AV Linux 5.0 Manual

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A Basic Guide to Get Acquainted with AV Linux Prepared by Glen MacArthur, May 25/2011

Legal Disclaimer:
Debian/GNU Linux comes with no guarantee so neither does AV Linux. I accept no responsibility for any hardware/software malfunctions or data loss resulting from it's use. It is important to note that AV Linux is not GPL and contains software that is not open-source and is distributed under a special licensing arrangement with the original developers, re-distributing AV Linux is a violation of these licenses. AV Linux also contains Multimedia Codecs that may be under patent in certain countries, it is the users responsibility to know the law as it applies to their own respective country before downloading or installing.


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Realistic Expectations of what AV Linux Can Offer: AV Linux is a computer Operating System created with Debian/GNU Linux. Despite it's critics Linux continues to grow it's user base year after year and has seen great strides in both the quality and number of Software Applications. There are many positive attributes to Linux and 'FLOSS' (Free Libre Open Source Software)and the grassroots community-based development model is completely unique when compared to the Apple and Windows corporate paradigms. To be blunt the notion that Linux of any kind is either better or worse than any other computer Operating System is to miss the point somewhat and serves to set the user up for unrealistic expectations and encourages pointless comparisons that fuel endless and futile debates. An Operating System that allows you to freely create in a streamlined and productive workflow is an individual ideal to be pursued and there is no question that this is truly an attainable goal on all three major platforms. Some things to keep in mind when considering Linux as an OS Platform: Linux blurs the line somewhat between the end-user and the developer and therefore doesn't shy away from featuring it's basic operational face known as the Console or Terminal. Certainly efforts over the past several years have molded Desktop Linux into as user-friendly a platform as any but to fully enjoy all Linux has to offer it is somewhat incumbent on the user to have at least a casual interest in what happens on both sides of the computer screen. Although Linux at it's core is a curious symbiotic mixture of Community and Corporate interests for the most part the Linux Multimedia applications within AV Linux are developed by volunteer developers from all over the world. Many of these generous and talented people are doing their work out of the purest motive...the love of doing it. Because the motivation is not primarily financial end-users sometimes have a problem differentiating their personal expectations from those that would be usual when looking at things from a 'paying customer' perspective. FLOSS developers are giving the end user something much greater than software, they are sharing their most vital asset...time. It is very easy to take this fact for granted and certainly someone who is showing such generosity should be equally paid back with patience and respect. 'Free' doesn't indicate an absence of financial support, many projects are in dire need of financial support to encourage and enable their developers to continue. 'Free' should be seen as 'politically free' and the user's choice to decide what projects they wish to support and how they wish to do it. The primary method of hardware support on the Linux platform is through that magical bundle of code known as the Kernel. It is truly amazing the sheer total number of various pieces of computer hardware that are natively supported without ANY outside or 3 rd party drivers. Having said that it is certainly not reasonable to expect that Linux will 100% support ALL available hardware or even have an equal degree of stability with all hardware that is supported. The ground rules for building an effective Audio/Video Workstation with Linux are really no different than on any other platform. All PC's are not created equal and certainly not all are suited to Professional level multimedia content creation. If you are serious about optimizing your success with AV Linux then some care should be taken to select well supported Audio/Video hardware for Linux.

**These guidelines are informed by a mixture of opinion and experience and are offered as such.

A Brief (Well OK, Maybe Not So Brief) History: A few years back I was a forum member at Videohelp.com following a long and acrimonious thread on switching to Linux which I knew virtually nothing about. Like most of the planet I had been using Windows XP for a few years and was getting quite bored of using it. I decided to download a Linux LiveCD and see what the fuss was about. I tried a MEPIS 6.5 LiveCD and was blown away by the hardware detection, the little bouncing KDE cursor and the fact that this Linux thing actually worked! I started to become curious about using Linux for multimedia creation since like many people my interest in using a PC in the first place was multitrack audio recording and video editing. I soon discovered that MEPIS 6.5 despite all it's charm was not a Multimedia centered Distro so I started looking elsewhere and stumbled upon Ubuntu 7.04 (Feisty). I continued using 7.04 and learning more about Linux and it's different programs but still wasn't very satisfied with the multimedia offerings and how to get them set up and working. When the next Ubuntu (7.10 Gutsy) came out I read an article on a new variant called 'Ubuntu Studio', I eagerly installed it and was properly introduced to Linux as a multimedia OS. I have to admit to being overwhelmed at the sheer number of applications and underwhelmed at how few of them were actually ready for prime time. JACK, Ardour, Hydrogen and Rosegarden stood out as being the most usable and mature at the time and got me hooked. Around that time the JackLab project also started and had a finer tuned package list and an eager development team. I used JackLab for a few months as well but was not as familiar or comfortable with it's openSUSE base. I finally settled on a plain Ubuntu 7.10 install with Ubuntu Studio's -rt Kernel and noticed that development of the actual applications I was interested in was far outpacing the ability of the package repositories to keep up. I discovered to keep my favorite applications current I was going to have to familiarize myself with Compiling and after the obligatory awkward and fumbling attempts and initial trips through dependency hell I found I could enjoy all the latest and greatest programs. At this time Ubuntu released 8.04 (Hardy) and there were initial problems with the -rt Kernel and some IDE chipset issues which prevented me from installing and using it, I continued with my existing 7.10 and kept it up with my own packages. I read somewhere about the Remastersys project and was very interested in the potential of backing up my existing system with the many hours of extra work I had put into keeping it current. I found using Remastersys to be very straightforward and in no time had a working customized Ubuntu 7.10 Remaster. I started spending some time on the Ardour forum and noticed a recurrent number of issues with new users and audio recording. I decided on a whim to use some extra web space from my wife's website hosting and share an ISO of my own setup for people trying to get started with Linux Audio. I called it AV Linux 1.0 and although it certainly didn't have Ubuntu Studio or 64Studio quaking in their boots it generated a fair bit of interest. Since AV Linux was already one Ubuntu version old when I uploaded it I learned quickly the that Ubuntu's 6 month release schedule was not working in my favor and quickly ran into too many problems keeping the support libraries to build the software updates current and regrettably had to leave Ubuntu 7.10 and it's rock solid -rt Kernel. Looking forward to other options I saw that things were going from bad to worse for Ubuntu's subsequent 8.10 and 9.04 -rt Kernels due to a prolonged issue with the -rt patch in Linux kernels from 2.6.25 2.6.27 so I found myself trying out Debian 5.0 (Lenny) and a new leaner desktop environment called LXDE. I was very excited by how lean and efficient LXDE was but had concerns about it's newbie potential since it was missing many of the extra amenities of Gnome or KDE. Fortunately Tony Brijeski whom I had already met through Remastersys had created a Remastersys Control Panel for LXDE to use in a distribution of his own so I included his 'RCP' to use in AV Linux 2.0 development and it nicely filled in the missing pieces of 'convenience' from LXDE. The last piece of the puzzle was a good -rt Kernel and I realized I was going to have to build my own to get what I wanted, as I read up on how to compile a Kernel I decided that using the PAE (Physical Address Extension) ability of the Linux Kernel would be a good way to get the most notable 64bit benefit out of a 32bit OS and also allow RAM handling from older PC's all the way up to the latest new multi-core systems with 8Gb+. AV Linux has continued to grow and increases it's user base with each release and is now at it's 5.0 milestone, I am extremely grateful to have met so many new and interesting software developers, packagers and of course Linux Audio users along the way. Glen MacArthur a.k.a GMaq


Thanks to: My wonderful wife and kids for their infinite patience and encouragement. Debian/GNU Linux, Debian pkg-multimedia team, LXDE, Tony Brijeski (Remastersys), RevLinux (geekconnection.org), Trulan Martin (Firewire guru, AV 5.0 Kernel Dev.), Allen Tate (Torrent and tracker), Mike Start (linuxDSP), damentz (Liquorix Kernels), Dan McDonald (Complaints Dept.) Michael Bohle (BEAT Magazine), Christian Marillat (Debian-Multimedia.org) Paul Davis and development team (Ardour), Ben Loftis (Harrison Mixbus), Rui Nuno Capela (Qjackctl, Qsampler, Qsynth, Qtractor), Matt Weatherford (WinFF), Jonathan Thomas, Andy Finch (Openshot), Hermann Meyer, James Warden, Andreas Degert (Guitarix), salsaman (LiVES), Dan Dennedy (MLT) Applications using AV Linux as a Demo LiveDVD: Cinelerra - http://cinelerra.org/getting_cinelerra.php Openshot Video Editor - http://www.openshotvideo.com/2008/04/download.html LiVES Video Editor - http://lives.sourceforge.net/index.php?do=downloads Guitarix - http://guitarix.sourceforge.net/ Commercial Software Demo Permissions Provided by: Mike Start - linuxDSP Audio Plugins Julien Pommier - Pianoteq George Reales - discoDSP Discovery Colin Barry - Loomer Plugins Andy Robinson Transcribe! Edouard Muller - Renoise Graphic Credits: Default Theme 'Ambiance Elementary Fusion' by kushcreator Default Openbox Theme 'Ambiance Crunchy Grey' by frombenny Default Wallpaper is a Mackie ONYX 1640 Mixer photo by GMaq Extra themes modified from 'New Wave' by dilomo and 'Gotchione' by escortgoj Extra Openbox themes modified from 'TechniX OB' by th3rob Icon Theme - Faenza Icons by tiheum Wbar background Image modified from 'osxbarback' by trevelyn AV Linux Resources: Manual http://www.bandshed.net/pdf/AV 5Manual.pdf Website http://www.bandshed.net/AVLinux.html Forum - http://geekconnection.org/remastersys/forums/index.php#7 Email [email protected]


AV Linux can be used Live in 2 different ways with no changes to the host machine operating it, by running it from a LiveDVD or using a Bootable USB Key. LiveDVD:

Download the AV Linux 5.0 ISO file from http://www.bandshed.net/AVLinux.html

Burn the ISO file to a DVD-R or RW using your existing Burning Software Set your Computer BIOS to Boot from your DVD Drive if it doesn't by default Reboot into the AV Linux LiveDVD

Method 1 - Bootable USB Key: Requirements: An existing AV Linux 5.0 install OR a running AV Linux 5.0 LiveDVD session PC Capable of booting from USB Key with block sizes greater than 1024mb A 2GB USB Key or larger avlinux5.0-liqx-lxde-i386-en.iso from here: http://www.bandshed.net/AVLinux.html Bootable USB Keys can be created with the Remastersys USB Startup Disk Tool found in the 'Preferences' Menu. This unique tool creates an 'ISOhybrid' USB Key. Please note that this tool overwrites any existing USB FAT32 or other filesystem and writes the actual ISOhybrid image itself to the key. This means the Key will no longer be useable for Data storage, however you can use the USB Key Tool to overwrite the ISOhybrid image as many times as you want. This USB Key Tool will only work with ISOhybrid images. The AV Linux ISO comes ready to use as a formatted as an ISOhybrid image. Method 2 - Unetbootin Method: AV Linux also comes with the Unetbootin Bootable USB Key Creator which will allow you to create a regular FAT32 Filesystem USB Key. Simply launch Unetbootin and browse to your downloaded AV Linux ISO to create a Bootable Key.


When booting an AV Linux ISO: 1. Be patient...it can take several seconds to start the boot especially on LiveDVD media. 2. Watch for disk activity, if you see nothing immediately on the monitor but there is disk activity it is still working on the boot. 3. Closely observe the Kernel console text output for red text errors, warnings and even many regular console colored errors are normally harmless. The reason AV Linux doesn't use a pretty bootsplash is so the user can monitor what the Kernel is doing at boot. 4. If the console output completes and the GDM login window appears wait for it to auto-login which will take several seconds on the LiveDVD and may not appear at all when booting from a Unetbootin USB Key. 5. If the desktop partially loads OR the display resolution is wrong or corrupted it is most likely a Kernel Modesetting/Video Driver issue which is covered in detail below. Failure to boot can be caused by several issues: 1. A corrupted or broken ISO image on the Project ftp server. This is extremely unlikely and rare and is easily ruled out by a single successful install by an end-user, AV Linux is pre-tested by a third party before any release is made public to make sure the ftp ISO images are intact and functional. 2. A bad download of the ISO image. This is not common, but quite possible and can be verified by using the accompanying ISO.md5 file from the ftp download folder. Another simple indication is if the file sizes on both the ftp and the downloaded file match perfectly. 3. A bad burn of the ISO to disk media This is usually the most likely cause of boot failure and is generally evident when the disk does nothing at all or freezes after displaying a few lines of console text which may be accompanied by numerous console red error messages. Always burn any compressed filesystem media like ISO images at low burn speeds (i.e. 4X or less) and make sure to use good disk media. If a LiveDVD fails try it on a different computer, this is the number one way to discern if your media is bad or not or whether your computer has a specific hardware issue with the LiveDVD. 4. Incompatible Video Hardware and Kernel Mode Setting (KMS) This issue is generally evidenced by the Kernel completing it's console output and dying at the login or unsuccessfully trying to load the Desktop and/or displaying the Desktop at a very low or garbled resolution. AV Linux 5.0 can be booted to disable KMS by selecting the 'Failsafe' option from the ISOlinux LiveDVD boot splash screen.


The following section involves major system changes like hard drive partitioning etc. There is always a risk of Data loss or corruption when installing a new or different Operating System. ALWAYS back up any important Data before making changes to your existing Hard Drive. If you are completely unfamiliar with the concept of drive partitioning, or terms like Master Boot Record it is recommended that you dont attempt to install AV Linux.

Installation Info: Launch the Remastersys Installer from the desktop by double clicking the Install AV Linux icon. AV Linux uses 'GParted' to perform disk partitioning, you can choose to set up partitions before running the Installer or do it as part of the installation process. The Installer is laid out in a very simple step by step manner, take your time and carefully read the Installer prompts to ensure a successful install. Please also take time to read the rest of this section before installing. PLEASE NOTE! AV Linux does not use 'sudo' it uses the pure Debian Root Superuser and User method. When installing and setting up AV Linux you will need to have a password for your Root Superuser to administrate the system and a regular User password for normal system use.

IMPORTANT! NEW INSTALLER FEATURES The Remastersys Installer in AV Linux 5.0 has some new features to make installing easier and more convenient than before. Users can now choose ext2, ext3 OR ext4 partitions and GRUB2 is now the default bootloader. In addition an existing separate /home partition can be preserved by using the 'noformat' option during the installation. Please note there is no way to preserve a home that is within the root filesystem. Message Dialogs During Installation: AV Linux employs a special script to mount all partitions at boot. During the installation process as the new partitions are created the Removable Drive mounting dialog may appear. You can safely hit the 'Cancel' button and close these dialogs as the installation takes place.


About LXDE: LXDE is a relatively new Desktop Environment with its 0.5.X release included in AV Linux, it was chosen for its unique modular mix and match of existing individual software components. It provides a good balance between resource efficient performance and GUI attractiveness with the ability to utilize different Window Managers and gtk-2.0 themes common to other Desktop Environments like Gnome and XFCE4. Custom AV Linux Menu:

The AV Linux Custom Menu has been prepared to help users get to the applications they are looking for quickly and differs significantly from the stock LXDE menu. Its simple two-tiered interface doesnt have numerous submenus to confuse and obscure where applications can be found. The Menu contains a number of custom launchers so even applications that normally have a CLI interface only can be easily found and launched from the Menu. Some examples are JACK Capture, JACK Meterbridge, WineASIO, Realtime Config Scan, linuxDSP and Loomer JACK Plugins etc.

Managing Misplaced or Missing Launchers: Occasionally you may install a program and have it appear in the wrong menu category since the AV Linux menu differs from the stock LXDE one, additionally in rare cases you my install a program with a launcher that doesn't appear in the menu at all. This will usually affect only the separate Audio and Video menus. Fixing this is quite simple, first find the misplaced or missing launcher in /usr/share/applications, then use the 'Tool' menu in PCManFM to 'open the current folder as root' and then right click on the launcher you want to fix and 'open with gedit'. Scroll down to the line that says 'Categories=' and delete any text that is following the '=' and replace it with 'AudioEditing' to make the launcher appear in the Audio menu or 'VideoEditing' to make it appear in the Video menu. An Example from a Floola launcher: [Desktop Entry] Encoding=UTF-8 Version=1.0 Type=Application Categories=AudioEditing Terminal=false Icon=floola Name=Floola Exec=/opt/Floola-linux/Floola Comment=iPod Management Tool and More!

Creating Custom Launchers: If you have installed or compiled a program that does not have a launcher you can easily create one using the launcher creation tools found in the AV Linux Control Panel in the 'System Customization' tab. You have a choice of creating a launcher for your user only or a system-wide launcher for all users. Read and follow the prompts carefully. Filetype Preferences: AV Linux 5.0 no longer guesses what application should open respective filetypes because in some cases undesirable programs were setting themselves up as defaults (ie GIMP opening PDF files, Xarchiver opening .deb packages). To give maximum flexibility for diverse filetypes AV Linux now requires users to initially select the application they desire for each filetype. This is quite simple and once set prevents unwanted applications opening your filetypes by default. When you go to open a file for the first time in the PCmanFM file manager it will open a dialog like the screenshot below which will provide a listing of all available programs. A couple of common scenarios are to find Gdebi Package Installer and the Wine Program Loader in the 'System Tools' menu for opening .deb packages or installing a Windows program respectively. When you tick off the 'set as default' checkbox then the file will either be opened by the Application you chose when double clicked or the application will appear in the menu when you right click on the file.

The AV Linux Control Panel: The AV Linux Control Panel is a three-tabbed Administration Tool adapted from Tony Brijeski's Remastersys Control Panel. The Control Panel is a vital part of AV Linux and addresses many of the features missing from LXDE when compared to Gnome or KDE. Tabs/Features: System Management Open a Root Terminal Use xkill to terminate a misbehaving program Run the QPS task manager as user or Root to monitor system resources View your system info with hardinfo Set partition mounting options ISOhybrid USB Tool

System Administration Set time, date and timezone Add and manage users and groups Manage system passwords

System Customization SGFXI proprietary graphics driver installer RT performance analysis scan Fontconfig font display settings System/Console Keyboard settings Rcconf boot scripts utility Custom menu launcher creation tools

Ncurses Terminal Interface: dpkg-reconfigure functions like setting the keyboard configuration and boot scripts use the ncurses terminal interface. To navigate the options use the arrow keys on your keyboard and to select or deselect an option use your keyboard space bar.

The Remastersys Backup Utility: The Remastersys Backup Utility is very easy to use and will create a bootable ISO image of your running system that you can use to reinstall in case of major problems. There is a limit of 4.0Gb for an ISO image so it is not recommended to keep large files or stored data in your User's home. To use it set up your remastersys config file and select either 'Backup' which will back up your User's home as well or 'Dist' mode which will not retain your personal settings and customizations. It is also important to use the 'Clean' utility between uses to ensure a fresh ISO is created.

PCManFM 0.9.8 File Manager:

The recently rewritten PCManFM 0.9.8 File Manager is probably the closest thing to the core of LXDE. It is light, fast and is loaded with hidden features like the ability to navigate system files as Root and open a Terminal in the folder you are browsing. It manages the Desktop background and appearance and also handles the mounting and unmounting of Removable and USB Drives. PCManFM by default in AV Linux does not utilize a Trash folder so when you delete an item it is permanently deleted from the hard drive. An optional trash function can be enabled in the 'Edit'--> 'Preferences' menu. PCManFM 0.9.8 now will access remote folders and has the capability to browse Samba shares and FTP Folders. Two useful menus in PCManFM are the 'Go' Menu:

and the 'Tool' Menu:

Changing the Keyboard Layout for Other Languages: To set the keyboard for a different language during a LiveDVD session open a Terminal and use the 'setxkbmap' command with the accompanying 2 letter code for your language. The screenshot below shows the command for French (setxkbmap fr).

To permanently change the keyboard setting in an AV Linux install use the Keyboard setting utilities found in the 'System Customization' tab of the AV Linux Control Panel. You can also change the System keyboard manually by opening a Root Terminal from the Accessories menu and editing the configuration file in /etc/default/keyboard with this command: gedit /etc/default/keyboard Change the Model and Country codes within the quotes to the correct ones for your Country and save the changes. XKBMODEL="pc104" XKBLAYOUT="us" XKBVARIANT="" XKBOPTIONS=""

Using the Wbar Dock: AV Linux uses the Wbar Dock for an attractive way to quickly launch apps from the Desktop. Wbar is set up to be launched from the LXPanel so the user can choose to have it on or not after startup, to have it launch automatically at startup simply copy the 'wbar.desktop' file from /usr/share/applications to /home/USERNAME/.config/autostart . The Dock is configured by editing it's 'dot.wbar' config file in your user's home. The config file is very straightforward to edit... i=Icon, c=command and t=title


AV Linux 5.0 features a new and much lighter Login Manager...'SLiM'. Although not as fully featured and familiar as GDM, SliM has a very light system footprint and is still quite configurable by editing it's configuration file /etc/slim.conf. The example below will cover the most popular configuration request...autologin. First open a Root Terminal from the 'Accessories' Menu and enter: gedit /etc/slim.conf To enable autologin two separate variables must be changed in slim.conf. Scroll down the file to find the following line: # default_user To set yourself as the default user remove the '#' comment from the beginning of the line and then add your username, USERNAME is used here as an example: default_user USERNAME If we leave the file like this then on next login it will automatically enter your username but still require your password, to have autologin work fully you need to edit the autologin line: # auto_login no Once again remove the '#' comment and change the 'no' to a 'yes' like this: auto_login yes When you have completed editing the slim.conf file click 'Save' in the Gedit Text Editor and autologin should be active on your next login.


CPU Governor Settings: Governing the CPU in AV Linux is handled by a small light GTK-based tray utility known as 'Trayfreq'. Simply click and right-click on the LXPanel applet and select your desired governor. Trayfreq can be further configured and have it's defaults changed by editing it's 'trayfreq.config' file found in /usr/share/trayfreq. To do this use 'Accessories' Root Terminal and this command: gedit /usr/share/trayfreq/trayfreq.config

Monitor Display DPMS: AV Linux does not use a Screensaver due to the unnecessary diversion of resources during recording or editing operations. DPMS (Display Power Management Signaling) is used to turn off the Monitor with the system defaults of 60mins to blank the display, 120mins to suspend the display and powering off the display disabled. To edit the /etc/xdg/autostart/dpms-settings.desktop configuration file run this command in a Root Terminal: gedit /etc/xdg/autostart/dpms-settings.desktop This will open a text file to edit containing the following: [Desktop Entry] Categories=Application;System Comment=Monitor DPMS Settings Encoding=UTF-8 Exec=xset s off dpms 3600 7200 0 Hidden=false Name=Monitor DPMS Settings Terminal=false Type=Application Version=1.0 Icon= To change the DPMS duration settings edit the highlighted line Exec=xset s off dpms 3600 7200 0. The durations are in seconds not minutes so multiply your desired minutes by 60. The first number (3600) is the blank time, the second (7200) is the suspend time and the third number (0) is to disable monitor shutdown. Entering a third number greater than the first or second will enable shutdown mode. When you have made your changes they will not become effective until a reboot.

Setting Audio Group Permissions on the Real Time Clock (rtc): AV Linux 5.0 has rtc permissions set by default, this information is for reference only. Many audio applications benefit from the user and 'audio' group permissions being set on the system Real Time Clock. This can be done easily using the 'Accessories' Root Terminal like this: Create a blank text file called '40-rtc-permissions.rules' in the /lib/udev/rules.d directory with this command: gedit /lib/udev/rules.d/40-rtc-permissions.rules Now copy and paste this text into the blank text file you just created and click 'Save' in the gedit Text Editor: KERNEL=="rtc0", GROUP="audio" On the next boot the rtc will automatically belong to the audio group. Adding usbfs to /etc/fstab to use USB audio devices (only necessary for optional 2.6.31 and 2.6.33 RT Kernels): If you are using an optional realtime (-rt) Kernel and want to use a USB Audio device you will need to mount a 'usbfs' filesystem in the /etc/fstab file. To open the fstab file for editing enter the following command into 'Accessories' Root Terminal: gedit /etc/fstab Copy and paste the following lines to the bottom of the /etc/fstab file and then save it in the text editor: # USBFS File System none /proc/bus/usb usbfs defaults 0 0


The addition of proprietary 3D nVidia and Ati video card drivers is handled by a 3 rd party script in AV Linux called SGFXI. Proprietary drivers are not supported and are to be installed at the risk and discretion of the user. AV Linux does supply 2 methods to help facilitate the installation of proprietary 3D drivers since many users want this option and Debian Linux has no tools to handle this operation other than for the stock Debian Kernel which AV Linux does not use. Method 1 GRUB2 Proprietary Driver Mode: When you boot into an AV Linux 5.0 install you will notice that there is an extra GRUB boot option just below the default top boot line in the GRUB2 boot menu. This is a special optional non-modesetting workaround created by Tony Brijeski to facilitate using SGFXI. By using this option all modesetting for nVidia and Ati video cards is disabled so SGFXI does not have to be run twice. To use this optional boot mode you need to select this option in the few seconds the GRUB2 menu splash displays at boot by using your keyboard arrow keys to highlight and select the second boot option. Once selected the kernel will boot as usual showing the boot progress text in the console. When the kernel is done booting you will be presented with a console login. For this mode to function the user is required to login as Root. At the console prompt type your username as 'root' and then enter your Root password not your regular user password. Once logged in as Root SGFXI will automatically run and attempt to install the proprietary video drivers.

Method 2 Run SGFXI from the AV Linux Control Panel You can also install proprietary 3D video drivers from the AV Linux Control Panel. The installer is found in the 'System Customization' tab. This method is a little more time consuming and difficult because it does not automatically turn off modesetting in the running video driver. For example the Debian default Xorg nouveau nVidia driver works with KMS (Kernel Mode Setting) in the Kernel. In order to install the proprietary nVidia driver SGFXI has to be run twice, once to remove the nouveau Kernel module and create a modesetting blacklist file in /etc/modprobe.d and add a 'nomodeset' GRUB command and a second time to actually install the nVidia proprietary driver. For this reason it is preferable to use Method 1.


By default AV Linux comes with the light and efficient Openbox Window Manager. LXDE is also capable of utilizing the Compiz Window Manager which gives an assortment of 3D desktop effects. It is important to note that LXDE does not yet have the full abilities of Gnome or KDE to implement all possible effect plugins. In particular the Lxpanel does not have multiple desktop viewports which prevents having more than one desktop workspace when using Compiz. Other than that caveat Compiz is a great way to add some visual bling to your system. The first prerequisite to using Compiz is having 3D Video Drivers installed. Intel graphics cards have out of the box 3D support for the most part. Most Ati cards have varying degrees of 3D support through using the Xorg radeon/radeonhd driver and full support using the proprietary video drivers detailed in the previous section. Nvidia 3D support is only available currently by installing the proprietary nVidia drivers also detailed in the previous section. To use Compiz it is necessary to first select your options using the Compiz Settings Manager and use the included Emerald Theme Manager to select one of the pre-installed Emerald themes or any you have installed. All setup for Compiz can be easily done by using the Fusion Icon found in the System Tools menu which puts all the Compiz related programs into one application. Autostarting Compiz: To have Compiz start at login it is necessary to copy the 'Autostart Compiz' launcher found in the Extra Goodies Autostart Launchers folder to one of two possible system autostart folders. To have the launcher work only for your user copy the Autostart Compiz launcher to /home/YOURUSERNAME/.config/autostart. To have the launcher work system-wide for all users copy the launcher as Root to /etc/xdg/autostart.


Stock 2.6.39 Kernel: AV Linux offers a range of choices for post-install Kernels, by default it features the performance advantages of a stock 2.6.39-i686 Kernel. This Kernel features the best of both worlds by having -rt IRQ Threading in a mainline Kernel. This is the first Kernel to offer rtirq-init capabilities on the new Juju FireWire stack making it an optimum choice for low-latency audio application. There is also a selection of older but viable Kernels in the AV Linux Kernel FTP in the link below. http://www.bandshed.net/kernels/ Optional Kernels and FireWire Audio Devices: The default Liquorix Kernel in AV Linux features the new 'Juju' FireWire stack with IRQ Threading which provides plug and play support for FFADO supported FireWire audio devices, in most cases this should work as desired. Very rarely FireWire devices and hardware setups may perform better using one of the older optional AV Linux realtime (-rt) kernels in conjunction with the 'rtirq' boot script. In order to use a FireWire audio device with either the optional or some extra configuration is required post-install as detailed in the instructions below: First you need to use the 'Accessories' Root Terminal to add your user the the 'disk' group by using this command note that 'USERNAME' is your actual username: adduser USERNAME disk Next it is necessary to have the FireWire libraw1394 module load at boot time, to do this it must have the comment (#) removed from the 'libraw1394 line in /etc/modules file as shown in the example below by again using the Root Terminal to open the file for editing: gedit /etc/modules Modify the /etc/modules file like in the highlighted example below: # # # # # /etc/modules: kernel modules to load at boot time. This file contains the names of kernel modules that should be loaded at boot time, one per line. Lines beginning with "#" are ignored. Parameters can be specified after the module name.

libraw1394 acpi-cpufreq loop

Enabled By Default in AV Linux 5.0: threadirqs - force-threaded irq handlers (realtime preemption) - Threaded irq's have long been a major part of the RT_PREEMPT patchset, and can offer significant benefits for low latency audio uses. Use this parameter unless you have a really good reason not to. To Be Enabled/Disabled Optionally: transparent_hugepage=never - turn off hugepages (a new memory management feature) - Transparent hugepages should be useful in memory intensive applications, such as virtual machines, databases, and possibly video editing. If ultra-low latency is desired, it seems to be best to disable them. Use this parameter if you want to squeeze the lowest latency possible out of your audio chain. noautogroup - disable auto cgroup scheduling - The famous "200 line patch that does wonders", aka SCHED_AUTOGROUP, is useful when cpuintensive tasks, such as make, are being done in a terminal, while the desktop is in use. Use this parameter to disable it if you think it is causing problems. Example grub kernel command line: /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.39.avl.1 root=UUID=(your-UUID-here) ro threadirqs transparent_hugepage=never

Making grub add the boot flags automatically: Grub-legacy (AVLinux 4.2 and older): 1. As root, edit /boot/grub/menu.lst 2. Add the desired boot flags to the defoptions line: # defoptions=threadirqs transparent_hugepage=never 3. As root, run: update-grub 4. Reboot Grub2 (AV Linux 5.0): 1. As root, edit: /etc/default/grub 2. Add the desired boot flags to the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT line, like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="threadirqs transparent_hugepage=never" 3. Then run: (also as root) update-grub 4. Reboot

AV LINUX 5.0 SOFTWARE: Included Software Applications

(Subject to Minor Changes, Support Libs Not Shown)

A2JMIDID Ardour-i686 ArdourVST Arpage Asunder Audacity Avidemux Blender 3D Brasero Bombono DVD Bristol Bristol-Launcher Calf Plugins Cheese Chordata Cinelerra Clementine Desktop Record DeVeDe Discovery Disk Utility Evince FFADO ffmpeg FileZilla Fontforge Gedit GIMP Gnome Photo Print GParted Goobox Gpicview Guitarix Head Handbrake Hydrogen Iceweasel Inkscape Invada Plugins JACK JACK Control JACK Capture JACK Meterbridge Jamin JC_gui Kdenlive Kompozer LADSPA Plugins

JACK/ALSA MIDI Bridge Digital Audio Workstation Ardour DAW with Windows VST Support MIDI Sync'd JACK Arpeggiator Audio CD Ripper Soundfile Editor Video Processor and Converter Animation Modeler CD/DVD Authoring and Burning DVD Authoring Application Classic Synth Emulation Gtkdialog UI to Launch Bristol DSSI, LADSPA, and LV2 Audio Plugins and JACK Host Webcam View and Capture Program Analyze Chords in Audio Files Non-Linear Video Editor QT4 Amarok based Music Player Records Desktop Into A Video File (GTK Version) Video DVD Authoring LinuxVST Synthesizer Plugin (Demo Version) Analyses and Troubleshoots Hard Disks PDF Document Viewer FireWire Audio Drivers CLI Audio/Video Converter FTP Client Create and Edit Fonts Text Editor with Syntax Highlighting Advanced Image File Editor Photo Printing Utility Hard Drive Partition Editor CD Player/Extractor Image File Viewer Guitar Effects Processor DVD Ripper and H.264 Video Encoder Advanced Drum Sequencer and Programmer Mozilla Web Browser SVG Graphics Editor Assorted LV2 Plugins Low Latency Audio Server+Session Support Qt GUI for JACK Capture Output of JACK into an Audio File VU Level Metering for JACK Audio Mastering Suite of Plugins Frontend GUI for jconvolver KDE4 based NLE Video Editor WYSIWYG Web Page Editor ambisonic, autotalent, calf, caps, cmt, csa, fil, guitarix, Invada, leet, swh, rev, tap, vlevel

7-2 2.8.12SVN 2.8.12SVN 0.3.3 2.1 1.3.12 2.5.4 2.57 2.30.3 1.0.0 0.60.8 0.4 0.0.19GIT 2.30.1 1.0SVN 2.1.5CV 0.6.0 0.3.8 3.16.9 R3 2.30.1 2.30.3 2.0.99SVN 0.6.1SVN 3.3.1 20100501 2.30.3 2.6.10 0.7.0 0.7.0 2.1.2 0.2.1 0.13 0.9.4 0.9.5 3.5.15 0.47-2b1 1.2.0 0.120.1SVN 0.3.7 0.9.57 0.9.2 0.97CVS .07 0.8 0.8b3

LibreOffice Lingot linuxDSP Plugins LiVES LMMS LV2Rack Loomer Plugins MediaInfo Mudita24 Control Mypaint Openshot OOMIDI Patchage PCManFM Phasex Pianoteq Qsynth Qsampler Qtractor Renoise Realtime Scan Rosegarden SGFXI Simple Scan Shutter Sooperlooper Sonic Visualiser Swami Synaptic Transcribe! Tony's PVR Tools Totem Transmission VLC Media Player VMPK Wbar WINE WineASIO WinFF XArchiver XineUI XJadeo Xvidcap Yoshimi Zita-AT1 Zita-Rev1 Zonage Zynjacku

Full Office Productivity Suite Guitar Tuner JACK Client Plugins, LinuxVST and LV2 Plugins (Demos) Non-Linear Video Editor Linux MultiMedia Studio Host Patching Rack for LV2 Plugins JACK and LinuxVST Audio Plugins (Demo Versions) Utility to Identify Audio and Video Codecs Updated Mixer for ice1712 Soundcards Painting Program Non-Linear Video Editor Open-Octave MIDI Sequencer JACK Patchbay/Routing Default File Manager Phase Harmonic Synthesizer Piano Modeling Software (Demo Version) Qt Frontend for Fluidsynth LinuxSampler QT4 GUI Audio/MIDI Sequencer Tracker Style Audio Sequencer (Demo Version) Realtime Configuration Scan Script Audio/MIDI Sequencer and Score Editor Automated Install Script for ATI/nVidia 3D Graphics Drivers Easy Scanner Utility Screenshot Capturing and Editing Live Looping Sampler Waveform Analysis Tool Soundfont/Instrument Editor Software Package Manager Song Transcribing/Learning Tool (Demo Version) PVR Tools for Hauppage WinTV Cards Gstreamer based Movie/Media Player Bittorrent Client Audio and Video Media Player/Streamer Virtual Midi Piano Keyboard Light Application Launch Bar Windows Compatibility Layer ASIO Driver for JACK ffmpeg based Audio/Video Converter Compression and Unzip Utility Media Player based on Xine Video Player with JACK Transport Screen capture Utility Real Time Synthesizer Autotune JACK Plugin Reverb JACK Plugin Create Multiple MIDI Zones Host/Patching Rack for LV2 Synths

3.4 0.8.1 1.4.2 0.4.8 6 0.7.41 1.0.3 0.9.0 1.3.1BZR 2.0beta 0.4.4-1.2b1 0.9.8 0.12.0-pre1 3.6.5 0.3.5 0.4.8 2.7 11.06 4.15 2.31.1 0.85.1 1.6.14 1.8 2.0.0 0.70.1 8.10 1.0 2.30 2.03 1.1.3 0.4.0 1.3.3 1.2.2 0.7.5 1.3.0 0.5.2 0.99.6 0.6.0rc7 1.1.7 0.060.10 0.2.1 0.1.1 0.3.3 6

Software Notes:
WARNING! - Do not use 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get dist-upgrade' with AV Linux ! AV Linux contains a few intentionally held packages, a dist-upgrade will overwrite these key held packages and force installation of some unwanted libraries that will potentially break your existing installation. It is recommended to only use the Synaptic Package Manager to administrate software other than the exceptions noted below. WARNING! - AV Linux has a few selected packages 'Pinned' in the Synaptic Package Manager to ensure compatibility, it is strongly advised to leave these packages pinned. Please note that using Aptitude or a different package manager will not respect the pinned status within Synaptic and will overwrite these packages and possibly break your system.

Suggested Post-Install Packages: AV Linux intentionally has left a couple of commonly used packages out of the LiveDVD in order to conserve space: lilypond - a program for typesetting sheet music most notably for use with the scoring capabilities of Rosegarden. fluid-soundfont-gm a full General Midi Soundfont Collection for use with Fluidsynth (Qsynth).

Third Party Repositories: AV Linux has a number of third party software Repositories that provide a way to get optional applications outside of the default Debian Repositories. To use them open 'Preferences' -->'Software Sources' and check off the tickbox beside the Repository you'd like to add and then install packages from them with the Synaptic Package Manager. After adding a Repository you need to 'Reload' Synaptic in order for the new packages to appear in the package list. It is a good practice to only enable the Repos you use regularly so your Synaptic Package Manager will reload the package list as quickly as possible. Change the Debian Distribution: AV Linux is based on Debian 'Squeeze' or the 'Stable' Distribution and is only supported for use with Squeeze. If users want to experiment with cutting edge software and the accompanying loss of reliability that comes with it then this is also possible by using the 'Software Sources' utility to upgrade the Debian Distribution to 'Sid' (unstable) or 'Wheezy' (testing). PLEASE NOTE AV Linux contains many packages custom built for use with Squeeze which will be overwritten by Wheezy or Sid packages and may quite possibly present upgrading conflicts and other system breakages. It is strongly suggested to UNINSTALL packages with the 'avlinux' suffix in the package version before installing a replacement from Sid or Wheezy. Change Distributions at your OWN RISK !!!.

Traditionally upgrading your Distribution is done by selecting the Distribution in your 'Software Sources' and then running 'apt-get dist-upgrade' in a Root Terminal. This is not recommended in AV Linux because it is a customized distribution with held packages that will be overwritten by a 'distupgrade'. It is recommended to change distributions by selecting it in 'Software Sources' and the selecting the updated packages in the Synaptic Package Manager 'Status'-->'Installed (upgradeable)' tab or optionally the 'Mark All Upgrades' button.

The Software Sources Utility:

The easiest way to setup the JACK Audio server is to use the JACK Control app (a.k.a. Qjackctl). It can easily be launched from the LXPanel or Wbar Dock. To setup your Audio card click the 'Setup' button.

In the example below the system has a default onboard Intel HDA which has been selected in the interface tab. Generally speaking if your Audio interface shows up in the dropdown list it is supported by ALSA and therefore by JACK as well. To use a firewire interface you will need to select 'firewire' instead of 'alsa' in the 'Driver' dialog. An important number to look at during setup is the 'Frames/Period' figure. If you are experiencing 'Xruns' or audio dropouts then you will need to increase this number, conversely if you want to decrease the 'Latency' figure then decrease the Frames/Period until Xruns appear. If you are recording directly to a Recording Track then low latency numbers are really not needed, if you are recording through a plugin or other audio application en route to the Recording Track then lower latencies are required.

Making Connections: Most applications once up and running with JACK will manage their connections within the program you are using, however sometimes it is necessary to use the 'Connect' function in JACK Control to manually connect applications or even hardware like MIDI Keyboards. In the example below we are connecting the MIDI Outputs of the 'VMPK' Virtual Keyboard to control the Qsynth Soundfont Synthesizer. Alternately the linuxDSP JP-1 Patchbay found in the 'JACK Plugins' menu can also be used to make JACK Connections between various applications.


Many people who are new to Linux are reluctant to use the terminal and sometimes consider it to be either a primitive means of using the computer or too complicated. After some time to adjust to using it most Linux users come to appreciate the facility and speed afforded by using the CLI. The following section can be utilized by experienced Linux users and demonstrate some fundamentals to new Linux users. The apt and dpkg articles are modified from an excellent article by Matthew Danish.

WARNING! - Please remember it is not advised to use either 'apt-get upgrade' or 'apt-get distupgrade with AV Linux 5.0. If you don't understand what a Terminal Command is actually going to do to your system it is advised not to use it. Common APT usage : apt-get install <package> Downloads <package> and all of its dependencies, and installs or upgrades them. This will also take a package off of hold if it was put on. See below for more info on hold. apt-get remove [--purge] <package> Removes <package> and any packages that depend on it. --purge specifies that packages should be purged, see dpkg -P for more information. apt-get update Updates packages listings from Debian mirrors, should be run at least once a day if you install anything that day, and every time after /etc/apt/sources.list is changed. apt-get upgrade [-u] Upgrades all packages installed to newest versions available. Will not install new or remove old packages. If a package changes dependencies and requires installation of a new package, it will not be upgraded, it will be put on hold instead. apt-get upgrade will not upgrade packages put on hold (that is the meaning of hold). See below for how to manually put packages on hold. I suggest the `-u' option as well, because then you can see what packages are going to be upgraded. apt-get dist-upgrade [-u] Similar to apt-get upgrade, except that dist-upgrade will install or remove packages to satisfy dependencies. apt-cache search <pattern> Searches packages and descriptions for <pattern>. apt-cache show <package> Shows the full description of <package>. apt-cache showpkg <package> Shows a lot more detail about <package>, and its relationships to other packages.

Common Dpkg usage : dpkg -i <package.deb> Installs a Debian package file; one that you downloaded manually, for example. dpkg -c <package.deb> Lists the contents of <package.deb>, a .deb file. dpkg -I <package.deb> Extracts package information from <package.deb>, a .deb file.

dpkg -r <package> Removes an installed package named <package> dpkg -P <package> Purges an installed package named <package>. The difference between remove and purge is that while remove only deletes data and executables, purge also deletes all configuration files in addition. dpkg -L <package> Gives a listing of all the files installed by <package>. See also dpkg -c for checking the contents of a .deb file. dpkg -s <package> Shows information on the installed package <package>. See also apt-cache show for viewing package information in the Debian archive and dpkg -I for viewing package information extracted from a .deb file. dpkg-reconfigure <package> Reconfigures an installed package, if it uses debconf (debconf provides that consistent configuration interface for package installation). You can reconfigure debconf itself if you want to change the front-end or priority of questions asked. For example, to reconfigure debconf with the dialog front-end, you simply run: dpkg-reconfigure --frontend=dialog debconf echo ``<package> hold'' | dpkg --set-selections Put <package> on hold (command line method) dpkg --get-selections ``<package>'' Get the current status of <package> (command line method) dpkg -S <file> Searches for <file> in package database, telling you which packages have that file in them. Building Debian packages from Source: apt-get source [-b] <package> Download the source Debian package for <package> and extract it. You must have deb-src lines in your /etc/apt/sources.list for this to work. If you supply the `-b' option and you are currently root, then the package will be automatically built if possible. apt-get build-dep <package> Download and install the packages necessary to build the source Debian package <package>. This feature is only present in apt version 0.5 and up. Currently this means that woody and above contain this functionality. If you have an older version of apt then the easiest way to find out the build dependencies is to look in the debian/control file in the source package directory. A common usage of this command is in conjunction with apt-get source -b. For example (as root): apt-get build-dep <package> apt-get source -b <package> Will download the source package, all of its build dependencies, and attempt to compile the source package. dpkg-source -x <package.dsc> If you have downloaded the source package for a program manually, which includes several files such as a .orig.tar.gz (or .tar.gz if it is Debian native), a .dsc, and a .diff.gz (if it is not Debian native), then you can unpack the source package using this command on the .dsc file.

dpkg-buildpackage Builds a Debian package from a Debian source tree. You must be in the main directory of the source tree for this to work. Sample usage: dpkg-buildpackage -rfakeroot -uc -b Where `-rfakeroot' instructs it to use the fakeroot program to simulate root privileges (for ownership purposes), `-uc' stands for ``Don't cryptographically sign the changelog'', and `-b' stands for ``Build the binary package only''

debuild A handy wrapper script around dpkg-buildpackage that will automatically take care of using
fakeroot or not, as well as running lintian and gpg for you.

Fixing dependencies : dpkg --configure --pending If dpkg quits with an error while apt-get install, upgrade, or dist-upgrading try running this to configure the packages that were already unpacked. Then try apt-get install, upgrade, or dist-upgrade -f, and then try apt-get install, upgrade, or dist-upgrade again. Repeat as needed. This usually resolves most dependency problems (also, if it mentions a specific package for some reason, you might want to try installing or removing that package) apt-get install -f apt-get upgrade -f apt-get dist-upgrade -f Attempt to fix dependencies while doing one of the above. Note that apt-get install -f does not require a <package> argument. Additional Handy Terminal Commands: SYMLINK to link a file or folder elsewhere on system (AS ROOT) : ln -s /path/file/exists /path/link/placed REBUILD Font cache (AS ROOT) : fc-cache -f -v FONT ANTIALIASING AND HINTING SETUP: dpkg-reconfigure fontconfig-config DVD RIPPING with Mplayer : Creates a file called "dump.vob" in your home folder assuming movie is title 1. mplayer dvd://1 -dumpstream -dumpfile dump.vob VIRTUALBOX MODULE SETUP (AS ROOT) : Make sure linux-headers are installed and linked /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup BUILD DEBIAN PACKAGE WITH GIT-BUILDPACKAGE: git-buildpackage --git-upstream-branch=origin/upstream LINKING KERNEL HEADERS FOR MODULE BUILDING: ln -s /usr/src/linux-headers-$(uname -r) /lib/modules/$(uname -r)/build


AV Linux promotes 'Software Freedom' over 'Free Software'. Although on the surface AV Linux may appear to be a slightly modified Debian spin-off under the surface it is far more than that. A great deal of time, effort and attention have been put into creating it and making it convenient to use. Hosting the project and it's website have an actual financial cost and supporting users takes valuable time away from other pursuits. The only way for this project to continue being produced is through free-will donations from those who benefit from it's use. Even a donation of $10.00 can help this project continue. To donate use the PayPal link on the AV Linux Website.

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