Educ 104
Educ 104
Educ 104
Visit a classroom other than your own with permission from the teacher.
Focus your observation and interview on the presence or absence of the seven types of
curricula and their descriptions.
1. Recommended Almost curricula are found in the online class and face
to face class.
2. Written All the lessons are proper and mostly the activities
and quizzes are written.
In this activity you will gather information direct from teachers to find out what curriculum
activities they are involved in:
Step 1- Look for at least 10 teachers coming from one or different schools and are currently
teaching either in the private or public schools.
Step 3- With the use of the Teacher Survey Tool below, conduct the survey during your
observation schedule.
1. What is your own definition of a curriculum? Write down your answer in the space
Label the description/definition on the left with either Traditional (T), or Progressive (P).
Pick up a daily newspaper and read today’s headline. Choose one and reflect on this headline
that relates to curriculum and to your becoming a curricularist. Write your answer in at least two
1. Describe the model of curriculum development which you understood best. Write in two
2. What phase of the curriculum process do you find very important as a teacher? Why?
1. Lev Vygotsky
He encourages teachers to provide more activities to their students, because he believes that
social interaction has a great impact on a child’s learning.
2. Daniel Goleman
He believes that learning is more than just facts and figures. He developed a model that
assesses the emotional intelligence of an individual in order to improve his or her ability to learn.
3. William Kipatrick
He believed that curriculum should develop children through small group activities and social
4. Hilda Taba
She encourages students to learn about their different backgrounds through the social studies
curriculum. She believes that learning should be evaluated not only to see what students are
really learning, but also to see what changes might need to be made in their studies.
5. Ralph Tyler
He is well-known for his efforts to find out how students learn best and what changes need to be
made in the curriculum.
6. John Dewey
7. Abraham Maslow
He is widely considered to be a very important person in his field. In order to move up in life, you
need to make certain things a priority.
8. Carl Rogers
He stresses that each person has the capability to become and show their true self through
three attributes.
9. Franklin Bobbit
He stresses that curriculum should adapt to the needs of learners and society. It should not be
taught in a way that cannot be applied in real life.
He is known for his research on modern technologies that are changing the world.
1. Identify which among the foundations of curriculum, has influenced what you have learned in
school as a college student?
As a math major student, I realized that all courses have a foundation. I believe that this is
wonderful for all students. Examine some of the mathematical concepts underlying the subject,
as well as how they are applied in real-world situations. A further definition of the study of the
foundations of mathematics would be the study of fundamental mathematical principles such as
sets, functions, geometric figures, numbers, and so on."
2. How will the thinking of Abraham Maslow influence your teaching practice in the future?
To achieve academic success, students need to reach Maslow's higher levels of needs. These
include self-esteem, a sense of belonging and feeling they have a purpose. If I can help
students meet these needs by my actions in the classroom, they will be motivated to succeed
Yes, I agree with Alvin Toffler. He says that the influence of new technology has had a significant
impact on the nature of society, such as the interactions between people and political and
economic organizations. People have to adjust their lifestyles to some extent in order to accept
technological innovation.
2. Using the matrix given below, analyze the sample you secured and give your suggestions
based on the principles and concepts you learned in the lesson.
Intended Learning At the end of the discussion, the The objectives are well-written
students must be able to: and clearly present the
Outcomes/Objectives cognitive, affective, and
Analyze the proper usage of
psychomotor skills the students
modals expressing ability.
should learn. Furthermore, the
1. Reflect about the different
SMART principle was evident
abilities they possess. in the intended learning
Perform tasks in relation to the outcomes.
song's message.
Content/Subject Matter Topic: Modals expressing Ability The content or subject matter
Reference: De Guzman, Rolando C.; is relevant to the outcomes of
et. the curriculum. It is also
Al (2016) Modal Auxiliaries. The appropriate to the level of
New lesson or unit. However, it
Modern English in Action, Volume lacks a reference that is
26 comprehensive enough to
(Issue no.4). pp. 3-5. (2015, March make it complete.
26). Retrieved March 23, 2018, from
Answer briefly:
1. Which one principle of Oliva is reflected in the Lesson Plan? Explain briefly.
This lesson plan was developed following the principles of Dr. Oliva, who taught us that it is
important to develop lessons that look at goals, objectives and outcomes. Each component will
be evaluated for performance in accordance with the systematic procedure outlined for that
2. If you were to improve the design, what will you add, or subtract or modify? Write your re-
design suggestion.
I would improve the design by adding some references from books, modules, and/or
publications. I would also add more activities that focus on the topic, which would integrate
technology into the activities.
Which of the following concepts do you clearly understand? Answer Yes or No to the questions
that follow.
Questions Answer
8. Are time tested methods like inductive and lecture no longer useful?
After reading and discussing with my classmates, this lesson on fundamentals of curriculum
designing or crafting a curriculum,
1. I realize that
Before you create a curriculum, you must think about your resources. If the study is needed and
suitable in the present society because it should respond to changes brought about by current
social forces, philosophical positions, psychological principles and new knowledge. It would be
great also if you have plenty of knowledge in crafting a curriculum or if you can adapt multiple
2. I feel that
You can't just make a curriculum and expect it to work. It takes time, hard work and a lot of
effort. For example, you need to be specific in dealing with the proper arrangement of the
desired curriculum.
3. I need to
In designing a curriculum, I need to be more focused and updated about changes that may
happen in future so that I could still manage to compete with other curriculum designers and
particularly I must learn more since life is a constant learning process.