Stadd Pro 10 - 35

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Chapter 2



STAAD. PRO training plays a vital role in structural development and design for the civil
engineers. In this new era of competitive world, we need to be aware of new software and
technology. The main objective of this training is to give the complete knowledge of the software
to the student and to make the students expert in this software and ready to take any structure for
analysis. The training could help students to learn the concept of softwares just by sitting at
home and not going to any training center. This training program played a very important role
for students specially in this pandemic situation. It also aims for the students to be ready when
they go to any company as structural engineers.


In the chapter 1 of module 1 of this training program we have been taught a brief introduction of the
software and the basic tools of the software. In chapter 2 we have learnt how to define a node,
understanding different views, drawing a beam, defining the loads, application of supports to the beam,
assigning the load and finally check reaction, SFD, BMD and deflections.
A small quiz session is always given inside the learning process of each chapters and at the end of every
module a module test is set by the trainer which helps us to remind our knowledge from each chapters.
In the chapter 1 of module 2 we have learnt introduction to force and moment. And in chapter 2 we have
been taught to remind our knowledge of SA about types of loads, supports, beams and support reactions.
In the chapter 1 of module 3 we have learnt how to model 2-D and 3-D structure. In chapter 2 and 3 we
have learnt how the analysis is done for 2-D and 3-D structure in STAAD pro. Software.
In chapter 1 of module 4 we have learnt the importance of structure wizard tool to model a bay frame. In
chapter 2 we have been explored to importance tools of the software like move, mirror, transitional
repeats, etc. in chapter 3 we have learnt the concept of moment release.
In chapter 1 of module 5 we have been taught how to read the architectural drawings. In chapter 2 we
have learnt how to model the building given by architecture. In chapter 3 we have learnt how to do
preliminary design of columns, beams and slab. And in chapter 4 we have learnt how to assign the section
properties in the software.

In chapter 1 of module 6 we have been taught some important topics of IS 1893 -2002. In chapter 2,
calculation of staircase load. In chapter 3, application of wall load. In chapter 4, application of floor loads.
In chapter 5, assigning the staircase load. In chapter 6, application of seismic weight. In chapter 7, error
correction in staad pro. In chapter 8, load combination. In chapter 9 we have learnt how to design the
structure in software.
In module 7 we have been taught about advanced RCC design, detailing of bars of beams and columns
and response spectrum analysis.
In chapter 1 of module 8 we have learnt about introduction to foundation design. In chapter 2 we have
learnt about foundation design using staad foundation. In chapter 3 we have learnt about foundation using
excel sheet. In chapter 4 and 5 we have learnt about design and detailing of slab respectively.
At the end of this module we have done a final project. In this project we could use all the concept which
we have learnt in every module. In the final test we were given an architect plan and from there we
modelled the structure, analyse and design after giving all the loads.


In this training program we were given a final project in which we have to analyse a G+2
building structure in STAAD. Pro software using the concent and the steps that they have taught
us during the course. The same procedure has followed by us. So to know more about the
training and how the software performs analysis work, let us look in details in the following
chapter no. 4.

Chapter 3


A STRUCTURE can be defined as an assemblage of elements. STAAD is capable of

analyzing and designing structures consisting of both frame, and Finite elements. Almost any
type of structure can be analyzed by STAAD.
Frame elements - Beam elements - 2 nodes Finite elements -
1.) Plate - 3 or 4 nodes
2.) Solid - 4 to 8 nodes
In case of STAAD
• Node becomes Joint
• It has a number and xyz coordinates
• Beam becomes Member it has a number and nodes at its ends
• Plate becomes Element it has a number and node at its corners


A TRUSS structure consists of truss members which can have only axial member forces and no
bending in the members.
A PLANE structure is bound by a global X-Y coordinate system with loads in the same plane.
A SPACE structure, which is a three dimensional framed structure with loads applied in any
plane, is the most general.
A FLOOR structure is a two or three dimensional structure having no horizontal (global X or
Z) movement of the structure [FX, FZ & FY are restrained at every joint). Then floor framing (in
global X-Z plane) of a building is an ideal.

Chapter 4

Analysis of a G+2 building


4.1.1 Reading the architectural building

The first step in our process will be reading the plan that has provided to us by the architect.
From this reading process we will get all the informations such as number of storeys, number of
bays, loadings, etc.

4.1.2 Modelling the structure

The G+2 building is modelled using the Structure Wizard inside STAAD Pro according to the
plan of the building. The building model has been provided below.

Fig1: model of the structure.

4.1.3 Member Property Specifications

The sizes of the members such as beams, columns and slabs are measured from the architect
plan. In case if the plan is not given we have to do preliminary design to get the sizes of beams,
columns and slab. And then the sizes has to be defined in the software and finally we have to
assigned it in the structure.

Member Section Dimensions (ft)

Beam 1.00 x 1.00

Column 1.16 x 0.75

Slab thickness 120

Wall thickness 110

Fig2: software view of section property

4.1.4 Load application

For the analysis of the structure, an auto load combination is generated and has been applied and
the various loads are described in Chapter.6….

4.1.5 Support condition

The support condition of the structure is assigned as fixed for our structure. According to the
structure we have to give suitable support condition.

Fig 3: different support condition

4.1.6 Design
.A structure has to be designed to carry loads acting on itconsidering a certain factor of safety.
In India structures are designed by using various Indian codes for both concreteand steel
structures. The design in STAAD.Pro supports over 70 international codes and over 20 in 7 languages.
After designing the structure it is again analyzed and results of analysis for each beam and
column is shown in the output file.

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Using M20 grade of concrete and Fe415 grade of steel for beams, columns and slabs.
All the design codes are entered into the software. IS456 is used for concrete design and IS800
LSD is used for steel design.

4.1.7 Analysis of the RCC framed structure

Analysis is very important step. All the errors in our input process will be shown I this process.

Analysis procedure of the structure is explained in details in chapter.

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Chapter 5

5.1Assumptions and Notations used:

The notations adopted throughout the work are same IS-456-2000.

5.1.1 Assumptions in Design:

1. Using partial safety factor for loads in accordance with clause 36.4 of IS-456-2000 as 𝒀𝒕 =1.5
2. Partial safety factor for material inaccordance with clause 36.4.2 is IS-456-2000 is taken as 1.5 for
concrete and 1.15 for steel.
3. Using partial safety factors in accordance with clause 36.4 of IS-456-2000 combination of load.
D.L+L.L. 1.5
D.L+L.L+W.L 1.2

5.1.2 Density of materials used:

i)Plain concrete 24.0KN/m
ii) Reinforced 25.0KN/m
iii) Flooring material (c.m.) 20.0KN/m
iv) Brick masonry 19.0KN/m
v) Fly ash 5.OKN/m

5.1.3 DEAD LOADS: In accordance with IS. 875-86

i) Dead load on slabs 2.5 KN/m2
ii) Dead load on stairs 3.58 KN/m

5.1.4 LIVE LOADS: In accordance with IS. 875-86

i) Live load on slabs 2.5 KN/m2
ii) Live load on stairs 2.42 KN/m

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5.1.5 Assumptions Regarding Design:
1) Slab is assumed to be continuous over interior support and partially fixed on edges, due to
monolithic construction and due to construction ofwalls over it.
ii) Beams are assumed to be continuous over interior support and they frame in to the column at ends.
Assumptions on design:-
1) M20 grade is used in designing unless specified.
2) For steel Fe 415 is used for the main reinforcement
3) For steel Fe 415 and steel is used for the distribution reinforcement
4) Mild steel Fe 230 is used for shear reinforcement

The following symbols have been used in our project and its meaning is clearly mentioned respective to
A - Area
Ast - Area of steel
B - Breadth of beam or shorter dimension of rectangular column
D - Overall depth of beam or slab
DL - Dead load
d' - effective depth of slab or beam
D - overall depth of beam or sla
𝑀𝑢(max) - moment of resistance factor

𝐹𝑐𝑘 -Characteristic compressive strength

𝐹𝑦 - characteristic strength of of steel

𝐿𝑑 - development length
LL - live load
𝐿𝑋 - length of shorter side of slab
𝐿𝑦 - length of longer side of slab

B.M. - bending moment

𝑀𝑈 - factored bending moment
𝑀𝑑 - design moment
𝑀𝑓 - modification factor

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𝑀𝑋 - mid span bending moment along short span
𝑀𝑦 - mid span bending moment along longer span

𝑀′𝑋 - support bending moment along short span

𝑀′𝑦 - support bending moment along longer span

𝑃 𝑡 - percentageof steel
W - total design load
𝑊𝑑 - factored load
𝑇𝑐(𝑚𝑎𝑥) -maximum shear stress in concrete with shear

𝑇𝐶 - shear stress in concrete

𝑇𝑉 - nominal shear stress
Φ - diameter of bar
𝑃𝑈 - factored axial load
𝑀𝑈(𝑙𝑖𝑚) -limiting moment of resistance of a section without compression reinforcement

𝑀𝑈𝑋 , 𝑀𝑈𝑌 - moment about X and Y axis due to design loads

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Chapter 6
6.1 Seismic loads
Seismic loads are the loads generated to the structure due to effect of earthquake. It is a
lateral force. This is the first load which we have to assign in the software.

Fig 3 : seismic definition

6.2 Dead load

Dead load on a structure is the result of the weight of the permanent components such the roof,
floor, wall, and foundation systems, including claddings, finishes and fixed equipment. These
components will produce the same constant 'dead' load during the lifespan of the building. Dead
loads are exerted in the vertical plane.
Dead loads considered in the model consists of self-weight of the members, load of partition
walls and floor loads.

6.3 Live load

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Live loads (also known as applied or imposed loads, or variable actions) may vary over time and
often result from the occupancy of a structure. Typical live loads may include people, the action
of wind on an elevation, furniture, vehicles, the weight of the books in a library and so on.
According to IS 875 (Part 2) 1987, for a residential building the live load is considered as
The live load is added in STAADPro in the form of floor load.

Fig 4: assigning of life load

6.4 Self weight

Self-weight refers to the own weight of body, due to the mass present in it. In STAADPro we can
directly add the self-weight by selecting the whole structure and simply specifying the direction
of force. It is a dead load.

6.5 Load of walls

Walls are assumed to consists of common burnt clay bricks of 110 mm thickness conforming to
IS 1077-1992.
The weight of wall added in the software is in the form of uniformly distributed load and is given
to the beams under the respective wall.
Weight of wall = Unit weight of brick x (Wall Height x Thickness)- sizes of doors and windows
And this weight has to be assigned in the structure.

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Fig 5 : Defining wall loads

6.6 Load on landing beam of staircase

The loads carried by the landing beam of the staircase is calculated as shown below and then
applied in the respective landing beams of the structure as uniformly distributed loads just like
how we have done in wall loads. The calculation shown below is a sample of staircase
calculation we have done in our training structure.

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Fig 6 : calculation of staircase and assigning the loads to building

6.7 Floor load

Slab load is calculated in the following way
Slab load = thickness of slab× unit weight of concrete.
Thickness of slab= 120mm
Slab load= 0.12 x 25= 3kN/m2
Then the load has to be assigned to the structure in the following way. Both the dead and live
loads should be assigned

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Fig 7: defining and assigning floor loads

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6.8 Load combinations
In order to maintain either serviceability and safety if all types of force would have acted on all
structures at all times, we use a factored load combination. It can be either calculated manually
and assigned to the structure or we can generate an auto load combination through the software
according to the code we used.

Fig 8 : auto load combination generate

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1. Starting up STAADPro and using the Structure Wizard to model the structure according to the
plan and elevation given in Fig below

Fig 9 : structure model

2. Assigning the supports as fixed supports according to our structure.
3. Defining and assigning the geometric sections of beams, columns and slabs.

Fig 9 : defining section nproperties

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4. Defining Dead load and live load cases in the “Load and Definitions” tab according to Chapter

Fig 10 : live and dead load

5. A load combination is also defined.
5. STAADPro allows users to import the respective design codes for the region. With this the
software designs, analyses and gives the steel detailing of the members.
We select our codes for concrete and steel and define the parameters like grade of concrete,
grade of steel etc as shown in Figure 11 and Figure 12.

Fig :11 Fig : 12

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Fig 13: design result of beam by software
6. Now we select the “Analysis and Print” tab and proceed to analyse the structure.
7. After the successful analysis with zero errors and warnings. We proceed to the “Post
Processing” mode where we can view all the bending diagrams, axial force diagrams, shear force
diagrams and so on. The following figure is how the Bending Moment, Shear Force and Axil
Force looks like

Fig: Shear Force Diagram

Fig14: Bending Moment Diagram

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Fig: Axial Force Diagram

1. Even though the software itself can do design and detailing process, we do not prefer the
design given by the software since it is not economical and we can’t get what we like. For
this reason after we got the software output again we need to do manual design to get our
desired result.

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Chapter 7

Results and discussion

STAAD pro is a very good software which reduces our work. If there is no software like STAAD
pro the work of civil engineers will still be very tough. If all the calculations are done by human
hands then it will be very time consuming and also will lead to so many mistakes since we are
humans. Even though it is very helpful to us, the instructor doesn’t want us to use the software in
detailing because the result that we get from software is not suitable or appropriate in field. In
this case manual detailing is more economic and more efficient. And also we cannot model
staircase into the structure so the load id directly giving to the landing beams. But it may not be
the correct loads in case of load distribution. The beams where staircase starts might also take
some loads of the staircase. Overall it has been a very important software to civil engineers.

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Chapter 8



1. Designing using Softwares like Staad reduces lot of time in design work.
2. Details of each and every member can be obtained using staad pro.
3. All the List of failed beams can be obtained and also Better Section is given by the software.
4. Accuracy is Improved by using software.
The entire period of Software Training has given me good & important practical exposure of construction
work. At the end of the Software Training I feel myself better equipped and ready to face the software
problems related to Civil Engineering works. In these six weeks, I have learnt how to deal with
Authorities and workers under supervision and I have become familiar with the fact that the actual
designing work is much difficult from theoretical knowledge. But until you don't have the theoretical
knowledge, the practical work is very difficult to carry- out and understand.
There are four basic phase of any project in civil engineering era:
At the construction site we deal with the construction and maintenance phase of project but by the means
of software training we learn the initial two phase of project which are Planning and designing.
Working with experienced structure designers has enhanced my technical skills to a great extent for
which I am grateful to them. Their professional approach towards work is appreciable.
The training has provided me with much needed field exposure to ape up my thinking in a better way as a
professional making me a lot more capable to face the challenges of life

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Staad pro is widely used by most of the organization for their construction needs.
Unfortunately, well skilled staad pro engineers are very hard to search.
If we believe in the prediction of the industry experts then those students who will
be getting trained on staad pro in the current and upcoming two years will have bright and
successful career ahead in the real estate and construction domain.
By attending this training in STAAD.Pro we were able to learn various features of
STAAD.Pro which will be very helpful in the near future

1. Theory of Structures by Ramamrutham for literature review on kani's method.
2. Theory of structures by B.C.punmia for literature on moment distribution method.
3. Reinforced concrete Structures by A.K.jain and b.c.punmia fo rdesign of beams, columns and slab.
4.Fundamentals of Reinforced concrete structure by N. c. Sinha
Code Books
1.IS 456-2000 code book for design of beams, columns and slabs
2.SP-16 for design of columns.

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