2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Drawdown Analysis of Sediment Dam
2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Drawdown Analysis of Sediment Dam
2-Dimensional and 3-Dimensional Drawdown Analysis of Sediment Dam
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5 authors, including:
N.P. Widodo
Bandung Institute of Technology
All content following this page was uploaded by N.P. Widodo on 12 October 2023.
Thedy Senjaya
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
Devi Kamaratih
Bandung Institute of Technology, Bandung, Indonesia
ABSTRACT: This study analyzes the stability of four sediment dams (A, B, C, and D) at PT XYZ,
using two-dimensional and three-dimensional limit equilibrium methods. The scenarios considered
are existing condition, rapid drawdown, one empty pond, and pond at full capacity containing
water/slurry from mining activities. The results indicate that the factor of safety is lowest in the rapid
drawdown scenario, followed by one empty pond, existing condition, and full capacity ponds. The
average difference in factor of safety between the existing condition and rapid drawdown is 0.31.
The presence of water/slurry increases the normal stress on the dam, resulting in a higher factor of
safety for the full ponds scenario. Surface-altering optimization is also used to enhance the accuracy
of analyses. The study emphasizes the importance of considering multiple scenarios when conducting
geotechnical analysis for sediment dams, especially changes in water level.
Keywords: dam stability, sediment dam, limit equilibrium method, rapid drawdown analysis.
Water management facilities, such as settling ponds, are an integral part of the hydrotechnical
structures used in the mining industry. Sediment dams, constructed using available overburden
materials, are a common design feature of settling ponds. The design of sediment dams is heavily
influenced by the capacity of the settling pond to accommodate the inflow and outflow of
water/slurry from mining activities.
Water movement in soil media is a critical issue with significant negative consequences. Seepage
forces resulting from water flow can significantly impact the stability of soil particles, with the
critical hydraulic gradient being the main parameter that describes their influence. Exceeding this
gradient can alter the mechanical and physical properties of the soil, potentially leading to quicksand,
hydraulic uplift, piping, suffusion, or clogging, depending on the groundwater conditions.
Rapid drawdown poses a significant threat to the stability of hydrotechnical structures. This threat
is mainly associated with cohesive soils that have low permeability, where pore pressure does not
disperse at the same rate as the external water level changes. This can lead to an increase in shear
stress and a decrease in the dam’s factor of safety (FS), potentially causing slope failures.
Changes in external water level, especially rapid drawdown, significantly impact the stability of
hydrotechnical structures. Water is present on both sides of these structures, making both slopes
susceptible to loss of stability. The sediment dam of PT XYZ settling pond is particularly vulnerable
to rapid changes in external water level, as evidenced by significant damages observed during a site
inspection on Dam A, B, C, and D (Figure 1).
a b c d
Figure 1. Cracks and failures on (a) Dam A, (b) B, (c) C, and (d) D with a displacement range of 10 – 50 cm.
This paper aims to analyze the phenomena that affect the stability of the sediment dam of a settling
pond under conditions of rapid changes in external water level. This purpose of the study is to explain
the reasons behind the observed damage to the structures.
This study analyzes the stability of four dams - Dam A, B, C, and D - that serve as boundaries to
settling ponds. These dams are adjacent to water bodies, including settling ponds and swamps with
varying water levels.
The dams are composed of overburden materials which are the side rocks from bauxite mining,
such as clayey rocks, and do not involve any reinforcements. The dams are also used as roads for
heavy equipment units, resulting in a distributed load of 90 kN/m2 in the stability analysis of the
Laboratory tests were conducted according to the ISRM Suggested Method to determine the
strength parameters of the materials, such as unit weight, cohesion, and friction angle. The hydraulic
conductivity value (K) was determined using a commonly accepted general value in the field. Table
1 summarizes the material properties used in the analysis, which served as the basis for the stability
analysis of the sediment dams.
Figure 2 illustrates the location of the dam cross-section to be analyzed, as well as the locations for
documentation of cracks and landslides on the dam. The 3D analysis extends the 2D section to a
length of 200 meters to meet the requirement of B/H (width/height) ≥ 10. Table 2 shows the
dimensions of each dam, including its base, height, and slope angle.
Dam Cross-Section
Dam A Crack Location
Dam D
Dam B
Dam C
Slope stability analysis was conducted using Bishop’s 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional limit
equilibrium method (LEM) which represents an uncoupled analysis approach. Calculations were
performed using Rocscience Slide2 and Slide3 software, which can test the stability of the slopes not
only at constant water level but also after a rapid drawdown. The computations were conducted for
four scenarios based on the water level: existing conditions, rapid drawdown conditions, pond at full
capacity conditions, and one empty pond while the other is in full pond condition.
The water level in existing conditions varies from 0.3 to 4.6 meters below the upper base of the
dam based on direct on-site measurement. For the rapid drawdown condition, the existing water level
is used and the reservoir is assumed to be drained without any specified drawdown rate. In the pond
at full capacity condition, the water level is maintained at 0.3 meters below the upper base of the
dam, indicating that the pond is full but not flooded. For the empty pond condition, the water level
is assumed to be 1 meter below the upper base of the dam, to represent a condition where the pond
is empty but not dry and still contains some water.
The groundwater seepage in the dam body is calculated through steady-state finite element
analysis (FEA). Steady-state conditions arise when the flow on a surface under consideration has a
constant magnitude and direction. As groundwater seepage FEA cannot be used on rapid drawdown
conditions in the Slide software, the water surface results obtained from the steady-state FEA are
imported for further analysis.
The dam stability analysis is calculated using the circular slip surface method for 2-dimensional
and the sphere method for 3-dimensional as recommended by Bishop’s method, which is suitable for
slip surfaces with such shapes. Surface-altering optimization (SAO) is also used to determine the
factor of safety value if the slip surface conditions are not perfectly circular/sphere. Surface-altering
optimization is a tool that modifies the geometry of a given slip surface based on a derivative-free
constrained linear optimization.
The rapid drawdown condition analysis is conducted using the B-bar method, which considers
the changes in pore water pressure and the shear strength of the dam material during rapid drawdown
to calculate the factor of safety against failure. The pore pressure coefficient B � used is 1, assuming
the most pessimistic condition.
Figure 3a shows the results of the steady-state finite element analysis used to obtain the groundwater
seepage for slope stability analysis. Figures 3b and 4 depict the stability analysis results of the dam
under rapid drawdown conditions in 2D and 3D. The results of the stability analysis of slopes are
presented in Table 3.
a b
90.00 kN/m2
0.3 m 20.2 m
90.00 kN/m2
2.8 m
30.4 ???
? ??? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?
30.4 ?
0.3 m
20.2 m
30.4 ?27.88
2.8 m
Right Pond
30.4 27.88
30.4 27.88
30.4 27.88
30.4 27.88
Right Pond
30.4 27.88
30.4 27.88
30.4 27.88
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 30.4
30.4 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
27.88 27.88
2.5 m Peaty
2.5 m 37.5Clay
Peaty m
6.0 m Silty Clay 1 6.0 m Silty Clay 1
6.0 m 20.0 m Silty Clay 2 6.0 m 20.0 m
Silty Clay 2
5.5 m Sand 5.5 m Sand
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 3. Dam A 2-dimensional analysis under rapid drawdown conditions using surface-altering
optimization a. steady-state finite element analysis b. slope stability analysis.
Figure 4. Dam A 3-dimensional analysis under rapid drawdown conditions using surface-altering
optimization a. side view b. front view.
Based on the calculation results, the factor of safety values from the lowest to the highest are the
rapid drawdown condition, one empty pond condition, existing condition, and full ponds condition
(Figure 5).
Factor of Safety 2,25
Rapid Drawdown One Empty Pond Existing Full
The results of the analysis provide evidence for the significance of considering the actual operational
conditions of a structure in calculations. Traditionally, slope stability analyses are performed
assuming constant water levels. In this particular case, the dam exhibited stability during both
existing and full pond conditions. However, the results for the factor of safety indicated a loss of
stability during the rapid drawdown and one empty pond conditions, which corresponds to the
technical condition of the dam. The average difference in FS between the existing condition and the
rapid drawdown condition is 0.31, with a maximum difference of 0.74 and a minimum difference of
0.09. The observed damage is attributed to the issue of pore pressure dissipation.
In all the conducted simulations, the lowest FS value was obtained from the 2-dimensional
surface-altering optimization method. This result is similar to the findings in previous studies that
the 3-dimensional factor of safety is larger than 2-dimensional factor of safety.
Furthermore, the 3-dimensional slip-surfaces were imported by selecting a middle cross-section
and compared with the 2-dimensional slip surfaces (Figure 6). Without surface-altering optimization,
the results showed differences in the slip-surface geometries between 2-dimensional and 3-
dimensional analyses. However, with surface-altering optimization, the slip-surface geometries and
factor of safety results were almost identical in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional analyses. This
suggests that surface-altering optimization can be a valuable tool for modifying slip-surface
geometries closer to the actual condition and improving the accuracy of the stability analysis.
Since the rapid drawdown condition simulates a pessimistic scenario, this method can be used as
an initial guide in determining the dam dimensions. Once the dam is constructed and there is water
in the pond, the water level can be monitored and further analyzed using time-dependent transient
methods to obtain the latest slope stability.
0.748 0.743
90.00 kN/m2
0.3 m 20.2 m
0.940 W (Initial)
2.8 m
37.5 m
20.0 m
5.5 m Sand
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Figure 6. Dam stability results for slip-surfaces in 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional analyses, with and
without surface-altering optimization.
The stability calculations conducted at constant water levels (existing and full ponds) demonstrate
the dam's stability but fail to reflect its actual state. Additional analyses, including rapid drawdown
and empty pond conditions, are crucial for considering all factors influencing hydrotechnical
structure stability and highlighting the issue of pore-pressure dissipation resulting in stability loss.
The average difference in factor of safety between the rapid drawdown scenario and the existing
condition is 0.31, where the 2-dimensional surface-altering optimization rapid-drawdown method
yields the lowest factor of safety. Surface-altering optimization proves valuable in enhancing the
accuracy of 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional stability analyses, aligning them closer to actual
conditions. The analyses confirm the importance of considering multiple scenarios, particularly
variations in water level, when conducting stability analysis of a sediment dam.
The authors would like to express our sincere gratitude to the Program Penelitian, Pengabdian kepada
Masyarakat, dan Inovasi (PPMI) of Institut Teknologi Bandung (ITB), the Mining Engineering
Research Group at ITB, the Laboratory of Geomechanics and Mine Equipment, and Simon Heru
Prassetyo for their invaluable support throughout this research endeavor.
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