Nitric Acid
Nitric Acid
Nitric Acid
Physical Properties:
1) Colour - pure HNO3, colourless con. HNO3 yellow.
2) Odour - Suffocating.
3) Taste - Acidic.
4) Nature - Hygroscopic and fumes in air. So bottle is always supported.
5) Physiological Nature - form blisters on reacting with skin and gives
yellow stains due to formation of Xanthoproteic Acid.
Chemical Properties:
1) Stability - It is unstable to heat/sunlight. It decomposes into NO2 and
H2O and O2. That's why it is stored in colourless bottles.
2) It is monobasic acid. It ionises into H+ and NO3- ions.
3) It reacts with Alkali to form salt and water only.
4) It reacts with carbonates/bicarbonates to give salt, water & CO2.
Namaste India
Good morning India