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Razor Rx200 Electric Scooter

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Electric Dirt Scooter

Read and understand this entire manual before allowing
child to use this product! For assistance contact Razor.
NOTE: Manual illustrations are for demonstration purposes only.
Illustrations may not reflect exact appearance of actual product.
Specifications subject to change without notice.

Please have your unit and 19 character product I.D. code with you before
contacting Razor for warranty assistance and/or replacement parts.
Product I.D. Code: _____________ - ____________ - ____________

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 1 12/15/14 5:42 PM

Safety Warnings ...........................................................................................1-2 Usage ............................................................................................................... 6
Before You Begin.............................................................................................. 3 Repair and Maintenance...............................................................................6-7
Assembly and Set-Up....................................................................................... 4 Troubleshooting Guide ..................................................................................... 8
Charging the Battery ........................................................................................ 5 RX200 Electric Scooter Parts ........................................................................... 9
Pre-Ride Checklist ............................................................................................ 5 Warranty ........................................................................................................ 11


WARNING Riding an electric scooter does present potential risks and CHECK AND MAINTAIN SCOOTER CONDITIONS
caution is required. Like any riding product, an electric scooter has inherent Before use, check to confirm that any and all chain guards or other covers
hazards associated with its use (for example, falling off or riding it into a and guards are in place and in serviceable condition. Check that the brake
hazardous situation). Like any riding product, electric scooters can and are is functioning properly, and that the tires are inflated properly and have
intended to move and it is therefore, of course, possible to lose control or sufficient tread remaining. The scooter should be maintained and repaired
otherwise get into dangerous situations. Both children, and adults responsible in accordance with the manufacturer’s specifications, using only the
for supervising them, must recognize that if such things occur, a rider can manufacturer’s authorized replacement parts, and should not be modified from
be seriously injured or die even when using safety equipment and other the manufacturer’s original design and configuration.
WARNING: PARENTAL AND ADULT RESPONSIBILITY AND Always check and obey any local laws or regulations which may
SUPERVISION IS NECESSARY: Because products, like electric scooters, affect the locations where the electric scooter may be used. Keep
can and do present potential hazards plainly associated with their use, it is safely away from cars and motor vehicle traffic at all times. Only use
well recognized THE NEED FOR EXERCISE OF PARENTAL RESPONSIBILITY IN where allowed and with caution.
Not every product is appropriate for every age or size of child, and different one, is impervious to damage. Off-road riding obviously increases risks of
age recommendations are found within this category of product which are rider falls and of product damage due to stresses, impacts or wear, and riders
intended to reflect the nature of the hazards and the expected mental or assume all risks associated with high-stress activities:
physical ability, or both, of a child to cope with the hazards.
• Riding in “off-road” conditions can present obstacles, surfaces and
WARNING: RX200 OFF-ROAD ELECTRIC DIRT SCOOTER IS DIFFERENT conditions potentially more difficult to master than “ordinary” smooth or
IN MANY WAYS. This off-road electric scooter has inflatable tires, not solid paved surfaces.
tires like more basic electric scooters might have. Jumping and hard riding • Check your electric scooter before every ride, and replace worn or broken
places greater stresses on tires, wheels and components. Riders who may parts immediately.
intend to use this electric scooter to ride “off road” must be talented and
• Off-road riding requires skill and practice; it is not “automatic”.
experienced electric scooter riders able to handle the higher levels of risk and
the higher degrees of expertise associated with such riding. • Always visually review off-road riding terrain before riding, in order to try
to minimize encounters with “unknown” impediments in your path without
The recommended minimum rider age is 13 and older. Any rider unable time to react or compensate.
to fit comfortably on the scooter should not attempt to ride it. A parent’s
decision to allow his or her child to ride this product should be based on the This scooter was manufactured for performance and durability, but
child’s maturity, skill and ability to follow rules. it is not impervious to damage. Aggressive riding can over stress or
damage any product, including this scooter, and the rider assumes all
Keep this product away from small children and remember that it is risks associated with high-stress activity.
intended for use only by persons who are, at a minimum, completely
comfortable and competent while operating the scooter. Do not activate the speed control on the hand grip unless you are on the
scooter and in a safe, outdoor environment suitable for riding.
Persons with any mental or physical conditions that may make them
susceptible to injury, impair their physical dexterity or mental capabilities The normal powered top speed of this scooter will be approximately 12 mph
to recognize, understand, and follow safety instructions and to be able (19 kmh), which can be affected by conditions, such as rider weight, inclines,
to understand the hazards inherent in scooter use, should not use or be tire inflation and battery charge level. Avoid excessive speeds that can be
permitted to use products inappropriate for their abilities. Persons with heart associated with downhill rides.
conditions, head, back or neck ailments (or prior surgeries to these areas
of the body), or pregnant women, should be cautioned not to operate such Maintain a hold on the handlebars at all times. Do not touch the brakes or
products. motor on your scooter when in use or immediately after riding, as these parts
can become very hot.
DO NOT EXCEED THE WEIGHT LIMIT OF 154 lb (70 kg). Rider weight
does not necessarily mean a person’s size is appropriate to fit or
maintain control of the scooter.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 1 12/15/14 5:42 PM

Ride defensively. Watch out for potential obstacles that could catch your PROPER RIDING ATTIRE
wheel or force you to swerve suddenly or lose control. Be careful to avoid Always wear proper protective equipment, such as an approved safety helmet
pedestrians, skaters, skateboards, scooters, bikes, children or animals who (with chin strap securely buckled), elbow pads and kneepads. A helmet may
may enter your path, and respect the rights and property of others. be legally required by local law or regulation in your area. A long-sleeved
shirt, long pants, and gloves are recommended. Always wear athletic shoes
Wet, slick, bumpy, uneven or rough surfaces may impair traction and (lace-up shoes with rubber soles) and keep shoelaces tied and out of the way
contribute to possible accidents. Do not ride your scooter in mud, ice, puddles of the wheels, motor and drive system. Never ride barefooted or in sandals.
or water. Watch out for potential obstacles that could catch your wheel or
force you to swerve suddenly or lose control. Avoid sharp bumps, drainage USING THE CHARGER
grates, and sudden surface changes. The charger supplied with the electric scooter should be regularly examined
for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure and other parts. In the event of such
When riding off road, be careful of broken glass, sharp objects or other debris damage, the scooter must not be charged until the charger has been repaired
that may puncture or damage your tires and inner tubes. Select off-road or replaced.
riding locations free of such dangerous materials.
Use only with the recommended charger.
Do not attempt or do stunts or tricks on your electric scooter. The scooter is
not made to withstand abuse from misuse, such as jumping, curb grinding Use caution when charging.
or any other type of stunts. Racing, stunt riding, or other maneuvers also
enhance risk of loss of control, or may cause uncontrolled rider actions or The charger is not a toy. Charger should be operated by an adult.
Do not operate charger near flammable materials.
Do not exceed the tires’ 60 PSI rating. Over inflation will cause a rupture.
Unplug charger and disconnect from scooter when not in use.
Never allow more than one person at a time to ride the scooter.
Always disconnect from the charger prior to wiping down and cleaning your
Do not ride at night or when visibility is limited. scooter with damp cloth.

Never use near steps or swimming pools. FAILURE TO USE COMMON SENSE AND HEED THE WARNINGS
Do not allow hands, feet, hair, body parts, clothing, or similar articles to CAUTION AND SERIOUS ATTENTION TO SAFE OPERATION.
come in contact with moving parts, wheels, or drive train chain while the
motor is running.

Never use headphones, a cell phone or text when riding.

Never hitch a ride with a vehicle.

Do not ride your scooter in wet or icy weather and never immerse the scooter
in water, as the electrical and drive components could be damaged by water
or create other possibly unsafe conditions. Never risk damaging surfaces,
such as carpet or flooring, by use of an electric scooter indoors.

Need Help? Visit our web site for replacement parts, product support, a list of authorized service centers in the US and customer service contact information
at www.razor.com. Please have the product I.D. code (located on the white label of your product) available for better assistance. Additional Customer Service
contact information is listed at the back of this manual.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 2 12/15/14 5:42 PM

Remove contents from box. Remove the separators that protect the components from damage during shipping. Inspect
the contents of the box for scratches in the paint, dents or kinked cables that may have occurred during shipping. WARNING:
Because the scooter was 95 percent assembled and packed at the factory, there should not be any problems, even if the DO NOT USE NON-RAZOR
box has a few scars or dents. PRODUCTS WITH YOUR RAZOR
MAINTENANCE PROCEDURES. design specifications. The original
equipment supplied at the time of
sale was selected on the basis of its
Estimated Assembly and Set-Up Time compatibility with the frame, fork and
Razor recommends assembly by an adult. all other parts. Certain aftermarket
Allow up to 10 minutes for assembly, not including initial charge time. products may not be compatible and
Allow up to 12 hours for charge (see page 5 for charging information). will void the warranty.
(Note: Charger design may vary
from one shown)


Valve Extender Brake Lever

(Inside Grip)
Twist Grip Throttle
Handlebar Stem

Product ID Locations:
See locations to the left

Collar Clamp 1. Handlebar Stem

2. Underneath battery tray
3. Charger
On/Off Switch 4. UPC side of box (not shown)
Front Fork Charger Port
Reset Button


Battery 2.
Control Module

Plastic Bag Contents:

Required Tools
• Charger
• Tool
• Owner’s Manual

5 mm Allen wrench Valve Extender

(Located in right
handlebar grip)

Need Help? Visit our web site for replacement parts, product support, a list of authorized service centers in the US and customer service contact information
at www.razor.com. Please have the product I.D. code (located on the white label of your product) available for better assistance. Additional Customer Service
contact information is listed at the back of this manual.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 3 12/15/14 5:42 PM

Attaching the Handlebars Note: Make sure any cables/wires
Tool Required: 5 mm Allen wrench are out of the way before inserting
the stem into the fork.

WARNING: Failure to
properly tighten the collar clamp
may allow the handlebars to
dislodge while riding and may cause
you to lose control and fall. When
correctly tightened, the handlebars
will not rotate out of alignment
with the front wheel under normal

Note: The cable and wire assembly

from the handlebar must not
wrap around the steering tube or
handlebar. Sharp bends or twisting
1 Loosen the collar clamp. With 2 With the front wheel pointed of the brake cable can cause the
a twisting motion, push and twist straight ahead and the handlebars brakes to malfunction.
to slide the handlebar stem onto square to the front wheel, tighten
the fork. three (3) bolts on the clamp as
shown with a 5 mm Allen wrench.
Tighten securely.

Inflating the Tires WARNING: Failure to

Tires are inflated when shipped, but they invariably lose some pressure between the point of manufacturing and your
remove the valve extender after
purchase. Always inflate tires to the correct PSI before first time use.
inflating will cause the inner tube
Rear Tire and/or adapter to be severed by the
disc brake.

Note: If you lose the valve extender,

contact customer service or one can
be purchased at almost any auto
parts store.

WARNING: Inflate the

tires to the recommended pressure
(60 PSI) before riding. Do not exceed
the tires’ PSI rating. Over inflation
will cause a rupture and under
inflation may cause additional wear
1 Use the valve extender 2 Thread the valve extender 3 Remove valve extender on the tire.
located in the end of the right completely onto the valve stem and immediately after inflating.
handlebar grip. attach the pump. Inflate to the PSI
indicated on the tire sidewall.
Do not over inflate, as this could
damage tire or wheel.

Front Tire Note: The pressurized air supplies

found at gasoline stations are
designed to inflate high-volume
automobile tires. If you decide to
use such an air supply to inflate your
electric scooter tires, first make sure
the pressure gauge is working, then
use very short bursts to inflate to
the correct PSI. If you inadvertently
over-inflate the tire, release the
excess pressure immediately.

1 Using a bicycle style tire pump

equipped for a Schrader-type valve,
inflate the front tire to the PSI
indicated on the sidewall of the tire.

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Your electric scooter may not have a fully charged battery; therefore you must charge the battery prior to use.
• Initial charge time: 12 hours. • Make sure the power switch is turned OFF when with the recommended charger.
unit is not in use. If the power switch is left on for an Batteries are only to be charged
• Recharge time: up to 12 hours, even if the light
extended period of time, the battery may reach a stage under adult supervision. The charger
turns green. Recommended maximum charging time
at which it will no longer hold a charge. is not a toy. Always disconnect the
is 24 hours.
charger before wiping down and/or
• Always charge the battery immediately after riding. • To ensure long battery life, never store the product in
cleaning the electric scooter with a
freezing or below freezing temperatures! Freezing will
• Fully charge battery before storing for extended damp cloth.
permanently damage the battery.
periods of time.
• Run time: Up to 40 minutes of continuous ride time. The charger supplied with the
• Unplug charger from the wall outlet when not in use.
Run time may vary depending on riding conditions, electric scooter should be regularly
• Failure to recharge battery periodically may result in a rider weight, climate, and/or proper maintenance. examined for damage to the cord,
battery that will not accept a charge.
• Constant starting and stopping may shorten ride time. plug, enclosure and other parts.
• Battery life can vary depending on proper maintenance In the event of such damage, the
and usage of the unit. electric scooter must not be charged
until it has been repaired or replaced.

Charger Chargers have built-in overcharge

protection to prevent battery from
being overcharged.
Note: If the charger gets warm
during regular use, this is a normal
response and is no cause for
concern. If your charger does not get
warm during use, it does not mean
that it is not working properly.
Note: Make sure power is turned 1 Plug the charger plug into wall 2 Plug the charger into the
OFF when unit is not in use. If outlet. The light on the charger charger port on the product. Make Wall outlet - Green (stand by)
the power switch is left on for an should be green. sure the power switch is in the OFF Wall outlet and unit - Red (charging)
extended period of time, the battery Note: If green light (LED) does not position. The light on the charger Wall outlet and unit - Green (charged)
may reach a stage at which it will no turn on, try a different outlet. should turn red during charging. The
longer hold a charge. light will turn green again when Note: Continue charging unit even if
charging is complete. light turns green prior to 12 hours.

WARNING: Battery charge

can deplete over time. Failure to
recharge the battery at least once a
month may result in a battery that
will no longer accept a charge.


Brake Safety Gear

Check the brakes for proper function. When you squeeze the Always wear proper protective gear, such as an approved safety
lever, the brake should provide positive braking action. Make helmet. Elbow pads and kneepads are recommended. Always wear
sure brake is not rubbing when the lever is released. athletic shoes (lace-up shoes with rubber soles) and keep shoelaces
tied and out of the way of the wheels, motor and drive system.
Periodically inspect the tires for excess wear and regularly
check the tire pressure. Reinflate as necessary. Laws and Regulations
Always check and obey any local laws or regulations.
Frame, Fork and Handlebars
Check for cracks or broken connections. Although broken frames
are rare, it is possible for an aggressive rider to run into a curb Insurance
or object, and wreck and bend or break a frame. Get in the habit Do not assume that your existing insurance policies necessarily pro-
of inspecting your scooter on a regular basis. vide coverage for scooter use. Check with your insurance company
for information regarding insurance.
Hardware/Loose Parts
Before every ride, check all parts, such as nuts, bolts, cables, fas-
teners, etc., to ensure they are secure and assembled correctly.
There should not be any unusual rattles or sounds
from loose parts or broken components. If the unit is damaged,
do not ride. Reference “Safety Warnings” on page 1 of
this manual.

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Starting the Scooter Stopping the Scooter WARNING:
To start unit, turn on power switch; place both hands on To stop unit, release the throttle and apply the brake The brake is capable of skidding
handlebars and use one foot to push scooter forward until the unit comes to a complete stop. the rear tire and throwing an
while applying the throttle with right hand. unsuspecting rider. Practice in an
open area free from obstacles until
you are familiar with the brake
function. Avoid skidding to a stop as
this can cause you to lose control
and/or damage the rear tire.

Note: As an additional safety

feature, the scooter is designed to
cut power to the motor when the
hand brake is applied.


Turn power switch “OFF” before beginning repair or maintenance:

• Read the instructions • Secure the unit under repair • Contact Razor customer service
• Remove charger plug • Exercise caution around if unsure about any repair or
exposed parts maintenance
• Turn the power switch off

Adjusting the Brakes

Tool required: 5 mm Allen wrench

1 To adjust the brake cable tension, thread the 2 If the brake is too tight or too loose, use a 3 If the brake rotor is dragging on the brake pads,
brake lever adjuster in or out 1/4 to 1/2 turn until 5 mm Allen wrench to loosen the bolt for use a 5 mm Allen wrench to twist the caliper
the desired brake adjustment is attained. Most additional adjustment on the brake cable. adjuster in either direction until rotor is centered
adjustments are complete at this step. If brake Securely tighten the bolt when finished. between pads.
still needs further adjustment, proceed to step 2.

Front Tire Replacement

Tools required: Phillips screwdriver, and two (2) 16 mm wrenches.

Spring Front Lock

Fork Spacer Fork
Washer Axle Bolt Nut

1 Using two (2) 16 mm wrenches, loosen the front Lock Thin

Front Thin Spring
axle bolts by turning the wrenches counter clockwise. Nut Washer Wheel Washer Washer

Remove wheel and install replacement wheel. Note the

sequence of the hardware.

Need Help? Visit our web site for replacement parts, product support, a list of authorized service centers in the US and customer service contact information
at www.razor.com. Please have the product I.D. code (located on the white label of your product) available for better assistance. Additional Customer Service
contact information is listed at the back of this manual.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 6 12/15/14 5:42 PM

Chain and Rear Tire Replacement Note: Rear wheel Right Side (Throttle)
Tools required: Phillips screwdriver, two (2) 16 mm wrenches. hardware sequence. 17-5 - Spacer
17-4 - Washer (plate cut)
Disassembly 17-1

17-3 - Washer (thin)

17-2 - Spring Washer
17-1 - Locknut
17-5 _________________________

17-6 - Rear Axle Bolt

Left Side (Brake)
17-5 - Spacer
17-4 - Washer (plate cut)
1 With a Phillips screwdriver, 2 With two (2) 16 mm wrenches, __________________________
loosen the two (2) screws on the loosen the axle locknuts. Push down
chain guard and remove. and remove wheel from the frame. Frame
Remove chain from rear sprocket. 17-3 - Washer (thin)
17-2 - Spring Washer
17-1 - Locknut







Battery Care and Disposal WARNING: If a battery leak
Do not store in freezing or below freezing temperatures. To properly maintain your battery and ensure maximum
develops, avoid contact with the
battery life, carefully read the “Charging the Battery” section on page 6 of this owner’s manual.
leaking acid and place the damaged
battery in a plastic bag. Refer to the
Pb comes into contact with skin or eyes,
flush with cool water for at least 15
Disposal: Your Razor product uses sealed lead-acid batteries which must be recycled or disposed of in an minutes and contact a physician.
environmentally safe manner. Do not dispose of a lead-acid battery in a fire. The battery may explode or leak. Do not
dispose of a lead-acid battery in your regular household trash. The incineration, land filling or mixing of sealed lead- WARNING: Battery posts,
acid batteries with household trash is prohibited by law in most areas. Return exhausted batteries to a federal or state terminals and related accessories
approved lead-acid battery recycler, or a local seller of automotive batteries. If you live in Florida or Minnesota, it is contain lead and lead compounds.
prohibited by law to throw away lead-acid batteries in the municipal waste stream. Wash your hands after handling.

The charger supplied with the electric scooter should be regularly examined for damage to the cord, plug, enclosure
and other parts and in the event of such damage, the product must not be charged until it has been repaired or
Use ONLY with the recommended charger.

Wheels and drive system are subject to normal wear and tear. It is the responsibility of the user to periodically inspect
wheels for excess wear and adjust and replace drive train components as required.

Replacement Parts
The most frequently requested replacement parts are available for purchase at some Razor retail partners. For the
complete selection of replacement parts visit shop.razor.com.

Repair Centers
For a list of authorized Razor repair centers:
• Check online at www.razor.com.
• Call 866-467-2967 for the center nearest you.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 7 12/15/14 5:42 PM

*Unit(s) should be turned off and fully charged prior to doing any troubleshooting
NOTE: All troubleshooting steps should be performed by an adult only

Problem Possible Cause Solution

Does not work out of the box Loose connection(s) Check for loose connections/wires.

No longer works Loose connection(s) Check for loose connections/wires.

Charger not working Check power to wall outlet and/or try a different outlet

Check lights on charger:

Plugged into wall = Green
Plugged into wall & unit = Red (Charging)
Charging Complete = Green
No lights - Replace Charger

Secure unit; turn the power switch on and with no weight on the
unit, lift up back end and apply the throttle. If motor engages -
Replace Battery

Tripped reset button The reset button will trip if the motor is overloaded. An excessive
overload may be caused, for example, by too heavy a rider, too
steep a hill, etc. Wait a few seconds then press reset button.
Correct riding conditions to prevent overload

Battery will not hold a charge If motor does not engage, but makes a clicking sound - Replace
battery. If motor does not engage, no clicking sound - Replace
Control Module

Short ride time/runs slow Rider weight Do not exceed 154 lb (70 kg) maximum weight limit

Low tire pressure Tires will lose some pressure over time.
Verify correct tire pressure

Riding conditions Use only on flat, dry surfaces. Avoid inclines and areas with
heavy debris

Battery not fully charged Charge unit for a minimum 12 hours

Old/damaged battery Secure unit; turn the power switch on and, with no weight on the
unit, lift up back end and apply the throttle. If motor engages -
Replace Battery

Charge battery periodically when not in use

Improper battery maintenance Do not store unit in freezing or below freezing temperatures.
Freezing will permanently damage the battery and greatly reduce
ride time. Refer to page 6 for charging information

Brake is dragging Check the brake cable has 2-3 mm of slack at lever. Cables
should NOT be wrapped around the handlebar stem. Adjust brake
cable slack according to page 7 instructions

Runs intermittently Loose connection(s) Check the wires around the throttle and connectors underneath
the deck plate for other possible loose connections.

Replace - twist grip throttle.

For more troubleshooting tips, a list of available replacement parts or to locate an authorized Service Center in your area,
visit our website at www.razor.com or call toll free 866-467-2967 to speak to a live Customer Service Representative

Need Help? Visit our web site for replacement parts, product support, a list of authorized service centers in the US and customer service contact information
at www.razor.com. Please have the product I.D. code (located on the white label of your product) available for better assistance. Additional Customer Service
contact information is listed at the back of this manual.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 8 12/15/14 5:42 PM

Keep your scooter running for years with genuine Razor parts. Visit our web site or e-mail us for more information on spare part availability.
(Specifications subject to change without notice.)

1. Handlebar Grip (right/left) 8. Front Wheel Complete 17. Chain Guard

1-1 Handlebar End Cap (See page 8 for hardware sequence) 18. Chain
1-2 Valve Extender 9. Reset Button 19. Battery (2x 12V/ 7Ah)
2. Single Speed Twist Grip Throttle 10. On/ Off Switch 20. Control Module
2-1 Sleeve
11. Charger Port 21. Battery Tray
3. Handlebar Stem
12. Chain Tensioner 22. Battery Bracket
4. Brake Lever Assembly
13. Motor (24V / 200W) 23. Deck Plate
5. Collar Clamp
14. Kickstand
6. Headset (upper/lower)
15. Rear Wheel Complete
7. Front Fork (See page 8 for hardware sequence)
7-1 Limiter and Cover 16. Brake Caliper



2-1 4


3 19 18

22 20


5 9 10 11 12

6 7-1

13 14 15 16 17

Need Help? Visit our web site for replacement parts, product support, a list of authorized service centers in the US and customer service contact information
at www.razor.com. Please have the product I.D. code (located on the white label of your product) available for better assistance. Additional Customer Service
contact information is listed at the back of this manual.

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 9 12/15/14 5:42 PM


RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 10 12/15/14 5:42 PM

This device complies with Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operation is subject to the following two conditions: (1) This device may not cause harmful interference, and
(2) this device must accept any interference received, including interference that may cause undesired operation.

Note: This equipment has been tested and found to comply with the limits for a Class B digital device, pursuant to part 15 of the FCC Rules. These limits are
designed to provide reasonable protection against harmful interference in a residential installation. This equipment generates, uses and can radiate radio
frequency energy and, if not installed and used in accordance with the instructions, may cause harmful interference to radio communications. However, there is
no guarantee that interference will not occur in a particular installation. If this equipment does cause harmful interference to radio or television reception, which
can be determined by turning the equipment off and on, the user is encouraged to try to correct the interference by one or more of the following measures:

- Reorient or relocate the receiving antenna.

- Increase the separation between the equipment and receiver.
- Connect the equipment into an outlet on a circuit different from that to which the receiver is connected.
- Consult the dealer or an experienced radio/TV technician for help.

WARNING: Changes or modifications to this unit not expressly approved by the party responsible for compliance, could void the user’s authority to
operate the equipment.

Razor Limited Warranty The manufacturer is not liable for incidental or consequential loss or damage
The manufacturer warranties this product to be free of manufacturing defects due directly or indirectly to the use of this product.
for a period of 90 days from date of purchase. This Limited Warranty does not
cover normal wear and tear, tires, tubes or cables, or any damage, failure or Razor does not offer an extended warranty. If you have purchased an extended
loss caused by improper assembly, maintenance, storage or use of the Razor warranty, it must be honored by the store at which it was purchased.
electric scooter.
For your records, save your original sales receipt with this manual and write
This Limited Warranty will be void if the product is ever: the serial number below.
• used in a manner other than for recreation or transportation;
• modified in any way; __________________________________________
• rented.


Need Help? Visit our web site for replacement parts, product support, a list of authorized service centers in the US and customer service contact information
at www.razor.com. Please have the product I.D. code (located on the white label of your product) available for better assistance. Additional Customer Service
contact information is listed below:


Razor USA LLC Razor USA (Europe) Razor USA (Asia)

P.O. Box 3610 Handelsweg 2 P.O. Box 3610
Cerritos, CA 90703 2742 RD Waddinxveen Cerritos, CA 90703
USA Netherlands USA

+1 866 467 2967 +44 (0) 1202 672702 +81 50 7579 6622
Monday - Friday info@razor-asia.com
8:00 AM - 5:00 PM Pacific Time


Re:creation Limited Funtastic Limited

2 Meadows Business Park Level 2, Tower 2, Chadstone Place
Station Approach, Blackwater 1341 Dandenong Road
Camberley, Surrey GU17 9AB Chadstone VIC 3148
United Kingdom Australia

+44 (0) 118 973 6222 Tel +1 800 244 543

+44 (0) 118 973 6220 Fax

Printed in China for Razor USA LLC.

Copyright © 2003-2014 Razor USA, LLC. All rights reserved. Razor® and the Razor logo design
are among the registered trademarks of Razor USA LLC in the United States and/or select
foreign countries. RX200™ is a trademark of Razor USA LLC. US_141215

RX200_MAN_US_141215.indd 11 12/15/14 5:42 PM

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