Edp 113 Episode 5 Format

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With all these information in mind, you are all set in writing your lesson

plan. Based on the instructions given by your Cooperating Teaching, prepare

your lesson plan (s) based on the learning competencies of the lesson.
Consider the age appropriateness and level of communication of your
Request lesson plan exemplars / lesson plan templates from your
Resource Teacher. If not available, you can make use of the basic
components of a lesson plan.

Lesson Plan in Physical Education

Grade Level: GRADE 8

Learning Outcomes
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

• Understand the fundamentals of Arts

• Identify the different art forms

• Create his/her own artwork

Learning Content

• Introduction to Arts
• Art Forms
• Principles of Arts
• Elements of Arts

Learning Resource
• Textbook (Practical MAPEH book page 86-90)
• Visual Aids (pictures/ slides)
• Art materials (for art activity)
Learning Procedures

I. Introduction

A. Motivation (5 minutes)

• Ask the students to share what kind of art they like and why

B. Objectives (5 minutes)

• Present the lesson objective to the students

II. Discussion (40 minutes)

A. Introduction to Arts (10 minutes)

• Discuss the definition of Arts

• Let the students share their experiences about Arts

B. Art Forms (15 minutes)

• Show visual aids to the students

• Discuss the different forms of Arts

• Ask the students to share some examples

C. Principles of Arts (15 minutes)

• Show visual aids to the students

• Discuss the different principles of Arts

• Ask the students to share some examples

III. Activity (15 minutes)

A. Art Activity (15 minutes)

• Instruct the students to create their own artwork using the art materials provided

• Ask them to explain their artwork

IV. Evaluation (5 minutes)

A. Summary (5 minutes)

• Ask the students to summarize what they have learned from the lesson

V. Closing (5 minutes)

• Ask the students to share their reflections about the lesson

The Department of Education has issued Department Order 42s 2016,
Policies Guidelines on Daily Lesson Preparation for the K to 12 Basic
Education Program.
These are the templates for the Detailed lesson Plan (DLP) and Daily Lesson
Log (DLL).
Instructional Planning
(The process of systematically planning, developing, evaluating and managing the
instructional process by using principles of teaching and learning – D.O. 42, s 2016)
Detailed Lesson Plan (DLP) Format

School Sagay National Grade 7

High School Level
Teacher Daniela Rios Learning PE
Time & Dates Quarter First


A.Content Standards
Identifies the striking techniques of Arnis

Standards Execute the striking and attacking stances in Arnis

Competencies/Objectives At the end of the discussion, students are expected to;
a. Identify the vital points in 12 striking techniques
Write the LC code for
b. Discuss the importance of striking as a form of self-
c. Perform the 12 striking techniques

Code: PE9RD-Illb-1

A.Reference Physical Education Grade 7 Learner's Material

1.Teacher’s Guide pages

2.Learner’s Materials MODERN ARNIS: The Filipino Art of Stick Fighting (Remy
pages Amador
Presas, 1978)
3.Textbook pages 12 Striking Techniques pp. 20-43

4.Additional Materials Arnis Full Drill

from Learning Resources https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E750oNltUml

Arnis Tutorial (12 Striking Techniques)


Encatadia: Danaya Fighting Scene


Raya and the Last Dragon | Official Trailer


A.Reviewing previous Preliminary activities

lesson or presenting the Greetings
new lesson
Checking of attendance
Reminding of Online Class Etiquettes
A. Have the students answer the following questions
regarding the previous lesson (Fundamental Skills)
Instructions: Type 22o (totoo/true) if the statements are true
CHISMIS if false.
1. Arnis is not the National Sports of the Philippines
2. Remy Amador Presas is the first propagator of Arnis
3. Left Forward stance is the only stance that was
named after an animal (CHISMIS)
4. Eskrima, Kali, and Garotte are just some of the terms
for Arnis. (220)
5. The two categories in Arnis when it comes to sporting
are LABAN and
ANYO (220)
B.Establishing a purpose A. Let the students identify the hidden message in the
for the lesson gibberish words

Example: Arc KNEES

Answer: ARNIS

Ate Hatch
Answer: ATTACK

Opt End sift


Tamp Whole
Answer: TEMPLE

Bite All crisp ought

C.Presenting examples / A. Let the students watch the following video and answer the
instances of the new following guide question.
Encatadia: Danaya Fighting Scene

Raya and the Last Dragon | Official Trailer


Guide Questions:
1. What are the titles of the TV series and Movie that
was shown in video clips
2. During the fighting scenes, what is the prominent
weapon that was used?
3. How did you feel when you saw the character using
Arnis the fight scenes?

D.Discussing new A. Discussing the twelve striking techniques.

concepts and practicing
Left Temple Strike
new skills #1
o Raise the arm with the cane and position the hand at
the back of the ear. The cane should be pointing
o Swing the cane inward to the opponent's left temple.
o The closed palm should now be facing upward.

Right Temple Strike

o Position the hand holding the cane above the left
shoulder with the palm facing the ground and the tip
of the cane pointing the back.
o Swing the cane forward to strike the opponent's right
temple. Palm should still facing the ground.

Left Shoulder Strike

o Position the hand holding the cane at back of the right
ear with the palm facing inside the tip of the cane
pointing to the back.
o Swing the cane forward to strike the opponent's
shoulder. The palm should now face upward.

Right Shoulder Strike

o Position the hand holding the cane at back of the right
ear with the palm facing inside the tip of the cane
pointing to the back.
o Swing the cane forward to strike the opponent's
shoulder. The palm
should now race upward

Stomach Thrust
o Draw back the hand holding the cane while the tip
should be pointing forward.
o Thrust the cane forward using the tip of cane as a
striking surface.

Left Chest Attack

o Position the hand holding the cane above the right
shoulder with the palm facing outside and the tip of
the cane pointing forward.
o Thrust the cane to the opponent's chest using the tip
as a striking surface.
Right Chest Attack
o Position the hand holding the cane near left shoulder
with the palm facing inside and the tip of the cane
pointing forward.
o Thrust the cane to the opponent's chest with the tip
as striking surface.

Right Knee Strike

o Position the hand holding the cane near right ear with
the palm facing inside and the tip of the cane pointing
o Swing the cane downward to strike the opponent's
right knee. Twist the wrist at course of the movement.
The palm should be facing upward.

Left Knee Strike

o Position the hand holding the cane art above the left
shoulder with the palm facing the ground and the tip
of the cane pointing backward.
o Swing the cane downward to strike the opponent's

Left Eye Thrust

o Position the hand holding the cane near the right ear
with the palm facing outside and the tip of the cane
pointing forward.
o Thrust the cane towards the opponent's left eye with
the tip as a striking surface.

Right Eye Thrust

o Position the hand holding the cane near left ear with
the palm facing inside and tip of the cane pointing
o Thrust the cane toward the opponent's right eye with
the tip of the cane as a striking surface.

Crown Strike
o Raise the hand holding the cane above head with the
tip of the cane pointing back.
o Swing the cane forward to strike opponent's crown.

E.Discussing new 1. The teacher demonstrates the twelve striking

concepts and practicing techniques while the students execute it. The
students are asked to open their cameras and grab
new skills #2
their yantok sticks.

2. Learners will watch the demonstration video for

further references.
Arnis Tutorial (12 Striking Techniques)


F.Developing mastery A. Have the learners create a short video presentation

(Leads to Formative showing the proper execution of flutter kick. The learners
must follow the instructions below:
Assessment 3)
Create a video presentation that demonstrates the 12 striking
techniques in arnis. A maximum of 1 minute only will be given
for the duration of the video. The video must be accompanied
by any upbeat music.

Additional Instructions
1. You must wear a proper attire for physical activities
2. Always do some stretching and warm up before
performing the routine.
3. Always follow the safety and health protocols

G. Finding practical With the power of Republic Act 9850 or the Arnis Law, arnis is
applications of concepts now the Philippine National Sports and Martial Arts. Ask the
students what are the important lesson that the sport might
and skills in daily living
teach us and connect it in their everyday life.

H.Making generalizations Have the learners summarize the lesson and discussion by
and abstractions about completing the graphic organizer.
the lesson

I.Evaluating learning Give the student a short quiz that is connected to the lesson
1. This is consisting of offensive stances to attack the
1. Pugay
2. Cat Stance
3. Striking Techniques
o None or the above
2. After the Right Chest Attack, what is the next attack?
1. Left Forward Attack
2. Right Forward Strike
3. Left Knee Attack
4. Right Knee Attack
3-5. Enumerate the 4th, 7m, and 12th attack according to
Presas 12 striking technique
School: Sagay National High School Grade Level: 9
Teacher: Daniela Rios Learning Area: MAPEH
Teaching Dates Quarter: First
Teaching Time: 3rd week Section: 9- Emerald
Monday Tuesday Wednesda Thursday Friday
The learner demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles used in Arnis in order to achieve personal fitness and self-
A.Content Standards worth.

B.Performance This module will allow students to learn and

Standards demonstrate the fundamental skills of Arnis in class.
Specific Objectives
Competencies/objective At the end of the lesson, the learners are expected to:
s Write the LC code for  Practice the basic and fundamentals skills in Arnis with few observable errors,
each  Execute with confidence a variety of techniques in Arnis (dose pares; single sinawali; double sinawali; advance and
peripheral sinawali; and redonda.)
 Understand the rules and terminologies used in Arnis by using them in action.
 Perform warm-up, stretching and cool down exercises properly.
 Be open to corrections from teachers and peers.
 Be critical and fair when evaluating others.


(Dual Sports) (Dual Sports) (Dual Sports) (Dual Sports) (Dual Sports)
Fundamental Skills Dose Pares (Attack Single Sinawali Peripheral Sinawali Redonda
and Defense) Advance Sinawali Double Sinawali

1.Teacher’s Guide 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9 8-9
2.Learner’s Materials 49-73 49-73 49-73 49-73 49-73
3.Textbook Pages
4.Additional Materials
from learning Resource
(LR) portal
Video Presentation/Arnis Video Video Video Video
B.Other Learning Stick/ Gym Presentation/Arnis Presentation/Arnis Presentation/Arnis Presentation/Arnis
Resources Stick/ Gy Stick/ Gy Stick/ Gy Stick/ Gy

Review of previous lesson
A.Review previews The teacher reviews the previous lesson in practice demonstration (3-5 minutes).

lesson or presenting a S makes sure the learners acquire the necessary skill before tracking the next lesson.
new lesson
The lesson shall consist of three parts:
1. The routine warm-up;
2. The basic skills in grip and body stance; and
3. The cool down exercise

B.Establishing a 1. The students shall learn

purpose for the lesson the fundamental and
basic skills in Arnis
After you have written your lesson plan, confer with your Resource Teacher
on how you can participate / assist in delivering instruction in one of his / her
classes. The Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, will guide you to
implement the various steps well.
Complete the given matrix by using Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, once
a lesson is assigned to you. Consult you Resource Teacher if your plans are
ready for implementation or your assistance is needed in any part of the
Segments of Events of Strategies and Learning
Learning Instruction Activities Used Resources /
Preparation 1.Gaining Attention To gain learners" The teacher
Attention the provides bond paper
teacher will ask for each group.
them to perform in a Presented the trailer
group. Then task video on the screen.
them to write a post
card. Then plays a
short trailer video
connected with the
poem they will be

2.Inform Learning While introducing The teacher uses

Objectives learners to the topic power
the teacher also Point presentation
informs them with to present learning
the learnings they objectives.
should have or
possessed after the

3.Stimulate Recall Before the teacher To present the

of Prior Learning start discussing she words and images
first ask them if they the teacher uses
have any ideas with DIY flash cards.
the words and
images presented.
Instruction and 4.Present the The teacher sent The teacher used
Practice Content everyone the copy of messenger to send
the poem they are the copy of the
going to discuss poem

5.Provide Learning I gave concrete Digital Learning

Guides examples and Resources (videos,
elaborate the lesson audio, text,
in the most easiest animation and
way. images.)
I used clear and Printed hand outs,
precise language textbook.
while discussing the
topic. I have
repeated my
directions.I provided
videos from
YouTube. Call-on
non volunteers,
those students who
do not raised their

6.Elicit After the discussion The activity was

Performance the teacher gave an posted on the
activity that will google classroom
measure with limited time to
Their understanding practice learners
on the poem critical thinking and
remembering the time management.
words they use to
explain what is the
poem about.
Feedback The teacher have
notebook writing Notebook and sheet
feedback. 'There of paper
were also criteria
and rubrics where
students can also
give their opinions
and comments.

Assessment and 8.Assess To assess learners,

Transfer Performance the teacher group
them alphabetically,
this group will serve
as a bracket that PPT, visual aids
determine the task
given to them. They
are task to perform
individually with the
given task
9.Enhance The teacher asks if
Retention any of the class can Visual aids.
sum up the learning Multimedia and
they have gained on lectures
the lesson.
1. What factors did you consider in writing your lesson / learning

When developing my lesson/learning plan. I kept my learners' ages in

mind to ensure that the language and activities I used are appropriate
for them. I'm also thinking about incorporating different activities into
performance tasks, because I want my students to be able to express
what they've learned in class. I want to make my lessons more
engaging and exciting so that my students are motivated to learn.

2. What difficulties did you meet in writing lesson / learning plans?

I'm having trouble imagining how I'll present the lesson and what
activities I'll include in my lesson plan because we're doing an online
class. Because I'm unfamiliar with how to make online lessons
engaging, I'm having difficulty deciding on specific strategies to

3. What feedback was / were given by your Resource Teacher in your

first draft / succeeding lesson / learning plans?
My resource teacher was unable to review my draft lesson plan due to
a lack of time and a hectic schedule. But she's ecstatic that I passed
the semi-in-depth lesson. I'm also confident that my learning strategy
can be improved.

4. What were the best features / areas for improvement of your lesson
/learning plans?

I'm having trouble imagining how I'll present the lesson and what
activities I'lI include in my lesson plan because we're doing an online
class. Because I'm unfamiliar with how to make online lessons
engaging. I'm having difficulty deciding on specific strategies to

Analyze the various components of your lesson plans by answering the

given matrix. Take note that you must have provisions to do this lesson on a
face to face, modular or through online learning.

Using Robert Gagne’s Nine Events of Instruction, what did you notice
in the following segments of learning?

 How did the students react to the activities / various elements of

arouse their interests?
When the teacher starts to play the trailer video. They all seems
amazed. Those students who don't pay attention suddenly stop
with their businesses and watch the video.

 Were the students focused when you were stating the learning
objectives at the beginning of the lesson?

They are all listening when the teacher was explaining the
learning outcomes she wanted to have her students after the
lesson. They are also agreeing with what the teacher is saying.

 How did the new learnings relate with what they really know?

When the teacher is reviewing the difficult words on the poem

some of them are responding and seems like they are already
familiar with the words and even one of the student was familiar
with the poem itself.

 Did you notice some students who needed assistance? What

did you do?

Yes, not all students have good vocabulary they seemed

clueless with some words and even clueless of the activity. The
teacher assists them by rephrasing or repeating the direction.

 Did the students find difficulty in applying the theories / concepts

learned to real life?
Not really, students had the chance to apply what they have
learned in composing essay through its correct structure. As a
student teacher, I was able to give students to collaborate and
learn from each other where they can apply concepts they have
learned in real-life such as collaboration and multidisciplinary
team experience. I was also able to develop activities that relate
deeper relationships and similar organizing of ideas.

 How did your students react to your feedback?

When the teacher was giving feedback on their works they

seemed interested they also excited to know if their answer is
correct. Their response while the teacher was giving feedback
seems like they really are interested with the lesson.

 What pieces of evidence can prove that the students had

retention of learning?

Most of the students are able to answer their activity correctly.

And on generalization most of the learners are raising their
hands to volunteer to summary the lesson they have discussed.
Questions Answers
1. How did you arouse students ‘interest? By showing a video and posing a
What motivational techniques did you problem to my students, I am able to
indicate in your plan? capture their attention and help them
understand the lesson fully.
Additionally, posing problems in the
classroom can not only enhance their
learning experiences, but also give them
the opportunity to think critically and
express themselves freely. Problem-
solving activities can not only help
students understand mathematical
concepts better, but also improve their
engagement, participation, and
motivation. All in all, there is a great
benefit to using video presentations and
problem-solving activities in the
2. How did you respond to the diverse I addressed the various types of learners
types of learners? by tailoring my examples and activities
to different genders, religions,
1.1 gender, needs, strengths,
ethnicities, and so on. To further engage
interests and experiences
1.2 linguistic, cultural, socio-economic my students, I encouraged them to think
and religious backgrounds of their own examples based on
1.3 with disabilities, giftedness and personal experiences or interests.
talents Additionally, I implemented
1.4 in difficult circumstances instructional and assessment strategies
1.5 from indigenous groups that catered to the students' individual
needs and interests.
3. What instructional strategies will
you employ in face to face or in a remote To deliver this lesson via remote learning or
learning delivery for this lesson? Explain. face-to-face, I will employ the following
instructional strategies:

o Quizizz - because it is well-known for

its free gamified quizzes and
interactive lessons, which can
captivate any learner.
o Video presentations - because it
helps students learn all subjects, but
especially those that are complex
and/or highly visual, such as step-by-
step procedures, problem-solving,
and math formulas.
o Group activities - because it can be
an effective means of motivating
students, encouraging active
learning, and developing critical-
thinking, communication, and
decision-making abilities.
o Written assessment - because it
enables students to demonstrate
their abilities and knowledge while
also indicating their progress toward
meeting educational goals and

4. Was the language used appropriate to Yes, I took the initiative of using
the level of the students? Explain your English terms that the Grade 8 students
answer briefly. would recognize, in order to ensure that
I am assessing their comprehension in
an appropriate way. Furthermore, I am
mindful of the language that I use in the
classroom so as to not be biased against
any of the students. I will be as
objective and impartial as possible in
my language, by using terms that are
specific, yet appropriate for the
students’ level of understanding. I will
also strive to make learning enjoyable
and interesting for the students, whilst
still maintaining the academic
atmosphere in the classroom.
5. What types and levels of questions
did you formulate? Are they of the higher Lower-order and higher-order thinking skills
questions are the types and levels of
order thinking skills (HOTS)? Write two
questions I formulate.
(2) examples. In my lesson, here are some examples of
higher order thinking skills questions:

1. How can we create a plan for an effective

warm-up routine for our PE class? (Higher
Order Thinking Skill)

2. What is the best way to teach our students

the proper technique for doing a squat?
(Higher Order Thinking Skill)

6. What instructional resources will you My instructional resources will be YouTube

use? Why? Cite the possible online videos and Ouizizz.
o YouTube videos, in my opinion, can
resources that you can utilize whether
cater to both visual and aural
done in the classroom or in remote learners.
learning? o Quizizz, a game-based learning
platform, can also engage and
motivate students.

7. Are your modes of assessment Yes, my modes of assessment are

aligned with your learning outcomes aligned with my learning outcomes and
and activities? Cite a specific example. activities. For example, when teaching
my students how to throw a ball, I
assess their technique by having them
complete a series of drills. I then use a
rubric to evaluate their performance on
each drill and provide feedback
accordingly. This helps me to ensure
that my students are able to master the
skills necessary to throw a ball
8. Will your performance tasks ensure Yes, my performance tasks will ensure
the mastery of the learning the mastery of the learning
competencies? Explain briefly. competencies. Performance tasks allow
students to demonstrate their knowledge
and mastery of the learning
competencies in a more tangible way.
Through performance tasks, students
can apply their knowledge in a practical
setting and show their mastery of the
material. By providing students with
performance tasks, I can ensure that the
learning competencies are being
addressed and that the students are truly
mastering the material
9. In a scale of 1-10, How will you rate I would rate my learning plan(s) as an 8
your learning plan(s)? Justify your out of 10. I have carefully crafted my
answer. lessons to make sure they are as
engaging as possible and I have
included a variety of activities that
provide students with an opportunity to
improve their physical education skills.
I have also included activities that
provide students with an opportunity to
engage in physical activity, which is
important for overall health and
wellbeing. Additionally, I have
considered the varying needs of my
students and have adjusted my lessons
10. If this lesson is not implemented face If I were to teach a lesson remotely, I
to face, how are you going to do it would create a video lesson that
remotely? students could watch. This video lesson
would need to break down the skills and
movements into manageable chunks and
explain them clearly. I would also create
worksheets and activities that students
can do at home, either with minimal
equipment or with items found around
the house. Additionally, I would set up a
virtual space where students can ask
questions and receive feedback. Finally,
I would provide feedback and guidance
to each student throughout the lesson

After planning your lesson(s) you may be requested by your Resource

Teacher to deliver the lesson(s). Your Resource Teacher will use a classroom
observation sheet to evaluate the delivery of your lesson(s) Schools use different
tools in rating classroom / online observations. Below is an example of a classroom
observation form / sheet.

Areas of Strengths Areas of Improvement

1.Subject Matter Content
The teacher showed Improve ability to delve
Demonstrate depth and comprehensive deeper into the content
breadth of the subject understanding to the and related materials.
matter. material; this was evident
in her responses to
Shows mastery of the student’s questions.
subject matter
2.Organization of the

Present subject matter

sequentially and logically. The teacher had the material The teacher should make
necessary to conduct this PE sure that students
lesson. understand what she was
States clear learning
explaining by asking
outcomes She had well-organized question ensuring they were
printouts on hand to conduct learning the material.
Synthesizes main points the lesson.
The teacher was able to
conduct her lesson very
Meet class at scheduled smoothly since she was very
time organized.

Regularly monitors
classroom on-line course

3.Rapport / Interaction
with the Students
The teacher made this
Holds interest of students lesson very fun; she had
students sitting on the floor
Is respectful, fair and surrounding her to be
impartial closer to her and gave her
a clear view of students
Provides immediate understanding.
Conversation was allowed
Encourages active to shift along with student
participation comments and or
questions celebrating
Interacts with students interest/ enthusiasm and
encouraging all students to
Shows enthusiasm participate
4.Teaching Methods and

Utilizes relevant teaching

methods / strategies The teacher demonstrated I am suggesting that the
various activities on the teacher should always give
board then conducted a students a sheet to work on
Uses learning aids, materials, practice their learning about their answers and word
and technology the topic. essays. It will help them to
increase their learnings.
The teacher then showed
Employs cooperative / group
involvement in the classroom activities and problems
and remote learning using a video for students to
explore different view and
their opinions.
Uses examples that are
simple, clear, precise, and
appropriate Students were quietly sent
back to their desks. Once at
Stays focused on and meets their desks the teacher
made sure what they had
stated learning outcomes
reviewed before giving
students their assignment

5.Presentation of the

Establishes online course

or classroom environment
conducive to learning

Maintains eye contact

Uses a clear voice, strong

projection, proper

Has a good command of

the language

Uses Language within the

level of students

Begins and end classes on


Uses time Wisely

Attend course interaction

Demonstrates leadership
ability maintains discipline
and control

Maintains effective
classroom and e-plat form
7.Sensitivity to Students’

Exhibits sensitivity to
students’ personal culture,
gender differences and

Responds appropriately in
a non-threatening, pro-
active learning
8.Support / Assistance to

Assists students with

academic problems

Clarifies points in the

lessons which are not
clear to the students

Allots time for questions /


Shows self-confidence

Maintains professional
distance and professional
10.Physical Aspects of
the Classroom

Oversees the physical

attributes of classroom,
light, ventilation, acoustics)

Checks number of
students in attendance

Checks layout of room,

distractions, if any

Lists any observations on

how the physical aspects
of the classroom affected
content delivery

Overall impression of teaching effectiveness:

As I observed, I think the teacher has developed a great teaching method
which is part of everyone's learning. I can see that this kind of teaching will be
effective and there will be a good way to go through the classroom if
everyone has a contribution to everyone's learning.

Why is lesson planning an integral part of the instructional cycle?

Lesson planning is an integral part of the instructional cycle because it helps to

ensure that students have a clear understanding of the goals and objectives of the
lesson, as well as the strategies and resources needed to achieve those goals. It
also provides structure to the learning process and allows the teacher to effectively
assess student progress. By planning lessons, teachers are able to tailor instruction
to the needs of the students, as well as providing a comprehensive overview of the
content that will be taught. Additionally, by having a plan, the student teacher can
make sure that the learning objectives are met and that the lesson is organized in a
way that will help the students learn and retain the material. Furthermore, lesson
planning allows the teacher to anticipate potential misunderstandings or areas of
difficulty and adjust instruction accordingly.
1. The problems / challenges I encountered in writing my learning /
lesson plans.

One of the challenges I faced when designing my lesson plan was

balancing various learning because children in a classroom will
have a wide range of demands. While approaching a certain
curriculum, it will be tough to satisfy all of them in the same way.

2. I hope to achieve to address these problems and challenges by

seeking advice from my cooperating teachers and learning more

about various teaching. tactics for varied pupils.

3. Some strategies / solutions / means that I can employ to improve
these situations / problems

Incorporate a lot of creativity and varied strategies into your

teaching to make it more effective.
It's critical to create adjustments that don't make people feel like
second-class citizens. If some students require note-taking
assistance, for example, making notes available to all students
benefits everyone without prejudice toward those who require
assistance. The workload and resources required to properly teach
a diverse student can be considerably reduced because to
digitization, adaptive learning, and educational technologies.
4. Based on my answers in nos. 1-3, the possible title of my action
research on this episode is

"Finding Balance: Crafting an Inclusive Lesson Plan to Meet the

Diverse Needs of Students"

To further enrich my knowledge in writing my learning / lesson plans

whether in the classroom or in remote learning, these are some of the online
resources which will help me in these activities. (include books, websites,
youtube videos and the like and share these to your peers.)

Distance Learning; How to Manage Your Remote Learning Classroom


Creating A Classroom Management Plan:

Realizing the various skills that you need to master in preparing the
learning / lesson plans, which are the most difficult? The easiest to write?
Conduct a simple survey from among your peers by requesting them to
answer this simple questionnaire.

Instruction: These are the basic skills in lesson plan writing. Rate yourself on
the level of difficulty of doing the following based on your experience.

4- very difficult
3- difficult
2- moderate in difficulty
1- not difficult
4- very 3- 2- 1-not
difficult difficult moderate difficult
1.Stating learning outcomes
2.Identifying learning resource to be
3.Sequencing the lesson in an engaging
and meaningful manner
4.Planning specific learning activities

5.Identifying strategies to be used

6.Formulating higher order thinking

questions (HOTS)
7.Integrating lesson concepts to real life
8.Integrating values in the lessons

9.Formulating assessment tools

10.Identifying performance tasks

11.Giving assignments
12.Planning for lesson closure /
synthesis ✔️

13.Others (please specify)

Check for Mastery

Direction: Read the questions then choose the letter of the correct answer.

1.Why are learning / lesson plans important?

A. To allow students to participate more
B. Maintain order in class
C. To ensure quality instruction
D. To comply with school standards
2.Which is NOT in the cognitive domain?
A. Identify nouns in sentences
B. Differentiate noun from pronouns
C. Give examples of nouns
D. Draw examples of nouns

3.Why are attention getters needed at the beginning of the class?

A. To arouse student’s interest
B. To avoid truancy in class
C. To make the students active
D. To keep the students focused

4.Which is considered high order thinking skills in the given questions?

A. Why are plants important?
B. What are the needs of plants?
C. How do we take care of plants?
D. If you are the plant, what will you tell humankind?

5.Which of these objectives does NOT belong to the group?

A. Narrate a story using varied materials
B. Rewrite the story using various forms
C. Draw the events of the story
D. Give the moral lesson of the story
Paste one (1) lesson plan and write your simple reflection.

Lesson planning are an essential component of a teacher's life. Every

teacher uses lesson plans because planning lessons ahead of time allows
teachers to enter the classroom fully prepared to teach new topics and
conduct meaningful conversations rather than puzzling things out as
they go. Without a lesson plan, children can easily lose focus, and
teachers may find themselves grasping for ideas on what to do next.

Using lesson plans, I can confidently deliver each lesson because I know
I am prepared and know what to do because I have planned for it. I also
learned that lesson preparation strategies, methods, and approaches
must support engaging student-centered activities in order to enhance
higher learning processes and ensure that students retain the teachings
successfully. I also learnt that developing a lesson plan is critical since it
serves as a road map for achieving your goals. It acts as a guide to
completing the instructional goals. Furthermore, the fact that lesson
planning requires arranging your lecture ahead of time provides me
confidence to address the issue. I am certain that in order to ensure
ongoing learning, I must be completely prepared before I teach.

Attach pieces of evidence of your delivery of (lesson plans, pictures,

screen shots and the like.

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