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Krigher Simbulan

A Semi- Detailed Lesson Plan

In English (Grade 8)

May 19, 2014

I. Objectives

At the end of the 45 minute discussion, 75 % of the students should be able to:

a. Distinguish the infinitives in sentence;

b. Classify the functions of infinitives in sentences; and
c. Construct their own sentences with infinitives.

II. Subject Matter

Topic: Infinitives

Reference: English Grammar and Composition

pp. 116- 122
Learn How To Speak English Fluently
PP. 89- 93
Materials: PowerPoint, Audio, wall chart

III. Procedure

a. Review
Before we go to our new lesson, let us first have a short review about our last topic which is all about verbals. So
who could define verbals?
That’s right! Now, what are the three types of verbals?
Okay! And we are already through with gerunds, and gerunds are?
Correct! Gerunds function as a noun and its structure is base form of the verb + –ing.
Could you give an example of a gerund and use it in a sentence?
Very good, class. It seems that you really understood our last topic so we can now go to our next lesson.
b. Motivation
GAME: “I’m sure with my Lyrics”
MECHANICS: The class will be divided into two groups. The teacher will play songs and students should listen
closely. Incomplete lyrics will be projected afterwards. Each group member must supply the missing words to
make the lyrics complete. Each group member should say the phrase “I’m sure” so they will have the chance to
answer first. If they miss, the opposing team may steal. The team who scores more after 8 sets will be the
c. Lesson Proper
The reason why we had a game awhile back is because it has something to do with our next lesson which is
another type of verbals and it is called infinitives. Let me use some of the lyrics that we had earlier as

 I am trying to get back.

 And nothing’s going to stop me but divine intervention.
 I reckon, it’s again my turn to win some or learn some.

These underlined words are called infinitives, so based on these, what do you think is the structure of
That’s right! Infinitives consist of the word to plus the base form of the verb.
Infinitives may be used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb. Let us first go with nouns. Study the given
 To see is to believe. - SUBJECT
 The team wants to win. - DIRECT OBJECT
 The teacher will further discuss infinitives as nouns and give more examples if necessary. After every
example, the teacher will ask the students to give their own examples.

Now, let’s go to infinitives as adjectives. Infinitives may also be used as modifiers for noun. Study the given
 Those are the foods to eat. - modifies foods
 They are the team to beat. – modifies team
 The teacher will further discuss infinitives as adjectives and give more examples if necessary. After
every example, the teacher will ask the students to give their own examples.

Now, let’s go to the last function of infinitives which is being as adverbs. Infinitives may actually be used
as modifiers for verbs, adjectives and adverbs.

Study the given examples.

 We came to see the concert.- modifies the verb came
 The game was painful to watch.- modifies the adjective painful
 He arrived too late to help us.- modifies the adverb late
 The teacher will further discuss infinitives as adverbs and give more examples if necessary. After
every example, the teacher will ask the students to give their own examples.
IV. Application
Directions: The class will be divided into two groups. A chart which contains 10 incomplete sentences is
posted on the board. Each group member must pick pieces of paper inside a box one at a time. Each paper is
written with infinitives. Each group member must post the appropriate infinitive in the sentence to make the
sentence complete and coherent. Afterwards, he/she must identify its function by posting noun/ adjective/
adverb (which is posted randomly on the board) beside each sentence. The other group members would
only be allowed to take turn if the preceding group member is already done. The team who finishes faster
will be the winner.
V. Generalization
Infinitives are verbals which have the structure to+ base form of the verb. It may function as a noun, an
adjective or an adverb.
Students will give their own sample sentences which have infinitives. ( as noun, an adjective, an adverb)
VI. Evaluation

DirectionS: Underline the infinitive in each sentence according to its function. If the infinitive is a noun, identify its
function: subject, direct object, subject complement. If the infinitive is an adjective, identify the noun it modifies. If
the infinitive is an adverb, identify the word it modifies.


Noun- direct object 1. They want to go to the party.

Adverb- came 2. We came to see you.

______1. He is the man to watch.

______2. My prayer is to succeed in life.

______3. I was lucky to see you here.

______4. He left early to meet his girlfriend.

______5. They are the most important people to invite to the party.
______6. The best way to improve your performance is no secret.

______7. Anna’s determination to teach well is quite obvious.

______8. To go abroad is my long- time dream.

VII. Assignment
Listen to any type of news. List down some infinitives you’ve heard and follow the same direction in the
previous seatwork.

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