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Pezent2020 Syntacts

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X, MONTH 2020 1

Syntacts: Open-Source Software and Hardware

for Audio-Controlled Haptics
Evan Pezent, Student Member, IEEE, Brandon Cambio, Student Member, IEEE,
and Marcia K. O’Malley, Fellow, IEEE

Abstract—As vibrotactile feedback systems become increas- In addition to increasing actuator counts, some vibrotactile
ingly commonplace, their application scenarios are becoming research has recently focused on delivering complex vibration
more complex. We present a method of vibrotactor control waveforms, beyond simple buzzes, to convey more meaningful
that accommodates emerging design requirements, namely large
vibrotactor arrays that are capable of displaying complex wave- information to users [8], or to more accurately simulate real-
forms. Our approach is based on control through digital audio world phenomena [9]. The synthesis of such cues, however,
interfaces. We describe a new open-source software and hardware is not a trivial task, with some researchers resorting to pre-
package, Syntacts, that lowers the technical barrier to rendering recorded libraries [10] or high-level creation tools [11], [12].
vibrations with audio. We also present a tutorial on common Finally, while the advent of mainstream virtual reality (VR)
control schemes with a discussion of their advantages and
shortcomings. Our software is purpose-built to control arrays systems has introduced new opportunities for vibrotactile
of vibrotactors with extremely low latency. In addition, Syntacts feedback, it has also imposed additional constraints on control
includes means to synthesize and sequence cues, and spatialize including low latency [13] and the need to alter cues on the
them on tactile arrays. The Syntacts Amplifier integrates with fly in response to virtual events.
the audio hardware to provide high-quality analog signals to This paper aims to highlight a method of vibrotactor con-
the tactors without adding excess noise to the system. Finally,
we present results from a benchmarking study with Syntacts trol that accommodates many of the these requirements and
compared to commercially available systems. deserves detailed attention: control through digital audio in-
terfaces. We present a new open-source software and hardware
Index Terms—vibrotactor, audio, control, open-source
package, Syntacts, that lowers the technical barrier to synthe-
sizing and rendering vibrations with audio. In Section II, we
I. BACKGROUND discuss common vibrotactor control schemes along with their
One of the most important and ubiquitous modes of haptic advantages and shortcomings. Section III provides an overview
feedback is vibration. Haptic vibrations are commonly deliv- of the hardware requirements for audio-based control, under-
ered to users through small actuators known as vibrotactors, scoring some of the lesser known details that can have a
or simply tactors. Vibrotactors come in many forms, such high impact on control, and introduces the Syntacts Amplifier
as eccentric rotating mass (ERM) actuators, linear resonant board. In Section IV, we discuss software for audio-based
actuators (LRA), voice coil actuators, and Piezo actuators. control and then present the Syntacts software library. Finally,
For several decades, vibrotactile feedback has been used in Section V, we provide comparisons between Syntacts-
extensively across a wide variety of applications, most notably based audio control and other methods. Conclusions and areas
mobile and wearable devices [1]. for future work follow in Section VI. Syntacts software and
The modern era of vibrotactile research is faced with a hardware designs are freely available at: www.syntacts.org.
number of new needs and requirements. For instance, the
field has recently begun moving away from providing users
with simple alert type cues to delivering salient cues rich in Because vibrotactors have been a staple of haptics for a
information. Many researchers are now designing devices with long time, there exist many scenarios and approaches for
larger numbers of tactors integrated into single interfaces such their control. A typical research-oriented scenario requires
as bracelets, armbands, and sleeves [2]–[4], full body suits and controlling vibrotactors from a PC that may also coordinate
clothing [5], [6], and chairs [7]. Unfortunately, driving many an experiment, record data, and/or render visuals. Within this
vibrotactors simultaneously has traditionally been a difficult context, we summarize a few possible control strategies.
task for engineers and non-engineers alike due to the technical
skills required, interfacing difficulty, or cost of equipment. A. Function Generators
Further, high-density arrays require more sophisticated render- The simplest control implementation uses a standalone
ing algorithms. Spatialization, or the manipulation of several function generator connected directly to the tactor. This is
actuators in an array-based on the placement of a virtual target easy because generators are purpose-built to output oscillating
location, has been explored to some extent [7]. signals and envelopes, and can often meet the tactor’s power
requirements. However, function generators are limited in cue
The authors are with the Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces Lab, Depart- design, output channel count, and may be challenging to
ment of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA.
Emails: {epezent, btc6, omalleym}@rice.edu. integrate with custom software. For these reasons, they are
Manuscript received January 15, 2020; revised May 9, 2020. a poor choice for complex control.

B. Integrated Circuits The technique of using audio to drive haptic actuators is

To serve the mobile device market, specialized integrated simple yet relatively underutilized within the field. Outside of
circuits (IC) have been developed for vibrotactor control. a few workshops [14], [15], the process has received limited
These ICs often handle both signal generation and power documentation or comparison with existing control solutions.
amplification, making them an all-in-one package. A common The remainder of this paper will discuss the implementation
chip, the DRV2605L from Texas Instruments (TI), features a of audio-based control while introducing a new open-source
built-in library of effects that can be triggered and sequenced hardware and software solution, Syntacts. We will show that
through I2 C commands. Some ICs are capable of closed- using this approach can provide a number of benefits including
loop control which automatically detects the tactor’s resonant relatively low implementation cost, support for large channel
frequency and can provide faster response times. The utility of counts, and ultra-low latency.
ICs for laboratory research, however, is restricted by the need
to design and fabricate custom PCBs, since their small package III. H ARDWARE FOR AUDIO -BASED C ONTROL
sizes make it difficult to prototype on breadboards (though A. Sound Cards / Digital-to-Analog Converters
preassembled PCBs and breakouts can be found in various
online shops). Controlling many tactors becomes complicated The most important piece of hardware for audio-based
and usually requires additional components such as multiplex- control is the digital-to-analog converter (DAC) device. The
ers. Finally, PCs generally do not provide an I2 C interface, so DAC is responsible for converting digitally represented wave-
a USB adapter or microcontroller (e.g., an Arduino) must be forms, like music files, to analog signals to be played though
introduced to broker communication between the PC and ICs. headphones or speakers. Virtually all PCs have a DAC in-
tegrated into the motherboard that outputs two analog signals
C. Dedicated Controllers through a headphone or line out jack (typically a 3.5mm phone
jack) for left and right audio channels. If no more than two
Unlike other actuators such as DC motors, there exist very vibrotactors are needed, use of the built-in headphone jack
few off-the-shelf, plug-and-play controllers for vibrotactors. may be sufficient for some users.
One product marketed as such is the Universal Controller from Driving more than two channels generally requires a ded-
Engineering Acoustics, Inc (EAI). It is designed to drive their icated DAC, or sound card. The least expensive options are
ubiquitous C2 and C3 voice coil actuators, but can drive other consumer grade surround sound cards, which can be had in
tactors with similar load impedance. The controller interfaces typical PCI-e or USB interfaces. Up to six tactors can be driven
to a PC via USB and can output up to eight individual with 5.1 surround sound cards, while up to eight can be driven
channels, though the datasheet and our own testing (Section with 7.1 surround sound cards. We have found this to be a
V) indicates that only four can be driven simultaneously. EAI viable solution if consideration is given to differences between
provides a GUI and C API with adequate cue synthesization channel types (e.g., subwoofer channels are usually tuned
features, so integrating the controller with custom software for lower impedance loads than speaker channels). Offerings
is straightforward. The major downside of this controller is from Creative Soundblaster and Asus are among the most
a very high upfront cost (approximately $2, 250) that not all readily available choices. There also exist professional grade
researchers are willing or able to afford. audio interfaces with more than eight outputs, such as the
Texas Instruments also sells the DRV2605LEVM-MD, an MOTU UltraLite-mk4 and 16A with 12 and 16 channels,
evaluation module for the DRV2605L mentioned above, that respectively. For even higher channel counts, the purely analog
could be considered a controller unit. The board integrates output MOTU 24Ao is a popular choice [16], [17]. A single
eight DRV2605L ICs, an I2C multiplexer, and a USB interface. unit provides 24 output channels, and up to five units can
Unlike the EAI controller, no high-level communication API be connected using Audio Video Bridging (AVB) to drive
is available, so either low-level serial programming or I2 C 120 vibrotactors if desired. It should be noted that some
brokerage is still required to integrate it with a PC. Finally, a professional devices may feature other I/O channels (e.g.,
recent startup, Actronika. aims to sell a haptic processing unit, MIDI, S/PDIF, etc.) that are of little use for driving tactors.
the Tactronik; however, details are currently sparse. An extremely important consideration in sound card selec-
tion is the device’s driver API support. An API describes a
D. Audio Output Devices digital audio transmission protocol, and most drivers support
Another approach to driving tactors, and main focal point many different APIs. Windows standardizes at least four first-
of this paper, is through digital audio output devices. This party APIs: WDM-KS, WASAPI, MME, and DirectSound. As
approach hinges on the understanding that some vibrotactors, shown in Fig. 1, not all APIs are created equally. Because
particularly LRA and voice coil variants, operate very similarly MME, which exhibits highly perceptible latency, is usually
to headphones or loudspeakers. Like speakers, these tactors the default API, it could be easy to conclude that audio
consist of an electrical coil within a magnetic field. Energizing is insufficient for realtime haptics. Steinberg’s third-party
the coil induces a magnetic force that, in the case of speakers, ASIO driver is widely considered to be the most performant
drives a cone to generate sound pressure, or, in the case of option, but it is often only implemented by professional grade
vibrotactors, drives a mass to generate vibrations. As such, equipment. Regardless, API selection is a rather opaque setting
the same hardware that drives loudspeakers can also drive under Windows, and appropriate software is usually required
vibrotactors with a few adjustments and considerations. to select the preferred driver API (see Section IV). Driver

For example, the first iteration of Tasbi’s [3] tactor control

hardware featured three commercial stereo Class D amplifiers
powered by a generic switch-mode power supply. The high-
frequency content emitted by these components resulted in
errant motor encoder readings and noisy analog force sensor
measurements beyond usability. As another example, we have
noticed considerable noise emission from the C2 tactors and
EAI Universal Controller (which also uses switching ampli-
fiers) in MISSIVE [18] during EEG measurements.

Figure 1: Mean Windows audio driver API latencies with standard deviation. C. Syntacts Amplifier
Data collection methods are described in Sec. V. For reference, the dashed
line indicates the perceptional threshold of visual-haptic simultaneity [13].
Based on these difficulties and limited commercial options
for high-density output, we designed the purpose-built, eight
channel Syntacts Amplifier board (Fig. 3). It is based on the
 TI TPA6211A1-Q1 3.1W audio power amplifier IC, featuring a
0278$R $6,2


Class AB architecture and fully differential inputs and outputs

 that together eliminate all noise issues we have experienced
 with commercial options. The Syntacts amplifier can drive
 small to medium sized vibrotactors with load impedances
%XIIHU6L]H>VDPSOHV@ above 3 Ω from a 5V power supply at typical vibrotactile
frequencies, making it suitable for many applications (Fig.
Figure 2: The effect on latency due to changing audio buffer sizes. 4). We have successfully tested it with various LRAs, EAI’s
C2 and C3 voice coil actuators, and Nanoport’s TacHammer
actuators. The amplifier is not intended for use with ERM
API selection is less of an issue on macOS, with CoreAudio actuators, which are trivially powered with DC voltage, nor
being the universally recommended option. Another important Piezo actuators, which require higher voltages or custom
consideration is audio buffer-size, or the number of audio controllers altogether. The Syntacts amplifier has thermal and
samples sent on every transmission to the device. If the host short circuit protection and operates at voltage levels generally
PC has sufficient processing speed, smaller buffer sizes should considered safe. However, potential users should understand
be preferred for low latency (Fig. 2). that it has not undergone the testing required of commercial
devices, and should take this into their safety considerations.
B. Amplifiers
Audio DACs typically output a low-power signal at what is Outputs (8) Outputs (8)
called “line-level” because they expect that the output device (to tactors) (to tactors)

will amplify the signal before it is actually played. Vibrotactors

are similar to typical 8 to 16 Ω speakers, and therefore require
amplification. Amplifiers are divided into different classes
based on how they operate. Digital Class D amplifiers are
the most common. They expect an analog input signal and AES59 3.5 mm TRS
DB25 Input Inputs (4)
output an amplified version of the signal with pulse-width (from DAC) (from DAC)

modulation (PWM). This type of amplification tends to be very Figure 3: The Syntacts amplifier is an open-source fully differential, linear
power efficient, but high-frequency PWM switching can add amplifier capable of driving eight vibrotactors with minimal noise. Two
large amounts of electrical noise to a system. This is especially variants are available: one with a single AES-59 DB25 input for connecting to
high-end audio devices such as the MOTU 24Ao, and one with four standard
true when designing for arrays of vibrotactors, where multiple 3.5 mm TRS headphone inputs for connecting to general audio outputs or
naively implemented Class D amplifiers can create enough surround sound cards. Both require a 5V power supply, and output amplified
noise to be physically felt. Class A, B, and AB amplifiers are signals through a universal 0.1” pitch header.
linear amplifiers. These amplifiers tend to have much lower
efficiency than the Class D, which can lead to heat problems
if their thermal design is overlooked. However, because they (a)
do not constantly switch at high frequencies, they introduce
considerably less noise into the overall system. Finally, a stable
power supply is critical to the amplifier’s ability to condition
the signal. Batteries or linear power supplies provide much
more stable power than typical switch-mode power supplies
and allow amplifiers to operate with less noise. Figure 4: The Syntacts amplifier can be used in a variety of applications,
Noisy power amplification can have detrimental effects ranging from dense tactile arrays (a) to wearable devices such as Tasbi (b).
on the performance of haptic devices that integrate sensors. Designs for the tactile array are available online as a reference implementation.

Open-source designs for two variants of the amplifier, one useful to many academics). Code presented in this section is
with four 3.5 mm phone inputs and one with a standardized taken from the Python binding, but the native C++ API and
AES-59 DB25 connector, are available online along with C# binding are similar in their syntax and usage.
manuals and data sheets. We provide packaged CAD files and 1) Interfacing Devices: Syntacts will interface with virtu-
BOMs for direct submission to turn-key PCB manufactures, ally any audio card on the commercial market. The API allows
where the boards can be built for roughly $50-100 USD users to enumerate and select devices based on specific drivers,
depending on the quantity ordered and requested fabrication a feature typically reserved to professional commercial soft-
time. Alternatively, the PCB and components can be ordered ware. While Syntacts can open devices under any audio API,
separately and soldered by hand or in a reflow oven. users should be mindful of the considerations discussed in
Section 1, favoring low latency options such as ASIO. Library
IV. S OFTWARE FOR AUDIO -BASED C ONTROL usage begins with creating an audio context, or Session. A
Software is necessary both to interface audio devices and Session opens communication with a requested audio device
to synthesize and render waveforms. Many commercial GUI and starts an output stream to it in a separate processing thread.
applications provide these features for the creation of music # create an audio context
and sound effects. While some researchers have leveraged such session = Session()
software (particularly MAX MSP [15]) for vibrotactor control,
# enumerate connected hardware
they tend to be overly complex, lack features useful for haptic for dev in session.available_devices:
design, and are difficult to integrate with other applications print(dev.index) # e.g., 6
programmatically. Though a number of haptic effect software print(dev.name) # e.g., MOTU Pro Audio
print(dev.max_channels) # e.g., 24
GUIs and frameworks have been developed for commercial print(dev.api_name) # e.g., ASIO
[19] or one-off, custom hardware [20], only a few examples of ... # etc.
general purpose, audio-based vibrotactor software exist. One
# open device 6 with 24 channels at 48 kHz
example is Macaron [11], a WebAudio-based online editor session.open(6,24,48000)
where users create haptic effects by manipulating amplitude
and frequency curves. The software, however, is primarily Listing 1: Querying hardware information and opening devices
focused on ease of design, and provides little in the way of
device interfacing or integration with other code. 2) Creating Effects with Signals: Vibration waveforms are
To this fill this void, we developed Syntacts, a complete represented abstractly by one or more Signals. Signal classes
software framework for audio-based haptics. Driven by the define a temporal sampling behavior and length, which may
needs of both Tasbi [3] and MISSIVE [18], we have integrated be finite or infinite. A variety of built-in Signals are available
a number of useful features, including: in Syntacts. For example, the classes Sine, Square, Saw,
and Triangle implement typical oscillators with normalized
• a user-friendly API that integrates with existing code amplitude and infinite duration, while Envelope and ASR
• direct access to external sound card devices and drivers (Attack, Sustain, Release) define amplitude modifiers with
• flexible and extensive waveform synthesis mechanisms finite duration. Signals can be mixed using basic arithmetic.
• the ability to generate and modify cues in realtime The act of multiplying and adding Signals can be thought of as
• spatialization of multi-channel tactor arrays an element-wise operation between two vectors. Multiplying
• saving and loading cues from a user library two Signals yields a new Signal of duration equal to the
• compatibility with existing file formats and synthesizers shortest operand, while adding two Signals yields a new Signal
• a responsive GUI for cue design and playback of duration equal to the longest operand. Gain and bias can
be applied to Signals with scalar operands as well.
Each point is further detailed in the following sections. Syn-
In Listing 2 and Fig. 5, the Signals sqr and sin are
tacts is completely open-source, with code and binaries for
implicitly of infinite length, while asr has a length of 0.3
Windows and macOS freely available at: www.syntacts.org.
s. Multiplying sqr by sin yields another infinite Signal with
a 100 Hz square carrier wave, amplitude modulated with a
A. Syntacts API 10 Hz sine wave (sig1). This Signal can further be given
Syntacts’ primary goal is to provide a flexible, code- shape and duration by multiplication with asr to yield the
oriented interface that can be easily integrated with existing finite Signal sig2. The Signal sig3 represents another form
software and applications. The library is written in C and of modulation through summation instead of multiplication.
C++ to facilitate accessing low-level drivers and maximizing While the examples here only demonstrate passing scalar
performance. Additionally, bindings are currently provided arguments to Signal constructors, some Signals can accept
for C# and Python. The former is particularly useful for other Signals as their input arguments. For instance, it is
integrating Syntacts with Unity Engine for creating 3D virtual possible to pass sin as the frequency argument to sqr’s
environments, while the latter allows for high-level scripting constructor, yielding a form of frequency modulation. The
and interactivity (e.g., with Jupyter notebooks). Integration modularity of the API allows users to create a wide variety
with other languages is possible via C shared library (i.e., of effects with minimal code. Syntacts can also be easily
DLL) loading, and additional languages may be officially extended with custom user-defined Signals simply by creating
supported in the future (e.g., a MATLAB interface would be classes which define the functions sample and length.

4) Spatialization and Realtime Modifications: In addition

sqr = Square(100) # 100 Hz square to playing Signals on discrete channels, multiple channels
sin = Sine(10) # 10 Hz triangle
asr = ASR(0.1,0.1,0.1) # attack, sustain, release can be mapped to a normalized continuous 1D or 2D spatial
representation with the Spatializer class. Similar to the Mango
# basic examples mixing the Signals above editor from Schneider et al. [7], users can configure a virtual
sig1 = sqr * sin
sig2 = sig1 * asr grid to match the physical layout of a tactor array, and then
sig3 = 0.5 * (sqr + sin) * asr set a virtual target coordinate and radius to seamlessly play
and blend multiple tactors at once. Channel positions can be
# play Signals on channel 0 and 1
session.play(0, sig1) # plays until stopped set individually or as uniformly spaced grids. Only channels
session.play(1, sig2) # plays for 0.3 seconds within a target radius are played, and their volume is scaled
... according to a specified drop-off law (e.g., linear, logarithmic,
session.stop(0) # stop sig1
etc.) based on their proximity to the target location. By
Listing 2: Creating, mixing, and playing Signals moving the target location, for example, in a while loop or
in response to changes in device orientation, developers can
create sweeping motions and the illusion of continuous space
VTU VLQ DVU with their tactile arrays (Listing 4, Fig. 7).
Other parameters, such as master volume and pitch, can be
modified in realtime for Spatializers or individual channels.
This offers developers the ability to move beyond playing
discrete, pre-designed cues, to instead modifying continuous
VLJ VLJ VLJ cues in response to conditions within the application. For
example, consider the VR application in Fig. 10. In addition to
pre-designed haptic effects that are triggered for specific events
(such as button clicks), a continuous haptic effect is rendered
when the player’s hand is inside the fan air stream. Volume,
Figure 5: Signals created in Listing 2 the spatializer target, and pitch are changed based on hand
proximity, wrist orientation, and the fan speed, respectively.
3) Sequencing Signals: Multiple Signals can be concate-
nated or sequenced temporally to create patterns of effects us- spatial = Spatializer(session) # 2D Spatializer
spatial.create_grid(4,6) # 4 rows X 6 cols
ing the insertion, or left-shift, operator. Consider the examples spatial.set_position(18,(0.1,0.8)) # move channel 18
in Listing 3 and Fig. 6. First, two finite Signals sigA (0.3 s) spatial.radius = 0.3 # effect radius
and sigB (0.4 s) are created. Signal sig4 demonstrates their spatial.target = (0.2, 0.1) # target location
spatial.roll_off = 'linear' # roll-off law
direct concatenation, resulting in a 0.7 second long vibration spatial.play(sig1) # play inf Signal
where sigB is rendered immediately after sigA. Delay and
pause can be achieved through the insertion of positive scalar # modification in a loop
while condition:
operands, as shown in sig5. Inserting negative scalars moves ...
the insertion point backward in time, allowing users to overlay spatial.target = (x,y)
or fade Signals into each other as in sig6. Sequences of spatial.volume = v
spatial.pitch = p
Signals can also be sequenced as in sig7.
sigA = Sine(100) * ASR(0.1,0.1,0.1) # 0.3 s
sigB = Sine(50) * ADSR(0.1,0.1,0.1,0.1) # 0.4 s Listing 4: Spatializing tactor arrays and modifying parameters in realtime

sig4 = sigA << sigB # 0.7 s

sig5 = 0.1 << sigA << 0.2 << sigB # 1.0 s
sig6 = sigA << -0.1 << sigB # 0.6 s
sig7 = sig4 << sig5 << sig6 # 2.3 s


Listing 3: Sequencing Signals in time


Figure 6: Sequenced Signals created in Listing 3 Figure 7: The Spatializer created in Listing 4

5) Saving and Loading Signals: User-created Signals can

be saved to disk and reloaded at a later time using the functions amp audio device amp
saveSignal and loadSignal. The default file format is a
binary representation of the serialized Signal. That is, instead
of saving all individual audio samples, only the parameters
needed to reconstruct the Signal at runtime are saved. This
results in considerably smaller files which can be loaded more x6 tactors x6 tactors
quickly on the fly than typical audio file formats. Nonetheless,
Syntacts can still export and import WAV, AIFF, and CSV file Figure 9: Syntacts In Use - This figure demonstrates a real-world implementa-
tion of the Syntacts amplifier, where it has been used to drive two Tasbi haptic
formats for interoperability with existing haptic libraries. bracelets [3]. A professional grade audio device (MOTU 24Ao) is connected
to two Syntacts amplifier boards that have been integrated into separate Tasbi
control units. Amplifier output is transmitted to each Tasbi over a multi-
B. Syntacts GUI conductor cable. Each Tasbi bracelet incorporates six Mplus 1040W LRA
tactors radially spaced around the wrist, for a total of twelve utilized audio
In addition to the raw APIs, Syntacts ships with a feature- channels. The audio device interfaces with a host PC (not shown) through a
rich GUI (Fig. 8). The GUI includes a drag-and-drop interface USB connection.
for designing Signals from built-in configurable primitives.
The resulting Signal is immediately visualized to facilitate
the design process. A track-based sequencer and spatialization
editor are also included. Signals can be tested on a selected
device’s output channels, and then saved to the user’s library
for later use. Leveraging library features, users employ the
GUI to rapidly tune haptic effects being loaded and played
from Syntacts code in an separate application (e.g., iteratively effects
tuning the effects for the buttons and knobs of the fan in
spatialization pitch
Fig. 10). The GUI application is available as a precompiled
executable or in source code format.

In this Section, we evaluate Syntacts against two of the
commercially available control options discussed in Section
II: the EAI Universal Controller, and the TI DRV2605LEVM- Figure 10: Syntacts In Use - Here, the C# binding of the Syntacts API is used
MD evaluation board. Each controller was implemented with in Unity Engine to provide haptic effects for a virtual fan interaction designed
the manufacturer-recommended configuration so as to best for the Tasbi setup shown in Fig. 9. Two usage paradigms are in effect.
The first leverages pre-designed, finite Signals for knob detents (designed in
compare them with the Syntacts framework. the Syntacts GUI and loaded at runtime) and button contact events (created
programmatically on-the-fly, parameterized by hand approach velocity). The
second paradigm uses an infinitely long Signal for the fan air stream. The
A. Latency Benchmarking volume and pitch of this Signal are modified in realtime based on the user’s
hand location and the fan speed, respectively. One-dimensional spatialization
Latency is a critical measure of a system’s ability to render is used to target only the tactors which are oriented toward the fan in a
cues, especially for time sensitive applications like VR. For continuous fashion.
high-density tactile arrays, latency can increase with the num-
ber of channels simultaneously played since each subsequent
channel adds more processing or transmission time. If multiple

Figure 8: Syntacts GUI - The left-hand side demonstrates cue design. Users drag, drop, and configure Signals from the design Palette to the Designer
workspace. The Signal is visualized and can be played on individual channels of the opened device. The right-hand side shows the GUI’s track-based
sequencer (background) and spatializer (foreground) interfaces. Once designs are complete, they can be saved and later loaded from the programming APIs.

multiplexer components, but again stays constant after five

LRA tactors. The Arduino likely contributes most to this latency,
z ABS Block but since it represents a very plausible implementation, we
consider it a fair comparison. The EAI system has lower
x latency than the TI system for one and two tactors, but the
y latency linearly increases with number of channels played to
greater than the TI system, and as noted cannot play more than
four channels. The Syntacts system has significantly lower
latency than either of the commercially available systems
tested and does not seem to be a function of channels played,
Foam Layer
so the system could expand to larger tactor arrays without
delays. Though not shown, we measured similar latency values
for the MOTU 24Ao with 24 channels played simultaneously.
Figure 11: The testing apparatus used for all latency benchmarking. An Mplus
ML1040W LRA was epoxied to a 100 g ABS block, and an accelerometer
measured LRA induced vibrations along the y-axis. Latency was defined as B. Overall Comparison
the time from calling the software APIs to command vibration to the time at Whole-system comparisons of the vibrotactile control meth-
which 0.015 g of acceleration was measured.
ods tested are summarized in Table I. The different pro-
gramming APIs show the extent to which hardware can be
channels are played at once, the last actuated channel may lag integrated within software. The GUI column lists the different
the first actuated channel by several milliseconds depending functionality of the included graphical user interfaces. Synthe-
on the overall implementation. For this reason, we chose to sizers are able to create cues, Sequencers have the ability to
benchmark latency as a function of the number of channels organize cues in time on one or more channels, and Spatializ-
played at once. ers allow users to specify the center of vibration for an array
We defined latency as the time from calling the functions to of tactors. The audio hardware listed only represents a small
create and play a cue on n = [1, 8] tactors until an appreciable subset of the possible options, but as can been seen Syntacts
acceleration (0.015 g) was measured on the last actuated tactor. allows users to select audio devices based on output needs
To perform the test, we constructed an apparatus (Fig. 11) and cost. For around $125 USD, researchers can interface
based on the factory testing rig for the Mplus ML1040W LRA a 7.1 surround sound card with Syntacts and the Syntacts
vibrotactors that were used. An accelerometer (TE Connec- amplifier to achieve a complete 8 channel setup comparable
tivity 4000A-005) was attached perpendicular to gravity on a in performance to the $2,250 USD EAI Universal Controller.
100g block of acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS). The block Though rendering more that 8 channels with audio comes at a
rested on a layer of polyurethane foam to mitigate external cost, it can still be done for much less that the cost of multiple
vibrations. A C++ testing application, also available online, EAI controllers and is considerably more manageable than
controlled the experiments and ran 100 trials for each device. implementing an integrated circuit based design.
Data was collected with a Quanser QPID digital acquisition
device polled at 50 kHz. All systems rendered a 178 Hz sine VI. C ONCLUSIONS AND F UTURE W ORK
wave between ±5V with a duration of 1,000 ms. We have presented Syntacts, an open-source suite of vibro-
Syntacts software was configured to control a MOTU 24Ao tactile software and hardware based on audio principles. The
under the ASIO driver API and a buffer size of 16, with framework is purpose-built to control arrays of vibrotactors
power amplification being performed by the Syntacts amplifier with extremely low latency. In addition, Syntacts includes a
board. Syntacts and EAI systems were controlled through their graphical user interface designed to synthesize and sequence
respective APIs, called directly from the testing application. cues, and spatialize them on tactile arrays. The Syntacts
As the datasheet for the EAI Universal Controller notes, it
can only play four tactors at full amplitude simultaneously

and its API imposes this limit, so its testing concluded there.
Due to the nature of the TI chip, I2 C brokerage was required 
to interface with the testing application. We used an Arduino

Uno for this purpose, under the assumption that it represented  6\QWDFWV0278$R $6,2
the most likely use case. The EAI and TI drivers were  7,'59/(900'
programmed to use manufacturer recommended methods to
minimize cue latency. 
Accelerometer data were reduced to find the mean and

standard deviation of the latency for each system and number        
of channels played (Fig. 12). The Texas Instruments system
has the highest latency for a single tactor, but does not increase Figure 12: Latency as a function of channels rendered, measured as the time
latency through four tactors. After the fourth tactor, the average from software triggering to the detection of tactor acceleration. Only four
latency and standard deviation increase, possibly due to I2 C channels are shown for the EAI control unit since this is its max.

Table I: Comparison of Tactor Control Methods Tested

Open API / Max. Avg. Approx.
Method Interface GUI Hardware
Source Language Channels Latency (ms) Cost (USD)
C, C++, C#,
Audio Syntacts Yes Sequencer Headphone Jack 2 8.88 $75†
SB Audigy RX7.1 (PCI-e) 8 4.22 $125†
MOTU mk4 (USB) 12 5.20 $750†
MOTU 24Ao (USB) 24 2.97 $1,225†
Controller EAI No C EAI Universal Controller 8‡ 5.35 $2,250
IC I2 C Yes N/A Synthesizer DRV2605LEVM-MD 8 6.65 $150

† Includes the cost of the number of Syntacts amplifiers (at $75 USD ea.) to accommodate the maximum available channels of the audio interface.
‡ While the EAI Universal Controller supports eight channels, only four can be played simultaneously.

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Evan Pezent (S’16) received the B.S. degree from

The University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL, USA,
in 2014 and the M.S. degree from Rice University,
Houston, TX, USA, in 2017, both in mechanical
engineering. He is currently a Ph.D. candidate in
the Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces Lab at Rice
University. He received the NSF IGERT Fellowship
in 2017. Since 2018, he has worked with Facebook
Reality Labs developing wearable haptic devices and
interactions for augmented and virtual reality.

Brandon Cambio (S’20) received the B.S. degree

in Aeronautical Engineering from the United States
Air Force Academy, Colorado Springs, CO, USA,
in 2018, and the M.S. degree in Mechanical Engi-
neering from Rice University, Houston, TX, USA,
in 2020.

Marcia K. O’Malley (F’20) received the B.S. de-

gree from Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN,
USA, in 1996, and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees
from Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN, USA,
in 1999 and 2001, respectively, all in mechanical
engineering. She is currently the Thomas Michael
Panos Family Professor of mechanical engineering,
of computer science, and of electrical and com-
puter engineering with Rice University, Houston,
TX, USA, and directs the Mechatronics and Haptic
Interfaces Laboratory.

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