10-Year Project Plan - 20
10-Year Project Plan - 20
10-Year Project Plan - 20
December 18, 2023
The Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT) is excited to release its first fiscally
constrained 10-Year Project Plan, which provides a roadmap for $15 billion in state and
federal funds over the next decade for surface transportation development. However, it is
important to note that the outstanding need, in current dollars, is over $30 billion. Beyond A New Road Forward............................................................................... 4
the 10-Year Project Plan, TDOT programs nearly $600 million (nearly $6 billion over 10
years) of federal and state funding annually in partnership with airports, transit agencies, Program Overview Map......................................................................... 14
cities, counties and other entities to address access, mobility and safety.
I would like to thank every person who has worked tirelessly to create this plan which 10-Year Plan Projects............................................................................. 16
delivers on our mission to provide a safe and reliable transportation system to support
economic growth and quality of life in Tennessee. We would not be able to share this plan Region 1................................................................................................... 24
if not for the support of Governor Lee and the General Assembly and their investment in
Tennessee’s infrastructure by passing the landmark Transportation Modernization Act Region 2................................................................................................... 26
(TMA) in April. The law allows TDOT to enter into Public-Private Partnerships to deliver Choice Lanes, expands our
alternative delivery capabilities and creates parity between electric vehicle and combustion engine vehicle owners. The
TMA is a bold step towards filling the gap between transportation needs and inadequate federal and state funding. We Region 3................................................................................................... 28
are grateful to the countless mayors and transportation professionals for their support and prudence in this process.
Region 4................................................................................................... 30
Since the passage of the TMA, TDOT has been developing a new project programming prioritization process that puts
each one of our Empowering People, Influencing Culture (EPIC) values to work as stewards of the additional $3 billion
in General Fund allocation. The goal of that General Fund infusion is to leverage the largest amount of private, federal
and local dollars possible. With collaboration, integrity and consistency, I am proud to share that we have created a
data-driven model considering performance, delivery and cost. To ensure all Tennesseans benefit from this historic
investment, we have applied equity across our four regions including balancing urban and rural projects that address
differing needs. The plan includes projects ranging from traffic congestion to bridge replacements to multimodal
enhancements. This plan will be reevaluated annually to consider growth and change to the Tennessee landscape.
This new process represents an evolution in philosophy at TDOT regarding how we fund and deliver transportation
projects. We have taken a critical eye to our projects statewide with the mindset of “what gets started, gets
finished.” By committing to this new process, TDOT will be able to serve Tennessee with greater accountability and
communication. The 10-Year Project Plan also supports jobs for Tennesseans and creates a long-term view, helping
the industry develop and train the workforce needed to get the jobs done.
I am pleased to announce this feasible and actionable plan works within our financial constraints over the next
10 years. With the additional new state funding, the plan expands our federal dollar capabilities and accelerates
dozens of projects in TDOT’s Highway Program. The TMA’s $3 billion General Fund investment helps fund 12 urban
congestion projects, including Tennessee’s first-ever Choice Lanes, five rural interstate widenings, eight additional
rural investment projects, six Statewide Partnership Program projects and critical bridge replacements in all four TDOT
regions. Without the state General Fund appropriation provided by the General Assembly, these projects would not be
This investment helps modernize and manage the state’s transportation system with excellence. We are excited to
continue Tennessee’s commitments to multimodal projects through the future Choice Lanes, partnerships with transit
agencies, investments in sidewalks and bikeways through grants, and other initiatives.
As construction begins and projects take shape, let us embrace this transformative initiative. This is not only about
roads but about paving the way to a future we are collectively building—one that prioritizes the well-being of our
residents, the prosperity of our state and a transportation system that truly serves the people.
Butch Eley
Butch Eley, Deputy Governor and Commissioner of
the Tennessee Department of Transportation
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
The growth and prosperity Tennessee is experiencing present challenges to moving people, goods and
services seamlessly across the state. Traffic congestion is becoming more prominent in both urban and
rural areas. TDOT began developing Congestion Action Plans for Middle Tennessee (Nashville) in 2019,
followed by studies in Chattanooga, Knoxville and Memphis in 2021. Summary findings of these studies
and plans can be found at tn.gov/tdot/build-with-us. This increased congestion affecting urban and rural
areas represents a growing need that requires a change in our plans and priorities.
At the same time, inflation has not only hit the kitchen tables of Tennesseans but the roadways as well.
The Federal Highway Administration’s (FHWA) National Highway Construction Cost Index grew by 45.3 $750 Million
percent between Q1 of 2020 and Q1 of 2023. This inflation dramatically outpaces current traditional for EACH Region
gas tax revenues. Coupled with the growing needs of the state, this creates an unsustainable cost for • IMPROVE Act Acceleration
trending upward, it is prudent to anticipate and develop future steps that will help TDOT deliver the • Economic Development
transportation system Tennesseans deserve.
METHODOLOGY This plan commences a new commitment for TDOT’s relationship with taxpayers and local communities.
It establishes a goal wherein the planning to commencement of construction will take no longer than five
1. Re-cost and fund all remaining phases of the current TDOT 3-Year Plan. This equates to $519 million years.
from the General Fund appropriation provided by the TMA only to fund TDOT’s existing obligations
in the current 3-year plan. These cost overruns are an example of the effect of extraordinary inflation By current estimates, today there are over $30 billion in needed road and bridge construction projects
on our road program. across Tennessee. TDOT believes this commitment to project delivery timelines, combined with the
2. Fund all statewide programs at established levels (plus 3% per year for inflation) including increased prioritization process described in the next section, will permit greater accountability for taxpayers on the
funding for pavement resurfacing. progress in reducing that backlog of needs.
3. Allocate funds for dedicated bridge replacement projects in each region.
4. Set aside TMA funds in Regions 1, 2 and 3 for urban congestion and Choice Lanes projects and the
America's River Crossing on I-55 over the Mississippi River bridge replacement in Region 4.
5. Balance TMA and federal and state formula funds to maximize the leveraging of potential
partnerships and grants.
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Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
Taking a data-driven approach promotes objectivity in project selection and investment decisions.
Additionally, it results in a more predictable work program, with fewer changes to the investment plan
over time. It encourages a “what gets started, gets finished” culture and supports a strategic planning
process that focuses efforts on what can be effectively delivered by TDOT within available funding.
To support a financially constrained program, TDOT developed revenue projections over 10 years: 2024-
2033. Revenue projections comprise traditional federal and state funding used for highway investment.
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Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
It is important to note that in keeping with conservative budgeting principles, revenues are not inflated state to fund more projects in rural areas with traditional revenues. Tennessee’s growth is far outpacing
over the 10-year program horizon; however, project and program costs are annually inflated by an roadway capacity investments and revenues for transportation are expected to level off with motor fuel
average of 3.8%. Projected federal and state revenues total $12 billion over the 10-year period equating taxes not indexed to inflation. TDOT’s Congestion Studies estimate that $26 billion (2022) is needed to
to average annual projections of approximately $1.2 billion. Through General Fund appropriation address both urban and rural congestion in Tennessee. Choice Lanes are an emerging urban congestion
provided in the TMA, TDOT was afforded an additional $3 billion in state funding, enabling the solution now possible in Tennessee with the authorization of Public-Private Partnerships. Utilizing Public-
Department to leverage up to $15 billion in spending over a 10-year period. Private Partnerships for Choice Lanes is a powerful approach to addressing urban-area congestion
and preserving critical funds to address congestion-related challenges in rural areas, like widening the
interstates to three lanes. Choice Lanes are new lanes—funded in partnership with the private sector—
added to congested urban highways that allow motorists an option of paying a voluntary user fee in
KEY TDOT PROGRAMS WITHIN THE 10-YEAR exchange for faster, more reliable travel speeds and trip times.
Unlike toll roads, with Choice Lanes, motorists have the choice of using existing lanes (general
purpose lanes) where a user fee is never assessed. In addition to providing direct benefits to
the customers of the Choice Lanes, the facilities also indirectly benefit all motorists with maximized
throughput across all lanes of traffic, improved air quality from less idling and more opportunities
TMA-Supported Investment Programs for reliable transit trips. This solution demonstrates a powerful approach to combatting urban-area
congestion and preserving critical funds to address mobility challenges in rural areas. All Choice Lanes
The 10-Year Project Plan funding is split 55/45, with 55% enabling the construction of over 90 critical
projects would add new lanes to existing corridors rather than converting existing lanes. TMA
projects to be accelerated across all four regions of the state. The remaining 45% will fund traditional
funds are allocated in Regions 1, 2, and 3 for continued advancement of Choice Lanes analysis and
TDOT statewide investment programs, for which decisions are made annually. TDOT evaluated
approximately 1,000 projects with a focus on key TMA investment categories: Urban Congestion projects,
Rural Interstate Widenings, Statewide Partnership Program projects and IMPROVE Act projects. The key
Region 1: The section of I-40 from the I-40/I-75 junction to State Route 158 west of downtown Knoxville is
areas and outcomes of TDOT’s TMA investments are described here.
one of the most heavily traversed areas of Tennessee. TDOT has engaged in Traffic and Revenue studies
and is conversing with private sector partners to determine the feasibility and timing of Choice Lanes on
Funding Breakdown that corridor. To ensure taxpayers receive the most road assets for their investment, TDOT will continue
industry conversations to look at scheduling and market demand.
Statewide Programs and Region 2: Moccasin Bend is an extraordinarily high-traffic area that may be ripe for private investment
Highway Program Projects
State of Good Repair to grow the size of the road development. TDOT has engaged in Traffic and Revenue studies and is
conversing with private sector partners to determine the feasibility and timing of Choice Lanes on that
• FY 24-26 3-Year-Plan Projects • Pavement Preservation
corridor. To ensure taxpayers receive the most road assets for their investment, TDOT will continue
55% 45%
• Traditional State and Federal • Bridge Preservation industry conversations to look at scheduling and market demand.
Funding Projects • ITS/Technology
• Projects with TMA Funding • Safety Region 3: I-24 between Nashville and Murfreesboro is what we will recommend to the Transportation
• Corridor Priority Investment • Advanced Engineering and Modernization Board be the first Choice Lane. Additionally, I-65 between Nashville and Spring Hill
Projects Environmental Mitigation is another corridor in Middle Tennessee that independent Traffic and Revenue studies show to be
• TMA Bridge Replacement Program conducive for Choice Lanes in the future. Conversations with the industry are ongoing, and our
• FY 23 General Fund Transfer (GFT) recommendation to the Transportation Modernization Board is to follow the schedule below for the first
Historic growth in Tennessee has increased traffic levels in urban areas. The resulting chronic congestion
spanning key corridors stresses the urgency to modernize infrastructure to meet current and future Dec 2023 Feb 2025 May 2025 Summer 2025 April 2026 July 2026
growth. Urban widening, reconstruction and interchange
projects will help complete key corridors and accelerate
critical congestion relief projects. Request for Request for Proposals Commercial
Qualifications (RFQ) (RFP) Release Close
Choice Lanes Program
NEPA (concurrent activity)
The goal of Choice Lanes is to build a program, not focus 12 months
on individual projects. This urban congestion program
leverages private-sector partners and generates revenue
to help reduce its reliance on state funding, allowing the
8 9
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
replacement. Approximately 40% of the 10-Year Project Plan ($5.8 billion) is allocated to accelerate these
IMPROVE Act projects. Traditional TDOT Statewide Investment Programs
In addition to the direct project funding above, TDOT will allocate the remaining 45% of this 10-year
IMPROVE Act Projects*
funding to continue investing in the Department's traditional statewide programs which span a broad
range of systemwide investments, which include resurfacing and bridge repair and replacement. TDOT
Non-Bridge IMPROVE Act Projects Count will continue to plan these allocations annually.
Total passed in the legislation 273
Complete or in construction 67 Resurfacing Program
Included in this 10-Year Project Plan 72
TDOT maintains 18,449 lane miles of the National Highway System (NHS) and an additional 19,213 lane
Remaining 134
miles that are not part of the NHS. Nearly all TDOT-maintained pavements (98.9%) are flexible (asphalt)
pavements, with the remainder being concrete. TDOT prioritizes resurfacing projects based on existing
*Numbers in this table reflect figures from IMPROVE Act legislation. Actual numbers may vary based on projects being split to
pavement conditions such as distress, roughness, traffic level and pavement age. The 10-Year Project
accommodate available funding, grants received or project scope changes.
Plan includes $4.5 billion in ongoing pavement preservation funding.
It is important to note that the IMPROVE Act included 689 bridge projects across Tennessee. Bridges are
added to the TDOT construction program based on need, meaning the IMPROVE Act may have listed
the bridge for replacement, but bridge projects are programmed to commence once the need for such
replacement is determined.
10 11
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
Bridge Program There are over 600 projects that were not included in this 10-Year Project Plan, ranging from road and
bridge projects to Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS) projects. TDOT concurs with local communities
TDOT inspects over 20,000 roadway bridges and is responsible for maintaining 8,393 of them. TDOT uses that these projects are good and needed projects. TDOT aims to have improved communication with
a systematic approach in developing its annual bridge management program. The program consists local leaders and planning organizations, showing what revenue is available, which projects are being
of preventive maintenance, preservation, rehabilitation and reconstruction. The 10-Year Plan includes evaluated for funding, and how projects are evaluated.
$1.8 billion in ongoing bridge program funding, the allocations of which are decided annually.
For projects not included in the 10-Year Project Plan to be considered for future funding, facets of the
project or conditions must change. These facets include but are not limited to, the securing of additional
Multimodal, Freight, Safety, Operations & Community Investments funding or amending the scope of the project that would change its objective tiered ranking. Further,
economic conditions in areas across the state may affect the planning process, causing projects to move
While every transportation project involves full consideration of multimodal solutions such as sidewalks in or out of the plan, based on available revenue.
and bikeways as well as safety, much like system-level investments such as resurfacing and bridge, TDOT
annually makes funding decisions on a variety of multimodal, freight, safety, operations and community TDOT aims to have greater communication with local communities, permitting them to view
investments through grants and targeted improvements. Beyond the 10-Year Project Plan, TDOT annually the outstanding needs, the available revenues and the extraordinary delta between those two
programs over $600 million of federal and state funding in partnership with airports, transit agencies, figures. TDOT’s community-based employees are glad to work with local leaders on infrastructure
cities, counties and other entities to address access, mobility and safety. planning to ensure a proper shared responsibility, one where locals do not rely solely on TDOT for project
completion in the decades to come.
TDOT will continue to support the transportation needs of pedestrians, bicyclists and transit users
through infrastructure projects and programs such as its TAP Grants, Multimodal Access Grants, Transit
Capital and Operating funds, Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality funds and others. Equally, TDOT Federal Earmarks
will continue to support and address needed safety and operations improvements as well as economic
development, freight investments and airport improvements through infrastructure projects and TDOT appreciates the effort by federal elected officials to secure increased funding for projects by way
programs such as its Highway Safety Improvement Program, Aeronautics Economic Development Fund, of federal earmarks. Considering TDOT’s limited budget and financially constrained 10-Year Project Plan,
State Industrial Access Program, Short Line Railroad Preservation Grants and others. TDOT requests that the pursuit of earmarks be directed at projects included in our 10-Year Project Plan.
This enables the funding to be directed to projects that can realistically be completed and are listed in the
While this plan includes $15 billion in both state and federal funding for a long-term view of road and State Transportation Improvement Program (STIP). Any additional federal funding received will free up
bridge construction, TDOT will also allocate nearly an additional $6 billion ($600 million annually) over the state funding for the advancement of other projects.
next 10 years to multimodal means of transportation across Tennessee.
With this commitment in mind, the Department expects the remaining phases to be presented in future
plans, consistent with the five-year philosophy as described above.
This list of projects will be updated annually, so taxpayers and communities can view the outstanding
projects requested for completion. As able, TDOT will be placing estimated costs with these projects,
allowing a full view of the outstanding need and the additional funding required to achieve that need.
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Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan TMA Program Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
25 30
R3-3 a R3-3 b
13 11
24 R3-5
34 x2
33 GFT-03 R3-13 3
R4-5 23 x1 7
x2 R1-9
x1 R3-B2 R3-6
x1 R3-10 R3-4 18
22 R2-7 R2-3 R1-B1
x1 R3-7 5
31 Nashville x4
R1-10 2
x4 R3-9 R1-4
x6 R3-8 14 R1-1 R1-8
x3 GFT-01 x3 R2-6 R2-2 R1-7
32 R3-B4 SA-3 29 R2-1 Knoxville R1-11 10
x6 R3-B3 R3-12 26 x1 SA-1 4
R4-6 R2-B6 R1-2
x3 R3-2 R1-5
R4-2 27 GFT-05
SA-4 28 GFT-06 R1-3
R4-3 R3-1 GFT-02 9
x3 12
x1 GFT-04
R4-4 x13 x3 19
R4-10 R4-1 x4
x2 R1-6
15 x2
R4-11 x3
35 R4-8 R2-9
SA-5 R2-4
Memphis x3
Chattanooga 21
R4-9 R4-7 x7
x2 16 x2
36 17 R2-5
Funding Breakdown
Legend Funding Breakdown
Legend Statewide Programs and
Highway Program Projects Statewide Programs
Corridor Priority Investment Highway Program Projects State of Good Repair and
FY24-26 3-Year
FY24-26 3-Year Plan Projects
Plan Projects Corridor Priority Investment
State of Good Repair
Projects • Pavement Preservation
• FY 24-26 3-Year-Plan Projects
• Pavement Preservation
• • Traditional
FY 24-26 3-Year-Plan Projects
55% 45%
Traditional State and
Federal TMA
TMA Bridge Replacement
Bridge ProgramProgram
Replacement State and Federal • Bridge Preservation
55% 45%
Funding Projects (# of bridges per county) • Funding
Traditional State and Federal
Projects • • Bridge Preservation
Funding Projects (# of bridges per county) Funding Projects
• Projects with TMA Funding • • ITS/Technology
Projects with TMA Funding
Projects with TMA Funding
Statewide Program Investments
Statewide Program Investments • • Corridor
Projects with TMA
Priority Funding
Investment • • Safety Engineering and
• Projects
Corridor Priority Investment • Advanced Engineering
Environmental Mitigationand
General Fund Transfer (GFT) • TMA Projects
Bridge Replacement Program Environmental Mitigation
General Fund Transfer (GFT) • TMA Bridge Replacement
• FY 23 General Fund TransferProgram
• General Fund Transfer (GFT)
14 15
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan
Project Region County Map Label Estimated % Traditional % TMA PE ROW Estimated Construction Year
Cost State and Federal Year Year
Obion Future Interstate 69 Widening Region 4 Obion 34 $127.7M 100% 0% 2025 2028
Shelby State Route 1 Widening Region 4 Shelby 35 $113.4M 24% 76% 2025
Shelby State Route 4 Widening Region 4 Shelby 36 $186.8M 100% 0% 2024
Traditional State and Federal Funding Projects
Knox Interstate 75 Interchange at Sharp Gap Region 1 Knox R1-4 $523M 100% 0% 2027 2031 2035
Blount State Route 162 Extension Region 1 Blount R1-3 $338.5M 100% 0% 2032 2036
Morgan State Route 29 Widening Region 1 Morgan R1-7 $116.3M 100% 0% 2024 2027 2030
Knox State Route 115 Widening (a) Region 1 Knox R1-11 $4.6M 100% 0% 2024
Knox State Route 115 Widening (b) Region 1 Knox R1-11 $47.7M 100% 0% 2025
Knox State Route 115 Widening (c) Region 1 Knox R1-11 $18M 100% 0% 2026
Putnam Interstate 40 Widening Region 2 Putnam R2-7 $193M 100% 0% 2029 2031
Hamilton/Bradley Interstate 75 Widening Region 2 Hamilton, Bradley R2-5 $275.4M 100% 0% 2032
Coffee State Route 55 Widening Region 2 Coffee R2-9 $9.1M 100% 0% 2024
Hamilton Interstate 75 Interchange at I-24 Region 2 Hamilton R2-10 $45.8M 100% 0% 2027
Maury/Williamson State Route 6 Widening Region 3 Maury, Williamson R3-2 $146.9M 100% 0% 2030 2032 2033
Smith Interstate 40 Interchange at Gordonsville Hwy Region 3 Smith R3-4 $73.3M 100% 0% 2027 2029
Wilson State Route 265 Widening Region 3 Wilson R3-8 $48.7M 100% 0% 2027 2030
Maury/Williamson State Route 6 Widening Region 3 Maury, Williamson R3-1 $152.9M 100% 0% 2028 2030 2033
Wilson State Route 171 Widening Region 3 Wilson R3-9 $47.3M 100% 0% 2032
Sumner State Route 109 - Section 2 Region 3 Sumner R3-5 $72.3M 100% 0% 2031
Montgomery Rural Interstate 24 Widening (b) Region 3 Montgomery R3-3 $234M 100% 0% 2034
Davidson State Route 11 Widening (a) Region 3 Davidson R3-12 $32.9M 100% 0% 2026
Davidson State Route 11 Widening (b) Region 3 Davidson R3-12 $8.6M 100% 0% 2027
Trousdale State Route 141 Widening Region 3 Trousdale R3-13 $8.2M 100% 0% 2026
Shelby State Route 14 Widening Region 4 Shelby R4-10 $85.8M 100% 0% 2024
FY 24 Bridge Funding N/A Statewide N/A $20.4M 100% 0% 2024
Projects with TMA Funding
Urban Congestion
Blount State Route 115 Relocation Region 1 Blount R1-2 $123.4M 0% 100% 2028
Anderson State Route 170 Widening - Section 1 Region 1 Anderson R1-1 $97.2M 34% 66% 2024 2025 2027
Knoxville Interstate 40 Corridor Priority Investment Region 1 Knox SA-1 $32M 0% 100% 2029
Hamilton Interstate 24 Widening Region 2 Hamilton R2-8 $247M 0% 100% 2024 2026 2027
Chattanooga Interstate 24 Corridor Priority Investment Region 2 Hamilton SA-2 $24M 0% 100% 2025
Hamilton State Route 317 Widening Region 2 Hamilton R2-4 $79.2M 17% 83% 2026 2029
Nashville Interstate 65 Corridor Priority Investment Region 3 Davidson, Williamson SA-4 $48M 0% 100% 2027
Nashville Interstate 24 Corridor Priority Investment Region 3 Davidson, Rutherford SA-3 $250M 0% 100% 2027
Shelby State Route 4 Enhancements Region 4 Shelby R4-7 $106.2M 28% 72% 2027
Shelby Interstate 40 Reconstruction Region 4 Shelby R4-11 $56.5M 0% 100% 2026
Project Region County Map Label Estimated % Traditional % TMA PE ROW Estimated Construction Year
Cost State and Federal Year Year
Shelby Interstate 240 Interchange at Airways Boulevard Region 4 Shelby R4-9 $141.7M 81% 19% 2027
America’s River Crossing on I-55 over the Mississippi River Region 4 Shelby SA-5 $250M 0% 100% 2026
Rural Interstate Widening
Loudon Interstate 75 Widening Region 1 Loudon R1-5 $97.4M 76% 24% 2025 2027
Putnam Interstate 40 Interchange at State Route 136 Region 2 Putnam R2-2 $57.4M 17% 83% 2027 2029 2032
Wilson Interstate 40 Widening Region 3 Wilson R3-10 $84.5M 96% 4% 2026 2028
Montgomery Rural Interstate 24 Widening (a) Region 3 Montgomery R3-3 $277M 88% 12% 2027 2030 2033
Fayette Interstate 40 Widening Region 4 Fayette R4-1 $148.7M 87% 13% 2024 2026
Rural Other
Morgan State Route 62 Enhancements Region 1 Morgan R1-10 $5.1M 0% 100% 2024
Monroe Niles Ferry Road Enhancements Region 1 Monroe R1-6 $2M 0% 100% 2026
Cumberland State Route 28 Widening - Section 2 Region 2 Cumberland R2-3 $46M 0% 100% 2025
Cumberland State Route 299 Turn Lanes (Flat Rock) Region 2 Cumberland R2-1 $15.5M 0% 100% 2024 2026 2029
Davidson/Robertson State Route 65 Widening Region 3 Davidson, Robertson R3-11 $41.5M 91% 9% 2025 2027 2030
Henry State Route 54 Widening - Section 1 Region 4 Henry R4-5 $207.5M 88% 12% 2024 2026 2029
Haywood State Route 19 Widening - Section 2 Region 4 Haywood R4-2 $9.6M 28% 72% 2025 2028
Haywood State Route 19 Widening - Section 3 Region 4 Haywood R4-3 $12.5M 21% 79% 2024 2025 2028
Haywood State Route 19 Widening - Section 4 Region 4 Haywood R4-4 $12.5M 21% 79% 2024 2025 2028
Lauderdale State Route 19 Widening - Section 1 Region 4 Lauderdale R4-6 $37.8M 21% 79% 2025 2028
Statewide Partnership Program (SPP)
Washington Knob Creek Road Improvements Region 1 Washington R1-9 $58.8M 70% 30% 2027
Sevier Interstate 40 Interchange at Winfield Dunn Parkway Region 1 Sevier R1-8 $188.9M 76% 24% 2025 2027 2030
Putnam State Route 135 Intersection at West Jackson Street Region 2 Putnam R2-6 $1.5M 0% 100% 2024
Sumner Saundersville Rd at State Route 386 CSX Underpass Region 3 Sumner R3-6 $35.5M 96% 4% 2027 2030
Wilson Interstate 40 New Interchange at Central Pike Region 3 Wilson R3-7 $45.2M 92% 8% 2026 2027 2030
Shelby Interstate 40 Interchange at Airline Road Region 4 Shelby R4-8 $19.1M 77% 23% 2024 2026 2027
TMA Bridge Program
Region 1 TMA Bridge Program Region 1 Jefferson R1-B1 $216M 0% 100% 2025- $50M, 2026- $50M,
2027- $50M, 2028- $66M
Region 2 TMA Bridge Program Region 2 Various R2-B6 $151M 0% 100% 2024- $16M, 2025- $60M, 2026-
Region 3 TMA Bridge Program Region 3 Various R3-B2, B3, $190M 0% 100% 2024- $10M, 2025- $30M, 2026-
B4 $50M, 2027- $100M
Region 4 TMA Bridge Program Region 4 Various R4-B5 $96M 0% 100% 2024- $7.5M, 2025- $7.5M,
2026- $81M
Project Region County Map Label Estimated % Traditional % TMA PE ROW Estimated Construction Year
Cost State and Federal Year Year
Throughout 2024, TDOT will be working with local communities to further describe these projects listed in
this 10-Year Project Plan and will update this report accordingly.
The “Estimated Costs” depicted in the Project Overview Table are an estimate of the probable costs
in the year of expenditure, YOE. The estimate values are current year planning level estimates, based
on a conceptual project scope or used better information when available, and inflated to YOE. They
were prepared using qualified and experienced judgment in accordance with accepted principles and
practices. For SPP and GFT, estimated costs do not include the local contribution which is programmed in
cooperation with local partners.
sector partners to determine the feasibility of Choice Lanes on TMA Bridge Replacement Program
(# of bridges per county)
this corridor. At this time, after consultation with industry, the
construction of additional lanes in partnership with the private Statewide Program Investments
By adding capacity to this heavily traveled roadway, operations are expected to improve in this major Additional Regional Highlights
growth area. Choice Lanes provide another option for motorists to bypass congestion allowing motorists
to maintain consistent travel times. The Choice Lanes would be new, optional lanes designed, built, Replacing the existing I-40 bridge over Modifying the interchange on I-75 at
financed, operated and maintained by a private-sector partner through a Public-Private Partnership. the French Broad River I-640/I-275 as part of the Knox I-75
Interchange at Sharp Gap
24 25
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Region 2 Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Region 2
26 27
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Region 3 Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Region 3
REGION 3 R3-3 a
R3-3 b 25 30
GFT-03 R3-13
R3-B2 R3-6
R3-10 R3-4
22 R3-7
x4 R3-9
Nashville Interstate 65 (I-65) Corridor Priority Investment Projects with TMA Funding
Following initial congestion studies to determine the TMA Bridge Replacement Program
(# of bridges per county)
financial viability of Choice Lanes in the Nashville region,
TDOT has commissioned Traffic and Revenue studies and is Statewide Program Investments
By adding capacity to these heavily traveled roadways, Replacing eight bridges as part of the
operations are expected to improve in this major growth TMA Bridge Program
area. Choice Lanes provide another option for motorists to
bypass congestion allowing motorists to maintain consistent
travel times. The Choice Lanes would be new, optional lanes
designed, built, financed, operated and maintained by a
private-sector partner through a Public-Private Partnership.
28 29
Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Region 4 Tennessee Department of Transportation 10-Year Project Plan Region 4
• Shelby Interstate 40 Reconstruction: Addresses pavement deterioration and repairs the roadway to
address the impacts of increased truck traffic
• Shelby Interstate 240 Interchange at Airways Blvd: Critical MPO priority improves safety and
provides congestion relief for all motorists, including growing truck volume
TMA Expenditures by Year ($M)
30 31
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