10+ Ways To Run Open-Source Models With LlamaIndex - by Wenqi Glantz

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12/21/23, 9:28 AM 10+ Ways to Run Open-Source Models with LlamaIndex | by Wenqi Glantz | Dec, 2023 | Level Up Coding

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10+ Ways to Run Open-Source Models with

LlamaIndex’s open-source model integration with Hugging Face, vLLM, Ollama,
Llama.cpp, liteLLM, Replicate, Gradient, and more

Wenqi Glantz · Follow

Published in Level Up Coding
18 min read · 1 day ago

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Image by DALL-E 3

The CTO of Hugging Face, Julien Chaumond, posted on LinkedIn two weeks ago and
predicted that “Most open source models next year will be better than OpenAI’s”.

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Screenshot from LinkedIn

Astounding progress by the open-source community indeed! And the momentum is

simply unstoppable. With many quality open-source LLMs and embedding models
emerging every week, and their performance nearing that of those proprietary
models, it’s a no-brainer to roll up our sleeves and experiment with them to see how
well they perform for our specific use cases.

It is amazing to see the large number of integrations LlamaIndex has established

with a plethora of open-source model platforms and providers, and the integration
list keeps growing. In this article, let’s explore how we can run open-source models,
both LLMs and embedding models, with the out-of-the-box support from

RAG Pipeline: It’s a Wonderful Life

We will use the following two models for our RAG pipeline, which loads data from
the Wikipedia page of the classic movie It’s a Wonderful Life (one of my all-time
favorites), and answers questions related to the movie. We will explore the different
ways we can utilize these two models in building our RAG pipeline.

LLM: zephyr-7b-beta . A 7B parameter GPT-like model fine-tuned on a mix of

publicly available, synthetic datasets. It’s a fine-tuned version of
mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.1. This will be used as our main LLM. However, some
integration methods we explore in the sections below don’t support this LLM,

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we show the sample code snippet with a different LLM supported by that
particular integration method.

Embedding model: UAE-Large-V1 . Universal AnglE Embedding (UAE), ranked

number 1 on the MTEB leaderboard at the time of this writing.

We will implement the RAG pipeline with SentenceWindowNodeParser , a tool that can
be used to create representations of sentences that consider the surrounding words
and sentences. During retrieval, before passing the retrieved sentences to the LLM,
the single sentences are replaced with a window containing the surrounding
sentences using the MetadataReplacementNodePostProcessor . This is most useful for
large documents, as it helps to retrieve more fine-grained details.

Let’s first lay out our RAG pipeline’s 5 steps, see the code snippet below.
ServiceContext , the wrapper class for LLM and embedding model and other
hyperparameters, will be a placeholder for now, and we will implement it in various
ways in the following sections.

# Step 1: Load Data

from llama_index import download_loader

WikipediaReader = download_loader("WikipediaReader")
loader = WikipediaReader()
documents = loader.load_data(pages=['It\'s a Wonderful Life'], auto_suggest=Fal
print(f'Loaded {len(documents)} documents')

# Step 2: Set up node parser

from llama_index import ServiceContext
from llama_index.node_parser import SentenceWindowNodeParser, SimpleNodeParser

node_parser = SentenceWindowNodeParser.from_defaults(
simple_node_parser = SimpleNodeParser.from_defaults()

# Step 3: Define ServiceContext, placeholder for now

from llama_index import ServiceContext

# TODO, a placeholder for now

llm = ""
embed_model = ""

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service_context = ServiceContext.from_defaults(

# Step 4: Define index, query engine

from llama_index import VectorStoreIndex

nodes = node_parser.get_nodes_from_documents(documents)
index = VectorStoreIndex(nodes, service_context=service_context)

from llama_index.indices.postprocessor import MetadataReplacementPostProcessor

query_engine = index.as_query_engine(
# the target key defaults to `window` to match the node_parser's default

# Step 5: Run queries

from IPython.display import Markdown

query = "Why is George the richest man in town?"

response = query_engine.query(query)

Now that we have our RAG pipeline laid out, let’s dive into the different methods to
call the open-source models to fill in Step 3 above, which defines the llm and
embed_model and constructs service_context .

Method 1: HuggingFaceLLM & HuggingFaceEmbedding

Hugging Face is an open-source platform for machine learning. It provides tools
and resources for developers to build, train, and deploy machine learning models.
It’s like a giant toolbox for AI, with pre-trained models, datasets, and infrastructure
to help you get started with your projects. Think of it as a place where you can find
all the building blocks you need to create amazing AI applications.

Hugging Face provides the transformers package to enable access to its open-source
models. We first install transformers[torch] package:

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!pip install "transformers[torch]"

Now, let’s provide our Hugging Face token. Note that using your token will not
charge you money. LlamaIndex wraps the transformers[torch] package into LLM
entities by its class HuggingFaceLLM for LLMs and HuggingFaceEmbedding for the
embedding models. See the code snippet below.

from typing import Optional

from llama_index.llms import HuggingFaceLLM

from llama_index.embeddings.huggingface import HuggingFaceEmbedding

HF_TOKEN: Optional[str] = '#####################'

# Define the locally run llm and embed_model

llm = HuggingFaceLLM(model_name="HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta")
embed_model = HuggingFaceEmbedding(model_name="WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1")

While executing the above step, we can see the progress bar for model download.
For the batches, they are running sequentially. Note this, as we will compare this
with how vLLM downloads the models in parallel.

With the above definition for llm and embed_model , we get the following output
when asking, “Why did Harry say George is the richest man in town?”:

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HuggingFaceLLM comes with a list of the constructor parameters to allow for

customization. Refer to HuggingFaceLLM source code for details.

The HuggingFaceEmbedding class also comes with a list of constructor parameters,

allowing customization.

LlamaPack for Zephyr query engine

LlamaIndex offers a LlamaPack for Zephyr query engine, which we can use to
simplify our implementation of downloading the models locally. See the code
snippet below.

from llama_index.llama_pack import download_llama_pack

# download and install dependencies

ZephyrQueryEnginePack = download_llama_pack(
"ZephyrQueryEnginePack", "./zephyr_pack"

# You can use any llama-hub loader to get documents!

zephyr_pack = ZephyrQueryEnginePack(documents)

response = zephyr_pack.run("Why is George the richest man in town?", similarity

Please note the out-of-the-box Zephyr query engine pack runs HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-

7b-beta as its LLM, and BAAI/bge-base-en-v1.5 as its embedding model. You are
welcome to customize the embedding model.

For those new to LlamaPacks, check out my previous article to understand how
LlamaPacks work and how to customize a particular pack.

Method 2: HuggingFaceInferenceAPI &

The Hugging Face Inference API easily integrates over 50,000 state-of-the-art(SOTA)
open-source models, deployed for inference via simple API calls, with no MLOps
overhead. It’s suitable for applications that need real-time responses and don’t want
to handle the computational load.

Inference API comes with two plans: the pro plan and the enterprise plan. Use the
free pro plan with shared infrastructure, which is great for POCs or development

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tasks. For production use, switch to the enterprise plan with dedicated inference
endpoints. Custom pricing is based on volume commit, starts at $2k/month, with
annual contracts.

LlamaIndex integrates with Hugging Face Inference API by its classes

HuggingFaceInferenceAPI for LLMs and HuggingFaceInferenceAPIEmbedding for the
embedding models. These two classes wrap huggingface_hub[inference] package,
which we need to install first:

!pip install "huggingface_hub[inference]"

Now let’s call HuggingFaceInferenceAPI to define our llm and

HuggingFaceInferenceAPIEmbedding to define our embed_model .

from typing import Optional

from llama_index.llms import HuggingFaceInferenceAPI
from llama_index.embeddings import HuggingFaceInferenceAPIEmbedding

HF_TOKEN: Optional[str] = '##################'

# define llm and embed_nodel

llm = HuggingFaceInferenceAPI(
model_name="HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-beta", token=HF_TOKEN

embed_model = HuggingFaceInferenceAPIEmbedding(
model_name="WhereIsAI/UAE-Large-V1", token=HF_TOKEN

With the above definition for llm and embed_model , we get the following output
when asking, “Why did Harry say George is the richest man in town?”:

Open in app

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HuggingFaceInferenceAPI also comes with a list of the constructor parameters to

allow customization.

The HuggingFaceInferenceAPIEmbedding class also comes with an additional list of

constructor parameters besides the ones mentioned in HuggingFaceInferenceAPI ,

allowing for customization.

Note that the Inference API is free, your token is only used for rate limiting. Per
Hugging Face API Inference FAQ:

The free Inference API may be rate limited for heavy use cases. We try to balance the loads
evenly between all our available resources, and favoring steady flows of requests. If your
account suddenly sends 10k requests then you’re likely to receive 503 errors saying models
are loading. In order to prevent that, you should instead try to start running queries
smoothly from 0 to 10k over the course of a few minutes.

Based on the above statement, it’s fair to say that the rate limiting is not much of a
concern for developers working on their POCs or experiments. However, while
working on this POC in Colab, I ran into the rate limiting error for both the LLM and
the embedding model multiple times, which surprised me as my usage was in the
“normal usage” scope. Unfortunately, the detail of the rate limiting is unclear, and I
couldn’t find further information on Hugging Face’s website. My conclusion is that
the rate limiting of the inference API could be a potential issue for developers in
their day-to-day development activities, although the rate limiting should not pose
any obstacle for a quick POC.

Method 3: TextEmbeddingsInference
We explored the Hugging Face text-embeddings-inference server a few months ago.
Details can be found in my article Optimizing Text Embeddings with HuggingFace’s
text-embeddings-inference Server and LlamaIndex.

With the text-embeddings-inference server, we no longer need to download the

embedding model locally; we can access it through our inference server via the
TextEmbeddingsInference class provided by LlamaIndex. See the sample code snippet

from llama_index.embeddings import TextEmbeddingsInference

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embed_model = TextEmbeddingsInference(
base_url = "", # if you have the inference server host
timeout=60, # timeout in seconds
embed_batch_size=10, # batch size for embedding

The TextEmbeddingsInference class has a list of constructor parameters you can

customize per your need.

Key takeaways from our experiments of text-embeddings-inference server include:

The text-embeddings-inference server on a GPU yields about 100 times better

performant inference time than that on a CPU, ~3 ms versus ~300 ms. It is a truly
blazingly fast embedding solution.

With the text-embeddings-inference server, you can save on the embedding

token cost if you have been paying OpenAI for its embedding model. However,
remember that the inference server does incur hosting charges, such as cloud

The sequence length of 512 in the inference embedding model UAE-Large-V1 ,

and many other BERT models, poses a limitation on the chunk sizes. This can
potentially impact use cases dealing with large datasets, where larger chunk
sizes can significantly improve parsing performance.

Method 4: Vllm & VllmServer

vLLM is a Python library that contains pre-compiled C++ and CUDA (12.1) binaries.
It is a high-throughput and memory-efficient inference and serving engine for

vLLM utilizes PagedAttention, a new attention algorithm that effectively manages

attention keys and values. vLLM equipped with PagedAttention redefines the new
state of the art in LLM serving: it delivers up to 24x higher throughput than Hugging
Face Transformers (HF), and up to 3.5x higher throughput than Hugging Face Text
Generation Inference (TGI).

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Source: vLLM: Easy, Fast, and Cheap LLM Serving with PagedAttention

vLLM supports a variety of generative Transformer models in HuggingFace

Transformers. For a full list of the model architectures vLLM supports, refer to
vLLM Supported Models page.

Install vLLM with the following command:

!pip install vllm

vLLM can be used for both offline inference and online serving.

vLLM Offline Inference

To use vLLM for offline inference, LlamaIndex has integrated with vLLM through its
Vllm class. See the sample code snippet below.

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from llama_index.llms.vllm import Vllm

llm = Vllm(
"swap_space": 1,
"gpu_memory_utilization": 0.5,
"max_model_len": 4096,

During execution, the difference between how Vllm handles the model download
and how HuggingFaceLLM handles the model download is easily spotted. Vllm can
download the model in parallel; see the download progress bar below.

Vllm also comes with a list of constructor parameters to allow for customization.

vLLM Online Serving

To use vLLM for online serving, you can start an OpenAI API-compatible server via
the following shell command, pass in the model name:

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$ python -m vllm.entrypoints.openai.api_server --model HuggingFaceH4/zephyr-7b-

LlamaIndex also offers the VllmServer class for the integration with online serving.
Once your API server is up and running, you can define your llm by constructing
the VllmServer class, passing in the api_url . Modify the api_url accordingly if the
vLLM server is hosted in the cloud. See the sample code snippet below.

from llama_index.llms.vllm import VllmServer

llm = VllmServer(
api_url="http://localhost:8000/generate", max_new_tokens=100, temperature=0

The VllmServer also comes with a list of constructor parameters you can customize.

Compare Hugging Face Inference API Enterprise Plan with vLLM Online Serving
Both Hugging Face Inference API Enterprise Plan and vLLM Online Serving are
options for deploying your LLM in production. Let’s compare them to find out their
pros and cons.

Hugging Face Inference API Enterprise Plan:


Easy to set up and deploy, especially for Hugging Face models.

Managed infrastructure simplifies model management.

Strong security features and enterprise-grade support.


Limited model compatibility compared to vLLM.

Less flexibility in scaling and resource control.

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Potentially higher costs for high-frequency use.

vLLM Online Serving:


Supports a wider range of model formats and libraries. vLLM’s flexible

architecture allows you to deploy virtually any model format, as long as you can
provide a custom serving function to handle inference.

Granular control over scaling and resource allocation.

Potentially lower cost for specific use cases due to pay-as-you-go pricing.


Requires more technical expertise to set up and manage.

Security features require additional configuration.

Less readily available support compared to Hugging Face.


Choose Hugging Face Inference API Enterprise Plan: If you primarily use
Hugging Face models and value ease of use, managed infrastructure, and robust

Choose vLLM Online Serving: If you have diverse model formats, require fine-
grained control over resources, or cost efficiency is a major concern.

Method 5: Ollama
Ollama supports a list of open-source models available on ollama.ai/library, listed in
the table below.

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Source: https://github.com/jmorganca/ollama

First, set up and run a local Ollama instance by following Ollama readme.

For Windows CPU, I executed the following commands to get the Ollama server up
and running locally, per instructions from Ollama’s docker hub page:

docker pull ollama/ollama

ollama pull llama2
docker run -d -v ollama:/root/.ollama -p 11434:11434 --name ollama ollama/ollam
winpty docker exec -it ollama ollama run llama2

LlamaIndex offers Ollama and OllamaEmbedding classes to integrate with Ollama.

Once your Ollama instance is up and running, the usage is straightforward. See the
sample code snippet below for defining the llm for llama2 model. Ollama doesn’t
support zephyr-7b-beta as of this writing, so we use llama2 as our LLM instead. For

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the embedding model, since Ollama doesn’t support UAE-Large-V1 , we define the
embed_model so it downloads UAE-Large-V1 locally.

from llama_index.llms import Ollama

# define llm
llm = Ollama(model="llama2")

# define embed_model, download it to local as Ollama doesn't support UAE-Large-


Ollama also comes with a list of constructor parameters for customization.

OllamaEmbedding has a list of constructor parameters as well.

LlamaPack for Ollama query engine

LlamaIndex offers a LlamaPack for Ollama query engine, which we can use to
simplify our implementation of downloading the models locally. See the code
snippet below.

from llama_index.llama_pack import download_llama_pack

# download and install dependencies

OllamaQueryEnginePack = download_llama_pack(
"OllamaQueryEnginePack", "./ollama_pack"

# You can use any llama-hub loader to get documents!

ollama_pack = OllamaQueryEnginePack(model="llama2", documents=documents)

response = ollama_pack.run("Why did Harry say George is the richest man in town

Method 6: LlamaCPP
Llama.cpp is an open-source C/C++ library that implements Facebook’s Llama and
other related models like Llama2, Falcon, Alpaca, and GPT4All. It can run on CPUs
and GPUs, making it suitable for various deployment environments.

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LlamaIndex offers the LlamaCPP class for integration with the llama-cpp-python
library. First we need to install this library:

!pip install llama-cpp-python

We define llm by passing in the model_url . See the sample code snippet below.
Note, during execution, this step downloads the specified model Llama-2–13B-chat

locally; it takes a bit of time to download this model, which is over 7GB.

from llama_index.llms import LlamaCPP

# By default, if model_path and model_url are blank, the LlamaCPP module will l
llm = LlamaCPP(

With the Llama-2–13B-chat as our LLM and we ask our original question, we get the
following output:

The LlamaCPP class comes with a list of constructor parameters you can customize
per your need.

For more info on this integration and sample code snippets, refer to LlamaIndex’s
documentation on LlamaCPP.

Method 7: liteLLM
liteLLM is an open-source Python library that acts as a unified interface for calling a
variety of LLMs through a single, OpenAI-compatible API. This means that you can
use liteLLM to interact with over 100 different LLMs from providers listed below:

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Source: liteLLM GitHub repo

One of the key benefits of liteLLM is its simplicity. With liteLLM, you can use the
same input/output format to call any of the supported LLMs, regardless of their
underlying provider or API. This can save you a lot of time and effort, especially if
you’re working with multiple LLMs in your project.
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The cost of using liteLLM depends on the LLM that you’re calling. Each LLM has its
own pricing model, and liteLLM simply passes through the costs that it incurs from
the provider. However, liteLLM itself is free to use.

liteLLM offers the proxy server option. The benefits of a proxy server include:

Unified Interface: Calling 100+ LLMs in the OpenAI ChatCompletions &

Completions format.

Load Balancing: between multiple models and deployments of the same model.
liteLLM proxy can handle 1.5k+ requests/second during load tests.

Cost tracking: authentication & spend tacking via Virtual Keys

Two simple commands in your shell to set up a proxy server locally:

# installs litellm[proxy] library

pip install litellm[proxy]

# start the proxy server

litellm --model huggingface/bigcode/starcoder

The proxy server will be up and running on

Now, in a Jupyter notebook (cannot run from Google Colab as it needs to access the
locally hosted proxy server), let’s install litellm library:

!pip install litellm

LlamaIndex offers LiteLLM class for this integration. See below a sample code

from llama_index.llms import LiteLLM

# Define llm through liteLLM proxy

llm = LiteLLM(

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api_key="hf_##################", # HF access token
api_base="" # liteLLM proxy server URL

LiteLLM has a list of constructor parameters for customization.

Method 8: Replicate
Replicate is a platform that makes it easy to run inference on various open-source
machine learning models without worrying about setting up and managing your
own infrastructure.

Replicate offers deployment service for both public and private models. You only
pay for what you use on Replicate, billed by the second. When you don’t run
anything, it scales to zero and you don’t pay a thing. For details on the pricing for
public and private models, check out Replicate pricing page.

LlamaIndex offers the Replicate class to integrate with the Replicate platform. You
need to create an API key first. Then install replicate by running the following

!pip install replicate

You then define your llm by constructing the Replicate class, passing in the model

name in the following format. If you don’t know your model name, search on
Replicate Explore page to find your model name.

import os
from llama_index.llms import Replicate

os.environ["REPLICATE_API_TOKEN"] = "######################"

llm= Replicate(

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The query using this method returned the following output:

Check out the additional parameters Replicate offers for customization.

Method 9: GradientBaseModelLLM
Gradient is the only AI platform that allows you to combine Industry Expert AIs with
your private data. Industry Expert AIs are built on state-of-the-art open-source
LLMs. It’s designed to democratize AI. Models are run remotely on Gradient’s

First, we need to install the gradientai library:

!pip install gradientai

LlamaIndex integrates with Gradient through its GradientBaseModelLLM class. See the
code snippet below to construct the llm , you will need to pass in the gradient access
token and workspace id.

from llama_index.llms import GradientBaseModelLLM

os.environ["GRADIENT_ACCESS_TOKEN"] = "####################"
os.environ["GRADIENT_WORKSPACE_ID"] = "#############################"

llm = GradientBaseModelLLM(

The query output for Gradient is as follows:

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The complete list of constructor parameters of GradientBaseModelLLM can be found in

its source code.

Method 10: Integration with other open-source model providers

There are many other open-source model providers out there, and LlamaIndex has
been shipping integration with those providers on an ongoing basis. It’s not possible
to cover integration with all providers here, but to list a few:

Anyscale: offers Llama2 and CodeLlama models.

Clarifai: offers both free and paid access to its LLM models, depending on your
usage needs and budget.

EverlyAI: automatically optimizes the inference code path of supported models

and achieves up to 20x speedup.

OpenLLM: an open platform for operating large language models (LLMs) in

production. Fine-tune, serve, deploy, and monitor any LLMs with ease.

Llama API: a hosted API for Llama 2 with function calling support.

LocalAI: a method of serving models through an OpenAI API spec-compatible

REST API. LlamaIndex can use its OpenAILike LLM to directly interact with a
LocalAI server.

MistralAI: provides two types of access to Large Language Models: an API

providing pay-as-you-go access to our latest models, and open-source models
available on Hugging Face or directly from the documentation.

Perplexity: a powerful tool for information discovery and exploration. It is the

most powerful AI research assistant.

Many more… check out LlamaIndex documentation on LLMs and a list of

supported embedding models for more details.

Models’ Self-hosting vs Third-party-hosting

Summarizing all the above methods, we can conclude that there are mainly two
types of model hosting: self-hosting and third-party-hosting.
Self-hosting (local or cloud)

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12/21/23, 9:28 AM 10+ Ways to Run Open-Source Models with LlamaIndex | by Wenqi Glantz | Dec, 2023 | Level Up Coding

Control: You have control over the model, its configuration, and its data. This
can be crucial for sensitive data or situations where customization is critical.

Privacy: You keep your data on your own infrastructure, reducing the risk of it
being shared or used for unauthorized purposes.

Customization: You can modify and fine-tune the model to your specific needs
and use cases.

Cost-effective: In the long run, self-hosting may be cheaper than paying a

vendor for access to the model.

Hybrid Approach: It’s totally acceptable to combine local and cloud hosting and
execution of the models. For example, you could run smaller models locally for
quick tasks and POCs, and use a remote server for more demanding tasks such
as production usage.


Technical expertise: Requires significant technical expertise to install,

configure, and maintain the model and its infrastructure.

Performance: Maintaining model performance and scaling resources can be a

challenge, especially for complex models.

Security: You are responsible for securing your infrastructure and data, which
can be complex and resource-intensive.

Updates: Staying up-to-date with the latest model versions and security patches
can be time-consuming.

Convenience: It’s much easier to get started with vendor hosting as they handle
the infrastructure and technical aspects.

Technical support: Third-party provides technical support and maintenance for

the model.

Scalability: Third-party platforms are typically designed to scale easily to meet

your needs.

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12/21/23, 9:28 AM 10+ Ways to Run Open-Source Models with LlamaIndex | by Wenqi Glantz | Dec, 2023 | Level Up Coding

Updates: Third-party automatically updates the model with the latest versions
and security patches.


Cost: Third-party hosting can be expensive, especially for high-volume use


Control: You have less control over the model and its configuration.

Data privacy: Your data may be stored on the vendor’s infrastructure, raising
privacy concerns.

Limited customization: Customization options may be limited or unavailable.

Additional Factors to Consider:

The complexity of the model: More complex models require more technical
expertise for self-hosting.

Your technical resources: Do you have the staff and expertise to manage self-

Your data privacy requirements: How sensitive is your data, and how important
is it to keep it in-house?

Your budget: Can you afford the upfront costs and ongoing fees of vendor

Overall, the best option for you will depend on your specific needs and resources.

In this article, we explored the many ways LlamaIndex integrates with open-source
models. The diagrams below summarize the key points of the 10+ ways to run open-
source models with LlamaIndex.

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Diagram by author

The source code for this article can be found in my Colab notebook.

I hope you find this article helpful. I welcome any comments or corrections.

Happy coding!
A developer’s guide to open source LLMs and generative AI

LlamaIndex documentation on using LLMs

LlamaIndex documentation on embedding models

Hugging Face LLMs

Hugging Face Inference API

Hugging Face API Inference FAQ

Consuming Text Generation Inference

Project vLLM

vLLM: Easy, Fast, and Cheap LLM Serving with PagedAttention

LlamaIndex vLLM notebook

Run LLMs Locally

Ollama - Llama 2 7B

Ollama GitHub repo


liteLLM GitHub repo

liteLLM Documentation

liteLLM Quick Start

Gradient Base Model

Llamaindex Hugging Face Ollama Vllm Llama Cpp

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Written by Wenqi Glantz

6.8K Followers · Writer for Level Up Coding

Mom, wife, software architect with a passion for technology and crafting quality products
linkedin.com/in/wenqi-glantz-b5448a5a/ twitter.com/wenqi_glantz

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