TPM Implementation On Case Study of Coal Washery

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Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng.

2014, 2(1), 169-174

Journal Of Harmonized Research (JOHR)

Journal Of Harmonized Research in Engineering
2(1), 2014, 169-174 ISSN 2347 – 7393

Original Research Article


Sudhanshu Pandey*, Sharda Pratap Shrivas, Rachit Kumar Shandolkar

Chouksey Engineering College, Bilaspur

This Paper aims to reduce unplanned stoppage, breakdowns accidents and losses obstructing
equipment effectiveness. In most of Indian industries maintenance is considered as evil activity.
Therefore by implementing TPM the industries can increase their equipment effectiveness and
productivity. In BPSL coal washery we implement two pillars of TPM which makes differences.

Key Word:- TPM, Breakdown, Coal Washery.

Introduction employee morale and job satisfaction. The dual
The concept of TPM in Industries is the critical goals of TPM are zero breakdowns and zero
missing concepts in successfully achieving not defects; This obviously improves Equipment
only world class equipment performance, but efficiency rates and reduces costs. Generally the
also it is a powerful new means in improving study will focus on assessing the existing
overall company performance. The present maintenance system of the BSPL coal washery
research mainly deals with the principles and to investigate potential area of improvement so
concepts of Total Productive Maintenance based as to develop and implement the Total
on literature review and assess the existing Productive Maintenance to the best achievement
maintenance activities of the Bhushan Steel and of the objective and the best performance of all
Power Limited in line of TPM increase the activities. John The goal of TPM
production while, at the same time, increasing focuses on improving corporate culture through
improvement of human resources and plant
equipment. The Japan Institutes of Plant
For Correspondence:
Maintenance (JIPM) has put forward the five
goals of TPM which are the minimum
Received on: February 2014
requirements for the TPM development [1].
Accepted after revision: February 2014
Venkatesh.J. Equipment effectiveness is a
Downloaded from: 169 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174

measure of the value added to production dedication by operators and employees .some
through equipment. This goal is to increase loss of production found due to careless of
equipment effectiveness so each piece of operators. The spares quality will also effecting
equipment can be operated to its full potential due to which continuous failure of some spares
and maintained at that level [2]. Statistical parts of machine occurs due to which
process control (SPC) has been proposed firstly maintenance time increased and down time also
by Dr. Shewhart in 1931 and then, many SPC increasing. the capacity of Coal washery is 600
charts have been developed and improved to use tph but production of plant doesn’t achieving
for different process data. In its basics form, a the target of production’s planned work order
control chart compares process observations for coal washery 18hrs /day is for production
with a pair of control limits [5]. SPC is widely and 6hrs/day is for maintenance .but according
used to monitor, control and improve quality in to this in month 18 hrs/day then 540 to 558 hrs
many industrial processes [6]. plant should have to run as planned but plant is
Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) not running as planned production hrs and also
OEE is a tool that combines multiple loss of production found due to production
manufacturing issues and data points to provide under capacity.
information about the process. To measure of Over All effectiveness of BPSL coal washery is
the production process (i.e., availability, low as calculated by collected data of month
performance and quality)—and used to measure August 2013-
actual improvements on 5S, Lean OEE=0.85*0.826*0.82=0.57*100=57%. Very
Manufacturing, TPM, Kaizen and Six Sigma. low and needs immediate improvement.
When using OEE with these management Costing report of month April (2013) 42.23
systems the benefits become tangible and Rs/tonnes as shown in report collected from
noteworthy [2]. Coal washery Heavy Media cyclone. According
Problem Areas In BPSL coal washery- to this report the Spare consumption costing
The problem in Coal washery of BPSL is loss of 17.38 Rs/tones, which shows the low
production due to unplanned failure of machines production high breakdowns of spares.
due to which the costing of spares are also Production of month August -131900 Mt and
increases ,if the production is low and spares target of that month was 250000 Mt which
parts consumption is high the the spares shows that the target is not achieved and low
consumed per MT of production will increase. production ineffective manpower.
There is also many operation faults due to less 170 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174

Fig. 1 Coal Washery

Objective of the Paper · Performing to restore the unplanned
The general objectives of the paper are: failure of the selected machine.
• To assess the existing maintenance system · Identifying frequently observed
of the company to identify the problem and unplanned breakdown of the machine.
the key potential area for the improvement · Identify equipment where frequent
of the system. breakdown occur and carried out like
• To provide better maintenance system along gripper head and belt.
with its implementation model for the · Determine and track the frequency of the
company by developing the implementation unplanned failure.
of the Total Productive Maintenance. Level 2 Implementation of 2 pillars of TPM
• Critically examine and investigate the 1) Autonomous Maintenance Activity
problems of the existing maintenance In this step hard to access area should be
system. improved and causes of forced deterioration
• Identifying the causes of the existing should be eliminated from the machineries of
problems. the industry. Taking action at the source of
• To propose developed maintenance system problems observed in level one of autonomous
and implementation model for the company. maintenance. This action includes avoiding of
Methodology implementation of two pillars recurrence of the accumulation of fiber dusts on
in six levels the equipments by solving the problem at the
Level One Implementation of two pillars of foundation and eliminating the causes. In this
TPM second level of the autonomous maintenance
The following activities of the selected pillars of implementation, temporary procedures or
TPM are carried out in this level manual for cleaning, lubrication, retightening
1) Autonomous Maintenance Activity and checkups developed. 2) Planned
• Provide basic training to operators of the Maintenance Activity
industry about safety, and equipment In this level of the planned maintenance
structure and functions of machines such as implementation, the above level will be
weaving, raising and stitching beam winder. continued to be executed for the additionally
• Make cleaning plan for each parts of the selected weaving machines in this level. And
above mentioned machines. also the following activities accomplished for
the success of the implementation. Identifying
• Removing unnecessary articles around the
equipment where preventive maintenance is to
above machineries of the industry
be carried out. belt, pumps, gear boxes, press,
• The initial clean up include fiber dust, oil,
vibrating screens etc. Develop check list of
etc. and has to be removed and minor
preventive maintenance inspection for the above
defects of the machineries should be
mentioned parts. Determine preventive
detected by touching for example the belt
maintenance interval for the above equipments
and other components of coal washery.
of the industry.
2) Planned Maintenance Activity
Level 3 Implementation 2 pillars (Planned
• Executing operation of the selected model Maintenance Activity, Autonomous
equipment from each department. Maintenance Activity)
• Running of the selected machine. 1) Autonomous Maintenance Activity
• Developing the early discovery of interior • Tentative standards of cleaning will be
situation and rapid report remedy system of set for the machines. For example three
the machine. times a day for pumps, hammer mills
• Executing breakdown maintenance system • Mastering the inspection skill of the
operators of all machines. 171 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174

2) Planned Maintenance Activity- • Reducing material searching time by

Keeping and using maintenance records for the organizing material around the equipment
selected pumps, crusher and screens machine. and workplace.
Identify the type of maintenance required and 2) Planned maintenance-
develop the form of maintenance records. • Automate the operation system.
Identify the contacts of the maintenance report • Identify the activities of the next operation.
and Ensure all the required information included • Identify types of reports required.
in the record. Make sure the maintenance report • Simplify the work procedure based on the
well kept. Evaluate the performance of PM and above study conducted in level four of the
improve the PM system. TPM implementation process.
Level 4 Implementation of 2 pillars of TPM • Critically study hardware and software.
The process of executing the TPM
• Measure performance of the software and
implementation for the whole equipment is hardware.
performed as per the above implementation
• Train the maintenance personnel on use of
steps. Additionally, the following activities are
the system.
included in this level.
• Implement the system.
1) Autonomous Maintenance Activity
General inspection: to understand the structures The Last Level of TPM Implementation
functions and principles of equipment. Coal (level6)
washery and learn their optimal conditions. 1) Autonomous maintenance
Train the operators of the machines in the • Standardization: ensuring maintenance and
industry how to carry out the inspection. Find management of these activities and at
and restore slight defects through general expanding the operator roles to work related
inspection like the breakage of belts in pumps to the equipment and areas around it.
and belts in screens, cardon shafts in screens. 2) Planned maintenance
Evaluate inspection skills provided in the • Automate the operation system.
previous levels and provide training in • Based on the above study, initially review
deficiency areas. the type of hardware and software available
2) Planned Maintenance Activity- in the market
Executing condition based maintenance system Result And Discussion
• Train maintenance personal on use of Concerning the autonomous maintenance much
condition monitoring instruments. to be done to shift the maintenance concept
• Measure the performance of the condition from maintenance department to the production
based maintenance system. department. The equipment operators should be
Level 5 TPM Implementation given training on basic inspection and cleaning
1) Autonomous maintenance methods of the equipment.
Autonomous inspection: To maintain the From the planned maintenance point of view the
machineries of the industry deterioration and company policy is not based on preventing the
restoration condition implemented in levels. occurrence of failure. Maximum time the
equipment breaks they fix it. Here the problem
• Review cleanup, lubrication and general
inspection criteria for the machines in the is not only changing the equipment or
industry. maintaining the equipment to its original
working condition but also it may cause the
• Preparation and implementation of
other equipments to fail. The planned
autonomous inspection checks sheets for the
maintenance program of the maintenance
machineries in the industry.
department is not as per the manual of the
• Review equipment and human factors clarity equipment manufacturer. They do not even
abnormal conditions.
predict when the failure may occur. This
Organize the surrounding of machinery. 172 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174

problem may lead to unplanned stoppage of the losses may occur for the long period of time.
machineries and due to this the production

Table 1. Implementation Results

After TPM October Before TPM August
report report
Total production 220906 MT 131911 MT
Total breakdown 207 hrs 260 hrs
Total available planned running
540 hrs 540 hrs
From collected data-
1)Availiblity Rate 94.2% 85 %
2)Quality Percentage 94.7% 82%
3) performance rate 94.7 % 82%
Now OEE= 84% 57 %
Costing/ton 24.60 RS/MT 42.27 RS/MT (APRIL

This research has been conducted and written of equipment, due to negligence of the operator
in relation to the implementation of two pillars and shortage of good quality spare parts.
of Total Productive Maintenance System in Production is also increased after
BPSL coal washery. The study aims initially at implementation as production report of month
scrutinizing the maintenance system of the Oct attached along its 220906 tonnes achieved
industry and categorically concluded that the 88.36% target .production is increased as on
high rate of unplanned failure reigns in the below report-
Industry. This can be attributed to the condition

Table 2 Comparison of report

Comparison of data Before After RESULT
implementation(AUGUST) implementation Observations-
Production- 131911 MT 220906 MT Increased
Total Downtime 260 hours 207.45 hours Decreased
OEE 58.2 % 84% Increased

COSTING REPORT Before Implement APRIL After Implement

COMPARISION/MT 42.27 RS/MT (APRIL) 24.60 RS/MT Decreased
Spare Consumed 17.38 RS/MT (APRIL) 9.89 RS/MT Decreased

Conclusion 2. Empowering the operators and maintenance

The following recommendations are- men through training should be given due
1. The companies should involve achieving attention and conducted in sustainable
the company goal through the manner to maximize the efficiency of the
implementation of operator initiated daily equipment in eliminating the operators’
maintenance consisting of cleaning, mistake and improper repair.
adjustment, and regular inspections, as well The industries need to introduce Kaizen
as improvement activities and minor them the concept of continues improvement.
restoration of equipment. The industries should implement the Overall 173 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174

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the industry to completely change the culture Maintenance Conference, March 1'997.
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