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OF Numbers
1 .The LORD told Moses to count the Israelite armies. The number of
men over twenty years old was The Levites were not counted.

2 .The Israelites shall camp around the tabernacle: Judah to the east,
Reuben to the south, Ephraim to the west and Dan to the north.

3 .The Levites are to assist Aaron. I have taken them in place of every
firstborn. The number of Levites over one month old.

4 .The Kohathites are to carry the most holy things. The Gershonites
are to carry the coverings. The Merarites are to carry the frame.

5 .Anyone who sins shall make restitution and add a fifth. If a man
suspects his wife of unfaithfulness he shall take her to the priest.

6 .Anyone who makes a Nazirite vow shall not drink wine or cut their
hair. Aaron's blessing shall be: "The LORD bless you and keep you."

7 .The leader of each tribe brought a grain offering, a burnt offering, a

sin offering and peace offerings. Moses spoke with the LORD.

8 .Present the Levites as a wave offering to the LORD and make

atonement for them. I have set them apart to serve at the tent of meeting.

9In the first month of the second year the Israelites kept the Passover.
Whenever the cloud lifted from the tabernacle they journeyed.
10. Make two silver trumpets to direct the congregation. In the second
month the cloud lifted and they set out as the LORD had commanded.

11. The people grumbled that they had no meat. The LORD was angry
but he sent quails. He put his Spirit on seventy elders to help Moses.

12. Miriam and Aaron spoke against Moses. The LORD was angry and
Miriam became leprous. Moses prayed and after seven days she

13. Moses sent men to spy out the land of Canaan. Caleb said, "Let us
go up," but the others said that the inhabitants were too strong.

14 .The people grumbled so the LORD said that they would spend forty
years in the wilderness. They went up to the land but were defeated.

15 .There is one law for you and for strangers. Make an offering if you
sin un intentionally. Anyone who sins defiantly shall be cut off.

16 .Korah, Dathan and Abiram rose against Moses and Aaron. Moses
said, "The LORD will choose." The ground swallowed up those with

17 .The LORD told Moses to bring a staff from each tribal leader to the
Tent of Meeting to stop the grumbling. Aaron's staff blossomed.

18 .The LORD told Aaron: "I have given you the Levites to work at the
Tent of Meeting. Everything that is devoted to the LORD is yours."

19 .Burn a heifer outside the camp for the water of cleansing. Anyone
who is unclean and does not cleanse themselves shall be cut off.
20 .The LORD told Moses to speak to a rock to produce water but he
struck the rock. Edom refused Israel passage. Aaron died at Mount Hor.

21 .The people grumbled so the LORD sent snakes. Moses made a

bronze snake and whoever looked at it lived. Israel defeated the

22 .Balak sent for Balaam to curse Israel. Balaam's donkey warned

him. The Angel of the LORD said, "Go, but speak only what I tell you."
23 .The LORD gave Balaam a word: "How can I curse whom
God has not cursed?" Then at another place: "The LORD their God is
with Israel."

24 .Balaam gave a word: "How lovely are your tents, O Jacob." Balak
was angry. Balaam said: "A star and a sceptre shall rise in Israel."

25 .The people were unfaithful with Moabite women and worshipped

their gods. Phinehas killed one couple and the LORD commended his

26 .The LORD told Moses and Eleazar to take a census. There were 60
fighting men and Levites. Only Joshua and Caleb remained.

27 .The daughters of Zelophehad were given an inheritance. The LORD

told Moses that he was to die. Moses commissioned Joshua as leader.

28 .Bring offerings each morning and evening, on the Sabbath and on

the first of the month. Celebrate Passover and the Feast of Weeks.

29 .In the seventh month on first day sound the trumpets; on the tenth
day make atonement; on the fifteenth day celebrate for seven days.
30 .When a man makes a vow he must not break his word. When a
woman makes a vow it shall stand unless her father or husband forbids

31 .The LORD told Moses to take vengeance on the Midianites. The

Israelites killed the men, burned their cities and divided the spoils.

32 .Reuben and Gad asked to settle in Gilead. Moses agreed if they

helped to conquer the land, so Reuben, Gad and Manasseh built cities.

33 .The Israelites journeyed from Egypt. In the fortieth year Aaron

died. They camped by the Jordan and the LORD said, "Take the land."

34 .Your borders in Canaan shall be Edom, the Great Sea, Mount Hor
and the Jordan. Eleazar and Joshua shall divide the land among you.

35 .You shall give cities to the Levites. Appoint cites of refuge for
anyone who has killed accidently. A murderer shall be put to death.

36.The clan of Gilead asked about Zelophehad's daughters. Moses said,

"Daughters who inherit land must marry within their own tribe."

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