Bendix - King KX 155A NAVCOM Pilot Guide POH Suppliment
Bendix - King KX 155A NAVCOM Pilot Guide POH Suppliment
Bendix - King KX 155A NAVCOM Pilot Guide POH Suppliment
dimming of
all readouts.
for automatic
for TEST;
for automatic
Control switch
VOR signal.
It always pays to plan ahead. And ly, so you never have to worry about 10 watts minimum transmitter power virtually identical in appearance to TSO’D NAV Indicators for use with the KX 155 and KX 165:
warm up time is required.
COMM frequency
with the Bendix/King KX 155 and what’s being stored. And there’s for maximum range and clarity. the KX 165; however, it doesn’t include KI 202/KI 203 VOR/LOC Indica- played. Has pivoted needle action
KX 165 NAV/COMMs, “stay ahead” no chance of inadvertently erasing And on the NAV side, the KX 165’s the digital Radial readout feature. tors. The KI 202 is compatible and plastic lens. Internal blue-
frequency pre-planning is push but- a frequency just when you need useful “Radial” feature offers you Also, the KX 155 requires an external with the KX 165 without glide- white lighting.
A non-volatile memory stores the
ton simple. it most. an instant readout of the radial The KI 208A VOR/LOC/GS/GPS
“active” (USE) and “standby” (STBY) fre-
quencies during power shutdown. So,
Both NAV and COMM frequency An innovative non-volative mem- you’re on (from the “active” VORTAC n the appropriate Bendix/King NAV also adds an interface to the
to engine shutdown. These simple precau-
NOTE: As with all avionics, the KX 155 and
“T” indicates mike button
displays on these units incorporate ory circuit holds all the displayed fre- station), digitally displayed in the ible with the KX 155 or other KLN 89/89B GPS receivers.
indicator) while the KX 165 comes NAV systems which do not con-
is being depressed when lighted
the popular “flip-flop” preselect fea- quencies in storage—through aircraft “standby” NAV frequency window. with a built-in VOR/LOC converter tain their own VOR/LOC con- KI 209 VOR/LOC Glideslope
Indicator.. Has built-in VOR/LOC
selector knobs
ture. So, you can set up en route or shutdowns or momentary power This Radial readout doesn’t interfere designed to interface directly with any verter. Both indicators feature
converter for use with the KX 155
COMM frequency
in advance of your actual transition battery power of any kind. NAV frequencies. (However, the NAV Each of these NAV/COMM units reflective coated lens, and inter- pivoted needle action and plastic
nal blue-white lighting. lens. Independent GS flag. Inter-
point or ATC handoff sequence for Large, self-dimming, micropro- “standby” frequency does go into non- weighs less than 6 lbs. and stands nal blue-white lighting.
7-segment gas discharge numerics
118.00 MHz.
true “stay ahead” flight management. cessor-controlled gas discharge read- displayed storage, and the “active”
(Pull out for
“flip-flop” it into “active” status at the and both the KX 155 and KX 165 fea- “active” and “standby” frequencies anywhere. Both are available in either converters. The KI 204 provides Indicator. As the panel display for
press of a button. This function may ture a built-in 40-channel glideslope continuously available, it’s easy to 14 or 28 volt DC configurations for rectilinear display of VOR/LOC the KCS 55A Slaved Gyrocompass
NAV frequency
transfer button
quencies are displayed simultaneous- KX 155 and KX 165 systems give you each of the two selected VORTACs. with the KX 165 (including GS) patible with the KX 165 (with GS)
KX 165 model.)
dimming of
the aircraft.
all readouts.
in the transmit mode.
appearing in the “USE” display.
be tuned to the operating frequency
counterclockwise to decrease.
available from one manufacturer.
radial you’re on (from the “active” VOR station)
is displayed in the “standby” NAV frequency
window whenever the smaller NAV frequency
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