Determining The Distance Learning Educational Atmosphere Factors On The Attitude Toward Mathematics Teaching-Learning Processes During The COVID-19 Pandemic Using Hybrid SEM-ANN

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Volume: 16
Pages: 29-44
Document ID: 2023PEMJ1436
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.10438276
Manuscript Accepted: 12-11-2023
Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Determining the Distance Learning Educational Atmosphere Factors on the Attitude

Toward Mathematics Teaching-Learning Processes During the
COVID-19 Pandemic Using Hybrid SEM-ANN
Aarhus M. Dela Cruz*
For affiliations and correspondence, see the last page.
This study aimed to identify the factors of the distance learning educational atmosphere that influence
the attitude towards mathematics teaching-learning processes of the students in the Schools
Division of City of Malolos for the school year 2020-2021. It used a quantitative approach,
specifically a causal research design through a two-stage analysis in investigating the influence of
distance learning educational atmosphere on the attitude towards mathematics teaching-learning
processes. The results showed that the distance learning educational atmosphere had a positive
influence on self-esteem and attitude toward mathematics teaching-learning processes. Furthermore,
self-esteem was found to mediate the relationship between distance learning educational atmosphere
and attitude towards mathematics teaching-learning processes. The study also revealed that ethics
and professionalism is the most important factor in teacher presentation of content, program
effectiveness for interest towards mathematics, and teaching quality as the potent value of
mathematics. Finally, this study suggests that adequate resources and support may be provided to
mathematics teachers in a distance learning educational atmosphere to improve the attitude of the
students toward mathematics teaching-learning processes.

Keywords: artificial intelligence, structural equation modeling, distance learning educational

atmosphere, attitude towards mathematics teaching-learning processes, causal research design

Introduction traditional education program that is recognized by the

Department of Education and applies a flexible
learning philosophy and curricular delivery program
The COVID-19 pandemic has significantly affected that includes non-formal and informal sources of skills
the educational landscape of the Philippines, and knowledge (Lapid, 2020). ALDM includes
particularly concerning basic education. The pandemic television-based, radio-based, blended, online, and
has posed a major challenge to the education system, modular instructions. In addition, the Department of
as it disrupted the traditional face-to-face learning Education also provided Self-Learning Modules
approach and necessitated a shift towards distance (SLMs) to ensure that no students will be left behind in
learning (Pokhrel & Chhetri, 2021). the new normal education (DepEd, 2020b). SLMs are
modules or packages of study materials used by an
Several stakeholders, parents, and students cried for an
individual that provide a learning experience to
academic freeze as they believed that online studies
learners when group education or face-to-face
were impossible for most Filipino households (Bueno
education is not possible (Minnick, 1989), and when
& Pacis, 2020; Kritz, 2020; Ronquillo, 2020). It is also
there is no access to internet connections and
known that the Philippines is still far behind when it
comes to technology (Department of Science and
Technology [DOST], 2020). LCP’s main goal is to
As the Philippines embraced ALDMs to disseminate
ensure that education still progresses amidst natural
knowledge, particularly in the challenging landscape
disasters like calamities, storms, and pandemics. The
of the new normal, the impact on students' attitudes
plan focuses on the essentials. Thus, a modification of
towards learning, especially in subjects like
the existing curriculum was done. In this simplified
mathematics, became palpable. The shift to non-
curriculum, the most relevant essentials were selected
traditional education methods, such as online and
and compiled into a curriculum guide called the Most
Essential Learning Competencies (MELC) (Arcilla, modular instructions, presented both challenges and
2020). Also, DepEd called for innovative use of opportunities. Students, adapting to this novel
technology to suit distance learning. educational approach, found themselves navigating a
digital realm that demanded increased self-discipline
Alternative Learning Delivery Modalities (ALDMs) and motivation (Basar et al., 2021). The absence of
were utilized by the Philippines in delivering traditional face-to-face interactions prompted a shift in
knowledge to the learners. ALDM is defined as a non- the dynamics of learning, influencing students to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

cultivate a more independent and self-driven approach Research Questions

to their studies. In the field of mathematics education,
this shift necessitated a reevaluation of problem- This study aimed to determine the factors from the
solving strategies and a heightened reliance on distance learning educational atmosphere that
individual comprehension, reflecting the evolving influenced the attitude toward mathematics teaching-
nature of education in the face of the ongoing learning processes of the students during the
transformation in instructional methodologies. COVID-19 pandemic. Specifically, the study sought to
answer the following concerns:
Attitude toward mathematics teaching-learning
processes refers to an individual's feelings, beliefs, and 1. Which among the domains of the distance learning
values related to the teaching and learning of educational atmosphere influences the attitude towards
mathematics. Such examples are interest in mathematics teaching-learning processes of the
mathematics, teacher presentation of content, and students?
perceived value of mathematics. In addition, it was 2. What is the mediating effect of self-esteem on the
found that attitude influenced the performance of relationship between the distance learning educational
students in mathematics (Capuno et al., 2019; Fabian atmosphere and the attitude towards mathematics
et al., 2016; Subia et al., 2018). Though attitude teaching-learning processes of the students?
towards mathematics teaching-learning processes is a 3. Which among the domains of the distance learning
widely researched effect in mathematics, only a few educational atmosphere, and self-esteem are the most
studies investigated the influence of distance learning significant predictors of the attitude towards
setup on it. An example of this is the study of Lin et al. mathematics teaching-learning processes of the
(2016) in which they studied the effects of blended students?
learning in mathematics.
Literature Review
The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered an unparallel
upheaval in education, necessitating the adoption of
remote learning methods to ensure the onongoing Activity Theory (Kaptelinin & Nardi, 2018) suggests
provision of education. This abrupt transition has that human activities are influenced by the social and
profoundly impacted students, requiring them to cultural contexts in which they occur. In the context of
navigate an entirely new learning landscape without this study, the distance learning educational
adequate preparation or resources. The senior high atmosphere is a social and cultural context that affects
school curriculum places a significant emphasis on the attitudes of students toward mathematics teaching-
mathematics, making it imperative to delve into the learning processes. The various domains of the
repercussions of the distance learning paradigm on distance learning educational atmospheres, such as
students' attitudes towards mathematics teaching and program effectiveness, teaching quality, ethics and
learning processes amid the pandemic. professionalism, learner support, safety and
convenience, and awareness of the rules, are factors
This research seeks to unravel the intricacies of the that can influence the activities of students within the
factors within the distance learning educational context of distance learning. Furthermore, the attitude
atmosphere that influenced the attitude toward towards mathematics teaching-learning processes,
mathematics teaching and learning among the senior which has domains namely, teacher presentation of
high school students in the City of Malolos, Bulacan, content, interest towards mathematics, and value of
Philippines. The motivation behind this study lies in mathematics, is also influenced by the activities and
the recognition of the pivotal role that mathematics experiences of the students within the context of
plays in the academic journey of these students. By distance learning. Self-esteem also plays a role in this
scrutinizing the interplay between the challenges posed framework, as it can impact how students perceive and
by distance learning and students' attitudes toward engage with the activities and experiences of distance
mathematics, the research aims to provide nuanced learning.
insights. These insights can inform the development of
targeted strategies and policies, ensuring a more The Theory of Planned Behavior by Conner (2020)
resilient and effective education system in the City of is a widely used theory in the field of psychology to
Malolos, Bulacan, and potentially serving as a explain human behavior. It suggests that a person's
blueprint for other regions grappling with similar behavior is primarily determined by their intention to
educational challenges during the ongoing global perform that behavior, which in turn is influenced by
health crisis. their attitude towards the behavior, subjective norms,

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

and perceived behavioral control. In the context of the crucial factor influencing students' attitudes toward
current study, the Theory of Planned Behavior can mathematics during distance learning (Golding and
help explain the relationship between the distance Grima, 2021). For instance, a study by Yuliani et al.
learning educational atmosphere and the attitude (2019) reported that teachers' ability to provide clear
towards mathematics teaching-learning processes of explanations, give feedback, and offer individual
the students. The attitude towards mathematics support positively influenced students' attitudes toward
teaching-learning processes can be considered as the mathematics.
behavior in this case, and the distance learning
educational atmosphere can be seen as the influencing Moreno-Guerrero et al. (2020) studied the e-learning
factor. The six domains of the distance learning experiences of adult high schools in mathematics
educational atmosphere (program effectiveness, during the COVID-19 outbreak. They used an
teaching quality, ethics and professionalism, learner experimental research design among 132 adults in high
support, safety and convenience, and awareness of the school who were selected using convenience sampling
rules) can be considered as factors that affect the and found out that e-learning during the COVID-19
subjective norms and perceived behavioral control of pandemic results in better mathematical achievement
the students towards their attitude towards and performance. However, they were not able to
mathematics teaching-learning processes. For instance, discuss in the study what factors from the e-learning
a highly effective and supportive program that experience contribute to the mathematical engagement
provides quality teaching and learner support may of the respondents.
positively influence the subjective norms of the
Lin et al. (2016), investigated the effects of blended
students towards mathematics, leading to a positive
learning on the achievement and attitude of students in
attitude toward the subject. Moreover, self-esteem can
mathematics using a quasi-experiment. Their study
be seen as a factor that affects perceived behavioral
revealed that students who experienced blended
control, which in turn affects the intention to perform
learning had higher learning outcomes and attitudes
the behavior of attitude towards mathematics teaching-
toward mathematics. Moreover, the study showed that
learning processes.
male students showed higher motivation in the blended
The Distance Learning Educational Atmosphere learning environment.
and Attitude Towards Mathematics Teaching- Vandecandelaere et al. (2012) determined the
Learning Processes relationship between the perception of the students
towards their learning environment and their attitude
The COVID- 19 pandemic has forced many toward mathematics. Their results indicated that
educational institutions to shift towards distance student characteristics and, to a lesser degree, class
learning, which has had a significant impact on the characteristics influence students' attitudes toward
teaching and learning of mathematics. Several studies mathematics. The results reported that the learning
have examined the influence of distance learning experience was linked to mathematical enjoyment.
educational atmosphere on students' attitudes toward When an instructor motivates students to invest effort
mathematics teaching-learning processes. in studying, activates them for self-regulated learning,
offers guidance and coaching, and constructs and
For instance, a study by Pereira and Gomes (2022) steers them, they love mathematics more.
found that students' satisfaction with distance learning
positively influenced their attitudes toward Fabian et al. (2016), studied the effects of mobile
mathematics. Similarly, a study by Hwang et al. technology on the attitude, engagement, and
(2021) showed that the use of digital learning achievement of students in mathematics. Their study
platforms and online interactive activities helped to revealed that students who experience technological
enhance students' engagement and motivation toward problems tend to have a lower acceptance of integrated
mathematics. However, other studies have reported mobile technology in the learning experience and
challenges associated with distance learning, such as lower performance in mathematics. However, this
the lack of face-to-face interactions and decreased quasi-experimental study was only conducted for a
opportunities for hands-on activities, which have month which, as also written by the researchers, may
negatively affected students' attitudes toward not be enough to claim that mobile technology has
mathematics (Bringula et al., 2021). positive effects on the attitude of the students in
Moreover, the quality of teacher-student interactions
and communication has also been identified as a Russo et al. (2021) sought how teachers catered to

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

students who struggled in mathematics in a distance Additionally, online classes allow learners to revisit
learning environment. They found out that teachers learning materials whenever they encounter
had a higher positive attitude in attending to students difficulties, resulting in a positive attitude towards
who struggle in a classroom-based setting than during mathematics teaching and learning.
a distance learning setup. Several challenges were also
revealed that allowed the students to struggle in a Nsengimana et al. (2021) revealed that creating a
remote learning setting: (a) the absence of a facilitating positive attitude toward mathematics and increasing
teacher and learning environment, (b) the negative students' confidence levels necessitate the physical
attitude of the parents towards the struggle in learning presence of both students and teachers in the
mathematics, (c) the lack of peer-to-peer collaboration classroom. Finally, Oginni et al. (2021) discovered that
and social interaction among the students, (d) collaborative learning has been proven to enhance
difficulty in the access of the learning materials, (e) confidence and facilitate learning in mathematics.
described difficulty in problem-based problems due to
distance learning. The Mediating Effect of Self-Esteem

Marbán et al. (2021) examined the different digital The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a large-scale
platforms that primary and secondary students used in shift to distance learning, which has significant
learning mathematics during the COVID-19 pandemic. implications for students' social and emotional well-
It was revealed that there are no statistically significant being. Self-esteem is an important aspect of students'
differences in the group of students in terms of age, psychological well-being that can be impacted by the
type of school, and gender but exhibit significant distance learning educational atmosphere. Several
differences in terms of the educational status of the studies have examined the relationship between
parents and the economic status of their families. distance learning educational atmosphere and self-
However, the study was not able to show whether the esteem. For example, a study by Rameli et al. (2020)
group that has high ICT skills performed better in found that the quality of online learning experiences
mathematics than the other groups. during the COVID-19 pandemic was positively related
to students' self-esteem. Specifically, students who
According to Zaman and Nashmena (2021), a reported higher levels of engagement, satisfaction, and
significant negative relationship between online a sense of community in their online classes also
education and student satisfaction, and self-confidence reported higher levels of self-esteem. Moreover, a
over the material learned. However, the fast and study by Rohmadi and Indriani (2020) found that the
reliable internet connection significantly mediated the use of synchronous video conferencing during distance
levels of satisfaction and self-confidence upon learning was associated with higher levels of self-
learning. It was also disclosed that university students esteem among college students. Specifically, students
were only satisfied and confident with the material who reported using video conferencing for academic
learned if the technology supported this education purposes reported higher levels of self-esteem
system. co m p ared to those who did not use video
Videla et al. (2022) found that there was a relationship
between the level of technical knowledge of teachers, Pellas (2014) revealed that self-esteem along with self-
the years of experience, and the types of teaching efficacy, and metacognitive self-regulation can predict
strategies they use. Likewise, differences were found students’ engagement in online learning programs. The
between educators in rural and urban sectors according findings of this study's three-step hierarchical
to the use of teaching strategies and the types of regression analysis revealed that computer self-
educational resources used. Regarding the didactic efficacy, metacognitive self-regulation, and self-
strategies, it is shown that the emerging strategies most esteem in online courses were not only positively
used are metaphorical and analogical, whereas in correlated with students' cognitive and emotional
traditional strategies the automation of procedures is engagement factors but also negatively correlated with
imposed. behavioral factors.

Vlădescu's (2022) investigation illustrated that online Vakoufari et al. (2014) studied the effects of self-
classes have a positive impact on students' confidence esteem and loneliness on the distance learning of
levels, as they offer opportunities to interact with undergraduate and postgraduate students. The study
teachers and classmates, leading to increased revealed that there is no correlation between academic
engagement in the teaching and learning process. performance and self-esteem. On the other hand, it was

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Research Article

revealed that there is a correlation between satisfaction levels of self-esteem compared to those who had
with the course and self-esteem. negative attitudes towards mathematics. The study also
claimed that students who had a positive attitude
Wasserman and Migdal (2019) identified four primary towards mathematics had higher levels of academic
domains associated with teachers' attitudes, namely achievement, which in turn was associated with higher
efficacy and implementation, classroom environment, levels of self-esteem.
course assignments, and attitudes toward information
and communication technology (ICT). Their analysis To support students' self-esteem and promote positive
revealed notable variations in the environment and attitudes toward mathematics during distance learning,
ICT domains when comparing online and traditional teachers can employ various strategies (Boaler et al.,
training, with online training receiving a more 2018). For example, teachers can use technology-
favorable response. based resources to make mathematics more interactive
and engaging and provide positive feedback and
Kim et al. (2019) found that academic engagement and recognition to students for their efforts and
digital readiness act as mediators of students' achievements. Moreover, teachers can provide
perceptions of e-learning, which are predicted by emotional support and resources to help students cope
academic achievement. The study suggests that while with the challenges of distance learning during the
students tend to have positive perceptions of e-learning pandemic.
experiences on campus, strong digital skills are
necessary for them to effectively engage in academic Phan and Ngu (2018) discovered that the relationship
work and fully participate in university e-learning between teachers and self-esteem has varying impacts
environments. The research also highlights the on academic outcomes. They found that social
importance of student effort and involvement in connections with teachers influence learning tasks,
academic learning, which is critical for success in the while the relationship with peers mediates interest in
digital age. learning tasks.

To support students' self-esteem during distance Synthesis of Literature

learning, it is important to create a positive and
inclusive learning environment (Akin & Radford, The literature review explored the intricate relationship
2018). Teachers can use various online tools to between the distance learning educational atmosphere
facilitate interaction and engagement among students, and students’ attitudes toward mathematics teaching-
such as virtual class discussions, group activities, and learning processes during the COVID-19 pandemic.
online collaboration platforms. Moreover, teachers can Grounded in Activity Theory, which underscores the
provide positive feedback and recognition to students impact of social and cultural contexts, the study probes
to help them feel valued and appreciated. the influence of diverse domains within the distance
learning setup on students’ activities and experiences
The relationship between attitude toward mathematics in learning mathematics. The Theory of Planned
teaching-learning processes and self-esteem is an Behavior further illuminates the connection, positing
important aspect to consider in the context of distance that subjective norms and perceived behavioral control
learning during the COVID-19 pandemic (Pereira & play pivotal roles.
Gomes, 2022). Several studies have investigated the
relationship between students' attitudes toward The survey of studies unraveled the impacts on
mathematics teaching-learning processes and their students’ attitudes towards mathematics teaching and
self-esteem. For example, a study by Xie et al. (2019) learning within the context of distance learning.
found that students with higher levels of self-esteem Positive outcomes emerge, with findings indicating
tended to report lower levels of mathematics anxiety that heightened satisfaction with distance learning
and more positive perceptions of mathematics positively correlates with more favorable attitudes
compared to those with lower self-esteem. This finding toward mathematics. Engaging digital platforms and
suggests that individuals with greater self-esteem are interactive activities contribute to increased student
more likely to exhibit positive attitudes toward motivation and engagement in the subject. Conversely,
mathematics, including perceptions of its value, challenges surface, including the absence of face-to-
interest, and effective presentation by their teachers. face interactions and limited opportunities for hands-
on activities, which negatively influence students’
Similarly, a study by Davadas and Lay (2017) found perceptions of mathematics.
that students who had a positive attitude toward
mathematics teaching-learning processes had higher Several studies underscore the pivotal role of teacher-

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Research Article

student interactions, communication quality, and Quantitative Research as defined by Babbie (2020)
effective support systems in shaping positive attitudes refers to the systematic empirical investigation of any
toward learning mathematics. Notably, the use of phenomena using statistical, mathematical, or
blended learning and mobile technology demonstrated computational techniques. This type of research allows
varying effects, with success contingent on factors the researcher to measure and analyze the data
such as technological glitches and the duration of gathered.
implementation. The intricacies of the e-learning
experience during the pandemic, including teachers’ The descriptive method is used to present a clear and
technological knowledge and the economic status of accurate description of the various factors that have
families, further shape students’ attitudes. impacted students' attitudes toward mathematics
teaching and learning in the context of the distance
The mediating role of self-esteem in this dynamic is learning setup during the COVID-19 pandemic. This
pivotal. The review reflects on studies highlighting the method involves collecting and analyzing data from
positive correlation between students’ self-esteem and different sources, such as surveys, questionnaires, and
the quality of online learning experiences. Engaging interviews, to provide a comprehensive understanding
strategies, such as virtual discussions and positive of the research topic (Neuman, 2014). Meanwhile, a
feedback, emerge as crucial for nurturing self-esteem causal research design is employed to determine the
in the distance learning environment. Furthermore, the cause-and-effect relationship between the various
profound impact of self-esteem on students’ attitudes factors and the attitude of students toward mathematics
towards mathematics is evident, with higher levels teaching and learning. Causal research is used to
correlating with lower mathematics anxiety and more determine the magnitude and existence of cause-and-
positive perceptions of the subject. effect interactions between variables. It examines a
scenario or a phenomenon to understand trends in
However, despite the wealth of insights provided by interactions between variables (Zikmund et al., 2012).
existing studies, a notable research gap exists in In this research, the independent variables are the
understanding the holistic interplay between the distance learning educational atmosphere factors,
distance learning atmosphere, students’ attitude in while the dependent variable is the attitude of students
teaching-learning processes in mathematics, and self- towards mathematics teaching and learning processes
esteem. While individual studies shed light on specific during the COVID-19 pandemic.
aspects, there is a need for a comprehensive
framework that integrates these elements to provide a Participants
nuanced understanding of the dynamics at play.
The population of the study comprised the Grade 11
To bridge this gap, a two-stage analysis approach senior high school students from the Schools Division
involving Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) and of City of Malolos for the School Year 2020-2021.
Artificial Neural Network (ANN) modeling was These Grade 11 students took several mathematics
employed. SEM allowed the quantification and subjects such as General Mathematics, Business
validation of the complex relationships between the Mathematics, Statistics and Probability, Pre-Calculus,
various factors, including the influence of the distance and Basic Calculus. Though they took their classes
learning atmosphere and self-esteem on students’ through printed modules, several students also utilized
attitudes in teaching and learning mathematics. video references and other available learning materials
Subsequently, ANN modeling delved into the intricate on the internet as their source of knowledge in
patterns and non-linear interactions within the mathematics. Out of 2299 enrolled grade 11 students
identified relationships, offering a more granular and in that school year, 400 students were selected to
predictive understanding. represent the population of the study. The researcher
followed the rule of thumb of having at least 10
observations per estimated parameter in the model to
determine the sample size for SEM as suggested by
Kline (2011), Thakkar (2020), and Wolf et al. (2013).
A quantitative approach was utilized to scrutinize the These students were chosen through a simple random
study since the researcher determined how the distance sampling technique. To make the selection, the
learning educational atmosphere influences the attitude researcher placed the names, sections, and schools of
towards mathematics teaching-learning processes of the students in a data frame. The researcher then
the students through a numerical approach and data utilized the sample () function in the programming
from the respondents were gathered quantitatively. language R to select random samples from the data

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

frame. determining the distance learning educational

atmosphere factors on the attitude towards
Instruments of the Study mathematics of the respondents during the COVID-19
pandemic. A Two-Stage Analysis SEM-ANN is a
The E-learning Educational Atmosphere Measure statistical methodology that combines two different
(EEAM) was utilized in investigating the distance types of models to analyze data. In this approach, the
learning educational atmosphere of the respondents first stage involves the use of SEM to establish
(Mousavi et al., 2020). EEAM is a 4 0- item relationships between latent variables and observed
questionnaire on a 5-point Likert scale which is variables. The second stage employs ANN to predict
subdivided into six domains namely (a) program
outcomes or classify data based on the relationships
effectiveness, (b) teaching quality, (c) ethics and
identified in the first stage.
professionalism, (d) learner support, (e) safety and
convenience, and (f) awareness of the rules. The
In the SEM, the researcher first conducted a
content validity ratio of the tool was greater than 0.51,
Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) to see how the
and the content validity index for all the questions was
data fit the model and see how the indicators for
above 0.81. Moreover, the tool has a test-retest
distance learning educational atmosphere, self-esteem,
reliability of 0.85, and a Cronbach’s alpha of 0.943.
and attitude towards mathematics teaching-learning
Since this instrument was designed for an e-learning
processes contribute to them. The researcher then
educational atmosphere, the researcher modified some
modeled the interaction of the variables and
questions to suit the students who were learning using
investigated their influence on one another.
distance learning.

The second tool encompassed the Attitudes Towards After conducting SEM, the researcher created ANN
Mathematics Teaching-learning Process Questionnaire models to investigate how the significant domains of
(Mutohir et al., 2018). Unlike the other tools in the distance learning educational atmosphere and the
Mathematics Attitude, this tool was primarily self-esteem of the respondents predict attitudes toward
developed for Asian students. The questionnaire was mathematics teaching-learning processes. A sensitivity
divided into three domains namely (a) teacher analysis is used to identify the most important input
presentation of content, (b) interest toward variables that have the most significant impact on the
mathematics, and (c) value of mathematics which has output of the model. The Importance and Normalized
a reliability value of 0.628, 0.599, and 0.648, Importance are two measures used to quantify the
respectively. importance of each input variable. The Importance of
an input variable is calculated as the decrease in the
The Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale (RSES) (Rosenberg, output of the model when the input variable is
1965) was used in this study to measure the self- removed from the input set. This is often done using a
esteem of the students. The RSES is a popular self- process called permutation feature importance, which
report questionnaire for assessing individual self- involves randomly shuffling the values of the input
esteem (Gray-Little et al., 1997). This questionnaire is variable and measuring the decrease in the output. The
on a 4-point Likert scale. This tool satisfied important Importance value represents the decrease in the
assumptions in terms of its psychometric properties as accuracy of the model due to the removal of the input
well as several tests of validity and reliability as variable. The Normalized Importance is a scaled
evaluated by Supple et al. (2013). version of the Importance value, which is normalized
to a range between 0 and 1. This is done to allow for a
A reliability test for the instruments was conducted on
comparison of the importance of different input
37 randomly selected students from the population.
variables across different models with different output
Based on the results of the pilot test, the Distance
scales. The Normalized Importance is calculated by
Learning Educational Atmosphere Questionnaire has
an excellent level of reliability with a Cronbach's alpha dividing the Importance value by the sum of all
value of 0.954. The Attitude Towards Mathematics Importance values for all input variables.
Teaching-Learning Processes Questionnaire also has a
good level of reliability with a Cronbach's alpha value The SEM-ANN approach has several advantages over
of 0.896. using either SEM or ANN alone. SEM can provide a
theoretical basis for the relationships among variables,
Procedure while ANN can capture complex and nonlinear
relationships that may be difficult to model using SEM
A two-stage analytical approach was applied in alone (Krittanawong et al., 2017).

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

Ethical Considerations

Ensuring the ethical integrity of this research is Table 1 offers insights into the respondents'
paramount, given its impact on Grade 11 senior high perspectives on the distance learning educational
school students. The following ethical considerations atmosphere. The mean score of 3.51 implies that, on
have been carefully addressed throughout the planning average, respondents perceive a high level of
and execution of the study: effectiveness in the distance learning program. The
relatively low standard deviation (0.576) indicates a
Prior to their inclusion in the study, all selected consistent consensus among respondents, underscoring
students were provided with clear and comprehensive a shared positive view of the program's efficacy. With
information about the research objectives, procedures, a mean score of 3.66, respondents express a high
and potential implications. Informed consent was perception of teaching quality in the distance learning
obtained from both the students and their parents or setting. The narrow standard deviation (0.559)
legal guardians, emphasizing their voluntary reinforces a consistent and favorable evaluation of
participation and the option to withdraw at any stage instructional methods and delivery by educators.
without consequence.
Respondents, on average, attribute a high score of 3.75
To safeguard the privacy of participants, all data to the dimension of ethics and professionalism in the
collected, including names, sections, and schools, were distance learning environment. The relatively low
treated with utmost confidentiality. Identifiable standard deviation (0.568) points to a shared and
information was securely stored, and participants were positive evaluation of ethical standards and
assigned unique identifiers to ensure anonymity in professionalism. The mean score of 3.54 indicates a
reporting and publication of results. high perception of learner support within the distance
learning context. The standard deviation of 0.520
Measures were implemented to protect the security of indicates a relatively tight consensus among
the collected data. Access to the information was respondents, reflecting a consistently positive view of
restricted to the researcher, and any electronic data support resources and guidance.
was stored on password-protected devices and
platforms. The data will be retained for the specified Respondents maintain a neutral perception of safety
duration required for analysis and verification, after and convenience in the distance learning atmosphere,
which it will be securely archived or deleted. as indicated by the mean score of 3.26. The higher
standard deviation of 0.651 suggests more diverse
The study aimed to contribute positively to educational opinions, emphasizing a broader range of perspectives
practices and policies. Efforts were made to minimize on this dimension. With a mean score of 3.53,
any potential harm to participants, and the research respondents convey a high perception of the awareness
design prioritized their well-being. The insights gained of rules in the distance learning setting. The standard
from the study are intended to inform improvements in deviation of 0.669 indicates a moderately consistent
mathematics education and support systems during the consensus, reflecting a generally positive
pandemic and beyond. acknowledgment of clarity and adherence to
established rules.

Results Table 2. Descriptive Table of the Attitude Toward

Mathematics Teaching-Learning Processes

This section presents the findings according to the

study's research questions.

Table 1. Descriptive Table of the Distance Learning

Educational Atmosphere

Table 2 provides an insightful overview of the

respondents' perspectives on different facets of
mathematics teaching and learning. It includes mean

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Psych Educ, 2023, 16(1): 29-44, Document ID:2023 PEMJ1436, doi:10.5281/zenodo.10438276, ISSN 2822-4353
Research Article

scores and standard deviations for each dimension, Table 4. Fit Indices of the Observed Model
offering a nuanced understanding of their attitudes.

The mean score of 3.77 reveals that, on average,

respondents hold a positive attitude towards the
teacher's presentation of mathematical content. The
relatively low standard deviation (0.497) suggests a
consistent and predominantly positive sentiment
among respondents regarding this crucial aspect of the A CFA was conducted by the researcher to test the
teaching-learning process. goodness of fit of the hypothesized model. Table 4
presents how fit the data gathered from the
Moving to the dimension of interest in mathematics, respondents in the model created. The first fit index in
respondents, on average, convey a more neutral the table is the ◻2/dfwhich measures the ratio of the
attitude, as evidenced by the mean score of 3.08. The chi-square statistic to the degrees of freedom. In this
moderate standard deviation (0.605) underscores a study, the ◻2/df ratio is 2.424, which is within an
diversity of opinions, emphasizing variations in acceptable range. Typically, a ratio between 1 and 3
respondents' attitudes concerning their engagement indicates an acceptable fit, while a ratio less than 2
and enthusiasm for the subject. indicates a good fit (Thakkar, 2020). The second fit
index is the Comparative Fit Index (CFI), which
Similarly, the mean score of 3.12 indicates a neutral measures the degree of fit between the hypothesized
attitude among respondents regarding the perceived model and the observed data, with values ranging from
value of mathematics. The higher standard deviation 0 to 1. In this study, the CFI value is 0.711, which
(0.663) implies a broader spectrum of opinions, suggests that the model fits the data moderately well.
indicating diverse perspectives on the significance and Typically, a CFI value of 0.90 or higher indicates an
relevance of mathematics in their educational journey. acceptable fit. The third fit index is the Tucker-Lewis
Index (TLI), which is like the CFI but is more
Table 3. Descriptive Table of the Self-Esteem of the conservative. In this study, the TLI value is 0.701,
Students which is slightly lower than the acceptable range.
Typically, a TLI value of 0.90 or higher indicates an
acceptable fit. The fourth fit index is the Root Mean
Square Error of Approximation (RMSEA), which
measures the extent to which the model fits the data,
with values ranging from 0 to 1. In this study, the
RMSEA value is 0.06, which suggests that the model
Table 3 offers a thorough depiction of students' self- fits the data well. Typically, an RMSEA value of less
esteem levels, encompassing key metrics such as than 0.08 indicates an acceptable fit. The fifth fit index
frequency, percentage distribution, and statistical is the Standardized Root Mean Square Residual
measures. The frequency and percentage distribution (SRMR), which measures the average standardized
underscore a noteworthy trend, with an overwhelming difference between the observed and predicted
majority of students, constituting 82.3%, exhibiting a correlations. In this study, the SRMR value is 0.099,
normal level of self-esteem. In contrast, a smaller yet which is within an acceptable range. Typically, an
notable proportion of students, accounting for 9.2%, SRMR value of less than 0.10 indicates an acceptable
demonstrate high self-esteem, while 8.5% reveal low fit. Overall, the fit indices suggest that the
self-esteem. hypothesized model has an acceptable to good fit to
the observed data.
The statistical measures, with a mean of 25.21 and a
standard deviation of 4.135, further support the Table 5. Direct Effects in the Structural Equation
interpretation. The mean value falling within the Model
normal range suggests a central tendency toward a
balanced level of self-esteem. The standard deviation
indicates a moderate degree of variability in self-
esteem scores among the students.

First Stage Analysis: Structural Equation Modeling

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Research Article

Table 5 presents the direct effects of the structural

equation model, showing the strength and significance
of the relationships between the variables in the model.
The first row shows the direct effect of the Distance
Learning Educational Atmosphere (DLEA) on Self-
esteem (SE), with a standard beta of 0.198, indicating
that a higher perception of the DLEA is associated
with higher SE among students. The standard error of
0.040 suggests a relatively small amount of variability
in the data around this relationship, and the z-score of
3.144 and p-value of 0.002 indicate that this
relationship is statistically significant at a conventional
level. The second row shows the direct effect of DLEA
on attitude toward mathematics teaching-learning
processes (ATMTLP), with a standard beta of 0.310,
indicating that a better distance learning educational Figure 1. The Structural Equation Model of the Study
atmosphere is associated with a more positive attitude
toward mathematics teaching-learning processes Figure 1 presents the Structural Equation Model of the
among students. The standard error of 0.030 suggests a
Study. Based on the results of the Structural Equation
relatively small amount of variability in the data Modeling, it was found that the various domains of
around this relationship, and the z-score of 4.564 and
DLEA namely, program effectiveness (PE), teaching
p-value of 0.000 indicate that this relationship is quality (TQ), ethics and professionalism (EP), learner
statistically significant at a high level of confidence.
support (LS), safety and convenience (SC), and
The third row shows the direct effect of SE on awareness of the rules (AR), all had significant
ATMTLP, with a standard beta of 0.127, indicating positive effects ATMTLP. Specifically, teaching
that higher SE is associated with a more positive quality, ethics and professionalism, and learner support
ATMTLP among students. The standard error of 0.042
were found to be the strongest factor in DLEA.
suggests a relatively large amount of variability in the
Moreover, it can be seen from the illustration that there
data around this relationship, and the z-score of 2.108
was a direct positive impact of DLEA on ATMTLP.
and p-value of 0.035 indicate that this relationship is
This means that when the distance learning
statistically significant at a conventional level.
educational atmosphere is perceived as high, it
Table 6. Indirect Effect of Distance Learning enhances the attitude toward mathematics teaching-
Educational Atmosphere to Attitude Towards learning processes. Additionally, the illustration shows
Mathematics Teaching-Learning Processes that self-esteem partially mediates the relationship
between DLEA and ATMTLP. This suggests that self-
esteem plays a role in the impact of distance learning
educational atmosphere on attitude towards
mathematics teaching-learning processes. However,
the mediating effect of self-esteem was found to be
Table 6 presents the indirect effect of the DLEA on relatively weak compared to the direct effect of
ATMTLP through the mediating variable, SE. The distance learning educational atmosphere on attitude
indirect effect is r ep resented by the path towards mathematics teaching-learning processes.
DLEA→SE→ATMTLP, which means that the effect of
the DLEA on ATMTLP is transmitted through the Second Stage Analysis: Artificial Neural Network
mediating variable, SE. The standard beta coefficient
of the indirect effect is 0.061, indicating a small The second stage of the analysis was conducted using
positive effect. The standard error is 0.007, which is ANN Models. Through these models, the researcher
relatively small, and the z-score is 2.544, with a investigated the predictive effects of the domains of
corresponding p-value of 0.011. The results indicate Distance Learning Educational Atmosphere and Self-
that the indirect impact is statistically significant, and Esteem to the domains of Attitude Towards
DLEA has a noteworthy influence on ATMTLP Mathematics Teaching-Learning Processes.
through the enhancement of SE.

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Research Article

Table 7. Independent Variable Importance for Teacher various levels of importance in predicting the
dependent variable, which is the attitude toward
Presentation of Content
mathematics teaching-learning processes in terms of
interest in mathematics. The most important predictor
is program effectiveness, with a normalized
importance of 100%. Self-esteem comes next with
normalized importance of 74.7%, followed by learner
support, safety and convenience, teaching quality, and
ethics and professionalism. Awareness of the rules has
the lowest importance with normalized importance of
19.6%. It suggests that improving program
Table 7 shows the sensitivity analysis of the predictors effectiveness, promoting positive self-esteem, and
in the ANN model used to predict the attitude toward providing learner support can have a significant impact
mathematics teaching-learning processes based on the on students' interest in mathematics.
teacher's presentation of content. The table provides
Table 9. Independent Variable Importance for Value of
information about the importance and normalized
importance of the independent variables used in the Mathematics
model. The importance column displays the weight or
contribution of each independent variable in the
prediction of the target variable. The higher the
weight, the more significant the variable in the
prediction. The normalized importance column shows
the importance of each variable in terms of percentage,
where the most important variable is assigned a value
of 100%, and the rest of the variables are scaled
proportionally. According to the table, the most
important predictor of the attitude toward mathematics
teach ing - learning processes is Ethics and Table 9 shows the importance of predictors to the
Professionalism, which accounts for 25.1% of the Value of Mathematics. Based on the analysis, the most
prediction. Teaching Quality comes next with 22.4%, important predictor of the attitude towards
followed by Program Effectiveness (16.7%), Safety mathematics teaching-learning processes in terms of
and Convenience (15.0%), Learner Support (9.1%), the value of mathematics is teaching quality, with an
and Self-Esteem (6.1%). Lastly, Awareness of the importance of 0.210 or 100% normalized importance.
Rules is the least important predictor with only 5.7%. Self-esteem is also a significant predictor, with an
In conclusion, this sensitivity analysis shows that the importance of 0.183 or 86.9% normalized importance.
ethical and professional behavior of the teacher is the Program effectiveness, awareness of the rules, and
most important factor in predicting the attitude learner support are relatively less important, with
towards mathematics teaching-learning processes in importance values ranging from 0.139 to 0.164 or
terms of teacher presentation of content. 66.3% to 78.0% normalized importance. Safety and
convenience and ethics and professionalism are the
Table 8. Independent Variable Importance for Interest least important predictors, with importance values of
Towards Mathematics 0.084 and 0.057, respectively, or 40.0% and 27.1%
normalized importance. These results suggest that
teaching quality and self-esteem are the most
influential factors in shaping students' attitudes toward
mathematics, particularly in terms of the value they
place on the subject. Educators should pay attention to
providing high-quality instruction and support that can
foster students' self-esteem and positive attitudes
toward mathematics. The findings also suggest that
students' perception of their safety and convenience, as
Table 8 presents the sensitivity analysis of the ANN well as ethics and professionalism, can have some
model. Based on this, the independent variables have impact on their attitudes towards mathematics, but to a

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Research Article

lesser extent than teaching quality and self-esteem. to unreliable internet connections during the pandemic.
Moreover, it was shown in this study that higher self-
esteem is associated with a more positive attitude
Discussion towards mathematics teaching and learning processes.

These results implicate that the distance learning

The findings of the study provided evidence that the
educational atmosphere has a strong positive impact
distance learning educational atmosphere has a
on both self-esteem and attitude towards mathematics
significant impact on student’s attitudes toward
teaching-learning processes of the students, while self-
mathematics teaching-learning processes. The results
esteem has a weaker positive impact on attitude
of the SEM revealed that a better distance learning
educational atmosphere is associated with a more towards mathematics teaching-learning processes.
positive attitude toward mathematics teaching-learning
The study also revealed that self-esteem mediates the
processes among the students. The obtained outcome
relationship between distance learning educational
aligns with the outcomes of Pereira and Gomes (2022)
atmosphere and attitude towards mathematics
study that demonstrated a favorable impact of distance
teaching-learning processes. This result supports the
learning on the assessment of mathematics teaching
findings of the previous studies. Vlădescu's (2022)
and learning procedures. In a similar vein, Hwang et
investigation illustrated that online classes are
al. (2021) discovered that an online learning approach
beneficial in improving students' confidence levels as
that is centered on social regulation promotes students'
they were able to interact with their teachers and
academic accomplishments and learning motivations
classmates, resulting in increased engagement in the
in mathematics. Furthermore, Videla et al. (2022)
teaching and learning processes. Moreover, online
established that the technical knowledge of teachers,
classes provided learners with the opportunity to
their years of experience, and pedagogical strategies
revisit learning materials whenever they encounter
employed in online education had an influence on the
difficulties, leading to a positive attitude towards
teaching and learning processes in mathematics.
mathematics teaching and learning processes. Golding
It was also revealed that the distance learning and Grima (2021) also highlighted that efficient
educational atmosphere has a direct effect on the self- teacher-student relationships can boost students'
esteem of the students. Several studies have examined confidence, which leads to a greater interest in
the relationship between self-esteem and distance learning mathematics. In contrast, Nsengimana et al.
learning, indicating a correlation between the two (2021) discovered that building students' confidence in
factors. For instance, Vakoufari et al. (2014) found mathematics classes requires the physical presence of
that self-esteem has a positive association with both students and teachers. Oginni et al. (2021)
satisfaction in distance learning, while Pellas (2014) provided evidence supporting the notion that
identified self-esteem as a predictor of student collaborative learning promotes confidence and
engagement in such programs. More recently, Rameli encourages learning in mathematics. Additionally,
et al. (2020) demonstrated a correlation between self- Yuliani et al. (2019) emphasized the crucial role that
esteem and attitude toward distance learning, teachers play in enhancing students' confidence when
particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. learning mathematics and improving their
However, despite the abundance of research on this performance.
topic, no direct evidence has been found to support the
notion that distance learning affects students' self- The ANN models revealed the predictive effects of the
esteem. Nevertheless, some literature has highlighted domains of distance learning educational atmosphere
the potential benefits of this mode of education for and self-esteem on the domains of attitude towards
certain aspects related to self-esteem during the mathematics teaching-learning processes. The results
pandemic. For example, Abramson (2021) asserted revealed that ethics and professionalism is the most
that distance learning can be a valuable resource for important predictor of teacher presentation of content.
improving mental health, while Korolkov et al. (2020) These findings corroborate the conclusions of the
suggested that it offers opportunities for personal study of Dixon et al. (2014), which indicated that a
growth and development. On the other hand, some significant increase in professional development hours
studies have suggested a negative impact of online focusing on differentiated instruction was positively
learning on student satisfaction and self-confidence. linked to the enhancement of teacher efficacy and the
Zaman and Nashmena (2021) found that students in teacher's sense of efficacy beliefs. Additionally, Allen
Pakistan experienced lower levels of self-confidence et al. (2013) proposed that professional development
and satisfaction with their educational experience due programs that concentrate on improving teachers’

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Research Article

emotional, organizational, and instructional a bridge, influencing how the overall learning
interactions with students can increase teacher atmosphere affects their attitudes.
effectiveness, which in turn has a direct impact on
student learning. Furthermore, when scrutinizing the factors within the
distance learning educational atmosphere and students'
For interest in mathematics, program effectiveness was self-esteem, ethics and professionalism emerged as the
found to be the most important predictor. The outcome most influential predictor of students' perceptions
of this study validates the findings of Dabney et al. regarding their teachers' presentation of mathematics
(2012), which demonstrated that innovative programs content. For students’ interest in mathematics, program
could boost students' interest in Science, Technology, effectiveness stood out as the most significant
Engineering, and Mathematics education. predictor. Meanwhile, in the perceived value of
Furthermore, Yuanita et al. (2018) highlighted the mathematics among the students,teaching quality
importance of including mathematical representation emerged as the most critical predictor.
in the mathematics program, as it plays a significant
role in shaping students' mathematical beliefs and It is crucial to recognize that this study has certain
problem-solving abilities. limitations that must be addressed in future research.
Namely, the study was conducted solely in one city
For the value of mathematics, teaching quality was within a single country. To extrapolate the effects of
found to be the most important predictor. A study by distance learning on attitudes toward mathematics
León et al. (2017) confirmed that teaching quality is a education, future studies should be conducted in other
predictor of behavioral engagement and higher grades countries, accounting for various cultural and social
in mathematics classes. This conclusion aligns with the settings. Furthermore, future researchers may use the
findings of Eriksson et al. (2019) who also observed findings of this study to build upon and expand the
that teaching quality significantly influenced the existing knowledge on distance learning educational
perceived value of mathematics among students. atmosphere, attitude towards mathematics teaching-
learning processes, and mathematics education during
the COVID-19 pandemic. Lastly, future researchers
Conclusion may consider using mathematical modeling techniques
such as SEM-ANN to provide a more comprehensive
understanding of the complex relationships related to
This study delved into the intricate dynamics between
mathematics education. By mathematically modeling
the distance learning educational atmosphere and
these interactions, researchers can gain insights into
students' attitudes toward mathematics teaching-
the underlying mechanisms of these relationships and
learning processes during the challenging times of the
identify potential areas for intervention or
COVID-19 pandemic. The findings robustly
underscored that the distance learning environment
significantly shapes students' perspectives on
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