Climate Change - Oxford 2023
Climate Change - Oxford 2023
Climate Change - Oxford 2023
Perspective article
�Correspondence address. Director of Climate Science, Awareness and Solutions, Earth Institute, Columbia University, 475 Riverside Drive, Ste. 401-O, New York,
NY 10115, USA. E-mail: [email protected]
Improved knowledge of glacial-to-interglacial global temperature change yields Charney (fast-feedback) equilibrium climate sensi
tivity 1.2 ± 0.3� C (2r) per W/m2, which is 4.8� C ± 1.2� C for doubled CO2. Consistent analysis of temperature over the full Cenozoic
era—including ‘slow’ feedbacks by ice sheets and trace gases—supports this sensitivity and implies that CO2 was 300–350 ppm in the
Pliocene and about 450 ppm at transition to a nearly ice-free planet, exposing unrealistic lethargy of ice sheet models. Equilibrium
global warming for today’s GHG amount is 10� C, which is reduced to 8� C by today’s human-made aerosols. Equilibrium warming is
not ‘committed’ warming; rapid phaseout of GHG emissions would prevent most equilibrium warming from occurring. However, de
cline of aerosol emissions since 2010 should increase the 1970–2010 global warming rate of 0.18� C per decade to a post-2010 rate of at
least 0.27� C per decade. Thus, under the present geopolitical approach to GHG emissions, global warming will exceed 1.5� C in the
2020s and 2� C before 2050. Impacts on people and nature will accelerate as global warming increases hydrologic (weather) extremes.
The enormity of consequences demands a return to Holocene-level global temperature. Required actions include: (1) a global increas
ing price on GHG emissions accompanied by development of abundant, affordable, dispatchable clean energy, (2) East-West coopera
tion in a way that accommodates developing world needs, and (3) intervention with Earth’s radiation imbalance to phase down
today’s massive human-made ‘geo-transformation’ of Earth’s climate. Current political crises present an opportunity for reset, espe
cially if young people can grasp their situation.
Keywords: Aerosols; Climate Sensitivity; Paleoclimate; Global Warming; Energy Policy; Cenozoic
Background information and structure intermediate waters of the ocean to absorb heat could delay the
of paper estimated warming by several decades.’
After U.S. President Jimmy Carter signed the 1980 Energy
It has been known since the 1800s that infrared-absorbing
Security Act, which included a focus on unconventional fossil
(greenhouse) gases (GHGs) warm Earth’s surface and that the
fuels such as coal gasification and rock fracturing (‘fracking’) to
abundance of GHGs changes naturally as well as from human
extract shale oil and tight gas, the U.S. Congress asked the
actions [1, 2].1 Roger Revelle wrote in 1965 that we are conducting
National Academy of Sciences again to assess potential climate
a ‘vast geophysical experiment’ by burning fossil fuels that accu effects. Their massive Changing Climate report had a measured
mulated in Earth’s crust over hundreds of millions of years [3] tone on energy policy—amounting to a call for research [5]. Was
Carbon dioxide (CO2) in the air is now increasing and already has not enough known to caution lawmakers against taxpayer sub
reached levels that have not existed for millions of years, with sidy of the most carbon-intensive fossil fuels? Perhaps the equa
consequences that have yet to be determined. Jule Charney led a nimity was due in part to a major error: the report assumed that
study in 1979 by the United States National Academy of Sciences the delay of global warming caused by the ocean’s thermal iner
that concluded that doubling of atmospheric CO2 was likely to tia is 15 years, independent of climate sensitivity. With that as
cause global warming of 3 ± 1.5� C [4]. Charney added: ‘However, sumption, they concluded that climate sensitivity for 2 � CO2 is
we believe it is quite possible that the capacity of the near or below the low end of Charney’s 1.5–4.5� C range. If climate
Received: December 08, 2022. Revised: August 22, 2023. Accepted: September 15, 2023
# The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which
permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
2 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
sensitivity was low and the lag between emissions and climate climate sensitivity (ECS) based on improved paleoclimate data
response was only 15 years, climate change would not be nearly and introduces Earth system sensitivity (ESS), which includes the
the threat that it is. feedbacks that Charney held fixed. Climate response time section
Simultaneous with preparation of Changing Climate, climate explores the fast-feedback response time of Earth’s temperature
sensitivity was addressed at the 1982 Ewing Symposium at the and energy imbalance to an imposed forcing, concluding that
Lamont Doherty Geophysical Observatory of Columbia cloud feedbacks buffer heat uptake by the ocean, thus increasing
University on 25–27 October, with papers published in January the delay in surface warming and making Earth’s energy imbal
1984 as a monograph of the American Geophysical Union [6]. ance an underestimate of the forcing reduction required to stabi
Paleoclimate data and global climate modeling together led to an lize climate. Cenozoic era section analyzes temperature change
inference that climate sensitivity is in the range 2.5–5� C for 2 � of the past 66 million years and infers the Cenozoic history of
CO2 and that climate response time to a forcing is of the order of CO2, thus providing insights about climate change. Aerosols sec
a century, not 15 years [7]. Thus, the concept that a large amount tion addresses the absence of aerosol forcing data via inferences
of additional human-made warming is already ‘in the pipeline’ from paleo data and modern global temperature change, and we
by E.E. David and employed by electrical engineers [15]. The cli cloud amount, despite increases in cloud albedo [22]. These cloud
mate forcing caused by 2 � CO2—the imposed perturbation of changes are found in all observed cloud regimes and locations,
Earth’s energy balance—is �4 W/m2. If there were no climate implying robust thermodynamic control [23].
feedbacks and Earth radiated energy to space as a perfect black CLIMAP SSTs were a more likely cause of the planetary energy
surface, Earth’s temperature would need to increase �1.2� C to in imbalance. Co-author D. Peteet used pollen data to infer LGM
crease radiation to space 4 W/m2 and restore energy balance. tropical and subtropical cooling 2–3� C greater than in a GCM
However, feedbacks occur in the real world and in GCMs. In our forced by CLIMAP SSTs. D. Rind and Peteet found that montane
GCM the equilibrium response to 2 � CO2 was 4� C warming of LGM snowlines in the tropics descended 1 km in the LGM, incon
Earth’s surface. Thus, the fraction of equilibrium warming due sistent with climate constrained by CLIMAP SSTs. CLIMAP as
directly to the CO2 change was 0.3 (1.2� C/4� C) and the feedback sumed that tiny shelled marine species migrate to stay in a
‘gain’, g, was 0.7 (2.8� C/4� C). Algebraically, ECS and feedback gain temperature zone they inhabit today. But what if, instead, these
are related by species partly adapt over millennia to changing temperature?
Based on the work of Rind and Peteet, later published [24], we
includes 14 simulations of 9 GCMs with runs of 5000 years Fs, not Fo. It would be useful if both Fo and dTo were reported for
(or close enough for extrapolation to 5000 years). Their global all climate models.
warmings at 5000 years range from 30% to 80% larger than their A further refinement of climate forcing is suggested in Efficacy:
150-year responses. effective forcing (Fe) defined by a long GCM run with calculated
Our approach is to compare glacial and interglacial equilib ocean temperature. The resulting global surface temperature
rium climate states. The change of atmospheric and surface forc change, relative to that for equal CO2 forcing, defines the forc
ings can be defined accurately, thus leading to a sharp ing’s efficacy. Effective forcings, Fe, were found to be within a few
evaluation of ECS for cases in which equilibrium response is as percent of Fs for most forcing agents, i.e. the results confirm that
sured. With this knowledge in hand, additional information can Fs is a robust forcing. This support is for Fs, not for Fo ¼ ERF,
be extracted from historical and paleo climate changes. which is systematically smaller than Fs. The Goddard Institute
for Space Studies (GISS) GCM [32, 33] used for CMIP6 [34] studies,
Climate forcing definitions which we label the GISS (2020) model,3 has higher resolution
Attention to climate forcing definitions is essential for quantita (2� � 2.5� and 40 atmospheric layers) and other changes that
Efficacy allows accurate comparison: dTo for 2 � CO2 for the GISS not mean that CO2 is the primal cause of the climate oscillations.
model used in Efficacy is 0.22� C, k is 0.67� C per W/m2, so dTo/k ¼ Hays et al. [42] showed that small changes of Earth’s orbit and the
0.33 W/m2. Thus, the conversion factor from Fo to Fe (or Fs) is tilt of Earth’s spin axis are pacemakers of the ice ages. Orbital
4.11/(4.11−0.33). The non-O3 portion of AR6 2019 forcing changes alter the seasonal and geographical distribution of inso
(3.84−0.47 ¼ 3.37) W/m2 increases to 3.664 W/m2. The O3 portion lation, which affects ice sheet size and GHG amount. Long-term
of the AR6 2019 forcing (0.47 W/m2) decreases to 0.385 W/m2 be climate is sensitive because ice sheets and GHGs act as amplify
cause the efficacy of Fa(O3) is 0.82. The AR6 GHG forcing in 2019 ing feedbacks: [43] as Earth warms, ice sheets shrink, expose a
is thus �4.05 W/m2, expressed as Fe � Fs, which is �1% larger darker surface, and absorb more sunlight; also, as Earth warms,
than follows from our formulae. This precise agreement is not in the ocean and continents release GHGs to the air. These amplify
dicative of the true uncertainty in the GHG forcing, which IPCC ing feedbacks work in the opposite sense as Earth cools. Orbital
AR6 estimates as 10%, thus about 0.4 W/m2. We concur with forcings oscillate slowly over tens and hundreds of thousands of
their error estimate and employ it in our ECS uncertainty analy years [44]. The picture of how Earth orbital changes drive millen
sis (Equilibrium climate sensitivity section). nial climate change was painted in the 1920s by Milutin
of ECS
In this section we evaluate ECS by comparing neighboring glacial
and interglacial periods when Earth was in energy balance within
1 less than 0.1 W/m2 averaged over a millennium. Larger imbal
ance would cause temperature or sea level change that did not
occur [48].4 Thus, we can assess ECS from knowledge of atmo
0 spheric and surface forcings that maintained these climates.
1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000
Recent advanced analysis techniques allow improved estimate
Figure 1. IPCC AR6 Annex III greenhouse gas forcing [12], which employs of paleo temperatures. Tierney et al. [49] exclude microbiology fos
Fa for O3 and Fo for other GHGs, compared with the effective forcing, Fe, sils whose potential to adapt makes them dubious thermometers.
from Equation (4). See discussion in text. Instead, they use a large collection of geochemical (isotope)
CO2 (ppm)
Temperature (ºC)
Temperature 300
CO2 Eemian
0 Holocene
800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0
Date (kyBP)
Figure 2. Antarctic Dome C temperature for past 800 ky from Jouzel et al. [40] relative to the mean of the last 10 ky and Dome C CO2 amount from Luthi
et al. [41] (kyBP is kiloyears before present).
6 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
proxies for SST in an analysis constrained by climate change pat ice sheets, (2) vegetation change, e.g. boreal forests replaced by
terns defined by GCMs. They find cooling of 6.1� C (95% confi brighter tundra, and (3) continental shelves exposed by lower sea
dence: level. Forcing by all three can be evaluated at once with a GCM.
5.7–6.5� C) for the interval 23–19 kyBP. A similarly constrained Accuracy requires realistic clouds, which shield the surface.
global analysis by Osman et al. [50] finds LGM cooling at 21–18 Clouds are the most uncertain feedback [52]. Evaluation is ideal
kyBP of 7.0 ± 1� C (95% confidence). Tierney (priv. comm.) attrib for CMIP [53] (Coupled Model Intercomparison Project) collabora
utes the difference between the two studies to the broader time tion with PMIP [54] (Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison
interval of the former study, and concludes that peak LGM cooling Project); a study of LGM surface forcing could aid GCM develop
was near 7� C. ment and assessment of climate sensitivity. Sherwood et al. [21]
Seltzer et al. [51] use the temperature-dependent solubility of review studies of LGM ice sheet forcing and settle on 3.2 ± 0.7 W/
dissolved noble gases in ancient groundwater to show that land m2, the same as IPCC AR4 [55]. However, some GCMs yield effica
areas between 45� S and 35� N cooled 5.8 ± 0.6� C in the LGM. This cies as low as �0.75 [56] or even �0.5 [57], likely due to cloud
cooling is consistent with 1 km lowering of alpine snowlines shielding. We found [7] a forcing of −0.9 W/m2 for LGM vegeta
Temperature CH4
CO2 (ppm)
CO2 N2 O
N2O (ppb)
CH4 (ppb)
250 250
200 200
−10 300
160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 160 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0
Time (kyBP) Time (kyBP)
Figure 3. Dome C temperature (Jouzel et al. [40]) and multi-ice core GHG amounts (Schilt et al. [47]). Green bars (1–5, 6.5–7.5, 18–21, 120–126,
137–144 kyBP) are periods of calculations.
J. E. Hansen et al. | 7
of surface albedo, which reaffirms the need for a focus on precise response time of 25 years, while several simplified climate mod
cloud observations and modeling. els referenced in our Ewing paper had even faster responses. The
longer response time of our climate model was largely a result of
State dependence of climate sensitivity high climate sensitivity—our model had an ECS of 4� C for 2 �
ECS based on glacial-interglacial climate is an average for global CO2 while the Bryan and Manabe model had an ECS of 2� C.
temperatures −7� C to þ1� C relative to the Holocene and in gen The physics is straightforward. If the delay were a result of a
eral differs for other climate states because water vapor, aerosol- fixed source of thermal inertia, say the ocean’s well-mixed upper
cloud and sea ice feedbacks depend on the initial climate. layer, response time would increase linearly with ECS because
However, ECS is rather flat between today’s climate and warmer most climate feedbacks come into play in response to tempera
climate, based on a study [66] covering a range of 15 CO2 dou ture change driven by the adjusted forcing, not in direct response
blings using an efficient GCM developed by Gary Russell [67]. to the forcing. Thus, a model with ECS of 4� C takes twice as long
Toward colder climate, ice-snow albedo feedback increases non to reach full response as a model with ECS of 2� C, if the mixed
linearly, reaching snowball Earth conditions—with snow and ice layer provides the only heat capacity. However, while the mixed
Madden-Julian Oscillation (MJO), El Nino Southern Oscillation stored in warming continents and heat used in net ice melt [80].
(ENSO) and Pacific Decadal Oscillation (PDO), but the spectrum Heat storage in air adds a small amount. Radiation balance mea
of ENSO-like variability is unrealistic and its amplitude is exces sured from Earth-orbiting satellites cannot by itself define the
sive, as shown by the magnitude of oscillations in Fig. 4a. Ocean absolute imbalance, but, when anchored to an in situ EEI value
mixing in GISS (2020) may still be excessive in the North Atlantic, for a sufficient interval (e.g. 10 years), satellite Earth radiation
where the model’s simulated penetration of CFCs is greater than budget observations [81] provide invaluable EEI data on finer
observed [79]. temporal and spatial scales than the in situ data.
Despite reduced ocean mixing, the GISS (2020) model surface After a step-function forcing is imposed, EEI and global sur
temperature response is no faster than in the GISS (2014) model face temperature must each approach a new equilibrium, but EEI
(Fig. 4b): it takes 100 years to reach within 1/e of the equilibrium does so more rapidly, especially for the GISS (2020) model (Fig. 5).
response. Slow response is partly explained by the larger ECS of EEI in GISS (2020) needs only a decade to reach within 1/e of full
the GISS (2020) model, which is 3.5� C versus 2.7� C for the GISS response (Fig. 5b), but global surface temperature requires a cen
(2014) model, but something more is going on in the newer tury (Fig. 4b). Rapid decline of EEI—to half the forcing in 5 years
(a) Global Temperature Change (ºC) (b) Temperature Response Function (%)
4 100
0 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Year Year
Figure 4. (a) Global mean surface temperature response to instant CO2 doubling and (b) normalized response function (percent of final change). Thick
lines in Figs 4 and 5 are smoothed (yr1 no smoothing; yr2 3-yr mean; yr3–12 5-yr mean, yr13–300 25-yr mean; yr301–5000 101-yr mean).
(a) Earth’s Energy Imbalance (W/m2) (b) EEI Response Function (%)
4 100
GISS (2014)
3 GISS (2020) 80
2 60
1 40
0 20
GISS (2014)
GISS (2020)
−1 0
1 10 100 1000 1 10 100 1000
Year Year
Figure 5. (a) Earth’s energy imbalance (EEI) for 2 � CO2, and (b) EEI normalized response function.
J. E. Hansen et al. | 9
What is the physics behind the fast response of EEI? The 2 � states is hampered by uncertainty in the forcings that maintained
CO2 forcing and initial EEI are both nominally 4 W/m2. In the the climate, as proxy measures of CO2 have large uncertainty.
GISS (2014) model, the decline of EEI averaged over the first year Theory informs us that CO2 is the principal control knob on
is 0.5 W/m2 (Fig. 5a), a moderate decline that might be largely global temperature [87]. Climate of the past 800 000 years dem
caused by warming continents and thus increased heat radiation onstrates (Fig. 2) the tight control. Our aim here is to extract
to space. In contrast, EEI declines 1.3 W/m2 in the GISS (2020) Cenozoic surface temperature history from the deep ocean oxy
model (Fig. 5a). Such a huge, immediate decline of EEI implies ex gen isotope d18O and infer Cenozoic CO2 history. Oxygen isotope
istence of an ultrafast climate feedback. Climate feedbacks are data has high temporal resolution for the entire Cenozoic, which
the heart of climate change and warrant discussion. aids understanding of Cenozoic climate change and resulting
implications for future climate. Our CO2 analysis is a comple
Slow, fast and ultrafast feedbacks ment to proxy CO2 measurements. Despite progress in estimating
Charney et al. [4] described climate feedbacks without discussing CO2 via carbon isotopes in alkenones and boron isotopes in
time scales. At the 1982 Ewing Symposium, water vapor, clouds planktic foraminifera [88], there is wide scatter among results
120ðd18 O 3:32Þ ðd18 O > 3:32Þ; We expect Tdo change, which derives from sea surface tempera
SLZ ðmÞ ¼ (9)
1:58 ture (SST) at high latitudes where deepwater forms, to approximate
TS change when Tdo is not near the freezing point. Global SST
change understates global TS (land plus ocean) change because
120ðd18 O 3:88Þ ðd18 O > 3:88Þ;
SLW ðmÞ ¼ (10) land temperature response to a forcing exceeds SST response [95],
e.g. the equilibrium global SST response of the GISS (2020) GCM to 2
where 1.75 and 1.5 are d18O midpoints at the Oi-1 transition for � CO2 is 70.6% of the global (land plus ocean) response. However,
the Z and W data sets. Equations (9) and (10) are based on polar amplification of the SST response tends to compensate for
d18OZLGM ¼ 4.9 and d18OW SST undershoot of global TS change. Compensation is nearly exact
LGM ¼ 5.3 with SL ¼ 0 today. Tdo equations
are based on specified Holocene and LGM Tdo of 1� C [93] and at latitudes of North Atlantic deepwater formation for 2 � CO2 cli
−1� C [92], respectively. Coefficients in the Tdo equations are cal mate change in the GISS (2020) climate model (Fig. 7a), but
culated as shown by the Equation (12) example. Southern Hemisphere polar amplification does not fully cover the
60–75� S latitudes where Antarctic bottom water forms.
TZdo ð� CÞ ¼ 5 2:55 ðd18 O 1:75Þ ð1:75 < d18 O < 3:32Þ; (11) As Tdo nears the freezing point, ice forms, adhering to the
Antarctic continent, extending today to a depth of about 2 km,
and also forming floating ice shelves. From the Holocene toward
TZdo ð� CÞ ¼ 1 2 ðd18 O 3:32Þ=ð4:9 3:32Þ colder climate, the effect on temperature change is large: TS
¼1 1:27ðd18 O 3:32Þ ð3:32 < d18 OÞ; (12) declines 7� C between the Holocene and LGM, but Tdo declines only
2� C (from 1� C to –1� C). From the Holocene toward hotter climate,
we expect a smaller effect that we quantify by first neglecting the
TW ð� Þ
do C ¼ 6 2:10 ðd18 O 1:5Þ ð1:5 < d18 O < 3:88Þ; (13) effect and finding how far we underestimate EECO temperature.
Thus, as an initial approximation we assume DTS ¼ DTdo:
TW ð� Þ
do C ¼ 1 1:41 ðd18 O 3:88Þ ð3:88 < d18 OÞ: (14)
TS � Tdo TdoH þ 14� C ¼ Tdo þ 13� C; ðd18 O < d18 OH Þ (15)
Zachos and Westerhold d O, SL and Tdo for the full Cenozoic,
where we take Holocene TS as 14� C and TdoH as 1� C. In this initial
Pleistocene, and the past 800 000 years are graphed in
approximation, we interpolate linearly for climate colder than
Supplementary Material and sea level is compared to data of
the Holocene, the LGM being �7� C cooler than the Holocene:
Rohling et al. [94]. We focus on the finer resolution W data.
Differences between the W and Z data and interpretation of
those differences are discussed in Paleocene Eocene Thermal TS ¼ 14� C 7� C � ðd18 O d18 OH Þ (16)
Maximum section. =ðd18 OLGM d18 OH Þ ðd18 O > d18 OH Þ
(a) (b)
(a) Surface Temperature (initial linear approx.) (b) Surface Temperature (from equation 16)
30 30
Past 67 Million Years Past 67 Million Years
25 25
Ts (°C)
12 12
10 10
8 Past 5.33 Million Years 8 Past 5.33 Million Years
6 6
5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0
18 18
16 Past 800 Thousand Years 16 Past 800 Thousand Years
14 14
Ts (°C)
12 12
10 10
8 8
6 6
.8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0. .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0.
Time (MyBP) Time (MyBP)
Figure 8. Cenozoic temperature based on linear (Equations 15 and 16) and nonlinear (Equation 17) analyses. Antarctic Dome C data [40] (red) relative to
last 1000 years are multiplied by 0.6 to account for polar amplification and 14� C is added for absolute scale.
temperature change. Moderate undershoot (DT ¼ 2� C) of EECO TS The result is a consistent analysis of global TS for the entire
is consistent with expectation that global warming of a few Cenozoic (Fig. 8b). Oxygen isotope d18O of deep ocean forami
degrees would remove Antarctic ice shelves and allow polar ampli nifera reproduces glacial-interglacial temperature change well;
fication to fully cover regions of deepwater formation. Moreover, more detailed agreement is not expected as Antarctic ice core
DT of 2� C at the Holocene and 5� C more between the Holocene data are for a location that moves, especially in altitude. Our
and LGM are fit well by an exponential function between Antarctic interest is in warmer global climate and its relevance to up
glaciation and the LGM, as needed for DT to asymptote at the coming human-caused climate change. For that purpose, we
freezing point (Fig. 7b). Thus, we take TS as want to know the forcing that drove Cenozoic climate
change. With the assumption that non-CO2 GHG forcings pro
TS ¼ Tdo DT þ 15� C ¼ Tdo 0:35ðe0:8X 1Þ þ 15� C; (17) vide 20% of the total GHG forcing, it is not difficult to infer
the CO2 abundance required to cause the Cenozoic tempera
where X ¼ d18O − d18OOi-1 and TS is normalized to 14� C in ture history in Fig. 8b. Considering the large disagreement
the Holocene. among proxy CO2 measures, this indirect measure of
12 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
CO2 via global TS may provide the most accurate Cenozoic For climate warmer than the Holocene up to Oi-1, i.e. for
CO2 history. d18OOi-1 < d18O < d18OH,
350 350
300 300
250 250
200 Past 5.33 Million Years ECS = 1.0 200 Past 5.33 Million Years ECS = 1.0
ECS = 1.4 ECS = 1.4
5 4 3 2 1 0 5 4 3 2 1 0
350 350
Past 800 Thousand Years Past 800 Thousand Years
300 300
250 250
200 200
ECS = 1 ECS = 1
ECS = 1.4 ECS = 1.4
150 150
.8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0. .8 .7 .6 .5 .4 .3 .2 .1 0.
Time (MyBP) Time (MyBP)
Figure 9. Cenozoic CO2 estimated from d18O of Westerhold et al. (see text). Black lines are for ECS ¼ 1.2� C per W/m2; red and green curves (ECS ¼ 1.0 and
1.4� C per W/m2) are 1 My smoothed. Blue curves (last 800 000 years) are Antarctica ice core data [41].
J. E. Hansen et al. | 13
ppm at Oi-1. That high Oi-1 CO2 amount is not plausible without the Indian plate, but burial of organic matter and increased
overthrowing the concept that global temperature is a response weathering due to exposure of fresh rock by Himalayan uplift
to climate forcings. More generally, we conclude that actual CO2 [105] may contribute to CO2 drawdown. Quantitative under
during the Cenozoic was near the low end of the range of proxy standing of these processes is limited [106], e.g. weathering is
measurements. both a source and sink of CO2 [107].
This picture for the broad sweep of Cenozoic CO2 is consistent
Interpretation of Cenozoic TS and CO2 with current understanding of the long-term carbon cycle [108],
In this section we consider Cenozoic TS and CO2 histories, which but relative contributions of metamorphism [106] and volcanism
are rich in insights about climate change with implications for [109] are uncertain. Also, emissions from rift-induced Large
future climate. Igneous Provinces (LIPs) [110, 111] contribute to long-term
In Target CO2 [60] and elsewhere [98] we argue that the broad change of atmospheric CO2, with two cases prominent in Fig. 6.
sweep of Cenozoic temperature is a result of plate tectonic (popu The Columbia River Flood Basalt at ca. 17–15 MyBP was a princi
larly ‘continental drift’) effects on CO2. Solid Earth sources and pal cause of the Miocene Climatic Optimum [112], but the pro
Figure 10. Continental configuration 56 MyBP [97]. Continental shelves (light blue) were underwater as little water was locked in ice. The Indian plate
was moving north at about 15 cm per year.
14 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
The sum of climate forcings (CO2 and solar) and slow feed most recent large igneous province (LIP) event—the Columbia
backs (ice sheets and non-CO2 GHGs) that maintained EECO River Flood Basalt about 15 million years ago (Fig. 6)—is no longer
warmth was 12.5 W/m2 (Fig. 11). CO2 forcing of 9.1 W/m2 com a factor, and there is no evidence of another impending LIP.
bined with solar forcing of—1.2 W/m2 to yield a total forcing8 8 Snowball conditions are possible, even though the Sun’s bright
W/m2. Slow feedbacks were 4.5 W/m2 forcing (ice albedo ¼ 2 W/ ness is increasing and is now almost 6% greater [69] than it was
m2 and non-CO2 GHGs ¼ 2.5 W/m2). With today’s solar irradi at the last snowball Earth, almost 600 million years ago [68].
ance, human-made GHG forcing required for Earth to return to Runaway snowball likely requires only 1–2 halvings [66] of CO2
EECO warmth is 8 W/m2. Present human-made GHG forcing is from the LGM 180 ppm level, i.e. to 45–90 ppm. Although the
4.6 W/m2 relative to 7 kyBP.9 Equilibrium response to this forcing weathering rate declines in colder climate [119], weathering and
includes the 2 W/m2 ice sheet feedback and 25% amplification (of burial of organic matter continue, so decrease of atmospheric
6.6 W/m2) by non-CO2 GHGs, yielding a total forcing plus slow CO2 could have continued over millions of years, if the source of
feedbacks of 8.25 W/m2. Thus, equilibrium global warming for CO2 from metamorphism and vulcanism continued to decline.
today’s GHGs is 10� C.10 If human-made aerosol forcing is −1.5 W/ Another factor that may have contributed to cooling in the
(a) (b)
40 3700
Surface Temperature (°C) 3000 CO 2 (ppm)
ECS = 1.0°C/(W/m2)
35 2000 ECS = 1.2°C/(W/m2)
ECS = 1.4°C/(W/m2)
25 700
56.4 56.2 56.0 55.8 55.6 55.4 56.4 56.2 56.0 55.8 55.6 55.4
Time (MyBP) Time (MyBP)
Figure 12. Temperature and CO2 implied by Westerhold et al. [90] d18O, if surface warming equaled deep ocean warming. In reality, the unique PETM
event had surface warming �5.6� C, which implies a peak PETM CO2 of about 1630 ppm (see text).
J. E. Hansen et al. | 15
Climate sensitivity (ECS and ESS) section), is nominal; Hopcroft et (Kerguelen Plateau and Maud Rise), which were intended for
al., e.g. estimate a 30% contribution from non-CO2 GHGs [123], study of climate of Antarctica and the Southern Ocean.
thus an amplification factor 1.43. Differences between the W and Z data sets have limited effect
Thus, today’s human-made GHG forcing (4.6 W/m2, growing on our paper, as we apply separate scaling (Equations 7–14) to W
0.5 W/m2 per decade) is already at least comparable to the PETM and Z data to match observations at the LGM, mid-Holocene, and
forcing, although the net human-made forcing including aerosols Oi-1 points. This approach addresses, e.g. the cumulative effect
has probably not reached the PETM forcing. However, there are in combining data splices noted by Zachos in SM9. Further, we
two big differences between the PETM and today. First, there set the EECO global temperature relative to the Holocene and the
were no large ice sheets on Earth in the PETM era. Ice sheets on PETM temperature relative to pre-PETM based on proxy-
Antarctica and Greenland today make Earth system sensitivity constrained, full-field, GCM analyses of Tierney et al. [122] and
(ESS) greater than it was during the PETM. Equilibrium response Zhu et al. [96] Nevertheless, there is much to learn from more
to today’s GHG climate forcing would include deglaciation of precise study of the Cenozoic in general and the PETM
Antarctica and Greenland, sea level rise of 60 m (200 feet), and in particular.
Westerhold (W) and Zachos (Z) d18O data. Zachos attributes the
larger PETM response in W data to the shallow (less than 1 km)
depth of the Walvis Ridge core in the Southeast Atlantic that
anchors the PETM period in the W data (see Supplementary
Material SM9). Given that the PETM was triggered by a rift in the .5
floor of the North Atlantic and massive lava injection, it is not
surprising that ocean temperature was elevated and circulation 0.
disrupted during the PETM. Nunes and Norris [132] conclude that
ocean circulation changed at the start of the PETM with a shift in 1850 1875 1900 1925 1950 1975 2000 2025
location of deep-water formation that delivered warmer waters
Figure 13. Observed global surface temperature (black line) and
to the deep sea, a circulation change that persisted at least
expected GHG warming with two choices for ECS. The blue area is the
40 000 years. With regard to differences in the early Cenozoic, estimated aerosol cooling effect. The temperature peak in the World
Zachos notes (Supplementary Material SM9) a likely bias in the Z War II era is in part an artifact of inhomogeneous ocean data in that
data with a heavy weighting of data from Southern Ocean sites period [63].
16 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
cooling is a Faustian bargain [98] because payment in enhanced large sources are not needed to account for Holocene GHG levels.
global warming will come due once we can no longer tolerate the Paleoclimate GHG decreases are slow feedbacks that occur in
air pollution. Ambient air pollution causes millions of deaths per concert with global cooling. However, if global cooling did not oc
year, with particulates most responsible [133, 134]. cur in the past 6000 years, feedbacks did not occur. Earth orbital
parameters 6000 years ago kept the Southern Ocean warm, as
Evidence of aerosol forcing in the Holocene needed to maintain strong overturning ocean circulation [137]
In this section we infer evidence of human-made aerosols in the and minimize carbon sequestration in the deep ocean. Maximum
last half of the Holocene from the absence of global warming. insolation at 60� S was in late-spring (mid-November); since then,
Some proxy-based analyses [135] report cooling in the last half of maximum insolation at 60� S slowly advanced through the year,
the Holocene, but a recent analysis [50] that uses GCMs to over recently reaching mid-summer (mid-January, Fig. 26b of Ice Melt
come spatial and temporal biases in proxy data finds rising global [13]). Maximum insolation from late-spring through mid-
temperature in the first half of the Holocene followed by nearly summer is optimum to warm the Southern Ocean and promote
constant temperature in the last 6000 years until the last few early warm-season ice melt, which reduces surface albedo and
-8 Ensemble percentile (%) the role of an asteroid impact in extinction of non-avian dino
saurs [141], which initially were highly controversial but are now
Age (yr BP) still controversial. Thus, we minimize this issue by showing aero
sol effects with and without preindustrial human-made aerosols.
Figure 14. Global mean surface temperature change over the past 24 ky,
reproduced from Fig. 2 of Osman et al. [50] including Last Millennium Global aerosols are not monitored with detail needed to define
reanalysis of Tardif et al. [136]. aerosol climate forcing [142, 143]. IPCC12 estimates forcing
.5 .1
0. 0.
−.5 −.1
Fe (W/m )
−1.0 −.2
−1.5 −.3
−2.0 CH4 −.4
N2O −.5
Sum of Above Three
−3.0 −.6
20 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 10 8 6 4 2 0
Time (kyBP) Time (kyBP)
Figure 15. GHG climate forcing in past 20 ky with vertical scale expanded for the past 10 ky on the right. GHG amounts are from Schilt et al. [47].
Formulae for forcing are in Supplementary Material.
J. E. Hansen et al. | 17
(Fig. 17a) from assumed precursor emissions, a herculean task due constraints. Unknowns are ECS, net climate forcing (aerosol forc
to many aerosol types and complex cloud effects. Aerosol forcing ing is unmeasured), and ocean mixing (many ocean models are
uncertainty is comparable to its estimated value (Fig. 17a), which too diffusive). Constraints are observed global temperature
is constrained more by observed global temperature change than change and Earth’s energy imbalance (EEI) [80]. Knutti [150] and
by aerosol measurements [144]. IPCC’s best estimate of aerosol Hansen [75] suggest that many climate models compensate for
forcing (Fig. 17) and GHG history define the percent of GHG forcing excessive ocean mixing (which reduces surface warming) by us
offset by aerosol cooling—the dark blue area in Fig. 17b. However, ing aerosol forcing less negative than the real world, thus achiev
if human-made aerosol forcing was −0.5 W/m2 by 1750, offsetting ing realistic surface warming. This issue is unresolved and
þ0.5 W/m2 GHG forcing, this forcing should be included. Such complicated by the finding that cloud feedbacks can buffer ocean
aerosol forcing—largely via effects of land use and biomass fuels heat uptake (Climate response time section), affecting interpreta
on clouds—continues today. Thirty million people in the United tion of EEI.
States use wood for heating [145]. Such fuels are also common in IPCC AR6 WG1 best estimate of aerosol forcing (Table AIII.3)
Europe [146, 147] and much of the world. [12] is near maximum (negative) value by 1975, then nearly con
Forcing (W/m2)
Chapter 7 AR6
−1 GCMs
IPCC Table AIII.3 (1850 = 0)
Alternative Aerosol Scenario
−3 Matrix Aerosol Model (Bauer et al., 2020)
OMA Aerosol Model (Bauer et al., 2020)
1850 1900 1950 2000 2050
Figure 16. Sea level since the last glacial period relative to present. Figure 18. Aerosol forcing relative to 1850 from IPCC AR6, an alternative
Credit: Robert Rohde [138]. aerosol scenario [151] two aerosol model scenarios of Bauer et al. [154].
Figure 17. (a) Estimated greenhouse gas and aerosol forcings relative to 1750 values. (b) Aerosol forcing as percent of GHG forcing. Forcings for dark
blue area are relative to 1750. Light blue area adds 0.5 W/m2 forcing estimated for human-caused aerosols from fires, biofuels and land use.
18 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
.5 .5
0. 0.
Figure 19. Global temperature change TG due to aerosols þ GHGs calculated with Green’s function Equation (5) using GISS (2014) and GISS (2020)
response functions (Fig. 4). Observed temperature is the NASA GISS analysis [155, 156]. Base period: 1951–1980 for observations and model.
(a) (b)
Figure 20. Total sulfate (parts per trillion by volume) and percentage of total sulfate provided by shipping in simulations of Jin et al. [157] prior to IMO
regulations on sulfur content of fuels.
aerosol forcing is used, but less than observed for the alternative study aerosol and cloud physics is provided by a recent change in
aerosol scenario (Fig. 19). This latter aerosol scenario achieves the IMO (International Maritime Organization) regulations on
agreement with observed warming if ECS �4� C (green curve in ship emissions.
Fig. 19).12 Agreement can be achieved with even higher ECS by
use of a still more negative aerosol forcing. The great inadvertent aerosol experiment
The issue we raise is the magnitude of the aerosol forcing, Sulfate aerosols are cloud condensation nuclei (CCN), so sulfate
with implications for future warming when particulate air pollu emissions by ships result in a larger number of smaller cloud par
tion is likely to be reduced. We suggest that IPCC reports may ticles, thus affecting cloud albedo and cloud lifetime [144]. Ships
have gravitated toward climate sensitivity near 3� C for 2 � CO2 in provide a large percentage of sulfates in the North Pacific and
part because of difficulty that models have in realistically simu North Atlantic regions (Fig. 20). It has been suggested that cooling
lating amplifying cloud feedbacks and a climate model tendency by these clouds is overestimated because of cloud liquid water
for excessive mixing of heat into the deep ocean. Our finding adjustments [159], but Manshausen et al. [160] present evidence
from paleoclimate analysis that ECS is 1.2� C ± 0.3� C per W/m2 that liquid water path (LWP) effects are substantial even in
(4.8� C ± 1.2� C for 2 � CO2) implies that the (unmeasured) aerosol regions without visible ship-tracks; they estimate a LWP forcing
forcing must be more negative than IPCC’s best estimate. In −0.76 ± 0.27 W/m2, in stark contrast with the IPCC estimate of
turn—because aerosol-cloud interactions are the main source of þ0.2 ± 0.2 W/m2. Wall et al. [161] use satellite observations to
uncertainty in aerosol forcing—this finding emphasizes the need quantify relationships between sulfates and low-level clouds;
to measure both global aerosol and cloud particle properties. they estimate a sulfate indirect aerosol forcing of −1.11 ± 0.43 W/
The case for monitoring global aerosol climate forcing will m2 over the global ocean. The range of aerosol forcings used in
grow as recognition of the need to slow and reverse climate CMIP6 and AR6 GCMs (small blue bar in Fig. 18) is not a measure
change emerges. Aerosol and cloud particle microphysics must of aerosol forcing uncertainty. The larger bar, from Chapter 7
be measured with precision adequate to define the forcing [142, [162] of AR6, has negative forcing as great as –2 W/m2, but even
158]. In the absence of such Keeling-like global monitoring, that does not measure the full uncertainty.
progress can be made via more limited satellite measurements of Changes of IMO emission regulations provide a great opportu
aerosol and cloud properties, field studies, and aerosol and nity for insight into aerosol climate forcing. Sulfur content of
cloud modeling. As described next, a great opportunity to fuels was limited to 1% in 2010 near the coasts of North America
J. E. Hansen et al. | 19
and in the North Sea, Baltic Sea and English Channel, and further contributions to the 20-year trend of absorbed solar energy show
restricted there to 0.1% in 2015 [163]. In 2020 a limit of 0.5% was that clouds provide most of the change. Surface albedo decrease
imposed worldwide. The 1% limit did not have a noticeable effect due to sea ice decline contributes to the 20-year trend in the
on ship-tracks, but a striking reduction of ship-tracks was found Northern Hemisphere, but that sea ice decline occurred espe
after the 2015 IMO regulations, especially in the regions near cially in 2007, with minimum sea ice cover reached in 2012; over
land where emissions were specifically limited [164]. Following the past decade as global and hemispheric albedos declined, sea
the additional 2020 regulations [165], global ship-tracks were re ice had little trend [169]. Potential causes of the cloud changes in
duced more than 50% [166]. clude: (1) reduced aerosol forcing, (2) cloud feedbacks to global
Earth’s albedo (reflectivity) measured by CERES (Clouds and warming, (3) natural variability [170]. Absorbed solar energy was
Earth’s Radiant Energy System) satellite-borne instruments [81] 0.77 W/m2 greater in Jan2015-Dec2022 than in the first decade of
over the 22-years March 2000 to March 2022 reveal a decrease of CERES data at latitudes 20–60� S (Fig. 22), a region of relatively lit
albedo and thus an increase of absorbed solar energy coinciding tle ship traffic. This change is an order of magnitude larger than
with the 2015 change of IMO emission regulations. Global the estimate of potential detector degradation [81].
(a) Absorbed Solar Radiation Anomaly (b) Absorbed Solar Radiation Anomaly
2.5 5
Global North Pacific Ocean
2.0 Southern Hemisphere 20-60°S (largely ocean) 4
North Atlantic Ocean 3.60
1.5 3
Anomaly (W/m2)
1.29 2.64
1.0 0.99 2
.5 1
0. 0
−.5 −1
−1.0 −2
−1.5 −3
2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025
Figure 22. Absorbed solar radiation for indicated regions relative to first 120 months of CERES data. Southern Hemisphere 20–60� S is 89% ocean. North
Atlantic is (20–60� N, 0–60� W) and North Pacific is (20–60� N, 120–220� W). Data source:
20 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
warming and avoid highly undesirable consequences for human remained about 100 years. There are two reasons for this: one
ity and nature. that is obvious and one that is more interesting and informative.
The surface in the newer model warms as fast as in the older
Equilibrium climate sensitivity (ECS) model, but it must achieve greater warming to reach 63% of equi
The 1979 Charney study [4] considered an idealized climate sen librium because its ECS is higher, which is one reason that the re
sitivity in which ice sheets and non-CO2 GHGs are fixed. The sponse time remains long. The other reason is that Earth’s
Charney group estimated that the equilibrium response to 2 � energy imbalance (EEI) in the newer model decreases rapidly. EEI
CO2, a forcing of 4 W/m2, was 3� C, thus an ECS of 0.75� C per W/ defines the rate that heat is pumped into the ocean, so a smaller
m2, with one standard deviation uncertainty r ¼ 0.375� C. EEI implies a longer time for the ocean to reach its new equilib
Charney’s estimate stood as the canonical ECS for more than 40 rium temperature. Quick drop of EEI—in the first year after intro
years. The current IPCC report [12] concludes that 3� C for 2 � duction of the forcing—implies existence of ultrafast feedback in
CO2 is their best estimate for ECS. the GISS (2020) model. For want of an alternative with such a
We compare recent glacial and interglacial climates to infer large effect on Earth’s energy budget, we infer a rapid cloud feed
weathering and burial of organic carbon exceeds emissions. persuasive explanation for absence of global warming in the last
Motion of the Indian Plate thus dominates the broad sweep of half of the Holocene (Fig. 14) as GHG forcing increased 0.5 W/m2
Cenozoic CO2, but igneous provinces play a role. The North (Fig. 15). Climate models without a growing negative aerosol forc
Atlantic Igneous Province (caused by a rift in the sea floor as ing yield notable warming in that period [173], a warming that, in
Greenland pulled away from Europe) that triggered the fact, did not occur. Negative aerosol forcing, increasing as civili
Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM) event about 56 zation developed and population grew, is expected. As humans
MyBP and the Columbia River Flood Basalt about 15 MyBP (Fig. 6) burned fuels at a growing rate—wood and other biomass for mil
are most notable. lennia and fossil fuels in the industrial era—aerosols as well as
We infer the Cenozoic history of sea surface temperature GHGs were an abundant, growing, biproduct. The aerosol source
(SST) at sites of deepwater formation from the oxygen isotope from wood-burning has continued in modern times [146]. GHGs
d18O in shells of deep-ocean-dwelling foraminifera preserved in are long-lived and accumulate, so their forcing dominates even
ocean sediments [44, 90]. High latitude SST change—including a tually, unless aerosol emissions grow higher and higher—the
correction term as SST approaches the freezing point—provides Faustian bargain [98].
Aerosols 2.4
2.2 12−month Running Mean
Aerosol climate forcing is larger than the IPCC AR6 estimate and Accelerated
2.0 132−month Running Mean
has likely been significant for millennia. We know of no other January−December Mean Warming
Temperature Anomaly (°C)
1.6 (0.18°C/decade)
Super →
1.2 El Ninos
1.0 ↓
1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 2040
about 240 W/m2 averaged over the entire planetary surface), but Equilibrium warming versus committed warming
change of EEI can be well-measured from space [81]. Absolute Equilibrium warming for today’s climate forcing is the warming re
calibration is from the change of heat in the heat reservoirs, quired to restore Earth’s energy balance if atmospheric composi
mainly the global ocean, over a period of at least a decade, as tion is fixed at today’s conditions. Equilibrium warming is a
needed to reduce error due to the finite number of places that benchmark that can be evaluated from atmospheric composition
the ocean is sampled [80]. EEI varies year-to-year (Fig. 25), largely and paleoclimate data, with little involvement of climate models.
because global cloud amount varies with weather and ocean dy It is the standard benchmark used in definition of the Charney ECS
namics, but averaged over several years EEI helps inform us (equilibrium climate sensitivity excluding slow feedbacks) [4] and
about what is needed to stabilize climate. ESS (Earth system sensitivity, which includes slow feedbacks such
The data indicate that EEI has doubled since the first decade as ice sheet size) [71]. GHG climate forcing now is 4.6 W/m2 relative
of this century (Fig. 25). This increase is one basis for our predic to the mid-Holocene (7 kyBP) or 4.1 W/m2 relative to 1750. There is
tion of post-2010 acceleration of the global warming rate. The EEI little merit in debating whether GHG forcing is 4.6 or 4.1 W/m2 be
increase may be partly due to restrictions on maritime aerosol cause it is still increasing 0.5 W/m2 per decade (Perspective on pol
(a) (b)
Figure 26. Fossil fuel emissions divided into portions appearing in the annual increase of airborne CO2 and the remainder, which is taken up by the
ocean and land (1 ppm CO2 � 2.12 GtC).
J. E. Hansen et al. | 23
ppm per year, but uptake would soon slow—it would take millen Fossil fuels still provide most of the world’s energy (Fig. 27a) and
nia for CO2 to reach preindustrial levels [131]. This underscores produce most CO2 emissions (Fig. 27b). Much of the world is still
the difficulty of restoring Earth’s energy balance via emission in early or middle stages of economic development. Energy is
reductions alone. Furthermore, fossil fuels have raised living needed and fossil fuels are a convenient, affordable source of en
standards in most of the world and still provide 80% of the ergy. One gallon (3.8 l) of gasoline (petrol) provides the work
world’s energy, which contributes to a policy inertia. As the real equivalent of more than 400 h labor by a healthy adult. These
ity of climate change emerges, the delayed response of climate benefits are the basic reason for continued high emissions. The
and amplifying feedbacks assure that the world has already set Covid pandemic dented emissions in 2020, but 2022 global emis
sail onto even more turbulent climate seas. Scientists must do sions were a record high level. Fossil fuel emissions from mature
their best to help the public understand policy options that may economies are beginning to fall due to increasing energy effi
preserve and restore a propitious climate for future generations. ciency, introduction of carbon-free energies, and export of
manufacturing from mature economies to emerging economies.
However, at least so far, those reductions have been more than
Perspective on policy implications
Renewables Gas Flaring
Hydroelectric Cement Production
Energy (Exajoule/year)
12 500
Emissions (GtC/year)
Nuclear 8 Gas
10 Gas 400 Oil
Oil 6 Coal
Coal 300
6 4
100 2
0 0 0
1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Figure 27. Global energy consumption and CO2 emissions (Hefner at al. [177] and Energy Institute [178]).
1.0 6
.1 Mature Economies
1850 1900 1950 2000 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Figure 28. Fossil fuel CO2 emissions from mature and emerging economies. China is counted as an emerging economy. Data sources as in Fig. 27.
24 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
Scientific reticence century. The 15 authors, representing leading GCM groups, used
Bernard Barber decried the absence of attention to scientific reti 21 climate projections from eight ‘ … state-of-the-science, IPCC
cence, a tendency of scientists to resist scientific discovery or class … ’ GCMs to conclude that ‘ … the probability of an AMOC
new ideas [139]. Richard Feynman needled fellow physicists collapse is negligible. This is contrary to a recent modeling study
about their reticence to challenge authority [181], specifically to [Hansen et al., 2016] that used a much larger, and in our assess
correct the electron charge that Millikan derived in his famous ment unrealistic, Northern Hemisphere freshwater forcing …
oil drop experiment. Later researchers moved Millikan’s result According to our probabilistic assessment, the likelihood of an
bit by bit—experimental uncertainties allow judgment—reaching AMOC collapse remains very small (<1% probability) if global
an accurate result only after years. Their reticence embarrassed warming is below � 5K … ’[189]. They treated the ensemble of
the physics community but caused no harm to society. A factor their model results as if it were the probability distribution for
that may contribute to reticence among climate scientists is the real world.
‘delay discounting:’ preference for immediate over delayed In contrast, we used paleoclimate evidence, global modeling,
rewards [182]. The penalty for ‘crying wolf’ is immediate, while and ongoing climate observations. Paleoclimate data [190]
Fraction (%)
Rus India
60 U.S.A. Jap China
Ca an
United Kingdom Germany
20 Rest of Europe
1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
(b) Cumulative Emissions by Region Ships/Air
60 Japan
United Kingdom Germany Rest of Europe
1800 1820 1840 1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 2020
Figure 29. Fossil fuel CO2 emissions by nation or region as a fraction of global emissions. Data sources as in Fig. 27.
.06 N 2O
DFe (W/m2/year)
.04 Gap ~ 0.030 W/m2
1960 1980 2000 2020 2040
Figure 30. Cumulative per capita national fossil fuel emissions [200].
Figure 31. Annual growth of climate forcing by GHGs [38] including part
of O3 forcing not included in CH4 forcing (Supplementary Material).
Greenhouse gas emissions situation MPTG and OTG are Montreal Protocol and Other Trace Gases.
The United Nations uses a target for maximum global warming
to cajole progress in limiting climate change. The 2015 Paris reduce emissions as rapidly as practical and shows that carbon
Agreement [201] aimed to hold ‘the increase in the global average capture cannot be viewed as the solution, although it may play a
temperature to well below 2� C above the pre-industrial levels role in a portfolio of policies, if its cost is driven down.
and pursue efforts to limit the temperature increase to 1.5� C IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), the sci
above the pre-industrial levels.’ The IPCC AR5 report added a cli entific body advising the world on climate, has not bluntly in
mate forcing scenario, RCP2.6, with a rapid decrease of GHG cli formed the world that the present precatory policy approach
mate forcings, as needed to prevent global warming from will not keep warming below 1.5� C or even 2� C. The ‘tragedy of
exceeding 2� C. Since then, a gap between that scenario and real the commons’ [204] is that, as long as fossil fuel pollution can
ity opened and is growing (Fig. 31). The 0.03 W/m2 gap in 2022 be dumped in the air free of charge, agreements such as the
could be closed by extracting CO2 from the air. However, required Kyoto Protocol [205] and Paris Agreement have limited effect on
negative emissions (CO2 extracted from the air and stored per global emissions. Political leaders profess ambitions for dubious
manently) must be larger than the desired atmospheric CO2 re net-zero emissions while fossil fuel extraction expands. IPCC
duction by a factor of about 1.7 [63]. Thus, the required CO2 scenarios that phase down human-made climate change
extraction is 2.1 ppm, which is 7.6 GtC. Based on a pilot direct-air amount to ‘a miracle will occur’. The IPCC scenario that moves
carbon capture plant, Keith [202] estimates an extraction cost of rapidly to negative global emissions (RCP2.6) has vast biomass-
$450–920 per tC, as clarified elsewhere [203]. Keith’s cost range burning powerplants that capture and sequester CO2, a nature-
yields an extraction cost of $3.4–7.0 trillion. That covers excess ravaging, food-security-threatening [206], proposition without
emissions in 2022 only; it is an annual cost. Given the difficulty scientific and engineering credibility and without a realistic
the UN faced in raising $0.1 trillion for climate purposes and the chance of being deployed at scale and on time to address the cli
growing emissions gap (Fig. 31), this example shows the need to mate threat.
26 | Oxford Open Climate Change, 2023, Vol. 3, No. 1
Climate and energy policy Thus, a rising price on GHG emissions is needed, enforced by bor
Climate science reveals the threat of being too late. ‘Being too der duties on products from nations without a carbon fee. Public
late’ refers not only to warning of the climate threat, but also to buy-in and maximum efficacy require the funds to be distributed
technical advice on policy implications. Are we scientists not to the public, which will also address wealth disparity.
complicit if we allow reticence and comfort to obfuscate our de Economists in the U.S. support carbon fee-and-dividend [207];
scription of the climate situation? Does our training, years of college and high school students join in advocacy [208]. A rising
graduate study and decades of experience, not make us well- carbon price creates a level playing field for energy efficiency, re
equipped to advise the public on the climate situation and its pol newable energy, nuclear power, and innovations; it would spur
icy implications? As professionals with deep understanding of the thousands of ‘miracles’ needed for energy transition.
planetary change and as guardians of young people and their fu However, instead, fossil fuels and renewable energy are now sub
ture, do we not have an obligation, analogous to the code of sidized. Thus, nuclear energy has been disadvantaged and ex
ethics of medical professionals, to render to the public our full cluded as a ‘clean development mechanism’ under the Kyoto
and unencumbered diagnosis? That is our objective. Protocol, based on myths about nuclear energy unsupported by
Politics and climate change while developing the technical knowledge that is needed to navi
Actions needed to drive carbon intensity to zero—most impor gate the stormy sea that their world is setting out upon.
tant a rising carbon fee—are feasible, but not happening. The
first author gained perspective on the reasons why during trips
to Washington, DC, and to other nations at the invitation of gov
ernments, environmentalists, and, in one case, oil executives in We thank Eelco Rohling for inviting JEH to describe our perspec
London. Politicians from right (conservative) and left (progres tive on global climate response to human-made forcing. JEH be
sive) parties are affected by fossil fuel interests. The right denies gan to write a review of past work, but a paper on the LGM by
Jessica Tierney et al. [49] and data on changing ship emissions
that fossil fuels cause climate change or says that the effect is ex
provided by Leon Simons led to the need for new analyses and di
aggerated. The left takes up the climate cause but proposes
vision of the paper into two parts. We thank Jessica also for help
actions with only modest effect, such as cap-and-trade with off
ful advice on other related research papers, Jim Zachos and
sets, including giveaways to the fossil fuel industry. The left also
Thomas Westerhold for explanations of their data and interpre
points to work of Amory Lovins as showing that energy efficiency
Resources [supporting], Software [equal], Supervision [support Methodology [supporting], Resources [supporting], Software [sup
ing], Validation [supporting], Visualization [equal], Writing— porting], Supervision [supporting], Validation [supporting],
original draft [supporting], Writing—review and editing [support Writing—review and editing [supporting]).
ing]), Leon Simons (Data curation [supporting], Formal analysis
[supporting], Investigation [supporting], Methodology [support
ing], Resources [supporting], Software [supporting], Supervision Notes
[supporting], Validation [supporting], Visualization [supporting], 1. Drafts of the chapters of Sophie’s Planet relevant to climate sensitivity
are available here; criticisms are welcome.
Writing—review and editing [supporting]), Larissa S. Nazarenko 2. David EE, Jr later became a global warming denier.
(Data curation [supporting], Formal analysis [supporting], 3. GISS (2020) model is described as GISS-E2.1-G-NINT in published papers;
NINT (noninteractive) signifies that the models use specified GHG and
Investigation [supporting], Methodology [supporting], Resources aerosol amounts.
[supporting], Software [supporting], Supervision [supporting], 4. An imbalance of 1 W/m2 for a millennium is enough energy to melt ice
raising sea level 110 m or to raise the temperature of the ocean’s upper
Validation [supporting], Visualization [supporting], Writing— kilometer by 11� C.
review and editing [supporting]), Isabelle Sangha (Formal analysis 5. Tom Delworth (NOAA Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory), Gokhan
9.00 Oreskes N, Conway E. Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of (eds), Climate Change 2013: The Physical Science Basis. Contribution
Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global of Working Group I to the Fifth Assessment Report of the
Warming. London: Bloomsbury, 2010. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Cambridge and New
10.0 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. History of the York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.
IPCC. (date last accessed 30.0 Hansen J, Sato M, Ruedy R et al. Efficacy of climate forcings.
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