Pezent2020 Syntacts
Pezent2020 Syntacts
Pezent2020 Syntacts
X, MONTH 2020 1
Abstract—As vibrotactile feedback systems become increas- In addition to increasing actuator counts, some vibrotactile
ingly commonplace, their application scenarios are becoming research has recently focused on delivering complex vibration
more complex. We present a method of vibrotactor control waveforms, beyond simple buzzes, to convey more meaningful
that accommodates emerging design requirements, namely large
vibrotactor arrays that are capable of displaying complex wave- information to users [8], or to more accurately simulate real-
forms. Our approach is based on control through digital audio world phenomena [9]. The synthesis of such cues, however,
interfaces. We describe a new open-source software and hardware is not a trivial task, with some researchers resorting to pre-
package, Syntacts, that lowers the technical barrier to rendering recorded libraries [10] or high-level creation tools [11], [12].
vibrations with audio. We also present a tutorial on common Finally, while the advent of mainstream virtual reality (VR)
control schemes with a discussion of their advantages and
shortcomings. Our software is purpose-built to control arrays systems has introduced new opportunities for vibrotactile
of vibrotactors with extremely low latency. In addition, Syntacts feedback, it has also imposed additional constraints on control
includes means to synthesize and sequence cues, and spatialize including low latency [13] and the need to alter cues on the
them on tactile arrays. The Syntacts Amplifier integrates with fly in response to virtual events.
the audio hardware to provide high-quality analog signals to This paper aims to highlight a method of vibrotactor con-
the tactors without adding excess noise to the system. Finally,
we present results from a benchmarking study with Syntacts trol that accommodates many of the these requirements and
compared to commercially available systems. deserves detailed attention: control through digital audio in-
terfaces. We present a new open-source software and hardware
Index Terms—vibrotactor, audio, control, open-source
package, Syntacts, that lowers the technical barrier to synthe-
sizing and rendering vibrations with audio. In Section II, we
I. BACKGROUND discuss common vibrotactor control schemes along with their
One of the most important and ubiquitous modes of haptic advantages and shortcomings. Section III provides an overview
feedback is vibration. Haptic vibrations are commonly deliv- of the hardware requirements for audio-based control, under-
ered to users through small actuators known as vibrotactors, scoring some of the lesser known details that can have a
or simply tactors. Vibrotactors come in many forms, such high impact on control, and introduces the Syntacts Amplifier
as eccentric rotating mass (ERM) actuators, linear resonant board. In Section IV, we discuss software for audio-based
actuators (LRA), voice coil actuators, and Piezo actuators. control and then present the Syntacts software library. Finally,
For several decades, vibrotactile feedback has been used in Section V, we provide comparisons between Syntacts-
extensively across a wide variety of applications, most notably based audio control and other methods. Conclusions and areas
mobile and wearable devices [1]. for future work follow in Section VI. Syntacts software and
The modern era of vibrotactile research is faced with a hardware designs are freely available at:
number of new needs and requirements. For instance, the
field has recently begun moving away from providing users
with simple alert type cues to delivering salient cues rich in Because vibrotactors have been a staple of haptics for a
information. Many researchers are now designing devices with long time, there exist many scenarios and approaches for
larger numbers of tactors integrated into single interfaces such their control. A typical research-oriented scenario requires
as bracelets, armbands, and sleeves [2]–[4], full body suits and controlling vibrotactors from a PC that may also coordinate
clothing [5], [6], and chairs [7]. Unfortunately, driving many an experiment, record data, and/or render visuals. Within this
vibrotactors simultaneously has traditionally been a difficult context, we summarize a few possible control strategies.
task for engineers and non-engineers alike due to the technical
skills required, interfacing difficulty, or cost of equipment. A. Function Generators
Further, high-density arrays require more sophisticated render- The simplest control implementation uses a standalone
ing algorithms. Spatialization, or the manipulation of several function generator connected directly to the tactor. This is
actuators in an array-based on the placement of a virtual target easy because generators are purpose-built to output oscillating
location, has been explored to some extent [7]. signals and envelopes, and can often meet the tactor’s power
requirements. However, function generators are limited in cue
The authors are with the Mechatronics and Haptic Interfaces Lab, Depart- design, output channel count, and may be challenging to
ment of Mechanical Engineering, Rice University, Houston, TX 77005, USA.
Emails: {epezent, btc6, omalleym} integrate with custom software. For these reasons, they are
Manuscript received January 15, 2020; revised May 9, 2020. a poor choice for complex control.
Figure 1: Mean Windows audio driver API latencies with standard deviation. C. Syntacts Amplifier
Data collection methods are described in Sec. V. For reference, the dashed
line indicates the perceptional threshold of visual-haptic simultaneity [13].
Based on these difficulties and limited commercial options
for high-density output, we designed the purpose-built, eight
channel Syntacts Amplifier board (Fig. 3). It is based on the
TI TPA6211A1-Q1 3.1W audio power amplifier IC, featuring a
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