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Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2019-Summer

Peer Reviewed
Year: 2019 Month: May Volume: 6
ISSN: 2350-8914 (Online), 2350-8906 (Print)

Comparative Study of Flat Slab Structures

Milan Karki a , Rajan Suwal b
a, b
Department of Civil Engineering, Pulchowk Campus, IOE, Tribhuvan University, Nepal
Corresponding Email: a [email protected], b [email protected],

In this industrial era, the selectively defined configuration, design of structure, reduction of time are some
extraordinarily important factors for the investor. This need has been asserted by flat slab RC system which has
been increasingly used as a more acceptable and structural system in this advanced era. With the absence of
beams, flat slabs enable optimal simple design, pure and clear space, speedy construction resulting in time
saving. In the present work, G+5, G+8 and G+11 storied traditional and flat slab models are considered. The
vulnerability of traditional and flat slab models under lateral loads were studied. The effect of change in drop
size of the flat was undertaken. The flat slab models are further strengthened by shear walls, perimeter beam,
and the effects of positioning of shear walls on performance of building models were analyzed. The seismic
analysis was performed by using Equivalent Static Method and Response Spectrum method using IS 1893.
The results in form of lateral displacement, inter storey drift, time period, base shear, overturning moment and
time period are compared for traditional, flat slabs and shear wall flat slab (SWFS) models and the analysis
was done using ETABS. The analysis showed that with the use of shear walls and perimeter beam, flat slabs
can be considered as system with an acceptable seismic risk.
Flat slab , Conventional slab, Shear wall , Lateral load, Storey drift

1. Introduction which the beams used in the conventional beam-slab

construction are done with.
In urban cities like Kathmandu, there has been huge
construction activities everywhere, hence there will be The history of construction of flat slab dates back to
a redundancy in the land space, so that has led in the 1906 by C.A.P. Turner in USA using conceptual ideas
development in the vertical direction in the form of which is said to be the start of this type of construction.
high rise buildings. The trend and ease of construction The use of flat slabs can be seen extensively in South
in Nepal is framed RCC structure when it comes to European countries like Italy, Spain and Portugal as
medium to high rise buildings due to ease of access of compared to two way slabs. Flat slabs are generally
materials, manpower and durability. In Nepal, the used in warehouses, public halls, libraries, malls and
general trend of RCC construction is termed as parking docks. In our neighboring country India too,
traditional beam slab construction technique where flat slab system has been adopted in metro cities.
the slab is supported by beam and beam is supported Flat plates initially were developed without drops and
by column. The beams used reduce the available net column heads due to lesser formwork. But in 1960s in
clear height of the building. However it is also Central America, flat slabs displayed major problems
possible to construct beamless slabs, the case in which in punching. There are different alternatives to
the frame system consists of slab and columns increasing the punching capacity such as adding
without beams. These types of special form of punching-shear reinforcements, using discrete fibers
construction are called flat slab construction. In flat in concrete mixes and increasing thickness of slab
slabs, the load from the slab is directly transferred on around columns. So for this research purpose for a flat
the column and then to the foundation. Reinforced slab to not fail in shear, drops are provided in flat
concrete flat slabs are a structural solution nowadays slabs as the value of moments is higher in column slab
for office, commercial and residential buildings in junction and thickness at the junction requires to be

Pages: 259 – 265

Comparative Study of Flat Slab Structures

increased. Drop panels above the column acts as achievement of improved bearing capacity of system
T-beams over the supports. Drop panels increase the with increased strength and stiffness is possible[7] .
shear capacity of the floor systems under vertical The lateral deformation of flat slab models can be
loads, thus increasing the economical span range. The strengthened by using perimeter beam, shear walls
different types of flat slabs in use are: and by increasing the cross section of the column.
The usefulness of structural walls has been long
A) Flat plates
recognized in the framing of the building. When walls
B) Flat slab with drop panel are situated in advantageous positions of building,
C) Flat slab with column head they can form an efficient lateral-force resisting
system, while simultaneously fulfilling other
D) Flat slab with drop panel and column head functional requirements [8]. The selection of
structural systems for buildings is influenced primarily
by the intended function, architectural configuration,
internal traffic flow and height and aspect ratio, and to
a lesser extent, the intensity of loading [9].

2. Analytical Cases
Figure 1: Types of flat slab A number of G+5, G+8 and G+11 storied
conventional and flat slab models with varying
As flat slabs are more flexible compared to traditional parameters such as drop size were made for the
beam slab structures, the storey drift increases analysis. The building dimension was taken as 20*30
significantly which can damage the non-structural m for research purposes. Different shear wall
members even with earthquakes of moderate intensity. orientation such as shear wall at periphery, L shaped,
So to overcome the excessive deformations, there is a core square, double C and I type were applied on the
need of lateral load resisting systems like shear walls flat slab and analysis was done accordingly. The
[1]. Base shear of flat plate buildings is found lesser material of the structure and the structural
than traditional slab buildings[2]. Flat slabs provide components are homogenous, isotropic and linearly
different advantages over traditional beam slab elastic. This assumptions allows the superposition of
construction like reduction in time, cost [3], weight; actions and deflections and hence, the use of linear
architectural flexibility like easier space partitioning; methods of analysis.
better illumination; lesser formwork and shuttering
aesthetic appearance; ease of installation of
Table 1: Design data for buildings
mechanical and electrical infrastructures; no need of
false ceiling due to flat soffit, use of prestressing Material properties √
techniques to reduce slab thickness and deflections[4]. Modulus of elasticity 5000 f ck
Poisson’s ratio 0.2
Even though flat slab RC buildings exhibits several Unit weight of concrete 25 kN/m3
advantages over conventional beam slab moment Grade of reinforcement Fe500
resisting frames, the structural effectiveness of flat Load intensities
slab construction is hindered by its inferior Floor Finish 1.5 kN/m2
performance under earthquake loading[5].The damage Wall load 10 kN/m
done by earthquake to flat slab structures is same as Live load 3 kN/m2
that of moment resisting frames for low limit states Type of soil Type II
Importance Factor 1
and varies for high damage levels[6].
Response Reduction Factor 3
Flat slab with use of certain rational materials and Zone V
techniques could be considered as a system with Building Description
acceptable seismic risk. It is seen that with Storey Height 3m
modification in additional construction elements, Dimension 20 m x 30 m

Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2019-Summer

Figure 5: Plan of flat slab building with 4m x 4m


Figure 2: Plan of conventional building

Figure 6: Flat slab with L shaped shear wall

Figure 3: Plan of flat slab building with 2m x 2m


Figure 7: Flat slab with core square

Figure 4: Plan of flat slab building with 3m x 3m

drop Figure 8: Flat slab with double C shear wall

Comparative Study of Flat Slab Structures

3. Methodology

The three dimensional geometrical models of building

were generated in ETABS v 16. Columns and beams
were modelled as framed elements whereas slab and
shear walls were modelled as shell elements and floor
rigidity was provided at each floor levels which allow
only three degree of freedom in each floor level.
Masses were lumped at each floor. This included the
dead load due to slabs, beams, columns and
non-structural elements such as partition walls and
Figure 9: Flat slab with perimeter beam
floor finish. For the analysis method, linear static and
dynamic analysis (response spectrum analysis) was
done as IS 1893(part I: 2016). Clause 7.7.1 suggests,
in buildings exceeding the height of 15 m linear
dynamic analysis should be done. [10] The basic
steps involved in the response spectrum analyis are as

1. Suitable response spectrum is selected.

2. Mode shapes and period of vibrations are


3. Levels of response from the design spectrum for

Figure 10: Flat slab with SW at periphery
the period of each of the modes considered are

4. The participation of each mode corresponding

to the single degree of freedom response is

5. Applying suitable method such as SRSS and

CQC method to obtained combined response.

6. The building for resulting moments and shear

force in same manner as static load analysis is

Figure 11: Flat slab with I shaped SW

4. Results and Discussions

4.1 Result comparison between traditional

and flat slab building

Figure 12: 3D model of G+11 flat slab Figure 13: Linear static Figure 14: Response
G+5 disp. spectrum G+5 disp.

Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2019-Summer

Figure 15: Linear static Figure 16: Response

G+5 drift spectrum G+5 drift

Figure 22: Drift comparison with different drop size

for G+11 storied building

Figure 17: Linear static Figure 18: Response

G+8 disp. spectrum G+8 disp.

Figure 23: Time period comparison with different

drop size for G+11 storied building

Figure 19: Linear static Figure 20: Response

G+8 drift spectrum G+8 drift 4.3 Results Comparison of flat slabs with
shear walls

4.2 Results Comparison between traditional Keeping the plan area of the shear walls constant,
and flat slab building with different drop different orientations of shear walls were tried out to
size achieve the best results from the same plan area of
shear walls.
The drop sizes were changed to 2x2, 3x3 and 4x4 m
and the results for G+11 storied building is compared.

Figure 21: Displacement comparison with different Figure 24: Displacement comparison of flat slab with
drop size for G+11 storied building different shear walls for G+11 storied building

Comparative Study of Flat Slab Structures

5. Conclusions
1. The maximum displacement can be seen in
purely flat slab model and lower displacement
is seen in traditional beam slab.

2. The inter storey drifts can be strengthened by

the use of perimeter beam and shear walls.

Figure 25: Drift comparison flat slab with different 3. As base shear is a function of mass and stiffness
shear walls for G+11 storied building of the structure, it can be seen that for traditional
beam slab structure and shear wall strengthened
structure, the base shear is more compared to
pure flat slab structures.

4. Time period of the building is seen to be

maximum in flat slab building and decrease in
time period can be seen in other structures with
stiffness higher compared to flat slab structures.

5. As flat slab buildings show higher deflection to

lateral loads, shear walls are a must to decrease
lateral deflection.

6. Keeping the same area of shear wall, most

Figure 26: Base shear comparison of flat slab with
effective location of shear wall is found to be
different shear walls for G+11 storied building
core square shear wall.

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Proceedings of IOE Graduate Conference, 2019-Summer

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