TPM Implementation On Case Study of Coal Washery
TPM Implementation On Case Study of Coal Washery
TPM Implementation On Case Study of Coal Washery
This Paper aims to reduce unplanned stoppage, breakdowns accidents and losses obstructing
equipment effectiveness. In most of Indian industries maintenance is considered as evil activity.
Therefore by implementing TPM the industries can increase their equipment effectiveness and
productivity. In BPSL coal washery we implement two pillars of TPM which makes differences.
measure of the value added to production dedication by operators and employees .some
through equipment. This goal is to increase loss of production found due to careless of
equipment effectiveness so each piece of operators. The spares quality will also effecting
equipment can be operated to its full potential due to which continuous failure of some spares
and maintained at that level [2]. Statistical parts of machine occurs due to which
process control (SPC) has been proposed firstly maintenance time increased and down time also
by Dr. Shewhart in 1931 and then, many SPC increasing. the capacity of Coal washery is 600
charts have been developed and improved to use tph but production of plant doesn’t achieving
for different process data. In its basics form, a the target of production’s planned work order
control chart compares process observations for coal washery 18hrs /day is for production
with a pair of control limits [5]. SPC is widely and 6hrs/day is for maintenance .but according
used to monitor, control and improve quality in to this in month 18 hrs/day then 540 to 558 hrs
many industrial processes [6]. plant should have to run as planned but plant is
Overall Equipment Efficiency (OEE) not running as planned production hrs and also
OEE is a tool that combines multiple loss of production found due to production
manufacturing issues and data points to provide under capacity.
information about the process. To measure of Over All effectiveness of BPSL coal washery is
the production process (i.e., availability, low as calculated by collected data of month
performance and quality)—and used to measure August 2013-
actual improvements on 5S, Lean OEE=0.85*0.826*0.82=0.57*100=57%. Very
Manufacturing, TPM, Kaizen and Six Sigma. low and needs immediate improvement.
When using OEE with these management Costing report of month April (2013) 42.23
systems the benefits become tangible and Rs/tonnes as shown in report collected from
noteworthy [2]. Coal washery Heavy Media cyclone. According
Problem Areas In BPSL coal washery- to this report the Spare consumption costing
The problem in Coal washery of BPSL is loss of 17.38 Rs/tones, which shows the low
production due to unplanned failure of machines production high breakdowns of spares.
due to which the costing of spares are also Production of month August -131900 Mt and
increases ,if the production is low and spares target of that month was 250000 Mt which
parts consumption is high the the spares shows that the target is not achieved and low
consumed per MT of production will increase. production ineffective manpower.
There is also many operation faults due to less 170 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174 171 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174 172 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174
problem may lead to unplanned stoppage of the losses may occur for the long period of time.
machineries and due to this the production
This research has been conducted and written of equipment, due to negligence of the operator
in relation to the implementation of two pillars and shortage of good quality spare parts.
of Total Productive Maintenance System in Production is also increased after
BPSL coal washery. The study aims initially at implementation as production report of month
scrutinizing the maintenance system of the Oct attached along its 220906 tonnes achieved
industry and categorically concluded that the 88.36% target .production is increased as on
high rate of unplanned failure reigns in the below report-
Industry. This can be attributed to the condition 173 | P a g e
Pandey S. et al., J. Harmoniz. Res. Eng. 2014, 2(1), 169-174 174 | P a g e