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Updated Question Bank 1 Linear

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Question Bank-1

School of Applied and Basic Sciences

Course Name: Linear Algebra and Differential Equations
Course Code : C1UC220T

D Comp Area Topic

i etitive
f Exam
f Quest
i ion
c Y/N
Se T
ria ax
l Questions CO on
No o
. m

1 Define Matrix and Determinant with CO1 L L N Matrices Basic

example. I Concepts of
Matrix and

2 Give three differences between Matrix and CO2 L L N Matrices Basic

Determinant. 2 Concepts of
Matrix and

3 Perform the requested computation: CO2 L L N Matrices Basic

(7.1/261/K) 3 Concepts of
Matrix and

4 Perform the requested computation: CO2 L L N Matrices Basic

(7.2/270/K) 3 Concepts of
Matrix and

Calculate the following expression:


5 Give an example of a system of 3 CO1 L L N Sys of equ Homogeneo

Homogeneous linear equations in 4 1 us system

6 6.1 Give an example of a system of 2 Non- CO1 L L N Sys of equ Homogeneo

homogeneous linear equations in 2 1 us system

6.2 Give an example of homogeneous

system of linear equation of 3 variable
which has non zero solution.

7 Find the value of constant  , if the matrix CO2 L M N Determinant singular

 1 2
 
 0 1 5  is singular.
 2 0 1
 
8 Perform the given sequence of elementary CO2 L M N Elementary Elementary
2 Transformati row
on transformation
row operations on
: Multiply row 3 by 4, then add 14
times row1 to row2 and then interchange
rows 3 and 2. (7.2/202/O)

9 Find the value of constant  , if the matrix CO2 L M N Rank of Basic Concept
2 Matrix of rank
 1 2
 
 0 1 5  has rank 2.
 2 0 1
 

10 Find the rank of a 3X2 matrix, whose every CO2 L M N Rank of Basic Concept
element is unity. 2 Matrix of rank

11 For What value of the rank of the following CO2 L M N Rank of Basic Concept
matrix is 2 2 Matrix of rank

12 For what value of , the inverse of the matrix CO2 L M N Inverse of a Basic Concept
2 Matrix of Inverse

13 If A is an orthogonal Matrix, then find CO2 L M Y Inverse of a Basic Concept

1 1 1 1  2 Matrix of Inverse
 
AAT 1 where A  1 1  1  1
1 1 0 0
 
0 0 1  1

14 Simplify this PQ  P , where P and Q are CO2 L M Y Inverse of a Basic Concept

2 Matrix of Inverse
square matrices.

15 What will be the rank of the product matrix CO1 L H N Rank of Basic Concept
AB, if A & B are non-zero row and column 1 Matrix of rank
matrix respectively with same number of

16 If a matrix A has order 5X3 and the CO1 L H N Basic Algebra of

concept on
product AB is 5X7. what is the size of B? 1 matrices Matrices

17 3 2 CO2 L M N Basic Adjoint of

If A    the find the value of A(adjA) 2 concept on Matrices
1 4

18 If B is a non singular matrix and A is a CO1 L H N Inverse of Basic concept

square matrix then what is the value of 1 Matrices
det B 1 AB  .

19 1 0 2 CO3 L M N Rank of To find rank

  3 Matrix
 0 2 3 
0 3 0
 
Find rank? (a)  0 0 0  ,
1 0 2 1 0 2
   
0 1 3 0 0 3
0 0 1 0 6 5
   
(b)  0 0 0  , (c)  0 0 0  , (d)
1 0 2
 
 0 2 3 
0 0 0
 
0 0 1.

20 CO3 L H Y Inverse of Basic Concept

Let and 3 Matrices

then prove that (a + b) =

21 CO2 L H Y Rank of To find rank

Find rank 2 Matrix

22 Determine the rank of the matrix CO2 L M N Rank of To find rank

1 3 4 3 2 Matrix
3 9 12 9
 
1 3 4 1

23 Show that matrix A.A’ is a symmetric CO2 L M N Basic Symmetric

concept of
matrix 2 Matrices Matrix

24 1 2 CO2 L M N Basic Multiplication

A  2 concept of of Matrx
Given 3 4 find a general matrix Matrices
a b 
B  such that AB=0.
c d 

25 A matrix A is said to be involutary if A2=I. CO2 L H N Basic Involuntary

Give an example of involuntary matrix. Your 2 concept of Matrix
answer should not be an identity matrix. Matrices

26 Find the value of ‘k’ for which the given set of CO3 L M N Sys of equ homogeneous
equations has infinite solutions 2
(3k-8) x + 3y + 3z = 0, 3x + (3k-8) y + 3z=0,
3x+3y+(3k-8) z=0

27 Check whether the rank is 3 of Matrix CO2 L L Y Rank of Basic concept

0 2 2 2 Matrix of rank
A   7 4 8  or not. If no, find the
 7 0  4

28 Under what condition, the rank of the CO2 L M N Rank of Basic concept
following matrix A is 3? Is it possible for the 2 Matrix of rank

rank to be 1? Why?

29 Find the rank of a 3×3 matrix C (=AB), found CO2 L H Y Rank of Basic concept
by multiplying a non-zero column matrix Aof 2 Matrix of rank
size 3×1 and a non-zero row matrix B of size

30 For a given 2 × 2 matrix A, it is observed that CO2 L H Y Basic Algebra of

2 operation of Matrix
1 1 1  1  Matrix
A      & A   2   Find
 1  1   2   2
Matrix A

31 Show that the system of linear equations has no CO3 L M Y Sys of equ Concept of No
solution. 4x + 2y = 7, 2x + y = 6 3 solution

32 Find the inverse of the following matrix by CO3 L M N Inverse of To find

row operations 3 Matrix inverse

1 2 3
A  3 5 6
2 4 5

33 Find the rank of the following matrices: CO3 L M N Rank of To find rank
3 Matrix

(a) ,(b)

, (c) ,

34 Determine whether the given system of CO3 L M N Sys of equ Non

linear equations is consistent. If consistent, 3 homogeneous
find solution: (7.5, 7.6/219,226/O) Equ

(a) ,

(b) ,

(c) ,



35 Determine the values of constant ‘k’ for CO3 L M N Sys of equ Homogeneous
which the system of equations: (J&I) 3 Equ
x  ky  z  0, kx  3 y  kz  0,3x  y  z  0
has (i) only trivial solution, (ii) non-trivial
solution also

36 Find the values of  and  for which the CO3 L M N Sys of equ Non
system of linear equations : (J&I) 3 homogeneous

x  2 y  z  6, x  4 y  3z  10, x  4 y   z  
, has (a) a unique solution, (b) infinite
number of solutions, (c) no solution.

37 Find the inverse of the following matrices CO3 L M N Inverse of To find

by applying elementary operations(Or by 3 Matrix inverse
Gauss-Jordan method):(7.7/231/O)

(a) , (b) , (c)

1 2 3
d) A  3 5 6
2 4 5

38 Use a matrix inverse to find the unique CO3 L M N Sys of equ Non
solution of the system: (7.7/232/O) 3 homogeneous

39 Find the inverse of the following matrices CO3 L M N Inverse of To find

by Gauss Jordan elimination: 3 Matrix inverse

2  1 3
 1 1 1 0 1 2 2
  1
1  1 1 1 2 3
(i) (ii) 
2 2 2 3
 
2 3 3 3

40 Test the consistency of the following system of CO3 L M N Sys of equ Check the
equations. Find the solution/s, if 3 consistency &
consistent:.(a) , solve

41 Find the condition of k such that the matrix CO3 L M N Inverse of Basic concept
has an inverse obtain A for k = 1 3 Matrix
 1 3 4
A   3 k 6
 1 5 1 

42 CO3 L M N Sys of equ Homogeneous

Find the solution of the following system of 3

43 CO3 L M N Sys of equ Nonhomogene

Investigate the values of a and b so that the 3 ous
system has

(i)Unique solution (ii) No solution

(iii) Infinite no. of solutions

44 Find the inverse of the matrix CO3 L M N Inverse of To find rank

3 Matrix
1 2 1
A  3 2 3 by using Elementary
1 1 2

45 For what values of α and β the following CO3 L H Y Sys of equ Nonhomogene
simultaneous equations have an infinite 3 ous
number of solutions? x + y + z = 5; x + 3y +
3z = 9; x + 2y + αz = β

46 CO3 L M N Inverse of Properties and

For the Matrix A= verify 3 Matrix concept

that (i) A 1   AT  (ii)A 1   A

T 1 1
47 Let A and B be any nonsingular matrices CO3 L M N Inverse of Properties and
of same order then prove that 3 Matrix concept
( AB ) 1  B 1 A 1 .

48 CO3 L M N Inverse of Properties and

Show that the matrix A= 3 Matrix concept

satisfies the matrix equation

A 2  4 A  5 I  0 . Hence find A 1 and

49 1 5 4  1 1 1  CO3 L M N Rank of Basic concept

Let A  0 3 2  , B  2 2 2 find
  3 Matrix

2 3 10 3 3 3

rank of A, rank of B, rank of (A+B), rank
of (AB), rank of (BA).

50 Show that the only real value of , for CO3 L H N Sys of equ Nonhomogene
which the system 3 ous Equ

has non-zero solution is 6 and solve them

for = 6.

51 Solve the system of equations by Cramer CO3 L M Y Cramer’s rule To solve the
rule 2x + 3y + z = 9,4x + y = 7,x – 3y – 7z = 3 system of equ
6 solution

52 Show that the system of equations CO3 L M N Sys of equ Nonhomogene

3 ous Equ

has a

unique solution. Solve this system using by

(i)Gauss elimination method

53 Solve (52) by Cramer’s rule CO4 L M N Cramer’s rule Nonhomogene

4 ous Equ

54 Solve the system of equations by calculating CO4 L M N Sys of equ Nonhomogene

the inverse. x+y+z+u=0, x+y+z-u=4, x+y- 4 ous Equ
z+u=-4, x-y+z+u=2.
55 Show that the equations 3x + 3y + 2z = 1, x CO4 L M N Sys of equ Nonhomogene
4 ous Equ
+ 2y = 4, 10y + 3z =-2 and 2x – 3x – z = 5

are consistent hence obtain the solution for

x, y and z.

56 Solve the system of equations by Cramer CO4 L M N Cramer’s rule Nonhomogene

rule. a) 4 ous Equ

 x  2 y  3 z  7
 4 x  5 y  6 z  13
7 x  8 y  9 z  39
2x  3 y  z  1
4 x  y  3 z  11
3 x  2 y  5 z  21
 x  3y  2z  5
4 x  y  3 z  8
2 x  2 y  5z  7

Signature of Course Coordinator:

Signature of PC:

Signature of Dean:

Appendix II :

Bloom’s Taxonomy Levels Distribution of Questions in Question Bank

School of Basic and Applied Sciences Date : 08.03.2022

Course Name : Linear Algebra and Differential Equations Course Code : BBS01T1003

Serial Bloom’s Taxonomy Level Percentage Distribution


1 Knowledge 10%

2 Understand 30%

3 Apply 60%

Signature of Course Coordinator:

Signature of PC:

Signature of Dean:


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