Lesson Plan

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Day 2 I. Learning Objectives II.

Learning Content Through reading the selection entitled Beautiful Luisiana, the students should be able to: A. explain the suggested meanings of affixes; B. show an affection for others by relating to them; and C. construct a grid and list of prefixes and suffixes.

A Semi-detailed Lesson Plan in English II Prepared by: Liza Mariz L. Basallo III. Learning Procedure A. Preparation VI. Evaluation V. Assignment Research on some interview techniques. To be written on sheet of pad paper to be passed on August 11, 2013
Getting Ready + Who will you interview? Your parents, guardian or teacher can help you. + Ask permission to take notes and record audio or video. You may also want to take photos of the subject or things s/he has to show you. + Make sure you gather all of the necessary equipment and test it to be sure it works.

A. Subject Matter Affixes B. References Cecilia R., Delos Reyes. 2004. Echoes 2. Pages 7178 C. Materials balloons with strip of paper inside strips of paper with word that has affixes recorded speech entitled Talent copy of the selection Beautiful Luisiana to be photocopied D. Concepts Knowing the affixes will help us understand the meaning of word and what does it imply. Two kinds of affixes: a. prefix- attached before a root word

Group the students same Motivation grouping awhile back. Group the students to 6 Each group having 7-8 members. will be given a board marker. The game will be pop me and They will guess what construct a grid and list One from the group will take 5 down as many steps from the starting point affixes they towards the balloon and pop can. it. Words repeated will Read the mystery word and be discarded. act it out. Each word will be 2 points each. Mystery words

Permission Reflection React

b. suffix- attached after the root word. E. Skills Using affixes properly. Getting the meaning of a word by knowing what is the suggested meaning of the affix used. Listening carefully. F. Values

The rest of the group will guess. They will be given two minutes to guess the word. If not the other groups can steal. Break down the words.
Permit,-ion re-, act bright,-er reflect,-ion

Say something on the activity. We need others whom we can completely be ourselves and some to help us stand and have a

There are certain words that syllables that we add to a word to form a new word and new meaning.

B. Presentation 1. Discussion on affixes.

Affixes are one or more syllables that come at the beginning or end of a word and have a meaning on its own.

2. Give the two kinds of affixes. Prefix- attached before a word to form a new word. Examples: UnIninterreantiim-

Suffix- attached at the end of word to form a new word.

-ance -sion -ness -er -ment

3. Tell that they should know the meaning of affixes in order to know the meaning of a word.

Prefix prefix TransTriUnUltraUnderUnimeaning Across Three Not Beyond beneath one, single Example Transfer Tricycle Unknown Ultrasuede Underline unicorn

Suffix suffix -ant -ar -arium -ble -ent meaning One who One who Place for Inclined to One who Example assistant liar aquarium gullible resident

4. Let the students give their own example.

Teacher- one who teach Happiness- state of being happy Weekly-every week

5. Listen to a short speech.

Each one of us has a talent. Some are good in singing, dancing, writing, and some are multi-talented. Filipinos are very talented and we cant deny the fact that any Filipinos are now in the international scene because they used their talent wisely. Talents are given by God to be used and be shared to others. Use your talent for goodness sake and be an inspiration to others.

6. Take down the words with affixes and classify it if it belongs to prefix or suffix.

International multitalented

Singing, dancing keeping Writing , wisely utilizing, inspiration

7. Using the listed words compose a poem or a song out of it. Singing a song makes me happy It makes my feet dance

Stamping with the beat and make me say,,,

Lalalalala...inspiration....alal alala

C. Generalization How can you relate affixes to your life and what important role do they convey?

In our life we need someone in front of us who serves our guardian like our parents and specially God. Also, some stand behind us to push us through just like our dreams and aspirations in life. We need to live with others to have meaningful life.

D. Application 1. Read the selection entitled Beautiful Luisiana. Beautiful Luisiana I roamed around, I crossed the seas; Fear appeared not In my dying heart; But now that i near Your lovely home, misgivings assail me and feel no doubts...

2. Identify the words with affixes and give its suggested meanings.

Daring- an act of dare Misgivings-an act of doubt Beautiful-full of beauty

3. Use the given words with affixes in a sentence.

The girl is daring in taking her chances.

She has misgiving about her wedding.

The woman looks so beautiful in her white and black dress.

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