Nitric Acid

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Also known as Aqua Fortis meaning 'Strong Water'

as it reacts with nearly all metals.


1) Nitrogen combines with O2 in atmosphere during lightning discharge
to form Nitric Oxide.
N2 + O2 → 2NO (Nitric Oxide)
2) Nitric Oxide to further oxidised to Nitrogen dioxide.
2NO + O2 → 2NO2
3) Nitrogen dioxide dissolve in rain water with O2 and form Nitric Acid.
4NO2 + 2H2O + O2 → 4HNO3
The conversion of free atmospheric N2 into useful Nitrogenous
compound is called 'fixation of atmospheric Nitrogen'.


Nitric/Chile Saltpetre + Conc. H2SO4 → Pot/Sod bisulphate + HNO3

KNO3 + H2SO4 → KHSO4 + HNO3
NaNO3 + H2SO4 → NaHSO4 + HNO3
HNO3 is light yellow because of presence of NO2 (Reddish Brown Gas).

Pure Acid is colourless. To remove yellow colour of Lab HNO3:

i) Dry Air or CO2 is passed, it oxides NO2 to Nitric Acid.
ii) Adding excess of H2O which dissolves NO2.
Precautions: All glass apparatus should be used. Conc. HCl is not used
in place of Conc. H2SO4 as it is volatile. Temp should not exceed 200°C
as it may damage the apparatus & HNO3 may decompose.

Physical Properties:
1) Colour - pure HNO3, colourless con. HNO3 yellow.
2) Odour - Suffocating.
3) Taste - Acidic.
4) Nature - Hygroscopic and fumes in air. So bottle is always supported.
5) Physiological Nature - form blisters on reacting with skin and gives
yellow stains due to formation of Xanthoproteic Acid.

Chemical Properties:
1) Stability - It is unstable to heat/sunlight. It decomposes into NO2 and
H2O and O2. That's why it is stored in colourless bottles.
2) It is monobasic acid. It ionises into H+ and NO3- ions.
3) It reacts with Alkali to form salt and water only.
4) It reacts with carbonates/bicarbonates to give salt, water & CO2.

Oxidising Property - HNO3 oxidises metal/nonmetal, organic/inorganic

substances. It has powerful oxidising property due to Nascent Oxygen
produced on decomposition.
For Ex:
C + 4HNO3 → CO2 + 2H2O + 4NO2 (Carbon oxidised to CO2)
S + 6HNO3 → H2SO4 + 2H2O + 6NO2 (Sulphur oxidised to H2SO4)
Copper + Dil. HNO3 → CuNO3 + H2O + Nitric Oxide
Copper + Conc. HNO3 → CuNO3 + H2O + NO2
Iron, Al, Ni & Co become passive on reacting with Conc. HNO3 dur to
formation of thin layer of Metallic oxide. Passivity can be removed by
rubbing with sand paper or reacting with strong reducing agent.


1. To etch designs on copper and brassware.
2. To purify gold.
3. Act as rocket fuel and used in preparation of nitric acid.

Tests For Nitric Acid:

1. Conc. Nitric Acid produces Nitrogen dioxide brown fumes on
2. Brown Ring Test. Freshly prepared solution of iron II sulphate is
added to nitric acid then conc. Sulphuric acid is carefully added to
the sides.

A brown Ring is produced at the junction of 2 liquids. The Brown

ring is of Nitrosopherous sulphate.
Ostwald Process

Step I:- Catalytic Oxidation of Ammonia

4NH3 + 5O2 → 4NO + 6H2O + Heat
Step II:- Oxidation of Nitric Oxide in oxidation of chamber
2NO(g) + O2(g) →2NO2(g)
Step III:- Absorption of nitrogen dioxide in water
4NO2(g) + 2H2O(l) + O2(g) → 4HNO3 (aq.)

Concentration of Nitric Acid

Nitric acid up to 98% (fuming nitric acid) is obtained by distilling 68%
HNO3 over conc. sulphuric acid.
1. Brown ring test is used for
A. Detection of nitrate.
B. Detection of ammonia.
C. Detection of sulphate.
D. Detection of chlorate.
2. The correct statement regarding nitric acid.
A. It is weak oxidizing agent.
B. It is strong oxidizing agent.
C. It is strong reducing agent.
D. none of these.

3. Concentrated nitric acid attacks most of the metals except

A. Sodium and potassium.
B. Gold and platinum.
C. Aluminium and silicon.
D. None of these.

4. In the preparation of nitric acid by Ostwald’s process, this process

is based on catalytic oxidation of
B. NaNO3
C. NH3

5. Nitric acid on standing develops brownish colour which may be

attributed to the presence of :
A. NO2+ ions
B. NO2- ions
C. NO2
1) How is Nitric acid formed naturally?
2) Give the physical properties of nitric acid.
3) What happens when conc. HNO3 falls on the skin?
4) Why should Nitric acid be kept in dark bottles?
Aqsa Zeeshan
Tirthesh P Biswal
Ritu Singh
Shiv S. Goswami
Abhijeeth kumar
Akshay Kamath


Namaste India
Good morning India

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