MATEC H. S. E. Policy Statement
MATEC H. S. E. Policy Statement
MATEC H. S. E. Policy Statement
Policy Statement
If is emphasized that the content of this manual is a basic “MATEC Supplies” policy the proper
implementation and compliance to the procedures and standards herein prescribe.
t is policy of MATEC Supplies to carry out all its work in a way that provides healthy and
safe working practices and avoids risks injury to anyone because of the activity for which
the company is responsible.
The overall responsibility for Health, Safety and Environment rests at the highest level,
however, all individual employees have important responsibility towards HSE and must
participate in carrying out policy. Appropriate training, supervision and information are
provided to encourage and enable to carry out their duties safely.
It is therefore our goal to eliminate both unsafe working condition and unsafe work
Comply with all regulations governing Health, Safety & Environment at the job site
Hold each employee accountable for their individual responsibility for health, safety, and
Every reasonable effort will be made to ensure that employee can accomplish the safe
completion of assigned tasks.
Protection of property, equipment, and material from all down grading incidents
There should not be any employee to be found to have been negligent in the matter of
Health, Safety and Environment or have contributed to accident through personnel
negligence, then that person will be subjected to a disciplinary procedure as per.