systematic development of transethosomal
dysmenorrhea and postoperative pain. It reduces gel system of piroxicam: formulation
pain, joint swelling, morning stiffness, and optimization, in-vitro evaluation and ex-vivo
improves the functionality of the joints during assessment 11.
chronic polyarthritis 2. 9. Development and validation of a sensitive
UV method for piroxicam: application for
PC has been classified in the biopharmaceutics skin permeation studies 12.
Drug Classification system as a Class II drug with
low solubility and high permeability. It EXPERIMENTAL WORK:
demonstrates a slow and gradual absorption via the Organoleptic Properties: The drug samples were
oral route and has a long half-life of elimination, studied for appearance, color, and odor. The results
rendering a prolonged therapeutic action and a are shown in Table 1.
delayed onset of anti-inflammatory and analgesic
effect 3 PC is well absorbed following oral Melting Point: The melting points of the drugs
administration; however, its use has been limited were determined by an open capillary method using
by a number of side effects, including bleeding and the melting point apparatus. The melting point is
ulceration. shown in Table 2.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 812

Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

Ultraviolet Spectroscopy: 13, 14 100 ml to get a concentration of 20 µg/ml. From

Determination of Maximum Wavelength (λmax): the above solution 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ml of solutions
a. In Methanol: Drug (10 mg) was accurately were separately transferred into 10 ml volumetric
weighed and transferred to 100 ml volumetric flask, flasks respectively, and volume was made up to 10
volume was made up to the mark with methanol to ml to get a concentration of 2, 4, 6, 8, 10 µg/ml
obtain strength 100 µg/ml. It was used as a respectively. To scan the wavelength maxima 20
standard stock solution. This stock solution was µg/ml solution was taken in a quartz cuvette and
further diluted suitably to give a concentration of scanned on UV-Visible double beam spectro-
10 µg/ml. The UV spectrums were recorded in the photometer in range of 200-400 nm. The above-
range 200-400 nm by using UV-Visible double prepared samples were analyzed at 354nm (λmax).
beam spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 2450). The Calibration Curve is shown in Fig. 5.
wavelength of maximum absorption (λmax) was
determined and is shown in Fig. 2 and Table 3. b. In methanolic HCl: 15 10 ml of 100 µg/ml
standard stock solution was diluted up to 50ml to
b. In methanolic HCl: 15 Drug (10 mg) was obtain a standard working solution of 20 µg/ml
accurately weighed and transferred to 100 ml concentration which was used for further dilutions
volumetric flask, volume was made up to the mark of the calibration curve. Aliquots (2.5, 3.7, 5.0, 6.2,
with 0.1 M methanolic HCl to obtain strength 100 7.5) ml of 20 µg/ml working standard solution
µg/ml. It was used as a standard stock solution. corresponding to 2.5-7.5 µg/ml were taken in a
This stock solution was further diluted suitably to series of 20 ml volumetric flask and volume made
give a concentration of 10 µg/ml. The UV up with 0.1M methanolic HCl. The absorbance
spectrums were recorded in the range 200-400 nm measurements of these solutions were carried out
by using UV-Visible double beam spectro- against 0.1M methanolic HCl as blank at 334.5nm.
photometer (Shimadzu 2450). The wavelength of A calibration curve was plotted in Fig. 6.
maximum absorption (λmax) was determined and is
shown in Fig. 3 and Table 3. c. In Methanol: 20 mg of drug was accurately
weighed, transferred into 100 ml volumetric flask
c. In Phosphate Buffer (pH-7.4): 20 mg of drug and dissolved in 15 ml of methanol. The volume
was accurately weighed, transferred into a 100 ml was made up to 100 ml using methanol get a
volumetric flask and dissolved in 15 ml of concentration of 200 µg/ml. From the prepared
methanol. The volume was made up to 100 ml stock solution, 10 ml solution was withdrawn and
using PBS pH 7.4 to get a concentration of 200 transferred to another 100 ml volumetric flask and
µg/ml. From the prepared stock solution, 10 ml volume was makeup to 100 ml to get a
solution was withdrawn and transferred to another concentration of 20 µg/ml.
100 ml volumetric flask and volume were makeup
to 100 ml to get a concentration of 20µg/ml. The From the above solution 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 ml of
UV spectrums were recorded in the range 200-400 solutions were separately transferred into 10ml
nm by using UV-Visible double beam volumetric flasks respectively, and volume was
spectrophotometer (Shimadzu 2450). The made up to 10 ml to get a concentration of 2, 4, 6,
wavelength of maximum absorption (λ max) was 8, 10 µg/ml respectively. To scan the wavelength
determined and is shown in Fig. 4 and Table 3. maxima 20µg/ml solution was taken in a quartz
cuvette and scanned on UV-Visible double beam
Determination of Beer-Lambert’s Plot: spectrophotometer in range of 200-400 nm. The
a. In Phosphate Buffer (pH-7.4): 20 mg of drug above-prepared samples were analyzed at 333nm
was accurately weighed, transferred into a 100 ml (λmax). Calibration Curve is shown in Fig. 7.
volumetric flask and dissolved in 15 ml of
methanol. The volume was made up to 100 ml Solubility Study of Drug: 15 Solubility studies of
using PBS pH 7.4to get a concentration of 200 the drug were carried out in different types of
µg/ml. From the prepared stock solution, 10 ml solvents which are used for further study. Saturated
solution was withdrawn and transferred to another solutions were prepared by adding an excess drug
100 ml volumetric flask and volume was makeup to to the vehicles and shaking on the shaker (REMI

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 813

Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

DGS-2) for 48 h at 25 ± 0.5 °C under constant Thermogram, as shown in Fig. 9 and inference,
vibration. After this period the solutions were showed in Table 9.
filtered, diluted and analyzed by UV
spectrophotometer. Three determinations were Partition Coefficient (Kp): 16 The partition
carried out for each sample to calculate the coefficient of the drug was determined by shaking
solubility of the drug. The results are shown in equal volumes of oil and the aqueous phase in a
Table 7. separating funnel. A drug solution of 1 mg/ml was
prepared in distilled water, and 50 ml of this
Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of solution was taken in a separating funnel and
Drug: The infrared spectra of the pure drug were shaken with an equal volume of octanol for 10 min
recorded by Shimadzu FT-IR spectrometer. and allowed to stand for 24 h with intermittent
Samples were prepared by KBr disc method (2 mg shaking. Then, the aqueous phase was assayed
sample in 100 mg KBr) and examined in the before and after partitioning using a UV
transmission mode. Each spectrum was measured spectrophotometer to get the partition coefficient
over a frequency range of 4000-400 cm−1. The values which is shown in Table 10.
results are shown in Table 8 and Fig. 8.
Differential Scanning Calorimetry (DSC) Study Organoleptic Properties: The Sample of drug
of Drug: DSC analysis was performed using received was studied for its organoleptic characters
Shimadzu-Thermal Analyzer DSC 60 on 2-5 mg such as color, odor, and appearance as it is one of
samples. The sample was heated in an open the first criteria for identification of compound and
nitrogen pan at a rate of 10 °C/min conducted over it shows results/properties which comply with
a temperature range of 30 to 230 °C for Piroxicam reported literature standards. The result is presented
under a nitrogen flow of 2 bar pressure. in the following Table 1.
S. no. Identification Test Observed Result Reported Standard 17,18
1 Appearance Powder Off-white to light tan or light yellow powder
2 Colour White White / Off-white
3 Odor Odorless Odorless

It is complying with the description that is found in Ultraviolet Spectroscopy:

the literature. Determination of Maximum Wavelength (λmax):
Maximum wavelength (λmax) is specific for every
Melting Point: According to Indian drug substances, and it is also one of the
Pharmacopoeia melting range/temperature of a identification criteria. The maximum absorbance is
substance is defined as those points of temperature for drug taken in methanol, methanolic HCl and
within which / the point at which the substance phosphate buffer (pH- 7.4). Observed peak and
begins to coalesce and is completely melted except reported standard peak are shown in Table 3.
as defined otherwise for certain substances 68. The
melting point of the drug complies with the TABLE 3: MAXIMUM WAVELENGTH (λmax) OF THE
reported literature values. The melting point of the DRUG IN METHANOLIC HCl, METHANOL AND
drug was observed to be in the range of 197 ºC- Solvent λmax (nm)
199 ºC with decomposition, i.e. the substance Observed Reported
characterize as it starts to melt which is shown in Peak standard19
Table 2. Methanol 333 333
Methanolic HCl 334.5 334
TABLE 2: COMPARISON OF THE RESULT OF THE Phosphate buffer 354 354
S. no. Identification Observed Reported λmax for the drug in methanol, methanolic HCl, and
Test Result Standard17 phosphate buffer (pH-7.4) was found, and it is
1 Melting Point 197 ºC - 199 ºC 198 ºC - 200 ºC shown in Fig. 2, Fig. 3, and Fig. 4 respectively.

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 814

Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

Spectra for the drug in methanol observed in the Preparation of Beer Lambert’s Plot:
range of 200 nm to 400 nm which it shows In Phosphate buffer (pH 7.4): Beer Lambert’s
absorption maxima at about 227 nm and 334.5 nm plot of the drug was prepared in Phosphate buffer
and minimum at about 242 nm which is shown in (pH 7.4).
Fig. 2.
A linear relationship was obtained in between
concentration (2-10 µg/ml), and the absorbance of
the drug in phosphate buffer (pH 7.4) with an R2
value of 0.999 at 276 nm is shown in calibration
curve shown in Fig. 5 and line equation, y= 0.072x-
BUFFER (pH 7.4)
S. no. Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance (nm)
FIG. 2: λmax FOR THE DRUG IN METHANOL 1 0 0.000
2 2 0.140
Spectra for the drug in methanolic HCl observed in 3 4 0.287
the range of 220 nm to 400 nm for 0.0007% w/v 4 6 0.429
solution of 0.01M methanolic HCl - absorption 5 8 0.574
maxima at about 242 nm and 334 nm and minimum 6 10 0.717
at about 270 nm which is shown in Fig. 3.


In Methanolic HCl: Beer Lambert’s plot of drug
Spectra for the drug in phosphate buffer (pH-7.4)
sample was prepared in methanolic HCl. A linear
observed in the range of 200 nm to 400 nm for
relationship was obtained in between concentration
phosphate buffer (pH-7.4). This spectrum shows
(1.25-3.75 µg/ml) and the absorbance of the drug in
four peak absorption maxima at about 221 nm, 250
methanolic HCl with an R2 value of 0.9979 at 276
nm, and 354 nm and minimum at about 279 nm
nm is shown in calibration curve shown in Fig. 6
which is shown in Fig. 4.
and line equation, y= 0.1788x-0.1667.
S. no. Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance (nm)
1 0.00 0.000
2 1.25 0.381
3 1.85 0.503
4 2.5 0.624
5 3.1 0.721
FIG. 4: λmax FOR THE DRUG IN PHOSPHATE 6 3.75 0.831
BUFFER (pH-7.4)

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 815

Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148


S. no. Solvent Solubility (mg/ml)
1 Span 80 4.2
2 Lecithin 2.6
3 Isopropyl myristate 2.51
4 Propylene glycol 7.1
5 Oleic acid 5.20
6 DMSO 5.8
7 PEG 400 2.663
8 Methanol 5
FIG. 6: BEER LAMBERT’s PLOT OF THE DRUG IN 9 Phosphate buffer (pH-7.4) 0.592
METHANOLIC HCl 10 Water 0.0076

In Methanol: Beer Lambert’s plot of the drug was Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy of
prepared in Methanol. A linear relationship was Drug: As we know, the infrared spectroscopy
obtained in between concentration (2-10 µg/ml) mostly used for the identification of organic
and the absorbance of the drug in Methanol with an compound whose spectra are complex and provides
R2 value of 0.9999 at 276 nm is shown in numerous maxima and minima that are useful for
calibration curve Fig. 7 line equation, y=0.0728 x- comparison purpose. Infrared spectroscopy finds
0.0005. widespread application to qualitative and
quantitative analysis as no two compounds (except
optical isomers) give similar absorption spectra in
S. no. Concentration (μg/ml) Absorbance (nm) the IR region. The powdered mixture of drug
1 0 0.000 sample and KBr was taken in a sampler, and the
2 2 0.144 spectrum was recorded by scanning in the
3 4 0.296 wavelength region of 4000-400-1cm using FTIR
4 6 0.436
5 8 0.582
6 10 0.728
The FTIR spectra of piroxicam were taken which is
shown in Fig. 8. The principal peak for IR of drug
sample matched with the standard spectrum for
Piroxicam which is shown in Table 8.



Solubility Study of Drug: A test for solubility

becomes a test for purity only where a special FIG. 8: IR SPECTRA OF DRUG
quantitative test is given in the individual
monograph and is an official requirement. TABLE 8: INTERPRETATION OF IR OF DRUG
Characteristic Standard Reference Observed
According to USP 2009, piroxicam is slightly functional group range Peaks peak
soluble in ethanol and very slightly soluble in (cm-1)21 (cm-1)22 (cm-1)
water, in dil. acids and most organic solvents 21. –OH and –NH streaching 3650-3300 3338cm–1 3340.82
Aromatic -C=C-H 3300-2700 3065 3066.92
Solubility study of drug sample was studied in C=O streaching 1850-1680 1630 1743.71
different types of solvent and data shows that drug Aromatic -C=C- 1680-1450 1574 1627.97
was very slightly soluble in water, soluble in Ar-NH 1360-1250 1351 1350.22
N-CH3 streaching 1220-1050 1150 1180.47
phosphate buffer (pH-7.4) and freely soluble in rest -SO2-N= Group 1070-1050 1065.2 1064.74
of another solvent which is sown in Table 7. o-disubstituted phenyl 750 775 775.41

International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Research 816

Bachhav et al., IJPSR, 2019; Vol. 10(2): 811-818. E-ISSN: 0975-8232; P-ISSN: 2320-5148

Differential Scanning Calorimetry (D.S.C.) 1988). Therefore, from obtained result drug have
Study of Drug: The endotherm of melting 1000 times more soluble in the partitioning solvent
corresponds to the portion of the DSC curve that is (octanol).
far from the baseline and later returns to it. Melting
is a physical process that results in the phase
transition of a substance from solid to liquid. This WITH THE REPORTED STANDARDS
occurs when the internal energy of the solid S. no. Observed value Reported standard54
increase, typically by the application of heat which 1 3.09 3.06
increases the substance’s temperature to the
melting point. In DSC, as the temperature CONCLUSION: In the present work, the
increases, the sample eventually reaches its melting preformulation study of piroxicam drug was done.
temperature (Tm). The melting process results in an Preformulation studies have a significant part to
endothermic peak in the DSC curve. play in anticipating formulation problems and
identifying a logical path in both liquid and solid
DSC studies were performed for drug sample. The dosage form technology. This study shows a
DSC thermogram of commercial drug sample is satisfactory result for all characterization such as
presented in Fig. 9 and interpretation is shown in organoleptic properties, calibration curve, DSC,
Table 9. Thermogram of DSC of the drug shows partition coefficient, etc. All results matched with
melting in the range between 203.45 to 206.11 ºC, the reported standard.
and the sharp peak was seen at 201.20 ºC. So, it
shows that it is an endothermic reaction. The ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: The author thankful to
following figure shows the endothermic peak of the Dr. Anil G. Jadhav and Mr. Satish A. Ahire for
drug with height -25.76 mW. their valuable guidance.
CONFLICT OF INTEREST: We declare that we
have no conflict of interest.

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How to cite this article:

Bachhav AA, Ahire SA and Jadhav AG: Preformulation study of piroxicam. Int J Pharm Sci & Res 2019; 10(2): 811-18. doi: 10.13040/
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