Mohan 2015

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Simulating Consequences of Smoking With

Augmented Reality
B Remya Mohan Kamal Bijlani R Jayakrishnan
Amrita E-Learning Research Lab, Amrita E-Learning Research Lab,
Amrita School of Engineering, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham,
Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala, India. Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala, India.
Amritapuri, Kollam, Kerala, India. [email protected] [email protected]
[email protected]

Abstract— Visualization in an educational context provides the

learner with visual means of information. Conceptualizing
certain circumstances such as consequences of smoking can be
done more effectively with the help of the technology, Augmented
Reality (AR). It is a new methodology for effective learning. This
paper proposes an approach on how AR based on Marker
Technology simulates the harmful effects of smoking and its
consequences using Unity 3D game engine. The study also
illustrates the impact of AR technology on students for better

Keywords— Augmented Reality, Marker Technology.

AR applications can be built with the help of SDKs and
various game engines. Among the various game engines,
Figure: 1 Marker [7]
Unity 3D is the game engine used in the proposed system. It is
Figure 2 shows an example of Markerless AR. By using
a multiplatform, consisting of integrated IDE for game
Marker AR, all the features in the image can be clearly known,
scripting and can also be used in 3D virtual worlds. To build
in case of Markerless AR, some random points in the image is
an AR application in Unity 3D, external SDKs are essentially
taken and these are compared with the stored objects in
needed by the system. Certain Unity 3D like Catchoom,
database. This causes lot of time consumption when the
Metaio, ObviousEngine, PointCloud, Sphero, SSTT,
database grows in size, so to avoid this markers are being used
Vuphoria, Xloudia, NyARToolkit are also used. SDK used in
in the proposed system.
the proposed system is Vuforia.
The two different ways in which AR applications can be
built are based on marker and marker less technology.
Markers can be defined as the target image which is stored in
the Vuforia target database. Each marker has different size and
also contains different patterns to differentiate it with other
markers. When marker is detected by the AR camera; digital
object is rendered on the screen which gives a realistic view of
the object. It works with the help of software that identifies a
particular pattern such as a barcode. Multiple markers can be
used for an AR application. To identify different markers used
in AR applications, different ids are used for each marker [15].
Figure 1 shows an example of a marker. Markerless AR uses
sensors in the devices they are using to detect the real world
environment. This allows users to place virtual object in that
environment. In Markerless AR, any part of the environment
Figure: 2 Markerless AR [18]
can be used as a target and these targets can be tracked to
place the virtual objects. Markerless technology allows users Figure 3 illustrates a Marker based AR System. The
to extract information from environment that can be stored and system captures the image of the marker shown to the AR
used later. camera. As the captured image is identified with the target
images in the database, the corresponding virtual object is

978-1-4799-8792-4/15/$31.00 2015
c IEEE 919
rendered [4]. The proposed system suggests the use of virtual chemistry subject to make more interactive. [1] Gives more
buttons to make interactions more effective. information about how AR technology can be used in the field
of education. Students in medical field require more
interactive experience which can be made possible with the
help of AR Technology.
Ronald T. Azuma gives a detailed survey in the field of
augmented reality. Here, in real time 3D virtual objects are
integrated into 3D virtual environments [8]. This paper
concentrates on some of the main areas in augmented reality
and the work done in those areas. The areas taken into
considerations are medical, manufacturing, visualization, path
planning, entertainment and military applications. The paper
also gives an overview of the characteristics of augmented
reality systems and also difference between optical and video
blending approaches. According to the author, augmented
system has mainly three characteristics, they are [8]:
Figure: 3 Marker based AR System Setup [4]
• Combines real and virtual
Nowadays the consequences of smoking and its effects
are shown with some animated videos and posters. But this • Whether interactive in real time.
may not give a real visual impact to the user how its effects or
harm us. With the help of AR Technology this consequence • Whether registered in three dimensions.
can be illustrated with 3D effects and normal lungs, changes in
lungs when smoke enters the lungs and diseases caused due to [9] Presents a detailed study of user evaluation techniques
smoking along with the damage caused to the lungs are shown used in augmented reality research. The methodology used in
in the proposed system. this paper is characterized by iterative selection, filtering and
classification process. Hannes Kaufmann presented the
II. RELATED WORKS challenges in using collaborative augmented reality in the field
AR is an upcoming technology; researches are more of education [10]. According to the author, in a collaborative
interested in using AR in education field to make learning augmented reality multiple users access a shared space which
easier. This helps in improving knowledge in the subject area is incorporated by virtual objects. This method helps users
of user’s choice, which in turn creates a good educational mainly for educational purposes and can use various natural
experience for the user. Thus AR creates a learning means of communication (like speech, gestures etc) [10].
environment which combines both educational and
entertainment factors. Students are provided with a learning III. SOLUTION APPROACH
environment with the help of AR technology in their The study demonstrates side effects and diseases caused
classroom, where it is found that students learn more in due to smoking using AR Technology. Unity 3D game engine
collaboration. AR technology increases the motivation level of is used for demonstration and uses some of the marker based
students by creating a learning environment that enhances toolkit for developing AR Application in Unity.
excitements among the students, which in turn increases their
A. Unity 3D game engine
learning. The technology, AR helps students to learn at their
own pace and experience a different learning environment Unity 3D is a new technology that helps in making games
with the help of information collected from the real world. It easier. Unity consists of lots of packages and export options
combines the real world and virtual world elements to provide are also present for other platforms. Unity can be used as a
a real world experience and concentrates on the objects in the multiplatform for developing 2D and 3D games [16]. Unity
real world with the help of digital information. Earlier days it provides interactive experiences with the user. Unity is
was associated with expensive hardware’s but nowadays it can considered as one of the best development platform for
be used in a much simpler way, with the help of a web camera, creating games. Unity can be used between 21 platforms.
laptops etc. It finds a wide variety of applications in the field B. Vuforia
of Education [10], Medical Science [17] and Military [18] etc.
Importance of Augmented Reality in Education sector is One of the SDK used with unity for developing AR
explained in [2] and also using an interactive marker in Application is Vuforia. Vuforia is a software platform that
Augmented Reality for teaching Computer Graphics. Students enables the user to create augmented reality applications. The
have interaction with the models and can view its details in Vuforia uses technically more powerful computer vision based
3D. The AR Technology helps students in learning at their image recognition system and provides a wide variety of
own pace, which makes students. [3] Explains that AR features which makes user to develop applications more
Technology can be used in improving students cognitive test effectively without any limitations [11]. Vuforia provides lots
performance on a particular topic. AR tool can be used in

920 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
of features, which includes identifying and tracking images, system.
texts and markers.
1. Features of Vuforia
a. Target Images
Target Images are those images which Vuforia SDK can
detect and track. Once the Image Target is detected, SDK will
track the image whenever the image is in the field of camera.
Vuforia Target Manager can be used to create Target Image
using JPG or PNG images. Vuforia Target manager is a web
based tool that can be used to create and manage target
databases online. To work with Target Manager, Vuforia
Developer Account is needed. A license key will be associated
with all the databases created in the Target Manager. Once the
license key is obtained, one can create database, add targets,
download database and add it to Vuforia Project, update and
manage databases and targets throughout the application.
There are mainly two databases in Target manager: Device
database and Cloud database. Device database are local Figure: 4 Interactive 3D respiratory system
databases that are stored on user’s device [12]. Cloud
databases are stored online and uses internet for queries [12].
b. Multi Targets
More than one Image Targets are used for creating Multi
Targets and regular geometric shapes are used for their
arrangement. Multi-Targets consist of multiple Image Targets
in a geometric arrangement [13].
c. Frame Markers
Frame marker consists of a unique ID and this frame
marker is encoded into binary pattern along the borders of the
marker image [14]. Frame markers are used for applications
that need to identify those images which are similar. With the
help of frame markers, images are placed along the marker
C. Proposed System
• There are mainly there modules in the proposed
system. Modules include: Representation of
Interactive 3D Respiratory system and its
• Demonstration with Augmented Reality- Figure: 5 Labeling different parts of respiratory system
Showing the consequences of smoking.
• Assessment – Quiz Module.
a) Representation of 3D interactive respiratory system
and its functions
In this module, learner can view 3D respiratory system
along with its functionalities. Learner can rotate the 3D model
of respiratory system and can a separate each part in the
respiratory system and can join again. When learner mouse
over to any part in the 3D model of respiratory system, a color
change will occur to the corresponding part and also shows the
detailed explanation of the specified part. In this way learner
will get a detailed study of the human respiratory system and
different organs in the respiratory system along with its
functions. Figure 4 shows 3D model of respiratory system.
This module demonstrates mainly two functions, parts
labeling and parts separation of the respiratory system. Figure
5 shows the functionalities of each organ when mouse over.
Figure 6 shows the parts separation of respiratory
Figure: 6 Parts separation of respiratory system

2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI) 921
For assessment, quiz is conducted to analyze the
understandability of the learner. Quiz is conducted with
b) Demonstration with Augmented Reality- Showing AR.
consequences of smoking.
AR marker is used here to demonstrate the
consequences of smoking. AR Camera captures the target
image in the AR marker, Respiratory System. The image
is being tracked in the database (Vuforia) and checks in
the database for the appropriate matching and displays the
rendered object on top of the target image. When marker
is captured by AR Camera, respiratory system which is
hidden in the marker is rendered and also demonstrates
the inhalation and exhalation of air into the lungs. The
demonstration shows how harmful smoke enters the
human body and how this smoke causes damage to
different parts of the respiratory system. Figure 7 shows
flow diagram.

Figure: 8 shows smoke entering respiratory


Figure 7: Flow Diagram

The study also demonstrates three different diseases
that are caused due to smoking. The three different
diseases demonstrated here are Emphysema, lung cancer
and chronic bronchitis. Emphysema affects the air sacks
in lungs, the alveoli and demonstrated by showing color Figure: 9 Demonstrates disease emphysema..
change in the air sacks. Lung cancer causes abnormal
growth in any part of lung. Chronic bronchitis causes In quiz module, quiz question appears and each question has
difficulty in breathing by the sedimentation of mucus in four different options. These four options are having four
bronchiole, making the bronchiole narrow and different markers. Learner can choose any marker which they
demonstrated by shoeing color change of the affected feel is correct and shown in front of AR camera. Message is
part. As smoke enters respiratory system, diseases are displayed indicating whether the answer is correct or wrong. If
demonstrated along with their description. the answer is correct score is incremented. Figure 10 shows
c) Assessment- Quiz module the demonstration of assessment module using AR
technology. Here question appears and user can select any of

922 2015 International Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI)
the four options using any of the four marker. In figure 10 user assessment. In case of pre-assessment a group of students
selects a wrong answer and it is displayed as wrong. were shown a normal video and the feedback of students were
taken. In case of post- assessment, the same group of students
were shown the proposed system illustrating the harmful
effects of smoking and the feedback of students were taken.
The feedback from students are presented in the form of a
graph shown in figure 12. It is clearly evident from the graph
that students strongly agree with augmented reality technology
than a normal video.

Figure: 10 AR quiz selecting a wrong answer.

Figure12: Evaluation

The paper presents the use of AR Technology in the field
of education. Students and people get more visual impact of
the concepts they are studying.AR Technology also helps
students to learn at their own pace. The study demonstrates the
awareness among students regarding smoking and the diseases
caused by it and this is made possible through augmented
reality technology. Students will get more attracted towards
the 3D visualization of objects than a normal video. So,
augmented reality technology helps students to get a 3D
visualization of the object rendered. The study also shows that
students had an impact of the system using AR technology.
We are grateful and thankful for the facilities and support
provided by the Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham University and
Amrita E-Learning Research lab.
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