Analog Electronics 2023
Analog Electronics 2023
Analog Electronics 2023
Course Status: Networks and Security Duration: 2hrs Level: 100 Total Marks: 70
Students are to answer all questions. Good English and orderly presentation of work is highly
1) In the amplifier of the figure below, VDD = 20 V; R1 = 1 MΩ; R2 = 15.7 MΩ; RD = 3kΩ,
and RS = 2kΩ. For the JFET characteristics, give the Thevenin equivalent circuit of the
corresponding circuit below. (3 marks)
a) Find the equation of the transfer bias line (2 marks)
b) Find the equation of the dc load line (3 marks)
c) Find IDQ, (2 marks)
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