Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy On The Relationship Between Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety

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2, JUNE 2023


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mariamicaela.ebora, [email protected]
Lucena Dalahican National High School – Barra Annex, Division of Lucena City, 2Laguna State
Polytechnic University, Faculty of College of Graduate Studies and Applied Research, Philippines



Effective education requires teaching efficacy, teaching anxiety, and teaching knowledge, all of which are
essential elements. In-service mathematics teachers in the province of Quezon participated in this study
to examine the role of mathematics teaching efficacy (MTE) as a mediator in the link between pedagogical
content knowledge (PCK) and mathematics teaching anxiety (MTA). 200 in-service mathematics teachers
from the Division of Quezon participated in the study by completing a set of questionnaires that included
the MTE Scale, MTA Scale, and PCK Scale. The study utilized a quantitative descriptive research design
and a mediation analysis. As the main objectives of the study were identified through the problem
statement, the researcher decided to adopt the research design as a tool that carried out the study and
served as the blueprint to guide the study accordingly. The PROCESS macro was used to conduct
mediation analysis to test the theoretical hypothesis. It was found that MTE performs a competitive
complete moderating function in the association between PCK and MTA for in-service teachers. The
statistics show that high PCK improves in-service teachers’ MTE while decreasing their MTA. Even though
PCK predicts MTE, which predicts MTA in turn, further longitudinal and experimental investigations are
required to fully comprehend this progression. MTE thus acts as a mediator in the connection between the
PCK and MTA.

Keywords: mathematics teaching anxiety, mathematics teaching efficacy, pedagogical content knowledge,
mediation analysis via the process macro

INTRODUCTION continuous, reflective activity that must be modified

and adjusted to meet the needs of students.
Effective teaching is the knowledge, Effective teachers develop effective learners who
approaches, procedures, and behaviors that result actively participate in their own learning and
in positive student performance. Effective teachers personal growth. They may manage a classroom
use their knowledge to improve their student's to eliminate or lessen challenging behavior,
learning and have a positive influence on them. provide new knowledge in an engaging and
However, keep in mind that not all components of accessible manner, and engage students' interest
good teaching are immediately visible or in the subject matter to improve higher-order
measurable. thinking. Effective teachers are passionate about
Effective teachers establish strong working their topic and use their expertise and pedagogical
connections with their students in situations that skills to create high-quality learning environments.
are both safe and courteous. Effective teaching is Mathematics is the foundation of knowledge in a
much more than end-of-year data: it is a wide range of scientific disciplines. This area of
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
study is based on a cumulative understanding of have created a variety of approaches and
mathematics rather than a set of organized techniques to examine pedagogical topic
concepts. Students should be able to build this knowledge, including paper and pencil tests
expanding structure outside of the theoretical (particularly multiple-choice exams), concept
framework of the classroom as part of their maps, visual representations, interviews, and
mathematics education. In this regard, multi-method evaluations. These methods have
mathematics education has been one of the most been applied to staff development, program
complicated and quickly evolving study topics, with development, and teacher assessment, among
various theoretical methods created. (Goos & other objectives.
Bennison, 2018; Zevenbergen, 2005). With a However, we also refer to research from other
framework he calls pedagogical content disciplines that may help consider how
knowledge (PCK), Lee Shulman introduced a new pedagogical content knowledge might inform
method of considering the knowledge that teachers teaching in mathematics. The main emphasis will
must impart to their students. This way of thinking be on studies of pedagogical content knowledge
combines pedagogical knowledge, which includes that concentrate on the teaching of mathematics.
general teaching and learning knowledge, with Eleonor (2014) identified several challenges to
content information, the main resource teachers raise various issues that are relevant to the study
need to teach. The technique for presenting and of pedagogical topic knowledge, including
constructing the knowledge that helps students difficulties in evaluating teacher cognition. First, it
understand the subject is called PCK, which is the is impossible to directly observe pedagogical
intersection of these two sets of knowledge. Lee content understanding. A teacher’s understanding
Shulman presented a novel approach and a of the examples from their subject area that best
hypothetical set of domains of teacher expertise. illustrate themes and their awareness of the typical
Shulman argued that the investigation of "teachers' student struggles related to those issues make up
cognitive understanding of subject matter content their pedagogical content knowledge, which is
and the relationships between such understanding partly an internal construct. Mathematics is a
and the instruction teachers provide for students" subject that is taught from elementary school
may be the "missing program" in educational through college, but many students find it
research as a response to the overabundance of intimidating and challenging to understand. Many
generic educational research. The three categories learners experience anxiety each time they study
of content understanding—subject matter mathematics because of these anxieties.
knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, and curricular Mathematical anxiety is characterized by stress
knowledge—and their effects on classroom and worry that impairs the ability to manipulate
practice were then differentiated and called for. numbers and solve mathematical puzzles in a
The constructs were renamed subject matter variety of real-world and academic contexts.
knowledge, curricular knowledge, and pedagogical Mathematics can cause tension, anxiety, and panic
content knowledge in later model revisions. Of in people who have a high level of math anxiety. It
them, the "subject matter for teaching" known as has been repeatedly shown that mathematics
pedagogical content knowledge has attracted a lot anxiety negatively affects math performance.
of attention in both the research and practice According to research, it is a taught behavior that
worlds. According to Shulman, pedagogical frequently appears early in a person's scholastic
content knowledge (PCK) is the method of career and, once it takes root, its detrimental
presenting and constructing a subject that enables impacts will persist throughout the school years.
others to understand it. The description of PCK and However, because most studies are carried out in
its position within the constellation of knowledge the United States, there is a lack of information on
categories for teaching are all covered in several students from Asia. Furthermore, as opposed to
papers by Shulman and his colleagues. They also kids in lower grades, most researchers had
present changing views of the domains of teacher experience working with high school or college
knowledge. Researchers and teacher educators students.
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
In addition to teaching rigidly, emphasizing rote between pedagogical content knowledge and
learning and teaching, spending less time mathematics teaching anxiety. This will be useful
responding to students' queries, and not using to have a greater understanding of the context of
open questions, teachers who are worried about mathematics teaching and how this brings a
mathematics are also observed to teach rigorously. negative implication in the mental health aspect of
However, not only inexperienced teachers but also the teachers.
seasoned teachers occasionally suffer similar
anxiousness. Regular users of mathematics are OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY
also more likely to experience mathematical
anxiety, which can lead to decreased productivity This study determined the mediating role of
in their area of expertise. These teachers' mathematics teaching efficacy on the relationship
nervousness not only makes studying more between pedagogical content knowledge and
difficult, but it also has an impact on the pupils they mathematics teaching anxiety of the Mathematics
are instructing because good teachers can help Teachers in the Division of Quezon. Specifically, it
their students learn more effectively. Learning sought to 1) determine the level of pedagogical
material is one of the most crucial things that needs content knowledge of the respondents in
to be prepared before teaching in a class. The mathematics; 2) assess the level of the
primary component that shapes the learning respondents’ mathematics teaching anxiety 3)
process's content is the learning material. determine the level of mathematics teaching
Naturally, the material that needs to be mastered efficacy of the respondents; and 4) determine if
to teach mathematics is mathematical stuff. mathematics teaching efficacy mediates the
Mathematical content is renowned for being relationship between pedagogical content
challenging to comprehend. To make mathematics knowledge and mathematics teaching anxiety.
more difficult, several mathematical components
are connected. Various prerequisites must be METHODOLOGY
learned to comprehend the topic. This creates
some material that inexperienced teachers haven't
yet mastered, which fuels their nervousness when The study utilized a quantitative descriptive
teaching math. research design and a mediation analysis. As the
Anxiety is a normal emotion that everyone main objectives of the study were identified through
encounters. However, worry can be quite upsetting the problem statement, the researcher decided to
for someone’s situation. The performance of adopt the research design as a tool that carried out
anyone, including a teacher, can be impacted by the study. This descriptive research used survey
this unsettling uneasiness. Anxiety related to
questionnaires with a structured and outlined set of
teaching mathematics is one type of anxiety that
might impair a teacher's performance. Anxiety items to quantify the responses. Being the most
while teaching mathematics refers to a state of adopted design, it emphasized harvesting of first-
worry or anxiety during the teaching of hand data which is analyzed and interpreted to
mathematical concepts to students. New teachers generate useful information out of the unstructured
may experience anxiety for several reasons. These data. The researcher significantly used this method
elements may originate inside or outside the for this research study that dealt with an
teacher. This concern is typically brought on by a
investigation and description of a phenomenon in
failure to demonstrate mastery of the expected
teacher competencies. Pedagogical competence, a specific population. Researchers utilized surveys
personality competence, social competence, and to sample a wide number of users to gather indirect
professional competence are all part of the quantitative, bias-free data on users in relevant
teaching competencies. In this regard, this study scenarios. The data was gathered and subjected
aims to understand the mediating role of to statistical analysis. The data from the profile was
mathematics teaching efficacy on the relationships
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
tallied, analyzed, and interpreted using weighted generally consistent and that the majority of
mean and frequency counts. Moreover, the the teachers held the same views.
researcher used the Pearson Product Moment
Coefficient of correlation r to determine the degree Table 1
Mean Distribution of the Respondents as to Pedagogical
of relationship found in the hypotheses.
Content of Knowledge
To discover fundamental statistical values Level of
Std. Verbal
and correlations between variables, descriptive Pedagogical Mean
Deviation Interpretation
statistics, and correlation analysis were applied. Knowledge
4.47 0.56 Strongly
The PROCESS macro, created by Andrew Hayes, PCK1
is one such instrument. The PROCESS macro PCK2
4.37 0.59 Strongly
computes regression analyses with the mediator.
4.38 0.53 Strongly
The mediating function of MTE in the link between PCK3
PCK and MTA was identified using Process Macro. PCK4
4.46 0.50 Strongly
The association between PCK and MTA, PCK and 4.39 0.65 Strongly
MTE, and MTE and MTA were established first Agree
using simple regression analyses. Since in each 4.33 0.63 Strongly
instance of simple regression analyses, significant 4.36 0.53 Strongly
effects were found between the variables, then Agree
4.30 0.70 Strongly
mediation analyses using the PROCESS MACRO PCK8
were conducted. The measurement model that 4.41 0.59 Strongly
dealt with the link knowledge of the subject Agree
PCK10 4.11 0.64 Agree
curriculum, knowledge of assessment, and Strongly
knowledge of the student's subject area are all Mean 4.36 0.46
included in their concept of pedagogical content
knowledge. The teachers' high PCK was evidently visible
in the result because they know the curriculum
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION wherein, they can easily diagnose and eliminates
student’s difficulties and misconceptions through
1. Level of Pedagogical Content Knowledge giving formative assessments that they can identify
the competencies they should address more in
The results for Pedagogical Content their instruction through Item Analysis that they
Knowledge revealed that the teachers had a conducted quarterly. They stimulate conversation
favorable perception of their PCK level. They about the error by asking questions like "How did
agreed that they ought to be knowledgeable you come up with that answer and why do you think
enough about the material about the competencies it's correct? " and emphasis on having the student
they were instructing. They agreed that the ways clarify their thinking.”. This makes it evident
they use to teach math have a sufficient structure whether the mistake was the result of a simple "slip
to help students learn more and perform better on of the mind" or misunderstandings. Additionally,
math tests. Additionally, the overall mean of 4.36 they have a variety of methods for addressing
shows that the majority of teachers agreed with the these issues and misunderstandings, including the
claims made on the degree of PCK. The standard use of illustrations, practical exercises, and idea-
deviation of 0.46 suggests that the responses were sharing sessions. They have a budget for work to
complete and a curriculum plan to follow, which
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
allows them to connect their teaching pace with the The effectiveness of a teacher's instruction
quarterly competencies. directly affects the math achievement of their
It indicates that teachers are better equipped students. Moreover, using various methods and
to address students’ difficulties in mathematics techniques, math teachers discover better ways to
when they can work effectively independently. teach mathematics.
Additionally, they can employ a variety of
techniques and interventions to help the Table 2
Mean Distribution of the Respondents as to Mathematics
understanding and knowledge of instruction
Teaching Anxiety
strategies (Magnusson, Krajcik and Borko, 2013). Level of Mathematics Std. Verbal
The PCK approach, which emphasizes that Teaching Anxiety Deviation Interpretation
pedagogical content knowledge is created through MTA1 4.16 0.90 Often
MTA2 4.12 0.93 Often
the transformation of other domain knowledge, is MTA3 4.22 0.83 Always
supported by these findings. The teacher's MTA4 4.10 0.90 Often
MTA5 4.40 0.77 Always
orientation to teaching the subject,
MTA6 3.98 0.86 Often
Furthermore, there are four central MTA7 3.68 1.05 Often
components to pedagogical content knowledge: MTA8 4.80 0.51 Always
MTA9 3.15 1.07 Sometimes
knowledge and beliefs about purpose, knowledge MTA10 2.71 1.34 Sometimes
of student conceptions, curricula knowledge, and MTA11 3.07 1.07 Sometimes
knowledge of instructional strategies (Francisco, MTA12 2.73 1.24 Sometimes
MTA13 2.77 1.16 Sometimes
2015). As Appleton (2013) points out, most of the MTA14 3.04 1.10 Sometimes
work on pedagogical content knowledge has been MTA15 2.72 1.23 Sometimes
MTA16 3.68 1.08 Often
undertaken at the secondary school level in
Mean 3.58 0.68 Often
particular subject areas. Pedagogical content
knowledge (PCK) refers to concepts, procedures,
misconceptions, types of understanding, mastery
The mathematics curriculum is the source
assessment techniques, and conceptual
of the teacher’s anxiety during class. Additionally,
understanding (Aoibhinn, 2016).
when students struggle with the lesson, when they
show a lack of enthusiasm for the subject, when
2. Level of Mathematics Teaching Anxiety
they aren’t paying attention in class, and when they
don’t understand mathematical concepts, it can
Most indicators were assessed to be
cause anxiousness in the teacher. They get
“Often” with an overall mean of 3.58 with a
anxious when their students don’t meet the
standard deviation of 0.46 indicates a relatively
curriculum standards which leads to their failed
high level of variability in the scores meaning that
assessment. As they identify the difficulties and
the teachers’ responses were consistent. The
misconceptions of the students, they will teach the
verbal interpretation of the mean score generally
lesson repetitively.
“often” implies that the teachers assessed the MTA
Nowadays, different factors affect MTA such as
was visible in their instruction.
the learning gaps caused by the pandemic.
Furthermore, most of the indicators were assessed
Teachers couldn’t cope with some students having
“often” because those circumstances were present
difficulty in Mathematics like the Grade 7 students,
in their classes. It implies that the students who
they weren’t able to recite the multiplication table
don’t follow the requirements of teachers possess.
properly, they don’t know different kinds of
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
polygons and most especially they weren’t able to Furthermore, it was evidently shown that
solve a simple problem involving integers with students’ performance was the basis of teachers’
positive and negative signs. effectiveness. In this case, teachers tend to find
better techniques to teach mathematics effectively.
On the other hand, they thought that if the students
3. Level of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy were underachieving in Mathematics, it is mostly
due to the inefficacy of the teacher because some
The overall mean of 4.33 implies agreement in of them find it difficult to use the software and
all the statements about feedback in the MTE. The
applications to explain to the students why
standard deviation for all the indicators is relatively
consistent. It means that there are similar views Mathematics works. One factor of the teachers’
among the teachers. failure in using those is negligence and
inexperience because some don’t have the
gadgets to use, and some don’t know how to use
Table 3 them.
Mean Distribution of the Respondents as to Mathematics
Teaching Efficacy
Finally, as the teachers provided feedback, it
Level of became clear that they were well-prepared, fair in
Mathematics Std. Verbal their expectations, upbeat, and patient with the
Teaching Efficacy Mean
Deviation Interpretation
students. They also regularly evaluated their
4.56 0.55 Strongly Agree teaching. They make certain that pupils receive the
4.63 0.53 Strongly Agree greatest results possible.
4.43 0.65 Strongly Agree
According to Luttenberger et al. (2018), math
Strongly Agree
self-efficacy refers to a person's perception of their
MTE4 4.65 0.48
Strongly Agree
aptitude for solving certain mathematical issues,
MTE5 4.50 0.64
carrying out mathematical tasks, and doing well in
MTE6 3.69 1.02 Agree
MTE7 4.48 0.53 Strongly Agree courses connected to mathematics. In the context
4.30 0.71 Strongly Agree of learning math, the concept of math self-efficacy
MTE9 4.12 0.79 Agree is very crucial. According to research (Martin &
MTE0 3.62 1.20 Agree Rimm-Kaufman, 2015), children who enter school
MTE11 4.72 0.45 Strongly Agree
4.33 0.46 Strongly Agree with high internal resources (such as self-efficacy)
can engage in more mathematical learning and are
better "equipped" to handle the obstacles of the
Based on the data, teachers generally subject.
perceived MTE positively. Furthermore, it implies According to recent research, increasing
students' math self-efficacy may also help them
that the success of students in mathematics is
feel less anxious about arithmetic (Rozgonjuk et
often the responsibility of the mathematics teacher.
Additionally, effective teaching is a skill that math al., 2020).
teachers possess. The effectiveness of a teacher's
instruction directly affects the math achievement of 4. Mediation Analysis of Mathematics
Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship
their students. Moreover, using various methods
and techniques, math teachers discover better Between Pedagogical Content Knowledge
ways to teach mathematics. and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
The total effect showed a significant impact of pedagogical content knowledge and
mathematics teaching efficacy on pedagogical mathematics teaching anxiety. It has been
content knowledge and a significant impact of revealed that mathematics teaching efficacy has a
mathematics teaching efficacy on mathematics significant effect on pedagogical content
teaching anxiety. knowledge and mathematics teaching anxiety.
Considering this, the connection between PCK
Table 4 and MTE can be interpreted as being dependent
Mathematics Teaching Efficacy Mediate the Relationship
on how well teachers can use MTE in classroom
between Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics
Teaching Anxiety
settings. PCK consequently raises MTE. Due to the
B SE t P LLCI ULCI robust pedagogical content, teachers with high
0.616 0.05 11.2125 .000 0.507 0.724 Significant
mathematics teaching efficacy are better able to
carry out correct and efficient mathematics
0.748 0.12 6.1004 .000 0.506 0.989 Significant teaching.
PCK → Not
Furthermore, this study indicates that MTA is
-0.232 0.12 -1.912 .057 -0.471 0.007
MTA Significant
positively associated with MTE. It implies that

Direct -0.232 0.12 -1.912 .057 -0.471 0.007

teachers with a high level of MTE decrease their
MTA. Teachers can learn mathematical concepts
Indirect 0.461 0.09 0.299 0.433 Significant
or how to teach mathematics effectively.
Total 0.229 0.55 11.213 .000 0.508 0.743 Significant
Furthermore, MTE and MTA are relatively
0.616 0.05 11.2125 .000 0.507 0.724 Significant significant to each other because MTE affects the
MTA wherein if the teacher is well-versed there is
0.748 0.12 6.1004 .000 0.506 0.989 Significant
MTA also a high level of MTA. After all, if the teacher is
anxious, they mind doing better. They have the
mindset of “cramming works” because they can be
A mediation analysis using Process Macro
able to think of better ways if they feel anxious.
was undertaken to investigate the model outlined
If the teacher has a higher PCK it lowers MTA
in Table 4 in which MTE was proposed to mediate
it is because of the teacher’s efficaciousness.
the relationship between PCK and MTA. The
Therefore, teachers must focus on their self-
mediation analysis was a very good fit to data
efficacy in teaching so that they can balance the
across the different fit indices. It indicates that the
level of their PCK and MTA. This logical and
direct model (linking pedagogical content
theoretical framework can be used to explain
knowledge to mathematics teaching anxiety) was
MTE's mediating role in the relationship between
not statistically significant (β = -0.232, p > 0.05).
PCK and MTA.
Moreover, the full mediation model (linking
pedagogical content knowledge through
mathematics teaching efficacy) had a significant
effect (β = 0.616, p < 0.05). Furthermore, the full
This study was designed to determine whether
mediation model (linking mathematics teaching
mathematics teaching efficacy mediates the
anxiety through mathematics teaching efficacy)
relationship between pedagogical content
had a significant effect (β = 0.748, p < 0.05).
knowledge and mathematics teaching anxiety. The
According to the correlation coefficients, there
study yielded the following findings:
was a competitive full mediation in which
mathematics teaching efficacy mediated the
P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |
EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164
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content/uploads/sites/377/2020/06/Chances-in- COPYRIGHTS
Copyright of this article is retained by the
Tschannen-Moran, M., & Woolfolk-Hoy, A. (2002, author/s, with first publication rights granted to
January). The influence of resources and support on
IIMRJ. This is an open-access article distributed
under the terms and conditions of the Creative
teachers’ efficacy beliefs. Paper presented at the
Commons Attribution – Noncommercial 4.0
Annual Meeting of the American Educational
International License (http://creative
Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
Ünveren Bilgiç, E. N. (2022). The relationship between
technological pedagogical content knowledge of

P – ISSN 2651 - 7701 | E – ISSN 2651 – 771X |

EBORA, M.M.L., PASIA, A.E., Mediating Role of Mathematics Teaching Efficacy on the Relationship Between
Pedagogical Content Knowledge and Mathematics Teaching Anxiety, pp. 156 – 164

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