Science and Technology

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Science and technology

1. Vocabulary list

B1 – scientific, technological, branch, appliance, gear, equipment, engine,

machine, machinery, freezer, an electric kettle, plug, socket, cordless, portable,
remote control, invent, inventor, discover, research, scientist, technician,
browse, coffee makers, range hood, food processor, tools, powered by
electricity, alternative sources of energy, to be afraid of technology, steam train.

B2-hunt for food, windmill, to cure many illnesses, mankind, precisely, to

overcome the distance , the cloning of animals and people, endanger, ballistic
missiles, laser weapons, nuclear weapons, the law of gravitation, the antibiotic.

2. Visuals

3. Main topic

Definition of technology:
Inventions of the past
In the pre-historic times, people´s lives were very simple, they used to hunt for
food and gradually they made primitive tools from stone, bones or animal´s skin.
By using a simple needle people started to sew clothes so they were able to
protect themselves from the cold. In order to make their lives easier, people
invented the wheel. They also built windmills to use the wind energy. Important
discoveries and inventions came in the 15th and 16th centuries, when America,
Asia, Africa were discovered and sciences such as astronomy, philosophy,
medicine and biology were developed. A significant step in history was made
in 1450 when the printing press was discovered in Germany by a man called
Johannes Guttenberg.
The Industrial Revolution – 18th and 19th century
It was a time when many important inventions were made. Many of these
inventions made work easier and cheaper. As these inventions created new
manufacturing and industry, many people also moved away from farms into
cities. It was a time of very rapid change in the world. Later, in the 20th century,
other inventions came to existence, e. g. the integrated circuit, the computer, the
mobile phone, the TV, the Internet, the credit cards, pesticides and fertilizers as
well. Great move was made in a field of biology, scientists made a lot of
medical research that helps the doctors to save human lives and to cure many
illnesses, for example:
 the laser
 penicillin
 vitamin C
 X-ray
 new drugs and vaccines against infections such as measles, mumps,

Famous inventors and scientists:

Isaac Newton – English mathematician, physicist and astronomer, invented the
law of gravitation.
Albert Einstein – developed the theory of relativity.
Sir Alexander Fleming – discovered the first antibiotic drug –penicillin.
James Dewey Watson – discovered a structure of DNA.

Inventions and technology we use nowadays

We cannot imagine our everyday lives without technologies. We use it every

day at home, at work, at school and in many other parts of our lives. At home,
we have got to use many electric appliances. They help us to make our lives
more comfortable and raise our standard of living.

Older people and technology:

Many older people don’t like using computers, mobile phones or credit cards.
The technology and many new inventions, such as computers, microwaves or
dishwashers didn’t exist when they were young and they don’t know how to use
it. They are afraid of technology and they don’t trust it. They think that
technological inventions are expensive and difficult to use.

Advantages that the science and technology brought to mankind:

- it made our lives easier and more comfortable
- science can help to make a human life longer
- we have new information about our life, animals
- we can travel to space
- it helps us to overcome the distance (mobile, Skype)
- it helps us to make transactions easier (credit cards)
- it can help us to protest our environment – find some alternative sources of

Disadvantages of new technologies and inventions:

- there are many ethical problems – cloning of animals and people
- we can be destroyed by the new inventions – ballistic missiles laser or nuclear
weapons, H-bomb
- pollution of the environment – we use fertilizers, pesticides
- we spend less time talking to our family and friends – we prefer sending
messages, using mobiles and we communicate with computer, not with real

What can we expect in the future?

 we should use the technology wisely so that we can improve our lives and
don’t destroy it.

Inventions that are important to us – why and how we use them

For some peoplethe most important inventions are the electricity, the television
and the mobile phone /the computer, a microwave…/.Electricity is very
important because it makes our lives much easier and comfortable – many things
that we use every day are powered by electricity – TV, radio, computer, a fridge.
We can’t imagine our life without electricity. Other inventions that are very
important to society are the TV, the mobile phone and the computer because
many of us like watching TV and playing computer games. The mobile phone
is also very important because we can call our friends and family when we have
a problem, when we need help, to arrange a meeting or just when we want to
talk to somebody.

Common electric appliances used at home: fridge, freezer, ice maker,

washing machine, kettle, dishwasher, microwave oven, computer, telephone
landline, mobile phone, vacuum cleaner, TV set, hifi system, toaster, mixer,
coffee makers, food processor.

4. Role-play

a/ How the mobile phone can change our lives

b/ You are studying abroad and sharing a flat with two other students.
Yesterday you had a late-night party with loud music. You want to keep
good relations with your neighbours. Go upstairs and apologize.



Y: Good morning. I came to apologize due to my not appropriate behavior

yesterday evening. I am sorry for being so loud but we had a party. It was
my birthday.

N: Yeah, it was terrible. I could not sleep at all and I had to wake up early
to work. You are lucky I did not call the police. Be sure, next time I will.

Y: I understand. Next time I will have party in a restaurant or during the

weekend so it will not be disturbing you so much and I can invite you,
too. It would be nice to join us and have some fun after busy week at
work. For now I brought to you a bottle of good vine and delicious
birthday cake.

N: It sounds great I will be happy to come and thank you for the presents.

Y. I really want to have a good relationship with my neighbours so once

more I am sorry for that night. Good bye.

N: Bye



1. How do science and technology help you in your everyday life? Give some
2. Think of two inventions or equipment without which you cannot imagine
your life and explain why.
3. Which present inventions did your grandparents not know and why? What
did they have instead of them?
4. Talk about famous scientists and their inventions.
5. What invention do you miss in your life?
6. How much has technology advanced since your parents were young?
7. Could the efficiency of language learning by increased by some
technological means?
8. Look at the pictures of the famous inventors and say what you know about
them.What do you know about their inventions?

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