Paper I Set B
Paper I Set B
Paper I Set B
5 6096
Booklet Code
4tIT-1/PAPER — I
5. 3MT * 5976 2 TT 371-47t eft RFT 374 *1749. el VV.t. tf47 Wt7T 3't 1 9F4T 947.I77
'#,37.V* et Tt wr-gr wti rer cArdia f#4 ,:rg—gr re& Vr Fre
alitT ftzl 719. 3M7 7.,t 71-6W ATRT fircr tI 14,41- srm •crw
Use only HB
pencil to darken the appropriate bubble on page 2 of the answer sheet. Give onlyone re-
sponse for each question. If you wish to change a response, erase it completely and remark
choice. Multiple responses to a question will be treated as a wrong answer. the new
6. TFF TRY craF ITT wt I sna trw*.3ilm itvw.31P8ft*7 tr13 TFF wrzit FAr itzrr ;wit l
Rough work should be done on the question paper itself Additionally one blank page is given at
of the question paper for rough work. the end
S/1 AAA/1 3 B 1A
— -
1. *r eiSel tll 0# t: 1. The Union Cabinet is composed of :
6. 41 wit W-W t 34h' *Low ai X13 wY -c tWirr 6. Two dice are thrown and the sum of the
number is noted. The number of ways in
wi w'rt 7 er
which the sum can be 7 is
1. 1
2. 4 1. 1
3. 6 2. 4
4. 3 3. 6
4. 3
S/1 AAA/13-8-1B
7. ritv at en*ri FT 11-+Tf Mitar tf 9FEW 7. Five rods are kept in a line such that any of
5.1 Rust n--$ ?Fr *41. u-st *r attzra the rods is thrice the length of the previous
(4.14 #### t:- one. The average length of the rods is
1. 9641 *r 16 71ar 1. 16 times the first rod
2. cfrat 113 *r 24 r 2. 24 times the first rod
3. 96--41 1A3 tsr 9 Tni 3. 9 times the first rod
4. 40%1 iA3 t'r 36 7Fr
4. 36 times the first rod
8. unrisrr # #-4fera. ,tn-c Wt# RE t? 8. Which is the article that deals with the
1. 3rT70-4-
t. 88
official language ?
2. 3r#7.6-
..T. 4" 123 1. Article 88
3.39T-4. 3 343 2. Article 123
4. 3.9**4- 301 3. Article 343
4. Article 301
9. 5 Haar-Nair ar-6- 3rnItrur ware. ire. AT siF:rw 9. 5 different ornaments were made and 5
arropya k 1We. Krw-Kr-w wt-Fr warzrr Trzrr 3117 boxes, one for each with the names of the
9T 3# k ara catq Itcr 7rKri vd 3, ci4 ornaments written over them. In how
many ways can one put one ornament in
# . Krw arrarrar Krw 4-tit are. # one box such that exactly one ornament is
4-igef Kr-c 3Trattsrar araa a -4# Al' to in the wrong box ?
1. 1
2. 2 1. 1
2. 2
3. 3 3. 3
4. 0 (,1#4) 4. 0 (zero)
10. 11(1 ull al Zrr atalN fd tia *TIT trr 10. Who, in mythology, wished for everything
Ts- 7cr, Tilar Aa am? he touched to turn to gold?
1. 3't# 1. Archimedes
2.sin 2. Midas
3. King Lear
3. *Jr fait( 4. Aristotle
4.9,fec ci
11. q, I** era; a# ;Yr 2,10,000 11. A tax payer pays Rs.2,10,000/- as income
31Tzr•7 tar ti zrrt 4c.1 2 Fr& 92 tax in a given year. If the rate of tax is nil
1"-zr 311T 31## 8 WU ITT 15% 311T 0# T125 on the first 2 lakh, 15% on the next 8 lakh
and 25% on the rest, then the annual
at 91%h 3Tra income is
1. 15 6119
1. 15 lakh
2. 13.6 n its 2. 13.6 lakh
3. 14.8 nits 3. 14.8 lakh
4. 16 4. 16 lakh
1. stctir 31t44 Er4r-a mkt *thrtc4 1t 3 H t 1. The average density of the boat is less
2. ri chi Tr 3r4 &TM Mar t than that of water
2. The boat has a pointed nose
3. .11aa. c11a r 014,1 (Alts t)*T cbidl it
3. The propeller helps the boat to swim
4. ei chi WFM at 344 I *1 4 etki a r rrF a 4. The steel used in the boat has a lower
argtVticazt t density than water
15. aft tar trw air 3.7r3n Far 1V4 vr7trw 15. If we join every possible pair of the mid-
points of sides of a square, the number of
444'44 alt film t, at at 14,cia• crfcrt
non-overlapping regions into which the
3iurrua atir /lean ? square is divided is
1. 4 1. 4
2. 6 2. 6
3. 8 3. 8
4. 16 4. 16
Fe.t4r art via ti-44 Ora ticitir 3iStr€ .11
16. A cut on the palm heals faster than that on
war t Mv fc the knee because
1. spa 1'
titgt OA ti 1. palm is bigger than the knee.
2. 1.:F* tit vor WI. 4r4 #41 ti 2. skin of the palm is softer than of the
3. vett it Tet Twa' tt
3. the supply of blood is more in palm
S fl tl than on the knee.
4. EirA *T trim it vzr 341.1w 4. palm is nearer the heart than the knee.
61c41 tl
17. *t4 Tit at falter Ewer ardtt? 17. Which one of the following rivers flows in a
rift valley ?
1. zpyr
2. S 1. The Yamuna
2. The Son
3. I 41
3. The Godawari
4. 4.4T 4. The Narmada
20. Sr, afar, wrEr, vier 4 it, aril it For* 1.9 air 20. Select the odd one out from Iron, copper,
nrE wt bronze, silver.
1. As] 1. iron
2. copper
2. ST
3. bronze
3. WiRT 4. silver
4. ter
21. Lightning is seen before thunder because
21. id.,tptt ..,Sell tti t* It tin faisili t 4 -441%
1. thunder is always produced after
1. E-aar Eta tcr Ftcfl tl
2. tat* A crol *ILIA Ott void)
2. light travels slower than sound.
3. 40141 A erg' * LEt . vitt aactl ti
3. sound travels slower than light.
4. Tr*Er Eta %moil 4 rift ttzr etch
4. thunder is always produced before
22. vri Eitt umcfr flk fatr 4 ER. ti
Era * tar vw zrrtr aucir t 3E*itvwttta 22. 4 horses are walking in the direction of
a moving train. A passenger in the train
wrEr t 3rrr 3 Aft ti f f A- wlE Fr sees that one of the horses is black and
*1.T*311- wet aft tr ;war the 3 are white. Which of the following can
never be true?
1. *TE ott 34§11-7 FR it wr* 3ftt uta Tit 1. There are three partially black and one
wrgr fully black horse.
2. ETE Etrt rp) ,c gr.{ Krw 2. There are 3 white horses and one
3. Egir tart Eta- EN-1W Eur it ii 1+4 3ttt 3V§Tw black horse.
3. All four can be partially white and
i;Ritac l partially black.
4. at vit. wr* 3lIt at Err3 3rr5rw FR itwr4 4. There are 2 black horses and 2
tl partially black horses.
23. 5 #1grr311 AT Aia' 12 tl triq wit Tt 3 *1 23. Average of five numbers is 12. But the
average of three of these is 10. The
3itira 10 tl elyr dt nznait 31111W t average of the rest two numbers is
1. 15 1. 15
2. 20 2. 20
3. 17 3. 17
4. 18 4. 18
24. 31767 148 * 31-6-4F nRa * fa‘iich
24. Under the Article 148, the Comptroller and
Strew t 1Alf4cf 1%-Tr* ct_ *r Auditor General of India shall be appointed
1. ti"&v icT
2. C11.117#41 1. The President
3. wr irtittftlr 2. The Prime Minister
3. The Chief Justice
4. 3cr 4. The Vice President
1. 49 1. 49
2. 64 2. 64
3. 98 3. 98
4. 128 4. 128
27. TtiTraft * 711 Wr a# .61 t 27.The square of the sum of two numbers
3tai- * * vu-at ti fra *'tFt..7 equals the square of the difference
between them. Which of the following has
Tit to be true?
1. cleit 3ifWartla: sr 6
2. 3a =t # *1' arTh-dria": swzr Efifl 1. Both have to be necessarily zero
2. At least one of them has to be
3. p• ti• q ri+.9411 aFr coif' riistii *1' ririr zt necessarily zero
m~n c+1 .e.4i 3. One number has to be the negative of
4. t# Krw FilgZET *t Vitt titsLH the other
4. One number has to be the inverse of
p-A,r m the other
28. nr-gr-fraw Hica * aft Iflitta• # 28. Which one of the following statements for
dalir*-tm'Fftt? a tropographical map is not correct ?
1. wiio Ftim/ -$1`r* * Thy trw 1. A contour line is drawn to show places
ttNlvv trgt 7r-J1` tl of equal heights
2. me atat art titu 31yii1 6(41 a 2. Closely spaced contours represent
gentle slopes.
qtr-dt ti
3. Two contours of different elevation do
3. 31W4-31-eff MAT Zt iid-Ovu lig IV trW- not cross each other.
CkiitI ai trri Wet 411c-fl I 4. Widely spaced contours represent
4. 31R1w ter art ii•-11T-T, kigiti 6 4. gentle slopes.
*I" edit ti
29. A has an amount which is 120% of what B
29: "Kr" t rim Qv trTh-T t t t "tr" *1' Trftl- tr 120%
has. What percent of the money should A
ti "7" er fd,c1.41 crrdira Tr% "fit" give to B so that they have equal
emt * tiRT TAT vw *loco aRr? amounts?
1. 10% 1. 10%
2. 12.5% 2. 12.5 %
3. 8.33 % 3. 8.33 %
4. 6% 4. 6%
30. aft WHINE 21- it itqa Itzrr .71101 if at at 30. If not allowed in WHINE it becomes
atit er rat t qty 7R' 3# SINE It aitw intoxicating but when brought back in SINE
(tutu omit t 4Hch411
it appears brighter. What is it ?
.Tray tl Mtn" t?
1. N 1. N
2. E 2. E
3. W 3. W
4. H 4. H
32. tg7 alt-r 1= r t arTr 7r-4r art t 32. Regur soil is also known as
1. csiciul T
1. saline soil
2. .1441 51-er
2. black soil
3. T 3. arid soil
4. a Cil*t. tir*ci 4. laterite soil
33. vw t salt 20 ft a of aat lira" 33. A cyclist was moving with a speed 20
rtr 21r1 544 tfli3 100 It Tit cft ITT 41*41
km/hr. Behind the cyclist at a distance of
100 km was a biker moving in the same
OM] 40 ft a *I- i tr rift Itur 3Tr direction with a speed of 40km/hr. After
2Tri Rich4 TrFra ark 611$41 war Fr ,a arch what time will the biker over take the
mr* lactic! oiikldii? cyclist?
+=hie-Hsi ATMITFT 39117 ti 3TT1,R
36. As per the present provisions, the
reservation of seats for SCs and STs in
311T 394,1r4F f=47 Tftef arrtairr Parliament shall cease to have effect on
* zry aTc auvoir: the expiration of
L 414144 Flat, t 75 at 1. 75 years from the commencement of
2. TirdITTF t 70 n1 the Constitution.
3. .3174117 t-1411 1-c1 Ftt eIT1 2. 70 years from the commencement of
the Constitution.
4. 3iTtaiut a,T rienchiur fd 411 oiNill
3. Reservation will never cease.
4. Reservation will be renewed.
37. id-, a sre- oleii3 4r6 74r4a Batt wag'
37. A city likely to record the lowest minimum
Zkri Ci 4-1 tiiHdiir1 a er# *r 4ma71. Kl cff ti
annual temperature in July is
1. (-icri
2. 46 fa-A. 1. London
3. aWarT
2. New Delhi
3. Jakarta
4. d,riati 4. Canberra
38. cifs4, 4 a ucaft 4 4 Truftzr 414 f'th-4 38.The national song 'Vande Mataram' was
arrErr f4r4 yr composed by Bankim Chandra Chatterjee
in which language?
t 3t
2. 1- 0-41 1. Urdu
3 ai alclf 2. Hindi
3. Bengali
4. 2trzt4
4. Sanskrit
1. 12 ft.Tri./Eir 1. 12 km/hour
2. 13 f'./fricrz-r 2. 13 km/hour
3. 14 fT.Tft./EtzT 3. 14km/hour
4. 15 fT.Tft/cizr 4. 15 km/hour
43. n j-Ert sr2nT fkcr 10 0/0 rAtr 43. A company pays a dividend of 10% for the
15%, MIT ctrnq at f4cr 25% arithf 4-dt ti first year, 15% for the second year and
25% for the third year. If the investment
irftf er 3000 -4V %IT at T7
. Sara Mitt t- was of Rs.3000/- the total dividend
received is
1. 750 Tat
1. Rs.750
2. 950 nit
2. Rs.950
3. 1200 wt. 3. Rs.1200
4. 1500 n* 4. Rs.1500
44. *ta 3itaThrT 317a- tick Asa ofilc) 1T? 44. How many medals did India win in the
London Olympics?
1. 0 refer, 2 RIpai, 4 TiFzf = f' 6
2. 1 Fru?, 1 Pc-04, 4 Thii•44 = TR 6 1. 0 gold, 2 silver, 4 bronze - 6 in all
3. 2 nrk, 0 Prat, 2 chli-4 = .7 4 2. 1 gold, 1 silver, 4 bronze - 6 in all
3. 2 gold, 0 silver, 2 bronze - 4 in all
4. 0 aauT 1 far-at, 5 4114- 1 = a
, 6 4. 0 gold, 1 silver, 5 bronze - 6 in all
45. Find the odd one out :
45. th-ar 71- It co.( Tr fdlsrg actir t?
1. 7tPT 1. Ganga
2. *lett 2. Brahmaputra
3. di cp:411* 3. Godavari
4. Chenab
4. fd.lia
52. &TRW Tifatim• t 31a* cbt 52.The Executive Government under the
Constitution of India is
1. ri.11 414Irachl i Aft.31aiGiae tl
2. 97 ERZ' 3it7 ilaf fttm
1. accountable to the Judiciary
caw aa-{
2. watched by the Parliament and State
3. ITT fl tiichiit caw" T5R Tuft 71-4t tl 3. watched by the State Governments
4. TIT alTiff =i1 us.IC1l taRT FFT 11:4t unctl tl 4. watched by the people of India
53. zrtt I%-er ce4i4c1 it Ti -fr-d- atti fard-FiTa 53. If a person is chosen as a member, both
of the Parliament and of a State
41 .11 ftv. faer ♦ 7TaT t at 54 ♦ tici-4H1 TIT Legislature, his membership of either the
at tic( Tl nar iris ragaTigg tr *0. fair Parliament or the Legislature will cease as
r : follows :
1. 7a- csal €44-41cIl ffcr as fa41 rat 1. His earlier membership will cease when
he is elected to the second
t as 34141 tletecIrli
2. His later membership will not be
2. .3.H.F1 triat 4444-41cIl 44)14 Ftt elan I acceptable
3. 4-f- uf• 4't Mtfrita• Matti- 3i47 3. He shall resign from one of the seats
within a stipulated time of six months
Td.itft Krw Itrz. t
4. His membership of Parliament will cease
4. St( Thg 4144-41c11 rielit-c-i ft uilvd111
1. tritr OUR' fit TRTT ttl 1. the state administration has broken
2. 0 7t Wt* 3fr
1-71. Firanif *Orr wzr down.
2. the law and order of the state is
4 01 severely crippled.
3. 1174
. Sr I a ociich f I i +.44u1 * aT e 3. the insurgency in the state has risen to
Tit uncontrollable levels.
4. the government of the state cannot be
4. TPA zit:aura crrairml 39-FR
carried out in accordance with the
wort 41- 7T tichch I provisions of the Constitution.
1. 39-et& 52 1. Article 52
2. Article 72
2. 3T7#4 72
3. Article 370
3. 3T-Tt4 370 4. Article 100
4. 3 tn. 100
C 12
mr time! Tt
is Is
:n 913 815
SC 1 4 712
20 P
8 I P A
. 16 1. 16
2. 32 2. 32
3. 40 3. 40
4. 12 4. 12
60. 74 Ttra. tia1 ..7urs t 60. When a source of light is placed at the
centre of the globe, the projection is called:
vatcrut a r ch6c)
1. a+-isigii u 1. Orthographic
2. Stereographic
2. 1/1'47
3. Gnomonic
3. al 4. Orthorhombic
4. {dew 1(4.1 0(AT
- -
4. d 3tk s
62. It fd ti w41" (trta 62. Which one of the following rivers is also
known as the 'sorrow of Bengal' ?
6i,11,1) alt t F cl t?
63. 10 4i(sQ41311 30Tra. 30 ti 41a vw dis,e4c at 30 63. The average of 10 numbers is 30. What
4-41. 1:CU 7rft t 3117 all' ed.v.434 at 7 5 titseu3.6- will be the new average if one of the
numbers is increased by 30 and five of the
et 4 TT( t 7-t 3in-7a WM efSic4h
rest decreased by 4 each ?
1. 30 1. 30
2. 31 2. 31
3. 32 3. 32
4. 33 4. 33
69. *RR 'terra tir 69. The Preamble to the Constitution of India
at 42k *env*
was amended by the 42" Amendment Act
aditrzrxr SOW *villa %iv *trr of and inserted the following words in the
.141 iWJ;T1=4fik* stR niael fte existing Preamble,
1. 'Sovereign, Socialist, Secular and
1. .4444,,,4 , tiJ4I.lIbpl ,thzd*Teraf, Democratic'
71. 3, 5, 11 35, 53 t WJT a1 ya• Th-T 71. Find the missing number of the series
car *nrd: 3,5,11 ...... 35,53
1. 21
2. 17 1. 21
3. 19 2. 17
4. 23 3. 19
4. 23
72. 12% w' 25% Me t gtlait Oar t
72. 25% of 12% is same as
1. 300%
2. 100% 1. 300%
2. 100%
3. 30% 3. 30%
4. 3% 4. 3%
73. ;mu tit L' erur tr{ Liscfl t 3fli 73. A ray of light hits a mirror and is reflected.
If the mirror rotates by an angle 10° in one
gYcft tl tit d'ur Krw ?Orr * 10 trur ITT Er,Far t direction, then the reflected ray will rotate
?ft truaffa %qui fd.cmfl site cc{ qr .*? by
1. 10°
1. 10°
2. 20° 2. 20°
3. 5° 3. 5°
4. 15° 4. 15°
74. f f > wsza wet ? 74. Which of the following is the correct
1. ¶4 Tit gap* Tema 3nTrau * ft*
1. A total solar eclipse always occurs on a
2. TIT Tkif giFT tIf71+11 W fta• eaT tl new moon day
3. TrifT Trig/Fur WT ?MT V{+11 i m--gr # taciA 2. A total solar eclipse always occurs on a
full moon day
3. Occurrence of a total solar eclipse is
rkat ITST Al6uf 414M 3 411+14-1 t 4Ytl.f Ff c1 It independent of the phase of the moon
4. A total solar eclipse occurs only during
certain seasons.
75. Biz NV* ati acciti 31ti fl3ft 71tRre
75.The mid latitude zones lie between
markt * tr-st t: latitudes in the northern and southern
1. 35 ° 3117 55°
1. 35° and 55°
55° 31# 60°
2. 55° and 60°
3. 25° AT 35° 3. 25° and 35°
4. 10° AT 25° 4. 10° and 25°
76. area iffy ttrwr 3rritrwrftw If t 76. The Union of India has no official
1. NM 1. Language
2. ET* 2. Religion
3. Animal
3. 911
4. Flower
4. TR
77. wet AT 4d)v t1HF1 at 3 7 77 - - 3Tfer-W chi # 77. Over withdrawal of ground water in coasts
and islands does not cause
thrrgiatif i tat
1. WIT 7R1 1. brackish water.
2. salt water ingress.
2. WduT WI 31F COM
3. decline in water quality.
3. 7a. tr gr %loci 4. faecal matter in ground water.
4. N:7# at di (trwg) g -41211
82. atter aff +.4 cf utrit 41Z tile 11* ffli: 311tM
- -
82. In winters one normally feels colder after
the meals because
33 +1Ft ~ti 4'tcll t weir
1. the food gets colder quickly.
1. (girl] afft7 Ste 7iT
2. of excessive acid secretion in the
2. 31.rnmzr gr NPR (Viag) Fra sgt uric stomach.
tl 3. of enhanced flow of blood to the
3. 3IN:ttazt aff rt"a" Sicus zt Ufa
4. of loss of energy in chewing food.
4. 3.417" *surf si.Ti 4r sira tl
ter 83. Who won the fifth edition of the Indian
83. tftq-4f * err
Premier League?
1. Kolkata Knight Riders
1. lei•nicif
2. Deccan Chargers
2. to cit 3. Chennai Super Kings
3. a..4 Ticrt ftnr 4. Kings XI Punjab
4. %ail XI 4714
84. The blind river dolphins are found in the
84. cello* at sl1Zn.l Th-Ff waters of
1. Tamil Nadu
2. Kerala
2. tel 3. Karnataka
3. 4. Andhra Pradesh
4. 3Titisrtsr
86. The sum of three different natural numbers
86. 31-47r crew titswitTr 7115 is equal to their product. The sum of their
air W' t: squares is
irle-141c4 WT-4-1" tl 4.14 ,
1. 23
1. 23 2. 20
2. 20 3. 17
3. 17 4. 14
4. 14
87.The line connecting places of equal
87. tiHl.f clIMril.1 IT Mgt .11. 5a a1ct1 turr
temperatures is:
4,5er t
1. isobar
1. wicid 2. isotherm
2. ti+icnv tun 3. isohyte
3. tikici of kWIT 4. isotope
4. AFfte4-a t4S1T
4. Igibifg ......
S/1 AAA/13-B-2
90. alt 4 M+IlcIIt cfltitl Sri fdidT• 2012 90. Third consecutive assembly election was
• won in 2012 by
fdpritrt oficii UT?
1. H M Bahuguna
1. 'CM'. O711. ov.t
2. Jyoti Basu
2. rya? 9 3. Narendra Modi
3. ai 4. Naveen Pattanaik
4. Wera tlertIcch
91. ;IPA dT ar atow 3W 3tri .311(11 t 4'4ffd 91. Hot air balloon rises up because
1. TEPT gar aft far ti [;Mari ell Flcfl tl 1. hot air is lighter than cold air
2. WM Tar at ataR:m n FlcflI 2. hot air has higher energy
3. 11-171 pi gi 3iTh"W cora ttaT tl
3. hot air has a higher pressure
4. RR pi 4 Wai 4410 ttai
4. hot air has a lower pressure
92. B,F,C,G,D,H,E 3r44 Mut w' war
92. Find the next letter in the sequence B F C
(saw: GDHE
t o t 0
2. I 2. I
3. F 3. F
4. K 4. K
93. atT-41rt ritic z1 t ilSAN t: 93. The Indian Parliament consists of
1. Ml q, Nair Li
t-rt Nair I 1. Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha.
2. FtWANT , 10
-747 mit 3t1T crtardatti 2. Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and Prime
3. R'rW Minister.
Est 3th- ht-+-Trat WWI
3. Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and the
4. (gal 1:11-1i, 217-u FM 3tIT irercr41 -01 Speaker.
4. Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and the
94. razia 4-41' wrt littra t-"? President.
99. FratirR ;t win FR. awf Ttertra 99. How many times has the constitution
been amended since its inception ?
1. 10 F 30 art 1. 10 to 30 times
2. 50 it 60 RR" 2. 50 to 60 times
3. More than 200 times
3. 200 sferw art 4. 90 to 100 times
4. 90 F 100 al?
101. .34i chi illScliqr 2T itiRr 106. 41( Ldcfl 3Iftw sred7 t?
1. enimels 1. 3:1-+T RT7TT
2. amt uld.,llfa4ll 2. 3tart amt
3. FRP' al I 4-1 *r tit-TM 3. CidiLhol FRIT
4. FRIT ..T0P41 tfit 8fa .1 4. tt aprr
102. Tit ar-*zr 7,• :
t Rift arin. srtnzt „UT tr 107. FM 11th-FIR rfa- t
2. Raft wait .111A4.11 r srtrr4faY.a t 1. Q 6 -
Chinnaswamy Subramania lyer was born on 11 December 1882 at Ettayapuram in Tamil Nadu to Lakshmi
and Chinnaswami lyer, a man given to great ambition if not much business acumen. Lakshmi died when
'Subbayya", as Subretnania was affectionately called, was only five years old. He spent most of his early
days with his maternal grandfather who introduced him to the treasures of Tamil poetry. By the time he was
seven or eight years old he had surrendered himself to the magical world of poetry. So prodigious was his
talent that he could improvise poetic lines on the spot, stunning his listeners with his great prowess. He was
conferred the title of 'Bharati', one blessed by the goddess of learning. Thus at the age of eleven, Subbayya
became Subramania Bharati.
111. 'Subbayya' was the 116. Bharati's talent was 'prodigious'. This means he
1. Bharati's paternal grandfather's name 1.
2. affectionate name given to Bharati in He was talented when very young
2. composed poems in large numbers
1888. 3. composed rare poems
3. Bharati's maternal grandfather's name.
4. He had proper training in poetry
4. Pen name of Bharati
117. Subbayya lost his mother when he was
112. 'Ettayapuram' is 1. 5 years old
2. 7 years old
1. Bharati's grandfather. 3. 11 years old
2. a village in Tamil Nadu. 4. 2 years old
3. a district in Tamil Nadu.
4. the family name of Bharati. 118. To whom did Bharati surrender ?
113. Bharati was introduced to the joys of poetry
1. The British
by his
2. Magic world
3. The Police
1. Paternal grandmother 4. Poetry
2. Mother
3. Maternal grandfather
4. 119. Subbayya became Subramania Bharati in the
grandfather year
114. Why did Bharati lead a poverty-stricken life
1. 1887
when he was young? 2. 1882
3. 1890
1. His father had immense wealth which he 4. 1893
2. His father was ambitious 120. How did Bharati exhibit his prowess?
3. He chose to lead a simple life
4. His father had no business acumen
1. by reciting classical poems
2. by the choice of words for his poetry
115. The title 'Bharati' refers to
3. by composing poems with deep meaning
4. by improvisation of verses on the spot.
1. Son of India or Bharat
2. Goddess Lakshmi
3. Goddess Saraswati
4. Bharat Mate
1. Hill of grapes 1. High and low, rich and poor, wise and
2. Pack of grapes foolish must die.
3. Hand of grapes 2. He lost land, money, reputation and
4. Bunch of grapes friends.
3. Pandit Nehru, the first Prime Minister of
125. Which is the word in which the letters are in India, died in 1964.
alphabetical order? 4. He did not however, gain his object.
1. Lot of mosquitoes 135. Match the correct words (A) to describe the
2. Swarm of mosquitoes group of various animals and birds (B)
3. Band of mosquitoes
4. Herd of mosquitoes a. wolves (i) gaggle
b. lions (ii) pack
c. geese (iii) litter
129. The error in the sentence "Much waters have
flown under the bridge" is d. kitten (iv) pride