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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056

Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Design of Pre-Engineered Building (PEB) Structure

Mohd Aamir1, Ravinder2, Sheela Malik3

1 ( Scholar) 2nd year, Department of Civil Engineering, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management,
Jhajjar Haryana (India)
2Assistant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ganga Institute of Technology and

Management, Jhajjar Haryana (India)

3Assitant Professor, Department of Civil Engineering, Ganga Institute of Technology and Management,

Jhajjar Haryana (India)

Abstract - Our project focuses on the designing of PEBs required in steel construction. With the help of
structure and the green building aspect of the structure. In BIM and
India 67 million tons of food get wasted annually
accounting for 92000 crores and being a developing country
there will always be a need for an industrial structure for
storing and other industrial activity. With the increasing
demand for industrial sheds, the structures need to be
designed fast and accurately. Any discrepancy and clash in
the design of structure cause wastage and the use of BIM
software can easily detect and solve such problems before
the work even started. The PEB structure has 21,840 m3 and
consists of non- prismatic members designed for bending
moments at their respective nodes. The members are
designed as per IS800 and connection as per AISC and IS.
The project uses different software for designing such as
along with hand calculation following IS 875 parts 1, 2, and
3 for load calculation and IS

Key Words: Structure, Designing, Steel, Green Building,

Pollution, wastage, BIM, Technology, software.

Advances in Technology make possible to design structure
more accurately with least possible clashes with other
aspects of the structure. This is now possible with the help
of BIM and different software interoperability. With the
growing demand of industry, housing sector, need of
storage units etc. The PEBs structure is intelligently design
to take forces and can be constructed rapidly. The PEBs
planned and members are fabricated in factory and only
need to be assembled at site, this help in reducing
construction time considerably. . The advantage of PEB
structure is that it can be constructed quickly with lesser
amount of material in weight being used. As all the
members are fabricated in factory and members need to
be transported so it also cost lesser in transportation
charges and easier to reach places that are harder to reach.

The greenhouse gases due to steel construction is lesser

comparing to concrete construction and the need of
framing for concreting, hydrating, and curing period is not

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 1
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

interoperability of different software to create and

design structure we can reduce the wastage of material
and time of construction.


In the project we studied that extent of integration

possible using different software’s on one projects
working on single point. We use ETABS to design
members of structures and import the design file to
STAAD Pro to design connection using RAM connection
in STAAD pro. STAAD pro RAM connection only able to
design generic connection inside STAAD PRO, so we
used IDEASTATICA BIMLink to design connection from
scratch using same design file


There are various types of methods available according

to the Indian Standard code –

 Limit State Method (LSM)

 Working State Method (WSM)
 Load Factor Method (LFM) or Ultimate
Load Method (ULM)
Here LSM is used for member analysis.

In philosophy, LSM is such that the structure safely

carries all the load over its entire life span without
failing. The structure is unfit when its collapses or
violates the serviceability requirement such as cracking
and deflections. With the probabilistic approach design,
load and design strength are determined. This
philosophical method, design structure in such a way
that it remains fit for its entire design life remaining
within acceptable limits of safety and serviceability
requirements. We use LSM methodology to design the
PEB structure.


A well designed and well-planned structure has the least

probability of its failure. The structure is designed based
on the characteristic values of its material strengths and
applied loads taking account of variation in materials
property and

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 2
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

load to be supported. Design value is obtained by applying

partial safety factors. The reliability of the design is Combination Factor, = 0.90
expressed as Clause of IS 875 - Part 3

Design Action (Qd) ≤ Design Strength ( ) = 0.648 > 0.7

The design action Qd is expressed as
Design Wind Pressure, = 0.457 KN/m2
Pressure Coefficients:
And, the design strength Sd is obtained as
Area of the face = 455
Where, = characteristic load Area of the opening = 44
= ultimate strength Percentage Area of the Opening = 9.65%
= partial safety factor for loads.
Encloser condition of the building = Partially Enclosed
= partial safety factor for materials.
Enclosed 0.2
2.2 STRUCTURE SPECIFICATION – Partially Enclosed 0.5
Open 0.7
Table 1 - Structure specification
= 0.125
01 The span of the PEB 40 m
02 Spacing of the PEB frame 7.66 m = 2.28
03 Height of column 5m
04 Length of building 91.1 m 3/2 ≤ < 4
External Pressure Coefficient – Use table 4 from IS: 875 part 3
05 Rise of the PEB 7m 1987
06 Slope of the roof (ϴ ) 10 degree
07 Length along the sloping roof 20.1 m 2.4 MATERIAL REQUIRED
08 Length of each panel (c/c spacing of purlin) 7.66 m
Table 2 -Material List by Section Property
09 Spacing of gable from PEB frame 7.42


Basic wind speed (Vb) = 33 m/s

Design Wind speed ( ) is given by

k1 = probability factor (risk coefficient)

k2 = terrain, height and structure size factor
k3 = topography factor
k4 = Cyclonic Factor
Vz = 33 m/s

Design wind pressure (

Design Wind Pressure,

Wind Directionality Factor, = 0.9

Clause 7.2.1 of IS 875 - Part 3
Area Averaging Factor, =0.80
Clause 7.2.2 of IS 875 - Part 3

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 3
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Object No of
Section Length Weight
Type Pieces
m kN
Beam 34 154.098 166.0928
Beam 22 147.3982 173.1145
Beam 22 147.3981 227.7299
Column 400mm Column 21 138.6 133.8249
Column middle Column 26 130 124.8399
Beam 22 73.6992 113.8653
ISMC Beam 104 791.54 273.43
ROD50 Beam 36 366.54 16.72
ROD50 Brace 12 109.83 5.08

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

3 RESULT Max -
0.418 3.837 1.409 14.448 1.97
My 0.406
Following are the design result on PEB structure Min -
0.699 6.372 0.408 -14.64 3.28
My 1.409
0 0.001 -0.004 523.105
Mz 158.13
Min -
Table 3 - Support reaction 150.85 72.991 0 0 0
Mz 364.957

Horizontal Vertical Moment KN-m

Fx kN Fz kN Fy kN Mx My Mz
Max Table 5 - Displacement
88.44 0.084 130.07 0 0 0
Min Resulta
-88.43 0.083 130.10 0 0 0 X Y Z rX rY rZ
Fx nt
mm mm mm rad rad rad
Max mm
0 0.001 313.436 0 0 0
Fy -
Max 9.62 - -
Min 17.339 0 0 0.00
-0.04 -4.61 -6.452 0 0 0 X 7 14.42 0.127
Fy 1
Max Min - - - 0.00
-0.015 14.723 21.973 0 0 0 17.34 0 0
Fz X 9.62 14.42 0.128 1
Min -
-0.024 -14.73 36.62 0 0 0 Max
Fz 5.5 2.513 0.012 6.109 0 0 0
Max Y
20.784 0.056 48.817 0 0 0 6
Mx 8
Min Min -
20.784 0.056 48.817 0 0 0 2.65 -24.5 -0.03 24.657 0 0
Mx Y 0.01
Max Max 0.00 - 29.56 0.00 0.00
20.784 0.056 48.817 0 0 0 29.561 0
My Z 3 0.037 1 4 2
Min -
20.784 0.056 48.817 0 0 0 Min 0.00 -
My 29.8 29.836 -0 -0 0
Max Z 4 0.061
20.784 0.056 48.817 0 0 0
Mz 6
Min - -
20.784 0.056 48.817 0 0 0 Max 0.04 0.00
Mz 1.2 10.4 5.231 11.781 0.0
rX 6 5
8 0
7 1
Min 1.20 - - -
10.5 11.81 0.0
rX 2 5.268 0.05 0.01
Table 4 - Beam End Forces 0 0
2 1
Mx My Mz kN- Max 0.00 0.05
Fx kN Fy kN Fz kN 0 0 0 0 0.0
kN-m kN-m m rY 1 1
Max 1
313.436 0 0.001 0 0 0
Fx Min 0.00 - 0.00
Min 0 0 0 0
-14.427 -0.017 0.149 -1.2 1.498 -0.215 rY 1 0.05 1
Fx Max 0.90 - - 0.00
Max - 9.311 0 0
57.543 158.13 0 -0.004 523.103 rZ 7 9.266 0.036 4
Fy 0.001 -
Min - Min - - -
57.543 0 0.001 -0.004 523.105 9.309 0 0 0.0
Fy 158.13 rZ 0.91 9.264 0.036
0.839 4.892 5.04 0.038 -7.611 3.625
Min -
2.139 8.111 -5.04 9.273 9.017
Fz 0.038
0.697 6.392 2.116 1.923 8.024 3.288
Min - -
0.957 -3.791 9.442 -0.124
Mx 2.116 1.923

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

(1/16in) : 3
Connecting plate
tp: Thickness : 25.4 mm
Material : A36


Steel - E 165 (Fe 290)
Project item - Purlin Connection Design
Name - Purlin connection
Analysis - Stress, strain/loads in equilibrium

Table 6 – Load effects (forces in equilibrium)

Chart 1 – Tabulated plot Coordinates of Displacement


- -
Some of the connection are – LE1 M1 0.1 0 106.6 0
126.6 121
M2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0
3.4.1 Apex Connection –
LE2 M1 0.1 -91 0 47.1 0
M2 0.1 0 0 0 0 0

Table 7 - Summary of purlin connection result

Fig 1 – Apex type connection detail diagram
Name Value Check status
Analysis 100.00% OK
Plates 0.0 < 5.0% OK
Is apex : Yes
Vertical angle (deg) : 0 Welds 0.6 < 100% OK
Right beam
Buckling Not calculated
Beam type : Tapered
Beam section : Taper_7
Beam initial height : 699.999 mm
Beam final height : 699.999 mm
Beam length : 3.35 m
Beam material :
Moment - Flange and web welded
Beam side
Top flange weld type : Fillet
Top beam flange weld: E70XX
D1: Weld size to top beam flange (1/16in) :
4 Fig 2 – Purlin connection
Bottom flange weld type : Fillet
Bottom beam flange weld : E70XX
D3: Weld size to bottom beam flange
(1/16in) : 4
Welding electrode to beam web: E70XX
D2: Weld size to beam web

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 6
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072


Fig 3 – Purlin connection equivalent stress check for load LE1


Fig 5 – Beam Column Flange (BCF) connection type

Fig 4 – Apex connection detail

Is apex : Yes
Vertical angle (deg) : 0
Right beam
Fig 6 – Beam Column Flange (BCF) connection type detail
Beam type : Tapered member
Beam section : Taper_7 Members
Beam initial height : 699.999 mm Configuration
Beam final height : 699.999 mm Is apex : Yes
Beam length : 3.35 m Vertical angle (deg) : 0
Beam material : STEEL_275_NMM2 Right beam
Moment - Flange and web welded Beams
Beam side Beam type : Tapered member
Top flange weld type : Fillet Beam section : Taper_7
Top beam flange weld : E70XX Beam initial height : 699.999 mm
D1: Weld size to top beam flange (1/16in): 4 Beam final height : 699.999 mm
Bottom flange weld type : Fillet Beam length : 3.35 m
Bottom beam flange weld : E70XX Beam material : STEEL_275_NMM2
D3: Weld size to bottom beam flange (1/16in): 4 Moment - Flange and web welded
Welding electrode to beam web : E70XX Beam side
D2: Weld size to beam web (1/16in) : 3 Top flange weld type : Fillet
Connecting plate Top beam flange weld : E70XX
tp: Thickness : 25.4 mm D1: Weld size to top beam flange (1/16in): 4
Material : A36 Bottom flange weld type : Fillet
Bottom beam flange weld : E70XX

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

D3: Weld size to bottom beam flange (1/16in): 4 tp: Connection plate thickness: 6.35 mm
Welding electrode to beam web: E70XX Bolts : 1/2" A325 N
D2: Weld size to beam web (1/16in): 3 g: Gage - transverse c/c spacing: 139.7 mm
Connecting plate Hole type : Standard (STD)
tp: Thickness : 25.4 mm Lev: Vertical edge distance : 31.75 mm
Material : A36 Leh: Horizontal edge distance : 31.75 mm
Members Bolt group (external extension)
Configuration pfo t: Distance from bolt rows to flange: 31.75 mm
Exists opposite connection: No Bolt group (external flange)
Bolts rows number : 1
Beam pfi t: Distance from bolt rows to flange : 31.75 mm
General Bolt group (internal flange)
Beam section : Taper_7 Bolts rows number : 1
Beam material : STEEL_275_NMM2 pfi b: Distance from bolt rows to flange : 31.75 mm
Beam initial height : 699.999 mm
Beam final height : 699.999 mm
Beam length : 6.7 m
Vertical angle (deg) : 5.711
Include flange stiffener: No

Support section : Taper_2 Fig 7 – Beam Column Flange (BCF) connection detail
Support material : STEEL_275_NMM2
Transverse stiffeners
Support initial depth : 749.999 mm
Section : PL 12.7x76.2x727.65
Support final depth : 399.999 mm
Full depth : Yes
Support length : 5m
Length : 727.649 mm
bs: Transverse stiffeners width: 76.2 mm
End plate
cc: Corner clips : 19.05 mm
ts: Transverse stiffener thickness: 12.7 mm
Plate extension: Extended external
Material : AS_Class 4.6
edge Width : 203.2 mm
Weld type : Fillet
tp: Plate thickness : 6.35 mm
Welding electrode to support : AS E41XX
Plate material : A36
D: Weld size to support (1/16 in) : 3
Fy : 0.248 kN/mm2
Fu : 0.4 kN/mm2 3.4.5 BRACING CONNECTION
Hole type on plate : Standard
(STD) Flush extension length: 25.4 mm
Plate alignment : Vertical alignment

External flange weld type: Fillet
Weld to external flange: E70XX
D1: Weld size to external flange (1/16in): 3
Internal flange weld type : Fillet
Weld to internal flange : E70XX
D3: Weld size to internal flange (1/16in): 3
Web weld : E70XX
D2: Weld size to web (1/16in): 3
Bolts Fig 8 – Bracing connection
© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 8
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Upper right brace
tg: Thickness: 20 mm
Material : E 250 A
LV: Length on column: 324.458 mm

Gusset-to-Brace connection
Connection type: Bolted
Bolts : M_20 G8_8
Hole type : STD
Hole type on gusset : STD
np: Number of rows of bolts longitudinally: 2
nc: Number of lines of bolts transversely: 1
Fig 9 – Bracing connection detail
sp: Longitudinal bolt spacing : 70 mm
Members ae1: Longitudinal distance to edge: 45 mm
Existing members ae3: Transverse distance to edge: 45 mm
Right beam : No Material : E 250 A
Left beam : No t: Thickness: 5 mm
Upper right brace : Yes Setback : 20 mm
Upper left brace : No Weld : E 49
Lower left brace : No Weld size : 5 mm
Lower right brace : No Weld length : 100 mm
Align beams to top edge: No Weld clearance: 5 mm
Bracing cleat assembly: No
Column Gusset-to-Column connection
General General
Column section : Taper_2 Connection type to column: Directly welded
Column material : STEEL_275_NMM2 Directly welded
Column orientation : Transversal Welding electrode : E 49
Is column end : No Weld size : 6 mm

Upper right brace 3.4.6 BASE PLATE

Section : Cir 0.05_0
Material : Q345
Slope angle (degrees) : 33.11
Additional vertical force: 0 kN
Additional geometric data
wpx: WP horizontal displacement: 0
mm wpy: WP vertical displacement: 0 mm
Le: Minimum distance to other members: 25
Fig 10 – Base plate connection detail
mm Le1: Left distance: 25 mm
Le2: Right distance : 25 mm Members
Section : Taper_2
Material : STEEL_275_NMM2

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 9
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Longitudinal offset : 0 mm
Transversal offset : 0 mm

Base plate
Connection type : Unstiffened
Position on the support: Center
N: Depth : 460 mm
D: Gross width : 610
mm tp: Thickness : 6 mm
Material : E 250 A
Column weld : E 41
s: Column weld size : 3 mm
Override A1/A2 ratio : No
Shear key type : None
Fig 11 – Base plate connection
With pedestal : No
Longitudinal dimension : 2500 mm 3.5 RENDER VIEW
Transversal dimension : 2500 mm
Thickness : 500 mm
Material : M40
Include grouting : No
Cover : 70 mm

Anchor position : Transversal

position Rows number per side : 1
Anchors per row : 2 Fig 12 – Render view of the PEB structure by STAAD
Longitudinal edge distance on the plate: 50 pro
mm Transverse edge distance on the plate : 50 mm
Head type : Hexagonal 3.6 SHEAR DIAGRAM OF THE STRUCTURE
Include lock nut : No
Anchor : M-8
Effective embedment depth : 150
mm Total length : 166.56 mm
Material : Class
8.8 Fy : 640
Fu : 800 N/mm2
Splitting Failure : No
Cracked concrete : No
Non-ductile steel : No
Fasteners welded to base plate: No
Lever arm : No
Fig 13 - Shear diagram of the structure
Anchor supplementary reinforcement
Tension reinforcement: No We are able to design the structure and connection by
Shear reinforcement : No codal provision and preliminary data. With the use of

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 10
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Etabs and Staad Pro we designed members of the

structures and

© 2022, IRJET | Impact Factor value: 7.529 | ISO 9001:2008 Certified Journal | Page 11
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

connection with the help of RAM connection and

[2] T.Subramani and K.Murali (2018) Analytical Study of
IdeaStatica. The data of model is transferred from one
Tall Building with Outtrigger System with Respect to
software to other with help of IFC file or plugins. Both the
methods for transferring the data isn’t completely Seismic and Wind Analysis Using ETABS
successful in our case and some of the members need to
redesign for further designing. [3] Guangfeng Wang (2014) Research on ETABS Steel
Tower a Top Building Structural System
[4] K. Surender Kumar, N.Lingeshwaran, Syed Hamim
The structure is prefabricated and it is only assembled on the Jeelani (2020) Analysis of residential building with
site. The structure is pre planned according to the site STAAD. Pro & ETABS
conditions, wind conditions, earthquake forces, MEP loads
and temperature stresses. Once the planning of structure [5] Yonghe Wua, Jianchun Mub, Shengqiang Lic and
is completed, the member is fabricated in the factory and Huifeng Xi (2011) Dynamic Response Analysis on Steel-
assembled on the site requiring lesser time and fewer man Concrete Composite Frame Based on ETABS
power. Accuracy The member and connection are
designed specifically for each node and use of Ram [6] Yongwei SHAN, Paul GOODRUM, Carl HAAS, and
connection and Ideastatica connection can designed the Carlos CALDAS (2012) Assessing Productivity
connection to highest accuracy. The software designed file Improvement of Quick Connection Systems in the Steel
can be shared with various software using plugin. The file
Construction Industry Using Building Information
shared contain designed data from parent software which
Modeling (BIM)
can now integrate with other data on other software like
Revit to create highly accurate 3d Model. Low wastage the
PEBs structure after designing is fabricated in a factory [7] Nitin K. Dewani, Sanjay Bhadke (2018) STUDY OF
part by part and only requisite amount of material is cut PRE- ENGINEERED BUILDING, IRJET
from bigger sheet of rolls to form a fabricated member of a
PEB and the scraps from the sheets can be collected for [8] Mr. Vaibhav Thorat, Mr. Samyak Parekar 2022 Pre
recycling. Engineering Building as a Modern Era: A Review,
 The structure is prefabricated and it is only assembled [9] Mitaali Jayant Gilbile, S. S. Mane (2020) A Review on
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conditions, wind conditions, earthquake forces, MEP
loads and temperature stresses. [10] Angela Acree Guggemos, A.M.ASCE; and Arpad
Horvath, A.M.ASCE (2005) Comparison of
 Once the planning of structure is completed, the Environmental Effects of Steel- and Concrete-Framed
member is fabricated in the factory and assembled on Buildings
the site requiring lesser time and fewer man power.
 Accuracy The member and connection are designed
specifically for each node and use of Ram connection
and Ideastatica connection can designed the
connection to highest accuracy.

 The software designed file can be shared with various

software using plugin.

 The file shared contain designed data from parent

software which can now integrate with other data on
other software like Revit to create highly accurate 3d


[1] Geeta Mehta, Bidhan Sharma and Anuj Kumar, (2016)

Optimization of Member Size and Materials for
Multistoried RCC Buildings using ETABS
Mohd Aamir, M.Tech, Department

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

of Civil Engineering, Ganga

Institute of Technology and
Management, Jhajjar Haryana,
[email protected]

Ravinder, Assistant Professor,

Department of Civil Engineering,
Ganga Institute of Technology
and Management, Jhajjar
Haryana, (INIA)
[email protected]

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International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET) e-ISSN: 2395-0056
Volume: 09 Issue: 06 | Jun 2022 p-ISSN: 2395-0072

Sheela Malik, Assistant

Professor, DepartmentD of Civil
Enginnering, Ganga Institute of
Technology and Management,
Jhajjar Haryana, (INDIA)
[email protected]

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