TCS7191B: General Description Features

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier


The TCS7191B is a 2.8W high efficiency, non-clip,  Non-clip control to suppress output clipping
filterless, Class-D audio power amplifier. It  Filterless Class-D operation
operates from 2.7V to 5.5V supply. When
 High efficiency up to 90%
powered with 5V supply voltage, the TCS7191B is
 Output power at 5V supply
capable of delivering 2.8W into 4Ω load or 1.65W
1.65W (8Ω load, 10% THD+N)
into 8Ω load, with THD+D less than 10%.
1.35W (8Ω load, 1% THD+N)
The TCS7191B features a non-clip output control,
2.8W (4Ω load, 10% THD+N)
which detects the output clipping caused by the
2.25W (4Ω load, 1% THD+N)
over-level input signal and automatically adjusts
the dynamic range of the output signal to prevent  Low THD+N: 0.1% (typical) @ 1KHz
the distortion of the audio signal. The non-clip (VDD=3.6V, RL=4Ω, PO=0.65W)
output control also eliminates the output clipping  Low quiescent current: 2.2mA @ VDD=3.6V (8Ω
due to a low battery supply voltage. load)
 Low shutdown current: 0.1μA (typical)
As a Class-D power amplifier, the TCS7191B features
 High PSRR: 75dB (typical)
high efficiency, up to 90%, and high PSRR, 75dB
 Two gain settings: 18/24 dB
at 217Hz, which make the device ideal for use in
battery-powered portable devices. It also features  One-wire control for the selection of operating
mode and gain
minimized click-and-pop noise during turn-on and
turn-off transitions.  Over-circuit & thermal protection
 Fast start-up time: 5ms
APPLICATIONS  Available in COL1.55x1.55-9L, DFN2x2-8L,
 Cellular handsets
 Portable navigation devices
 Multimedia internet devices


Figure 1: Typical Application Circuit

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier


TCS7191BA (Top View) TCS7191BN (Top View) TCS7191B_H (Top View)

TCS7191BA TCS7191BN TCS7191B_H
A1 3 3 IN+ Positive input terminal (differential+).
A2 6 6 VDD Power supply.
A3 8 8 VO+ Positive output terminal (differential+).
B1 7 7 AGND Ground.
B2 2 2 NC No connection.
B3 7 7 PGND Ground.
C1 4 4 IN- Negative input terminal (differential-).
C2 1 1 EN Enable terminal (Active High) & one-wire pulse control.
C3 5 5 VO- Negative output terminal (differential-).


COL1.55x1.55-9L NA 150 °C/W
DFN2x2-8L NA 58 °C/W
MSOP-8L NA 180 °C/W

Lead Free Green
TCS7191BA -40°C to +85°C COL1.55X1.55-9L
TCS7191BN -40°C to +85°C DFN2x2-8L
TCS7191_H -40°C to +85°C MSOP-8L

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier
Parameter Unit
Supply voltage -0.3V to 6 V
Storage Temperature −45°C to +150°C
Input Voltage −0.3V to VDD +0.3V
Power Dissipation (Note 4) Internally Limited
ESD Susceptibility (Note 5) 2000V
Junction Temperature 150°C
Solder Information
Vapor Phase (60 sec.) 215°C
Infrared (15 sec.) 220°C


Supply Voltage (VDD) 2.7 5.5 V
Operating Free-air Temperature, TA -40 85 °C
Speaker Impedance (Rload) 3.2 Ω

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier
VDD=3.6V, TA=25°C, Cin=0.1µF, AV=18dB, Mode 1,unless otherwise specified.
VDD Supply Voltage 2.7 5.5 V
VUVLU Power Up Threshold Voltage VDD from Low to High 2.2 V
VUVLD Power Down Threshold Voltage VDD from High to Low 2.0 V
VDD=5V, VIN=0V, 8Ω Load 1.5 2.5 5 mA
IDD Quiescent Power Supply Current
VDD=3.6V, VIN=0V, 8Ω Load 1.2 2.2 4 mA
ISD Shutdown Current EN = 0V 0.1 µA
Output Power, Load=8Ω, THD+N=1%; f=1kHz 1.35
Po W
VDD=5V, NCN Off mode THD+N=10%; f=1kHz 1.65
Output Power, Load=4Ω, THD+N=1%; f=1kHz 2.25
Po W
VDD=5V, NCN Off mode THD+N=10%; f=1kHz 2.8
Output Power, Load=4Ω,
Po Mode 1, Vin=0.4Vrms 2.1 W
VDD=5V, NCN On mode
Output Power, Load=8Ω,
Po Mode 1, Vin=0.4Vrms 1.25 W
VDD=5V, NCN On mode
Mode1, 2 18 dB
Av Closed-loop Voltage Gain
Mode 3, 4 24 dB
Total Harmonic Distortion +
THD+N Po=0.65W,RL=4Ω,f=1kHz 0.1 %
f=20Hz to 20KHz, Inputs AC-
Vn Output Voltage Noise 85 µVrms

VOS Output Offset Voltage 10 mV

η Efficiency 90 %
AMAX Maximum AGC Attenuation 10 dB
SNR Signal-to-Noise Ratio 85 dB
PSRR Power Supply Rejection Ratio f=217Hz 75 dB
CMRR Common Mode Rejection Ratio f=1KHz 70 dB
TSTUP Start-up Time 5 ms
VIH High–level Input Voltage, EN 1.20 V
VIL Low–level Input Voltage, EN 0.4 V
TAT AGC Attack Time 45 ms
TRL AGC Release Time 2 s
fPWM Switching Frequency 800 KHz
TLO Time of EN low 0.5 10 µs
THI Time of EN high 0.5 -- µs
TRST Time for Mode Reset, Active Low 100 -- µs
TSHDN Time of Shutdown 400 µs
T_H Enter OTP Threshold Temp. Temp. from Low to High 160 °C
T_L Exit OTP Threshold Temp. Temp. from High to Low 140 °C
OCP Enter OCP Threshold Current Loading from Low to High 1.6 A

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

Efficiency VS Output Power(3.6V) Efficiency VS Output Power(3.6V)

100% 100%

90% 90%

Ef fic ie ncy (%)

E ff i ci e n cy ( % )

80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 60%
3.6V/8Ω+33uH,mode2 3.6V/4Ω+30uH,mode2
50% 50%

40% 40%
0 200 400 600 800 1000 0 500 1000 1500 2000
Output Power(mW) Output Power(mW)
Figure 2: Efficiency vs. Output Power Figure 3: Efficiency vs. Output Power

Efficiency VS Output Power(5.0V) Efficiency VS Output Power(5.0V)

100% 100%

90% 90%
Ef f i ci e nc y ( %)


80% 80%

70% 70%

60% 60%
5.0V/8Ω+33uH,mode2 5.0V/4Ω+30uH,mode2
50% 50%

40% 40%
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 3000
Output Power(mW) Output Power(mW)
Figure 4: Efficiency vs. Output Power Figure 5: Efficiency vs. Output Power

THD+N VS Output Power THD+N VS Output Power

100 100

10 10

1 1

0.1 0.1

5.0V/8Ω+33uH,mode2 5.0V/4Ω+30uH,mode2
0.01 0.01
10 100 1000 10000 10 100 1000 10000

Out Power(mW) Out Power(mW)

Figure 6: THD+N vs. Output Power Figure 7: THD+N vs. Output Power

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier


Output Power VS Input Voltage Output Power VS Intput Voltage

10000 10000
Output Power(mW)

Ou t p ut Po w e r( m W)
3.6V/8Ω+33uH,mode2 3.6V/4Ω+30uH,mode2
1000 1000

100 100

10 10
10 100 1000 10 100 1000
Intput Voltage(mVrms) Intput Voltage(mVrms)

Figure 8: Output Power vs. Input Voltage Figure 9: Output Power vs. Input Voltage

THD+N VS Frequency PSRR

10 0
VDD=3.6V,Po=0.5W,RL=8Ω+33uH,mode2 VDD=5V,AC-GND,mode2

1 -30

0.1 -60
10 100 1000 10000 100000
10 100 1000 10000 100000
Frequency(HZ) Frequency(HZ)
Figure 10: THD+N vs. Frequency Figure 11: PSRR vs. Frequency

Quiescent Current VS Supply Voltage Input Voltage VS Output Power

2.5 1000
Quiescent Current(mA)

Output Power(mW)

Gain=18dB,mode1,AC-GND 3.6V/8Ω+33uH,mode1
0.5 3.6V/8Ω+33uH,mode2

2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 5 5.5 6 10 100 1000 10000

Supply Voltage(V) Input Voltage(mVrms)

Figure 12: Quiescent Current vs. Supply Voltage Figure 13: Input Voltage vs. Output Power

Rev.1.0 Jan.20,2011 Page 6

2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier
The TCS7191B is a 2.8W high efficiency, non-clip, filterless, Class-D audio power amplifier. It operates from 2.7V
to 5.5V supply. When powered with 5V supply voltage, the TCS7191B is capable of delivering 2.8W into 4Ω load
or 1.8W into 8Ω load, with THD+D less than 10%.

The TCS7191B features a non-clip output control, which detects the output clipping caused by the over-level input
signal and automatically adjusts the dynamic range of the output signal to prevent the distortion of the audio
signal. The non-clip output control also eliminates the output clipping due to a low battery supply voltage.

As a Class-D power amplifier, the TCS7191B features high efficiency, up to 90%, and high PSRR, 75dB at 217Hz,
which make the device ideal for use in battery-powered portable devices. It also features minimized
click-and-pop noise during turn-on and turn-off transitions.

As specifically designed for portable applications, the TCS7191B incorporates a shutdown mode to minimize the
power consumption by holding the EN pin to ground. It also includes comprehensive protection features
against various operating faults such as over-current, Over-circuit, over-temperature, or under-voltage for a
safe and reliable operation.

Non-Clip control

The non-clip function is to control the output signal level for a maximum output swing without distortion when
an excessive input that may cause output clipping is applied. With the non-clip function, the TCS7191B lowers the
gain of the amplifier to an appropriate value such that the clipping at the outputs is eliminated. It also
eliminates the clipping of the output signal due to the decrease of the power-supply voltage.

Figure 14: Non-Clip Control Diagram

The attack time is defined as the time interval required for the gain to fall to its steady-state gain less 3dB
approximately, assumed that a sufficiently large input signal is applied. The release time is the time interval
required for the amplifier to exit out of the present mode of operation. See Table 1.
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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

Attack Time & Release Time

Mode Attack time (ms) Release time (s)

Non-Clip On 45 2
Table 1: Attack Time & Release Time
Operating Mode Control and Gain Setting

The TCS7191B implements a one wire pulse control function. Applying pulse signal to EN PIN, users can set
operating mode include Gain and Non-Clip On/Off function with the rising edge and numbers of applied
pulse signal. The detailed operation of mode control is showed as figure 15.

Figure 15. Mode setting pulse

There are four mode settings for TCS7191B gain control. At power-up, the first low-to-high transition at EN pin
set the TCS7191B into gain=18dB, Non Clip On mode. The second low-to-high transition at EN pin set theTCS7191B
into gain=18dB, Non Clip Off mode. The third low-to-high transition at EN pin set the TCS7191B into gain=24dB,
Non Clip On mode. The forth low-to-high transition at EN pin set the TCS7191B into gain=24dB, Non Clip Off
mode. The fifth low-to-high transition at EN pin will set the TCS7191B into first mode (gain=18dB, Non Clip On),
and so on. Pulses faster than the minimum TLO may be ignored and filtered by the device. Pulses longer
than the maximum TSHDN may shutdown the device. When the Pulses is longer than the TRST or TSHDN,
the follow low-to-high transition at EN pin will set the TCS7191B into gain=18dB, Non Clip On mode (Mode 1).

Mode Pules Gain AGC

Mode1 1 18dB On
Mode2 2 18dB Off
Mode3 3 24dB On
Mode4 4 24dB Off
Table 2: Mode setting

Click-and-Pop Suppression

The TCS7191B speaker amplifie r features comprehensive click-and-pop suppression. During startup, the
click-and-pop suppression circuitry reduces any audible transient sources internal to the device. When
entering shutdown, the differential speaker outputs ramp down to Ground quickly and simultaneously.

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier


The TCS7191B incorporates various protection functions against possible operating faults for a safe operation. It
includes under-voltage-lock-out (UVLO), Over-circuit protection (OCP), and over-temperature shutdown

Under Voltage Lock-out (UVLO)

The TCS7191B incorporates a circuitry to detect a low supply voltage for a safe and reliable operation. When the
supply voltage is first applied, the TCS7191B will remain inactive until t he supply voltage exceeds 2.2V (VUVLU).
When the supply voltage is removed and drops below 2.0V (VUVLD), the TCS7191B enters into the shutdown
mode immediately.

Over-Circuit Protection (OCP)

When a over-circuit condition is detected at the differential outputs, either to VDD or VSS or to each other, the
device enters into the Over-circuit protection mode, where the amplifier output stage is disabled. To release it
from the OCP mode, the TCS7191B must undergo the power-up sequence; i.e., pull the EN pin to ground, followed
by a sequence of pulses to set the device into the desired operating mode.

Over-Temperature Shutdown (OTSD)

When the die temperature exceeds the preset threshold (160?C), the device enters into the over-temperature
shutdown mode, where two differential outputs are pulled to ground through an internal resistor (2KΩ)
individually. The device will resume normal operation once the die temperature returns to a temperature,
which is about 20 C lower than the threshold.

PSRR enhancement

Compare to conventional class-D amplifiers, the TCS7191B does not require a pin for the common-mode voltage
with an external bypass capacitor.

Class D Speaker Amplifier

The TCS7191B filter-less Class-D amplifier offers much higher efficiency than Class AB amplifiers. The high
efficiency of a Class D amplifier is due to the switching operation of the output stage transistors. Any power
loss associated with the Class D output stage is mostly due to the I2R loss of the MOSFET on-resistance and
quiescent current overhead.

Fully Differential Amplifier

The TCS7191B is a fully differential amplifier with different ial inputs and outputs. The fully differential amplifier
consists of a differential amplifier and a common-mode amplifier. The differential amplifier ensures that the
amplifier outputs a differential voltage on the output that is equal to the differential input times the gain. The
common-mode feedback ensures that the common-mode voltage at the output is biased around VDD/2
regardless of the common-mode voltage at the input. The fully differential TCS7191B can still be used with a
single-ended input; however, the TCS7191B should be used with differential inputs when in a noisy environment,
like a wireless handset, to ensure maximum noise rejection.

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

Low-EMI Filter-less Output Stage

Traditional Class-D amplifiers require the use of external LC filters, or shielding, to meet EN55022B
electromagnetic-interference (EMI) regulation standards. Fangtek use edge-rate control circuitry to reduce
EMI emissions, while maintaining up to 90% efficiency (speaker only). Above 10MHz, the wideband
spectrum looks like noise for EMI purposes.
Filter-less Design

Traditional Class D amplifiers require an output filter to recover the audio signal from the amplifier’s output.
The filter adds cost, increases the solution size of the amplifier, and can decrease efficiency and THD+N
performance. The traditional PWM scheme uses large differential output swings (2 x supply voltage
peak-to-peak) and causes large ripple currents. Any parasitic resistance in the filter components results in a
loss of power and lowers the efficiency.

The TCS7191B does not require an output filter. The device relies on the inherent inductance of the speaker coil
and the natural filtering of both the speaker and the human ear to recover the audio component of the
square-wave output. Eliminate the output filter results in a smaller, less costly, and more efficient solution.

Because the frequency of the TCS7191B output is well beyond the bandwidth of most speakers, voice coil
movement due to the square-wave frequency is very small. Although this movement is small, a speaker not
designed to handle the additional power can be damaged. For optimum results, use a speaker with a series
inductance > 10uH. Typical 8Ω speakers exhibit series inductances in the 20uH to 100uH range.

How to Reduce EMI

Additional EMI suppression can be achieved using a filter constructed from a ferrite bead and a capacitor to
ground (Figure 16). Use a ferrite bead with low DC resistance, high-frequency (>100MHz) impedance
between 100Ω and 600Ω, and rated for at least 1A. The capacitor value varies based on the ferrite bead
chosen and the actual speaker lead length. Select a capacitor less than 1nF based on EMI performance.

Figure 16: Ferrite Bead Filter to Reduce EMI

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier
Decoupling Capacitor (CS)

The TCS7191B is a high-performance Class-D audio amplifier that requires adequate power supply decoupling.
Adequate power supply decoupling to ensures that the efficiency is high and total harmonic distortion (THD) is

Place a low equivalent-series-resistance (ESR) ceramic capacitor (X7R or X5R), typically 1µF, within 2mm of
the VDD (PVDD) pin. This choice of capacitor and placement helps with higher frequency transients, spikes,
or digital hash on the line. Additionally, placing this decoupling capacitor close to the TCS7191B is important, as
any parasitic resistance or inductance between the device and the capacitor causes efficiency loss. In addition
to the 1µF ceramic capacitor, place a 4.7µF to 22µF capacitor on the VDD (PVDD) supply trace. This larger
capacitor acts as a charge reservoir, providing energy faster than the board supply, thus helping to prevent
any droop in the supply voltage.

Input Capacitors (Cin)

Input audio DC decoupling capacitors are recommended. The input audio DC decoupling capacitors will
remove the DC bias from an incoming analog signal. The input capacitors (Cin) and internal input resistors
(Rin) form a high-pass filter with the corner frequency, fc, determined in Equation 1.

Any mismatch in capacitance between the two inputs will cause a mismatch in the corner frequencies. Severe
mismatch may also cause turn-on pop noise, PSRR, CMRR. Choose capacitors with a tolerance of ±5% or

fc=1/(2 xπx Rin x Cin) (1)

For best audio quality, use capacitors whose dielectrics have low-voltage coefficients, such as tantalum or
aluminum electrolytic. Capacitors with high-voltage coefficients, such as ceramics, could result in increased
distortion at low frequencies.

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier


Unit: millimeters.

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

Unit: millimeters.

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2.8W Non-Clip Class-D Audio Power Amplifier

Unit: millimeters.

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