IPPTA 153 101 104 Strategy To Achieve

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Strategy to Achieve Zero Breakdown Through TPM

*T. Vidyasagar and Vijay Mantri

*JK Paper Mills, Jaykaypur, Rayagada, Orissa

The paper focuses on maintenance practices being followed at JK Paper Mills to achieve zero breakdown.
The methodology followed is known as Total Productive Maintenance (TPM). This also discusses the role
and responsibilities of operators and maintenance crew, changes in training methodology, work
practices and application of Autonomous Maintenance by operational crew instead of traditional maintenance

and quality rate. The whole concept of Autonomous
INTRODUCTION Maintenance (Jishu Hozen) is based on how to enhance
these parameters significantly so as to provide a cutting
Globalization and open economic policy have forced the edge to the organizational performance.
organizations to give a fresh look at their existing Availability rate
operations. both in terms of practices and efficiency.
Radical changesl improvement in both is the order of Equipment availability is an important factor for
the day for the very existence. Aspirational goals and measuring OEE. Machine stoppage for any reason
superlative operational performance can only keep the adversely affects availability and therefore, loss of
threat of extinction at bay. production. The rate of availability is calculated as
In a typical process industry, the production function
is given prime importance and the maintenance function I Total calendar hours-stoppage hours l

is given fairly low priority in the organizational Availability in %= i • x 100 !

L Total calendar hours '
efficiency. However, tremendous emphasis has been put
on maintenance in the recent past and significant changes Performance rate
and developments have taken place in this field including Standard production: Rated capa,city of the machine for
high technology and modern scientific approach. Total a given product.
Productivity Maintenance is .one such scientific
approach. which is not only innovative and methodical Actual production: Actual quantity produced.
but also a highly focused approach to the whole concept The ratio of actual production to standard production
of ~ipment maintenance. is the performance rate and is calculated as under.
Total productive maintenance ! Actual production l
. Performance rate in % = i t x 100
TPM aims at :- i
L Standard production ~
Maximizing overall equipment effectiveness (OEE)
by eliminating various losses. Quality rate
Improving equipment reliability and It is measured as the ratio of accepted product conforming
maintainability to quality standards to that of total quantity produced
Achieving the most economical Life Cycle Cost and calculated as under.
(LCC) of equipment. ITotal quantity produced-quantity not conforming to qltyj:-'
Quality = II . '. x 100
Developing equipment conscious operators and
rate in % ~ Total quantity produced
Creating an enthusiastic work environment.
OEE in % = Availability rate X Performance Rate
TPM brings a radical change in workplace and X Quality rate
provides a mechanism for achieving zero breakdowns,
zero defects and zero accidents. The focus centers on To increase availability, elimination of equipment
Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE), which is a breakdowns is important. TPM system has a direction
product of equipment availability rate, performance rate for this. It encompasses all the key aspects of

IPPTA J, Vol 15. No 3, July 2003 101

maintenance (reactive. preventive, productive, corrective Bring equipment to basic conditions
and so forth). It emphasizes the role of machine operators Cleaning. lubrication, tightening etc. are the basic
and their involvement in upkeeping the machine conditions for any equipment. Equipment deterioration
condition. Machine operators accept new responsibilities, is of two types, accelerated and natural. These
such as daily maintenance checks, minor adjustments, deteriorations lead to breakdowns. The acceleration
lubrication and minor part changes and thereby owning deterioration arises when equipment's basic conditions
the equipment. This paper focuses on approach of 1.K. are not maintained where as natural deterioration occurs
Paper Mills towards zero breakdowns. due to equipment inherent life span, corrosion, changes
JKPM initiated TPM during July 2000. Initially, in the properties of material etc. To prevent accelerated
three machines were selected, namely Chipper, Paper deterioration, we have to restore equipment basic 4

Machine-I and Wills cutter-I. These machines are called condition, by eliminating various hidden abnormalities,
model machines for TPM implementation. At model which are generally classified in to seven categories.
machines, engineers of process, maintenance and The examples of abnormalities are given in Table 1.
respective departments heads carried out autonomous During thorough cleaning activity, we has identified
maintenance activity. This involves thorough cleaning more than 32000 abnormalities of which about 70% are
of machines. identification of abnormalities, developing rectified immediately and remaining during plant
and implementing counter measures for the shutdowns. Fig. 1 shows categorywise number of
abnormalities. While performing this activity executives abnormalities identified till March 2003.
become more familiar with autonomous maintenance.
By rectifying abnormalities we have restored
After successful implementation of autonomous equipment basic conditions. This resulted in reduction
maintenance activity at these model machines. similar
TPM activity was extended to other machines where.
all employees were involved in autonomous maintenance
activity under the guidance of executive who had gained .f!i!iil!iil--------- . ------

experience at model machines. These activities were

focused on bringing equipment to its basic conditions.
This is the first step towards Zero breakdowns. Following
six key activities are followed on TPM guidelines in
pursuit of our Zero breakdowns. Fig. 1: Classification of Abnormalities

Table 1

Abnormalities Examples
• Contaminations like dirt, dust and bad paint.
• Damaged/crushed/bend parts
Minor Flaws • Slackness of belts, chains
• Abnormal phenomena like noise, vibration, smell
Unfulfilled basic • Insufficient lubricant, leakage of oil, contaminated lubricant.
conditions • Loose, long, crushed nut bolt, washers
Inaccessible locations • Fixed machine covers, machine parts difficult to approach, gauges
difficult to read due to orientation/layout
Contamination sources • Leaks/ spills! overflows- of air, gases, steam, water
• Flashes/chips, and non-conforming products
• Contaminants brought in by people, fork-lift trucks
Quality defect sources • Product damages during manufacturing, variations in dimensions.
• Pumps/fans/compressors, columns, tanks, Pipes, valves •
Unnecessary items • Temperatures/ pressure gauges, vacuum gauges, ammeters
• Wiring, piping, switches, plugs, cutting tools, jigs, dies, frames
• Sharp projections •.
. Unsafe places • Too steep, irregular, corrosion, missing handrails
• Broken covers/ladders not properly fixed
• Toxic gases/chemicals

102 IPPTA J, VoI1S. No 3, July 2003

of number of breakdowns. Fig. 2 below indicates month initiated during planned shutdowns.
wise breakdown trend. Breakdown data of 2000-2001
Eleminating environmental conditions causing
is the benchmark indicating the status prior to TPM.
accelerated deterioration

3V 3211 If shop floor environment is filled with dirt, dust, pulp.

powder etc and equipments parts are covered with such
contaminants, it is difficult to inspect (oil level gauges,
loose bolts, V -belts & chains conditions) and
environment like this will be perfect breeding ground
for accelerated deterioration.
Fig. 2: Breakdowns due to poor basic conditions TPM activity is focused to expose these parts, identify
sources of contaminations and take counter measures
., Eliminating accelerated deterioration by
(through kaizens) to eliminate these sources. AT JKPM.
about 500 numbers of such sources are identified and
complying with conditions of use
rectified through kaizens. Places where it is difficult to
Any equipment is designed to work at certain operating inspect, difficult to lubricate are also made accessible
conditions like pressure. viscosities. temperature, speed through Kaizens. Table 2 below shows different sources
etc and if the equipment is operated at abnormal of contaminations identified at various locations of the
conditions. it will lead to accelerated deterioration and plant.
(generally) shorten their lifespan with unexpected
Lengthen equipment lifetime by correcting
breakdowns. To eliminate deterioration, as per guidance
design defects
of process engineer. operators ensure strict adherence
of the set operating conditions fixed by section in charges Operating equipments under stressful conditions, such
along with maintenance engineers. as high speed, high load and frequent stops and start-
ups, results in breakdown due to shaft breakage, bearing
damage etc. ensuring the correct load, temperature and
conditions of use are not enough to eliminate such
breakdowns. It is necessary to change such design
defects, like dimension of the shaft or bearings etc.
Without correcting design defects it will be difficult to
eliminate such breakdowns. Fig. 4 below indicates
breakdowns of equipments at JKPM due to design
defects. By rectifying design defects, breakdown came
Fig. 3: Breakdowns due to abnormal operating down drastically. At JKPM every failure is considered
conditions a valuable learning aid that teaches us about the
weaknesses. A through failure analysis helped us in
lengthening equipment life cycle.
Fig. 3 indicates month wise number of breakdowns
resulted due to abnormal operating conditions. Eliminate unexpected breakdown by developing
Monitoring and maintaining the set conditions have equipment conscious operators
achieved the reduction in trend on number of
breakdowns. Even when equipments are extremely reliable,
unexpected breakdowns may still occur as a result of
Restore equipments to its optimal condition by
arresting deterioration Table 2

It is very important to monitor and measure the degree Source of contaminations Numbers of
of natural deterioration. This deterioration is a gradual locations
form of deterioration due to equipment inherent life
,. span. changes in the properties of material, corrosion
Steam leakages 215
etc. It is natural that over a period, some parts of Water leakages 105
equipment will deteriorate due to wear & tear. Oil & grease 128
Powder spillages 24
• At JKPM. to optimize equipment conditions, various
pipelines, tanks. spare parts etc are replaced with better Wood chips spillages 12
material. In some areas, Condition Based maintenance Dust (wood, coal) 15
system adopted to analyse degree of deterioration and Pulp 31
remedial action was planned. Actual. replacement
IPPTA J. VoI1S. No 3, July 2003 103

0 30 'lft~
Z 20 .::::>.:;:
10 ·t:~~

Fig. 4: Breakdowns due to design defects ..
operating and repair errors. Equipment conscious above creates opportunity for maintenance department
operators playa critical role in eliminating errors. To technicians to focus on specialized maintenance activities
develop equipment conscious operator, training on to improve reliability and maintainability of equipment.
following four skills were imparted. They are trained to acquire new skills. They develop
a culture of performing a job precisely with accuracy.
Ability to identify abnormalities To develop equipment conscious operator, JKPM
Any operator can recognize an abnormality, once it developed various skill development modules to train
results to a breakdown. Where as equipment conscious the operators and maintenance technicians. This training
operator' can forcecast impending breakdown through is inclusive of both on the job and off the job.
daily and periodic checks of equipments, which he
performs as a ritual. This develops his capability to CONCLUSION
identify abnormalities or malfunctions of equipment
before they le~d to eventual breakdown. Zero breakdown is no longer a hypothesis nor it is an
elusive or difficult task and J.K. Paper Mills is slowly
Ability to respond to abnormalities but surely progressing towards zero breakdown. Initial
Being able to identify abnormalities is not enough, he teething problems are nearly solved. Executives and
should be able to discover the cause for abnormalities workmen are witnessing the improvement and are
and rectify the same. If he cannot rectify the problems convinced with TPM system. This system also helps
due to.complexity of maintenance skill required on that developing operators, process engineers and
specific case, then he should be able to report the problem maintenance technicians. This partnership helps for a
accurately to his superiors or to the maintenance staff. long-term approach to machine performance, rather than
just fixing problems. Additionally records reveal that
Ability to set optional equipments conditions about 18% reductions in lubrication consumption,
Operator should be able to understand and distinguish increasing trend in number of kaizens, reduction in
normal and abnormal operating conditions. He should number of accidents have been a reality. All these also
have the capability to determine (quantitatively) the contributed to remarkable improvement in housekeeping
conditions or the criteria that indicates whether the and creating enthusiastic work environment.
equipment vital parts are functioning normally or not.
He should have ability to understand the relation between ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
equipment set operating conditions and quality of the
The Authors would like to thank Sri S.K. Mishra, Chief
Executive (Works) for encouragement to present this
Abjlity to maintain equipment basic conditions paper in IPPTA zonal seminar, July 2003.
Operator should be able to perform daily and periodic
preventive maintenance activities like cleaning (to REFERENCES
eliminate dust and dirt) lubrication (to prevent wear
1. Chandan Chowdhury Arun P Patil (Mrs.) Udyog Pragati
and burnouts) and tightening of bolts nuts etc (to prevent
Vol. No 4,32 (1994).
malfunctions & breakages). All operators should
cultivate these four abilities to maintain equipment basic 2. Arun Maity, Udyog Pragati Vol. 26 No. 24 (2002):
condition. Maintaining equipment basic condition means 3. rPM for process industries, Productivity Press. (1994).
eliuunating the causes of accelerated deterioration. The

104 IPPTA J, Vol 15, No 3, July 2003

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