Upper Midim Final Report

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Baneshwor – 10 Kathmandu

Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Salient Features
1. Project name : Madhya Midim Small Hydropower

2. Location : Gilun & Malin VDCs of Lamjung District

Co‐ordinates of Project Area : 28o12’00” N and 28 o14’10” N
: 84o15’45” E and 84 o17’08” E

3. Type of project : Run‐of‐the‐river

4. Hydrology at intake
Catchment area : 103.69 km2
Maximum design flood (Q100) : 401.91 m3/s
Probable maximum flood (Q1000) : 616 m3/s

Mean monthly flow : 7.92 m3/s

5. Headworks
Type of weir : Ogee shaped concrete gravity weir
Length of weir : 25 m
Weir height : 3m
Weir crest elevation : 731 masl
Intake type : Side intake, orifice type
6. Approach canal and
settling basin

Type : Surface defour type desander

Length of approach canal : 145 m

Total length of settling basin : 75 m
Length of effective section : 60 m
Width of uniform section : 6m
No. of bays : 2
7. Headrace Pipe

Shape : Finished Circular shape (Dia = 1.80 m)

Length : 3’620 m
Diameter (Thickness) : 1.8 m (10 mm – 14 mm)

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8. Surge Pipe
Type : Restricted Orifice type
Internal diameter : 1.8m
Height : 89 m
9. Penstock pipe
Steel type : SM400B
Length : 118 m
Diameter : 1.8 m
Thickness : Varies (10 mm ‐ 14 mm)
10. Powerhouse
Type : Surface
Size : 27.25 m x 7.5 m x 8.7 m (L x B x H)
Turbine axis elevation : 631.67 masl
11. Tailrace
Length : 2 x 10 m
Shape Rectangular
Dimension (B x H) 1.8 m x 1.7 m
12. Turbine
Type : Horizontal Francis
Speed : 750 rpm
Capacity : 2 x 2.60 MW
Design discharge : 6.27 m3/s
14. Generator
Type : Synchronous, 3‐phase
Specification : 50 Hz, 0.8 power factor, 2,950 kVA x 2
15. Power and energy
Gross head : 101 m
Net head at design discharge : 91.76 m
Installed capacity : 4.8 MW
Efficiency (Combined) : 96%

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Dry energy : 6.36 GWh/yr

Wet energy : 24.42 GWh/yr
Total energy : 30.78 GWh/yr
16. Transmission line
Substation Location : Bhorletar
Length : 8 km
Voltage : 33 kV
17. Access road and project road
Road Head : Salme
Length : 5 km for the alignments
18. Project cost
Reference year (exchange rate) : 2023
Civil works : 398,727,163.5 NRs.
Electro‐mechanical works : 126,689,721.9 NRs.

Hydro‐mechanical works : 348,047,393.5 NRs.

Transmission line : 65,762,677.8 NRs.

Access road : 16,950,000.0 NRs.

Total financial cost : 1,089,180,393.5 NRs. (at the end of

construction period W/O IDC)
Specific cost per kW : 226,912,582.0 NRs. W/O IDC
19. Financial indicators
Project cost : 1,089,180,393.45NRs.
Interest rate : 10%
IRR : 13.61%
EIRR : 17.72%
NPV : 322598 in thousand NRs.
B/C : 1.32
RoE : 24.07
20. Payback Period
Simple : 5.88 Years
Discounted : 11.43 Years

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Abbreviations and Acronyms

B/C : Benefit‐Cost Ratio

BoQ : Bill of Quantities

CBR : California Bearing Ratio

CBS : Central Bureau of Statistics

DDC : District Development Committee

DMG : Department of Mines & Geology

D/s : Downstream

E : East
EIA : Environmental Impact Assessment

ERT : Electrical Resistivity Tomography

FIDIC : International Federation of Consulting

GIS : Geographic Information System

GoN : Government of Nepal

GPS : Global Positioning System

GWh : Giga Watt‐Hour

ha : Hectares

HFL : High Flood Level

IEE : Initial Environmental Examination

MMHP : Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

IRR : Internal Rate of Return

IS : Indian Standards

J/V : Joint Venture

km : Kilometer

kV : Kilo Volt

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kW : Kilo Watt

kWh : Kilo Watt‐Hour

LS : Lump Sum
m : Meter

masl : Meters above Sea Level

MBT : Main Boundary Thrust

MCT : Main Central Thrust

mm : Millimeter

MW : Mega Watt

NCS : National Conservation Strategy

NEA : Nepal Electricity Authority

PAFs : Project Affected Families

NPV : Net Present Value

NRs. : Nepalese Rupees

Q : River Discharge

RoR : Run‐of‐the‐River

rpm : Revolutions per Minute

TL : Transmission Line

ToR : Terms of Reference

u/s : Upstream

US$ : United States Dollars

VDC : Village Development

Committee W : West

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Table of Contents
1. BACKGROUND AND INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................... 16

1.1. BACKGROUND ............................................................................................................................... 16

1.2. THE PROJECT................................................................................................................................... 16

1.3. LOCATION ...................................................................................................................................... 16

1.4. ACCESSIBILITY ................................................................................................................................. 17

1.5. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY .......................................................................................................... 17

1.6. ORGANIZATION OF THE REPORT .............................................................................................. 18

2. TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY ................................................................................................................ 21

2.1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................ 21

2.2. COLLECTION OF AVAILABLE INFORMATION AND DATA ...................................................... 21

2.3. SCOPE OF WORKS ......................................................................................................................... 21

2.4. DESK STUDY .................................................................................................................................... 22

2.5. PROJECT SITE VISIT ......................................................................................................................... 22

2.6. SURVEY METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................. 22

2.7. TOPOGRAPHY OF THE SITE .......................................................................................................... 22

2.8. SURVEY METHODOLOGY OF THE PROJECT WORKS............................................................... 22

2.8.1 DETAIL SURVEY ............................................................................................................................... 22

2.8.2 CONTROL TRAVERSING ............................................................................................................... 23

2.8.3 HORIZONTAL AND VERTICAL CONTROL................................................................................. 27

2.8.4 ACCURACY ..................................................................................................................................... 28

2.8.5 DETAIL TOPOGRAPHICAL SURVEY .............................................................................................. 28

2.8.6 MAPPING .......................................................................................................................................... 28

2.8.7 RIVER CROSS SECTION AND PROFILE ........................................................................................ 28

2.8.8 ESTABLISHMENT OF CONTROL POINTS .................................................................................... 28

2.8.9 DESIGN DATA ................................................................................................................................. 28

3. HYDROLOGICAL STUDY ................................................................................................................... 30

3.1. MIDIM KHOLA CATCHMENT CHARACTERISTICS ..................................................................... 30

3.1.1 WATER SHARING ISSUES ............................................................................................................... 32

3.2. REFERANCE HYDROLOGY AND AVILABLE DATA..................................................................... 32

3.2.1 STREAM GAUGING ......................................................................................................................... 32

3.2.2 LONG TERM MEAN MONTHLY FLOW AND FLOW DURATION CURVE ............................... 32
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3.2.3 WECS/DHM METHOD .................................................................................................................... 32

3.2.4 MHSP METHOD ............................................................................................................................... 33

3.2.5 CATCHMENT AREA RATIO (CAR) METHOD .............................................................................. 33

3.2.6 MIPMETHOD .................................................................................................................................... 34

3.2.7 ADOPTION OF DESIGN DISCHARGE AND FLOW DURATION CURVE ................................. 35

3.2.8 RIPARIAN RELEASE .......................................................................................................................... 37

3.3. FLOOD HYDROLOGY .................................................................................................................... 37

3.3.1 DESIGN HIGH FLOODS .................................................................................................................. 38 WECS/DHM METHOD ................................................................................................................ 38

3.3.2 DRY SEASON FLOODS ................................................................................................................... 42

3.4. LOW FLOW ANALYSIS ................................................................................................................... 42

3.5. SEDIMENT ANALYSIS ...................................................................................................................... 43

3.5.1 SOURCES OF SEDIMENT ................................................................................................................ 43

3.5.2 ESTIMATION OF SEDIMENT YIELD ............................................................................................... 43

3.6. CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION ................................................................................. 44

3.6.1 CONCLUSION ................................................................................................................................. 44

3.6.2 RECOMMENDATION ...................................................................................................................... 45

4. GEOLOGICAL STUDY OF THE PROJECT ......................................................................................... 46

4.1. OBJECTIVES ...................................................................................................................................... 46

4.2. SCOPE OF WORKS ......................................................................................................................... 47

4.3. METHODOLOGY ............................................................................................................................ 47

4.3.1 DESK STUDY .................................................................................................................................... 47

4.3.2 DATA COLLECTION AND FIELD WORKS .................................................................................. 47

4.3.3 DATA INTERPRETATION AND REPORT WRITING ................................................................... 48

4.4. BACKGROUND INFORMATION ................................................................................................... 48

4.5. HIMALAYA IN GENERAL ................................................................................................................ 48

4.5.1 PUNJAB HIMALAYA......................................................................................................................... 49

4.5.2 KUMAON HIMALAYA ..................................................................................................................... 49

4.5.3 NEPAL HIMALAYA ........................................................................................................................... 49

4.5.4 SIKKIM‐BHUTAN HIMALAYA ......................................................................................................... 49

4.5.5 NEFA (NORTH EAST FRONTIER AGENCY) HIMALAYA ............................................................. 49

4.6. GEOLOGY OF THE NEPAL HIMALAYA ........................................................................................ 50

4.6.1 INDO‐GANGETIC PLAIN (TERAI) ................................................................................................. 50

4.6.2 SUB‐HIMALAYA (SIWALIKS OR CHURIA GROUP) ...................................................................... 50

4.6.3 LESSER HIMALAYA .......................................................................................................................... 50

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4.6.4 HIGHER HIMALAYA ........................................................................................................................ 51

4.6.5 TIBETAN‐TETHYS HIMALAYA ....................................................................................................... 51

4.7. REGIONAL GEOLOGY OF THE PROJECT AREA ......................................................................... 51

4.7.1 LESSER HIMALAYA .......................................................................................................................... 52

4.7.2 THRUSTS .......................................................................................................................................... 52 MAIN CENTRAL THRUST (MCT) .............................................................................................. 52

4.7.3 FOLD AND FOLIATION ................................................................................................................. 52 FOLD ............................................................................................................................................ 52 FOLIATION .................................................................................................................................. 52 JOINTS .......................................................................................................................................... 52

4.7.4 PREVIOUS STUDIES ......................................................................................................................... 52


4.8.1 QUARTZITE/PHYLLITE .................................................................................................................... 53

4.8.2 COLLUVIAL AND RESIDUAL SOIL DEPOSITS .............................................................................. 53

4.8.3 ALLUVIAL DEPOSITS OF RECENT RIVER TERRACE .................................................................... 53

4.8.4 DIVERSION WEIR AXIS AREA ........................................................................................................ 53

4.8.5 DESANDER BASIN AND APPROACH WATERWAYS ALIGNMENT AREA ................................ 55

4.8.6 WATERWAYS (PIPE LINE) ALIGNMENT AREA ............................................................................ 55

4.8.7 SURGE TANK AND PENSTOCK ALIGNMENT AREA .................................................................. 56

4.8.8 POWERHOUSE AND TAILRACE AREA ......................................................................................... 56

4.9. GEOMORPHOLOGY ....................................................................................................................... 57

4.9.1 SLOPE STABILITY CONDITION ..................................................................................................... 57

4.10. LANDSLIDE ...................................................................................................................................... 61

4.11. SEISMICITY ....................................................................................................................................... 62

4.11.1 SEISMO‐TECTONIC MODEL ...................................................................................................... 62

4.11.2 DETERMINISTIC ASSESSMENT ................................................................................................... 63

4.11.3 HORIZONTAL ACCELERATION ............................................................................................... 63 DETERMINISTIC APPROACH ..................................................................................................... 63 PROBABILISTIC APPROACH ...................................................................................................... 64 RECURRENCE PERIOD ............................................................................................................... 64 HISTORICAL SEISMIC ACTIVITY................................................................................................ 65 EARTHQUAKE CATALOGUE .................................................................................................... 66 NEPALESE STANDARD ............................................................................................................... 67

4.12. CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS SURVEY ........................................................................................ 67

4.12.1 COARSE AND FINE AGGREGATES ........................................................................................... 68

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4.13. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ............................................................................. 69

5. ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS AND RECOMMENDED PROJECT LAYOUT .......................................... 70

5.1. STUDY OF POSSIBLE ALTERNATIVE LAYOUTS FOR THE PROJECT ......................................... 70

5.2. PRESENTATION OF RECOMMENDED LAYOUT ......................................................................... 71

6. PROJECT OPTIMIZATION .................................................................................................................. 72

6.1. OBJECTIVES AND GENERAL APPROACH .................................................................................... 72

6.2. HYDROLOGY .................................................................................................................................. 73

6.3. CONCEPTUAL LAYOUT AND COST COMPARISON ................................................................. 75

6.4. RANGE OF OPTIONS AND ENERGY PRODUCTION ................................................................. 75

6.5. RESULT OF FINANCIAL ANALYSIS................................................................................................ 76

6.6. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................... 77

7. PROJECT DESCRIPTION AND DESIGN ............................................................................................. 78

7.1. HEADWORKS .................................................................................................................................. 78

7.1.1 FUNCTION OF HEADWORKS ...................................................................................................... 79

7.1.2 DIVERSION WEIR ............................................................................................................................ 79

7.1.3 INTAKE ............................................................................................................................................. 80

7.1.4 UNDERSLUICE ................................................................................................................................. 81

7.1.5 STILLING BASIN ............................................................................................................................... 81

7.1.6 COARSE TRASHRACK, GRAVEL TRAP AND SPILLWAY ............................................................ 81

7.1.7 APPROACH CANAL ........................................................................................................................ 82

7.1.8 SETTLING BASIN AND SEDIMENT FLUSHING CHANNEL ......................................................... 82

7.2. HEADRACE PIPE .............................................................................................................................. 83

7.2.1 DESIGN CRITERIA ........................................................................................................................... 83

7.2.2 HEADPOND ..................................................................................................................................... 83

7.2.3 HEADRACE PIPE .............................................................................................................................. 83

7.2.4 ANCHOR BLOCK AND SUPPORT PIERS ...................................................................................... 83

7.3. SURGE TANK ................................................................................................................................... 84

7.4. PENSTOCK ....................................................................................................................................... 85

7.4.1 DESIGN CONDITIONS ................................................................................................................... 86

7.4.2 DESIGN STRESSES ............................................................................................................................ 88 STEEL PLATES AND STRUCTURAL STEELS .............................................................................. 88 ALLOWABLE STRESSES............................................................................................................... 88 ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................................................................. 89

7.4.3 EXPANSION JOINTS ....................................................................................................................... 90

7.4.4 ANCHOR BLOCKS AND SUPPORT PIERS .................................................................................... 90

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7.5. POWERHOUSE ................................................................................................................................ 90

7.5.1 POWERHOUSE MAIN FLOOR ....................................................................................................... 91

7.5.2 CONTROL ROOM .......................................................................................................................... 91

7.5.3 SWITCHYARD AREA....................................................................................................................... 91

7.6. TAILRACE CANAL ........................................................................................................................... 91

7.7. HYDRO‐MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ............................................................................................ 91

7.7.1 STOPLOGS ....................................................................................................................................... 92

7.7.2 TRASHRACKS .................................................................................................................................. 92 COARSE TRASHRACK ................................................................................................................ 92 FINE TRASHRACK ....................................................................................................................... 93

7.7.3 UNDERSLUICE GATE ...................................................................................................................... 94

7.7.4 SETTLING BASIN INLET GATE ....................................................................................................... 94

7.7.5 SETTLING BASIN FLUSHING .......................................................................................................... 95

7.7.6 PENSTOCK VALVE .......................................................................................................................... 95

7.8. GENERATING EQUIPMENT............................................................................................................ 96

7.8.1 TURBINE ........................................................................................................................................... 97

7.8.2 GOVERNOR ..................................................................................................................................... 97

7.8.3 INLET VALVE .................................................................................................................................... 98

7.8.4 GENERATOR .................................................................................................................................... 98

7.8.5 EXCITER ........................................................................................................................................... 99

7.8.6 STEP‐UP TRANSFORMER ................................................................................................................ 99

7.8.7 CIRCUIT BREAKER ........................................................................................................................ 100

7.8.8 ISOLATOR ...................................................................................................................................... 101

7.8.9 LIGHTNING ARRESTER ................................................................................................................ 101

7.8.10 SWITCHYARD AND ITS COMPONENTS ............................................................................... 101

7.8.11 STATION POWER SUPPLY SYSTEM ........................................................................................ 102

7.8.12 PROTECTION SYSTEM ............................................................................................................. 102

7.8.13 CONTROL SYSTEMS BATTERY AND BATTERY CHARGER ................................................. 102

7.8.14 METERING EQUIPMENT ........................................................................................................... 103

7.8.15 CONNECTION ARRANGEMENT ............................................................................................ 103

7.8.16 COMMUNICATION SYSTEM ................................................................................................... 103

8. POWER AND ENERGY ...................................................................................................................... 104

8.1. INTEGRATED NEPAL POWER SYSTEM ....................................................................................... 104

8.1.1 LOAD FORECAST .......................................................................................................................... 105

8.1.2 COMMITTED GENERATION FOR INPS ...................................................................................... 106

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8.2. ENERGY DEFINITIONS ................................................................................................................. 106

8.3. POWER AND ENERGY GENERATION ....................................................................................... 106

8.4. POWER AND ENERGY BENEFITS ................................................................................................ 109

8.5. POWER EVACUATION ................................................................................................................. 109

8.6. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ........................................................................... 110

9. CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING ...................................................................... 111

9.1. EXISTING SITE CONDITION ....................................................................................................... 111

9.1.1 ACCESS ROAD .............................................................................................................................. 111

9.1.2 TRANSMISSION LINE FOR POWER EVACUATION .................................................................. 111

9.2. CONSTRUCTION PLANNING AND SCHEDULING ................................................................. 111

9.2.1 STUDIES & DETAIL ENGINEERING WORKS .............................................................................. 111

9.2.2 TENDERING AND CONTRACTING ........................................................................................... 111

9.3. MAIN CONSTRUCTION WORKS ............................................................................................... 112

9.4. INFRASTRUCTURE WORKS ......................................................................................................... 112

9.4.1 ACCESS ROAD .............................................................................................................................. 112

9.4.2 CONSTRUCTION POWER ........................................................................................................... 112

9.4.3 CONSTRUCTION CAMPS ............................................................................................................ 112

9.5. MAJOR CONSTRUCTION ACTIVITIES........................................................................................ 112

9.5.1 HEADWORKS ................................................................................................................................ 113

9.5.2 HEADRACE PIPE ............................................................................................................................ 113

9.5.3 SURGE TANK ................................................................................................................................. 113

9.5.4 PENSTOCK PIPE AND ANCHOR BLOCKS ................................................................................. 113

9.5.5 POWERHOUSE AND TAILRACE ................................................................................................. 113

9.5.6 ELECTROMECHANICAL WORKS INSTALLATION ................................................................... 114

9.5.7 33 KV TRANSMISSION LINE AND SUB‐STATION ..................................................................... 114

9.5.8 CONSTRUCTION MATERIALS..................................................................................................... 114

9.6. CONTRACT PACKAGES .............................................................................................................. 114

9.7. PROJECT DURATION ................................................................................................................... 115

10. TOTAL COST AND REVENUE OF THE PROJECT .......................................................................... 117

10.1. CRITERIA AND ASSUMPTIONS ................................................................................................... 117

10.2. ASSUMED CONDITIONS & SEQUENTIAL EXECUTION ........................................................... 117

10.3. CAPITAL COST .............................................................................................................................. 118

10.3.1 PREPROJECT DEVELOPMENT COST ...................................................................................... 122

10.3.2 LAND PURCHASE & DEVELOPMENT ..................................................................................... 122

10.3.3 VEHICLE & OFFICE EQUIPMENTS ........................................................................................... 122

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10.3.4 INFRASTRUCTURE DEVELOPMENT ....................................................................................... 122

10.3.5 CIVIL CONSTRUCTION WORK.............................................................................................. 122

10.3.6 HYDRO‐MECHANICAL EQUIPMENTS .................................................................................... 122

10.3.7 ELECTRO‐MECHANICAL EQUIPMENT ................................................................................... 122

10.3.8 TRANSMISSION LINE & ELECTRICAL WORK ........................................................................ 123

10.3.9 CONSTRUCTION DESIGN & BOQ PREPARATION .............................................................. 123

10.3.10 PROJECT MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION ...................................................................... 123

10.3.11 PRICE ESCALATION AND MISCELLANEOUS ........................................................................ 123

10.4. SOURCE OF FINANCING THE PROJECT ................................................................................... 123

10.5. LOAN REPAYMENT ....................................................................................................................... 124

10.6. OPERATION AND MAINTENANCE COST OF THE PROJECT ................................................. 126

10.7. EMPLOYEES’ BONUS ..................................................................................................................... 126

10.8. DEPRECIATION ............................................................................................................................. 126

10.9. AMORTIZATION ........................................................................................................................... 127

10.10. TAX ................................................................................................................................................. 127

10.11. POWER GENERATION ................................................................................................................. 127

10.12. REVENUE GENERATION FROM THE PROJECT ......................................................................... 128

11. PROJECT EVALUATION .................................................................................................................... 130

11.1. OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 130

11.2. BASIS FOR ANALYSIS AND ASSUMPTIONS ............................................................................... 130

11.3. FINANCIAL ANALYSIS .................................................................................................................. 132

11.3.1 PLANT FACTOR ........................................................................................................................ 132

11.3.2 UNIT ENERGY COST ................................................................................................................ 132

11.3.3 THE ANNUITY EQUATION ..................................................................................................... 133

11.3.4 TIME VALUE OF MONEY .......................................................................................................... 134

11.3.5 BANK LOANS AND INTEREST REPAYMENT ......................................................................... 136

11.3.6 DEBT SERVICE COVERAGE RATIO ......................................................................................... 138

11.3.7 BREAK‐EVEN POINT ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT ............................................................... 138

11.4. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................................................... 138

12. SENSITIVITY ANALYSIS OF THE PROJECT ...................................................................................... 139

12.1. OVERVIEW ..................................................................................................................................... 139

12.1.1 INCREASE IN PROJECT COST ................................................................................................. 139

12.1.2 DECREASE IN REVENUE COLLECTION ................................................................................. 139

12.1.3 CHANGE IN GOVERNMENT POLICIES .................................................................................. 140

12.1.4 DELAY IN PROJECT CONSTRUCTION .................................................................................. 140

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12.2. SENSITIVITY TEST .......................................................................................................................... 140

12.2.1 ASSUMPTIONS ........................................................................................................................... 140

12.2.2 INCREASE IN PROJECT COST ................................................................................................. 140

12.2.3 DECLINE IN POWER GENERATION ....................................................................................... 141

12.2.4 RESULTS ..................................................................................................................................... 143

13. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS................................................................................ 144

13.1. CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................................. 144

13.2. RECOMMENDATIONS .................................................................................................................. 144

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List of Tables
Table 2.8.2-1: Corrected coordinates of Bench marks established for the Topographic survey at Midim Khola Site 23
Table 2.8.2-2: Corrected coordinates of Temporary points established for the Topographic survey at Midim Khola Site
......................................................................................................................................................................... 26
Table 2.8.2-3: Corrected coordinates of GPS points established for the Topograhic survey at Midim Khola Site ...... 27
Table 3.1-1: Characteristics of Midim Khola catchment at the various sites ......................................................... 31
Table 3.1.1-1: Representative discharge measurements at Midim Khola Intake Site............................................. 32
Table 3.2.3-1: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by WECS/DHM & modified HYDEST methods......... 33
Table 3.2.4-1: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by MHSP method .................................................... 33
Table 3.2.5-1:: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by CAR method ...................................................... 34
Table 3.2.7-1: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by various methods.................................................. 35
Table 3.2.7-2:: Adopted long‐term mean monthly flows (m3/s) at Midim Khola headworks site ............................ 36
Table 3.2.7-3: Adopted percentile dependable flows at headworks site (m3/s) ..................................................... 36
Table 3.3-1:: Estimated instantaneous high floods by WECS/DHM method ......................................................... 37
Table 3.4-1:: Low flow frequency analysis at Midim Khola headworks site .......................................................... 42
Table 4.7-1:: Lithostratigraphy of Lesser Himalaya, Western Nepal (after DMG, 1973).................................... 51
Table Larger Magnituge of earthquake occurred in Nepal Himalaya ................................................ 65
Table Instrumentally recorded earthquake...................................................................................... 66
Table 4.12-1: Volume and Location of the construction materials ........................................................................ 68
Table 6.2-1: Average Monthly flows .................................................................................................................... 73
Table 6.2-2: Percentage of flow exceedence ........................................................................................................ 74
Table 6.4-1: Summary for different option ............................................................................................................ 75
Table 6.5-1: Summary for Economic analysis of different option ............................................................................. 76
Table 7.4-1: Thickness of penstock pipe for different head .................................................................................. 86
Table Steel Plates thickness and Yield Stress ....................................................................................... 88
Table 8.1-1 : National power scenario from different options ............................................................................. 104
Table 8.1.1-1: Load and energy forecast ........................................................................................................... 105
Table 8.3-1: Input parameters and assumptions ............................................................................................... 107
Table 8.3-2: Monthly power and energy generation ........................................................................................... 107
Table 8.3-3: Energy Table ................................................................................................................................ 108
Table 8.4-1: Energy rate for the projects bigger than 25 MW ........................................................................... 109
Table 10.3-1: Detail breakdown of the Project Cost........................................................................................... 119
Table 10.4-1: Capital Structure (NRs. ‘000)...................................................................................................... 123
Table 10.6-1: Operations and Maintenance Cost for Ist Year............................................................................. 126
Table 10.11-1: Power generation trend of the Project ........................................................................................ 127
Table 10.12-1: Revenue Generation from the Project ........................................................................................ 128
Table 11.2-1: Power and Energy Calculation ..................................................................................................... 130

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List of Figures

List of figures
Figure 1.6-1: Project Location Map ..................................................................................................................... 19
Figure 1.6-2 Location of the Project area in Lamjung district Map ....................................................................... 20
Figure 3.1-1 : Catchment areas at proposed intake and tailrace sites ................................................................... 31
Figure 3.2.7-1: Flow duration curve of Midim Khola at proposed headworks site ....................................................... 36
Figure 4-1 :: Location Map of Project area.......................................................................................................... 46
Figure 4.5-1 :: Physiographic subdivision of the Himalayan Arc (After Gansser, 1964) ......................................... 49
Figure 4.5.2-1 :: Physiographic subdivision of the Himalayan Arc (After Gansser, 1964)....................................... 49
Figure 4.8.4-1 :: Project layout map in Google maps. .......................................................................................... 54
Figure Epicenter of the earthquake in Nepal Himalaya ..................................................................... 65
Figure 6.4-1 : Variation of NPV with different discharge ....................................................................................... 76
Figure 6.5-1:Return on equity with different discharges........................................................................................... 77
Figure 6.5-2 : Specific Energy cost for different installed Capacity ............................................................................ 77
Figure 8.1.1-1: Load forecast for next 15 years ................................................................................................ 106
Figure 8.3-1:: Mean monthly energy generation ................................................................................................ 109
Figure 9.7-1:: Implementation schedule of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project ........................................ 116
Figure 10.3-1 : Breakdown of Total Project Cost............................................................................................... 118
Figure 10.11-1: Monthly energy generation trend ............................................................................................. 127
Figure 10.12-1:: Monthly revenue generation trend .......................................................................................... 129

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Nepal has more than six thousand small and big rivers running down from the Himalayas and high
mountains covered with snow towards the plain of Terai. The gross hydropower potential of these rivers
is estimated to be about 83’000 MW. Out of which 42’000 MW is considered to be technically and
economically feasible for the hydropower generation. The present peak power demand in the country is
more than 1100 MW and it is increasing by around ten percent per annum whereas the total installed
capacity in the Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS) of the country is about 760 MW, including solar
and thermal power (Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA): A Year in Review; August 2012).
Due to the typical hydrological nature of Nepalese rivers having considerably low discharge during four
months in winter season, present power supply is in acute scarcity leading to severe load‐shedding hours
during the dry months. Even with the thermal plants generating the deficit portion of power and some
portion being imported from India, load‐shedding during the four winter months is inevitable, for few
years to come, till sufficient hydropower is generated in the country to meet the growing demand.
To attract private investors towards the development of Small hydropower projects, Government of
Nepal has adopted a liberal policy since 1990. The Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) has also announced
its policy to purchase power generated by the independent power producers (IPPs) up to 25 MW capacity
and two distinct prices for electricity is fixed for both dry and wet seasons ‐ NRs. 4.80 for the wet season
and NRs. 8.40 for the dry season. In addition, an IPP can profit of a yearly escalation in this price by 5%
up to five years starting its first commercial generation. The power purchase agreement (PPA) shall be
valid for 30 years. Banks and financial institutions have also shown their interest to invest in hydropower
projects as priority sector investment. This scenario has encouraged the private investors to promote
hydropower projects in Nepal.


The site for proposed Madhya Midim small Hydropower Project (hereinafter called ‘the Project’) was first
identified by a group of experts on behalf of Mr. Sthir babu Ghimire. Then, a team of professionals
comprising of a hydropower engineer, an engineering geologist, a hydrologist, and an environmental
expert was deployed to the Project site to carry out necessary field investigations needed for present
desk study.
Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project lies in Lamjung District of western development region of Nepal
and uses the water from Midim Khola, a tributary of Madi river, which, ultimately merges with Narayani
River, one of the biggest river of Nepal. Midim Khola, within the Project area, flows towards southern


Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project lies in Lamjung district of Gandaki Zone in Western
Development Region. The Project is located in Gilun, Karapu and Malin VDCs of Lamjung District. It is a
ROR type project for which water from Midim Khola is proposed to be diverted through headworks
at downside of Chhere‐Midim Khola confluence in Gilun VDC. The approach canal, headrace canal

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and penstock alignment will pass through the right bank of Midim Khola in Gilun and Karapu VDC.
The proposed powerhouse site is located at the right bank of Midim‐Handi Khola confluence in Karapu
VDC. All the components are located on the right bank of Midim Khola.
Geographically, the licensed co‐ordinates of the Project area spread between 84o15’45” to 84o17’08”
longitudes and 28o12’00” to 28o14’10” latitudes. The proposed intake site at Madhya Midim Small
Hydropower Project is located at 84o16’26” longitude and 28o14’08” latitude. Around 3.6 km long water
conveyance has been proposed from intake up to the powerhouse site. The proposed powerhouse site
is located at 84o16’33” longitude and 28o12’31” latitude.


The Madhya Midim small Hydropower Project is accessible by Prithivi Highway up to Damauli Bazaar of
Tanahu District, Damauli‐Bhorletar Feeder Road up to Bhaorletar and district road (earthen road) up to
Gilun via Dhaduwa of Karapu VDC. Gilun and Karapu are situated at the right bank of Midim Khola and
Malin VDC lies at the left bank. Bhorletar, the local market in project area, is already connected by district
road from Damauli of Tanahu District. Besides, Bhorletar bazaar is connected with the district
headquarter Beshishar via Duradanda. The powerhouse site will be accessible after constructing about 2
km of road from the Nalmaphedi at downstream. This road will be continued up to the headworks site
along the headrace pipe alignment of about 2 km. The headrace pipe will be buried under the ground and
the road will be constructed over the buried pipe. About one km of seasonal road can be excavated from
the left bank of Midim Khola just opposite of Dhagrebas to access the headworks area.


The main objective of this study is to carry out the Feasibility Study of Madhya Midim small Hydropower
Project to determine whether the Project is feasible or not, both technically and financially. The Feasibility
Study Report of the Project, hereinafter termed as “the Report”, will serve the Company as basic
documentation for obtaining the license for the construction of the Project from the Department of
Electricity Development (DoED), and as a close guideline regarding financial resources necessary for the
development of the Project.
The Feasibility Study of Ma d hy a Midim s m a l l Hydropower Project has been carried out using all data
and information collected from field survey and investigations. The Consultant conducted the Feasibility
Study of the Project pertaining to the requirements as per national standards and standard engineering
norms. Main objectives and scopes of work include, but not limited to, the followings:

1.5.1 Review of available literatures and other information regarding hydropower

projects including current legislation

1.5.2 Collection of necessary information and data regarding the Project through field
survey and investigations

1.5.3 Carry out topographical survey and preparation of necessary topographical

maps of the project area

1.5.4 Carry out hydrological study of Midim Khola at the project site

1.5.5 Conducting geological investigations of the project area and preparation of

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geological maps

1.5.6 Determination of optimum installed capacity and finalizing the project layout

1.5.7 Preparation of conceptual design and drawings

1.5.8 Cost estimate of the project

1.5.9 Preparation of construction plan and project implementation schedule

1.5.10 Conducting economic and financial evaluation

1.5.11 Preparation of Feasibility Study Report adhering to the national standards.


This Feasibility Study Report describes the findings, results and conclusions of the feasibility study
of Madhya Midim small Hydropower Project. The report is presented in three different volumes

Volume I : Main Report

Volume II : Drawings

‘Volume I: Main Report’ (the present report) presents in a systematic order all the findings, analyses,
conclusions made during the feasibility study. ‘Volume II: Drawings’ contains the design drawings
and maps of the Project and the investigation data, calculations.

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Figure 1.6-1: Project Location Map

Project Area

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Figure 1.6-2 Location of the Project area in Lamjung district Map

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The survey works for the feasibility study of the proposed project were conducted from November to
December 2014. Survey and leveling works are necessary to design the components, to prepare
drawings and to calculate the quantities of the project structures. The collected data pertinent to
surveying and topographical mapping are included in this chapter. The scope of works, methodology
adopted, equipment used and manpower deployed for conduct of survey are also described in the
subsequent sections.


The following information/data available for carrying out the feasibility study of the Madhya Midim Small
Hydropower Project were collected.

i. Topographical maps from the Department of Survey.

Scale 1:25,000

Sheet No. 2884 14A

Contour interval 20m

ii. Desk Study Report of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project prepared
by Cepad Consult (P.) Ltd.

iii. District Map of Lamjung district.


The survey work was carried out with the objective of preparing topographic maps of entire project
area in appropriate scale and to select the proper location of project components like Headworks
(diversion, intake, and desander), water conveyance, forebay tank, Powerhouse and Tailrace. The
following survey works have been included in the scope of the works:

• Establishing traverse enclosing the project area

Establishing control points and permanent benchmarks for construction purposes

• Measuring longitudinal and cross sections of river

• Preparation of topographical map

• Selection of appropriate alignment and position of project components in

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prepared topographical map

• Preparation of survey report of the project


Prior to the field survey, desk study was carried out by using topographical map (scale 1:25,000)
published by Government of Nepal, Survey Department. With the team of hydro experts detail
information about the project area for the survey work was received and noted. Approximate location,
sketches of plan in the topographical map were prepared.


A team consisting a Hydropower engineer, Civil engineer, Geologist and a Senior Surveyor with
representative of developer were mobilized for field visit. After finalizing the project site and before the
detail survey work, a brief reconnaissance survey was carried out around the entire project area to be
mapped. A group of multi‐disciplinary experts had conducted reconnaissance site visit from October


As per the scope of works, the methodology for survey was developed which comprises the desk study,
reconnaissance survey, detail topographical survey and mapping of the project located in Gilun and Malin


The project site is located in hilly range. Most of the project areas are in forest and bushy area with
some in cultivated land. No dense jungle is found within entire project area.


The principle of surveying ‘Working from whole to part’ was introduced for the survey of the project.
A closed loop was carried out first covering the project boundary establishing the different traversing
points in different position. The loop was computed and corrected by Bowditch’s rule and the position
of spot detailing was taken by means of traverse points as well as offsets points set from them. Also the
detail data was recorded in the ‘Topcon Total Station and physical features like river line, cliff, water
level, road, foot trail, bridges etc. were clearly mentioned in the remarks.


In the detail survey, the data necessary to prepare maps were taken of the entire project area. The
following ground information were collected,
• Rivers and drainages

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• Temporary suspension bridges

• Houses temples and monasteries
• Road and tracks
• Agricultural field boundaries
• Forestry boundaries
• River water level at different points
• Rock exposed areas
• Landslides in different areas


A closed traverse was carried out at the headwork site, along the pipe alignment and at the powerhouse
site and finally connected to National Grid System. Additional offset points were also established
conventionally to cover entire area.
The traverse legs were made as long as possible and a fixed tripod system was used for all reflecting
prisms to achieve better accuracy.
The list of traverse points and their corrected co‐ordinates are described in different tables below.

Table 2.8.2-1: Corrected coordinates of Bench marks established for the Topographic survey at Midim Khola Site

Ground Ground
S.N. Elevation(m) Remarks
Northing (m) Easting (m)
1 3121781.388 526370.373 695.576 BM A1
2 3121792.715 526327.902 697.773 BMA2
3 3123979.118 526772.165 735.233 BM1
4 3123878.588 526793.016 727.093 BM1A
5 3123469.860 526505.518 758.682 BM5
6 3123386.000 526501.802 710.089 BM5
7 3123500.726 526615.225 715.563 BM5
8 3123442.533 526543.868 711.279 BM5N
9 3123309.778 526463.595 708.303 BM5O
10 3123504.898 526536.912 715.020 BM5P
11 3123526.024 526546.779 717.681 BM5Q
12 3123555.404 526538.973 720.878 BM5R
13 3123592.986 526515.236 727.497 BM5R
14 3123323.166 526426.920 725.310 BM5T
15 3123192.372 526395.254 744.879 BM6C
16 3123165.902 526395.968 740.387 BM6D
17 3123135.157 526395.500 732.615 BM6E
18 3123099.807 526386.867 732.878 BM6F
19 3123069.912 526376.145 741.769 BM6G
20 3123040.581 526369.174 733.755 BM6H

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21 3123030.826 526426.905 701.245 BM8A

22 3123057.105 526436.947 702.342 BM8B
23 3123026.269 526380.215 719.885 BM*
24 3122896.829 526443.074 696.442 BM11A
25 3122939.903 526420.847 697.191 BM11B
26 3122602.588 526404.555 686.261 BM14
27 3122619.478 526340.185 688.511 BM14A
28 3122700.185 526347.877 711.164 BM14B
29 3122674.063 526283.820 725.161 BM14C
30 3122620.777 526240.099 701.210 BM14D
31 3122679.086 526267.799 729.159 BM14E
32 3122577.718 526161.918 721.493 BM14F
33 3122554.742 526141.169 734.731 BM14G
34 3122541.657 526125.901 737.704 BM14H
35 3122521.984 526116.848 737.532 BM14I
36 3122507.103 526102.604 743.557 BM14J
37 3122513.122 526130.531 726.014 BM14K
38 3122487.947 526135.760 731.028 BM14L
39 3122495.568 526315.397 681.834 BM15
40 3122439.887 526223.328 691.780 BM15A
41 3122384.321 526203.303 729.308 BM15AB
42 3122435.245 526213.662 697.520 BM15B
43 3122427.301 526197.322 707.494 BM15C
44 3122403.100 526182.756 721.682 BM15D
45 3122387.776 526172.265 731.663 BM15E
46 3122499.118 526258.641 684.974 BM15M
47 3122392.769 526149.423 731.487 BM15M
48 3122530.192 526244.677 688.989 BM15N
49 3122490.572 526223.205 686.801 BM15O
50 3122543.447 526210.050 696.610 BM15P
51 3122490.248 526217.116 689.624 BM15Q
52 3122135.602 526246.102 671.870 BM16
53 3122345.866 526294.476 676.719 BM16A
54 3121926.032 526214.576 664.812 BM17
55 3121759.786 526165.047 729.587 BM17A
56 3121911.597 525867.522 733.513 BM17A1
57 3121766.167 526156.988 730.502 BM17B
58 3121777.906 526125.725 738.227 BM17C
59 3121781.236 526148.894 728.709 BM17D
60 3121783.290 526104.540 733.216 BM17E
61 3121784.160 526080.777 729.165 BM17F
62 3121782.515 526048.414 726.642 BM17G
63 3121781.205 526033.345 726.482 BM17H
64 3121781.862 526016.749 720.602 BM17I
65 3121763.214 525910.913 730.247 BM17J
66 3121797.278 525881.186 728.608 BM17K

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67 3121749.184 525940.023 726.880 BM17L

68 3121762.798 525960.416 726.583 BM17M
69 3121809.754 525871.333 730.927 BM17N
70 3121809.680 525857.478 732.342 BM17O
71 3121822.947 525848.551 728.515 BM17P
72 3121886.684 525863.484 718.409 BM 17Q
73 3121900.007 525860.839 725.683 BM17R
74 3121855.441 526255.069 662.384 BM18
75 3121808.945 526428.363 685.890 BM18A
76 3121760.512 526357.756 706.006 BM18B
77 3121726.889 526317.732 728.857 BM18C
78 3121715.582 526294.331 731.201 BM18D
79 3121692.538 526359.935 728.709 BM18E
80 3121668.704 526385.497 728.473 BM18F
81 3121650.590 526473.776 727.659 BM18G
82 3121630.840 526487.934 730.692 BM18H
83 3121575.567 526500.445 732.310 BM18I
84 3121565.060 526533.827 731.962 BM18J
85 3121528.353 526542.043 733.491 BM18K
86 3121505.988 526548.156 732.499 BM18L
87 3121680.894 526280.835 729.269 BM19A
88 3121637.278 526265.762 731.722 BM19B
89 3121596.411 526270.532 733.467 BM19C
90 3121558.865 526247.608 730.109 BM19D
91 3121534.656 526205.477 724.520 BM19E
92 3121535.534 526191.536 718.392 BM19E1
93 3121724.286 526169.201 736.556 BM19F
94 3121734.801 526180.240 729.297 BM19G
95 3121693.646 526186.117 735.523 BM19H
96 3121693.653 526186.105 735.513 BM19I
97 3121679.158 526201.385 729.005 BS19J
98 3121659.561 526201.693 730.496 BM19K
99 3121627.398 526592.178 653.605 BM20
100 3121448.934 526744.858 648.643 BM21
101 3121384.547 526819.278 646.211 BM22
102 3121318.288 526910.776 641.890 BM23
103 3121269.938 526932.327 647.109 BM23A
104 3121232.611 526951.429 662.186 BM23B
105 3121179.710 526983.925 672.981 BM23C
106 3121223.708 527040.378 656.510 BM24
107 3121208.335 526971.421 664.512 BM24Z
108 3121214.642 527067.571 655.665 BM25
109 3121252.184 526783.858 742.689 BM25A
110 3121266.744 526797.311 727.330 BM25B
111 3121214.452 526800.718 740.261 BM25C
112 3121288.062 526763.824 743.145 BM25D

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113 3121187.701 526815.265 743.863 BM25E

114 3121289.134 526777.129 735.144 BM25F
115 3121316.631 526734.058 757.200 BM25G
116 3121319.389 526710.200 767.003 BM25H
117 3121317.790 526699.482 775.141 BM25I
118 3121357.500 526640.914 777.999 BM25J
119 3121376.933 526638.744 770.612 BM 25K
120 3121399.828 526631.808 763.388 BM25L
121 3121428.579 526615.650 757.992 BM25M
122 3121471.218 526581.635 744.118 BM25N
123 3121482.709 526570.757 738.379 BM25O
124 3121124.808 527064.475 652.994 BM26
125 3121083.392 526936.460 715.387 BM27
126 3121089.665 526929.093 713.758 BM27A
127 3121174.899 526866.964 719.255 BM27B
128 3121195.995 526853.092 719.748 BM27C
129 3121123.948 526859.983 730.230 BM27D
130 3121136.982 526851.191 731.026 BM27E
131 3121157.228 526832.532 743.101 BM27F
132 3121253.994 526811.277 720.968 BM27G
133 3121068.042 526959.603 708.778 BM28B
134 3121066.222 526947.229 714.129 BM28C
135 3121051.898 526902.230 740.953 BM28D
136 3121053.919 526895.120 743.048 BM28E
137 3121087.471 526892.782 727.958 BM28F
138 3121106.476 526875.223 729.022 BM28G
139 3121105.230 527035.518 664.543 BM29
140 3121121.250 527010.733 679.418 BM29A
141 3121075.086 527057.826 650.424 BM30
142 3121019.060 527033.829 653.787 BM30A
143 3121030.866 527096.608 631.883 BM31
Table 2.8.2-2: Corrected coordinates of Temporary points established for the Topographic survey
at Midim Khola Site
Ground Ground
S.N. Elevation(m) Remarks
Northing (m) Easting (m)
1 3124178.128 526815.224 742.168 TP1
2 3124189.129 526948.136 736.846 TP2
3 3124248.863 526937.100 739.227 TP3
4 3123767.031 526705.761 723.998 TP4
5 3123603.852 526603.593 730.347 TP5
6 3123608.540 526537.845 733.944 TP6
7 3123434.235 526544.177 711.108 TP7
8 3123088.203 526380.777 736.288 TP8
9 3122813.626 526386.377 733.049 TP1
10 3122813.119 526344.276 745.201 TP2
11 3122908.531 526365.251 742.062 TP3

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12 3122904.698 526383.427 733.836 TP4

13 3122962.164 526359.105 726.840 TP5
14 3122997.287 526342.512 740.709 TP6
15 3122784.187 526349.448 727.678 TP7
16 3122803.279 526314.394 742.527 TP7
17 3122810.021 526306.198 747.824 TP8
18 3122787.320 526306.796 732.243 TP9
19 3122770.252 526369.411 721.336 TP10
20 3122764.780 526438.686 708.995 TP11
21 3122756.276 526437.880 708.972 TP12
22 3122726.625 526409.959 711.594 TP13
23 3122682.527 526330.113 707.559 TPC
24 3120959.790 527083.857 631.816 TP31A
25 3120931.028 527085.350 630.843 TP31B
Table 2.8.2-3: Corrected coordinates of GPS points established for the Topograhic survey at Midim Khola
Ground Ground
S.N. Elevation(m) Remarks
Northing (m) Easting (m)
1 3123878.552 526793.034 727.066 GPS2
2 3123900.176 526746.185 732.821 GPS3
3 3122253.326 526283.819 674.267 GPS4
4 3122157.902 526247.857 671.871 GPS5
5 3122154.178 526174.344 687.435 GPS5A
6 3121176.101 527071.073 655.695 GPS6
All offsets and benchmarks were established from two control points wherever necessary.


The control points were established by the traverse method. The traverse was conducted along left
bank of the Midim Khola and was then closed to the same station covering the required area along right
bank including headwork site and powerhouse site.
Total Station with a least count of 5” was used for measuring horizontal and vertical angles. One
complete set of horizontal and vertical angles were observed during the traversing.
Distance was measured in fore and back sight directions and then mean distance was taken. Distance
measurement was performed by Total Station with standard reflecting Prism.
For horizontal control, the following measurements were taken:
• Mean angle and distance computation was checked precisely.
• Angular closure was checked between traverse points.
• Angular disclosures were adjusted.
• ∆E and ∆N were computed.
• Closing error was distributed according to the common survey standards.
For vertical control, the following measurements were taken:

• ∆h in closed traverse was computed.

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• Error in height was distributed according to the common survey standards.


The closing errors were distributed according to common survey standards. In all the survey works high
accuracy survey instruments ‘Total Station GTS 230’ with a list count of 5” was used. In traverse close
process, permissible accuracy was achieved.


The features of terrain were surveyed by means of spot surveying. Spot positions were taken by the
Total Stations from different point of traverse and offset points.
Features such as riverbanks, high flood level, cliff, house, earthen road, bridges, boulders, and rock
exposure were recorded during survey.
The survey works were carried out for headworks area, desander, surge tank, penstock, powerhouse
area and tailrace area.


Land Development 2004” was used for preparing topographic map. The detail topographic map of
different component of the project such as: Headwork, Desander, water conveyance alignment Penstock
line, Forebay, Powerhouse and Tailrace area were prepared in the following scale:

• Proposed Headwork site Scale 1:1000

• Proposed Powerhouse site Scale 1:1000


Several cross‐sections were taken for calculating the discharges rating curves at headwork and
powerhouse site. The sections were taken from weir axis at an interval of 25 m c/c. In upstream up to
100 m and in downstream at least up to desander area.


Some control points and bench marks were fixed in the field. Over 100 control points / benchmarks for
traversing and detailing were fixed in the project area. They were made noticeable by cross marking on
boulder with red enamel paint.


The surveyed data recorded in total stations, were downloaded and processed to build the map. The
checking for the errors and uncovered areas were done. The closed loop was calculated and checked in

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site for avoiding the errors. Final processing and preparation of map was executed in Kathmandu office.
The horizontal distances and elevations were calculated reciprocally. Coordinates of each points was
then computed with respect to given UTM coordinates and elevation of control points. Mapping
software Land Development 2004 was used to prepare map after the all data checking completely. Finally
the topographic map was converted into AutoCAD 2006 format.

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This section of report contains an overview of the hydrology of the Midim Khola catchment at the
proposed headworks site. The main objective of the hydrological study is to study rainfall pattern, to
pertain discharging capacity of catchment, generate mean monthly flow and to predict design discharge,
flood flow and low flow of the river. The overall aim of the hydrological and meteorological study of the
project is to estimate the design flow for the required capacity of the hydroelectric power plant.

An accurate assessment of long‐term hydrology is essential to any hydropower project. The longer the
hydrological record, more reliable is the estimation of design parameters for the project. In the case of
ungauged (i.e. either limited or no stream flow records) river, direct measurements of hydrological
parameters are not available.

The hydrological study of the project area thus comprises the field investigation including desk study,
collection of meteorological data and various literature reviews. Briefly the methodology of hydrological
study is stated below:

▪ Direct measurement of discharge and estimation of annual flow

▪ WECS Method of discharge estimation

▪ Development of rating curve at headworks and powerhouse site.

▪ Adoption of flow duration curve for fixation of design flow

During the feasibility level of study, the Midim Khola catchment was studied from the available
topographical maps.


Midim Khola is one of the tributaries of Madi River which ultimately merges with GandakiRiver. Midim
Khola is a snow fed Perennial Riverand has a total catchment area of 103.69 km2 at proposed intake site
of the project. The flow of Midim Khola is originated from the Himalayan Range through deeply incised
gorges and its catchment has the highest peak at an elevation of 4600 masl.
The proposed headworks site lies at about 580 m upstream from the confluence with Chhere Khola at
Gilun. The proposed powerhouse site of Midim Khola Small Hydropower Project is located at the right
bank of Midim Khola at Barephat in Karapu VDC. The total catchment area at proposed powerhouse
site is 115.88 km2. Catchment area of Midim Basin at different ranges of elevation is presented below in

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Catchment area:

At Intake:

Total area: 103.69 km2

Below 3000m: 85.79 km2

At Powerhouse:

Total area: 115.88 km2

Below 3000m: 97.98 km2

Figure 3.1-1 : Catchment areas at proposed intake and tailrace sites

The average gradient of Midim Khola in between the headworks site and tailrace site is about 12%. The
Midim Khola basin drains towards south direction. The basin has the shape of a fern. Midim Khola basin
is mainly covered with moderately dense mixed forest. Agricultural field on terraces and scattered
settlements dominate in the catchment area lying below 2’500 masl.

The information regarding the Midim Khola drainage area has been obtained based on the topographical
maps of 1:50,000 scale complied from arial photographs of 1996 published by the Survey Department of
the GoN and further information was collected from in‐site observations and interviews with local

The characteristics of Midim Khola catchments at various sites have been presented in Table
Table 3.1-1: Characteristics of Midim Khola catchment at the various sites

Catchment Area (km2)

Intake at Midim Khola Tailrace at Midim Khola

>3000 17.9 17.9

<3000 85.79 97.98

Total 103.69 115.88

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Mostly the catchment area is covered with dense forest and the slope is steep on the both banks. Both
banks of the Midim Khola mostly are forest region and some cultivated land and irrigation water is
available from tributaries.


There are few water ghattas (water mills) which are using the water from MidimKhola downstream of
proposed intake area.
Table 3.1.1-1: Representative discharge measurements at Midim Khola Intake Site

SN Date Discharge (m3/s) Remarks

1 January 29, 2010 2.81 Source: FSR, August 2013



Midim Khola being an ungauged river, discharge measurements were made at the proposed Project site
for the purpose of the present study on various dates. Table shows representative field discharge
measurements used for further hydrological analysis selected out of numerous field measurements. A
permanent discharge gauging station has to be established in the vicinity of proposed intake site to
measure the regular dry and flood flows of Midim Khola.



Long term mean monthly flows or hydrograph are quite useful for assessing the design flow and monthly
generation of energy from a hydropower project. A flow duration curve (FDC) showing the percentage
of time a particular flow is equaled or exceeded for Madhya Midim Small Hydroelectric Project
headworks site have been developed from various independent methods which are explained below
under subsequent headings.


A study on methodologies for Engineering Hydrologic Characteristics of ungauged locations in Nepal

was published out by WECS and DHM in July 1990. This study uses the approach of multiple regression
equations relating the physiographic and climatologic characteristics of the selected basins to the average
monthly flow values. Altogether twelve individual monthly regression equations are developed.

Catchment area of Midim Khola at the proposed headworks site is 103.69 km2with the catchment area

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lying below 3000m elevation being 85.79 km2. Monsoon wetness index at the catchment centroid has
been adoptedfrom the published data of Khudi Bazar (St.802) and Siklesh (St. 824) rain gauge stations
which comes out to be 2769 mm, total rainfall during four monsoon months from June to September.

Alternately, modified HYDEST method has been used as a comparative approach for estimation of mean
monthly discharge at the headworks site of Midim Khola. Average altitude of the Midim Khola catchment
at proposed intake site has been taken to be 2500 m for this study. The following are the results from
WECS/DHM and modified HYDEST in Table .

Table 3.2.3-1: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by WECS/DHM & modified
HYDEST methods

Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg.

WECS/ 1.34 1.14 1.02 1.02 1.34 5.61 17.15 20.92 16.36 7.03 3.37 2.17 6.54

Modified 4.10 3.48 1.72 1.54 1.92 15.04 36.50 49.19 32.93 16.01 7.51 5.09 14.58


Nepal Electricity Authority(NEA) in 1997 developed a method to predict long‐term flows, flood flows
and flow duration curves at ungauged sites through regional regression technique. This approach uses
both monsoon wetness index and average precipitation of the area along with catchment area of the
river. With all other input parameters as previously adopted in WECS/DHM method and average
precipitation obtained at Midim Khola as 3610 mm, the results from MHSP method are presented below
in Table .
Table 3.2.4-1: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by MHSP method
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg.

Q (m3/s) 1.72 1.40 1.28 1.51 1.71 6.57 21.38 25.14 19.71 9.09 4.33 2.76 8.05


There are four key stream gauging stations in the vicinity of the Project area, Khudi Khola at Khudi Bazar
(Index No. 439.3), Mardi Khola at Lahachok (Index No. 428), Chepe Khola at Garam Besi (Index No.
440) and Modi Khola at Nayapul (Index No. 406.5). These station’s data have been analyzed for the
stream flow analysis of Midim Khola. Because of the non‐availability of long‐term discharge data for
Midim Khola, an attempt has been made to derive the reference hydrology from the gauging station at
these four reference stations.

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Considering the physiographic conditions and geographical proximity of Midim Khola from the gauging
stations, it is appropriate to use the discharge data from Khudi Khola at Khudi Bazar(watershed area:
132.75 km2), Mardi Khola at Lahachok (watershed area:139.65 km2), Chepe Khola at Garam Besi
(watershed area: 310.23 km2) and Modi Khola at Nayapul (watershed area: 642.34 km2), for deriving
the stream flow at the headworks site of the Project. The results from CAR method are presented
below in Table.

Table 3.2.5-1:: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by CAR method
Discharge (m3/s)
Month CAR‐Khudi CAR‐Mardi CAR‐Chepe CAR‐Modi

January 3.12 2.66 2.45 2.83

February 2.89 2.28 2.03 2.35

March 2.91 2.19 1.87 2.30

April 3.16 2.21 1.94 3.15

May 3.87 3.13 2.84 5.21

June 6.90 11.57 9.26 13.66

July 15.76 37.97 28.79 44.06

August 21.89 47.31 31.70 48.43

September 16.27 33.08 23.62 25.26

October 9.13 13.82 10.68 10.46

November 5.45 5.62 5.15 5.16

December 3.69 3.42 3.13 3.74

Average 7.92 13.37 10.29 13.88


MIP method is a technique used for estimating the distribution of monthly flows throughout a year for
ungauged locations. It is developed by M. MacDonald in1990. According to MIP
method, Nepal is divided into seven physiographical regions. Non‐dimensional Hydrographs of mean
monthly flows for seven different regions are plotted. It uses a lowest annual discharge value of gauged
site i.e. any day spanning during a dry period, especially that of April and this low flow discharge is then
applied to the ungauged site. The measured flow is then used with the regional non‐dimensional
hydrograph to synthesize an annual hydrograph for the site. Flow measurements were conducted at the
intake site at various dates as listed in the Table above.
Based on the measured data using MIP method for the river basin of hydrological region 1 and 3, the

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long term mean monthly flows were estimated. The results from MIP method is presented below in



Table below shows the results derived for long‐term mean monthly flows at the proposed intake site
from various methods for comparative study.
Table 3.2.7-1: Mean monthly flow (m3/s) at headworks site by various methods
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg.

MIP 3.22 2.32 1.69 1.26 2.82 5.75 17.65 31.47 23.50 11.59 5.73 4.31 9.27

WECS/ DHM 6.54

1.34 1.14 1.02 1.02 1.34 5.61 17.15 20.92 16.36 7.03 3.37 2.17

Modified 4.10 3.48 1.72 1.54 1.92 15.04 36.50 49.19 32.93 16.01 7.51 5.09 14.58

MHSP 1.72 1.40 1.28 1.51 1.71 6.57 21.38 25.14 19.71 9.09 4.33 2.76 8.05

CAR‐ Khudi 3.12 2.89 2.91 3.16 3.87 6.90 15.76 21.89 16.27 9.13 5.45 3.69 7.92

CAR‐Mardi 2.66 2.28 2.19 2.21 3.13 11.57 37.97 47.31 33.08 13.82 5.62 3.43 13.77

CAR‐Chepe 2.45 2.03 1.87 1.94 2.84 9.26 28.79 31.70 23.62 10.68 5.15 3.13 10.29

CAR‐Modi 2.83 2.35 2.30 3.15 5.21 13.66 44.06 48.43 25.26 10.46 5.16 3.74 13.88

The table shows that the derived long‐term mean monthly flows at the intake site from various methods
are quite comparable. There is not a proven statistical tool to interpret the river specific annual discharge
variation pattern of Midim Khola. The best method to analyze the Midim Khola hydrology is to establish
a permanent gauging station and get a long‐term daily discharge data for sufficiently long period.
The MIP method, as is based in regional hydrograph of the locality, trends to deliver traditional results
yielding an absolute minimum flow during the month of April. The field discharge measurement and
interviews with local people show the driest period to take place somewhere in March with gradual
reduction in discharge between the months November to March. With the onset of monsoon in
June/July, once the spring sources are recharged, the discharge of Midim Khola goes up smoothly till the
month of September, with an instantaneous peak during the monsoon month of August. WECS/DHM
method and MHSP methods give reliable estimates of monthly flows compared to the measured values.
Similarly, CAR method generates the data on the higher side in all of the cases except for Khudi.

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Hence, a cognitive approach has been applied in deriving the long‐term average monthly flows of Midim
Khola by considering the measured discharge values during the dry season as the reference values and
comparing the results with other methods. The results obtained from the WECS/DHM, MHSP are
satisfactory whereas Modified HYDEST method gives relatively higher values of discharge giving
overestimated design discharge value. After due consideration to the results from various methods, the
results obtained from Catchment correlation method for Khudi has been adopted to compute the long‐
term mean monthly flows of Midim Khola used for the purpose of this feasibility study. This is done since
this analysis uses the mean monthly discharges of the stations which are similar to our site conditions
and also to remain in safe side as the catchment area of Midim Khola is pretty small and the source of
water seems to come from spring sources rather than surface run‐off. The adopted long‐term mean
monthly flows used for the design purpose are presented below in Table.

Table 3.2.7-2:: Adopted long‐term mean monthly flows (m3/s) at Midim Khola headworks site
Month Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Avg.

Q (m3/s) 3.12 2.89 2.91 3.16 3.87 6.90 15.76 21.89 16.27 9.13 5.45 3.69 7.92

Flow duration curve of Midim Khola at proposed headwork site is shown below in Figure based on
adopted long‐term monthly average flows. The horizontal dark line represents the design discharge
generally adopted for hydropower generation purpose in Nepal corresponding to 40% probability of

Figure 3.2.7-1: Flow duration curve of Midim Khola at proposed headworks site
Discharge values at an interval of 5% probability of exceedance derived from the curve are shown in
Table below.
Table 3.2.7-3: Adopted percentile dependable flows at headworks site (m3/s)
Probability of Days per Discharge Probability of Days per Discharge
Exceedance (%) Year (m3/s) Exceedance (%) Year (m3/s)

5 18 21.33 55 201 3.80

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10 37 19.35 60 219 3.61

15 55 17.64 65 237 3.42

20 73 14.19 70 256 3.26

25 91 11.82 75 274 3.13

30 110 9.59 80 292 3.04

35 128 8.03 85 310 2.97

40 146 6.27 90 329 2.89

45 164 4.84 95 347 2.86

50 183 4.18 99.7 364 2.78


The long‐term mean monthly flow at the proposed intake site of Midim Khola for the driest month
February as per Table is 2.89 m3/sec. A flow equivalent to 10% of the driest flow, i.e. 289lps will be
released downstream at all the times as the riparian release for downstream riverine habitants for
fulfilling environmental protection requirements.


In hydropower projects, high floods are required to be computed for designing the headworks structures
as well as the powerhouse complex. It has been a common practice to analyses the flood events that
might occur during the driest periods for the purpose of the construction of diversion headworks
structures. Flood hydrology has been analysed in two parts ‐ design high floodsfor the design of
headworks, powerhouse, and other hydraulic structures; and dry season floods for the construction of
river diversion structures.

Table 3.3-1:: Estimated instantaneous high floods by WECS/DHM method

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on ‘methodologies for estimating hydrological characteristics of ungauged locations in Nepal (July

1990)’ published by WECS/DHM uses the approach of regional flood frequency analysis. The results
of this study are used for estimation of flood discharges at the proposed headworks site as well as
the powerhouse site, when no measured flood The study discharges are available.
The study shows the results from the frequency distribution parameter prediction method,
which is a variation of the multiple regression method. The independent variable that is found to be
the most significant in all the of the regression analyses is the area of the basin below 3000 m
elevation. This area represents the portion of the basin that is influenced by the monsoon
precipitation. In addition, ‘Hydrological Studies of Nepal (1982)’ published by WECS uses the same

The study shows that the prediction regression equation for an instantaneous flood peak with 2‐year
return period is:
Q2(instantaneous)= 1.8767(A3000+1)0.8783

Similarly, the prediction regression equation for an instantaneous flood peak with 100‐year return
period is given by:
Q100 (instantaneous)= 14.63(A3000+1)0.7342
In these equations, the area of the basin below 3000m, A3000, is to be expressed in square
kilometres to get the flood discharge in cumec.
Instantaneous peak floods with any other return period ‘R‐years’ QR (Instantaneous), can be
calculated using the following formulae:

QR (Instantaneous)=Exp (In Q2 (Instantaneous) +s ) s = standardized normal variant as listed below:

Return Period, 'R‐years’ s

5 0.842

10 1.282

20 1.645

50 2.054

200 2.576

500 2.878

1’000 3.090

10’000 3.719

=standard deviation of the natural logarithms of annual floods

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= ln (Q100/Q2)/2.326)

The catchment area below 3000 m elevation at headworks site and at powerhouse site of the Madhya
Midim Small Hydropower Project are 85.79 km2 and 97.98 km2, respectively. The results of the flood
estimates from this regional frequency analysis are presented in Table 3.10-1:
1) Gumbel Method

According to this theory of extreme events, the probability of occurrence

of an event equal to or larger than a value x0 is

0 ) =1‐e–e—y (1)

In which y is a

dimensionless variable

given by y=α(x‐a) a=x̅‐

0.45005σx α=1.2825/σx


Y= σx
+0.577............................................................................................ (2)

Where x̅=mean and σx=standard deviation of the variate X.in practice it is the value of X for a given
P that is required and as such (1) is transposed as


Noting that return period T=1/P and designating

yt= ‐[ln*ln ]

Now rearranging eq. (2), the value of variate X with a return period T is


The results of the flood estimates from this regional frequency analysis are presented in

Log Pearson Type III Distribution

The Log‐Pearson Type‐ III distribution is extensively used in USA for projects sponsored by the US
Government. In this distribution, the variate is first transformed into logarithmic form (base 10) and
then this transformed data is analyzed. If X is the variate of a random hydrologic series, then the

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series of Z variate where

Z=logx are first obtained. For this Z series, for any recurrence interval T, the value of zt can
be obtained as

zt=z̅+Kzσz Where Kz=a frequency factor which is a function of recurrence interval T

and the coefficient of skew Cs,

σz=standard deviation of the Z variate sample


Cs=coefficient of skew Variate Z


Where z̅ =Mean of the z values

N= Sample size=number

of years of record Kz= f

(Cs, T)

After finding the value of zt, the corresponding value of xt is also obtained by the equation:

xt= antilog(zt)

Although not considered under the standard procedure, the coefficient of skew Cs can also be
adjusted to account the size of the sample by using the following relation (proposed by Hazen in

Where C^s=adjusted coefficient of skew.

If the value of coefficient of skew Cs=0,log Pearson type III distribution is reduced to log normal
distribution which plots as a straight line on logarithmic probability paper.

The transposed annual flows from Mardi Khola were employed to compute flood flows using
frequency analysis. The results of the flood estimates from this regional frequency analysis are
presented in Table below.
Table: Estimated instantaneous high floods by frequency analysis at Midim River at intake
Frequency Analysis

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Gumbel LP Type III 3 Parameter GEV Wakeby

Return Period Log Normal

2 118.92 108.75 107.18 115.06 110.33

5 190.13 163.92 162.34 173.37 178.10

10 237.27 211.20 209.62 215.14 232.48

25 296.84 267.15 264.00 257.69 286.06

50 341.03 356.99 354.96 316.80 353.84

100 384.89 439.73 418.46 363.29 401.91

200 428.59 538.24 499.63 412.94 447.62

500 486.25 697.43 621.78 482.29 504.36

Table: Estimated instantaneous high floods by frequency analysis at Midim River at

powerhouse site
Frequency Analysis

Return Period
Gumbel LP Type III 3 Parameter GEV Wakeby
Log Normal

2 129.98 118.86 117.14 125.76 120.59

5 207.81 179.16 177.44 189.49 194.66

10 259.33 230.84 229.12 235.15 254.09

25 324.44 291.99 288.55 281.66 312.67

50 372.74 390.19 378.13 346.26 386.74

100 420.68 480.63 457.37 397.08 439.28

200 468.45 588.29 546.09 451.34 489.24

500 531.47 762.28 679.60 527.14 551.26

Due to the non‐availability of the flood discharge data of Midim Khola itself, the results from Wakeby
frequency analysis method have been adopted for the purpose of this study based on the catchment
area, elevation of catchment zones, precipitation at the stations, etc. As a general practice,
instantaneous peak flood with return period of 100 years is adopted as the design flood. Hence, for
the hydraulic design for headworks structures and tailrace structures, the corresponding adopted
design floods are – 401.91 m3/s and 439.28 m3/s, respectively.

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Generally, the headworks structures are constructed during the dry months of year due to low flow
in the river resulting in low cost of river diversion structures. For the river diversion during dry
season, it will be crucial to come to a common understanding as for the commencement of this
season. For Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project, the period from December to May has been
envisaged as the dry season period for river diversion.

Different types of frequency distribution functions were fitted to the sample flood data. There were
very little real differences among the results from various distributions. The results of the Gumbel
distribution of Khudi River were adopted and are given below in Table.

Table : Estimated floods for dry season

Return Period (Years) Dry Flood (m3/s)

2 10.42

5 23.45

10 32.07

20 40.35

The design dry season flood for the construction of diversion headworks structures is taken as 1 in
5 year flood, i.e. 23.45 m3/s.


The duration curve of long‐term inflow series predicts the flow duration for an average hydrological
year. Individual dry and wet years would display different flow duration characteristics. For a
hydroelectric plant, sustained low flows experienced in dry years are critical to the operation
resulting in nil energy generation when the flow decreases below the minimum permissible limit.
The low flow discharge values, in hydropower projects, not only decide the design flow to be
diverted but also serve for environmental purposes as to how much water must be left in the river
system for the survival of the downstream aquatic flora and fauna.
In order to predict the likelihood of this occurring, a probabilistic low flow analysis is carried out
using the methodology by WECS/DHM for ungauged river basins. The results of the low flow analysis
are given in Table below.

Table 3.4-1:: Low flow frequency analysis at Midim Khola headworks site
Low Flow (m3/s)
Return period
(years) Daily Weekly Monthly

0.76 0.81 1.08

0.40 0.47 0.74

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0.31 0.40 0.67



Sediment transport in Himalayan Rivers is a natural and complex phenomenon and Midim Khola is
no exception. Particle size may range from fine sand to big boulders. Prior to this study, there were
no data on suspended sediment load of Midim Khola.However, it is expected to follow certain
characteristics which are common to Himalayan Rivers.

Sediment load in the river may vary from year to year. Therefore, for design purpose a long‐ term
data base is required. Fluctuations in the annual sediment load are usually much larger than flow
variations. Larger seasonal variations are usually seen in the sediment load. Most of the sediment
transport takes place during the monsoon season (usually assumed to be 80% to 90%). High sediment
concentrations can, however, is expected during relatively small pre‐ monsoon floods.

Removal of sediments from the diverted water is very important for any hydropower plant.
Suspended sediment particles cause severe abrasion to the runner and other mechanical parts of a
turbine and thus drastically decrease its life and efficiency. The abrasion of hydro‐ mechanical
components due to suspended sediment largely depends upon factors like the hardness, shape and
size of mineral, hardness of substrate material, impingement angle and relative velocity with which
the particle strikes the substrate material. To estimate the amount of wear, collection, study and
analysis of these aspects is therefore imperative.


The basin area of Midim Khola is mainly covered with sub‐tropical forest. Sediment generation in
forest area is relatively small. Landslides of significant scale are not available within the catchment
area of the project. Debris flow is also not so frequent. It is a comparatively stable river with little
meandering. So there is not vulnerable sediment problem in the river. But dueto the steepness of
the river, the river scours its side and bed which is the main source of sediment.


Sediment measurement and sampling was not carried out in Midim Khola. Thus, indirect method of
sediment yield was adopted to compute sediment volume and sediment concentration. During the
identification visit river deposits are observed and found the possibility of transporting up to 500 mm
diameter sediment particle in yearly flood. Cobble, pebble, gravel, sand and silt are predominant
sediment of the river. Quartz, feldspar, mica are the predominant mineral of the sediment.

The sediment yield equation adopted in Nepal for catchment area

below 150 km2: Y=0.395/A0.311

And sediment concentration by mass

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C = Tm/Qm

Y = Sediment Yield

(Mm3/100 km2 / year) A

= Catchment area


C= Sediment concentration (tons/m3)

Tm = Mass of sediment carried in

three months (tons) Qm = Water

volume during three months (m3)

The sediment concentration is worked out as 2000 mg/litre assuming the density of sediment 2
tons/m3, mean monsoon discharge 1.00 m3/s and 60 % sediment is transported within three months
period. This is an average sediment concentration in river during monsoon season. Peak sediment
concentration can be more than three times of the above values but all the sediment at the river
may not enter into the intake. Some of the sediment can be excluded from graveltrap, some from
settling basin. For the purpose of settling basin design about 1.5 times of the average sediment
concentration (3000 ppm approximately) is assumed for sediment storage volume calculation and
flushing frequency computation.



Following conclusions have been drawn at the end of the hydrological studies
performed under this chapter:

• The 100‐years’ return period design flood is 401.91 m3/s at

the proposed headworks site and 439.28 m3/s at the proposed
powerhouse site.

• The design 5‐years construction flood at the proposed headworks site is

23.45 m3/s.

• The adopted design discharge is 6.27 m3/s (corresponding to40% dependable


• The 20 years’ monthly low flow is 0.67 m3/s at the proposed headworks site.

• The mandatory compensation flow in Midim Khola downstream

of the proposed weir axis is 0.289 m3/s.

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Based on the conclusions drawn above, it is recommended that daily staff gauge readings of Midim
Khola at the proposed intake site and tailrace site shall be done till the start of the implementation
of the project. River discharge measurements should also be taken at various gauge height so as to
develop reliable rating curves at both the sites.

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The proposed Madhya midim Small Hydropower Project (MMHP) is located between downside of
Chhere‐Midim Khola confluence in Gilun VDC and the right bank of Midim‐Handi Khola confluence
in Karapu VDC, Lamjung District, Gandaki Zone, Western Development Region, Nepal. The
hwadworks area lies downside of Chhere‐Midim Khola confluence and the powerhouse lies on right
bank of Midim‐Handi Khola confluence along the right bank of Midim Khola.

The Madhya Midim Small Hydropower project is accessible by Prithivi Highway upto Damauli Bazaar
of Tanahu District, Damauli‐Bhorletar Feeder Road up to Bhaorletar, and district road (earthen
road) up to Gilun via Dhaduwa of Karapu VDC. Gilun and Karapu are situated at the right bank of
Midim Khola and Malin VDC lies at the left bank. Bhorletar, the local market in project area, is
already connected by district road from Damauli of Tanahu District. Besides, Bhorletar is connected
with the district headquarter Beshishar via Duradanda.

The Midim Khola is one of the minor tributaries of the Marsyangdi River originates from the southern
flank of the Annapurna Region of the Higher Himalaya.

Figure 4-1 :: Location Map of Project area

Proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower project is a run‐of‐the‐river type scheme. Water
diverted into the pipe line alignment as waterways from the inlet portal is conveyed upto the
proposed powerhouse to generate more than 4.8 MW of energy. Related all structures are located
along the right bank of Midim Khola on bedrocks as well as alluvial, residual and colluvial soil deposits.


The main objectives of the present geological study are as follows:

• To obtain information on regional geology of the project area
• To study detail drift geological condition at the locations of proposed
project structures

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• To prepare detailed engineering geological map, geological cross‐sections

and profiles of the locations of major project structures like the weir
axis and intake and powerhouse and tailrace areas, engineering geological
map of proposed waterways alignment area and cross‐sections
• To identify geomorphologic condition of the project area
• To collect the data of the discontinuities for stability analysis of the
waterway’s alignment
• To carry out construction material survey
• To locate the mucking areas for the project


The present study comprises of the following works:

• Collect and review available literatures, topographical and geological maps,

photographs and landsat images
• Collection and study of geological and geomorphologic information of
previous studies
• Conduct field survey to collect and verify geological information prior to
general and detail geological mapping, engineering geological mapping of
project components and particular structures
• Identify geological and seismic hazards such as faults, thrusts and landslides
• Measurement of discontinuities to analyze slope stability
• Prepare maps (engineering geological map) at the scale mentioned in
DoED’s guidelines


To accomplish the objectives and scope of work, desk study, field visit and field data analysis have
been carried out, the details of which have been outlined below.


During the desk study, available geological information and geological maps of the Midim Khola
section relevant to the project area was thoroughly studied.


After the desk study, the field visit to the project was conducted. During the field visit, discontinuity
survey and geological as well as the engineering geological mapping of the project area including
diversion weir axis and desander basin area, intake, waterways alignment, surge tank, penstock
alignment, powerhouse and tailrace area were carried out. The instability and mass wasting area and
necessary geological data were also collected.

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After field observation, the detail analysis of geological data was carried out which includes graphical
analysis, slope stability analysis of the project area. All the analyzed data has been incorporated in
the report.


Western Region of Nepal within varied geomorphic scenario and with complex geological set up
offers immense scope for utilization of water resources. The water resources of the Midim Khola
which ultimately drains into the Marsyangdi River and finally drains out into the Gandak River Basin,
still remains unutilized. The Midim Khola is a tributary of the Marsyangdi River and the Marsyangdi
River is a main tributary of the Gandak River basin. These rivers are perennial and carry huge quantity
of water that flows down with a rapid fall. Since the rainfall of the catchment area is very high, these
exists a steady discharge of water in these rivers throughout the year making them ideal for
hydropower development in tandem. In view of above, number of hydropower projects were
identified and awarded to Private Developers by the Government of Nepal to harness these vast
natural resources for the hydropower generation. The proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower
project is a self-identified project which has been awarded to Madhya Midim Jalabidhuit Pvt. Ltd. by
the Department of Electricity Development (DoED) under the Ministry of Energy, Government of
Madhya Midim Jalabidhuit Pvt. Ltd. intends to develop the hydropower project through construction
of a hydroelectric plant utilizing the water resources of the Midim Khola in Lamjung District, Gandaki
Zone, Western Development Region of Nepal. Installed capacity of 4.8 MW has been worked out
as a run‐of‐the‐river scheme.


The Himalaya is the largest mountain range of the world, which extends for a total length of about
2,400 km. This lengthy mountain chain is geologically divided into five sections from west to east.
The brief descriptions are as follow:

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Figure 4.5-1 :: Physiographic subdivision of the Himalayan Arc (After Gansser, 1964)


The Punjab Himalaya (about 550 km) lies between the Indus River in the west and Sutlej River in the


It borders the Sutlej River in the west and the Mahakali River in the east and extends about 320 km.

Figure 4.5.2-1 :: Physiographic subdivision of the Himalayan Arc (After Gansser, 1964)


The Nepal Himalaya (800 km) lies between the Mahakali River in the west and the Mechi River in
the east.


It starts from the Mechi River and extends along Sikkim and Bhutan for a length of 400 km.



It stretches for 440 km from eastern boundary of Bhutan to the Tsangpo River in the east.

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The Nepal Himalaya is situated in the central part of the Himalayan arc and has covered about one
third part (about 800 km in length). The Nepal Himalaya is located between the Kumaon Himalaya
in the west and the Sikkim‐Bhutan Himalaya in the east. The Nepal Himalaya is subdivided into the
following five major tectonic zones from south to north
▪ Indo‐Gangetic Plain (Terai)
‐‐‐‐ Himalayan Frontal Thrust (HFT) ‐‐‐‐
▪ Sub‐Himalaya (Siwalik or Churia Group)
‐‐‐‐ Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) ‐‐‐‐
▪ Lesser Himalaya
‐‐‐‐ Main Central Thrust (MCT) ‐‐‐‐
▪ Higher Himalaya
‐‐‐‐ South Tibetan Detachment System (STDS) ‐‐‐‐
Tibetan‐Tethys Himalaya


This zone represents the northern edge of the Indo‐Gangetic Plain and forms the southernmost
tectonic division of the Himalaya, represents Pleistocene to Recent in age and has an average
thickness of about 1,500 m. This zone lies in southern part of the Himalaya, basically composed of
the clay to boulder. The uppermost part of the Indo‐Gangetic Plain is the Bhabhar zone and it
comprises of boulder to pebble. The Middle part (Marshy zone) is composed of sands whereas the
clays are dominant in the southern Terai.


The Sub‐Himalaya (Siwaliks or Churia Group) is developed in the southern part of the country and
is represented by low hills of the Churia Range. The Siwalik Group of Nepal is composed of 5‐6 km
thick fluvial sediments of the middle Miocene to early Pleistocene age. The sediments are generally
layers of mudstone, sandstone and conglomerate. The Siwalik Group is divided into the Lower,
Middle and Upper Siwaliks in ascending order based on lithology and increasing grain size. The Lower
Siwalik is comprised of mudstone and sandstone, whereas the Middle Siwalik represented by thick‐
bedded, coarse‐grained, "pepper and salt" appearance sandstone. The Upper Siwalik is identified with
the presence of conglomerate with lenses of muds and sands.


The Lesser Himalaya lies in between the Sub‐Himalaya (Siwalik Group) in the south and Higher
Himalaya in the north. Both the southern and northern limits of this zone are represented by thrusts,
the Main Boundary Thrust (MBT) and the Main Central Thrust (MCT), respectively. Tectonically, the
entire Lesser Himalaya consists of allochthonous and para‐autochthonous rocks. Rock sequences
have developed with nappes, klippes and tectonic windows, which have complicated the geology.
The Lesser Himalaya is made up of mostly the unfossiliferous sedimentary and metasedimentary
rocks, consisting of quartzite, phyllite, slate and limestone ranging in age from Pre‐Cambrian to

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This zone is geologically as well as morphologically well defined, and consists of a huge pile of highly
metamorphosed rocks. It is situated between the fossiliferous sedimentary zone (the Tibetan‐Tethys
Himalaya in the north, separated by STDS and the Lesser Himalaya, separated by the MCT in the
south. This zone has made up of the oldest rocks of Pre‐Cambriam metamorphic and granitic gneiss.
The north‐south width of the unit varies from place to place. This zone consists of almost 10 km
thick succession of the crystalline rocks also known as the Tibetan Slab (Le Fort, 1975). This
sequence can be divided into four main units. From bottom to top these units are: Kyanite‐sillimanite
gneiss (Formation I), Pyroxene, marble and banded gneiss (Formation II) and Augen gneiss (Formation


Rocks of the Tibetan‐Tethys Himalaya zone are made up of thick pile of richly fossiliferous
sediments and their age ranges from early Paleozoic to middle Cretaceous. This zone is about
40 km wide and composed of sedimentary rocks such as shale, limestone and sandstone. In Nepal,
these fossiliferous rocks of the Tibetan‐Tethys Himalaya are well developed in the Thak Khola
(Mustang), Manang and Dolpa as well as in Saipal area Nepal.
The proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project belongs to the rocks of the Lesser Himalaya,
Western Nepal, and south of the Main Central Thrust. The area is mainly composed of intercalation
of quartzite and phyllite.


The project area lies downside of Chhere‐Midim Khola confluence and the powerhouse lies on right
bank of Midim‐Handi Khola confluence along the right bank of Midim Khola. The area is located
geologically in the Lesser Himalaya, Western Nepal, consists of low‐grade metamorphic rock e.g.,
intercalation of grey phyllite and quartzite. Majority of the area is covered by phyllite and quartzite
of the Lesser Himalaya. The ratio of phyllite is greater than phyllite in general can be seen in the
project area. Structurally, the Main Central Thrust (MCT) is located in the north of the project area.

Table 4.7-1:: Lithostratigraphy of Lesser Himalaya, Western Nepal (after DMG, 1973)
Formation Main Lithology Thickness (m) Age

Higher Himalaya
Main Central Thrust (MCT)
Syangja Shale, quartzite 1,000
Kushma Quartzite, dolomite 1200 Pre‐
HIMALAYA, Lakahrpata Dolomite 3000 Cambrian
MIDLAND Galyang Slate 3000
GROUP Naudanda Quartzite Quartzite 800
Ranimatta* Quartzite and phyllite 3000

Main Boundary Thrust (MBT)

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The Lesser Himalaya Has been subdivided into the Ranimatta Formation, Naudanda Quartzite,
Galyang Formation, Kushma Formation, Syangja Formation, Ghanpokhara Formation.


The Main Central Thrust (MCT) extends from northeast to southwest direction and separates rocks
of Ghanpokhara Formation in south and Formation I of the Higher Himalaya in north. The Main
Central Thrust is located at about 5 km north from the project area. Other thrust extends east west
direction and developed within the Ranimatta Formation. The thrust is located north of the project
area and about 1 km north from the thrust zone. It is considered that these thrusts have nominal
effect to the project.


Around the Project area, regional folds are not reported and minor and micro folds can be seen.
The micro folds developed in the intercalation of quartzite and phyllite and not directly affect to the
project structures especially along the waterway’s alignment. FOLIATION

Foliation is another most important geological structures observed in the project area. The foliation
is dipping towards northeast with amount 40°. There is no any change in the orientation
of the foliation plane around the project area. It indicates that there is no any geological disturbance
within the project area. The trends of the foliation plane of the project area are northeast (280° to
100°) dipping towards north (40°). JOINTS

Two to three sets of the joints are common in the project area. Densities of the joints are moderate
in the rocks of quartzite. Major joint planes are directed southwest (J1) and minor joints are directed
towards northwest and northeast (J2 and J3) whereas the foliation plane is directed towards
northeast. Along the waterways area, the low spaced joints directed to the southwest can be found.
The proposed project area lies in the rocks of the Ranimatta Formation, Lesser Himalaya.
Structurally, the Main Central Thrust (MCT) lies 5 km north from the headworks area. There are
no remarkable regional folds around the project area. It is expected that there will be very minimal
effect of the thrust activities in the project area.


The geology of central Nepal in the northern part is studied by DMG, 1987 and Stocklin and Bhattarai

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(1977). According to their studies, the Central Nepal has been subdivided into Nawakot and
Kathmandu groups based on metamorphism of the rocks. The Nawakot Group is subdivided into
different lithounits.



Based on the field visit, surface geological map of the project area has been prepared in 1:1,000 scale.
Both banks of Midim Khola comprise the bedrocks of quartzite and phyllite. Figure shows the
topography as well as project layout in the Google map.


Fresh to slightly weathered in nature and seen in the headwork area as well as along the proposed
waterways alignment area. The quartzite and phyllite belongs to the rocks of Ranimatta Formation,
Lesser Himalaya. Generally, the rocks of the quartzite and phyllite are seen in the headworks area
as well as in the waterway’s alignment area also.


The colluvial deposits are the loose slope debris deposit of the eroded mass and landslide materials
as well as accumulated weathered rock fragments. The clasts are angular to sub‐ angular gravel,
pebble, cobble and boulder of quartzite. The boulders are more than 1 m in diameters. Residual soil
is composed of silty sands and sands, originated from the weathering of the parent rock gneiss. The
area with residual soil dominance has gentle slope.


It is unconsolidated low‐level flood plain terrace deposits are found along the Midim Khola. The
sediments are of different sizes ranging from sands to boulder of mainly quartzite and other derived
from the Lesser Himalayan range. The thicknesses of deposits above the bedrock are more than 1
m. Thick alluvial deposits are found in the intake area. The alluvial deposits are composed of boulder


The proposed Diversion Weir Axis area is located about 50 m downstream from the confluence
between Chhere Khola and Midim Khola in Gilun VDC. The area belongs to geologically the rocks
of the Ranimatta Formation, Midland Group, Lesser Himalaya. The rock unit is composed of thick
bedded, grey, quartzite and phyllite with gritty phyllite. The bedrocks of the Ranimatta Formation is
well exposed on the left bank of the Midim Khola at weir axis area. But, the right bank comprises
old and recent alluvial deposits. The deposits are composed of thick boulder beds (> 90% boulders
of quartzite, slate and gneiss). Width of the river is about 40 m whereas water course is found to be
8 m, about 30 m wide, flood plain deposits was observed on the right bank of the Midim Khola.

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Figure 4.8.4-1 :: Project layout map in Google maps.

The quartzite rocks are slightly weathered, moderately hard and contain medium‐ to coarse‐ grained
minerals of quartz, sericite, muscovite etc. the thickness of foliation planes ranges few centimeters

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to a meter, while the thickness of grey phyllite ranges few mm to few centimeters.
At the left side of the Midim Khola in headworks area contain flood plain of about 15 meter wide
and maintain height of 2 m from the riverbed level. The river is cutting this flood plain. The rock cliffs
in this side are covered by vegetation. Photos shows the weir axis area with rock exposure in the
left bank.: Photo Weir axis area ofMadhya Midim Small Hydropower project (right bank)



The proposed desander site is about 100 m downstream from the proposed weir on the extreme
right corner of the flood plain deposits at right bank of the area. Geologically the proposed area
belongs to the rocks of the Ranimatta Formation. The upper reach of the area is covered by forest
and bushes. But, superficially the area is covered by thick alluvial deposits and most probably bedrock
is just below the gravelly material deposited over the
area. The flood plain is composed of thick beds of gravel beds. These gravels are loose in nature.
The approach waterway which connects the desander basin and the intake area passes through the
boulder mixed soil. Thickness of the boulder mixed soil is considered as more than 5 m. The rocks
of the Ranimatta Formation are exposed on the hill slope. Bedrocks are well exposed on the left
bank, hill slope of the Midim Khola. Thickness of individual beds of the quartzite and phyllite ranges
from 0.2 to 0.5 m. Along the riverbed thick alluvial deposits (boulder mixed soil) can be seen.


The headrace canal/pipe alignment area consists of thin to thick bedded, grey gritty phylite was
observed in the right bank of the Midim Khola. This characteristic of rock is found within the range
of about 1 km upstream from the powerhouse area to about 1 km upstream from Mungre Khola.
The rock contains the quartz, feldspar, sericite, chlorite, muscovite, and tourmaline. The detrital

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grains of the quartz and feldspar range medium to coarse sand which is coarser than in powerhouse
The waterways alignment follows the right bank of Midim Khola. Geologically, the alignment lies in
the rocks of the Ranimatta Formation. The litho unit is composed of thick to thin bedded phyllite
intercalation with grey quartzite. Thicknesses of the individual beds are less than 0.5 m are found in
the waterways alignment. But along the waterway alignment bedrock are exposed in some places.
Thick bedded colluvial and residual soil deposits are exposed along the proposed waterway
alignment. Initial part of the waterway passes through the alluvial deposits of the Midim Khola. Photo
4-5 shows water way alignment area.


The proposed area for the surge tank and penstock alignment is located on the right bank of the
Midim Khola. Geologically, the proposed structures lie on the rocks of the Ranimatta Formation.
The Ranimatta Formation is comprised of thin bedded, grey gritty phyllite. Thin to thick quartzite
beds are seen along the proposed surge tank and penstock alignment area. But the proposed
structural area including penstock alignment is covered by thick colluvial deposits.
The area is covered with colluvial deposits. Thickness of the soil along the penstock alignment is
more than 2 m.


The powerhouse area is located on the right bank of Midim Khola, 100 m upstream from the junction
of Midim Khola and Handi Khola confluence in Karapu VDC. The proposed structure lies on the
rocks of the Ranimatta Formation. The Ranimatta Formation is comprised of thick bedded, grey
quartzite and phyllite and gritty phyllite.
The powerhouse area is located in the flat area of alluvial deposits, on meandering part of the Midim
at Baraiphat just right bank of the Midim Khola. In the area, outcrops of gritty phylitic rocks were

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observed in river bed level in both bank of the Midim Khola. In the left bank the bedrocks loaded
the colluvial deposits. The hills slope of the old colluviums was observed quite steep about 600 to
650, and covered by bushes. The hill slope seems to be quite stable.
The gritty phyllites are usually light grayish green color and compact. The foliation beds attain from
few centimeters to 1.5 m. The rock consists of quartz, feldspar, chlorite, muscovite and sericite.


Midim Khola is one of the minor tributaries of the Marsyangdi River (a major tributary of the Gandak
River basin) in the Western Nepal and originates from the Lesser Himalayan Range. The catchment
area of the river is characterized by very rugged topography, which was resulted by the upliftment
of the Himalayan range. It is mainly composed of sharp crested ridges, medium to very steep slopes
and very little spaces are left for gently sloping lowlands in the valley. Majority of catchment lies in
the slopes (90%), lowlands less than 10 % and ridge areas are less than here are a number of old as
well as active landslides, within their catchments because of thrust activities.
The headworks area has very gentle slope on both banks of the Midim Khola. The waterways
alignment has gentle slope and surge tank and penstock alignment area as well as powerhouse has
gentle slope.


To clarify the slope stability in the rock mass, more than 50 discontinuities were measured in the
field visit. Because of the lack of the exposure along the riverbed only a few area is possible to
measure the representative discontinuities in this report. The slope stability assessment analysis of
the right bank hill slope was carried out on the basis of aerial photos interpretation and geological
observations. An analysis of foliations to determine the stability of the rock mass due to the presence
and orientations of the foliations in the rock mass at the weir axis site was done using Lower
Hemisphere Projection of the foliation planes in Schmidt’s equal area net. The wedges formed by the

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planes (joints and foliation) were then analyzed with respect to the hill slope surface using computer
software Dips 5.1.
The measured discontinuities are:
Headworks area

Foliation plane FP= 20/350 [Dip/Direction] J1= 70/285 (Joint set

1) [Dip/Direction] J2= 65/040 (Joint set
2) [Dip / Direction]
Surge tank/penstock area
FP= 26/298 (Foliation
Plane) [Dip / Direction]
J1=69/105 (Joint set 1) Dip
Direction] J2= 56/165 (Joint
set 2)[Dip / Direction]
Waterway alignment
FP = 30/320 (Foliation plane) [Dip / Direction] J1 = 70/065 (Joint set 1) [Dip /
Direction] J2
= 37/140 (Joint set 2) [Dip / Direction]

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Figure 4‐6: Stereographic projection of the rock mass of the project area
The dipping of the foliation plane is favorable to the natural hill slope and the relation between them
is opposite so very less possibility to occur failure on the right bank. On left bank, the wedges formed
by intersection of the foliation plane and joint plane are less stable in weir axis area whereas the
wedges formed by the intersection of the foliation and joints are stable and there is no possibility to
occur failures in the desander basin and initial part of the waterway alignment. In the waterway
alignment, the wedges formed by the intersection of the joints (J1 and J2) may occur failure. In the
surge tank and penstock alignment the wedges seems to stable. Thickness of colluvial deposits in the
hill surface exceeds 2 m at places. The slope stability condition of the rock mass is presented in
Figure respectively.

River Terraces
The no river terraces which are in different levels in height from the river bed can be observed in
the project area. The low land of river terrace was observed at the power house area at the right
bank of the Midim Khola. The terrace maintains about 10 m height from the river bed level.

Another river terrace was observed around the right bank of both Munrge Khola and Midim Khola.
The terrace maintains its height about 40 m from the river bed level. The sediments on the terraces
are characterized by silty sand with sub rounded gravel and cobble.
Flood Plain Deposits
Near the confluence of the Chhere Khola and Midim Khola just 50 m upstream from the weir, at
the right side of the Midim Khola flood plain was observed. The flat land maintain its height 3m height
from the river bed level. The upper part of the step flat land covered by agriculture land and lower
part of the step land covered by bushes. The deposits are characterized by gravel, cobble and boulder
with sand and silt matrix. At the weir site, the flood plain is cutting by Midim Khola. The flood plains
are dominant by coarser sediments.
In the same way the flood plain was observed in the desander area and the downstream at the right
bank of the Midim Khola. The sediments are dominant by boulder, gravel and cobble with sand and
silt matrix. The flood plain deposit is covered by bushes.

Colluvial deposits

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Old colluvial deposit can be observed near the forebay area and most part of the headrace canal
alignment. The sediments in colluvial deposit are derived from bed rock of phyllitic quartzite, and
phyllites. Fragments of rock within the slope wash are within a clayey matrix and show a well‐defined
dip that parallels the surrounding slope and angular in shape.


One small landslide was observed at the right bank of the Midim Khola about 200m upstream from
the powerhouse location.The landslide is about 10m widthand 25m vertical length and have steep
slopemore than 650. The causes of lanslide may due to the water pressure to the joints of the
weathered rocks and weak to support overlying materials.

Gully Erosion and Debris Flows

Considerable amount of debris brought by gully erosion can be observed in several tributaries in the

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project area. The Chhere Khola brought the significant amount of the debris near the headworks
area. The debris deposits are mainly boulder, cobble and gravel with sand and silt matrix.


The seismicity deals with the preliminary investigation of maximum credible earthquake and peak
ground acceleration for an assessment of the Madhya Midim Small Hydropower project. The analysis
is basically made by deterministic evaluation of earthquake sources in the vicinity
with the state of art consideration of attenuation for the Himalayan terrain. It should be
acknowledged that the problems of seismo‐ tectonic events of Himalaya are not fully understood
and the knowledge is increasing with more and more accumulation of research results and data
analysis. The study has considered the latest results of seismo‐tectonic study of the Himalaya and
the vicinity. For comparison purpose, both deterministic and probabilistic assessments of seismic
hazards have been considered.


The Himalaya seismicity, in general, owes its origin to the continued northward movement of Indian
plate after the continental collision between Indian plate and Eurasian plate. The magnitude,
recurrence and the mechanism of continental collision depend upon the geometry and plate velocity
of Indian plate in relation to southern Tibet (Eurasian Plate). Recent results suggest that the
convergence rate is about 20 mm / year and the Indian plate is sub‐horizontal below the Sub‐
Himalaya and the Lesser Himalaya.
The result of micro seismic investigation, geodetic monitoring and morphotectonic study of the
Central Nepal has depicted that the more frequent medium sized earthquakes of 6 to 7 magnitude
are confined either to flat decollment beneath the Lesser Himalaya or the upper part of the middle
crustal ramp. The ramp is occurring at about 15 km depth below the foothills of the Higher Himalaya
in the south of MCT surface exposures. Big events of magnitude greater

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than eight are nucleated near the ramp flat transition and ruptures the whole ramp‐flat system up to
the blind thrust (MBT) of the Sub‐Himalaya (Pandey et. al., 1995).
This general model worked out for the Central Nepal can be applied to other parts of the Himalaya
with the evaluation of further subsequent ramping towards more south in the Lesser Himalaya and
the associated seismicity. This structural variation along Himalayan arc is responsible for the
segmentation of potential ruptures along the arc i.e. along the longitudinal direction.


Considering the above interpretation, the deterministic design earthquake can be taken as a sub‐
horizontal thrust of rupture extent of about 30 km occurring at a depth of 15 km within a plan
distance of a few km, (e.g., 5 km) from the site. The width of the rupture is proposed to be about
25 km. A magnitude of 7.0 is estimated from rupture area of 750 km2 with Ms = 4.15 + log A (Wyss,
1979). Actually there has been an earthquake of M = 7 at a distance of about 15 km from the site in
27 May 1936. However the epicentre may be closed to the site considering the uncertainty of
location. It should be noted that a similar environment exists in the Uttarkashi area of Garhawal
Himalaya where an event of magnitude Mb 6.5, Ms 7.1 occurred in 19 October 1991. Its moment
magnitude was Mw 6.8 with moment equal to (0.8‐ 1.8)* 10 E 19 N‐m. and the mechanism was a
low angle thrust. The rupture length is reported to be about 25 km with maximum slip of 2.5 m.
The deterministic assessment of maximum credible earthquake can be considered to be the big
earthquake rupturing the entire detachment of the Indian plate as discussed in the model and
therefore considered to be of magnitude of 8.3‐8.6 like other great earthquakes of the Himalaya.


Evaluation of peak ground acceleration is carried out by applying the mostly used formula of McGuire
(1968), Katayama (1975), Oliveira (1984) and Kawashima (1984) for the above earthquakes
concluded deterministically from seismo‐tectonic models.

Log A = 3.090 + 0.347 M ‐2 lag (R + 25) (C. Oliveira)

Log A = 2.308 + 0.411 M‐ 1.637lag‐(R + 30) (T. Katayama)

Log A = 2.674 +0.278 M – 1.30 1 log (R + 25) (R. K.

A = 1.006* 10E (0.216*M)*(R+30) E‐l.218 (Kawashima)
R = hypo central distance in kilometre

The recorded peak acceleration data in Uttarkashi earthquake of Ms = 7.1 of 1991 is 0.219 at a
distance of about 28 km. from the epicentre. Katayama's relation gives an estimate of 0.20g;
Kawashima's estimate is 0.23g while McGuire's relation estimates as 0.24g. Oliveira's relation
underestimates the acceleration.

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project PROBABILISTIC APPROACH

Preliminary seismic hazard assessment of the country using Gumbel's third asymptotic extremes with
the instrumental seismicity database of ISC is carried out by Bajracharya (1994) for different return
periods 50, 100, 200 and 300 years. Attenuation model with mean value of “McGuire and Oliveira"
(see above) is used for horizontal acceleration. Figure shows the seismic hazard and epicentre of the
earthquake in Nepal Himalaya and related to the Project area.

Return period (years) Peak horizontal acceleration (g)

50 0.10
100 0.15
200 0.20

The best estimate of ‘b’ value for the Project area is 0.84 as shown by the analysis of micro seismic
events. The 1991 event of Uttarkashi is considered by many investigators to be the repetition of
1833 event, which gives a basis for a recurrence of 158 years for 7.1 magnitude event in similar
geological setting. Moreover the observed slip of about 2.5m in Uttarkashi earthquake also is
consistent with 178 years of recurrence considering 70% contribution of 20 mm/year plate
convergence rate to seismic strain.

• The design earthquake for the Project is consistent with an Ms

= 7.0 earthquake, the epicentre of which is located within 5 km from
the project site and at a depth of 15 km. The event is similar to
Uttarkashi event of Garhwal Himalaya of Magnitude 7.1 which occurred
in 20 October 1991.

Estimate of peak ground acceleration due to the event at the Project site is 0.10‐ 0.15g. This value is
based on the return period of the big earthquake and also the west central part of the Nepal Himalaya
is seismic gap area.

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Figure Epicenter of the earthquake in Nepal Himalaya HISTORICAL SEISMIC ACTIVITY

The Nepal Himalaya has experienced several large earthquakes over the past centuries. The
earthquakes of larger magnitudes that have occurred in Nepal Himalaya are summarized below in
Table : .
Table Larger Magnituge of earthquake occurred in Nepal Himalaya
Location of Earthquake Year Magnitudes
S. N.
Udayapur, Eastern Nepal 1988 6.6
Chainpur, Eastern Nepal 1934 8.3

3 Dolakha, Central Nepal 1934 8.0

4 Sindhupalchowk, Central Nepal 1833 8.0

5 Kaski, Central Nepal 1954 6.4

6 Myagdi, Central Nepal 1936 7.0

7 Bajhang, Far Central Nepal 1980 6.5

8 Dharchula, Far Central Nepal 1966 6.1

Dharchula, Far Central Nepal 1966 6.3

Dharchula, Far Central Nepal 1916 7.3

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project EARTHQUAKE CATALOGUE

The National Building Code Development Project (BCDP, 1994) has developed an earthquake
catalogue using earthquake data catalogues of the US Geological Survey, The National Earthquake
Information Center (NEIC), National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration and National
Geological Data Center (NGDC). The complete earthquake catalogue for the magnitudes M 4.5 and
greater is given in Table below:.

Table Instrumentally recorded earthquake

S. N. Magnitudes Catalogue Year

1 M 6.0 and greater than M 6.0 Catalogue complete for the period 1911 to 1992

2 M 5.5 and greater than M 5.5 Catalogue complete for the period 1925 to 1992

3 M 5.9 and greater than M 5.9 Catalogue complete for the period early 1960 to 1992

4 M 4.5 and greater than M 4.5 Catalogue complete for the period late 1970 to 1980s

The largest event reported in the catalogue is the magnitude 8.3 Bihar–Nepal earthquake (Chainpur),
which appears to have occurred in 1934.

Several seismicity studies have been carried out for the various projects in the country during the
engineering design phase and seismic design coefficients have been derived for the project. There
are several methods to convert the maximum acceleration of the earthquake motion into the design
seismic coefficient. Generally, three methods are commonly used to establish the seismic coefficient.
These are:
• The Simplest Method
• The Empirical Method
• The Dynamic Analysis Method using Dynamic Model
The effective design seismic coefficient is determined by using the simplest method, the following

Where, Aeff is effective design seismic coefficient R=Reduction factor (empirical value R=0.50‐0.65).
The result obtained from this method is found to be similar in the recent studies carried out by using
the dynamic analysis and the static analysis. Therefore, this method is considered to be the most
common method to establish the design seismic coefficient at present.

The third method is the Dynamic Analysis Method using the dynamic model. This method is
considered to be te most reasonable method at present. However, to apply the this method
parameters like the design input motion, the soil structure model, the properties of the rock
materials have to be known, and therefore, it means that a detailed study is required to use this
method. Therefore, the Empirical Method is considered to be the best to establish the design seismic
coefficient for this level of the study.

A project specific seismicity study has already carried out for the Budhigandaki Hydropower Project

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

and Middle Marshyangdi Hydropower Project, and recommended design seismic coefficient for the
probable earthquake of VIII intensity MM. The Budhigandaki and Marshyangdi Hydropower Project
are located in same Himalayan terrain than the present project area. The project area is located
about 50 km aerial distance from the Budhigandaki Hydropower Project. The area is about 5 km
south from the Main Central Thrust. So, the design seismic coefficient for the Madhya Midim Small
Hydropower project has been derived on the basis of the above empirical method.

The evaluation of seismic coefficient for the Madhya Midim small Hydropower Project was based on
both the Nepalese and Indian Standard. NEPALESE STANDARD

In order to determine the seismic coefficient a seismic design code for Nepal has been prepared.
The country is derived into the three seismic zones based on allowable bearing capacity of three
types of the soil formation. The proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower project lies in the
seismic zone 2 of the Nepal Himalaya. The soil of the foundation at the dam site belongs to average
soil type is quartzite. Therefore, the basic horizontal seismic coefficient is considered to be 0.50. By
using the above empirical method, the effective design coefficient according to the seismic design
code of Nepal is given by the equation:

Aeff = R*Amax/980

Where, Aeff is effective design

seismic coefficient R =

Reduction factor (empirical value


For the minimum acceleration of 250 gal, reduction factor of 0.50 the calculated effective design
seismic coefficient is approximately 0.13.
For the maximum acceleration of 300 gal, reduction factor of 0.50 the calculated effective design
seismic coefficient is approximately 0.15.

Hence, the design horizontal seismic coefficient ranges from 0.13 to 0.15 (calculated values). Based
on above results the design seismic coefficient for the Project can be taken in the range of 0.13 to
0.15 which is more or less same value represented from the return period of the earthquake. If the
structures fall on the different types of the soil (residual, colluvial and alluvial soil), the recommended
values of the PGA can be increased by 20%.


A construction material investigation was conducted in the vicinity of the headwork and powerhouse
sites along the Midim Khola in the project area. The investigation is focused on locating prospective
borrows areas of non‐cohesive materials, which are to be used mainly as an ingredient of concrete.
The prospective borrow sites were identified as sources of coarse aggregates.

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The construction material survey was carried out for the following purposes:

• Identification of the location, estimation of quantity of sand and

other possible construction material in and around the construction
• Site identification and determination of relevant materials available
along riverbeds that can be used as concrete aggregates.
Table 4.12-1: Volume and Location of the construction materials

Location Percentage Volume Composition Stability Source Land Use

of clasts (m3) condition
N of
Midim Boulder‐ More Gneiss (60%), Stable River bed Barren
Khola 60%, than quartzite
Cobble and sufficient (20%), schist
pebble 30%, (10%) and
sands‐10% limestone 10%

Marsyangdi Boulder‐ More Gneiss (60%), Stable River bed Barren

River 40%, than quartzite
Cobble and sufficient (20%), schist
pebble 50%, (10%) and
sands‐10% limestone 10%

# Sample not collected


The Midim Khola is the high gradient, steep sided river in the Project area. Gravels and boulders are
the dominant materials available in the Midim Khola. Boulders, gravels and very little quantity of sand
are available on the Midim Khola riverbed and river terraces. The river terrace consists of sun‐
angular to well-rounded sandy gravels with some boulders. The composition of gravels and boulders
available in the Midim Khola is quartzite, gneiss and schist. The percentage of boulder materials is
60‐70%, that of gravels is 20‐30% and fines up to 10%. These construction materials are available
within short haulage distance. Since sufficient number of coarse materials are available around the
project areas like boulders and gravels. But sand size materials are not available in sufficient quantity.
Sands can be extracted either from the Marsyangdi River or crushing of the gneiss excavation from
the waterways. For these sand size materials, crushers should be installed in the suitable sites.

The requisite quantities of construction material like boulders, cobble, gravel and sand are generally
available in and around the project. Point bar deposits of the Midim Khola. These deposits
predominantly consist of gneiss and schist boulder, cobble and gravel including some
quartzite. The location as well as the expected volume and composition and list of the laboratory
tests the materials are presented in Table.

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The proposed project location is in midland Group of Lesser Himalaya of Western Nepal. The
project site belongs to Ranimata formation comprised grey‐ green gritty phyllite, with some
conglomerate layer and white massive quartzite.
The area is located south of the MCT and thrust developed within the Ranimatta Formation. The
activation of the thrusts are considered as minimal.
The stability condition in rock of the right bank of the Midim Khola has good. There is less chance
to occur the failures. The dip direction of the rocks have been found northwest which is opposite
to the natural hill slope and also the dip amounts are very gentle and are about 15 degrees show the
hills of the rocks are quite stable. So, there are no such a considerable landslide noted in the project
area. At the headwork site, considerable debris flow deposits at right bank at the confluence of
Chhere Khola and Midim Khola was observed. Also, the left bank of the river flood plain has been
cutting by Midim Khola. As the bed rock outcrops are far from the river bed level in weir site suitable
precaution should be taken for construction of weir regarding the flood hazard.
The headrace water alignment runs through the alluvial, colluvial and partly on the bedrocks. As the
bed rocks are slightly weathered, and the rocks are moderately hard and gentle dipping opposite to
the natural hill slope suggest that the bed rocks are quite stable. The power house exits in the alluvial
deposits whose thickness is about 8m loaded by bed rocks.
Sufficient construction materials can be extracted from the riverbed of the Midim Khola. Boulder as
well as sands can be found along the riverbed.
Muck disposal area is located in the flat area of the project area.

The following investigations are recommended for detail design project.

• Adequate protection measures such as check dam should be

constructed across the Chhere Khola to protect from debris

• Necessary protection measures at critical locations on the canal

alignment such as in gully are necessary.

• The calculated values of the seismic coefficient are considered

as 0.15g. if the structures founded on the soil the PGA value
requires to increase by 20% of the recommended value.

• It is recommended to determine the physic‐mechanical

properties of the construction materials during the construction

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Proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project is a run‐of‐river type project. It utilizes water
of Midim Khola. The major structural components of the project are 30m long diversion weir, 8.9m
wide intake, 8m wide undersluice, 30m long intake canal, 165m long Desilting basin, 3265m long
headrace pipe of 2.2m internal diameter, 6m diameter surge shaft, 360m long penstock pipe, 28.75
m by 13.35 m power house, and 20 m long tailrace canal. The alternate option consists of same
location of headworks and powerhouse but the different option of waterway ie. canal and or tunnel.

The headworks of the project has been fixed at about 100 m upstream of the confluence between
Midim Khola and Chhere Khola. Left bank at the headworks area lies at Malin VDC whereas the
right bank is at Gilun VDC. The project has been optimized to generate 4,890 kW electricity. The
design discharge has been fixed at 6.27 m3/s. Considering the headworks site, fixed installed capacity,
hydrology of the river, and topographical constraints, the powerhouse site has been fixed about 3265
m downstream of the intake site. Powerhouse site is located in Karapu VDC, just upstream of Midim
khola confluence with Hadi Khola in the right bank. After fixing the intake, connecting canal,
desanding basin and powerhouse sites, there would be different alternative options in the conveyance
of water from desanding basin up to powerhouse site. The possible alternative options for water
conveyance might be tunnel, pressure canal, or steel penstock pipe alignment or the combination
between all alternatives. Both advantages and drawbacks for all options are discussed briefly below.

The tunnel option is avoided due to the following reasons:

• The minimum thickness of overburden for the tunnel

construction should be twice the diameter of tunnel, which is
not available throughout the alignment, and

• As the nature of the river flow is almost straight with nominal

meanderings and is devoid of appreciable loop pattern, length of
tunnel would become almost same to that of open canal or
penstock pipe. In such a case, the cost of constructing tunnel
would be much higher.
Then between the remaining two options‐ canal option and penstock option,
the penstock pipe option is proposed having taken into consideration the
following factors:
• Head loss will be reduced and hence net head will be increased
during dry months in the penstock option for the same gross
head of canal option,

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• As per site topography, laying out of penstock pipe is easier

compared to the construction of canal,

• As the canal alignment follows steep terrain or rocky area at

few places, the cost of the project will be increased due to
excavation, protection works and environment mitigation

• Penstock alignment option avoids the problems of

sedimentation due to land erosion during water conveyance as
in the case of canal option,

• The seepage loss can be controlled in the penstock pipe option,

• The adverse environmental impacts of penstock option will

be minimum compared to that of canal option,

• In penstock option, most of the alignment is kept buried

thus preventing the encroachment of fertile land, and
Hence, steel penstock pipe alignment option has been recommended for Madhya Midim
Small Hydropower Project.


The recommended layout for the proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower project is the steel
penstock pipe alignment. The project layout showing all of its major components has been presented
in Volume‐II of this report.

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This chapter presents the methodology and assumptions considered for the optimization of the
project to determine the optimum cost-effective project size i.e. the Optimum Plant Capacity. The
optimization study is conducted to determine the optimum plant capacity.
The optimization study is carried out taking a range of technically viable alternative plant capacities.
As per available mean monthly river discharge data and available head, energy calculated at different
plant capacities. Project cost at different capacity is derived by calculating the cost of major items of
different structures involved in the project such as diversion weir, settling basin, water conveyance
system, powerhouse and tailrace. Optimization study includes the cost of different alternatives and
their financial parameters. The alternative with minimum generation cost has been selected as the
optimum project size.


The objective of the optimization study is to determine a technically most feasible project capacity,
which will produce the energy at minimum cost. As such, the derivation of project cost and its
benefits in terms of energy produced will be required to form a matrix of different alternatives from
which the optimum project capacity could be selected. The study would also require determination
of optimum dimensions of various project structures or components like water conveyance system,
penstock and water level at headwork. These studies are based on available hydrological,
topographical and geological data, which indicated that an installed capacity in the range of 4.8 MW
would be most feasible at the proposed site.
The optimization process is undertaken as a financial analysis with results expressed as financial costs
and benefits. Conceptual layouts are developed for each alternative from which cost estimates are
prepared. The power benefits are determined for each alternative and compared with costs.
The objective is to determine the element size, which maximizes the benefits of power supply. The
optimization procedure in this study follows the general procedure outlined below.

• Selection of the procedures to be optimized and their

range and thus establishing series of alternatives.
• For each alternative, carrying out the conceptual design and
produce cost estimate.
• For each alternative, assessment of its performance and estimate its
Comparison of the costs and benefits and carrying out economic
For each case of the installed capacity, a preliminary layout on the available topographical map was
carried out and preliminary cost estimate is derived including electro‐mechanical costs. Common
costs like cost for environmental mitigation, access road and transmission line are not considered in
this study. For each case, energy calculation depending on the available hydrological data was carried
out to determine the dry and wet energy.
The major project structures which differ from one case to another with different installed capacity
are listed below.

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• Gated weir & Undersluice

• Intake & Desanding basin
• Waterways
• Surge tank & Penstock
• Powerhouse and tailrace
• Hydro‐mechanical structures like gates and trash‐racks
• Electro‐mechanical equipment like turbine, generator, power
transformer and valves etc.
Quantity estimate and tentative costs are calculated for each of these structures. Water conveyance
system is the major variable in the cost of different alternatives and is optimum for the given head
and discharge characteristics of the installed capacity. For electro‐mechanical costs supplier’s
quotations of various recent projects in Nepal is based on per kilowatt cost of equipment on “water
to wire basis”. Since detailed rate analysis were not carried out, the unit rates for various works
based on the projects of similar nature is considered.
The following assumptions are made for the optimization studies.

• Discount rate is taken as 10%.

• Financial analysis is carried out for 30 years.
• Operation and maintenance cost is assumed to be about 1.5%
of the total financial cost.
• The construction period of the project is assumed to be 3 years
with cost distribution of 25%, 50% and 25% in the first, second and third
• The price of energy generated and supplied to the NEA grid has
been taken from the fixed rates with NEA by the developer with
capacity less than 25 MW capacity. The initial average energy price is
average of dry and wet season energy price adopted by NEA. An annual
increment of 3% for first 6 years is considered.
• Efficiency of turbine, generators and transformers considered
are 91%, 96% and 99% respectively.
Financial evaluation was carried out using discounted cash flow techniques for each case to determine
economic indicators like benefit‐cost(B/C) ratio, internal rate of return (EIRR), specific energy cost
and net present value(NPV) of the project. The economic indiators for all the cases were tabulated
and appropriate charts drawn. The case producing the maximum RoE,
B/C ratio and minimum specific energy cost was then selected as the optimum and detailed studies
should be carried out for this option.


The capacity and energy potential of a particular option is dependent on the river flows. The long
term mean monthly flows at the intake site of the project are derived from hydrological analysis
carried out in detail for this project. The mean monthly flow series is shown in Table.
Table 6.2-1: Average Monthly flows

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Discharge (m3/s)

April 3.16

May 3.87


July 15.76

August 21.89

December 3.69

These flows have been used in the computations of dry and wet energies and the capacity potential
for project optimization
To maintain the aquatic life in the dewatered reach of the river, 10% of the minimum monthly flow,
i.e., 0.289 m3/s will be released from the headworks. The percentage flow equaled or exceeded of
the project is presented below in Table .
Table 6.2-2: Percentage of flow exceedence
of exceedence (%) Discharge (m3/s)

5 21.33

20 14.19

25 11.82

40 6.27

45 4.84

50 4.18

60 3.61

65 3.42

80 3.04

95 2.86

100 2.78

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The layout of the project components consist of gated weir with side intake in the Midim Khola. The
water drawn from intake passes towards connecting canal and desanding basin. Just after settling
basin, a low pressure penstock is proposed for the water conveyance up to the surge tank. The
water conveyance from the Desanding basin to the powerhouse consists of headrace pipe, surge
shaft and penstock pipe.
The sizes of all individual structures for each capacity option were computed to determine the
respective cost of the structure for the purpose of optimization. As the flood hydrology does not
change for the different cases, the design of gated weir and undersluice has been kept constant.
However, change in the installed capacity changes the design discharge; accordingly, the sizes of
settling basin and mainly the penstock pipe cost were adjusted. The diameters of the penstock are
designed based on the annual costs and benefits. Powerhouse size is also changed inconsideration to
the equipment capacity.
Preliminary quantity and cost estimates were developed for all the cases considered. Only the major
items were computed in detail, while minor items were estimated based on the rates and data of
similar structures of other projects. As the optimization is a relative process, it was considered
sufficiently reliable for comparison purposes. Unit rates were derived from completed projects in
Nepal of this range of capacity of recent projects undertaken by NEA and other private developers
with some modifications. Electro‐mechanical equipment costs have been estimated with reference
to similar size of projects and from quotations of different suppliers and manufacturers and also
based on the recent projects by private developers. The cost estimates also considered the costs
for access roads, infrastructure development and environmental mitigation costs. Technical
contingencies have been taken into account for obtaining the total implementation cost of the


In order to determine the optimum installed capacity of the project, a total of five alternatives ranging
from 2.87 MW to 7.44 MW with varying exceedence flows ranging from 30% to 60% flow
exceedence were considered to derive the optimum plant capacity. Different alternative capacity
and corresponding energy generation capacity have been calculated.
As the project is run‐of‐river scheme, energy productions were calculated for all alternatives
considering average monthly flows as given in Table. The energy produced is categorized into dry
and wet energy. The design discharge given above were derived for each of the flows assuming an
overall efficiency of turbine, generator and transformer as 86.50 % and the headloss for each design
flow is calculated in the water conveyance system. Gross head is calculated from the water level at
the surge tank to the normal level of tailrace. The summary of range of options and various types of
energy produced are given in Table.
Table 6.4-1: Summary for different option
Discharge Power Energy Financial Cost
% of Exceedence
(m3/s) (MW) (GWh) (Mill. NRs)

30 9.59 7.44 38.93 1180.5

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40 6.27 4.8 30.78 914.32

50 4.18 3.33 24.46 772.78

60 3.61 2.87 22.08 720.87

Figure 6.4-1 : Variation of NPV with different discharge


The financial analysis of the different alternatives was carried out by comparing the project cost in
each case, the implementation cost and operation costs with accrued benefits due to energy
production. Financial analysis was carried out to determine the basic economic parameters like net
present value (NPV), economic internal rate of return (EIRR), benefit‐cost ratio (B/C) and specific
energy cost. The results of the economic analysis for all the cases are summarized in Table and

Table 6.5-1: Summary for Economic analysis of different option

Power B/C RoE (%) NPV Specific Energy

(MW) Ratio (Mill NRs) Cost
7.44 1.17 22.10 195.56 4.59
4.8 1.22 24.07 199.12 4.64
3.33 1.13 20.32 101.85 5.08
2.87 1.09 18.89 61.37 5.32
From the above table, it is evident that the economic parameters like B/C ratio and RoE are
maximum and the levelized cost of energy is minimum for plant capacity at 4.8 MW as shown

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Figure 6.5-1:Return on equity with different discharges

Figure 6.5-2 : Specific Energy cost for different installed Capacity


The studies undertaken revealed that the installed capacity could be in the range of 4.8 MW as this
gave the maximum values of economic indicators. With respect to B/C ratio, internal rate of return
and the specific energy cost (economic and financial both) the optimum installed capacity is
determined as 4.8 MW. Being a run‐of‐river project lower installation is preferred as the higher
installation will only increase the production of secondary energy in the wet season, which is very
hard to realize in the Nepal Power system. Hence, plant capacity of 4.8 MW is selected as the
optimum case and recommended for the detail engineering of the project. The optimum plant
capacity of 4.8 MW corresponds to the design discharge of 6.27 m3/s which is 40% of flow
exceedance of source river Midim Khola.

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Proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project (MMSHP) is a run‐of‐the‐river type project. The
proposed system of the power plant will be run at its full capacity of 4.8 MW for about 5 months of a
year. The design discharge of the proposed plant is 6.27 m3/s and has about 40‐ percentile probability
of exceedance. The river gradient is quite steep with 101 m of gross head available for the project in
about 3620 m downstream of headworks. The proposed project layout is the best option selected
amongst the various alternatives during the study. The project layout is finalized based on the findings of
the site visits.


Based on the scheme optimization, installed capacity of 4.8 MW has been found optimum. The design
discharge for the optimum capacity is 6.27 m3/s which has 40‐percentile probability of exceedance. In
addition to the design discharge, the headworks is also capable to divert 30% more of the design
discharge for sediment flushing from settling basin.

The major components of the headworks are diversion weir, under sluice, orifice type side intake,
approach canal and settling basin with flushing canal.

The design of the headworks is based on the following design criteria:

• Structures should not be vulnerable to hazard floods, i. e., free

overflow weir is required.

• All the bed load of the river must pass through the undersluice
without any build up at intake opening site.

• Floating debris must not cause blockage at the intake openings.

• 100‐year return period flood has been considered to calculate

height of the flood walls.
Bottom of the intake orifice is 1 m above river bed level so larger gravel size are not expected to enter
into the intake. Design discharge is 6.27 m3/s and additional flow equal to 30% of the design discharge
for settling basin has been considered.
• Sediment exclusion for 90% of 0.2 mm or greater sized particles
from the settling basin has been considered. All suspended
sediment larger than 0.2 mm shall be flushed back to the river.

• Conventional hydraulic flushing has been adopted.

• All components must be hydraulically, geotechnically and structurally stable.

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The head loss is a major concern, and thus the hydraulic parameters were checked in design water
conveyance system to ensure a safe passage of design flow with minimum head loss. The head losses in
the different components of the headworks have been calculated to arrive at total head loss in the


During normal flow, the level of water will be maintained at crest level 731.0 masl. In order to maintain
downstream environmental release, 10% of the driest mean monthly flow will be released at the
downstream of river throughout the year. During dry season, all gates (gates of gravel trap and
undersluice) will be kept closed.

During high flood, excess flow will be spilled through the weir. Depending upon head over weir crest,
flow through orifice will be pressurized. In this condition, flow is regulated by means of undersluice gates,
the gates at the beginning of the approach canal. The approach canal will convey the flow required for
settling basin flushing and design discharge. During operation, the flow will be controlled by gates located
at the intake and spillway proposed in transition canal.

Regarding sediment control, small sized sediments i.e. particle size greater than or equal to 2mm will be
trapped in the gravel trap and will be flushed through gravel flush while smaller sized sediments will be
trapped in settling basin whereas bigger sized boulders and debris will be flushed through the under
sluice provided just front of intake. In order to ensure diversion and safe passage of bed load and prevent
excessive sediment entering into the intake, guide/ divide wall is proposed between sluiceway and weir.
To control the flow regime in the headworks area, flood protection wall has been proposed on both
banks on the upstream and downstream area of the weir. The top level of flood protection wall is
maintained at 734.45 masl for 100‐year flood with freeboard of 1.25 m. It is considered that during higher
floods, there will be some damages though of repairable nature.


The proposed diversion weir is located at about 580 m upstream from Chhere Khola at Gilun. The
sediment transport in Midim River is high during the monsoon season with the particle size
ranging from sand particles to big boulders. At the other hand during dry season sediment transportation
is nearly nil. The diversion weir shall not disturb the sediment transport pattern in the river. Total
catchment area of the project is 103.69km2, among them 17.9km2 lies above 3’000 masl and remaining
85.79km2 lies below the 3’000 masl. To prevent large damages during the probable maximum flood, a
simple uncontrolled free overflow diversion weir of concrete is proposed with a provision of under
sluice on the left bank. There will be two hydraulic operated lift gates to control the flow and bed load
deposition in front of the intake. The diversion weir is designed to maintain water level to divert 6.27
m3/s discharge. It will generate 4.8 MW of power using 101 m of gross head. The operation level of
water at intake is maintained at 731.0 masl during normal flow. In addition, the weir facilitates safe

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overflow of 100‐year flood flow of 401.91 m3/s. With the assumptions of severe conditions, the
operating platform level has been set at 736 masl elevation considering 100‐year flood.

One of the critical design parameters for the intake orifice and weir is the elevation of the crest. If the
crest level is too high, not only increases the submergence area and cost of construction but also
increases the risk of seepage under the weir and scour at the downstream toe. Too low a crest level
makes the intake sill to be seated near to the riverbed causing problem of bed load and sediment load.
Flushing head at the settling basin will also be insufficient if the weir height is not sufficiently high. After
assessment of these factors, the proposed weir crest level has been set at a level of 731 masl.

The upstream side of the weir is vertical and the downstream profile is parabolic and slope in average is
1:1 (V: H). Boulder riprap at upstream of weir is provided for the stability of riverbed as well as to
protect the intake site.

To prevent the off tracking of the river due to the construction of diversion weir, bank protection is
provided on both banks. The flood protection wall is designed for flood of 100 years’ return period.
Both banks consist of exposed steep rock slope.

7.1.3 INTAKE

According to the river characteristics at the headworks area, orifice type side intake is the best
alternative. The top of the orifice is kept below the weir crest level. Such arrangement has the following

• Side intake is simpler and less expensive than other types of

intake from construction, operation and maintenance point of

• Side intake does not allow excessive flow into the intake
during floods, minimizing associated bed load handling problem.

• It will minimize entry of bed load.

• It also helps to minimize entry of floating debris.
The intake consists of three orifices of size 2.6 m x 1.6m (BxH) each, on the intake right bank headwall.
The sill level of the intake opening is set at an elevation of 729 masl. The entrance velocity through the
opening is calculated as 0.98 m/s during normal flow. During the flood of 100 yrs’ return period, 24.85
m3/s of water will enter through the orifice.
It is assumed that the bed load up to 50 mm diameter will pass through the intake orifice and will be
conveyed through gravel trap flushing and the settling basin flushing to downstream of the weir. Intake
platform is fixed at elevation 736 masl for the gate operation, with the level fixed for 100‐year flood with
free board of about 1.25 m. A ladder will be placed over the intake culvert as an access to the platform.

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The proposed undersluice is located on the left side of the diversion weir and is basically proposed for
the prevention of the large amount of sediment from entering in to the intake and in addition to pass a
portion of high flood discharge and bed load in the river downstream. However, during the low flow
season the design discharge shall be allowed to flow through the intake by closing the sluice gate. The
total width of undersluice is 6m( two undersluice each of width 2.5m and a divide wall of 1m) and floor
of the sluice is 3.8 m below the crest elevation of the weir i.e. at an elevation of 727.2 masl.

Two steel lift gates, each of 2.5 m overall span and 2 m height, have been provided on the sluiceway
opening. Besides, stop‐log has been provided in front of the gate for repair and maintenance of the
working gate. When water rises to the design flood level of 734.45 m, the discharge through the
undersluice, with gates fully opened, would be about 60.29 m3/sec.
During normal condition, the gate of the undersluice remains closed so as to ensure available flow into
the waterways. During flood flow, the regime inside the undersluice will be pressurized and boulders
will be flushed out downstream of the weir. Hence, hard stone lining is proposed to prevent bed
scouring. Boulders bigger than the size which cannot be dragged by the pressure head will be taken out
during regular maintenance.


Stilling basin has been proposed at downstream of weir and undersluice, respectively, to dissipate the
energy of upstream water. Length of the stilling basin depends on the length of hydraulic jump whereas
length of jump depends on the sequent depths. Thickness of the stilling basin has been calculated from
seepage analysis. Design of stilling basin is carried out based on “Hydraulic Design of Stilling Basins and
Energy Dissipaters” published by the United States Department of the Interior Bureau of Reclamation.

Froude numbers before and after jump are found to be 4.2 and 0.33 respectively. Since the Froude
number before the hydraulic jump is greater than 3.93, Type II stilling basin has been proposed. Expected
energy loss in the stilling basin is 41.36 % of the initial energy. Bed level of stilling basin has been kept at
724.61 masl. Total Length of the stilling basin has been proposed as 21 m. Two cut‐offs are provided at
upstream and downstream of weir and undersluice portion to reduce the seepage flow. Depth of two
cut‐offs at start and end are 4 m and 5 m depth respectively.


A coarse trashrack is provided just before the intake orifice. A Gravel Trap of size 8 m x 6 m x
2.7 m (LxBxH) is introduced after intake portion with 11m transition canal following right after the
gravel trap where a 10m is provided to spill the flood water entering through the intake. The Gravel
trap traps the sediment of sizes greater than or equal to 2mm and flushes them along the gravel flush.
The water spilled along the spillway canal and the sediments flushed through the gravel trap is discharged
at the downstream of the weir at the stilling basin.

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Total length of approach canal is 145 m. The water passed through the gravel trap and the transition
canal gets conveyed to the settling basin through approach canal. Flow in this canal will be open channel
flow. The cross‐section of approach canal is 2.8 m x 1.9 m. Depth of the water for design discharge will
be 1.4 m. During the normal operation (with 6.27m3/s intake flow), the velocity in approach canal will
be 1.76 m/s. Flow in the approach canal will be controlled by the gates provided at the intake which are
accessible during floods and for maintenance purpose.



The objective of the settling basin is to allow suspended sediment particles to settle down within the
basin by reducing the turbulence level and to be deposited at the bottom of the basin. The deposits are
then removed through a flushing culvert located at the end of the settling basin.

Settling conditions are obtained by reducing the transit velocity of the water so the effect of gravity
increases relative to the effect of the turbulence. The suspended particles will not follow the movement
of the water because the fall velocity of the particles will create a flux of sediments downwards. The
transit velocity in the settling basin will normally be in the range of
to 0.4 m/s, depending on the design criteria for particle size and to some extent on the size and shape
of the area available for settling basins. At this stage of planning, a transit velocity of
m/s within effective cross‐sectional area of flow is adopted.
The performance of a settling basin is guided by its ability to trap suspended sediments and its ability to
remove the trapped deposits from the settling basins, i.e., the qualities of the adopted sediment flushing

Considering the availability of water for flushing settling basin is designed for continuous flushing during
flood and intermittent flushing during dry season, so additional 10% of the design discharge is also
considered for the design. A hopper type basin with continuous flushing is found cheaper, gives the best
settling performance and has excellent reliability. Two chambers are proposed in the settling basin
considering the site conditions and also to ensure continuous supply of flow for power production when
one settling basin chamber will be closed for maintenance.

The settling basin is designed to trap 90% of 0.2 mm particles sized sediment. It will have two equal
settling chambers in series, each 65 m long and 6 m wide. Total length of the settling basin is 85 m. The
maximum flow velocity in main settling zone is 0.19 m/s. 22m long inlet transition zone has horizontal
and vertical transition slope of about 1:5 and 1:4 respectively. The flushing culvert of the settling basin
has a slope of 1 in 50. The top of the settling basin wall is fixed at 731.08 masl. From the settling basin
the water will pass through headrace pipe.

The flushing system is designed as an intermittent type during dry season (or low flow season), though

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there is provision of continuous flushing during high flood period. The settling basin bottom flushing
channels are connected with flushing culvert of size 1.2 m x 1.2 m which convey the deposited sediment
into the downstream river course through 65m long flushing culvert.


Left bank is selected as suitable alignment for headrace waterways of the project to convey the flow
from the settling basin to the penstock. Total length of the headrace pipe is 3620 m.


The design of the headrace has been based on the following criteria:

• The maximum design discharge is 6.27 m3/s.

• The flow is assumed to be pressurized flow for the design of headrace pipe.


Headpond is located on the left bank of Midim Khola at the end of settling basin. The purpose of the
intake is to draw water into headrace pipe. An arrangement to prevent debris flow inside the headrace
pipe is provided by a fine trashrack in front of the headpond. The headrace pipe entrance is lowered by
3.3 m from the surface of desander outletto prevent vortex. The size of the headpond is 5.2m x 4m


The headrace pipe conveys the flow to the penstock pipe and thereby to the turbines. Design flow of
6.27 m3/s will be conveyed through the headrace tunnel. The design of headrace pipe is based on the
optimization with respect to energy loss versus increase in cost of pipe per unit increase in diameter.
Spreadsheets were prepared to carry out the optimization. The optimum size of headrace pipe for the
design discharge is calculated as 1.8 m with average pipe thickness of 12mm and a velocity constraint of
2.46 m/s. The total length of the pipe from the headpond down to the surge tank is around 3620 m.


An anchor block is a mass of concrete fixed into the ground which holds the penstock and restrain its
movements. Movement of the penstock occurs due to various forces. These forces include forces due
to dead weight of penstock and water being carried, expansion and contraction forces, water hammer
pressure and forces on the bends. A total of 56 Anchor blocks are required to accommodate the
horizontal and the vertical bends of the headrace pipe alignment and to provide the necessary degree of
stability to the pipe assembly along with 2 small blocks to accommodate the bifurcated pipe to

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powerhouse. The sizing of the blocks are done as per the nature of bends in the pipe and also the
considerations on the safety against overturning, safety against bearing capacity and safety against sliding.

Support piers are short column structures placed between along the straight sections of exposed
penstock pipes. These structures prevent the pipe from sagging and becoming over stressed. Support
piers restrain the vertical forces of the penstock resulting from the weight of the pipe and water.
However, they allow axial movement resulting from thermal expansion or contraction. These blocks are
lighter than anchor blocks and save overall cost of support action. These blocks are placed in between
the consecutive anchor blocks at an interval of around 6m. There are total of about 214 support piers
along the entire headrace pipe alignment.


The surge analysis of the proposed surge tank has been conducted as per Thoma’s Equation which allows
us to calculate the minimum required area of the surge tank and thus allowing us to determine the
diameter of the surge tank.

The critical section for stability is given by Thoma’s Equation,


AST = minimum cross sectional area of surge tank, m2

v = velocity in pipe, m/s

Ap = cross sectional area of pipe

Lp = length of headrace pipe

hf = headloss in pipe

H = gross head

For a sudden 100% load rejection,

2 1
Zup = 1 — Po + Po2*Zmax
3 9

And for 100%

load acceptance,

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Zdown = (1 —

2Po) ∗ Zmax


Where, Zup and Zdown are maximum upsurge and maximum

downsurge respectively.

As per the calcualtions, a cylindrical restricted orifice type surge tank with 5 m diameter is proposed for
the stability of the surges. This analysis showed that the downsurge reaches to
721.67 masl and the upsurge reaches to 734.02 masl. But the top level of the surge tank is fixed to 736.25
masl as per topographic condition which is very safe so that the water will not get spilled even in worst
case of upsurge. A steel wire mesh manhole on top of the surge tank is provided for access during
Based on the calculations, the study came to propose the surge tank with following features:

• Type : Restricted orifice type

• Shape of surge shaft : cylindrical

• Diameter : 5m

• Height : 89 m

• Static water level : 722.10 masl

• Maximum upsurge level : 734.02 masl

• Minimum down surge level : 721.67 masl


Steel penstock pipe is provided to convey water from surge tank under pressure to turbine. From the
optimization the internal diameter of penstock is 1.8 m before bifurcation & 1.3 m after bifurcation.The
wall thickness of penstock pipe varies from 10 mm to 14 mm. The pipe will be manufactured from Plate
of Standard SM400B or equivalent. The thickness was calculated by taking the effect of water hammer

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by 10% along with the 2 mm corrosion allowance. The total length of the penstock is about 30 m
including the penstock pipe length after bifurcation. The design flow velocity in the main penstock pipe
is 2.46 m/sec.

The penstock starts from surge tank at an elevation of 647.6 masl. During this study, the pipe thickness
has been varied in three stretches as per the design criteria that show the thickness of the pipe for
different gross heads. Thickness transition in accordance with internal pressure criteria shall be reduced
at the time of detailed design and material procurement. The optimization study of penstock pipe for
different arrangement and different operating modes are carried out and presented in Table .
Table 7.4-1: Thickness of penstock pipe for different head
Section Internal Length (m) Thickness (mm)
diameter (mm)
1 Head 0 to 25 m 1800 369.5 8

Head 25 to 53.75 m 1800 1097.10 8

Head 53.75 to 80.5m 1800 1391.10 10
Head 80.5 to 86.1 m 1800 564.30 12

5 Head upto 101 m (bif) 1300 30 14


The steel penstock pipe is designed for the following conditions:

(a) To resist the internal pressure, the internal pressure is of the sum of the static
head and the pressure rise due to water hammer plus high surge water level, which
are defined as follows:

(i) Static head is the difference between the elevation of the tailrace water and weir crest


Weir crest level = EL 731.0 m Tailrace water level = EL 630

(ii) Pressure rise due to water hammer

The maximum water hammer pressure is 10% of gross head.

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(iii) The maximum water level at the Surge Tank is at elevation of 734.02m.

(b) To resist the external pressures

The penstock pipe if encased in concrete is capable of resisting the following external pressure when
the penstock is empty. The factor of safety for pipe shall against buckling under the external pressure is
not less than 1.5.

The external pressure at the embedded portion of the penstock pipe is assumed to be as a water head
equivalent to the difference between the centerline of the penstock pipe and the elevation of the ground

The thickness of the penstock pipe shall require to withstand the external pressure shall not be less than
that required by Amstutz’s formula for embedded pipe.

The external design pressure of the penstock pipe is a water head of 3 m during dewatering
operation for the surface penstock and head of ground surface to the centerline of penstock
for embedded type Penstock. The penstock where embedded in all the horizontal portions is capable of
resisting the external pressure due to contact grouting between the pipe shells and secondary concrete.
The grouting pressure for designing the penstock pipe is 3 kgf/cm2.

(c) To resist the axial forces

The penstock pipe is capable of resisting the axial forces. The considerable axial
forces are as follows:

(i) Bending stress due to restraining the pipe shell expansion by the stiffener rings.

(ii) Stress due to the weight of the penstock steel pipe at the inclined portions.

(iii) Stress due to axial component of internal pressure acting on the reducing pipes.

(iv) Stress due to temperature variation of the penstock during water filling.

(v) Stress due to Poisson's effect.

(d) To resist the loads due to handling during fabrication, transportation and

field erection. (e)To reduce hydraulic frication losses in the penstock to a


The maximum deflection angle between segments of a bend is 7.5 degrees. Under such inevitable cases
as right angle bend pipes, bifurcating pipes, and the like, the radius of curvatures of the pipes may be

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equal or greater than, 3 times of the inside diameter of the pipe.


The stresses of steel plates and structural steels, for SM490B or equivalent steel,are as given below:
Table Steel Plates thickness and Yield Stress

Thickness ≤ 16 Thickness ≥ 16 to ≤ 40 Thickness ≥ 40

Stress mm mm

Yield Point Stress 365 MPa 355 MPa 335 MPa

490 to 610 MPa

Ultimate Tensile

(i) Ample factors of safety are used throughout the design of the equipment,
especially in the design of parts and components subject to alternating stresses,
vibration, impact or shock.

Under maximum normal operating conditions and hydrostatic pressure test conditions respectively, the
unit stress in the material shall not exceed the following values:

50% of the yield strength

Parts under static stress
35% of the yield strength
Parts under dynamic, alternating stresses and rotating
70% of the yield strength (during
Parts under hydrostatic test pressures

Rotating parts under maximum runaway conditions 75% of the yield strength

The design assumes full responsibility for an adequate design and shall use
lower stresses wherever necessary (conforming to accepted good engineering

(ii) Under the loading condition of fully filled with water in the penstock steel pipe,
the circular stress, axial stress and the shearing stress acting perpendicular to the
axis of the pipe and the combined stress, is less than the allowable stresses

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specified under clause (i). However, the allowable stress may be increased by 1.35
times the above allowable stresses when the bending stress in the pipe shell due
to restraining the pipe shell expansion by the stiffener ring has been considered.

The combined stress is calculated by the following formula as developed by

Mises Hencky Huber:

g 12 2
1 2

Where, g : Combined stress

1 : Circular stress (tension is considered as positive)

2 : Axial stress acting perpendicular to axis of 1

(Tension is considered as positive)

: Shearing stress

(iii) Allowable stresses for circular bending stress imposed in penstock shell during
water filling operation into the penstock steel pipe may be 50 per cent higher than
those specified under clause (i). In no case, however, shall any stresses exceed
90% of the minimum elastic limit of the material used.

(iv) When other steel material than those mentioned in clause (i) is used, its
allowable stresses is determined based on the yield stresses of the steel materials
to be used according to the ratio of the allowable stresses and steel materials
specified under clause (i). ASSUMPTIONS

The pipe thickness design is based on the following data and

assumptions: Design flow (Q) : 6.27 m3/s

Static Head : 101 m

Unit weight of steel :7850.0

Kg/m3 Material Specification :SM400B

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Young’s modulus of steel :200,000

N/mm2 Corrosion allowance :2.0 mm

Welding efficiency (ηw) :90 %

Surge head (Hs) :10% of static head

Factor of safety (FOS) : 2.0


There are 29 numbers of expansion joints in the penstock line. The suitable expansion joints are designed
and fabricated to absorb the thermal stresses due to temperature difference in penstock. The expansion
joints aredesigned to withstand the 1.5 times of design pressure. The expansion joints are designed with
100% water tight. The internal diameter of expansion joints are 1.8 m.


Five anchor blocks for exposed part of the penstock have been proposed for this project with two extra
blocks for bifurcated pipes. Anchor blocks are of C25 concrete with 40% plums and nominal/
temperature reinforcement to avoid uneven settlement & cracking. The blocks have been designed to
provide stability against sliding, overturning and bearing pressure.
The penstock pipe rests on a series of saddles supports provided uniformly in the sections between
anchor blocks. To avoid overstressing in the penstock pipes the spacing is maintained at not more than
7 m. There are 214 support piers in total along the headrace and penstock portion.

Saddle supports are of C25 concrete. The size and shape of the saddles depend on the topography. The
saddles have been designed to provide stability against sliding, overturning and bearing pressure.


The proposed powerhouse is located at Gilun VDC on the right bank of MidimRiver. It is located at
downhill of the Baraiphat village and about 800 m upstream of the confluence of Midim River and Hadi
River. The powerhouse is ground type with two units of vertical axis Francis turbine, each of 2.45 MW
generating capacity. The centerline of turbine axis is fixed at 631.67 masl. Overall size of powerhouse is
about 27.85 m long and 7.5 m wide.

Powerhouse complex contains inlet valve, turbines, generators and electro‐mechanical accessories. The
proposed size of powerhouse is selected based on size and number of electromechanical components.

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The powerhouse main floor consists of:

• Machine hall

• Erection bay

• Workshop, store, rest room and a common room

The machine floor of the powerhouse is 16.5 m long and 7 m wide. It contains twounits of vertical axis
Francis turbine. The centre line of the turbine and generator is at 631.67 masl elevation. A 32‐ton bridge
crane will run on two parallel crane beams supported on a series of concrete columns along the long
sides of the powerhouse.


The control room has floor area of5 m x 7 m. High voltage switchgear room, maintenance and tools
room and office facilities are provided at the ground floors. The control room is located on surface and
contains all necessary equipment required to control the powerhouse operation and monitor the
operation of headwork structure.


The proposed outdoor switchyard area is located close to entrance of the powerhouse. The switchyard
covers 15 m x 9.5 m area at the left bank of Midim Khola at an elevation of 630 masl. A security fence
with an entrance gate will be built in the switchyard area to prevent unauthorized access.


The tailrace canal is designed as a non‐pressure flow. The tailrace canal would discharge water from the
turbine into the Midim River. Two tailrace exits are provided for two turbines. The size of the proposed
tailrace canal is 1.8 m wide, 1.4 m high and 9 m long each.

1 in 250 bed slope of the channel has been set to correspond theflow of water. The selection of the
invert level at the discharge point is based on flood levels in the river. At full flow (3.135m3/s), the depth
of the water in the channel will be 0.9 m.


The hydro‐mechanical components of the Project will consist of the following items:

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Two sets of vertical lift fixed wheel stoplog, electric chain pulley operated hoisting with its guide frame,
lifting beam, four‐way sealing arrangement, steel support, roof truss, purlin, CGI Sheet, Ladder & other
materials for hoisting Shed,embedded parts and dogging device with handling tools complete with
necessary accessories is designed in the Undersluice.

The stoplog is designed in the conditions that thickness of 2.0 mm shall added as corrosion allowance
to the calculated thickness of all steel plates for all exposed surfaces in water.

(i) Design Data:

Gate Width (w) = 2.5 m
Gate Height (h) = 2.0 m
Sill Elevation = 727.2 masl
Quantity = 2 Sets
Hoisting Type = Electric Chain Pulley Operated
Water Seal = Downstream, Four‐way

(ii) Assumptions for Design:

Material: = IS 2062:1999 Grade ‘B’
Allowable Bending stress ≤ 120 N/ mm2
Allowable Shear Stress ≤ 70 N/ mm2
Deflection Ratio (L / ymax) ≥ 800
Effective Width of Roller ≥ 60 mm
Roller Material = Cast Steel Roller Brinell Hardness
(BHN) = 217kgf /cm2


The trashracks are designed to prevent debris and others matters injurious to the water turbines and
to adequately withstand the static load, impact load, and vibration phenomenon which are likely to occur
due to flow of water passing through the trashrack. COARSE TRASHRACK

(i) Design Data

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Trashrack Width (w) = 2.3 m

Trashrack Height (h) = 2.95 m
Sill Elevation = 660.5 masl
Inclination = 70 Degree
Quantity = 2 Sets
Clear Bar Spacing = 100 mm

(ii) Assumptions for Design

Material: = IS 2062:1999 Grade ‘B’
Bending stress ≤ 0.66 x (Yield Stress) x (1.23 ‐0.015L/t)
L/t ≤ 70
d/t ≤ 12
L : Laterally unsupported length of bar
t : Thickness of bar
d : Depth of bar
(iii) Trashrack Body
Plate thickness ≥ 10 mm Deflection Ratio (L / ymax) ≥ 500 FINE TRASHRACK

(iv) Design Data

Trashrack Width (w) = 12.5 m
Trashrack Height (h) = 2.125 m
Sill Elevation = 728.95 masl
Inclination = 70 Degree
Quantity = 1 Set
Clear Bar Spacing = 25 mm

(v) Assumptions for Design

Material: = IS 2062:1999 Grade ‘B’
Bending stress ≤ 0.66 x (Yield Stress) x (1.23 ‐0.015L/t)
L/t ≤ 70

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d/t ≤ 12
L : Laterally unsupported length of bar
t : Thickness of bar
d : Depth of bar


Two sets of vertical lift gate, rope drum operated hoisting with its guide frame, control system, control
cabinet, upstream four‐way sealing arrangement, steel support, roof truss, purlin, CGI Sheet, Ladder &
other materials for hoisting Shed, embedded parts and dogging device with handling tools are proposed
in the Undersluice.

The gate is designed in the conditions that thickness of 2.0 mm shall added as corrosion allowance to
the calculated thickness of all steel plates for all exposed surfaces in water.

(iii) Design Data

Gate Width (w) = 2.5 m
Gate Height (h) = 2.0 m
Sill Elevation = 727.2 masl
Quantity = 2 Sets
Hoisting Type = Rope Drum Operated
Water Seal = Upstream, Four‐way

(iv)Assumptions for Design

Material: = IS
2062:1999 Grade ‘B’ Allowable Bending
stress ≤ 120 N/
Allowable Shear Stress ≤ 70 N/ mm2 Deflection Ratio (L / ymax) ≥ 800
Effective Width ≥ 60 mm
Roller Material = Cast Steel Brinell Hardness (BHN) = 217kgf/cm2


Two sets of vertical lift electric chain pulley, fixed wheel gate with its guide frame, Upstream three‐way

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sealing arrangement, steel support, roof truss, purlin, CGI Sheet, Ladder & other materials for hoisting
Shed, embedded parts and dogging device with handling tools complete with necessary accessories is
designed in the settling basin.

The gate is designed in the conditions that thickness of 2.0 mm shall added as corrosion allowance to
the calculated thickness of all steel plates for all exposed surfaces in water.

(v)Design Data
Gate Width (w) = 1.75 m
Gate Height (h) = 1.9 m
Sill Elevation = 729.18 masl
Quantity = 2 Sets
Hoisting Type = Electric Chain Pulley Operated
Water Seal = Upstream, Three‐way

(vi)Assumptions for Design

Material: = IS
2062:1999 Grade ‘B’ Allowable Bending
stress ≤ 120 N/
Allowable Shear Stress ≤ 70 N/ mm2 Deflection Ratio (L / ymax) ≥ 800
Roller Effective Width ≥ 60 mm
Roller Material = Cast Steel Brinell Hardness (BHN) = 217 kgf/cm2


Two sets of exit valve are provided at the end of flushing pipe for flushing the sediment deposited.


One set of penstock valve butterfly type, internal diameter 1.8 m with accessories is designed in the
penstock pipe after surge shaft. The design head for the butterfly valve is 22 m WC.

One (1) set of butterfly valve complete with bypass valve complete with:

• Service seal arrangement

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• Maintenance Seal arrangement

• Operating mechanism and instrumentation

• Bypass line and appurtenances

• Foundation plates, complete with back holders, anchor bolts, nuts, washers,

• Control devices, control cables, control cabinet, power cables etc.

• One (1) set of Gantry crane


Two units of 2600 KW, horizontal francis turbine with horizontal shaft is proposed for the given gross
head of 101 m and flow of 6.27 m3/s. The turbine set shall be provided with a complete set of spear
valves, inlet valve, auxiliary equipment, and other accessories. The shaft of the turbine is connected to
the shaft of the generator with a flexible direct coupling. The proposed generators are of 2950kVA with
two numbers, three‐phase brushless synchronous type. The generation voltage of 6600 V is stepped up
to 33kV with the help of a 3 numbers of 2,000 kVA
transformer. The output power from the transformer is connected to the 33kV substation proposed at
Bhorletar, Lammjung, which is about 8 km from the proposed power house.

The energy meter for power trading purposes shall be placed inside the proposed substation 33 kV side,
or at any other suitable interconnection point as shall be agreed up on by the developer and NEA. There
will be a two‐way energy flow reading provision in the meter, one way for measuring the energy sold to
NEA, while the other for energy import required from the grid during maintenance and break down of
the system.

With the help of integrated control and protection system, the complete control and supervision of the
power equipment will be possible from the control room inside the powerhouse. The control room
shall consist of control panel and control desk. The control panel shall have indications and alarms for
any type of mechanical and electrical failures and trips. It shall also consist of automatic recorders for
generator kW, kWh, voltage, operation hours, temperature measurements, etc. The control desk shall
consist of indicating lamps & alarm for sequence control operation and displaying single line diagram up
to the 33 kV feeder line with push buttons/handles for "emergency stop".

The electrical equipment and facilities like charging of batteries, lightning, operating of electrical fixtures
etc in the powerhouse shall be supplied by the 400/230 V line drawn out from the 6600 V busbar through
a power fuse.

A single line diagram showing all the electromechanical equipment and control system is presented in

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Two sets of horizontal shaft, francis turbines are proposed for the rated net head of 91.76m with a rated
output of 2600 KW each. The specifications of the turbine recommended are presented in Table .
Table : Turbine Specifications

Particular Specifications
Horizontal shaft
No of unit

Rated head 91.76 m

Design discharge 3.135m3/sec

Rated speed 750 rpm

Rated output 2600 kW each

Rated efficiency at 100%load 0.91%


The speed of the turbine under different load conditions is regulated and controlled with the help of
governor. The turbine shall be provided with Electric Electronic Cabinet Actuator type of governor. The
performance characteristics should be confirmed regarding operation of the governor. The rated
specifications of the prescribed governor are presented in Table .

Table : Governor Specifications


Type Electric Electronic

1500 RPM Electric Motor, 50 Hz

Drive System

Adjustment and Calibration Local in the Governor, remote control at distance.

Adjustment for Speed Drop Between 0 and 10% with accuracy not above 0.5 %

Monitoring Digital output of speed, temperature and vibration

Remote Speed Control By means of 4‐20 mA analogue Input.

The provision of integrating governor‐operating mechanism to both manual as well

as automatic control system will be provided as follows:

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a) Manual control of governor from the generator control panel

b) Remote/Automatic control from main control panel.

The Governor allows gauging the following parameters:

• Governor speed

• Response time.

• Speed drops between no load and full load.

• Maximum and minimum speeds.

• Date and time for automatic control effects.


A 600 diameter Butterfly inlet valve will be installed at the incoming mains of the turbine. It is provided
for the opening and safe closure of the flow under maximum static as well as dynamic
heads including operations on some critical stages like sudden rejection of load and speed overrun
beyond certain limit.

Mechanical operation of the Inlet valve should be carried out hydraulically with pressurized oil system
through servomotor, which should ultimately be controlled by the governor. The material of the valve
& casing should be strong enough to withstand the internal pressures.


Two sets of 3 phase, 50 Hz AC, 2’950 kVA horizontal shaft synchronous generator is proposed for the
power generation capable to run and generate electrical power in isolated mode – off grid mode also.
Brushless excitation system is preferred for the exciter unit, which has to be directly coupled to the
main turbine shaft. Regarding operation in low flow, generator shall ensure a good range of efficiency
throughout a wide variation of load. All the structural details, material, cooling system and insulation will
be confirmed to ISO 9001 standards. The specifications related to the selected generator for the Madhya
Midim Small hydropower project are presented in Table .

Table : Generator Specifications

Particular Specifications

No of Unit. One

Generator type Synchronous brushless, 3Ø AC

Layout Horizontal; directly coupled to the turbine

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2445 kW
Rated output
2’95 kVA in each unit
Rated capacity
Rated efficiency

Power factor 0.8

Voltage regulation 0.1

Generator protection IP 23

Terminal box protection: IP 54

Rated Speed 750 rpm

Frequency 50Hz
6600 V
Generation Voltage
Class F
Insulation grade
Star connected
Phase Connection

Excitation Solid state controlled rectifiers


Thyristor controlled solid‐state rectifier type of exciter shall be provided in modular units. Rated Voltage
of excitation system is selected as 24V DC. Modular draw out type of unit is preferred considering easy
inspection, maintenance and replacement without interrupting the output while in operation. Automatic
Voltage Regulator (AVR), all the protection schemes, control logic should be integrated in the excitation


The power generated at 6600V level shall be delivered to 33 kV grid with the help of step up power
transformer. The transformer shall be of 2’000 kVA capacity installed in indoor pole. The step up
transformer specifications is presented in Table .

Table : Step up Transformer Specifications

Particular Specifications
No of Unit.
Step up power transformer
2’000 kVA
Rated Capacity

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Rated efficiency 0.99

Type of cooling ONAN (Oil Natural Air Natural)

Vector group Dyn11

Voltage levels 6.6/33 kV

Connection (HV/LV) Delta/Star

Phase 3Ø
±2.5 to 5%
Tap changing facility

The core lamination of the transformer should be perfectly thin and insulated to ensure minimum no
load losses. Windings should be of high conductivity copper and firmly clamped to withstand all of the
stresses during faults in the line. All provision shall be made for the following protection/schemes (i)
Buchholz relay protection (ii) Pressure relief device (iii) Winding temperature alarm.
Series of standard tests shall be conducted to ensure the efficiency, quality of material and workmanship
as well. All bushings should be made of porcelain, homogenous, non‐porous and uniformly glazed. The
11 kV line bushings are directly connected to outdoor bus bar through
disconnecting switch. LV side bushings shall be mounted on the sidewall of transformer enclosed in cable


Air Circuit Breaker (ACB) shall be used in 6600 V side. The ACB shall be located inside the powerhouse.
Draw out type ACB shall be used in powerhouse, which operates both as breaker as well as
disconnecting switch (Isolator). The ACB shall be of 3Ø as single throw in operation. The details of the
recommended circuit breaker are presented in Table .

Table : Air Circuit Breaker Specifications

Particular Specifications

No of Unit. Two

Type 3Ø, Single throw, drawer type.

Location On generator side

System Voltage 6600 V

6600 V
Rated Voltage
1550 A
Rated Current

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Regarding operation and function of circuit breaker, they will be capable of breaking maximum fault
current in system at minimum response time. Manual, automatic and remote control system of the CB
shall be provided as well.


The Isolator is used, as disconnecting switch provided after step up transformer required for isolating
the circuit during maintenance periods. The switch shall be installed in outdoor pole mounted type near
33 kV line operated on no load condition only. Each part of the Isolators shall be provided with
subtropical finish to prevent fungus growth. Table presents the details of the recommended isolator.

Table: Isolator Specifications

Particular Specifications

No of Unit. Two
Outdoor type, Single throw,
hand operated with grounding
Rated Current 800 A

Rated Voltage 36 kV



The Lightning Arresters shall be provided in the first pole for protection of substation equipment
including transformer from the possible lightning strike. They shall also be installed at the transmission
line to prevent the entry of possible harmful surges towards the substation from the grid.


The switchyard of the power plant shall be of outdoor type covering approximate area of 150 sq. metres.
The elevation of the switchyard is 400m.The switchyard shall mainly comprise of a power transformer
of capacity 2’500 kVA, VCB, LA and CT/PT. The power cable of sufficient capacity laid inside the cable
ducts shall make the connection between generator and the primary side of the transformer.

The station supply shall be made through a 400/230 V line tapped from the 6600 V bus bar through a
power fuse.

The outgoing feeder from the switchyard shall have disconnecting switch, drop out fuse, lighting arrestor
and all protection system as required, the layout of which is shown in the single line diagram in drawings.
Adequate clearance and fencing around the switchyard shall be provided for safety consideration to

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make it inaccessible to unauthorized persons and cattle.


As is already discussed, the station supply shall be done by a 400/230 V line tapped from the 6600 V
busbar through aPower Fuse for protection of the line. It shall be used for powerhouse lighting, battery
charging, governor oil pumps, etc.


The protection schemes for the turbine & generator include the over and under voltage, over speed,
over current, earth fault, over and under frequency and reverse power protection. In addition, suitable
alarm/trip circuits are provided for abnormal conditions such as increase in bearing temperature, low
pressure etc.

A protection scheme with an automatic control circuit will be provided to stop the turbine in event of
power supply failure or any other faults. The generator should also be isolated from main line in event
of any fault or abnormal operation. For the power transformer, Buchholz
protection and temperature trip circuits are provided. To protect the 33 kV transmission line and
transformer from high voltage surges, lighting arrestor shall be provided.

In order to protect the personnel from the electric shock and equipment from damage due to short
circuit, all the electrical equipment in the powerhouse and switchyard area will be properly grounded.



A bank of battery capable of supplying 24 VDC, 300 Ampere/hour and a 24VDC, 6‐Ampere floating
charge static battery charger should be provided to supply DC power for control and protection system.
The battery shall be located inside the powerhouse and connected to the distribution board and battery

Automatic Synchronizing Equipment

One common set of automatic synchronizing equipment shall be provided in a steel cubicle. The
automatic synchronizing equipment shall permit either manual or automatic control of turbine speed,
generator voltage and breaker closing for connecting the generator to running system with minimum
disturbance. The equipment shall include an automatic synchronizer, a voltage balancing relay and a speed
matcher. Interlocking system shall be provided to ensure that only one generator is connected to the
synchronizer at one time.

Lighting system, cabling

The electrical equipment shall also cover lighting, cabling and earthing system design. The powerhouse
shall be provided with emergency lamps automatically switched 'on' on failure of the AC supply and

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switched 'off' on return of the AC supply. Suitable low voltage AC and DC power cables shall be used
from the low voltage switchboards to various equipment, power socket outlets, pull box, distribution
boards, fixtures and switches accordingly. All the necessary power cables shall be laid for feeder lines
between low‐tension panels and low voltage terminals of step up transformer located outside at the

An effective earthing station and network shall be provided in the vicinity of the power house by forming
an underground mesh to facilitate equipment grounding for electrical safety and establishment of a
reference zero potential point. Grounding rods shall be used to reduce the grounding resistance of the
mesh. The earth grounding resistance shall not exceed one ohm.


The metering equipment shall be placed for generator to measure the power generated. Two‐ way
energy meter shall be placed on 33 kV side at the proposed Letang Substation for the purpose of power
trading. The bi‐directional energy meter shall measure energy sold to NEA by the project as well as
energy imported by the project during breakdown and maintenance of the plant. The energy meter and
metering equipment shall be indoor type and place inside the substation. NEA may place a separate set
of check meter along with the meter provided by the project to confirm the readings.

Each metering units shall consist of energy meter, current transformer, potential transformer and other
accessories required as per specification provided by NEA.


The interconnection facility, connection point, etc shall be later decided by the proponents i.e. the
project and NEA. Connection agreement and other necessary procedures shall be followed as per the
Grid Code and other set norms and provisions for PPA with NEA.


The NTC link shall be provided to the Power Station including Internet / email facilities for online
monitoring system and few Cell Phones also shall be provided for smooth Construction, operation and
maintenance of the Project / Plant.The Intercommunication system and VHF radio shall be provided
within the project area for smoothen the job.

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This chapter includes power and energy scenario of the Project and the country as a whole. Regarding
the generated power and energy, the Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) is solely responsible for the
planning and distribution of power & energy generated by its own as well as private sector hydropower
plants. All the private developers require Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) with the NEA prior to the
construction of hydropower plants. Hence, the NEA is the sole buyer of the power generated from the
Project. Once the power is generated, it will be connected to the national grid and the private
hydropower plants get paid as per the rate in Power Purchase Agreement.


Despite of tremendous hydropower potential of the country, the current installed capacity of Integrated
Nepal Power System (INPS) including solar and thermal plants is 762.03 MW by November, 2013. Table
illustrates the national power scenario from different sources:

Table 8.1-1 : National power scenario from different options

Installed Capacity

Total Major Hydro (NEA) ‐
Grid Connected
Total Small Hydro (NEA) ‐ Isolated

Total IPP Hydro 230.59

Thermal 53.41

Solar 0.10

Total 762.03

Here it will be worthwhile to mention that the existing hydropower plants have never been able to meet
the capacity mentioned in Table . Moreover, NEA imports about 150 MW from India.

At present, Kaligandaki “A” Hydropower Plant (144 MW), commissioned in 2003, is the largest power
plant in the country followed by Middle Marshyangdi Hydropower Plant (70 MW) being operated since
2008. Kulekhani is the only storage project in the country having two power plants, namely, Kulekhani‐
I (60 MW) and Kulekhani‐II (32 MW) which are operated in tandem.
There are also a number of small and micro hydropower plants in the isolated parts of the country. The
total installed capacity of such plants is nearly 6 MW. Among the private hydropower plants, Khimti
Hydropower Plant (60 MW) owned by Himal Power Company Ltd. is the largest one.

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As far as thermal energy is concerned, Duhabi Multifuel generates 39 MW and Hetauda Diesel Plant
generates 14.4 MW after recent rehabilitation works. The smaller diesel units including privately owned
captive power contributes about 5 MW.


The load forecast for the INPS is prepared by the System Planning Department of the NEA. The NEA
conducted Power System Master Plan (PSMP) in 1997 for load forecast and it is updated annually. The
load forecast and the required energy generation from 2008 to 2026 are given below in Table and Figure.
The load factor is assumed to stabilize at 50%.

Table 8.1.1-1: Load and energy forecast

Energy Peak Load
(GWh) (MW)

5349.60 1163.20
5859.90 1271.70
6403.80 1387.20
6984.10 1510.00
7603.70 1640.80
8218.80 1770.20
8870.20 1906.90
9562.90 2052.00
10300.10 2206.00
11053.60 2363.00
11929.10 2545.40
12870.20 2741.10
13882.40 2951.10
14971.20 3176.70
16142.7 3418.90
17403.6 3679.10

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Figure 8.1.1-1: Load forecast for next 15 years

The regional load demand distribution pattern shows that the Central Region requires 68% of total load
demand followed by the Eastern Region 14%, Western Region 10%, Mid‐Western Region 6% and Far‐
Western Region with only 2%.


The projects under construction are supposed to generate and contribute committed power to the
national grid system. The private sector projects which have already signed PPA or obtained construction
license are also considered as the committed projects for power generation and contribution to INPS.

After the NEA's most awaited project, Middle Marshyangdi (70 MW) completion, other projects such
as Chameliya (30 MW), Rahughat (30 MW) and Upper Tamakoshi (456 MW) are in the middle and final
phase of construction and expected to complete in few years. In addition, the NEA has entered into PPA
with a number of private developers. Apart from that, the NEA has planned a number of candid projects
to fulfill increasing power demand but the implementation is being very slow.


In general, the definition of energy depends upon the way how the energy estimates are carried out.
Here, the energy has been defined based on the standards that are used in Power Purchase Agreement
(PPA) in Nepal, according to which the available energy is classified as dry energy and wet energy. Dry
energy is defined as the energy generated in Poush, Magh, Falgun and Chaitra (mid December to mid
April) of Nepali calendar and wet energy is defined as the energy generated during the remaining eight
months of a year at a particular exceedance of flow.


The power generated from this project at a particular exceedance of flow has been calculated with a

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custom spreadsheet program. A number of simulations were carried out for different installed capacities.
The input data and assumptions used for the calculation and the results obtained are summarized below
in Table .

Table 8.3-1: Input parameters and assumptions

734.02 m
Surge Tank normal water

Turbine Axis Level 631.67 m

Gross Head 101 m

Net Head 91.76 m

Design Discharge 6.27 m3/s

Number of Turbine Units
4.85 MW
Installed Capacity
Overall Efficiency

The monthly power generated has been converted to energy by multiplying the power by the time
period for which it is generated. The wet and dry energy are calculated separately considering 3% outage
in wet and dry season respectively. The results of calculation are shown below in Table.

Table 8.3-2: Monthly power and energy generation

Installed Capacity 4.8 MW

Design Discharge 6.27 m3/s

Rated Efficiency
Downstream Release 0.28 m3/s

5% Generator 96.00%
Outage + Losses (Dry

5% Turbine 91.00%
Outage + Losses (Wet

Gross Head 101 m Transforme 99.0%


Plant Factor 71.98% Overall 86.49%

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Usable Monthly

Total Energy
Design Flow

River Flow

Outage, %
Net Head





Days m3/s m3/s m3/s m kW Dry Wet GWh/ Month

30 3.23 0 5 0.00 1.85

Baisakh 3.52 3.23 98.78 2703 1.85
31 5.10 0 5 0.00 2.92
Jestha 5.39 5.10 95.70 4137 2.92
32 11.05 0 5 0.00 3.56
Asadh 11.33 6.27 91.76 4881 3.56
31 18.55 0 5 0.00 3.45
Shrawan 18.83 6.27 91.76 4881 3.45

Bhadra 32 19.08 18.80 6.27 91.76 4881 0 5 0.00 3.56 3.56

Aswin 30 12.70 12.42 6.27 91.76 4881 0 5 0.00 3.34 3.34

Kartik 30 7.29 7.01 6.27 91.76 4881 0 5 0.00 3.34 3.34

Mangsir 30 4.57 4.28 4.28 96.55 3506 0 5 0.00 2.40 2.40

Poush 29 3.41 3.12 3.12 98.85 2612 5 0 1.73 0.00 1.73

Magh 30 3.01 2.72 2.72 99.25 2286 5 0 1.56 0.00 1.56

30 5 0 1.51 0.00 1.51

Falgun 2.90 2.61 2.61 99.40 2201
30 5 0 1.56 0.00 1.56
Chaitra 3.04 2.75 2.75 98.09 2284
6.36 24.42 30.78
Table 8.3-3: Energy Table
The monthly energy generation pattern is presented graphically below in Figure 8.3-1.

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Figure 8.3-1:: Mean monthly energy generation


Power and Energy benefits are evaluated either as tariff values applicable to the project or as replacement
cost which is difference between the project cost and the cost of alternative. For hydropower projects,
it is customary to use the second method comparing the cost with that of thermal power plant. For the
hydropower projects with capacity less than 25 MW, the usual tariff structure promised by the NEA for
dry and wet season are 8.40 NRs/ kWh and 4.80 NRs /kWh with 3% escalation up to 6 years. As the
installed capacity of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project is less than 25 MW (i.e. 4.8 MW), this
tariff structure of about 5.54 NRs. per unit cost has been used for the economic and financial evaluation
of the Project. The energy rates of some of the medium size projects that have been fixed in the past
are given below in Table.

Table 8.4-1: Energy rate for the projects bigger than 25 MW

Capacity (MW) Year PPA rate in Cents per kWh
60 1994 5.94
Khimti ‐ I

Bhote Koshi 36 1995 6.00

120 2010 5.99

Likhu ‐ 4
44 2010 Equivalent 7.5 cents
Sanjen ‐ 2
50 2008 5.9
Upper Marshyangdi ‐ A


The power generated from proposed Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project is proposed to be

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evacuated at the proposed Bhorletar substation of Integrated Nepal Power System (INPS).

The proposed Bhorletar substation will have a substation of 132/33/11 kV system. Bhorletar substation
will be connected by a 33 kV single circuit 8 km Transmission line.

Following are the proposed projects of IPPs at Bhorletar Substation is

• Lower Midim Khola Hydropower Project – 5 MW


• The power and energy calculated above may change with the
revision of hydrology prior to the detail design.
• The net head changes with the flow variation and it affects in power
and energy generation. The calculation of power and energy shall
be carried out more precisely prior to PPA.

• The usual practice for the tariff structure introduced by NEA for
the projects for less than 25 MW has been considered to calculate
revenue from the Project.

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Construction planning and scheduling of this project has fair existing access road nearby the Headworks
site which is about 32.0 km from the nearest Beshisahar town. The headworks site is not fully accessed
and it needs to construct a road from nearby road head. The reliability of the road condition is not as
such as required for the continuous mobility and needs proper maintenance during construction period.
Transportation of construction materials, delivery of heavy electrical & electromechanical equipment
and hydraulic steel structures have been planned and scheduled with the past experience of construction
of similar hydropower projects.
On the basis of present feasibility study, a construction schedule and cost estimate of the project has
been prepared. The schedule may be refined and elaborated after consultation with clients and analysis
of local conditions. The construction schedule is attached in Figure below.



There is a plan for construction of new roads to access Headworks, waterway alignment and the
powerhouse from the nearby road head. This will be around 5 km of road along the alignment, to the
powerhouse and Headworks site. The powerhouse site is located about 3250m downstream from the
headworks site.


Approximate 8 km of single circuit 33 kV transmission line is necessary to connect from the Madhya
Midim Powerhouse to the proposed 33 kV substation in Bhorletar.



The feasibility study is completed in October 2014 now the project is reoptimized for the capacity of
4.8 MW. The detailed engineering design of the project will be started soon and completed by coming
3 months. Additional mapping as well as geological investigation for headwork, waterway and
powerhouse will be completed by coming two months.


Tendering & contracting of all the construction works is scheduled to be completed in the coming 3
months. The construction works will be made in different lots and packages according to the type of

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The main construction works of the project consists of the following components:
i. Civil works
ii. Electromechanical works
iii. Hydro‐mechanical works

Preparatory works of the project for the main construction works will consist of land acquisition
followed by the construction of access road, camp facilities and transmission line for construction power.
Preparatory works like camp facilities, on‐site and off‐site access roads, construction power line, drinking
water supply, designation of quarry sites, fixing of sites for construction equipment & batching plant etc
will be undertaken during preconstruction period.



About 5000m of total access road is necessary to connect all project components to the existing road.
So the construction for access road will be included in main civil work package.


At present 11 kV national grid is available in the locality and villages nearby powerhouse site as well as
Headworks site. The required power can be diverted from the national grid for the powerhouse site,
the waterway alignment and the headworks site. A separate diesel plant of 100 kW is to be installed to
supply construction power to the work sites & camp areas for uninterrupted construction works.
It is planned to connect 33 kV line from the power house to the proposed NEA substation in Bhorletar.
The construction of transmission line from Madhya Midim Powerhouse to the NEA grid will be
completed in the very beginning so that construction power can be imported from the same line which
will be used to send the power after construction of Madhya Midim Powerhouse.


The project site is located in the hilly terrain which is 32.0 km from the Beshisahar. The headwork site
is located in Gilun and Malin VDC. In vicinity of the headwork site and powerhouse site, plain terraces
are available, which upon agreement with the owner could be use for employer’s camp, contractor’s
camp & labor camps.


The main construction of civil structures is planned to be completed in 9 months. Once the road will be
available all over the alignment, all major and critical activities can be started from the beginning.

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The construction of headworks and accessories structures is planned to be completed in 9 months by

considering the construction of main weir and undersluice between two monsoon seasons ie. during
one dry seasons. After first stage of river diversion, undersluice, part of the main weir and right bank
wing walls will be constructed and after second stage diversion, remaining part of the weir, intake etc
are planned to be constructed.


The construction of more than 3200m headrace pipe for water conveyance is to be carried out at
different segments. The pipe will be laid as exposed but at various segments the pipe is to be buried.
Saddle supports are provided at interval of 8m when the pipe remains freely suspended. At every change
in direction, either horizontal or vertical, anchor blocks are provided. A PCC bedding of 10 mm thick is
provided when the pipe is to be laid in excavation. Metal Sheet of required thickness is prepared at the
factory and then transported to the site; where they will be rolled to required diameter and transported
to the site and laid using a crane. The fabrication of pipe is done at the site.


The dimension of Surge tank is 5m dia pipe with 89m length. The Surge tank is planned to be located in
the cultivated land. Necessary protection works are to be performed to prevent fall of materials in to
the tank. For the headrace pipe and penstock pipe adjoined to the surge pipe, excavation is done for
laying them and is buried later.


About 200m length of penstock pipe is proposed to be connected from Forbay tank to powerhouse. As
all the alignment headrace and penstock is in the surface, the whole work is planned to be completed by
12 months including the fabrication of pipe at the site. Under civil works excavation of foundations and
first stage concrete work for anchor blocks and all the works in saddles will be finished before arrival of
penstock to the site. The installation of penstock pipe and the construction of powerhouse will be
completed simultaneously.


The surface powerhouse excavation has to be carried out for a depth up to 628.0 at the bottom of
turbine pits. The powerhouse building excavation will be carried out for about 5.0m. The excavation will
be initiated from the end of tailrace channel and from the foot of penstock hill. The excavated tailrace
channel will facilitate in drainage of surface and sub surface water.
The excavation of powerhouse is scheduled to be completed in the last 1 months. After excavation, the
foundation concrete and frame structure will be erected in lifts. During the course of concreting

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embedded parts of powerhouse equipment have to be installed. Material from tailrace excavation will
be stock piled along the tailrace channel alignment. After completion of concreting of the tailrace channel
it will be backfilled with the stock piled excavated material. The civil construction of the powerhouse is
scheduled to be completed by 8 months.


Design, manufacture and transportation of the electromechanical equipment (Turbine, Generator,

Transformers & protection works) will be completed in 14 months and erection & commissioning is
planned in 3 months.


The construction of 8 km 33kV transmission line is planned to be completed by 12 months. This part is
not critical event as the land procurement and lease process for the required land along the transmission
route is bit complex activity.


The major construction materials required for the project consists of the following:
• Cement partially available in local market and partially to be
imported from India.
• Coarse aggregate which will be produced at the project site mainly
from quarried materials.
• Fine aggregate will be processed from the allocated borrow areas
and from quarry material from different allocated sites.


The whole work will be divided into the following contract packages for the
simplicity of work progress.
Infrastructure development like camp facilities
Main Civil works
Design, manufacture, supply and installation of electrical and mechanical
Design, manufacture, supply and installation of gates, hoists, valves and cranes.

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The project is divided in two phases, i.e. preconstruction phase and construction phase. The
preconstruction phase consists of approvals & obtaining generation license, infrastructure works,
detailed design, tender documents preparation & tendering and contracting. It will take 3 months. The
second phase consists of the construction of main construction works of civil works, electromechanical
works and hydromechanical works. The detailed schedule is presented in Figure below.

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Figure 9.7-1:: Implementation schedule of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Construction Schedule

Years Yrs 2080 Yrs 2081 Remarks

Months 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 in Months
S.N Descriptions Dates in Nepali
1 Preliminary works 4
1.1 Updated Design and reports 2
1.2 Financial Closure 2
1.3 Contracts Awards 2
1.4 Infracture development at site 2
2 Civil Construction Works 18
2.1 Headworks 7
2.2 Alignment 11
2.3 Surge Tank 3
2.4 Penstock pipe 6
2.5 Powerhouse 9
3 Hydro Mechanical Works 16
3.1 Febrication and Teansport 7
3.2 Erection 10
4 Electrom mechanical Works 14
4.1 Manufacture and Delivery 7
4.2 Erection 4
4.3 Dry Test 3
5 Transmission Line 11
5.1 LC and Transport 5
5.2 Ercetion 6
6 Testing and Commissionling 2

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All the costs of the Project are calculated in Nepali Rupees with reference to district rate published by the
District Development Committee (DDC) of Lamjung District for the year 2015. All taxes and duties are
included in the cost. The current cost of electromechanical equipment, metal work and materials are
obtained from the respective manufacturers and suppliers where possible. Where these have not been
available, costs have been taken on the basis of projects carried out in the past and as well as unit rate
analysis appropriate for hydropower projects. The cost estimation has been carried out in parallel with
construction planning approach as discussed in the construction planning section of this report. The Bill of
Quantities (BOQ) of various items is estimated for each work and then, the total estimated project cost
is calculated. Utilizing the basic Norms of GoN (Government of Nepal), the rate analysis for civil
construction work has been carried out. The estimated rates for locally available materials such as sand,
stones, aggregate, timber, etc. are based on local price. Lump sum costs have been allocated for the
components where detail breakdown of costs is not available. The estimates presented in this section are
final. To arrive at the total project cost, quantities of various items are estimated for each work separately
in accordance with the related drawings as presented in Volume II. The exchange rates are based on 2015
price level and fixed exchange rate of Nepali rupee with Indian Rupee at NRs. 1.60 and US Dollar at NRs.
103.0 are assumed. The fluctuation of market price and exchange rate of Nepali rupee with foreign
currencies may change the price estimates. Also the variation in design and drawings during construction
due to the site condition may change this estimate. Therefore, a provision of a price escalation has been
included in the estimates.


The cost estimate of the project is made under the following conditions:

• Breakdown of the Project into a number of distinct structures like diversion weir
and undersluice, intake, gravel trap, connecting canal, desanding basin, headrace
pipe, powerhouse and tailrace canal.

• Identification of distinct construction tasks & measurable pay items such as

excavation, formwork, concrete work etc.

• Price of electromechanical equipments is taken from the suppliers’ price

• Construction of civil engineering work, supply, erection, testing and
commissioning of hydro‐mechanical work and electro‐mechanical work shall be
carried out on National Competitive Bidding (NCB).

• It is assumed that the contractor shall bring all the plants and equipments.

• The unit price of labour is estimated as per the wage rate declared by the District
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Development Committee of Lamjung district for the year 2015. To obtain the
labour cost, the quantity of different categorical labourer (skilled, semi‐skilled and
unskilled) required for each unit of work has been estimated in accordance with
the norms and the experiences gained in the construction of hydropower projects
in Nepal.

• To obtain the cost of construction materials for a particular work, the quantity
has been estimated as per the standard norms. The cost of material includes
procurement cost, freight, transportation, sales tax and insurance charges where


The total cost of the Project is estimated to be Rs. 914,327.34 thousand. The cost per kilowatt is US$
1,815.33 (1 US$= NRs. 103). The construction period of the Project is estimated to be 20 months from
the date of generation license awarded by the Ministry of Energy through Department of Electricity
Development. The total investment cost of the Project is shown in Table. Further detail breakdown of
each heading of the cost component is presented in Figure.
Figure 10.3-1 : Breakdown of Total Project Cost

Electromechanical Transmission Line

works and Interconection Land Acquisition Pre-operating

Detail design, Camps, Office and

Construction equipment
and Project Civil Construction
management cost works
@ 2.0% of base

Insurance @ 0.5%
of base cost with
VAT (excl. taxes
and contigencies)
Road and
Hydromechanical Infrastructure
works Vehicle Social ,Envir
Mitigations @ 1.0%
of base cost

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Table 10.3-1: Detail breakdown of the Project Cost

Madhya Midim Small hydropower Project (4.8 MW)

Lamjung, Nepal
Summory BOQ

S.No. Description Amount (NPR) Tax/Vat Total amount (Nrs) Remarks

A Pre-operating 35,000,000.0 35,000,000.0

B Civil Construction works
B1 General Items 12,000,000.0 1,560,000.0 13,560,000.0
B2 Weir and Sluiceways 70,108,480.0 9,114,102.4 79,222,582.4
B3 Intake, Gravel trap and approach canal 20,411,897.4 2,653,546.7 23,065,444.1
B4 Settling basin 49,413,445.7 6,423,747.9 55,837,193.7
B5 Headwork Protection Works 25,000,000.0 3,250,000.0 28,250,000.0

Alignment E/W Excavation, Backfilling and Structure with

B6 Anchor Blocks 45,805,950.7 5,954,773.6 51,760,724.3
B8 Water Management for waterways/Dewatering 52,000.0 6,760.0 58,760.0
B10 Surge Tank 37,793,444.8 4,913,147.8 42,706,592.6
B11 Powerhouse 62,027,029.4 8,063,513.8 70,090,543.2
B12 Tailrace 5,940,987.2 772,328.3 6,713,315.5
B13 Switchyard 7,500,000.0 975,000.0 8,475,000.0
B14 Civil Contingency 16,802,661.8 2,184,346.0 18,987,007.8
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Sub-total 336,053,235.2 45,871,266.6 398,727,163.5

C Hydromechanical works
C1 Steel pipe 285,276,564.6 4,279,148.5 289,555,713.0
C2 Steel pipe erection ,painting and testing (10%) 28,527,656.5 427,914.8 28,955,571.3
C3 Gate and pipe accessories (5%) 14,263,828.2 213,957.4 14,477,785.7
C4 HM Contingency 9,842,041.5 147,630.6 9,989,672.1
Sub-total 328,068,049.3 5,068,651.4 342,978,742.1

D Electromechanical works
Electrical mechanical component of powerhouse and its
D1 Accessories @190 per kw 121,182,000.0 1,817,730.0 122,999,730.0
D2 EM Contingency 3,635,460.0 54,531.9 3,689,991.9
Sub-total 121,182,000.0 126,689,721.9
E Transmission Line and Interconection
E1 33 KvTransmission line (10Km) 25,000,000.0 3,250,000.0 28,250,000.0
E2 11 kv interconnection bay 8,502,000.0 1,105,260.0 9,607,260.0
E3 132 kv interconnection bay with step up transormer 15,000,000.0 1,950,000.0 16,950,000.0
E4 Construction power 8,000,000.0 1,040,000.0 9,040,000.0
E5 Contingency 1,695,060.0 220,357.8 1,915,417.8
Sub-total 56,502,000.0 7,565,617.8 65,762,677.8
Total Base cost (A+B+C+D+E) 876,805,284.4 969,158,305.3

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F Land Acquisition 30,000,000.0 30,000,000.0

G Camps, Office and equipment 15,000,000.0 1,950,000.0 16,950,000.0
H Vehicle 6,500,000.0 845,000.0 7,345,000.0
I Road and Infrastructure 15,000,000.0 1,950,000.0 16,950,000.0
H Social ,Envir Mitigations @ 1.0% of base cost 8,768,052.8 8,768,052.8

Detail design, Construction supervision,

Administration and Project management cost @
I 2.0% of base cost 17,536,105.7 2,279,693.7 19,815,799.4
J Total cost 1,068,987,157.6
K Insurance @ 0.5% of base cost with VAT (excl.
taxes and contigencies) 4,384,026.4
L Financing charges @ 1% of Total cost
Grand Total Cost (J+K) Without IDC 1,084,061,055.6
Grand Total Cost Without IDC 1,084,061,055.6
IDC During Constrution
Project cost per Mw 225,846,053.2

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To convert rational ideas into a real-life project needs a substantial amount of investment. This heading
includes cost related to the Project feasibility study, establishment of the company, staff salary, allowances,
house rent and travelling expenses.


The Project has to purchase a total of 135 ropani land for the construction of staff quarter & office
building, godown, access road, connecting canal & desanding basin, penstock pipe installation, powerhouse
and switchyard. For this, Rs. 30,000 thousand of the total investment cost has been allocated. Government
land shall be acquired on annual lease payment models.


The Project needs to invest Rs. 7,345 thousand for vehicles and office equipments. motorcycle, backup
generator, survey equipments & other accessories and office equipments are some of the important items
to be purchased by the Project.


Infrastructure of the Project includes the cost related to road construction and maintenance, electricity
line connection, telephone line connection, drinking water connection, staff quarter and office building. It
is estimated that the Project needs to invest Rs. 16,950 thousands for these activities.


The civil work for the headwork includes structures like river diversion work, diversion weir/ undersluice,
intake/gravel, trap/connecting canal, settling basin. The civil work in the water conveyance system includes
structure like surge tank. Similarly, the civil work in the power house and tailrace includes structures like
power house and tailrace. Other structure includes switching station foundation. Civil construction work
is the largest component. A total of Rs. 3,98,728 thousands has been allocated for civil construction work.
Detail design, rate analysis of each work and cost estimates are done separately.


The heading includes the cost for penstock pipe and bends, expansion joints, y‐branch and manhole.
Similarly, it includes the cost for gates, trashracks, steel lining. A total of Rs. 3,48,047.39 thousands of the
total project cost has been allocated for this heading. This is the second largest component in the Project.


The Project shall import plants and equipments. The cost of Electro‐Mechanical Equipment
includes the cost of design, manufacturing, erection, testing and commissioning of plants and equipments.
A total of Rs. 166,689.72 thousands has been allocated for the plants and equipments. Detail breakdown
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of cost of plant and equipments is shown in Volume I of the report.


The heading includes a complete cost for evacuation of power into the national grid including the cost of
switching station, transformer, transmission line and interconnection facilities. A total of 8 km single circuit
33 kV transmission line shall be constructed to the project alignment. A total of Rs. 65,762.68 thousands
is estimated for this purpose .


Consultant shall be employed to design the Project. The consultant shall be responsible for the overall
engineering design and BOQ preparation. A total of Rs. 19,815.8 thousands has been allocated for this


Project management cost includes staff salary, field allowances, stationeries, office expenses, travelling,
group/personal insurance, electricity bill, telephone expenses and miscellaneous expenses. A total of Rs.
75,842.68 thousands has been allocated for the project management.


This heading is related to unseen expenses that come along with the increase in cost of construction
materials, wage rate, exchange rate fluctuation, increase in the cost of oil and unforeseen expenses during
construction. It also includes cost associated with raising equity, obtaining bank loan, LC charges etc..


The total investment of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project (4800 kW) is Rs.1,089,180.3 thousands.
Hydropower projects are capital intensive and long‐term investment by nature. The promoters alone
cannot finance the total investment required for the Project. Hence, it requires a proper financial
arrangement between equity and loan. The Project shall be financed from promoter's capital and
borrowings from the domestic banks and financial institutions. Of the total investment, Rs. 326,754.12
thousands (30.00 percent) shall be financed from equity and Rs. 762,426.28 thousands (70.00 percent)
shall be financed from bank .
The equity capital shall be used for the development of the Project. The bank loan shall be utilized to
import machine and equipments by opening letter of credit. Likewise, letter of credit shall be opened to
import steel plates to manufacture penstock pipes for the Project. Hence, extending loan for this Project
shall generate additional business to the bank. The drawdown of bank loan shall be made in several
installments as per the work progress which will not create crowding out effect to the resources of the
commercial banks. The loan shall be repaid within ten years from the date of commercial operation.

Table 10.4-1: Capital Structure (NRs. ‘000)

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

S. Amount Percent
N. (NRs.
Equity 326,754.12 30.00%
Bank Loan 762,426.28 70.00%
1,089,180.3 100.00
Total Capital W/O IDC


The project shall borrow Rs. 762,426.28 thousand W/O IDC from the commercial banks at 10 percent.
The principal along with interest shall be repaid in ten years after the commercial operation. The monthly
installment is Rs. 3,056..72 thousands under Equal Monthly Installment (EMI) model which brings the
annual installment of Rs. 91,70.6 thousands.

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Amount NPR In ''000''

Principal Interest @ Total Total
Year Month Total EMI Installment Balance 10% Interest Principal Balance
1 1 30000 9170 824029 20830
2 30000 9399 814629 20601
3 30000 9634 804995 20366
4 30000 9875 795120 20125 81921 38079 795120
2 1 30000 10122 784997 19878
2 30000 10375 774622 19625
3 30000 10635 763988 19366
4 30000 10900 753087 19100 77968 42032 753087
3 1 30000 11173 741914 18827
2 30000 11452 730462 18548
3 30000 11739 718723 18262
4 30000 12032 706691 17968 73605 46396 706691
4 1 30000 12333 694358 17667
2 30000 12641 681717 17359
3 30000 12957 668760 17043
4 30000 13281 655479 16719 68788 51212 655479
5 1 30000 13613 641866 16387
2 30000 13954 627912 16047
3 30000 14302 613610 15698
4 30000 14660 598950 15340 63472 56529 598950
6 1 30000 15026 583923 14974
2 30000 15402 568521 14598
3 30000 15787 552734 14213
4 30000 16182 536552 13818 57603 62397 536552
7 1 30000 16586 519966 13414
2 30000 17001 502965 12999
3 30000 17426 485539 12574
4 30000 17862 467677 12138 51126 68875 467677
8 1 30000 18308 449369 11692
2 30000 18766 430603 11234
3 30000 19235 411368 10765
4 30000 19716 391652 10284 43975 76025 391652
9 1 30000 20209 371443 9791
2 30000 20714 350729 9286
3 30000 21232 329497 8768
4 30000 21763 307735 8237 36083 83918 307735
10 1 30000 22307 285428 7693
2 30000 22864 262563 7136
3 30000 23436 239127 6564
4 30000 24022 215105 5978 27371 92629 215105
11 1 30000 24623 190483 5378
2 30000 25238 165245 4762
3 30000 25869 139376 4131
4 30000 26516 112860 3484 17755 102245 112860
12 1 30000 27179 85681 2821
2 30000 27858 57823 2142
3 30000 28555 29268 1446
4 30000 29268 0 732 7141 112860 0

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Once the Project is constructed, it requires operation and maintenance cost each year. The annual
operation and maintenance cost includes staff salaries and allowances, coordination committee expenses,
house rent, office expenses, royalty, repair and maintenance of the project, insurance against flood, natural
calamities and fire, contribution to the local development etc. In the first year of operation, a total of Rs.
20,176 thousand is estimated as operation and maintenance cost. O&M cost is 2.21 percent of the total
investment cost in the first year.
Insurance of the Project and Board Meeting/AGM/ Coordination Committee are assumed to increase per
year with constant percentage. Repair & Maintenance, House Rent, Travel expenses,
Telephone/Electricity/Postage and Site Office Expenses shall increase by five percent every year.
Government tax on forest land lease shall increase by five percent. Staff Salary & Allowance shall increase
by 2 percent.

Table 10.6-1: Operations and Maintenance Cost for Ist Year

S. Items Rs. (‘000)
1 Insurance of the Project 2286
2 Repair & Maintenance of the Project 5000
3 Staff Salary and Allowances 4000
4 Board Meeting/AGM/Coordination Committee 1000
5 House Rent 500
6 Travel Expenses 500
7 Telephone/Electricity/Postage 500
8 Site Office Expenses 1000
9 Government Royalty (Installed Capacity) 734
10 Government Royalty (Energy Sold) 3157
11 Government Royalty (Forest Land lease) 500
12 Miscellaneous Cost 500
Tota 20,176


Besides O & M, operating expenses includes staff bonus. The staff bonus shall be ten percent of Gross
Income. For the first year, the staff bonus shall be Rs 400 thousand. After deducting O&M and bonus to
the staff, gross income of the project can be derived.


Depreciation is calculated under Straight Line Method (SLN). The total cost of this project is Rs.
1,089,180.3 thousands W/O IDC. The total cost includes the cost of land, Project Development Cost and
Environmental and Social Mitigation. Hence, these costs are excluded while calculating depreciation. The
project life shall be PPA duration i.e. 30 years. The salvage value at the end of the project life shall be 20
percent of the total depreciable assets. As such; depreciation calculation for the structures relating to
direct project cost are done in a straight line basis for the total life of the project i.e. 30 years.

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Project Development Cost, Land Purchase Cost and Environmental and Social Mitigation Cost are not
depreciable cost. Hence, amortization of these costs shall be done in the first five years. The sole purpose
of amortization in this project is to conduct financial analysis. The total cost to be amortized is Rs. 44,375
thousand and it shall be amortized in the first five years. Hence, Rs. 8,875 thousand shall be amortized
every year for the first five years.

10.10. TAX

As stipulated in Income tax act 2058, the applicable corporate tax rate for enterprises undertaking
electricity generation is 20 percent. The tax rate is assumed to remain 20 percent throughout the project
life. However, there is a tax exempt for Hydropower Company for the first ten years of operation. Also
there is a tax exempt of 50 percent in the tax rate for the next five years. Thus, these things are taken
into consideration while calculating tax.


The objective of the Project is to generate power. The Project has an installed capacity of 4800 kW. The
water discharge in the river decline during dry months (Poush to Chaitra) and hence, the power
generation will also be low. The Project will run on full capacity for five months (Ashad to Kartik). The
lowest power generation of 2201 kW in the month of Falgun.
The power generated from the Project has been converted into energy by using the conventional
conversion method as shown in Table . While estimating energy generation from
the Project, it is assumed that there will be a loss of 3 percent. The powerhouse will operate 24 hours a
day. The plant shall generate 32,401,106 kWh gross energy every year. The net energy after deducting 5
percent loss comes to 30,781,051 kWh per year.
Table 10.11-1: Power generation trend of the Project
Monthly Outage
Monthly Monthly
Discharge Net generation before including losses Net available
Month Efficiency Power energy (kWh)
head outage (kWh)
& losses
Baisakh 3.23 98.78 0.865 2703 1945945 97297 1848648
Jestha 5.10 95.70 0.865 4137 3077839 153892 2923947
Asad 6.27 91.76 0.865 4881 3748966 187448 3561517
Shrawan 6.27 91.76 0.865 4881 3631811 181591 3450220
Bhadra 6.27 91.76 0.865 4881 3748966 187448 3561517
Aswin 6.27 91.76 0.865 4881 3514655 175733 3338923
Kartik 6.27 91.76 0.865 4881 3514655 175733 3338923
Mangsir 4.28 96.55 0.865 3506 2524326 126216 2398109
Poush 3.12 98.85 0.865 2612 1818280 90914 1727366
Magh 2.72 99.25 0.865 2286 1646075 82304 1563771
Falgun 2.61 99.40 0.865 2201 1584806 79240 1505566
Chaitra 2.75 98.09 0.865 2284 1644781 82239 1562542
Total 32,401,106 30,781,051
Figure 10.11-1: Monthly energy generation trend
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Revenue generation from this project in different months is shown in Table and Fig. The energy shall be
sold to Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) at the rate of Rs. 4.80 for the wet months and Rs. 8.40 for the
dry months. This is the latest rate adopted by Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) for small hydropower
projects. There is an escalation of 3 percent from the date of commercial operation for the first nine
years. The project will generate a maximum of Rs.17,095,000 revenue in the month of Bhadra and a
minimum of Rs. 8,874,000 in the month of Baisakh. The Project will generate Rs. 170,642,000 revenues
in the first year of operation.
Table 10.12-1: Revenue Generation from the Project
Month Power Gross Energy Loss Net Rate Amount (000)
Baisakh 2703 1945945 97297 1848648 4,80 8874
Jestha 4137 3077839 153892 2923947 4,80 14035
Asad 4881 3748966 187448 3561517 4,80 17095
Shrawan 4881 3631811 181591 3450220 4,80 16561
Bhadra 4881 3748966 187448 3561517 4,80 17095
Aswin 4881 3514655 175733 3338923 4,80 16027
Kartik 4881 3514655 175733 3338923 4,80 16027
Mangsir 3506 2524326 126216 2398109 4,80 11511
Poush 2612 1818280 90914 1727366 8,40 14510
Magh 2286 1646075 82304 1563771 8,40 13136
Falgun 2201 1584806 79240 1505566 8,40 12647
Chaitra 2284 1644781 82239 1562542 8,40 13125
Total 170.642

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Figure 10.12-1:: Monthly revenue generation trend

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The hydropower project must be technically feasible as well as economically and financially viable. Apart
from technical, environmental and socio‐economical aspects of a hydropower project, the economic and
financial analysis provides the most important indicators for the acceptability of the project for investment.
The economical and financial evaluation is aimed at giving potential investors an overview of the risks and
benefits associated with financing the project. Economical analysis of the project is done on the basis of
the national perspective where shadow prices are applied. All duties, taxes, royalties, etc are taken off
from the project cost and where possible social benefit accrued from the project to the nation has to be
incorporated so as to obtain economic indicators.

The financial analysis is concerned with the estimation of the financial implications of a proposed project.
Hence, from the private developer perspective, financial evaluation is the most important aspect of a
project to determine whether to finance it or not. It is based on the use of real term monetary values of
the cost & benefit and makes use of market prices and, therefore, includes any taxes or royalties which
will be levied on the factors of production and any subsidies, capital or operating costs, which may be
received as part of the development. All the costs are charged and all the revenues are credited to conduct
analysis in the actual amounts expended or received. For the analysis, the financial rate of return and cash
flow is assessed from the perspective of a utility owner/operator.


The relevant specific parameters applied for the financial analysis in this study are as follows:

• Power generation: The basis for analysis is primarily based on the energy
generation of the project. The only income of this project is its income from energy
sale. The energy generation for various months is shown in Table.
Analysis Period: The construction of the project is assumed to start from 15/11/2015 and
planned to be completed by 15/07/2017. The plant will start generating revenue from the
beginning of August 2017. The duration of commercial operation as per the Power Purchase
Agreement (PPA) concluded between NEA and the developer of project similar to this project is
up to 30 years. So the commercial operation period of 30 years has been assumed.
• Reference Date: The reference date for determining the costs and exchange
rate is the August 2015.

• Operation & Maintenance Costs: Annual operation and maintenance cost of

the Project for the first year of commercial operation has been estimated as 2.21 percent
of the total project cost. The escalation rate for operation & maintenance cost has been
described in the previous chapter.
Table 11.2-1: Power and Energy Calculation

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

Discharge Net Head Power Net Energy

Baisakh 3.23 98.78 2703
Jestha 5.10 95.70 4137
Ashad 6.27 91.76 4881
Shrawan 6.27 91.76 4881
Bhadra 6.27 91.76 4881
Aswin 6.27 91.76 4881
Kartik 6.27 91.76 4881
Marg 4.28 96.55 3506
Poush 3.12 98.85 2612
Magh 2.72 99.25 2286
Falgun 2.61 99.40 2201
Chaitra 2.75 98.09 2284

• Energy Price: The energy shall be sold to Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) at
the rate of Rs. 4.80 for the wet months and Rs. 8.40 for the dry months. This is the latest
rate adopted by Nepal Electricity Authority for small hydropower projects. There is an
escalation of three percent from the date of commercial operation for the first nine years.

• Depreciation: Straight line method has been applied for depreciation


• Tax Rate: As stipulated in the Income Tax Act 2058, the applicable corporate
tax rate for enterprises undertaking electricity generation is 20 percent.
• Financing Mix: The Project is assumed to be constructed through 70 percent
Bank Loan and 30 percent Equity. The long term loan is assumed to carry an annual
interest rate of 10 percent. The repayment period for long term debt shall be 10 years
following commercial operation of the project. Interest during construction (IDC) has
been capitalized as mentioned in the previous chapter.

• Loan Repayment Model: Equal Monthly Installment (EMI) model shall be

adopted to calculate the installments. The interest rate shall be 10 percent.

• Discount Rate: The discount rate shall be 10%. This rate shall be used to
calculate Net Present Value, Discounted Payback Period, Annuity and Benefit Cost Ratio
of the project. Commercial Operation Date (COD) shall be taken as the reference year
to calculate discounted cash flow.
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• Net Cash Flow: While calculating the net cash flow in order to calculate IRR,
B/C Ratio, NPV, Simple and Discounted PBP, the total cash inflow is deducted from the
total cash outflow every year. Thus, the cash inflow represents only the income from
energy sale. On the other hand, cash outflow is the sum of O&M cost, Interest on Bank
Loan, Staff Bonus and tax.

• Exchange Rate: Fixed exchange rate of Nepali rupee with Indian Rupee at NRs.
1.60 and US Dollar at NRs. 103.0 are assumed.

• Unit Energy Cost: Since O&M cost of the Project increases every year, the
average O&M cost of the entire 30 years has been considered while calculating the unit
energy cost.


The financial analysis is carried out by the usual discounted cash flow technique. Different financial
indicators are used to examine the feasibility of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project (4.800 MW).
Analysis has been done by calculating the payback period, net present value, internal rate of return, benefit
cost ratio, discounted payback period, plant factor, cost per kilowatt etc. The projected income statement
and the cash flow of the company for the next 30 years are shown in Volume I. The analysis is carried out
in Nepalese Rupees (NRs.) as the price of the energy that will be sold from this project to Nepal Electricity
Authority (NEA) upon the conclusion of Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) between NEA and the
developer of the Project will be in NRs.


The ratio of average loaded output to the installed capacity of the plant is called plant factor. The
plant factor is calculated as follows:

Plant Factor = Average Loaded Output

Hours x InstalledCapacity……………(1)

Plant Factor = (30,781,051/8,760 *4800 )*100%

Plant Factor = 73.20%

The type of project is a run off river. The analysis suggests that the plant shall be running at
71.98 percent of the full capacity every year. Since the plant factor is above 60 percent, the
Project is highly attractive for construction.


One of the important indicators for privately built hydropower project is unit cost per kilowatt.
If the unit cost per kilowatt hour is lower than the price fixed by NEA, then the project is said to
be feasible and vice versa.

The energy shall be sold to Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA) at the rate of Rs. 4.80 for the wet

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months and Rs. 8.40 for the dry months. The latest trend adopted by the NEA is an increment of
3 percent in energy price for the first nine years after operation. This makes an average price per
kilowatt‐hour of Rs. 6.79. The average unit price varies from one project to another depending
on their plant factor. The unit energy cost of the Project has been calculated by using the following

Can = Annuity Cost (Interest and Principal Repayment) = Rs. 96,991,000

O+M = Average Annual Operation and Maintenance Cost = Rs.

46,033,000 Pins = Installed Capacity = 4800 Kilowatt

PF = Plant Factor = 73.20%

Unit Energy Cost = Rs. 4.64

The power generated from this Project can be sold at an average price of Rs. 6.79. The Unit Energy Cost
of the Project is lower than the price fixed by the NEA. Thus, this Project is profitable.


Annuity is a stream of equal cash flows for a specified number of periods. There are two types of annuity,
Ordinary (Deferred) annuity and Annuity Due. Generally, annuity refers to Ordinary (Deferred) annuity.
Annuity method is widely used in the analysis of hydropower projects because they yield a fixed income
over the life. The general equation of the present value of an annuity is as follows:


PVAn = Present value if an annuity for period is n.

PMT = Series of payment of an equal amount of money for period n.

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n = Specified number of period (Years).

i = Discount rate.

PVIFA = Present value of interest factor of an annuity.

The total investment cost (PV) of the Project is Rs. 639,985 thousand. The amount required for
the repayment of capital over the lifetime of the project (PMT) is calculated as follows:

The Project shall generate revenue of Rs. 170,642 thousands in the first year of operation and out of
which Rs. 91,786 thousand (53.79 percent) needs to be allocated for the payment of interest and principal
on annuity method. On the basis of this analysis, the income of the Project is about double of the
installment for payment of interest and principal; hence, the Project is desirable to invest.


A rational individual would not value the opportunity to receive a specific amount of money in future if
he/she can have same amount of money today. Most individuals value the opportunity to receive money
now rather than waiting for some period of time to receive the same amount. This phenomenon is
referred as an individual's time preference for money. Thus, an individual's preference for possessions of
a given amount of cash today, rather than in future is called 'time preference for money' or 'Time Value
of Money'. The time value of money is generally expressed by an interest rate or discount rate.
Capital has an alternative use. So the opportunity cost of capital should also be considered while evaluating
the investment proposals. The opportunity cost may be defined as the rate or return on the best available
alternative investment of equal risk. Commercial banks in Nepal charge 9 to 11 percent interest on project
loan. The interest rate on bank loan for this project is assumed to be 1o percent. So we have chosen 10
percent as discount rate for this project. The discount factor for a lump sum payment is calculated by
using the following formula:


DF = Discount Factor

i = Discount rate
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n = Number of Years
The Discount Factor for an annuity (an annuity is a series of payments of an equal amount at fixed intervals
for a specified number of periods) can be calculated by using the following formula:

The economic life of the Project is assumed to be 30 years. The construction period of the project is
assumed to be three years. Thus, by using equation (5), the discount factor for the Project is calculated
as follows:

i. Net Present Value

Net Present Value (NPV) method is the classic economic method of evaluating the investment proposals.
It is one of the discounted cash flow (DCF) techniques explicitly recognizing the time value of money.
Net Present Value may be defined as the excess of the present value of cash inflows over the present
value of cash out flows. To calculate Net Present Value, first an appropriate rate of interest shall be
selected to discount the cash flows. Then, the present value of investment (i.e. cash inflows) and the
present value of investment outlay (i.e. cash outflows) shall be computed using interest rate as the
discounting rate. Finally, the net present value shall be found out by subtracting the present value of cash
outflows from the present value of cash inflows. Net Present Value can be calculated by using the following
Interest rate (i) = 10%

Project Life (n) = 30

Years Or,

NPV = Total PV – Cost of

Investment Where,

Total PV = PV of CIF – PIV of COF

ii. Internal Rate of Return
The internal rate of return (IRR) method is another discounted cash flow technique which takes account
of the magnitude and timing of cash flows. This technique is also known as yield on investment, marginal
efficiency of capital, marginal productivity of capital, rate of return, time adjusted rate of return and so
on. It is a method of evaluating investment proposals using the rate of return on an asset investment,
which is calculated by finding the discount rate that equates the present value of future cash flows to the
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investment's cost. Thus, IRR is that discount rate which equates the present value of cash inflows with
the present value of cash outflows. We can use the following equation to calculate the project's IRR:
iii. Benefit/Cost ratio or Profitability Index (PI) of the Project
Another time‐adjusted method for evaluating the investment proposals is the Benefit/Cost ratio or
profitability index (PI). It is the ratio of the present value of future values (NPV + the Initial Investment),
divided by the Initial Investment.

Rules of Profitability Index

If PI > 1, Good Investment

If PI < 1, Bad Investment

iv. Payback Period

The payback period is one of the most popular and widely recognized methods for evaluating investment
proposals. This method identifies the required number of years to pay the original cost of the investment,
normally disregarding salvage value. Cash flow here represents CFAT.
Thus, the payback method measures the number of years required for the CF to pay back the original
outlay required in an investment. Payback period can be calculated in two different ways:
• Simple Payback Period
Simple payback period may be defined as the number of years required to recover the initial cash invested
in a project. If the project generates constant annual cash inflows, the payback period can be computed
dividing initial cash outlay by the annual cash inflow.
• Discounted Payback Period
The discounted payback period is the length of time required for a project to recover its initial capital
outlay from the cash inflows discounted at the firm's cost of capital,


This Project will be financed by the promoter's equity and loans from banks. The capital will be required
in different stages of the project development cycle. The capital structure of the Project consists of 30.00
percent equity and 70.00 percent bank loan. The shareholders are the real owner of the Project. They
get profit if the project earns it. On the contrary, the bank loan should be paid back with interest.
The bank loan shall be repaid within ten years from the date of commercial operation. Equal Monthly
Installment (EMI) method has been applied to fix the interest and the monthly installments. The loan shall
be paid in 144 monthly installments with 10% percent interest.
This calculation shows that the project need to allocate Rs. 91,780 thousands each year for the principal
and interest repayment (for 12 years). The first year income from the sale of energy is Rs. 170,642
thousands. The principal and interest will consume 53.79 percent of annual revenue for the first year. This
indicates that there are enough surpluses left to pay other expenses. Therefore, this Project is worth
investing. Table : shows bank loan repayment plan.

Table : Bank loan repayment plan (Rs ‘000)

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Bank Loan Repayment Schedule

Interest Rate 10%

Amount NPR In ''000''

Principal Interest @ Total Total
Year Month Total EMI Installment Balance 10% Interest Principal Balance
1 1 30000 9170 824029 20830
2 30000 9399 814629 20601
3 30000 9634 804995 20366
4 30000 9875 795120 20125 81921 38079 795120
2 1 30000 10122 784997 19878
2 30000 10375 774622 19625
3 30000 10635 763988 19366
4 30000 10900 753087 19100 77968 42032 753087
3 1 30000 11173 741914 18827
2 30000 11452 730462 18548
3 30000 11739 718723 18262
4 30000 12032 706691 17968 73605 46396 706691
4 1 30000 12333 694358 17667
2 30000 12641 681717 17359
3 30000 12957 668760 17043
4 30000 13281 655479 16719 68788 51212 655479
5 1 30000 13613 641866 16387
2 30000 13954 627912 16047
3 30000 14302 613610 15698
4 30000 14660 598950 15340 63472 56529 598950
6 1 30000 15026 583923 14974
2 30000 15402 568521 14598
3 30000 15787 552734 14213
4 30000 16182 536552 13818 57603 62397 536552
7 1 30000 16586 519966 13414
2 30000 17001 502965 12999
3 30000 17426 485539 12574
4 30000 17862 467677 12138 51126 68875 467677
8 1 30000 18308 449369 11692
2 30000 18766 430603 11234
3 30000 19235 411368 10765
4 30000 19716 391652 10284 43975 76025 391652
9 1 30000 20209 371443 9791
2 30000 20714 350729 9286
3 30000 21232 329497 8768
4 30000 21763 307735 8237 36083 83918 307735
10 1 30000 22307 285428 7693
2 30000 22864 262563 7136
3 30000 23436 239127 6564
4 30000 24022 215105 5978 27371 92629 215105
11 1 30000 24623 190483 5378
2 30000 25238 165245 4762
3 30000 25869 139376 4131
4 30000 26516 112860 3484 17755 102245 112860
12 1 30000 27179 85681 2821
2 30000 27858 57823 2142
3 30000 28555 29268 1446
4 30000 29268 0 732 7141 112860 0
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The debt service coverage ratio (DSCR) is the ratio of net operating income to debt payment. It
produce enough revenue to cover its debt payments. The rule of thumb says a project is acceptable if the
ratio is greater than one.is a popular benchmark used in the measurement of an income‐producing
project’s ability to produce enough revenue to cover payment.
Projected Debt Service Coverage Ratio
Amount NPR in '000
Particular Year 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Profit Before\ Tax 41578 50302 59454 68954 79060 89498 100515 112365 124835 132708 141447 151143
Interest 81,921 77,968 73,605 68,788 63,472 57,603 51,126 43,975 36,083 27,371 17,755 7,141
Depreciation + Amortization 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676 39676
Total Amount
163,175 167,946 172,734 177,418 182,208 186,777 191,316 196,016 200,594 199,755 198,878 197,960
available for Loan
Loan Principle 38,079 42,032 46,396 51,212 56,529 62,397 68,875 76,025 83,918 92,629 102,245 112,860
Interest + Renewal 81,921 77,968 73,605 68,788 63,472 57,603 51,126 43,975 36,083 27,371 17,755 7,141
Total Interest
120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001 120,001
+Loan Principle
Debt Service
1.36 1.40 1.44 1.48 1.52 1.56 1.59 1.63 1.67 1.66 1.66 1.65
Coverage Ratio


Break‐even point is a neither profit nor loss situation. Any production or sales below BEP point indicates
loss and production or sales above BEP point indicate profit


All the financial indicators of this Project are satisfactory. All the above results surpass the rule of thumb
for any financial analyst. Thus, it can be concluded that the Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project is
financially attractive. Hence, this Project is very viable and worth for an investment.

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Sensitivity analysis is done to examine the viability of project during various difficulties (during project
construction and operation). The sensitivity analysis of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project has been
carried out on the following conditions;

• Increase in Project Cost

• Decrease in Revenue Collection

• Change in Government Policies

• Delay in Project Construction


Project construction period may increase due to several reasons. The delay in construction work will
increase the project cost. Consequently, revenue loss increases. The delay shall increase the interest
during construction. Likewise, the staff cost and overhead of the company shall increase. The price of
materials may increase over the construction period and affect the total project cost. These are some
probabilities which can be predicted beforehand. However, there are many unpredictable situations that
are beyond the control of the developer.

In addition, it is possible that the Project may need some additional structures during construction, which
was not foreseen in the detail design. Structure protection work, side road construction etc. are some of
the cost element which may increases the project cost. Also, change in design and additional equipments
may be needed in the project which will increase the burden.


Revenue from the sale of energy is the only source of income of this Project. There will be monthly
contract energy that needs to be supplied. If the Project does not generate energy as per the agreement,
it needs to pay the penalty. Some of the reasons for the Project not being able to produce the contract
energy are:‐

• If there is a long draught, the Project may be unable to generate the contract

• In the case of breakdown of the electromechanical equipments, the project may

be unable to generate the power and
• In the case of fault in transmission line, the plant cannot supply power; hence,
revenue generation target may not be attained.
In such cases, the company may not be able to pay monthly loan installment and interest to the banks.
The Company shall be unable to spend money for repair and maintenance of the Project and may not be
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able to pay monthly salary to its staffs. In such case instead paying loan, the company may need additional
finance from the banks. Loan rescheduling may be required.


The Electricity Act 1992 has announced income tax holiday for hydropower projects for a period of 10
years. Also there is a tax exemption in import of machineries from abroad. Local tax and Value Added
Tax (VAT) exemption are also exempted in imported items. If the government policies are changed and
such exemptions are revoked and new taxes are added then hydropower projects may be unfeasible or
less profitable. If the government has given high priority and provided some type of subsidy, the Project
may enjoy more profits.


The timely construction of project depends on various things. Sometimes shortage of labour, materials,
political environment etc can cause delay in construction. Hence, it will have a direct impact in project
cost, forecast of income and expenditure.


The following possible conditions have been attested and its impact has been presented.

Case I: Project Cost Increased by 13%.

Case II: Decline in Power Generation by 33%.


Certain rational assumptions have been applied while doing sensitivity analysis. Total investment for this
project has been carefully analyzed taking into consideration of all components. Past experience of project
construction has been taken into account while doing the estimates. A provision of cost escalation due
to inflation, exchange rate and minor changes in design is included in the cost estimates.
The Project cost includes Physical Contingencies which occupies 5 percent of the total cost. If there is
increment of 10 percent, the project developers shall finance by raising additional equity. Any further
increment in the project cost above 10 percent shall be financed from the banks. In other words, bank
loan shall be raised to finance the project for additional investment cost greater than 10 percent.


• In case of increment in the Project cost by 10% and 20%, the capital structure has been
changed in accordance with Table : . The following Capital Structure has been assumed remaining
other things constant.
Table : Change in Capital Structure due to increment in Project Cost (NRs ‘000)

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1. Cost Overrun Sensitivity

Note: If Cost Increase by: 13.05%

Amount NPR in '000

Amortilizati Profit before Profit after
Year Revenue O&M Royalty on tax Tax Tax Cash Inflow NPV @10%
A B C D E G H I J 10%
1 (592,087) (538,261)
2 (976,943) (807,391)
3 186,559 17,854 4,681 39,676 123,499 - 123,499 163,175 122,595
4 192,155 18,390 4,793 39,676 128,270 - 128,270 167,946 114,709
5 197,795 18,942 4,906 39,676 133,059 - 133,059 172,734 107,255
6 203,352 19,510 5,017 39,676 137,742 - 137,742 177,418 100,148
7 209,047 20,095 5,131 39,676 142,532 - 142,532 182,208 93,501
8 214,542 20,698 5,241 39,676 147,101 - 147,101 186,777 87,133
9 220,037 21,319 5,351 39,676 151,641 - 151,641 191,316 81,137
10 225,733 21,958 5,465 39,676 156,341 - 156,341 196,016 75,573
11 231,336 22,617 5,577 39,676 160,918 - 160,918 200,594 70,307
12 231,336 23,296 5,577 39,676 160,079 - 160,079 199,755 63,648
13 231,336 23,995 5,577 39,676 159,202 14,145 145,057 184,733 53,511
14 231,336 24,714 5,577 39,676 158,284 15,114 143,170 182,846 48,149
15 231,336 25,456 5,577 39,676 157,415 15,741 141,673 181,349 43,414
16 231,336 26,220 5,577 39,676 156,666 15,667 141,000 180,675 39,320
17 231,336 27,006 5,577 39,676 155,896 15,590 140,306 179,982 35,608
18 231,336 27,816 32,634 39,676 128,586 25,717 102,869 142,544 25,638
19 231,336 28,512 32,634 39,676 127,904 25,581 102,323 141,999 23,218
20 231,336 29,228 32,634 39,676 127,202 25,440 101,762 141,438 21,024
21 231,336 29,966 32,634 39,676 126,479 25,296 101,183 140,859 19,034
22 231,336 30,726 32,634 39,676 125,735 25,147 100,588 140,263 17,231
23 231,336 31,508 32,634 39,676 124,968 24,994 99,974 139,650 15,596
24 231,336 32,315 32,634 39,676 124,178 24,836 99,342 139,018 14,114
25 231,336 33,145 32,634 39,676 123,364 24,673 98,691 138,367 12,771
26 231,336 34,000 32,634 39,676 122,526 24,505 98,021 137,696 11,553
27 231,336 34,881 32,634 39,676 121,662 24,332 97,330 137,006 10,450
28 231,336 35,788 32,634 39,676 120,773 24,155 96,619 136,294 9,451
29 231,336 36,723 32,634 39,676 119,857 23,971 95,886 135,562 8,546
30 231,336 37,686 32,634 39,676 118,914 23,783 95,131 134,807 7,726
31 231,336 38,677 32,634 39,676 117,942 23,588 94,354 134,030 6,983
32 231,336 39,698 32,634 39,688 116,930 23,386 93,544 133,231 6,310

Total 6,738,606 832,739 569,125 1,190,284 4,075,665 445,661 3,630,004 3,251,258 (0)

It is assumed that the revenue and the other costs of the project shall remain the same. Also the parameters
applied for the base case has been assumed to remain the same.


• For both cases (Case III: Decline in Power Generation by 13% and Case IV: Decline in
Power Generation by 33%), the annual energy production is calculated by deducting the
conditions mentioned in those cases from the base case. The following Table : shows the
comparison of energy production for both cases.

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• During operation, it is likely that the plant may not produce as much energy as mentioned
in the report. There are various reasons for decline in power generation which is mentioned in
12.1.2. On the contrary, it is almost impossible to predict when and by how much energy
generation declines. Thus, the average rate per NRs. 6.79 kWh has been applied to conduct the
test for declining power generation.

Sensitivity Analysis
2. Revenue Sensitivity
Note: If Revenue decrease by: 33.48%

Amount NPR '000

Depreciation + Profit before Profit after

Year Revenue O&M Royalty Amortilization tax Tax Tax Cash Inflow NPV @10%
A B C D E G H I J 10%
1 (476,114) (432,831)
2 (714,170) (590,224)
3 228754 17854 4681 39676 165,694 - 165,694 205,370 154,297
4 235616 18390 4793 39676 171,731 - 171,731 211,407 144,394
5 242540 18942 4906 39676 177,803 - 177,803 217,479 135,037
6 249340 19510 5017 39676 183,730 - 183,730 223,406 126,107
7 256332 20095 5131 39676 189,817 - 189,817 229,492 117,766
8 263067 20698 5241 39676 195,626 - 195,626 235,301 109,770
9 269801 21319 5351 39676 201,404 - 201,404 241,080 102,242
10 276793 21958 5465 39676 207,401 - 207,401 247,077 95,259
11 283653 22617 5577 39676 213,236 - 213,236 252,911 88,644
12 283653 23296 5577 39676 212,396 - 212,396 252,072 80,318
13 283653 23995 5577 39676 211,519 14145 197,375 237,050 68,665
14 283653 24714 5577 39676 210,601 15114 195,487 235,163 61,926
15 283653 25456 5577 39676 209,732 15741 193,991 233,666 55,938
16 283653 26220 5577 39676 208,984 15667 193,317 232,993 50,706
17 283653 27006 5577 39676 208,213 15590 192,623 232,299 45,959
18 283653 27816 32634 39676 180,903 25717 155,186 194,862 35,048
19 283653 28512 32634 39676 180,222 25581 154,641 194,316 31,772
20 283653 29228 32634 39676 179,520 25440 154,079 193,755 28,800
21 283653 29966 32634 39676 178,797 25296 153,501 193,177 26,104
22 283653 30726 32634 39676 178,052 25147 152,905 192,581 23,658
23 283653 31508 32634 39676 177,285 24994 152,291 191,967 21,439
24 283653 32315 32634 39676 176,495 24836 151,659 191,335 19,425
25 283653 33145 32634 39676 175,681 24673 151,008 190,684 17,599
26 283653 34000 32634 39676 174,843 24505 150,338 190,014 15,943
27 283653 34881 32634 39676 173,980 24332 149,647 189,323 14,441
28 283653 35788 32634 39676 173,090 24155 148,936 188,612 13,079
29 283653 36723 32634 39676 172,175 23971 148,203 187,879 11,844
30 283653 37686 32634 39676 171,231 23783 147,448 187,124 10,724
31 283653 38677 32634 39676 170,260 23588 146,671 186,347 9,708
32 283653 39698 32634 39688 169,247 23386 145,861 185,549 8,788
Total 8,262,608 832,739 569,125 1,190,284 5,599,667 445,661 5,154,006 5,154,006 702,345.29

• Besides, all other parameters of the base case have been applied.

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12.2.4 RESULTS

The results of financial analysis for the sensitivity tests are summarized in below Table
Table: Results of Sensitivity Analysis
3. Interest Rate Sesitivity

Interest Rate Interest Rate:10% Interest Rate:11% Interest Rate:12%

Income Income Income Income Income Income

100% & 0% Income 90% 100% & 100% & 0% Income 90% 100% & 100% & 0% Income 90% 100% &
Cost & 0 % Cost Cost 110% Cost & 0 % Cost Cost 110% Cost & 0 % Cost Cost 110%
Particular: Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase Increase

IRR 17.50% 15.61% 15.80% 17.35% 15.48% 15.66% 17.21% 15.35% 15.53%

EIRR/ROE 28.44% 23.53% 23.99% 26.85% 22.04% 22.49% 25.26% 20.58% 21.01%

NPV ####### 760,948 866,259 ####### 747,729 851,711 ####### 734,564 837,222
B/C Ratio in
Times 1.69 1.50 1.52 1.67 1.49 1.51 1.66 1.48 1.50
Simple Payback
Period in Years
Discounted 4.66 5.19 5.13 4.69 5.23 5.17 4.73 5.27 5.21
Payback Period in
Years 8.26 9.46 9.50 8.36 9.75 9.60 8.46 9.85 9.71

Minumum DSCR
in Times 1.62 1.45 1.46 1.53 1.37 1.38 1.45 1.30 1.31
Cost Over Run
Sensitivity 45.04% 29.32% 30.83% 43.80% 28.20% 29.70% 42.57% 27.11% 28.60%

Revenue Decrease
Sensitivity 33.50% 27.32% 27.99% 33.08% 34.16% 27.52% 32.65% 26.37% 27.05%

The projected total cost includes escalation which has proven to be a deciding factor for this Project. The
careful estimation of total project cost and a clever mix of equity and debt reflect that this project is
feasible when the cost of the Project is increased by a total of 13 percent. In addition, decline in power
generation up to 10 percent does not cause any alarming threat to the project. However, this project is
sensitive towards the decline of power generation by 33% among all. The financial indicators at this
condition are the lowest among other conditions and project seems unfeasible for the investment. Overall,
the results are quite satisfactory. The above scenarios are probable possibilities while
constructing/operating the project. Yet, most of the results are very positive with slight changes. Among
these sensitivity tests performed, the sensitivity test with decline in power generation by 20 percent is
critical compared to other tests. It is followed by project cost increased by 20 percent. The lowest IRR
is 8.44 percent, Benefit Cost Ratio is 0.86, Debt Service Coverage Ratio is 1.41 and the Net Present
Values is Negative. The above results in different cases surpass the rule of thumb for any financial analyst.
Thus, it can be concluded that Madhya Midim Small is financially attractive. Hence, this Project is very
viable and worth for an investment.

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project



There is acute power shortage in all regions of Nepal. The construction of power plants in any region
shall reduce the transmission losses and provide reliable energy in the region. In this context the
construction of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project will add power in the western region of Nepal.
Bhorletar is the growing market in the hilly region of Lamjung district as well as main connecting town
for the proposed project. So, there will be increased demand of energy in coming years.

With the construction of this project it will help to supply reliable power to the system in that area of
western region, which will help for industrial development in the region.


From the feasibility study report the Project is found to be feasible and profitable for the construction.
The water discharge from the Midim Khola has not been used for drinking water and irrigation purpose.
There is little negative environmental impact by constructing this project.

The study has suggested for the fully penstock pipe option while the canal option or tunnel option will be
avoided due to geological, topographical and costing reasons.

A upgrading of the existing motorable road as infrastructure of this project is suggested. Though it will
increase the construction cost of the project it will benefit the project in the immediate run and local
people in the future.

Rural electrification in the surrounding villages have to be done and electrify the villages will help to
upgrade the living standard. A permanent drinking water scheme has to be built to facilitate the project
construction work and the local villages as well.

In order to increase the local people participation it is suggested to have maximum local people
participation in the equity shareholding of the company. It will increase the feeling of ownership among
the local people.

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Feasibility study of Madhya Midim Small Hydropower Project

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