Application of Nursing Orems Selfcare Deficit

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Application of Orem’s Care Deficit Theory and Standardized Nursing Languages in a Case

Study of a Women with Diabetic


A Case Study Application of Orem’s Care Deficit Theory and Standardized Nursing

Languages in a Case Study in a Women with Diabetes

Nursing Theory

Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory contributed much in the development of nursing

knowledge; by shaping holistic approach among healthcare institution in dealing with long term

medical care, allow patients to apply their autonomy to identify self-care demands, and enhanced

family core support. Systematically, Orem’s Self Care Deficit Theory build a strong supportive

network to enhance good collaborative working strategies to work together in achieving

perfection both diagnosis and treatment. Furthermore, addresses the importance of knowledge

skills and attitude in adherence to individual self-care. Basically, trained professionals in

providing critical information especially in educating patient about the course of its medical care

to promote independency in participating patients’ health care and aimed the best quality of life.

Family support system displayed important role in this theory by creating positive feedbacks

loop of patient’s long term medical care in order to adapt and improve coping.

Concept Selection

Let’s clear up one common misconception from the get go: Self-care is not being

selfish; it is by means taking care of one’s self to be healthier. In this context, we will further

know that Orem’s Theory of self-care is focuses on each individual’s ability to perform self-care,

defined as the practice of activities that individuals initiate and perform on their own behalf in

maintaining life, health and well-being. Orem’s self-care deficit theory provides a framework to

guide assistance to meet the self-care requirement and management. Without further do, Orem’s

self-care Theory utilized the four integrated client-nurse concept, self-care, self-care agency,

therapeutic self-care demands, and self-care deficit. In addition, linking concepts of self-care

theory defines its attribute in the promotion of health and protection of patient for further

complications with collaborative efforts among medical allied team in a strong well-integrated

health care system. Patient as the sole model of care, can or cannot perform the required

measures without assistance, inspite of that, Orem’s Theory projected nursing care system to

assist and managed patients needs. Helped to meet component of the client therapeutic self-care

demands and protects and regulates the development of client’s self-care. Three types of nursing

system are the wholly compensatory, partly compensatory and supportive educative. Thus;

provides information about long-term medical management and family support to enhanced

psychological growth.

Concept Analysis

The role of the environment in following individual’s life sustaining needs adherence to

self-care is one of the valuable factors in maintaining health.

In this framework the course of analysis is mainly in identifying the strength and

limitation of our subject. Sociocultural influences project the main problem of this context.

Factors involve family and individual’s lifestyle, religious norms and disease susceptibility due

to genetic factors. In such, guided by this context patient represent insufficiency of knowledge

about self-management of the existing illness. With the use of nursing standardized program,

patients were able to integrate nursing care to project a better health outcome. Due to

collaborative support with the patient, family and medical practitioners, patient was able to self-

manage and identify future needs.

Concept Application

As a middle-age women in 5’6inches height with 250lbs, with type2 diabetic mellitus

with complication, with limited knowledge about her present disease condition. Concept guides

in this theory are more in implementation of self-care. Diagnosing patient with self-care deficit

due to uncapabilities of her self-care demands, care plans would develop some tools that could

be beneficial to patient as a sole model of care. With the integrated nursing care plan, nurse

would apply wholly or partially compensatory and supportive-educative type of care. It includes

education of patient about the nature her illness, recommend patient to healthy lifestyle and

encouraged adherence to owns care and emphasized its importance. Involved family in her long-

term medical care by means of supporting patient in managing proper nutrition management.

Provide necessary information to patient and family about diet regimen to control blood sugar

level. In addition to that family’s involvement in the process of patient’s adherences to care will

not be affected.


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