2 Hons Sem-V 2022 DSE-2

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B.A. 5th Semester (Honours) Examination, 2022 (CBCS)

Subject: English
Course: DSE-2

(Partition Literature)
Time: 3 Hours Full Marks: 60

The figures in the margin indicate full marks.

Candidates are required to give their answers in their own words
as far as practicable.

1. Answer any ten of the following questions: 2x10-20

(a) What is the grandmother's idea of time in The Shadow Lines?

(b) How does Ila realise that the narrator is in love with her?

(c) How has Tridib ruined his digestion?

(d) Why does the narrator's grandmother not approve of Tridib?

(e) What is May Price's profession in The Shadow Lines?

(f)Why does Raka go to Carignano in the story 'Alam's Own House'?

(g) "Some lands are meant for certain roots only"- Explain.

(h) Comment on the character of Pramatha in Manik Bandopadhyay's The Final Solution"

) "Tl go to the railway station every evening in my frayed sari, the sharks will come again to

pick me up, for sure.."-Explain.

) How did Mallika kill Pramatha in "The Final Solution ?

(k) How did the Muslim friend from Toba Tek Singh who came to visit Bishan Singh introduce


(1) Why did the Hindu lawyer in the asylum go

(m) What happens during the exchange of lunatics at the Wagah border in "Toba Tek Singh'?

What does 'a leaf signify in 'A Leaf in the Storm?

in 'A Leaf in the Storm'?
(o)What does the 'seed of damnation' imply

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AH-V/English/DSE-2/22 (2)
2. Answer any four of the following questions: 5x4-20
(a) How is freedom depicted in the novel The Shadow Lines? 243=5
(6) Comment on the significance of the "Upside-Down House' in The Shadow Lines.

(c) Comment on the role of nostalgia in Dibyendu Palit's 'Alam's Own House'.

(d) Comment on the significance of the title of Manik Bandopadhyay's "The Final Solution'.

(e) How does one of the lunatics define Pakistan in Manto's "Toba Tek Singh'?

(t) Comment on Manik Bandopadhyay's depiction of Kolkata as a city in "The Final Solution'.

3. Answer any two of the following questions: 10x2-20

(a) How are maps and borders used as symbols in The Shadow Lines?

(6) Analyse the representation of love amidst ruins in Khuswant Singh's Train to Pakistan.

(c) Analyse the theme of the partition and its aftermath in the short story "Toba Tek Singh'.

(d) Comment on Sidhwa's presentation of Gandhi and Jinnah in Ice Candy Man.

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