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Lab #1

Nucleic Acid Models Lab Assignment

Randy-Joe Wilson
Biology 122
June 19th, 2022

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In terms of cell performance, and repetitive functions, DNA is normal. Nucleotides are
phosphate-sugar-base molecules that form the repeating units of the DNA molecule. DNA is a
double-chained molecule with a double helix shape, which resembles a twisted ladder-like layout.
RNA is a single-chained, simplified molecule. The four DNA nucleotides cytosine, guanine,
thymine, and adenine, connect with one another in very specific ways. Each RNA nucleotide
contains a phosphate group, a ribose sugar, and one of four nitrogenous bases adenine, uracil,
cytosine, and guanine. The phosphate end of a nucleotide is referred to as the "5 prime" or 5' end.
The sugar end is the 3 prime or 3' end. The 5' end of a nucleotide is always joined to the 3' end of
another nucleotide. The DNA molecule has one side that is antiparallel to the other. The sugar-
phosphate backbones, run in opposite directions. As the DNA "unzips," new base pairs move into
place in the same area of the molecule, creating new nucleotides for each base pair, and the
bubbles grow.

In this project, you will make and take pictures of marshmallow and licorice models of DNA, as
well as its replication and subsequent transcription by RNA. Each of the five nitrogenous bases
will be represented by a different colour of mini marshmallow, And the licorice represents the
helix of sugar-phosphate.

The project's main hypothesis is that there isn't much to the hypothesis, to begin with. The
instructions are mostly straightforward, and if followed correctly, you'll end up with multiple
candy models depicting various DNA versions.

Materials that were used in this assignment are Twizzlers licorice, mini colored marshmallows,
mini white marshmallows, and toothpicks.

DNA Model
The first step to completing the assignment is to get your materials out and ready. What you’ll
need is licorice, mini coloured and mini plain white marshmallows, and toothpicks.
Secondly, create your own 12 base pair using the four nitrogenous bases, Adenine, thymine,
cytosine, and guanine, are the ones you’ll use. Keep track of your DNA sequence.
Start by putting together your DNA molecule, by making sure to place the correct colour of
marshmallow on the toothpick and place that in the middle of two pieces of licorice. In the end,
you should have something that looks like a ladder. To finish off the first part of the project is to
slowly twist the model you created, into the shape of a helix.

DNA Replication

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Using your model, create a replication “bubble” of 6-8 base pairs. Find the directionality, that
determines the 3' and 5' ends, and once again keep track of your sequence (note: The 5' end of a
nucleotide is always joined to the 3' end of another nucleotide.) Now attempt to replicate
a bidirectional replication, using the materials for this assignment. (Note: In this type of DNA
replication, replication moves in both directions from the starting point. As a result, two
replication forks form, each moving in opposite directions.) The result should again be a ladder
like shape, that you’ll twist into a helix shape like in the first part of the Project.

Transcription by mRNA
Take a look at your first DNA model that was made, and from that make a complementary RNA
strand with the materials used for this project. Remember that RNA is only a single strand. In
RNA, thymine isn't used, instead, uracil is used. So, DNA adenine is only compatible with RNA
uracil, DNA thymine is only compatible with RNA adenine, DNA guanine is only compatible
with RNA cytosine, and DNA cytosine is only compatible with RNA guanine. To reiterate, you
should end up with a single strand with a complementary RNA sequence to the original DNA
one. It might be a little hard to mold it into shape because of the materials used, but try to make it
into a helix or a twisty shape, if possible.

Observations and Results

Marshmallow-base key:
Base Adenine Thymine Uracil Cytosine Guanine

Pink Green Yellow Orange White


DNA Model

Description Untwisted for a better view Twisted (Note: Hard to shape but more

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Original 12 C-A-A-G-T-T-C-G-A-A-C-T-G
base pair | | | | | | | | | | | | |

Description replication “bubble” of 6-8 base pairs, replication “bubble” of 6-8 base pairs,
single strand, for better view.
6-8 base 5' A-G-T-T-C-G-A-A 5' A-G-T-T-C-G-A-A 3' T-C-A-A-G-C-T-
pairs, T
directionality 3' T-C-A-A-G-C-T-T
5' and 3' ends 3' T-C-A-A-G-C-T-T 5' A-G-T-T-C-G-A-

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Description Untwisted for a Better view. Twisted (Note: hard to shape the
material in the proper formation)
Bidirectional 5' A-G-T-T-C-G-A-A 3' T-C-A-A-G-C- Same directionality 5' and 3' ends, as the
replication, T-T previous column stated.
directionality 3' T-C-A-A-G-C-T-T 5' A-G-T-T-C-G-
5' and 3' ends A-A (Repeated)

3' T-C-A-A-G-C-T-T 5' A-G-T-T-C-G-

5' A-G-T-T-C-G-A-A 3' T-C-A-A-G-C-
T-T (Repeated)

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by mRNA

Description Supposed to be curvier. (Note: hard to

shape the material in the proper
mRNA strand G-U-U-C-A-A-G-C-U-U-G-A-C
from your
original DNA

The results are exactly as expected. Multiple versions of DNA and RNA were made. Licorice and
mini marshmallows were the materials used to represent the various parts of DNA and RNA.

In conclusion, The purpose of the assignment was to create marshmallow and licorice models of
DNA, as well as its replication and subsequent transcription by RNA. As was mentioned in the
hypothesis, the instructions were pretty straightforward, and as a result, were very predictable.
Meaning nothing unexpected happened, the experience went as expected.

1. What do each of the marshmallows, toothpicks and licorice sticks represent in your
DNA model?
The marshmallows represented the four DNA nucleotides. Cytosine, guanine, thymine, and
adenine. Also, The four RNA nucleotide bases adenine, uracil, cytosine, and guanine. The
licorice was used as the Sugar-phosphate backbone. Finally, the toothpicks were used to keep
the marshmallow base pairs in place in the sugar-phosphate licorice.

2. Give two suggestions on how to improve this activity. What else could be done to add
depth to the completed models
Something that would improve the assignment would be the materials that were used. Candy
is great, but it was a bit difficult to mold the models into place. As a suggestion, pipe cleaners
and craft beads might be a better more flexible option and less sticky. Secondly, a brief

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definition/description of certain elements would have been helpful. Take the term
bidirectional replication, for example, not everyone might know what that is without
researching it. That way when it comes time to do, let’s say lab reports, like this one, or just
answering questions about it in general, they might understand it better when it comes time to
explain what it is out.

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Khan Academy. (n.d.). DNA structure and Replication Review (article). Khan Academy.
Retrieved June 14, 2022, from
expression-and-regulation/replication/a/hs-dna-structure-and-replication-review (DNA structure
and replication Reference)

© New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. All Rights
Reserved. (n.d.). DNA Replication. Module 1: Genetic Continuity. Retrieved June 14, 2022, from (Module 1: Genetic
Continuity DNA Replication notes)

© New Brunswick Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. All Rights
Reserved. (n.d.). Nucleic Acids. (Module 1: Genetic Continuity . Retrieved June 14, 2022, from (Module 1: Genetic
Continuity Nucleic Acids notes)

Reed-Dale. (2014, November 1). DNA replication. SlideServe. Retrieved June 14, 2022, from (bidirectional replication reference)

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