Consumer - Know Your Rights

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“Consumer-know your rights”

“JAGO GRAHAK JAGO” . It is very essential for the consumers to know these

The definition of Consumer right is ‘the right to have information about the
quality, potency, quantity, purity, price and standard of goods or services’,

as it may be the case, but the consumer is to be protected against any unfair
practices of trade. However there are strong and clear laws in India to defend
consumer rights, the actual plight of consumers of India can be declared as
completely dismal. Out of the various laws that have been enforced to protect the
consumer rights in India, the most important is the Consumer Protection Act, 1986.
According to this law, everybody, including individuals, a firm, a Hindu undivided
family and a company, have the right to exercise their consumer rights for the
purchase of goods and services made by them. It is significant that, as consumer,
one knows the basic rights as well as about the courts and procedures that follow
with the infringement of one’s rights.

In general, the consumer rights in India are listed below:

➢ The right to be protected from all kind of hazardous goods and services
➢ The right to be fully informed about the performance and quality of all goods
and services
➢ The right to free choice of goods and services
➢ The right to be heard in all decision-making processes related to consumer
➢ The right to seek redressal, whenever consumer rights have been infringed
➢ The right to complete consumer education

The Consumer Protection Act, 1986 and several other laws like the Weights,
Standards & Measures Act can be formulated to make sure that there is fair
competition in the market and free flow of correct information from goods and
services providers to the ones who consume them. In fact, the degree of consumer
protection in any country is regarded as the right indicator of the progress of the
country. If there is infringement of rights of consumer then a complaint can be
made under the following circumstances and reported to the close by designated.

consumer court:
➢ The goods or services purchased by a person or agreed to be purchased by
a person has one or more defects or deficiencies in any respect
➢ A trader or a service provider resort to unfair or restrictive practices of
➢ A trader or a service provider if charges a price more than the price
displayed on the goods or the price that was agreed upon between the
parties or the price that was stipulated under any law that exist
➢ Goods or services that bring a hazard to the safety or life of a person
offered for sale, unknowingly or knowingly, that cause injury to health,
safety or life.

consumer rights:
Right to Safety
According to the Consumer Protection Act 1986, the
consumer right is referred to as ‘right to be protected
against marketing of goods and services which are hazardous
to life and property’ .
The purchased goods and services availed of should not only meet their
immediate needs, but also fulfil long term interests.
Before purchasing, consumers should insist on the quality of the products as well as on
the guarantee of the products and services. They should preferably purchase quality
marked products such as ISI,AGMARK, etc

Right to be Informed

Means right to be informed about the quality, quantity, potency, purity, standard and
price of goods so as to protect the consumer against unfair trade practices.
Consumer should insist on getting all the information about the product or service
before making a choice or a decision. This will enable him to act wisely and responsibly
and also enable him to desist from falling prey to high pressure selling techniques.

Right to Choose
Means right to be assured, wherever possible of access to variety of goods and
services at competitive price. In case of monopolies, it means right to be assured of
satisfactory quality and service at a fair price. It also includes right to basic goods and
services. This is because unrestricted right of the minority to choose can mean a denial
for the majority of its fair share. This right can be better exercised in a competitive
market where a variety of goods are available at competitive prices

Right to be Heard
Means that consumer's interests will receive due consideration at appropriate forums. It
also includes right to be represented in various forums formed to consider the
consumer's welfare.
The Consumers should form non-political and non-commercial consumer organizations
which can be given representation in various committees formed by the Government
and other bodies in matters relating to consumers.

Right to Seek redressal

Means right to seek redressal against unfair trade practices or unscrupulous exploitation
of consumers. It also includes right to fair settlement of the genuine grievances of the
Consumers must make complaint for their genuine grievances.Many a times their
complaint may be of small value but its impact on the society as a whole may be very
large. They can also take the help of consumer organisations in seeking redressal of
their grievances.

Right to Consumer Education

Means the right to acquire the knowledge and skill to be an informed consumer
throughout life. Ignorance of consumers, particularly of rural consumers, is mainly
responsible for their exploitation. They should know their rights and must exercise them.
Only then real consumer protection can be achieved with success.

Conclusion: The degree of consumer protection in any country is regarded as

the right indicator of the progress of the country. Undoubtedly Consumer
Protection Act is benevolent

piece social legislation , which protects large number of consumers from
exploitation. The people in this country are very much aware that consumer courts
are helping the needy and delivering speedy justice to them. The consumer courts
are less expensive. People have now started feeling that they are in a position to
declare “Sellers be aware”, whereas earlier consumers were at the receiving end
and were told “ Buyers beware"


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